Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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Office 10 rerl
fttlltOR. MKHTIOX. .
Parle, it
stock art sells carpets. -
Pin engraving at Lefferfs.
Ed Rogers Tony Faust baer.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby A Bon.
lwls Cotter, funeral director, 'phon ft.
Woodring Undertaking company. Tl .
Tr. A Clifford. Brown Is hom from
trip ttf Chicago.,
Picture framing a specialty. C E. Alex
ander, 833 iJrnadway.
L.. Roaenfeldt Co. for pur win, liquor
and cordial. (It Bo. Main lit.
New els ansa will b arranged In Western
Iowa college nxt Monday. Moth phonea.
' A beautiful and ornamental gas burner,
th Welabaah chick lamp,- complete,,
Stephan Bros., 2 Weat Broadway.
A marring llcenae waa Issued yeaterday
to -Charles Pureell, aged , of Walnut, la.,
and Lucy Knight of thin city, aged 18.
Illlaols nut coal, delivered. 16.60 per ton.
William Welsh, 1 North Main street. Tel.
12s. Tar Klrhth street and Eleventh are
nu. Tel. Vn.
Th Board of Par commissioners has
appointed W. H. Lynchard, a local news
paper man; secretary of thn board, to suc
ceed the late Ev B. Bowman.
Btar- chapter. Royal Arch Masona, will
' meet In special convocation thla evening In
: Maaonlc temple for work In the past mm
iter's and meet excellent master's degrees. .
P.' S. -O'Brien, superintendent of trans,
portatlon of the Wabash railroad, with
headqrHartfO at-St. Louis, la In the city,
together with W. O. Crater, trainmaster.
i Hlglt grade granlt work, from th best
' Barr Imported granite, lettering, carving
said tracing. Fine monumental work a
specialty, gheeley A Lane, il7 East Broadway.-
I am In th market to buy 600 tons of ma-
chlnary Iron, 9u0 tona atove Iron. 20 tons
'. of rubber and JO tons copper and brass.,
' Writ for prices before you sell. J. Katel
man, 801 8. Main BO Both 'phone 6W.
Ernll Kay bf Calhoun 'and Emma New
man of. Bennington! Neb., ware married
In thla City yesiwraay oy ev. nenry
t his 'office Jn the county -court
The llcenae was Issued Decem-
-Tom Morris, who In a moment of India
cratlon anusoDrlated a twilr of rubber over
hoe-from the. poTah, ot the residence at
ROO Weat Broadway, waa sent to me county
jail for twenty daye by Judge flcott yea.
tray. -. -
Wemlall Klllcns, the young lad who waa
recently' Seriously wounded by the acci
dental discharge of Shotgun while hunt
Ing In the1 'timber near Mornlngslde, Is re
ported to be doing nicely, With every pros
pact recovering. .
nAnn. riaiRi nft.Tn MALONET.' N
fts.ADT a-x uii jmpir Yin rnuHS IS i
The annual winter meeting ot th Wet
jrn low JMttorlal association will be
held tn this city J Saturday. February a.
Th eeminlttee having the matter In charge
ha formulated , the program, , Conies . of
(which have been mailed to th members of
th association.... - t
A small blase of unknown orhtln In a
corner of the reading room of . the Neu
mayer hotel gave th fire department a run
about o'clock- last evening. The fire was
Sulckly extinguished and llttl damage was
one except from the tearing up of a few
boards tn the floor. It la .thought that the
fir might have started 'from a dropped
lit. and Mrs, F. MT. Chernlse hav re.
turned from Bt. Joseph, Mo., where they at
tended th; wedding of their Son, F. H.
Chemlsa, and Mis Lena Mechtman of that
city, wh ar' hoW their guests. Mr. and
Mrs. Cherple will entertain Sunday after,
noon from 8 to" o'clock In their' honor and
In honor of Mra. Chemise' alater. Mrs. U.
Brown of Los Angeles, -Oat., who 1 her
""" guest. t-.t-B
George. Carter died yesterday morning at
v hi home, . H Eaat Plero atreeW after a
. trotracted Ulneaa. Deceased waa a native
YJt England and waa 18 yeare ot ag
' aide hta
a wlf h I aurvlved . by one aon, ,
ployed n th Da Molnea Capitol. Ar.
ransemanU for th fdneral hav not -been
completed, but will, it la axpscira, w in
chart of Bluff City Maaonio lodg. bt
which Mr. Carter waa a member.
Troy Lived la Blaffs. 1
Mrs. F, W. Troy, wh waa shot and
killed by her huaband at Joplln. Ma, last
Tueaday, was. a realdent of Council Bluff a
for a year, and a half until nine montha
ago, when th family moved to Ulenwooa.
