Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Wheat Still on Toboggan, Decliniie FiTe
liihti of Cent
That There Is No Greater Hrro
ta Selling; la Dae ta Cover
la by Short Corn
Market Drag-glna:.
OMAHA, January t, 1907.
Th liquidation In wheat wn heavy and
price declined So of a cent. That the
rnarket did not Hhow more effect of the
heavy telling t due to the of
none, foreign markets were weak be
cause of large offerings from Argentina.
The Russian situation, generally favorable,
remains unchanged. There Is some talk of
a demand for flour from China and Japan.
Corn acta weak, but closed unchanged,
refusing: to sympathise to any extent with
wheat. Receipts were larger than lust
year, but cash prices held steady.
Primary wheat receipts were ts,000 bush
Is and shipments 324.UU0 bushels, against
receipts last year of 644.000 bushels and
shipments of 14.000 bushels Corn receipts
were 1,068,000 bushels and shipments Ml.imo
bushels, against receipts last year of KSs.OOK
bushels and shipments of 64ti,O)i0 bushels.
Clearances were 323,000 bushel of wheat,
140.44; bushels of corn, 2.750 bushels of oats
and flour and wheat equal to 360,000 bushels.
Liverpool closed M,Sirti lower en wheat
and unchanged on corn.
Bays the price Current todsy: "Normal
Winter thus far; growing wheat maintain
ing excellent condition; corn slow In drying
out; live stock wintering well. Packing.
490.000, against 610.000 last year."
A cable came from Buenos Ay res saying:
"Damage to wheat less than at first re
ported, quantity large, quality good com
pared to last year. Bhows Inctease of 10
per cent."
The shrinkage In the Minneapolis flour
output last week was 115.000 barrels, as es
timated by the Northwestern Miller. With
Christmas falling on Tuesdsy all the mills
were Idle for two days. The quantity of
flour turned out was 190,877 barrels, sga-lnst
1 12.080 In 1906 and 13,160 In 1904. This week
the mills are working on n normal banla
and a heavy gain In the output Is certain.
Minneapolis mills had a dull trade In flour,
and shipping directions came In slowly on
old business. An exception to the rule
was one Minneapolis mill, which made
good sales. Export business was Impossi
ble with most mills. However, a few sold
considerable patent In United Kingdom
Local rang of options:
Articles. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Tes'y.
84T4A1 UB
' A asked. B bid.
Omaha Cash Prlees.
WHEAT No. t hard. 6967: No. hard
3fj6Vkc; No. 4 hard, &632c; No. I spring, 65
CORN No. t, 35c; No. 4, S3fl34c; no grade,
eBi&SSc; No. I yellow, ttc: No. I white. 36c.
OATS No. 3 mixed, JlHTfc; No. I white,
!2tfrti33c; No. 4 white, 820-32c.
R IE-No. 2, 61c; No. ,3, 6tto.
Carlot Heeelpta.
Wheat. Corn. Oats
Chicago 76 4?0 308
Kansas City ....101 35
Minneapolis ..t..27
Omaha 72
Duiuth ...;;:.i6i
Bl. Louis 2$
Chicago Cr.Allvj AHD. PROVISIONS
Fcatnre of tha Trading and CIoalnaT
Prlees tt Board Al Trade,
CHICAGO, Jan. 8. The statement thst
large quantltlea of wheat are still In the
hands of farmers of Minnesota and tha Vu.
kotas caused free selling- of- wheat here to-
day and resulted In a decline of nearly lo a
bushel, the May option closing at a net
loss of T&lo. Corn was He lower. Oats
were a shade lower. Provisions were 2 Vic
to 7Hc higher, v.
The report of the Interstate Commerce
commission regarding the car shortage In
the northwest, which contained the asser
ting thst only 38 per rent of last year's
Crop of,4trlnfi,'-whent has -been ararksted,
was the club used by the bears In pounding
J?s'Ij,.Mrrh' is 4' id; Mny. Cs tvi; July,
C 'HN-.ftpot. quiet; Amerlran mixed new,
4" PI; American mixed old. 4 41: futures,
quiet; January, 4s Vk. March, 4s Hd.
Uaotatlona of the Day on Varlon
NEW YORK. Jan. 3 -rLOVR-ecelpts.
Z7.RH bbls.. exports, 4.821 bbls. Market dull
and shade lower; winter patents, $3..S3.BO;
winter strnlghts, $3.40a8.60; Minnesota pat
ents, $4.10414.40; winter extras. l"n3.M:
Minnesota bakers, I3 40G3.76; winter low
arsdes, $2Snt,3 05. Rye flour, dull; fair to
food. 33.6Mi3.ti0: choice to fancv, $3 8t?4.30.
Buckwheat flour, dull at $2.162.25, spot
and to arrive.
Hl'CKWHEAT tjulet at $1.25 per 100 lbs.
CORNMEAL Bte;tdy ; fine whit snd yel
low, 11.204,1.2b; coarse, $1.101.12; kiln dried.
RYE Nominal; No. I western, 69e e. I. f.
New York; Jersey and state, WtAc, de
livered New York.
ua rlet Nominal; feeding. $4.16 c I. I.
WHEAT Receipts. 37.000 bu.: axnorts.
190,128 bu.. 8pot market, easy; No. 8 red,
7Cc, nominal, elevator, and fWy, nominal.
i. o. i). anoat; jso. l northern, Duiuth, nv,c,
f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 8oSo,
f. o. b. afloat. Severe liquidation, stop losa
selling and bearish Argentina crop news
broke wheat to about the lowest prices of
the season, last price showing c to lo
net loss.
CORN Reeelnta M Hon bu ex porta M 76
bu. Spot market, easy; No. 2, 624e. ele
vator, and 4!Hc. f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow,
4f4ic; No. 2 white. 4!He. The option mar-
nfi tower, as follows: jsnuary, 6lc; May,
ket was without transactions, closlna 4o
60Vic; July, JOSc
I B Kecelpts. 32,000 bu. Spot market,
ateady; mixed oats, 26 to 32 lbs., 8i3Vc:
natural white, 30 to S3 lbs., 4041Vc; clipped
White, 36 to 40 lbs.. 4KfJ44c
r nteady; spring bran, $22.25, prompt
shipment; middlings. 121.76, prompt hip
ment: city. $22.&0&2ti.E0.
HAY Firm: ihlnnlnr HKfi!KV' a-nnd to
choice, $1 Ofiftiii.
HOPB Steady; state, common to choice,
1906. 181023c; 105. Sllc; Paclflc coast. 1906.
14'it17c; 1906. 101 4c.
HIDES-Quiet; Galveston. 20 to 26 lbs.,
20c; California, 21 to 25 lb., 21c; Texas,
dry, 24 to 30 lbs., 19.
LEATHER Steady ; scld. 27?72c.
PROVISION Reef. Arm: family. 314.O0f
14.60; mess, I.00fj9 60; beef hems, $23.60ff
26.00: packet, U.004tll.E0; city extra Ind1t
mess. IDO.WtiCJ.M. Cut meats, quiet; pickled
bellies. $10.26610.60: nlcklr-d hams. $12.nor
12 BO. Lard, steady; western prime, $9.30
r 4; renned, quiet; continent, l so;
South American, $10.60; compound, $H26
s.&o, fork, steady: family, jix.ooiswi;
short clear. $17.6Wfil8.0O: mess. $17.504118.50.
TALLOW Steady j city ($2 per pkg ), 64c;
country (pkga. free). frfiflHc
RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra,
8Vt4T4c: Jimn. nominal.
POI'LTRY Live steady; western chick
ens. 12c; fowls, 13c; turkeys, loc; arenscd
wesk; western chickens, ll'tiisc; turkeys,
16fil7c: fowls. 84112c.
BUTTER Steady H street price extra
creamery. S3c; official price, creamery com
mnn to extra, 23f&S2c; held common to extra,
22fi30c: state dairy common to firsts. Zlti32c
renovated common to extra, 184f24c; western
fsrtory common to firsts. 1M22c; western
Imitation creamery firsts, 23i&24o.
CHEESE Firm; state full cream, small
and large, Bcrtrmber, fancy, 144c; state,
October best, 3b6c; state, good to prime.
UWaiSc; state, winter made, average Dest,
12c: stnte. Inferior. lll?c.
EGGS Steady: state, Pennsylvania and
nearny fancy selected white, 34B3&c; cnoice,
t33c; mixed extra, 28c.
