4 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1007. theyj '-And; 4 BLEi . All Janti .Ali ttola Alt this Al this Alt this Al this t . A JurJ A JonJ . A Jan) (i r it w m : ee 8 ca rl M d, The Omaha Daily Bee. elf-phi FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROBE WATER. VICTOR ROSEWATRTl, KDITOR. Kiitered at Omihi pofttoffioo M second .Mubh matter. TERMS OP SrnSCRIPTION. Dolly Be without Sunday) one yeer...$t.00 Bo and Sunday, one year B.0 Sunday Bee, ona year J SO Saturday Bee, ona year l.M DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Pally Pea (Including Rtinday), per wek..l5o Imily Haa (without Sunday, per week. ..10c bvenlng He (without Sunday), per weak. c Kvenlng Bee (with Runday), par week....l0o Address complaints of Irregularities In de livery to City Circulating Department. OFFICES. Omaha Tho Bee Building South. Omaha City Hall Building. Council Bluff JO Pearl Street. Now York lfinil Home Life Ina. Building. waarwnrton 401 Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. CntnmtinlcaUona relating to newa and edi torial matter ahould ba addressed: Omaha, Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Itamlt by draft, express or postal order, Payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only S-rant stamps rooetved In payment ol mall account. Personal checka. except on Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County, as: cnanea i Koaewater. e-eneral manager 9f Tha Baa Publishing company, being- duly warn, say a that the actual number or run and complete copies of The Dally. Morning, Evening nnd Sunday Bea printed during tha mouth of December, 19(4, was a follows: 1 81,870 '17 38,870 I. ........ O.tSO II 81.T80 ......... 31,810 It 31,780 4 31,710 20 33,870 ... 31,700 21 31,630 6 31,890 22 31,800 7 81,880 23 30,880 33,080 24 31,710 1 30,830 25 31,800 18... ...... 31,780 24 33,130 M ........ . 33,180 27 81,770 12 33,050 ' 21 31,610 IS 81480 it 31,830 14 31,880 10 30,300 i5. ........ 33,170 II 31,310 If 30,400 Total .-.383,380 Net total 873,149 Dally average 81,391 CHARLES C. ROSEWATER, General Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this list day of December, 1906. (Seal.) M. B. HUNOATE, Notary Public WHEN OUT Or TOWK. afcaerlbora leavlaa; tha city tern, rerarllf efcaald Kara Tha Bea mailed ta them. Addreaa will ha ehaaged aftea as requested. ' If friends of Dennis Kearney are In control the "tie up" of all Harriman linen will rarely occur before that con Bignment of grain reaches China. Omaha was once a port for a brisk steamboat traffic on the Missouri river. A barge line from Omaha to the gulf .Would, therefore, be no great novelty to the old-timers. Uncle Joe Cannon's "boom for the presidency" has apparently taken the place of changes In the president's cab inet as dull day matters for Washing ton correspondents. Legislators In other states will hardly be placated until "Jim" Hill de cides io put his North Dakota pass plan into effect along all the lines in which he Is Interested. Mayor McClellan has again defied Tammany hall. Perhaps he Is Invok ing the luck that attended Grover Cleveland as a presidential candidate after he had twisted the tiger's tall. If we are to have a legislative In vestigation into the official conduct of Attorney General Brown some one may take a notion to put Senator Millard In It, too, and make It redly Interest ing. In taking his prisoners to his strong bold Ralaoull evidently believes the rule in the Perdlcarls case will apply at present, but he may find his present captlvea more of a liability than an asset. The balance sheet of county finances shows that since the republicans have taken control of the court house a big red Ink deficit has been turned Into a nug surplus. No need to point the moral. Secretary Wilson U apparently per suaded that merchants who deceive consumers with false labels will have difficulty In working the same game on his experts; but the law Is yet to be tested. It did not require a formal state ment by Governor Mickey to prove his approval of the parole law. The pub lic may be more realy to agree with him after seeing It "discreetly" admin istered. It will be noted that the request to the Nebraska legislature for additional ; powers and duties was made by the governor leaving the office and not by the governor facing the present work required. People Inclined to fear the growth ot the. "military spirit" ahould be re assured from the fact that the War de partment has difficulty. In securing the minimum number of soldiers neces sary for Its purpose. The Water board has held another meeting to register approval ot the minutes and vote another installment ot