' WO DrVVJIVl VI H'O u.w.ww.wu .. ,
John and Carol Bllsaard, llv on th Keelln
m - l, . nm ffMH (h. ftltV. TheV
isrm, mmnww - -
left Wednesday night for Joplln to take
chart of th body, .which will probably
be brought her for burial. Th Troy,
whll In Jounclt Bluff, Uvd at 810 Avenue
A, and the huaband, -assisted' by hla wife,
mad a living by retouching photograph
with 'water color. It la said th llttl
daughter will b brought here by Mra,
Troy' two brothers on their return.
.. . . - , - t
-t " "i
A. Mctaarar tt Co.
Kw Location of Wholeaala Bakery.
Kt MynaUr Street, Council Bluff a. Ia
Homa-Mad Bread a Specialty.
. Vial tore Welcome.
kpldeaal ot Measles.
Report to th iioara oi naum a now umi
Jlhr I quit an . epldemlo of maaales
aanong thf , aqhopl chlldrf n of the city.
JT Wednesday.' eleven new cases were r
s ported and yesterdsy. eighteen torer added
to the list, this being th largest number
In any on day alnc th disease became
prevalent., On case of acarlet fever and
one of diphtheria were also reported ye,
terday. A grandson of R C. Smith of First
avenue, is , victim of diphtheria. '
Vari Brunt' vvhlclea hav won their sptir.
their reputation la establlahed. the quality
known, aO no one take any chance on
buying any yh!cl with Van Brunt name
plate on them, '
Ohio nut at I.; beached washed egg
at 86.60. ' Try a ton and convince yourself.
Drldensteln Smith.' Fourteenth" avenue
and Sixth tret. Both 'phone 1.
'. Wnt J5a4 Isaaravera.
Th Wst Council Bluffs Improvement
club ha elected, these officers for th en
suing year; , .Presldrnt,. A.. C Keller; first
vie president, Qlen Dyo; second vie
preeldent, F. M. 'Woode; third vie presi
dent. Dan Strubat; recording secretary, J.
L. O'Neal; financial secretary. F. C Smith;
corresponding-'.secretsry, W. C. Boyer;
treaaurerv J. Swarta; aargcant-t-arras,
O. Hakenson. . Thirteen director were also
elected. - r - s ,
A, A, GlarU & Co., c"flTTEL "-Aiis
Ow baa in cm waa taUlah4 aoarly BO fears aTO (1SSS). Both FIioimm SIT.
AV loan psj horwr, rata, boaarhold faraltare aod otlker chattala,
...... t
Oar reputation and th baalaeas wa' ooy is th rasult of (air and llbaral
troatment of our patron during tha It yra. . pur rate ar aniformly
lower than other offlcea. Oar loans ar mad In our own nam and nar
old or ngotiaud. Rtnmbr our aw offlcos ar oppoalu aid of th nail
from our old offlco, ar oonvnlentlj arranged w(tk private nonsuiting
rooms. We wish to warn th public that we nave no connection with the
firm doing .busineo vnder the name of th Clark Mortgag Co.. now
occupying oar old office. It is a oompUmenC we appreciate giving our
nam to their bualns, but it Is confusing to the public i
8b Tel. 43.
Other llambcn of OtnmittM lao Both
inc of Coinoilman Eandata'i Plan.
Kaadaea Saya He Will Meet Con
- aaerelal Vlmh Jaat th 8aaae and '
Preaeat Hla Praaed g.
latUa of faaestlca.
The announcement that Councilman
Knudaen, member of th special water
work committee, had a proposition to of
fer which he bellevea will prove a aolutlon
for the .Water worka problem,. Councilman
Wallac. chairman of th commute, de
clared yeaterday waa newa to him and
likewise to th other two member of the
committee, ha believed. The fact that
Councilman Knudaen had ' some ' plan to
propote without consulting him as chair
man of the apeclal .committee, I waa evi
dently, somewhat dlspleaain to Mr. Wal
councilman Wallace Insists that mu
nicipal ownership of the water work plant
is still feaalbli The fact that th city
council, when fixing th last tax levy,
failed to make a levy for the sinking fund
for th purchase of the water worka waa
taken aa an Indication that that body
had com to th conclusion that the ac
quirement by the city of th plant toy pur
chase waa not under existing conditions
feasible. Councilman Younkerman, al
though admitting that It Is time that the
city council did something In the matter,
declared yesterday that the council la
committed to municipal' owWrah'lp and that
he for one intends to redeem his pledge to
the people. ' '
"W have already apent aeveral thousand
dollars on th water worka problem, look
ing to It acquisition by the city, but to
day we ar no nearer to atom arrange
ment thaa w were three years ago. It's
time for tanrlbla results or a complete
change of method or procedure," said Mr.
Wallace Net Advised.
Councilman Wallace also denied yeater
day any knowledge of the proposed confer
ence between the apeclal water worka
committee and the executive committee of
the Comnierrlal club . tomorrow " afternoon.
On the other hand
Councilman Knudsen
declares ' that he wfl be there ready to
aubmit hla pro position for, a settlement of
th question, whether the other members
are present or not.