St. Loots General Market.
BT. IOUIS. Jan. 3.- WHEAT-Lower
track, No. 2 cash, 75ff?75c; No. 2 hard, 71
673c: May. T47A37!e : July. 73i73T,c.
CORN Firm; track. No. 2 cash. 39
40c; No. 2 white, 404lc; May, 4HkOic;
July. 42c.
OATS yuleti' track, no. x casn. ss-c; no.
I white. 36c; January, 34 He; May, S5H3.
FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. 33.55
H3.76; extra fancy and straignt, H iwiTJ.w;
Clear, 3z.&
- BEEU riniothy, steady, f3.aiff3.ib.
CORN MEAL Steady. $2.20.
BRAN Quiet; sacked, east track, 93fj
HAY Quiet; .timothy, $16 001.00; prai
rie. 16.0U. , .
PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged: jobbing,
$16.70. lard, hlgner; prime steam, w.u.
Iry salt meats, steady: boxed extra, shorts
19.37V4: clear ribs. $9.87Vt: short clears, $9.50.
Ha con. steady; boxed extra shorts, 10.12H;
clenr ribs. 310.12H: short clear, io.a.
POULTRY Weak; chickens. 10c; springs,
lie: tursrys, ..l?.c; oucks, jici-.geeae, n"o.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, Z6333ttc
down prices In the wheat pit. Larger and
cheaper offerings of Argentine wheat at
Liverpool made another factor for lower
prlcea. Throughout the day offerings were
very heavy, many local and outside longs
being active on the selling side. Numerous
atop-lnss orders cams out aa prices declined
and still further increased the weakness.
The main support came from shorts. The
market closed decidedly weak, with prices
close to the lowest fxilnt of the day. May
opened He. to H : V lower, at 76Hc to litf
Hc, sold at 76Sc, and then declined to 75
Ji75c. Final quotatlona were at 754o.
Clearances of wheat and flour were equal
to 361,000 bushels. Primary receipts were
808,000 bushels, against 644.000 bushels for
the same day last year. Minneapolis, It
luth and Chicago reported receipts of 613
cars, agulnst 638 cars last week and 433 cars
one year ago.
Trading 111 corn was quiet and trading
was easy as a result or selling by cieh
houses, which was based on the prediction
of a cold wave throughout the corn belt.
' The drop In temperature. It was claimed,
will facilitate the crop movement and also
aid In the curing of the new crop. The
market closed steady. May opened a shnde
lower, at 43p4c, sold between 43c and 43Wft
4.1Sc, and closed at 43HTl43'4C. Local re
ceipts were 420 cars, with 4 of contract
Oats wers easier and the volume of trad
ing very small. Weakness of wheat caused
soma selling by pit traders, the offerings
being tsken by cash buyers. May opened
unchanged, at $(4c, sold off to 36c, and
closed at 3H4336c. Local receipts were
208 cars.
Provision were firm on buying by cash
houses and local packers, the demand being
based on a 6Hfl0c advance in live hogs.
Belling was chiefly by longs. At the close
May pork wss up 6c. at $16.67V. Lord was
up 2U,r, at $tt.62tt. Rib were Tc higher,
at $.06.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
42 cars: corn, $22 cars; oats, 1S3 cars; hogs,
M OO head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Market Fails t Bfflict Any Froioinoad
View on Speculative- Outlook.
List, as a Whole, Is ltharglo aad
Market Is Made l a Largely of
ladlvldaal Movements
Mosey la Easier.
NEW YORK. Jan. $ The stock market
of today failed to reflect any pronounoed
views on the speculative outiooa. xne
operations were largely In the hands of
professional traders and the movement of
prices indicated that they shifted tneir po
sition from time to time from one side
to the othsr In the effort to scalp a profit.
There was some evidence of a supply of a
numoer or prominent stocks ana in omen
there was enouch damsnd to form a re
sistance when depression was prevailing
elsewhere but there was In the first case
little pressure to dispose of holdings and
on the other hand the demand waa so
languid as to cause only a sluggish move
ment of prices. The Harrlman stocks were
still under some special pressure and this
was naturally attributed to the coming In
vestigation of ths relations between these
properties by th Interstate Commerce
commission which I to begin In New York
tomorrow. Reports of an Indisposition of
the president of th company may have
affected the stocks. Delaware A Hudson
fell away sharply In spite of the Increase
In the dividend rato which was not, how
ever, as large as holders have contended
ror. Amalgamated Copper waa a promi
nent Instance of strength due to current
reports of an Intended further Increase In
the dividend rate. Atchison was helped
by reports of the same character. The
market was made up almost entirely of
Individual movements of this kind due to
special causes. The list as a whole was
lethargic and save no aim of the working
of any reinvestment demand uch aa often
iouows the distribution ot profits Vat thi
time of the year.
The money market continued to relax as
It was expected It would do after the first
of the year. The maximum early rate for
call loans was 14 per cent compared with
20 per cent yesterday and the rats got down
to 6 per cent comparatively early In th
day. while 2H per cent was the lowest point
loucnea. Another day s large clearances
ai mo clearing house showed the rapid
progress of the annual settlements althouah
the settlement was adjusted evidently to
cover two days' Instead of one, so that
me clearings ror the first business day or
the new year are nowhere near the record
touched last year, although the total of tha
settlement effected Is much larger. Ths
sharp reaction from the high figures of
yesterday in the foreign exchange market
Indicates that the urgent demand for re
mittances had been met. All three of th
great foreign banks made weekly renorts
louay ana ail mree snowed tne errects
of the great year-end strain, especially
the Imoeiial bank of Germajw. for which
tho decrease In cash for the week amounted
to $17.6,000, the loan expansion $37.445 000
no me increase in note issues 37.8K,w.
There was some recovery In the discount
rate In Berlin from the drop of yesterday
iui ine aiscoum rate in inaon continued
to recede. Notwithstanding the nrnmnl
relaxation here from the stringency of
the December monev market It ta mnM.
ered doubtful whether the recession In
money rates win extend to actual ease.
Reports of railroad net earnlnra for Nn.
vember received today showed the uniform
growtn in operating expenses with corre
sponding effect In the Dronortlon of net
earnings, some railroads showing an ap
preciable decrease In net earnings com
pared with last year. The dull and feature-
irae cnaracier 01 me market was empha
sired as the day wore on.
conoa were steany. Total sales par
value United States new 4s reg
istered declined H and tho coupon per
ICIll Ull
The following are th quotatlona on th
new iorg mock exchange:
Sties. HI SB. Low. CIak.
dairy. 22Si27c.
EGOS Firm, 21c.
Flour, bbls .'.
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Oats, bu ,
Receipts. Shipments.
6,000 15,000
29.000 67.000
140,000 167.0110
61.000 70,000
Kansas City Grata and Provisions,
70c: Julv. 694c: cash. No. 2 hsrd. Wtfilc:
No. 8, 654J70c; No. red, 71f72c; No, 3. 66131
CORN May, 3Sc; July, S9H"; September,
40 tic; cash. No. 3 mixed, 3Vtc; ko. 3, asc
No. 3 white. 37UC
OATS No. 2 white, S6J36Vic; No. S mixed,
HAY Steady; choice timothy, $16.6O16.00
choice prairie, $ll.omni.w.
h Y it steau v. wn.
EGGS-Steady to Arm; firsts, 22c; seconds,
HI'TTKn iTeamery, sue; pacKina, jntc.
Following wers tha receipts and shipments
of srsin: Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, nu i.wi i,ut
Corn, bu ss.ono 67.0"0
Oats, bu I3,wu st.uoo
MIlTTaakee Grain Market.
MILWAUKEE. Jan. 8 WHEAT-8teadv
No. 1 northern. 78ur7Ho; No. S northern,
777c: May, 75e hid.
HYP-Firmer: No. 1. 66tfWltc.
BAR LEY Steady ; No. 2. 66966c; sample,
CORN Steady j No. I cash, S9394c; May
43HQ-t3ttc. asked.
Mlnaeapolls Grain Market.
TTiC7Ue: July. 78c: No. 1 hard. 78fl784c
No. 1 northern. 77Jj77,c; No. 2 northern,
775c: No. 3 northern. TIHWTZMiC.
FLOUR1 First patents, $4,204x4.30; secon
patents, $4.054j4 16: first clears, $3.2oS3 35
second clears, $2.40tfi2.HO.