salaries to Its own members. How much longer will the taxpayers stand for this expensive farce? Two East Omaha milkmen have been fined la the Omaha police court for selling adulterated mik. The fact that East Omaha extends over the Iowa Une might some day give us a case of milk adulteration In Interstate commerce In violation, of tha federal pure food law, In which event the cul prit would be np against something stronger than a Mite vourt fin . I ni,n.a mm mmAtk aafa. Tiro governors' msSaqes. The messages of the outgoing and Incoming governors, delivered to the members of the legislature in Joint session, furnish interesting reading for the citizens of Nebraska. Governor Mickey gives a comprehensive Teview of the present condition of the state, with special emphasis upon Its finances and incidental recommendations based upon his experience in the perfor mance of his duties. Governor Shel don outlines In a broad way the policy which he proposes to pursue and the general features of legislation which he hopes to see enacted and put into force. In several particulars Governor Mickey's message is an agreeable sur prise. He calls attention to the evils from which the people of Nebraska have been suffering at the hands of the railroads, their pernicious influence with legislation, their inexcusable re fusal to pay their taxes, their .excessive and discriminating exactions from shippers and passengers, the corrupt ing Influence of their Insidious free passes, and urges laws to prevent con tinuation of such abuses. He handles without gloves the shortage in the permanent school fund created by the stealings of ex-Treasurer Bartley and the failure of the state to get any re dress or recoupment from Senator Mil lard's bank, through which $200,000 of the money was cleared; or from the bondsmen, who had voluntarily gone surety for Bartley's honesty and Integ Uty. Governor Mickey has reached the conclusion that the state has exhausted its remedies and that nothing remains now except to make good the deficit of $325,687.50 in the school fund either by direct appropriation or by the levying of a special tax. With an extra 1-mill levy now In force to sink the state's floating debt. It Is a ques tion whether a special levy would be Justified. The chances are that the legislature will prefer to continue the present extra levy indefinitely until it sinks not only the floating debt, but the Bartley embezzlement as well. The outgoing governor is careful not to endorse all the demands of the different state Institutions, whose esti mates added up far exceed the possible revenues. The pruning knife will surely have to be used vigorously by those who are to count out the money. As was to have been expected, Gov ernor Mickey strenuously defends his prolific exercise of the pardoning powerj which has turned bo many des perate convicts loose upon the com munity, and Indignantly resents all criticism, charging It to "prejudiced Individuals." The humorous part of this display of injured innocence Is to be found In connection with another section of his message preaching law enforcement and asking for .greater power to enforce criminal 'prosecution, presumably so that he might pardon or parole more prisoners after they are convicted. ' ... I .;. " , , , Governor Sheldon in his salutatory does not go into such detail as does his predecessor. Aside from the plea he makes for revenue law revision with a view to abating certain flagrant Instances of double taxation, he con fines himself chiefly to the Issues upon which he made his campaign before the people. On these questions he Is clear-cut and unequivocal. He wants a direct primary law, strict control of railroad rates, taxation of railroad property in cities on a more just basis, complete abolition of free pass brib ery, full, powers to the new state rail way commission, a law for direct pri mary, nominations and economy and efficiency all along the line. Governor Sheldon will doubtless follow up bis suggestions as occasion requires. He has said enough to prove that he U thoroughly In harmony with the re form program, which the legislature is expected to spread npon the statute books. JUDGE EVAX8' DECISION. The decision of Judge Evans, whose reputation and ability is very high among the federal Judiciary, in the Kentucky case annulling he employ er's liability act passed at the last ses sion of congress, challenges the valid ity of a long list ot important laws under the constitutional grant ot power to congress to regulate com merce between the states and with for eign nations. In this case it is held that the law la not "a regulation of commerce between the states" at