That the business men of the city 'are
growing Impatient over' the" inactivity of
the city council In th matter of the water
works question. President McDonald of, the
Commercial club stated yeaterday was very
apparent, but It apparently did not make
any Impression on -th- member of that
body. "It 1 not that th city council
haa not done this or ' that, or the .other
thing, but that It has don nothing at all.
Is what the business men complain of.
Th business Interest of the city demand
some Immediate action and thla the coim
cilmen should realise. Th proposition ap
peara to me ' as -it doe to other business
men, perfectly plain. It Is a mere waste
of time arid words tq talk, of municipal
ownership. The city Is going to continue,
getting water through the, praaent plant
and th present plant will continue under
piivat ownership. The failure on th part
ot tha authorltle to recognise thla
U preventln. the aecuring of
tenalona.' Personally, 1 fall to sea how the
report of Expert Kterated can possibly alter
the vitally Important condltlona," said
President McDonal4. , .,
Manager Hart of the water work com
pany declined yeaterday to. dlacuai th mat
ter further, aaylng that hla vlewa on the
situation had already been- made public,
but h reiterated that hla company waa
prepared to make the Improvement de
manded by th business Interest of the
city -the moment th city council mad It
possibl for It to do so. - -
Ender'a -dollar safety raaor wtU ahav th
toughat beard. No atropplng or boning.
Swain ft Mauer, Council Bluffs.
. Charea Coaana la Oat Day, . . ,
Th houae-to-houae visitation for th pur
pose of securing a religious cenaua of th
city and to arouse Intereat In th union
gospel meeting to' be held ' th laet three
week a of thla month, waa oompletad yea
terday In aeveral of th districts and tn
th others will be flnlahed today. Re
port received from the district chairmen
by Rev. W. B. Clemrher, chairman of the
general committee, last nights - showed that
th work had been completed tn four dta
trict and that' In th remaining vn It
would be flnlahed by noon today.
The canvaa. Mr. Clemmer atated, bad
been a moat' thorough -on, although oc
cupying but a day. Thla waa mad pos
sible by the large number, of werkar and
th division of th city Into eleven dts
trlcta - "Th canvaa ' today haa demon
atrated that the city can be covered In one
day for auch a cenaua as we made," said
Mr. Clemmer last night Report received
by Rv. Clemmer showed that on woman
worker visited IS ramllle and turned In
13 blank filled out with th Information
dee trad by th comaUttee Soma of tb
worker mad as high as WO visits, but did
not succeed la getting blanks . filled out
at every house. . . . . t
A meeting of th general committee will
b held Saturday evehlngVlQ 'the' Presby
terian church study, at which a tabula
tion of the reports of th work don yea
terday will 'b prepared.
Th union gospel meeting . commence
Sunday, January II. . and, will eofitlou to
the end of, th month. They will be hejd
la th First Ptaabytierlaa church .and th
preaching will b charge of th pastors
of th aeveral churches' of the city. The
elnalrvg wfll be vnder direction of Rev.
Molt Mitchell of Coin. la. Meeting will
be held AaBy,; with th exception of Satur
day at I p. m. and T:80 p. m. Th meet
ings Will be Interdenominational.
Cfimblnatloa ga and electric chandelier
and th celebrated Welsbach incandescent
gas burner. Why not sea us before you
buy. We can certlnly pleas you on price
and quality of good. Stephaa Broa, 638
Weat. Broadway.
Real Estate Traaafera.
These transfer were reported to The Be
for January 8 and 8 by the Pottawattamie
County Abstract company of Council
Louisa Bnsch to John A. Bnach, eH
se'4, part n se ae ne4, and
part aw4 ne4 16-74-2. w d.. 810.006
Jenette J. Bartlett to J. Ci. Ferrrni,
Auditor s Bubdtv. lof 8 In sH ne4
neV. lot 8 In SU nw ne4. lot 1 In
iiv, nev ana lot l in se na au
7R 43. w d r
Busan Hews and husband to Clara L.
Frederick, lot 4 and part lot 8,
Subrtlv. lot 231, Original Plat Coun
cil Bluffs, w d
O. W. V- Bauer. and wife to William
and Elisabeth Hamburg, Kt , block
IS. Crimes' Add., tViuncil PlulTa W d 1,C
James Wild to Mary A. Rllay. lot 10,
Mnck J, curtia Kamsey a juia.,
Council Bluffs, w d
Louisa Basch to Fred W. Baach, nVfe
ne'i ne'i -T4-4S, w d...i
B. C. Qlfltord and wife to J6hn J. Mc
Kenale, lot It, block 1, Carson, w d
Agnes Folaom to Buaetta Royer, lota
, 7 and . Mock SH, Central 8ubdlv.,
Council Bluffs, a w d
C. L. O. Nelson and wife to F. C.
Hendrlcka, trustee, lota IT and is.
block 7. Howard Add., Council
Bliiffa. w d
Charles T. Officer and wife to John
J. and Bnren Myrtue, lot 12, block 2,
Babbitt Place Add., Council Bluffs,
w d
Charles Bowman and wife and J. P.