BRAN In bulk, $1160.
crf-sse. 3nn.275.on0 francs; advances. lncrise.
37,9"O,000 francs.
5evr York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. S-MONEY-On call
Opened strong, later 2V&I14 per cent: ruling
rate. per cent; closing bid. 2 per cent; of
fered at $ per cent. Time loans, easHr;
sixty dsys. 1 per cent, nominal; nlnet
dsvs, tH per cent; Mi months, $ per cent
per cent.
actual business In bankers' bill at $4 8430
i4 M;i5 for demand and at $4.79754 TWO for
sixty-day bills: posted rates. $4 80H and
$4 Nf ti4 84; commercial bills. $4.74.7.
SILVER Bar. 70Uc: Mexican dollars.
BONDS Govsrnment. weak: railroad.
Closing quotatlona on bonds were as fol
U. s. ff. 3a, r.
do roupoe
V. S. St. rs...
do coupon
C. S. 014 4, roa...
do eousea
V. g. a. 4o. rof...
So coupoa
Am. Tobacco 4s...
do o
Atchlooa tea. 4s..
do id). 4t
Atlantic C. L. 4s..
Bal. Okl 4s...,
Mo I ,
ark. R. T. s. 4s...
Contra! of Os. Is,
do lot lno
do td Ino ,
do id Ino
Choc. Ohio 4Hs....lM4t
nicaio a A. IHo.... Tt
C, B. m q. B. 4a.... Mil
C. ft. I. A P. 4s.... 74W
do col. n so
err.. si. l. t. 4o.. lei
i-io. ina. os, eer. A. T104
Colorado Mid. 4s...
Colo. A to. 4s
Cuba io ,
D. A R. 0. 4a ,
niatlllonr goo. la.,
Japan to, M series... tTH
do 4a etla "
do 4a etfa H
de id oorloa flH
LAN. anl. 4s 1M
Mas. s. . 4s
Mn. Control 4s M
do lot Inc H
Mlns. A St. L 4a.. '
... K. T. 4a n
do H I'1
oM. K.ll.'of t. 4a M(4
N. T. C. S. ts
N. 1. C. t. as
No. rsotfla 4a. 104
do to T"
-tt. w. a. 4a....
n. I. U rfdt. 4a M
Poon. eon. IHa is
Roadlst ton. 4a
S.U t. M. e lo..llS
St. L. A S. r. ft. 4a. Ii4
St L. . W. e. 4a.... 77
Seaboard A. L 4a 1
Sa Pacllld 4a SSW,
do 1st 4a ct(s H
So. Railway la 11N
Tlti Tciaa A P. 11 H4Vi
. MIT.. St. LAW. 4s. II
.10, Voloo Paclflc 4a 101 Uj
. iTmV. S. Stool Id la M
7H WabaaU 1 1"V4
.. 74
.. n
.. tt
.. tl
,.. M
... 71
Better Feelioc on Cattl and Friosi
Fally Etsady.
gheea Slow aad Dall, with Tenaener
f Valaes Dowrawara !
I.aiabs W oald Sell Aboat
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 3.47 3.47
omclal Tuesday I.t-w
Official Wsdnesdsy $. 1
Ofllclal Thursday 4.0W $.400
28 11
81. 1
Brio p. 1. 4a tfVildo dok. B.
oo ton. fa st wootora si oa....
Hocklnt Val. 4s. . .104 !"W. ALL 4a..
Japan ta 47 WH. Contral 4a ...
Bid. "Asked. Ex-lntereat.
Boston Itocka and Bonds.
BOSTON, Jan. $.-Call loans. 10(316 per
cent; time loans, 8Jf8 per cent. Official
quotations on stocks and ponds were.
.. tl
.. W
.. t3
.. M
Blntnam at Hocls...
Cantonnlal .....
Copper Ranto ..
"Daly Woot ...
lalo Roralo
Maaa. Mlnini ..
Mont. C. AC.
Old Dominies .
Attblaon adj. 4s..
do 4s
Mn. Central 4a....
do p(d
Boiton A Albanjr
Boaton A Maine...
Boaton Eloratod .
Fltchburt pfd ..
Maalcan Contral ..
N. Y., N. H. A H..1S0
Poro Marquette tl
Union Paclne 177IOacoola
Am. A. C. prd tl Parrot .
Am. Pnon. Tubs 11'Qulnrr .
Amor. Sutar 1M Shannon
oo pro
Amor. T. A T....
Am. Wooloa
do pfd
Edlaoo Eloc. Ills.
Maaa. Electric ...
do pfd
Maaa. Oaa
tlnlted Fruit
Untied t. at
do pfd
U. B. Stool
do pfd
Bid. "Asked
... M
... IT
... C7
united copper ...
U. 8. Mlnmt
V. 3. Oil
....1074 Wolverine
North Butte
Butto Cosiltloa ..
Cel. A Arisoas...
Arlaona Cons. ....
,11 Oreea Con
.. 31..
.. 41
.. a
.. it
... 44
... 14
... II
... 11
... 14
... 1
... M
... i
... 11
... 71
... l
... 11
.... 4
.... 7
.... 11
.... 5
.... tt
London Closlnsj Stocks,
LONDON, Jan. $. Closing quotations onj
ths Stock exchange wers:
Console, mono M,M., K. A T
do account It 11-ltJ
Anaconda 16
Atchlooa 101
do pfd lot
Baltimore A Ohio. ...114
Canadian Pacific lit
Chea. A Ohio ...
hlcato Ot. W. .
M. A St. P.
De Beers
Articles.! Open.l Hlgli.l Low. Close. Yes'y;
Wheat I
May 7t4H 7H 76H 7M,'7Sff4
July 7$v4ff78 76V 754 75V,!WHQ4
Corn ' I
Jan. 34 I9i
May 43HI-V 43H H :43SJ4jl43HtiS
July 44 44 4TI 43 44
Oat a ' t 1
Jan. S3. 33 $34 SSI ' 84
May 3o , U I3ti! 3i4
July 8343 83S $3l S3H33HH
Tork I
Jan. 1$ OTVi 1 OTH 1$ 7H 1$ 07V, 1 02
May 16 64 1 71 1 80 16 ?H 16 ftH
July 16 W 16 SO 16 80 16 85
Jan. IRH IH $o $ r 30
May IH $86 t M 112 M
July 9 6JH $$7H $90 ftTH
Jan. 3 T?t $ 80 $ 72 8 T?H 8 T?H
May 0!07H $00 06t$fCH
July IS I I 20 I $ 16 $ 17H $ 10
No. ..-
' 4"ash quotations were as follows:
FLOI'R Steady; winter patents, ti.fP
3.M; winter straights, $3.10413 40 spring pat
cnts, $3.Or03.H; spring straights. $3.a3.S(,;
$ bakers. $2 403.$U.
WHEAT No. 3 spring, 74i87Hc; No. 1
j 70:7: No. $ rod. TlS47lV4o.
CORN No. J. 40c: No. t ysllow, 40fi41Ho.
1 OATS No. X. "Ke; No. $ white, 3tHc;
Mo. 8 whits, 34X6a
RTK-No. $. me.
BARLEY Fair to choke malting. 474t
t SFKTfS-No. 1 flax. $1.1?H: No. 1 north
! wi stern, $1.1H. Prim timothy. $4.3$. Clover,
; contract grade. $13.78.
I'ROVISIONS Khort ri. sides lfi
, $rOu8.7&. Mess pork, per hbl., $1C.07H. Lard.
1 rn-r 100 Il . $9.32. Sliort clear aide (boxed).
Recrtots and snipments of flour and
Philadelphia Prodneo Market.
fctrm; extra western creamery. t;!&83c.
EOQ8 Steady; western fresh, 27o at
CHEESE! Steady; New York full creams,
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Jan. $. CORN Higher: No. 3
yellow. 44c; No. 8, c; No. 4, 87ic; no
grade. 85c.
OATSFirm: No. S white. S6c; No. $
white. 34c: No. 4 wl.ltp. 33c.
RYE Steady; No. t. 86e7c.
Kour. bhla
Wheat, bu
Corn. bu..
Os'a, bu..
rtve.. bu...
Borley. bit.