all, but merely an attempt to Impose upon common carriers who are engaged in interstate commerce a liability con cerning their relations to their em ployes, for which there Is no constitu tional authority.' - And the basis of the decision sweeplngly denies to congress power to .legislate for purely local con ditions and relations, even though they bear incidentally upon Interstate com merce, and that constitutional "regu lation" relates directly to' ('commerce" only, any local effect being puiijly 'inci dental. This principle of interpretation ob viously cuts the ground from under the pure food law, much of the meat Inspection law and the law tor arbitra tion between railroads and their em ployes already on the national statute books, as well as proposed legislation regarding child labor and numerous other subjects. The primary and sole purpose of the national pure food and meat inspection laws Is to regular ex clusively local conditions within the polk and other powers of the states, which, under Judge Evans' construc tion are totally outside, of the mean ing of "commerce between the states," lave only as they might be collaterally affected by regulation of commerce under provisions like those ot the In terstate commerce and rate laws. This principle, too, today stands as the rules of the Kentucky court, and will stand until overturned by the su I cluijve bvu-flt. .... . . 8. r. No. 9-Br Lett ot Burt. Amending I .nsTwell be.' too.' troia conservative line." It Hardly needed UH asruranee j it is a rommermp wm- preme court of the United States. Un der it the whole cycle of new national legislation under guise of the Inter state commerce grant may be violated there with Impunity. The fact that the meat packers and many manufac turers of foods are content with such national Interference, finding them really beneficial to trade, so that they hav not yet In the courts resisted en forcement, of course does not one whit alter the legal situation. It is inevitable that existing legisla tion, even though none of the many proposed measures of like tenor should be enacted, must speedily result In final explicit definition of the interstate commerce clause of the constitution by the supreme court, either opening wide the door to a vast new series of laws under a liberal Interpretation, or upon Judge Evans' rule annihilating the laws already passed under such Inter pretation and strait-Jacketing congress for the future. 8VB8T1TVE FOB TREE SEED ABUSE. Secretary Wilson's proposal seems to open the way to riddance of the an nual free seed distribution by con gress, although it would restore and amplify the useful purpose out ot which that notorious abuse has grown. The appropriation originally was aimed to make rare and valuable seeds avail able to agriculture generally, and through the painstaking pf congress men It accomplished incalculable good for decades and until it degenerated Into a mere routine largesse of com mon and often worthless seeds sent out for electioneering rather than ag ricultural purposes. The plan of Secretary Wilson pro vides a positive remedy in the shape of a rational substitute, whereby the quarter of a million dollars now an nually wasted would be employed, un der direction of the Agricultural de partment and not as at present, under a congressman's clerk, in the develop ment of the most perfect seed and ita apportionment to person and locali ties where it would accomplish the maximum of good, all under a system ot strict supervision and responsibility. Heretofore for many years we have had an annual exposure in congress and in the public press of the absurdi ties of the existing practice, followed invariably by provision In the appro priation bills for Its perpetuation. The lntejligent arid feasible scheme wrought out by the secretary of agri culture leaves congress without even the excuse of its own Inability to de vise a substitute. COMMISSIONER LARE S CAR REPORT. The report of Commissioner Lane of the hearings held by a section of the Interstate Commerce commission ex plains clearly that coal shortage In North Dakota was due to the railroads' preference In car service to grain and other freight paying high rates over coal paying a low rate. " Back of that undoubtedly coal dealers and the con sumers were dilatory In providing the winter supplies which they ought to have accumulated earlier. In order to facilitate grain movement if for no other reason, but in spite of that the roads could have prevented the fuel famine In most localities, though at an expense In part unjust to them, as In fact they have relieved it under the stimulus of official investigation. . The