Heas and wife to W. K. Reltxer.
part tat 4, Bwan'a Block, Council
Bluffs, w d
John Erikson and wife to Charlea R.
Kve, part lot 1. block 8, Baylies'
First Aid Council Bluff a, w d
James Neble-- to M. Mecham, nH
bH ne se 17-7&-43. w d. s
J. W. Suulre and wife , to William
Flenkec, lot la. black 2i Ferry Add.,
Council Bluffs, w d...,.
Chnrlea Bowman and wife and J. P.
Hens and wife to John Hamilton,
lota l and 7.' 8wan's Block, Council
Bluffs, w d
Henry Henke and wife to Harry Oun
deraon, lot 6, block I Steele
Wood'a Subdlv., Council Bluffs, w d
Edward B. Hoagland and wife to
Rachel R. James, e37 feet lot 19,
block 2, Central Subdlv., Council
Bluffs, w d .
H. E. Met calf et al. to J. P. Jensen,
half Intereat in lot 1 Auditor's
Subdlv. of ae'4 seVi 6-74-48, w d
Interstate Realty Co. to Daniel P.
' Lynch, lot &, block 16, Evana' Second
Brlda-e Add., Council Bluff, w d....
Fremont Benjamin and wife to Chi
cago. Rock Island A Pacific Rail
road Co., lot 1. block 8, Avoca, w d..'
A. D. Annie and wife to J. W. Squire,
lot 16, block it, Ferry Add., god.,..
Total, twenty-one tranafers 884,738
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. ISO. Night . 104.
' See Stephan Broa. for the latest and beat
Inverted burners. 62 Weat Broadway.
Retarned Waaderer Arrested.
SIDNEY. Ia, Jan. 8. (Special.) Four
years of 'exile from his wife and children
waa all that Charles L. Wyman could en
dure and he returned to spend the holi
day . with hla loved onea. FOUr yeart
ago Mr. Wyman waa engaged In the Im
plement bualneaa in Imogen and went
under. , He paid all hi local debt and his
other till aa far aa possible aVid then
'lit put" . Bine . that Urn hla where
abouts has been a mystery to th general
public, although h contributed regularly
to the support of hla wlf and alx chil
dren, Including two bright and pretty twin
((Iris.. -Among Wyman' creditor' was the
Implement firm of Parlln, Orendorf Mar
tin of Omaha, which had a claim bt 1900
against him. la connection with this
claim they also charge fprgery, and they
had Wyman arrested and locked up tn the
county jail. Wyman' a friends say that the
charge is a trumped up one. He has ,the
sympathy of this community and all hope
that thj may get clear.
Far- Foaad Dead. . .
SIDNEY, la., Jan. 8. (Special.) Th
body! ot a man wa foud In a haystack
near'Perelval. The body" proved to be that
of J. W. Ashby, a farmer Whose home was
near by. It la thought that he committed
aulcld by taking poisen. He had been
married about a year, and from th stories
told bis domestic Ufa was not pleasant.
Ckusaarea aa Barllnartoa.
BURLINGTON, la., Jan. I (Special Tele
gram.) M. M. Reno of Shenandoah, la., ha
been appointed division paaaenger agent of
th Burlington line In Iowa to succeed
H., 8. Jones, recently made southwestern
paaaeogar agent foe the Burlington, at Kan
sas City.
., Iowa Hewa Hotea.
IOWA CITY Unity church la conducted
on th buslne principle of getting Ita
money. . Officers of ths church ha ve , had
write of attachment served on th ' live
stock of H. L. Buckle for $2 he had sub
scribed. Buckle haa gone to, Dakota on
a trip.
OSCEOLA Th death' by freeslng of
George Munaon. a hermit living near here,
has revealed the ' fact that he left a con
siderable sum In cash on his premises.
Ninety-five dollars in gold ooln were found
in a baking powder can and 8100 In bills
between the leaves of an old book.
CEDAR RAPIDS Cato Sella ha Issued
an announcement withdrawing from the
raoe for rattional democratic committeeman.
He say a- that .bualneaa Interests in Texas
will neceaaltat hla leaving Iowa. Hla action
leaves th (Wld open to Judge Wade of
Iowa City, who last night made a atatement
regretting Sell laavlng Iowa and pralalng
pla eervtcea to the party.
VILLISCA-Th bixa-est scandal which
Vllliaca- ever knew has developed from a
dispatch from Chicago alleging that Maude
Wast, the widowed daughter of Ames Weat.
president of th Vlilisva National bank, I
dead from the effecta of a criminal opera
tion. Mra. Weat had' been In Chicago tor
some time, accompanied by her father-in-law,
who waa aald to be undergoing treat
ment for . cancer. Her husband haa been
dead two yeara and alnc the she haa been
keeping houae for her father-in-law, who
haa been a realdent hare for forty year.