Recrlnts. 8hlnmen
4MO0 S.10
$14,010 So.)
onn 23 vi)
470.1. lW.TtO
A . . 8.JU) n.VM
n the Produce exchange today the but
ter tnsrket wss steady: creamery. ISfitle;
thilry. Wili7e. Kggs. stsady; at mark, case
included. 31('Sc; firsts. 33c; prime tlrsm.
4c; extras, tic. Chess, stsady. lUf14c.
' Itnlath Grain Market.
m'LVTH. Jan $. WHEAT On track:
No 1 northern. 74Hci No. t northern. 74c;
M". TTVkc; July, 78c.
Liverpool Grata Market.
. ..n-,V v. t..WHriT-iSit
ari N aalro wtuur, s, fuiure slilptusul. ins, slwck, ,$U 11.
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO. O., Jan. 3. 8EEDS Clover,
cash and January, $8.30; February, $S.37;
March, $8. 41'; April. $8.20; timothy, prime,
$2.u0; prim alslke, $715.
Wool Market.
B044TON. Jan. $. WOOL Th market 1
fairly active and firm, and In a general
wav Is said to be satisfactory to mer
chants. During th year Just closed ths
market has been steady throughout, hut
on the whole quirt. Manufacturers are
showing continued' Interest in th whlto
'inthine ool of Texas and California.
I Koretcn era dee are firm. Quotations: Ind-
I W . , ... CAn.kln- . L. . n, .. V. . .
Hlia ttnu .i:.mjui 1 v jm . a. ,, 1 cvr-vid 111 lie
blood, S3fJ34c: combing, quarter blood, Sl'Vit
12c. Texas Scoured basis, fine, twelve
montha, 7ra73o; tine, four to eight months.
tTtjec; fine, fall clean. 60jc. Oullfomla
Scoured basis, , northern, choice, 67C(c;
northern. gvd,' Sf-fjSc; middle county.
: southern. 62v3c; fall free, &4fjti.c.
Orepnn Siourd b-sis, eastern. No. 1 stxpl,-,
7:f73c; eastern, No. I clothing, n$70c;
vallev. No. 1. t6vtc. Territory 8tnle
Pomred basis, fine. 704573c; fins medium,
0it70c; medium, 6ig6c. Territory Ordi
naryScoured bas's, fine, 6Hlr"0e; fine me
dium. 664) 68c; medium. 64Wc. Colorado
and New Mexico Spring scoured X. 67'
tec: No. 1. 4Bniac: pulled wool, scoured
basis, extra, IWolOe; -line A. 60c; A
suners. Miho; B supers 474T63C.
6T. LOUI8, Jan. $ WOOL Steady ; me
dium grades, combing and clothing. F1H9
tc; light nne. iwnjei neavy nns, uoi.u;
tub ashed, $Oti3gc.
rotten Market.
clotted steady; middling uplands, lO.fea;
mlddllr.g gulf. 11c. Sales, t.tAS bales.
LlVKRl'L. Jan. 8. - COTTON - Bpot,
good bus'nesa done, prices 7 points higher;
merlcan middling fair, 4.64x3; good mid
dling, 6.u6d; middling. &.88d; low middling.
$.7ud; good ordinary, $.3ud; ordinary. tOod
The aalrs of th day war 14. (Xw tales, of
which 1.000 were for speculation and expurt
and Included IS. $00 bales of American; ro
celpts. 87.0uu bsles, uwludipg 34.3t) bales of
Hi LOIM8. Jan. t-COTTON-Staadr:
mltbllliig. lOc. Sales, none; receipts, uvus;
Adnmi ExDreos ,
Amalgamated Copper ...
Am. C. A r...
Am. C. A F. pfd ,
Am. Cotton Oil
Am. Cotton Oil pfd
American Eapreaa ,
Am. H. A I pfd
Am. Ice, eecsrltloa
Am. Linseed Oil ,
Am. Llnaeed Oil pfd....
Am. Locomotive ,
Am. Locomotive pfd....
Am. I. A R
Am. 8. A R pfd ,
Am. Sugar Refining
Am. Tobacco pfd ctfe...
Anaconda Mlnlnt Co..:.
Atchlaon pfd
Atlantla Coast Lin
Baltimore A Ohio
Hal. A Ohio pfd
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Paclflc
Contral of New Jeraey
Cheeapeake A Ohio
Chicago Ot. W
Chicago A N. W
C M. A St. P
Chlcaro T. A T
Chicago T. A T. pfd
C, C. C. A 8t. L
Colorado F. A I
Colorado A So
Colo. A So. let pfd
Colo. A So. td ptd
foneolldated Qaa
Corn Producta
Corn Producta pfd
Delaware A Hudeon.......
Del.. L. A W.. ea-dlv..'...
Denver A Rio Grande
D. A R. O. pfd
Planners' Securities
Erie let pfd
Erie td pfd
General Elertrle
Hocking Valley, asked
Ullnola Central
International Paper .......
Int. Paper pfd
Int. Pump
Int. Pump pfd
Iowa Central
Iowa Central pfd
Kansas City Southern
K. C. 80. pfd
Loulavlll A Neahvlll
Mexican Central
Minn. A St. Louie ,
M., St. P. A 8. S. II
M.. St. P A t. g. M
Mleeourl PaciAe
Mlaaourl, K A T.
M . K. A T. pfd
National Lead
N. R. R. of M. ptd
New Tork Central
N. T.. O. A W
Norfolk A W
Norfolk A W. pfd ,
North Americas
Paclflc Mall
People's ties
P.. C, C. A St. L
Paeeaed Steel Car ,
Preaaed S C. pfd ,
Pullman Palace Car ,
Reading lat Hpfd ,
Reading td pfd
Republic Steel
Republic Steel pfd
Hock laland Co
Rock laland Co. pfd
II. L 4 I. F. id pfd...
St. Louie 8. W
St. L. S. W. pfd
Southern Paclflc
go. Paclflc pfd
So. Railway
So. Hallway pfd
Tanneaaeo C. A I
Teaaa A Pacific
T . St. L A W
T., St. LAW. pfd
t'nloa Pacifle
Union Paclflc pfd
V. S. Realty
U B. Rubber
V. S. Rubber pfd
V. . Steel
V. S. Steel pfd
Va. -Carolina Chemical ..
Va. -Carolina Cnem. pfd.
W a been ptd
Welle-fargo Cipraaa ....
Weatlnguouee Electric ..
Weetern Vnloa
TVheollaf A L. K
WlMonala Central
Wla Central pfd
Northern Paclflo
Ceutral Leather
Ceutral Leather pfd
Sloea-Shemeld Steel
Oreat Northers ptd
Int. Mvtropolltas
Int. Met. pfd.
104 17 17
100 72H 7114
M.tno lid 114 um
1.700 41 41 4 4144
100 101 S 10144 19144
400 1144 tl 11
lot u,
.... 1.100 . 161 14 Ul4 M .
too I-10V4 1.5 lit '
400 1MV4 lSJi, usu
mo ttt mh
. . It. 40ft. MiH mituj 1MV4
.J7.IW 1VSH 10444 10614
tn n ,ts4
too HIS) ISO is
... 4.300 ltt ivm lMUj
100 m n tt
... T.tOO 71H 7HUj 744
... 1400 1U44 ltlSt 1M
l.tOO SM4 tt MUj
art) 17V4 "H 1H4
t.004 im 1)744 too
1,600 148 147 141
tt 71
11144 ill
010 to
t.ono 61
100 17
tOO 47 64
t.tOO 44
1.100 m
too i6t m
tOO 171
4O0 18
300 10
It .
tt '
D. A R. O
do pfd
do lat pfd....
do td pfd
Illlnola Central
Loulivllle AN..
.. 14
.. M
.. 41
.. t5
.. 44
.. Tf
.. 44
N. T. Central
Norfolk A W
do pfd
Ontario A W
Rand Mines
Southern Railway
do pfd
Southern Paolflo .,
Union PaclBo
do pfd
tl. S. Steel
do pfd
do pfd
Bosnian 4a
.. 41
.. tl
.. tl
.. 4844
.. 71
.. 444
.. Ii
.. tJ
.. tl
.. tt
.. M
.. 41
.. It
.. t
.. 46V,
Four dsys this week. ..14.148 13.2W
Rame daya last week $.623 16,tb6
Same two weeks ago....34.3 8u,l6
Bam three weeks sgo... 28.361 32.&i7
Bnme four weeks ago. 84 36.247
ftama davs last vaar I. Hud S&.339
The following table shows th receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
tha year to data, compared with last y'ar:
107. lf. Ine. tc.
neti in 10a s B11K 393 ....