Two messages . were received In the after
noon from Weat by telegraph. On wa
that the remains would leavs Chicago last
Uia-ht; the latter cancelled funeral arrange
ments. If prosecution follows In Chicago
It will b agtrly watched here.
haaaaedaa of Egypt Loot Kr
. ward to Baaleaaaeai of Carle
tlaa froaa Africa.
NEW YORK. Jan. 8.-A dlapatch to th
Herald from Alexandria, Egypt, says that
Saleh El Khalldl, president and delegate of
th central committee of the Islamic union,
haa arrived there. He declined to divulge
th object of bis visit, but holds credentials
of the head of th Benouaal sect, which
enabled him to trcl throng!; Tripoli
with th greatest facility., H reports that
great excitement prevail throughout Cy
ranalca owing to th new that th Mahdl,
who wa believed to hav died four years
ago. la still aliv.
Th. correspondent say Kballdi showed
klm the copy of a -tetter addressed to th
Sanousst monaaterle relating that the head
f th sect haa been aeea . recently In
th gulae of a dervlak In th neighborhood
; of Abecha, capital of Wadal. Th letter
a meaaag of hop to th Baoouasi,
adding; ."' -
i ... ilma la approaching whea Moslems
will b rid Of tha Christiana.
; Member of th sect,' th correspondent
, ar firmly convtactd that their llef
i la still alw and wllt soon leave Kurra at
th head of a large army to reconquer
Algeria, Tuniy and EgypC
Ditlslra of Ingram Ocvrt oaom for Cwa-1
mttinc featn tsaitMiios.
lawa Wasaaa Attacks Validity ( H
hraaka 'Dlvere la Salt to Re
cover Eejulty la Valaable
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Jan. 8.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) LouTs Bush probably will be given
a commutation of aenten&e tomorrow, from
hanging to life Imprisonment. At th hear
ing before th governor thl morning J.
H. Scale of Ackley, for tha state, argued
against commutation. E. A. Dawson for
Buss, argued for commutation. There
were no new arguments. Dawson relies on
th even division of th supreme court rais
ing a moral though not legal question of
doubt. Five Judge of th supreme court
recommend to th governor a commutation
and on thla showing It Is believed a com
mutation will be Issued tomorrow. Busse
la under aentence to hang January 11, for
th murder of hla wlf In Butler county.
Basse RatvB Redaeed.
The railroad commissioner today Issued
ah order baaed on facts learned In a re
cent hearing, reducing freight 'rate on flva
articles. Ratea on fertiliser for th
.benefit of the Muscatine watermelon grow
era are reduced 20 percent, and on burial
vaults, home cover and amen welghta the
eame. Roofing material ia reduced 40 per
cent. No action I taken on the concen
tratlng rate on poultry or on fixing a lower
hay rate. The rate on wagon and wooden
boxes Is passed to the next meeting.
Nebraska Dlvoree aeatloaed.
In a suit to recover her dower rights to
260 acres of land In Madison county, Iowa,
Mrs. Mella JU. Johnson denies th legality
of a divorce secured by her husband In Ne
braska In IS. Th situation Is considera
bly complicated by the fact that the hus
band ha been twice married since that
time. The suit will involve the decision
of the United State courts of some, months
ago on .divorces secured in other states than
that in which the party sued resides. The
divorce was secured by Johnson in Ne
braska by publication of the notice and he
named his wire aa Dell Johnson Instead of
Delia Johnson, so ah asserts. She claims
to hav been entirely ignorant of his
curing the divorce and that after the date
of the divorce decree tn 18S9 he continued
to writ to ir addressing her a his wife,
tn 18M he bought a farm In Madison
county. Later he sold the land, claiming
to be unmarried. Mrs. Johnson claims her
one-third Interest. Th husband Is now
Disappointed Lover Shoots.
The, police of this city are looking for
Frank Orr on a charge of shooting Ira Bo
gard. It I believed that the bullet wa
Intended for Miss Lulu Hlgglns. Orr la a
disappointed lover -af .Mia, Hlgglns.. Two
year ago Jack Reed wa charged with
shooting "Doc" Hlgglns, a brother of Miss
Hlgglns when the shot was Intended fr
the girl. Miss Hlggin lives with1 her
mother on South Ninth street. Orr Is a
helper at the Rock Island shops la Val
ley Junction. Orr earn 'to th Hlgglns
hom last night and told her that since he
couldn't have her he Intended to kill her
and proceeded to carry out hi threat, i Th
girl screamed and IrsBogard, a farm hand,
came to her assistant e and the .bullet In
tended for Mia Hlggma, (truck him. In a
very almllar occurrencvrw.o year ago Miss
Hlgglns' brother, "Doc" Hlgglns, was shot
by Jack Reed. Orr disappeared Imme
diately after 'the (hooting and 1 supposed
to be In hiding In this city.
.o rx
CroSTord Case to Be Heard.
Th supreme court will at the coming
term hear the case of Dr. J. W. Crofford
of 'Clarke county, - charged with th mur
der of Maud Stone by V criminal operation.