Hon """""""u'sriS $&!$3 .... 11W
BheeD $ 6M 13.1B2 .... M44
Fair to good corn fed ter ?5 5?
Common to fulr steer I'SfJ'l'aJ;
(rood to cholc fed cow i iH.
r.i. mnA helfera I Wi n
Common to fair cow and heifers.. 1$S
Good to choloe st kers snd feeders 4 ut
Fair to good stockers and feeders. J-JoS'-JJ
Common to fair stockers Z !bHz ;S.
Bulls, stags, etc
Veal calve 4.00(54.35
Th following table shows th "verage
price of hogs at South Omaha for the lasi
several days, with comparisons:
good to choice old wethers, $5 50435.75: fair
to good old wethers, SSMsosO; good to
choice ewes, $4u6.30; fair to good ws,
$4 00414 Ki. ,
Wuntstlona on feeders: Oood to choice
lambs, $446.00; medium lambs, tZ'utlb;
light lambs. $4 &uk.&; yesrhnxs. to loais W;
wethers, $4 76 2..; twtt, .6U4i4 $v; bleed
ing ewes, 14 6.)6.00.
Kepresentatlve sslea:
$3 western ewes
181 western ees
$ western wethers
Zft) western ewes
IJ western ewes ,
6 native ewes
6 natlv lamb culls ,
I natlv wethers
13 natlv ewes
8f natlv lamba
174 western lamb
60 western lambs
$0 western ewes
444 western ewes
613 Western ewes ,
67 western lamb culls
$4 western lambs
... W
... 7
... h
.. 113
.. 14
.. 7
4 7$
4 7$
I 1$
$ 16
t 26
4 00
6 7
$ 36
7 36 ,
1 36
$ 36
4 :t
$ 10
$ 00
$ 26
Data. I 1)6. l$OJ.1904.l$03.l$O$.U$vl lM0-
4 $
Deo. ?4...
Dec. 26...
Dec. 24...
Dec. 27...
Deo. 23...
Deo. 29...
Dec. $0...
pec. 81...
6 1314
I 14S
6 16
6 21T4
4 43 4 4$
00 ee ee
1 06 4 43 4 64
6 0V 4 52
4 'i I 66 4 61
6 00 4 671 4 49
6 06 4 $2: 4 61
4 47 4 64
5 27
4 sr
4 061
I $0
6 3
$ 26
6 361
4 n
4 63
4 77
4 $1
26 $ 241 4 $0
Date. I 1907. 1906. 1806. 1904. 1190$ . 1190$. 11901.
Jan. 1....J
Jan. 2....
Jan. $....
6 24 I $ 141 I 4 64! $ 33! 6 22' 4 93
21 I 6 11 4 39 4 611 $ 3 $ tt 96
6 2SK $07 4 43j I 4 2 6 111 4 96
Sunday. Holiday.
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha $226-950 $610$5
Chicago 1.6O&7.20 6.50co4i
KanSHS City 2."5 60 $.$MB4l.46
Bt. Louis 1.764.4J.75 B.t04l 45
Bloux City $.5O46.00 $.16i4.36
The official number of car of stock
brought in today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Lbsep. H tea
C, M. A St. P 3 3
Wabash 1 1
Missouri Psclflo 6
U. P. System SO 6 1
C. A N. W., east $ 10
C. N. W., west.... 26 23
C, 8. P.. M. & O.... 20 4
C, B. A Q.. east 6 t
C, B. A Q., west 42 16
C, It. I. A P., east... 12 6
Illinois Central 1 1
SILVKR Bar, steady. 32 7-16d per ounc.
mow h. i t per cent.
The rat of discount In th open market
for short bills, la 6 l-16Vri5Vt per cent; for
throe months' bills',' 5 1-16(66 per cent.
Hew York Mialnaj Stocks.
NT0W TORK. Jemr tloslrnj Quotations
en mining stocaa wrt
Adams Con ,
Rreeee Sf
Brunswick Coa ft
Comatock Tunnel .... II
Coo. Cal. A V 11
Horn Silver ISO
Iron Sliver 414
Leadvlll Coa 4
Little Chief ...
sierra Nevada
Small Hopes ..
.. It
.. 76
.. 40
Chicago OL Western 2
Total recelpta ....171 74
The disposition of th day's receipts waa
aa follows, each miyer purcnasing ins num.
bar of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheen,
Omaha Packing Co 443 618 294
Swift and Company $7$ 1,346
Cudahy Packing Co VA 1.622
Armour A Co 623
Carey A Benton 141
Lobman & Co 86
McCreary A Carey 1
W. I. Stephen 94
Hill A Son 24
F. P. Lewis 7
Huston A Co 6
Hamilton A Rothschild.. 4
L. F. Huss 8
J. II. Bulla 1
Mike Haggerty 61
P. B. Root A Co 81
Sullivan Bros 69
Lehmer Bros 6
Other buyers tf
Control of 0rnai$4tiin ii AttttapUd by
Thrt Etock Holder.
New aet o$ By-Lawa Propose Allow
Proxy Vatlasr ts4 HolallatT of
Mar This Oa lharo
, ot Slock.
A fight to prevent II. R. Palmer, E. M,
Morsman and Thomas Kllpatrlck from se
curing legsl control of the Board of Trade,
which owns and operates th Board ot
Trade building at tha southwest corner of
Sixteenth and Farnam streets, will be mad
at th annual meeting of the organisation
Monday afteinoon.
The opposition will rally Its foross to de
feat th adoption of a new set of bylaws
which has been proposed and which differs
from the old set In that It allow voting
by proxy ami falls to prohibit th holding
of mora than one share of stock by any
one man.
Captain Palmer, Mr. Morsman and Mr.
Kllpatrlck are said even now to absolutely
control the affairs of the corporation, on
of them dictating th vote of thtrty-fiva
shares of stock held In th names ot em
ployes and friends. Some of th stock
holders maintain that this control is not
legal, sines ths regulations of tha organ
Isatlon allow each man only on shsr
and since it might be proven that the
three men actually paid for many shares.
Th adoption of th proposed bylaw would
Cattle and Hosts Higher. Sheep and
La nabs Slow and Weak.
CHICAGO, Jan. 8. CATTLE Receipts,
6.000 head; market for best strong to
higher, others steady; common to prime
steers, $4.0ttip7.30; cows, $2.!6Hr4.76; heifers,
$2.60j$.00; bulls, $3.40ti460; calves. $J.7o.4.r;
stockers snd feeders, 2.4ou4 Ml.
HOltH Receipts, 22,000 head; market 6tr
10c higher; good to choice heavy, $6,464
4.80: strong weight butchers, $ 4u.fci;
packing, $f$0fr 46; mixed light, $4.eVw4).4u;
bulk of sales, $6.36tf 46.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1S.000
head; market slow and weak; sheep, $3..M
6.00; yearlings, $4.60iM.75; lambs, t.j.wu'
Kansas City Lira Stock Market.
Recelpts, 6,000 head, including 200 south
erns; market steady to a shade nigner,
choice export and dressed tef steers, $0 60
C6.&0; fair to good, t4.0tU6.4; weaiern nu
steers, $3.766.76; southern cows, $2.0tniS.60;
stockers and feeders, $2.7Mf4.S; southern
steers, $S.2D4t6.00; native cows. $2.0OiH.40; na
tive heifers. $3.004.90; bulls, i.V54.30,
twyes, $3.B0U7.ej, . . safeguard them In their control b making
HOUB-Kecelpt.. nean: marart - - -
1 vra rvt niiu wuuui fi fiiuuq t tiw (ivpaiuiiitx
higher; top, $8.47Vi; bulk, $ri.3MjU.42Vt; heavy.
$6..vjn.47Vi: packers, $.5itti.4.Vi; pigs and
SHEEP AND I.AMHO- neceipte.
head; market steady to wesk; lambs. $1.00
tT7.60; fed ewes and yearlings, 34.6tra.J6;
western red yearlings, xa.ownt.ou; ww
fed sheep, $4. Wai.16; stockers and feeders,
St. I.ools Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Jan. 3. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 8,0U0 hesd. Including 1.200 Texans;
market strong; native shipping and export
steers, $5. 1095.76; dressed beef and butcher
steera, $4.70h6.86; steers under 1,000 pounds.
$3.7fifi4.S5; stockers and feeders. $2.404.60;
cows and heifers, $2.264.76; canners, $1 i6'd
2.35; bulls. $2.Wj4.00; calves, $3.00.00; Texas
and Indian steers, $2.60&.o0; cows and
heifers. $1.76860.
HOGS Receipts, 7.600 head; market 6910o
higher: pigs and llghta. $5.80f.40; PSCkers,
$ 2o5j.40; butchers and best heavy. $6,804
' sHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, t.61
head; market strong; natlv muttons, $360
05.15; lambs, $4.60tf7 .60: culls and bucks,
$3.50.00; stockers, $3.5034.00.
Sloax City LIto Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, Jan. $, (Special Telegram.)
CATTLE Receipts, 700 hesd; market
steady; beeves, $4.00.00; cows, bulls and
mixed, $2.6003.06; stockers and feeders,
$3.0014.26; calves and yearlings, $" YVr3.76.
HOOS Receipts, 8,300 hsad; market 5c
higher; sel"n at $4.15S.$6; bulk of sales,
ta u.if?v! 7U.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 800
head; market ateady.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Jsn. $. CATTLE Re
ceipts. $.190 head; market active, strong;
natives. $4.60(87.00; cows and hel'ers. $3.26
ihi an. atnekers and feeders. $3.2611)4.80.
vioflH Recelnts. 9.6AO head: market strong
1 all 1 ill 1 to 6c nigner; nuia, ao.o-iBw.w.
1,011 IfUe I , ,1 . w ua u u. ni. t raw
head; market slow.
Stock In Sight.
Receipts of live stock at th six principal
western marKeis yesteroay:
Cattle. Hogs. Bheeo
South Omaha .'. 4,000 6.400 8,000
Bloux City 700 8.81X) $00
Kansas City 6,000 9,000 6,000
St. Joseph $.10 9.580 8.082
St. Louis 8,000 7,6H 2,600
Chicago 6,000 22.000 13,000
of any attempt to break It on th part ot
other ahareholders, who havs talked front
me to time of wresltng It from them by
egel proceedings.
There are 196 stockholders, and ths thro
men are able to control by reason ot ths
fact that only about sixty votes ars oast
t each election.
Those opposing the new bylaws will at
tempt to get out as many votes as pos-
The Board of Trade building Is a profit
able Investment. When ths board was or
ganized, more than twenty years ago, and
when It performed th functions of a com
mercial club, share wars sold for $164)
each. Ths property being at ths business
center of the city, Its value has Increased
until each share is said to b actually
worth $1,000.
tou tou
TOO lUVt 141 14!4
1(10 ll4 64(4 tl
too 140(4 l(4 1"H
104 ltt 141 117
, l.tOO II ll(( t
, 1,100 4044 40(4 40U
70 7t 714k 71(4
100 7t(4 71 73
too (414 1744 M(4
, 1,100 1 111(4 142(4
tOO 47 47 47
400 11 tl4 ((4
tot 44(4 m tr4
. ll.tCO 1114 1174 l71
tot 4144 tt 07
100 U(4 el (4 H14
. 40 11044 1DOV4 ,w
.ltO.tuO 1U44 11144 111
Foreign Financial.
LONDON, Jan. $. Money was plentiful
and In fair demand In the market today.
Discounts were weaker. Trading on the
stock exchange was fairly active, hut the
tone was somewhat Irregular. -Some home
rails and first-class securities yielded to
realisations, while consols hardened on the
easier rates for money and the better bank
statement. They declined, later, owing to
profit taking. Americana were rather de
spondent at tha opening, but light pur
chase during th forenoon lifted, prices to
a fraction over parity, but the support
slackened and values eased. The receipt
of the New York opening prices caused
moderate fluctuations and the market
closed irregular after a small amount of
business. Foreigners wer steady, in sym
pathy with continental advices. Kaffirs
were easy. Copper shares, with the excep
tion of Rio Tlntos. were In good demand.
Japanese Imperial ts of 1904) closed at 101 "4.
PARIS. Jan. $. The tone on the bourse
today was unchanged. Russian Imperial 4a
closed at 77.80 and Russian bonds ot 1904
at 49S.
BERLIN, Jan. 1 Tho tons on ths bourse
today waa Irregular.
Bank of Germany Statement.
BERLIN, Jan. $. The weekly statement
of the Imperial Bank of Germany ahpws
the following changes: Cash In hand, do
creased 70.660,000 marke; treasury notes, In
creased 1.240.000 marks: other securities. In
creased 149.SSO.000 marks; notes In circula
tion, Increased 294.940,000 marks.
I. too
It, 100 M44
tOO 117(4 117(4 Hi-
1.400 1 tl(4 (.
104 t44a 444 tt(4
t4 11(4 13
400 4244 ilu.
.1I7.1W 17.S4, 177V4 17144
. 1.700 40(4 to to
lo 107 107 104(4
. 37.100 41(4 47 4 4g
. 1. 100 1M44 10444 1M4
10 107
l'J 11(4
I.MS 1144 tt
1,404 u
too ii(4
'"too '74(4
ttoo la
.l.too M (4
too 7IU
114(4 IKS
6(4 M(4
74 74
IM 114
Total sale for the dar, 40,40 abaras.
71(4 II
Bank of England ttaNatst.
LONDON. Jan. $.-Th waekJy statsmsnt
of ths Hank of England shows th fulluw.
lng change: Total reserve. Increase.
Ww; circulation. Increase, f!49.0uO; bullion!
Increase. 1.218.3. other securities. In
crease. 5.420 'jo; other deposits, increase
4.330.000; public deposits. Increase. 2,04)1
0v; notes reserv. increase, 97A 000; gov.
srnment securities. Increase, 3,000,0U. Th
proportion of th bank reserve to liability
this week is $3 60 per cent; last Week It
waa $7.1$ per cant. y
Bank of Franco Statement.
PARIS, Jan. 3. Th weekly statement of
th Hank, or nisei snos in following
changes: Not In circulation. Incraaaa,
374.076.004 francs; treasury deposits, de
oiaaat, tl.Tbu.taa) francs; gensrtd deposits,
decrease. $ 476 tfi francs; guid in hand. In
crease, 40.2j6.iA francs; silver In hand. In
ertass, ,1X,(W fi-aucs, bills discounted. In-
Trssisry Statement
WASHINGTON. Jan. $. Today's state
ment of ths treasury balancea In the gen
eral fund, exoluslve of the $150,000,000 gold
reserve, shows: Available casn balance,
$?38,$60.387; gold coin and bullion, $106,366,.
966; gold certificates, $60.225,9. .
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA Jan. $. Bank clearings for today
wer $1,948,569.49 and for th corresponding
. , . ei A. J tLA -J
oatl ULS4 wevr i,wt, itrv.iv.
Metal Market,
waa a sharp break In th London tin mar
ket, with spot quoted at 138 and futures
at 188 15s. Locally th market waa weak
and unsettled, with spot quoted at $41.0oty
41.30. Copper was lower In London under
liquidation, apparently, with spot quoted
at lc$ 10s and futures at 106. Locally,
however, th market continued strong, with
laks quoted at $24-0u&24.26; electrolytic, $28.76
4T24.00; casting. ta.Mu 24.75. Lead waa un
changed at xo.WKiezo m ins local market.
Th English market was lower at 19 15a.
, $89 260
.4,13 5,097 7,ffl$
CATTLE There was another very fair
run of cattle this morning, making the re
ceipts for the week to date about three
times as large as last week and consid
erably larger than a year ago.
The cold and snappy weather this morn
ing seemed to put more life Into the mar
ket and there was a decidedly better feel
ing to th trads In beef steers, although
prices were very little changed. Buyer
acted more aa If they wanted the cattle
and they were out In fair season looking
for desirable killers. While late trains de
layed the trade very much, the cattle sold
about as fast as could be expected and at
good, steady prices. There was one bunch
of steers good enough to bring $0.00, the
best price paid In several days.
Cows and neiters were aiso in pretty
good demand, at leant the desirable kinds,
and the movement was abuul aa active a
It could be with trains coming In all the
forenoon. While the market could hardly
be quoted better than steady, th! feeling
wss a little better than yesterday.
Stockers and feeders were scare again
this morning and the few here commanded
good, strong prices.