Ha waa convicted -of tha offense and aent-
enced to twenty yeara In the penitentiary
but got a reversal and new trial which Is
now to be heard again by the supreme
court. '
Legislators Want Mor Honey.
New members of th. legislature are ar
riving In th city arranging for room at
th hotels and boarding houses for the
session. As soon as they get term they
begin to talk of th necessity for raising
the salaries of members of the legislature.
It Is now $560. They think they should
have at least 81,000.
Irvlaar P. Bowdlah Iaepector,
Irving P. Bowdlsh of Waubeek. Ia., .was
appointed -by ; the Stat '.Board of Control
today to bo Inapector of county and private
Institutions where inaan are kept. Till th
praaent time there haa. been no Inapector
for thla work and the work has been done
by the doctors from th various a tat a how
pttal. The law requires that an Inspection
shall be mad by persona appointed by th
board of control of all Institution In th
stat where lnsan ar kept, and also or
Institution where delinquents are kept.
Mr. Oaear B. Wtlllaaaa.
Relative' have received word of th
death at Monrovia, near Pasadena, Cat., ot
Mrs. Oscar B. William on Wednesday.
Mr. William ia survived by her husband,
who was formerly connected with th Re
gent Sho manufacturing company of
Omaha, and two sons, Milton, 18 yeara, and
Herbert, 16 years of ag.. Th husband and
sons were with her when death came and
had accompanied her to California last
October, In th hop that th change ot
climate would benefit her health. She had
been sick for th last fiv year and her
death was hastened by th death last May
ot her daughter, Margaret, at the ag of
IS years. Mrs. Williams was formerly
Alice U Roger of Omaha, daughter of the
late Mr. and Mr. Milton Rogers, on of
the oldest families of Omaha. - She has
tt ree brother living la Omaha.' Thomas J.,
W. M. and 'II.. M. Rogers, and a brother,
W. B. Foser. at Trentea, N. I. She would
hav beea u y.r of age on January
Mr, wmiame waa vt' actlv member of
the W vitmlnster ' Presbyterian church.
While complete sriviigeinents for th
funeral t-.ave not been made., the services
wfll b ti,d at th rertienc of th family.
373 Dew? avenue. vl Interment will be
had at Forest Cw:i cemetery; In cum th
body Is brought to Omaha Immediately th
I funeral will b held neat Monday, but thl
haa not beet definitely dealded upon.
... J. n. Haicaisoa. .
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Jan. (.-(Special
Tel tram.) J D. Harrison died at 1 o'clock
thla evening after a long Ulneaa from
heart trouble anddropay. When th end
eame hla wife and ten grown children were
at hi bedside and Vmmi arrived half
an hour later. Th deceased was a New
Yorker by birth, cam ''to Orand county,
Illinois, la th early sob and to Richard-
eon county. Nebraska.. In lSb.. A tew yeara
later h located In Pawnee county, where
be apent , twenty-one yar At hla death
ha Waa 70 years old snd leaves a wife,
seven' eons and four daughter, all grown.
The aldeat aoa Is Senator W. H. Ilarrtaon
or tois piace. ,
Dr. Joseph Aldrleh,
DENVER, Colo.. J a. . 8.-DT. Joseph
Aldrleh. formerly a urgon of the United
Slate army, died at hi hom her today,
aged J yvars. During the Indian war he
wa stationed at New Vim, Minn., where
he distinguished himself by hla service.
It leaves a widow snd one daughter, Mrs.
Laura Hinsdale, the book reviewer.
Mr. Geo rs; Frost,
Mrs. George Front, a realdeht of Elk-
horn for thirty-one yeara, died at her home
In that place Thursday mornnlg at ,6
'clock. Sh leave a- husband and three
sons, all residing at Elkhorn. Th funeral
will take place Sunday afternoon from th
family residence.
Prof. Otto Beaadorf.
VIENNA. Jan. 8,-Prot. Otto Benndorf.
the archaeologist. Is dead. He was noted
for his discover! ot antiques In Epheeus,
Jaka MCoaaell.
TULSA, I. T., Jan. 8.-John McConnell,
a prominent oil operator ot thl district,
dlod here suddenly Isst night ot asthma.
Praaalaa Oaveraaaent Ralea With
Iran Haad Darlasr Caaapalga
far New Relehatac.
ONES EN, Provlnr of Posen, Prussia,
Jan. 1 The Prussian government. In con
equene of th disturbed stat of th pub
lic ; mind Aver th achool strike and th
rertewai of the Polish nationalist agitation,
continues to prosecute severely any Infrac
tion of th political ordinance. The trial
was begun today of a member ot the Pru- .