Kepresentatlve sales:
Ho. At. Pr No. At. Tt.
t 741 I M 17 ltM I 04
t 140 I 10 II .....1171 I 1
14 tl it) 10 1101 I to
It 1017 4 40 tl IIH I 40
t 1240 4 II 1 1114 I 40
I....; 101 4 tt It lilt I 00
It 1044 4 44 I. Il7t 4 00
11 ttt t 00 It 14 4 40
1 t IN II til 4 t
1 1070 I 10 II 1011 4 II
tl lit I tt I Hit t tl
1 1104 t tt 1 lit I tt "
t m ih 1 m in
11 171 I tt t Ml I 71
14 M M 1 110 I 10
tt 744 I It II 121 4 II
1 454 I tO 1.... ltO I 04
1 174 t 40
in in 1
Totals ...
.$1,890 66,780 27,862
....111 I to
ino 1 m
1114 t tt
t to I tt
....1610 t 4
144 I t
M0 I 44
..1244 1 71 1
..ItiO I OS I
..114 I t. 1
..14 I 1 I ,
..1010 II I
. too I If 1
171 t 10 3 170 I It
HO lit I lit t M
lit I II 1 110 t tf
110 I 71 1 140 t to
ltf t 0 1 It ft
110 I If I Ill I 4
m 18
411 I 16 1 1M4 t Tf
411 t 4 4 104 I 71
Ht III II tot t to
74 t fO I M IK
, M0 t tt 1 700 4 00
171 t SO I tot 4 14
147 t 71 13 10M 4 It
H OO ft Hogs sold a big 6c higher thla
morning and. while th trade was not oar-
tlcularly active. It waa sufficiently so to
clean ud tne duik 01 tne eariy arrivals in
very fair season. A feature of tha market
Spelter was 6s lower In London at 27 16a. j was the very good demand for good, heavy
Locally ths market waa flrrn. with spot
quoted at $6.6&46.75. Iron was lower. In
common witn otner t-ngusn metal markets,
stsndard foundry being quoted at 69a 6d
and Cleveland warrants at 60s lvtd. lo
cally tha market was unchanged, with No.
1 foundry northern at $26.26(126.26; No. $
foundry northern, $24.75a6. 50: No. 1 foun
dry southern. $25.604327.50; No. $ foundry
southern. $26 0027.00.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. $. METALSLsad,
steady at $6.06; spelter, strong at $6.66.
Coffee Market.
market for futures opened steady at un
changed prloes to an advanoa of $ points
on bullish reports concerning govsrnment
purchases in ths primary markets, covering
of shorts and a little support from local
bulls. Prices Improved during ths middle
sesrton and at on time wer about 10
points net higher. Realising eased th
market of! slightly towsrd th close and
the final tn was barely steady at a net
advanoa of $ to 10 points. 61 e ware rs-
rorted of 49.760 bags. Including January at
4&c; March. (66c; May, AtOaAsoc; July,
4.umu.06c: September, 4.1004 1&e; October,
4.3uo; December, $.$OdJ6.S6c. Th spot mar
ket was ateady; No. 7 Rio, ltylc; No. 4
Bantoa. 7Vc; mild coffee, steady; Cordova,
(rUlZVsC. '
Otis and Rwalm.
OIL CITY. Pa.. Jan. $. OIL Credit bal
tnoae, $16$; runs, January 1, 64.3M bbls.;
shipments. January 3, 1X43 bbls.; avsragto.
lit let bbls.
SAVANNAH, Oa.. Jan. $. OIL Turpen
tine firm, 47c.
ROvJIN Firm; Block. 73.824 bbls.; A. B, C
and u. sanai tej; wX34U9; r. 44 ouq-4 10-,
hogs. Buyers seemed to be looking for
that kind especially and they sold, If any.
thing, more readily than tha lighter
welahta. which wer in th best demand a
short tims ago. As will be noted from th
sales below, a good many of the hogs sold
at t2b.'u.J". wnereas yesteroay so w nought
ovsr half of all tha hogs, with a sprinkling
st 4.S("ii4.a ana lour or nv losas at
$6.17Vi. Th market aa a whole was In a
Sood. neaitny ana rainy satisractory con
It ton.
Representative saleai
... 4 14
M 4 10
M 4 tt
... 4 tt
4 t 1114
4 11(4
.tit 1M I 31(4 41.
k. rt
... t I7Va
... f 17(4
4 4 11(4
... 4 rva
4 U(4
I 11(4
..til to 1 tt
Condition of Trnda and tVnotntlona on
Staple nnd Fancy Prodneo.
LIVES POULTRY Hns. 7firo: roosters,
4c; turkeys, 10413c; ducks, 6419c; spring
chickens, 7Vt36c: geese, 768c.
BUTTER Packing stock, 1819o; choice
to fancy dairy, zi23c; creamery, ?.wsio.
HAY Cholc upland, $9.60; medium. 19.00;
course, tt.uuus.oo. wye straw, so.ouaj.uu.
BRAN Per ton. $15.00.
TURNIPS Per u.. 50c.
SWEET POTATOES Kansas, per bbl
12 26.
TOMATOES California, per basket ot $4
IDS.. III. 00.
WAX BEANS Per bu. box, $3.60f6.00.
BEETS snd CARROTS Per bu.. 5c.
LEAF LETTUCE Hothous. per do.
heads, 4Cc.
CELERY Per do.. SCdfiflOe.
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dot., $1,753
ONIONS Horn grown. 60c per bu.; Span
ish, 32.00 per crate; uoioraao, too.
RADISH EB Per dug. bunches, southern.
LaiKe bunches, 40c.
NAVY beano per ou., i.t; wo. x, ti-ou.
LIMA BEANS Per lb., 6'0.
oreen PEPPERS Per himntr. $3 00.
PARSLEY Hothouse, pr dug. bunch,
CABBAGE Holland sesd. horns grown.
per lb., 1HO.
EOO PLANT Per dos.. $2.263100,
potatoes per du.. toawc.
RUTABAGAS About loO lbs. to sack,
$1.60; ,
HEAll l&i 1 ut-tv ooutnern, per uos.,
H.1- 4...
SHALIjU 1 sODlltnvrn. wr aru. wu.
APPLES Han Lavta. cholc. $2.00; fancy,
par bbl.. $2.'A; Jonathans, $3.bU; New York
, .... , . . . . , J ll
appiea, 40.0: unmer viuiucu, ee.w.
PILAUS winter rstia, per doi,
Q RAPES Malaga, per bbl., $5.00J7.09.
ORANGES-Florida oranges, $2 90; Call
fnrnia. navels. 13.26.
LEMONS Llmoniera, extra rancy, us
sis. $4.60; 3u0 and Sou sli. $b w; othsr
brands. 600 less.
BANANABV-Per medlum-slsed bunch,
$2.00432 26: Jumbos, $2
riATKfl kadawav. 6c: savsrs. 5c: Hal
lowls, new stuffed walnut dates, 9-lb. box.
81.10; caitrornia, duik, oc; -crown, nc
r ii., b ia
GKAPE rnlllT bias uioh ana su to vs.
$4 .59.
CUtuAK u I o r-er ssca 01
Ribs: No. 1. 14Wc No. X. c; No. $. Vc.
Loin: No. 1, Uc; No. 3, 12Vys; No. 3, 60.
Chuck: No. 1, wSc; No. 3. 6u; No. $. to.
Round: No. 1. $c; No. 3. 7c: No. 8, 4Vo.
Plate: No. 1, 4Hc; no. 1. 4c: no. i, so,
vftarirr t iUvnTTs
CHEEflE Swiss, nsw, 14c; Wisconsin
brick, lbltu; Wisconsin Umbrgr, 14c
twins. lDVc: Young Americans. 16HO.
iidn-irdui. isc: naiiuuv. 1-0 uunn. too
buffalo, 80; bullheads. 13c; black bass, fin
tuck, $Sc' salmon, Uc; plks, 13u; red snap
per, fresh frosen, 13a; whlteflsh, fresh
frosen. 13c: yellow perce.. dresssd and
scalsd, 8c; pickerel, fresii frossn, 9c; frog
leas, 400 per 00s. smaaiea
CURED FISH Family whltensh. ne
quarter bbl., luO lbs.. $4 00; Norway mack
erel. No. L $36 00; No 1 $2$.00; herring In
Dbia., aw ns. eacn, norway, k. t w. nor.
way, 3k, ts.OO; Holland herring. In krga,
milkera. 80c: kers. mlxd. 70c.