Ian Houae of Lords, Von Kosclelskl. a
rich Polish land owner; Von Chvesanowakl,
a member of th lower house ot the Prus
sian Diet, and twenty-one other person
who were charged with having taken part
In a public meeting In the park of Von
Koaclelskl's castle without th consent of
the government. All th accused belong
to the so-called Polish "Socol," an associa
tion numbering severeal hundred thousand
persons and fotmlng, th prosecution avers,
material for mobilising a future revolu
tionary army. The Socol assumes to be a
gymnastic association . and haa branches
In every parish In Poland, and the accused
Include ita principal leaders. Von Kosclel
skl I a candidate for election to the Reich
stag. The Prussian government has dismissed
about 250 Poles In this province who were
filling minor official positions, especially all
th Polish members of ths lower boards,
where th school strike Is In progress.
BERLIN, Jan. 8. Although th govern
ment exercise th extreme watchfulnra
of political dissent In Prussian Poland on
account of th rival of the nationalist
movement, no concern I felt regarding
the situation because of th adequate meas
ures of every sort taken to deal with all
possibilities. Government agents have lo
cated the headquarters of ths committee
which la conducting the agitation at Lent
berg, Oallcla, Austria.
The German government haa Informed
the government of Austria-Hungary of the
activity of th Lemberg committee, but
there seems to be no disposition on the
part of the authorltle at Vienna to pro
ceed sharply against the agitators, as Aus
trian Poland Is tranquil.
The Polish element held sixteen Beats In
the last Reichstag.
father Cat-ones Bald to Have Coras
t America to Escape
LONDON, Jan. S. A correspondent of the
Dally Bxprea In Rome says that Father
Vlrglnto Carones, who Is said to be In New
York, left Italy to eacape Intrigue againat
him. His sudden disappearance from Rom
lotnt months ago was a pussllng mystery
whloh Has now bean solved by th publica
tion of a document he left behind. In It
Father Carone says that his popularity
excited the Jealousy of fallow priests who
schemed for hi expulsion. Ex-Queen Mar
guertta frequently asked him to conduct
special services and he became th favorite
confessor of many of th most prominent
ladles In, Rome. -
Major General Vaa Der Laaalta Shot
at Medical Iaatltat la St.
8T. PETERSBURG, Jan. I.-Major Gen
eral von der Launlts, prefect of police of
Bt. Petersburg, was Shot and killed by a
young man at the Institute of Experi
mental Medicine this afternoon.
Baa on Ganabtlaa- In Cnba.
HAVANA, Jan. 1 Governor Nunes says
he will take steps to end gambling, which
has become very flagrant her. Havana Is
wide open, according to Nunes, and th
town of Bejulcal he describes as a Monte
Carlo. A meeting of liberal leaders Is
scheduled for today to decide th presi
dential rivalry between Zay and Jos
Miguel Gomes. . It Is believed that Zayas
will withdraw, leaving a clear field for
Cooaterfelters at Madrid.
MADRID, Jan. S.--A counterfeit coin fac
tory In th house of a man named Joae
Clscar waa raided by the police yeaterday.
A quantity of dies and machine were
Belted.' A surprising discovery by tha po
lice was thst seven women, living in as
many different spartments. distributed the
spurious product. Jealousy on the part of
on of the women prompted the Information
on which th raid wa made.
Eartaoaak Recorded la Aastrla.
LAI BACH. Austria, Jan. 1. The seismo
graph at the observatory her yeaterday
recorded at 1:16 p m. a aevere submarine
earthquake 11.100 mile dlatant. It I stated
that th distance suggests an earthquake
In th Mouth Pacific ocean east ot 'New
Zealand. .
Lebaady la t'alted State.
PARIS, Jan. S The Journal says that
Jacques Lebaudy, the self-styled emperor
of Sahara, la making a tour of th United
Head of talea Paella Recover aad 1
Expected Dowa Tovra
NEW TORK, Jan. I. Edwin II. Harrl
man, who haa been confined to hla hom
at A"den for about .a week, returned to
his town hous yeaterday. It Is expected
that he will be down town tomorrow.
Mr. Harrtman's recent Indisposition
caused him to undergo a light operation
Monday. It was said to have been en
tlrely successful.
OAKLAND. Neb., Jan. fc (Special.)
VI Us IX her V. Holmqulst, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. O.' Holmqulst of this city,
was married at noon Wednesday to Harry
L. Olsen of 8t. Peter, Minn., In the pres
ence ' of ' the Immediate relatives. Rev.
Charles P. Lang of ths Methodist church
officiating.. Mlas Holmqulat is one of Oak
land's most popular young women, while
Mr. Olsen Is a civil engineer, In the em
ploy of the Great Northern, and waa real
dent engineer here fir a year, during the
building of the Great Northern through thla
city. They left on the afternoon train for
St. Pater to visit the groom's parents and
will thsn go west, where Mr. Olaeo haa
bean assigned work.
01 A
That nam 09 package Is an
The sealed package Is a guarantee
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Bright' Blseas Stomach Troubles, a to, write the
Iron Mountain, Wabash, Rock Island and Illinois CaiUral
Railroads furnish excellent facilities to Hot Kprlngs.
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Don't make a mistake at the be
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Permanently Established in Omaha, Nebraska.
Jobbers Prspars to Lo3?s Formal Charcsi
Araiait Fxpreu Companies.