HIDES AND f ALLOW-Orsen salted. No
1. 12tc; No. 1 HVc; bull hldas, raioc; green
hides. No. 1. 11c; No. 8. 10c: horss, tlJurf
li; snsep pens, suctai.. Taiiow, no,
SHEEP There was another fair run of
heeii this morning, but tne trade was slow
to a little lower. Unfortunately th racelpis
conalsted very Isrgely of swss, which hav
been In most 100 large suppty mis wsek.
whereas lambs and wethers hav bean
scare. At th earn tlm th packers wer
setting very discouraging reports from
Chicago and they seamed dlispoad to move
slowly, ins result was tnat in market
opened alow, aa noted abov, with th
tendency easier. It Is safs to say that th
market on ewe at th present tlm I 16
()26o lower than Monday, with yearling
and wether fully 10l6c lower. The kind
of lamba that ars coming her could alao
b quoted 10 16c lower, but th feeling
was that a right handy bunch of lambs,
such as would especially please paikei
would sell about as high as any tiins.
Quotations on killers: Oood to choice
lambs, $7.0U4l7.60; fair to good iambs. $6.76
1 4y7 "; yod to choloe yearlings, lamb
weights. $s 1040: fslr to good yearllnas.
U, HsvjtU; H. $4HK4 1V; I. $4 60; K, $4 It; I lamb weights. 44.10444.30; good to cholc
M. N. M. WU. ei-ivtA at. WW. 86.76 earllnas. I.eavy weisiits. saeoiotOii: fair ta, ; (wva earuug, oavjr wsiguis
Members of Tweaty-Flftn Refased
Re-Rnllstment Rearardless ot
Desire for Mora Men.
Twenty-nine recruits were obtained for
the United States army at tha Omaha sta
tion during ths month of December and
many applications wers rejected during; ths
month, although Undo Sam Is exartlng a
special effort to secure new soldiers.
Several colored applicants appeared for
enlistment, among them four or five ot ths
discharged members of ths Twenty-fifth
Infantry. These applicants war rsjsotad,
as an honorabls dlschsrg Is a necessary
equivalent for re-enlistment Anothsr ap
pllcant from Company B, Twsnty-fLfth In
fantry. who waa at Bronwrvllls, but was
honorably dlschsrged befor ths ordsr for
the discharge of th battalion "without
honor" for participation In th Brownvllls
flair, was refused enlistment, though bis
dlschargs bore an excellent charactsr.
Of th twenty-nln recruits for ths month
five applicants wer received from Lincoln,
seven from Grand Island and four from
Sioux City, which ars substations of ths
Omaha office. At the Omaha offlcs alons
only thirteen recruits wars accepted out
of sixty applicant.
The sams rules still prevail regarding tha
rigid physical requirements of recruits.
They merely apply for enlistment at
Omaha, and If found physically qualified
ars sent to Jefferson Barracks, whara they
are subjected to an additional physical ex
amination and then formally snllstsd If
Ths War department has sent out word
all along ths line to make extra efforts to
secure suitable material for ths army and
additional substations ars ordered estab
lished where It may ba found possible to
secure available racrults.
Man ars enlisted at ths Omaha station
and substations for all branches of ths
service, ths recruits being permitted to
select ths branch of servlc they prefsr.
4Vi No- tc-
TS French walnut. lSVtc: California
walnuts. No. 8. hard shell, 13o: No. 1. soft
shell, 16V4c; Hrasils, loaiec; pecans, ine 22c
filberts. I$ai4c; rx-anuts. raw. M4c
roasted. iVfco; California almonds, hard
shell, isc; sort shell, no.
HONEY Per 24 frames. 33 60.
CIDER New York, half barrel, $2.7$; .bar
rel, to w.
COFFEE Koaatea. no. to, tsc pr in.j
no. au. zic per id.; no. . isc per 10.; no,
20. 16c ier Id. : No. $1. 11c per lb.
SYRLP In bbls., 37c per gal.; In eases,
S 10-10. cans. 41.10; oases, a s-id. cans, $
cases, 34 34-10. cans, ti ts.
SUGAR Granule td cans. In sacks, $J.21
granuiatea oeet, in saras, so.ii.
CANNED GCODB Corn, standard wet
era, KnjoOc; Main. $1.16. Tomatoes, 3-lb.
1 ,n. 0 IK OT1 : r A. . Tk 1
i at.iw, " - v m i , -, v,vve.w. rii'e.
apples, grated. $-lb., $2 Ot'oi to, allced, II i
tt' uaiion apples, rancy, W--i. Call
fomla apricots, $1.9u3$.28. Pears, $1,764$ reacnes, rancy, 41. iwb ; It. c.
peaches. $1003160. Alaska salmon, red.
$1.36: fancy Chinook, F.. $110: fancy sock
rys. F.. $1.96. Sardines, quarter oil. $2 76
thres-auarter mustard, 13 00. Bwaet pota
toe. l.lml.. Sauerkraut. $1.00. Pump
kins, socfjli.w. wsx Deans, 1-10., eHHuc;
lima beans. $-lb . 7Vc&41 36. Spinach, 41 36
Cheap peas. 3-lb., tuc; extras, sfrcJl 10
taacy, i.e4fi.(s
Representative 'of Company Cornea ta
Polios Conrt Cleric
A representative of ths United States
Fidelity and Guarsnty company arrived In
Omaha Thursday noon from Baltimore to
Investigate tha alleged shortage of Ut
Grler, who was checked up short by City
Comptroller Lobsck In th sum of $3,100.
Ths alleged shortage covered a period of
three years of Oner's sento as clerk of
tha pollcs court. t .
Th bonding representatlvs reported to
ths offlcs of B. L. Baldwin A Co., local
agents. Until Mr. Grler had been consults
no Information would ba glvan out con
cerning th probabls action of th bonding
A few weeks ago Comptroller Lobsck ssnt
a detailed statement of th alleged shot-tags
to ths horns offlcs of ths bonding company.
Robert O. Fink to W. A. Corson,
part lot 51, McEntee s addition
A. Charles Peterson and wife to
Agnes Andrews, n4 lot m, Diock a,
McOavock A OKeefs's addition.
South Omaha t l.OOt
Robert O. Fink to Adam Lsn. lot 10,
block 7, Mccormick s secona
F. W. Carmlchael to Prokop Km ml
and wife, lots $ to 13, block 30, Hal
cyon Helahts 1.304
Matilda Applegresn to Orove-Whar-
ton Conatructlon company, lot 16,
block 11. Rose Hill $0$
Edith E, Hodder to Martha S.
Padgett, wi4 lot T, block "Q,"
Uwi'i addition 1,500
Robert O. Fink to Eliza Christ mann,
lots 1. 1 $ and 4. block L William
Hagedorn's addition , ....
Mary F. Bourke to tb Cathedral
chapter of the diocese of Nebraska,
north 25 feet lot 12. block 7, Hor
bach's second 1
Alex C. Charlton to W. P. Kan, lots
25 and 26, W. A. Redlck's fclfJl
Frank J. Ogle to Augusta Becker,
nnrt block "Z," Bhlnn s third $,704
Robsrt O. Fink to Joseph C. Weeth,
lois 1 to 12, block $, and lot 10, li
and 12. block 4, Golden addition
Same to same, lot 4. 1. 8. $ and 10,
block 1, Harmon's BUbdlvlalon
Fred V. Wend and wife to Van A.
Wirt, lot 19, block 11, Poppltton
Park tm
Mra. S. H. Windsor to Horace C.
Plunkatt. north 44 feet lot L block
167, Omaha
Oscar Reed and wife to E. L How,
lot 4, block ltd, South Omaha
Henry Sims and wife to Oscar Reed.
Abraham L. Reed et al. to Oertrud
R. Seaman, lot $, block $. Drake's
Edgar F. Davis and wlf to Msggls
F. Johnson, tot $0, block 101, Dun
dss Placs
N i. Nelson and wlf to Anna
Meagher, eV, lot 26. Hickory Place. .
Jame A. Gorman to Til Use Gorman,
lot 9, HJvervlew addition
Josephine P. Brisbln and husbsnd to
Adam Kundert. lot T, block 11$,
Total ,