Fresldeat Fersjaaoa 8nggets Orgaa
taattaa mt rfclsrht Bareaa to
ear Lower freight aad
Ielaar Chargea.
KANSAS CITY. Jan. S.-It Is probable
that the Weatern Fruit Jobbers' association
will lodge a formal complaint with the In
terstate Commerce commission agaJjvat the
practice of express companies in merchan
dising fruit and other produce In competi
tion with shipper. The matter wa gone
over at length yesterday when E. B. Branch
of Omaha, the secretary of the association,
submitted his annual report to the con
vention In annual session here. Tha secre
tary read correspondence he haa had with
C. A. Prouty of the Interstate Commerce
commission, with whom the secretary haa
filed an Informal complaint. In his letters
Commissioner Prouty seemed of the opinion
that the express companies are not vio
lating th provisions of the Interstate com
merce laws tn handling frult In the market,
but he advised the Western Fruit Jobbers'
association to make a formal complaint
to the' Interstate Commerce commission
that th matter may be settled by an In
vestigation by th commission. Th secre
tary' report wa referred to a apeclal
commute which will prepare a formal
complaint for the Interstate Commerce
Objeetloa t IelaaT Charaea.
Discrimination by railroads In th matter
of Icing charge wa alleged her today at
th annual convention of the Weatern Fruit
Jobber association. EX M. Ferg-uaon of
puluth, president of th aaaoclatlon. In hla
annua) addresaaald:
I draw attention to an existing discrim
ination of the most pronounced kind
against fruit shipments In favor of ship
ments of pscklna; hous products In the
matter of, supplying ice and refrigeration
and the method of settling therefor.
President Ferguson, continuing, gave an
array of figures Which, he said, had been
taken from the tariffs 'to sustain his allega
tions. As a remedy he favored the forma
tion of a freight bureau by the aaaocla
tlon, whoaa duty It shall be to formulate
some sctlon that will give the dealred relief
to fruit ehlnpers.
E- B Branch of Omaha, secretary of the
association, presented to the convention h'a
findings following a three montha' Investi
gation regarding the entrance of expresa
companies Into a competitive fruit aad
produce bualneaa. Before entering the con
vention Secretary Branch said:
"I hav enough evidence to mike th
express companies bend their knee."
Freight Bareaa rested.
President Ferguson said a freight rate
bureau of fifteen members should be ap
polntast to which rate mar b referred for
Investigation, and if need be, fur prosecu
Insurance potiry against tea Imparity.
sgalnat dust and dirt. Try It and tx
Wholesale Agents. Omaha.
tion. He suggested that the dues of eaclt
member be. Increased from K annually to
1100, so that sufficient funds may be had to
meet emergencies.
"Individual members cannot combat the
railroads," said he. "The association as a
whole, or Its bureau, can accomplish
Mr. Ferguson told of excessive icing
charges for consignments of fruit from tha
Mississippi river to points in th west.
"W hsvs psld tit for icing," he said, "a
trlbut to th Armour private car lines.
There has been no way to escape them.
Two cases hav been carried to th United
State supreme court In an effort to escape
excessive charge. But the Armours own
the car and we must pay th Armours
their own price for Icing.''
Ko Q,iorim Present' at ' Washlaajtoa
aad Two New Meiaher
Tah Oath,
WASHINGTON, Jan. S.-The hous con.
rened today after the holiday recess and
adjourned after a session of fifteen min
utes. Immediately after the approval of
th Journal th credential of W. F. Engl
brlght of the First California district to
fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of
James Norrls Gillette and Charles O. Wash
burn of the Third Massachusetts district.
vice Rockwood Hoar, deceased, were read
and these two gentlemen proceeded to th
bar of the house, where the' speaker ad
ministered the usual oath.
No quorum being present and no com.
mlttee being ready to report, adjournment
was taken until tomorrow.
Seaator Ioda Propose Amendment
aad It Goea Over latll Monday.
WASHINGTON, Jaji. I.-After tw
week of vacation the aenate aat for two
and a half hours today and then adjourned
until Monday. The seaaton was devoted en
tirely to the further discussion of Presi
dent Roosevelt's Older dlsmisalng th negro
troops of the Twenty-fifth Infantry for
"shooting up" Brownavillo, Tex. Senator
Culberron of that state defended the order,
bringing to Ha suiport many points of
legal construction, and Justifying the ac
tion by many quotations taken In- connec
tion with the affray. - He closed with an
impassioned statement of the position of
the south on the negro question, which he
declared to be the moat -vital and danger
ous problem before the American people.
Senator Foraker replied briefly, express.
Ing his Intense interest in having speedy
action on his resolution for an investiga
tion. Senator lxdge proposed an amend
ment to this resolution, which has the tf
fect of admitting the president's authority
as commsnder-ln-chlvf of the army to taka
the action he did, and of restricting th
Investigation to th occurrence In Browns
ville. On motion of Senator Hale the reso
lution was given th rtgbt-ot-way Monday.
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