coal dearth In some parts of the north grain country, however, is shown to be a local matter, while the most Important point of the report Is the general inadequacy of transporta tion facilities and especially the un economical use of rolling stock. The inquiry was necessarily hurried be cause of Its immediate purpose, but It went far enough to demonstrate that the causes of the trouble are complex plex and deep-seated, and to suggest legal remedies. ' One result will be to Impart a pro nounced ImfmlBe to consideration ot a compulsory car demurrage system, supplemented by official regulation ot car exchange between the roads. Ob viously the obligations and penaltlas in the supply of cars and In their load ing and unloading by shippers ought to be mutual, instead of arbitrary and one-sided, as they always have been. But the report does conclusively place on public record the serious fact that inadequacy of car service is ap proaching a point at which interven tion of public authority becomes im perative, however the precise appor tionment of blame ought to be made and upon whomsoever, carrier or ship per, legal compulsion may be found to bear most severely. No part of the country seems to be free from the misfortune of railroad wrecks, nor has any one railroad sys tem immunity from collisions and ac cidents. People are almost forced to believe that something is radically wrong with the operating methods of American railroads as compared with those In European countries. The slaughter on the railroads should be stopped, no matter what the cost. The suggestion In a Keal Estate ex change meeting that the bar against the erection of wooden buildings in the business district be removed will not strike a popular chord. Public senti ment in Omaha favors the gradual ex pansion of the fire limits with a view to compelling the erection of better and more substantial structures and reducing the fire risk instead of in creasing It- The Jacksontan club will confine its post-prandial oratory this year to merely local personages and content Itself with reading a letter from Colonel Bryan paying tribute to the memory of St. Jackson. The time was when the Jacksonlans commanded talent ot the first rank and attracted struck Of attentiou all over (he country, but the Club seems to have fallen on decadent days. Mayor Dahlman expresses confi dence in his ability to make the money In the general fund go further this year than It did last year. The may or's task Is' not impossible, but the first pre-requlslte will be to get rid of some of the Incompetent time-servers he has sppolnted and put men on the city payroll able and willing to earn the money. Chancellor von Bnelow's endeavor to steer between the -rocks of revolu tion and the shoals ot reaction may so strain the German ship of state as to make the cholco ot another pilot im perative. Yet he should have credit for the courage of hie convictions. Speaker Nettleton promises to fur nish plenty of material for the carica turists and the practical Jokers, but he also promises to furnish some of the material needed to fulfill the promises made In the last republican state plat form. , Congressman Livingston has under taken a. stupendous task In endeavor ing to prove that the New, York cotton exchange is a fraudulent concern. His trouble may not be so much with the facts as with the difficulty of proving them. Fruit jobbers who complain that they do not receive as good treatment from the railroads as do packing houses should remember that they have not reached the dignity of gov ernment Inspection.' Governor . Sheldon's , opinion that nonresidents should possess no privi leges not granted residents is one that will appeal to' every Nebraskan even though his Ideas of state's rights may be hazy. Pressing- the Right Bottom. Washington Star. It is beginning- to look as If the safety of the country depended more on the men who attend to the railway signals than on the army. ('written Law' la-nored. Washington Post. There ought to ba soma way of com pelling railroads to recognise "unwritten law" against two trains trying to pass each other on the same track. Am Overworked Task. Cincinnati Enquirer. It Is claimed that an Income tax would promote lying. Nothing remarkable about that. The regular taxation on money and property has led to a great deal of hypothe sis, to speak within the bounds of polite ness. Look I'p and Cheer l. Baltimore American. Relating your grievances and misfortunes to even your intimate friends is a foolish proceeding, for every time we present troubles to people then depart f rom our presence with alacrity; n " Railroads Loalasj 'Thelr Grip. . Kansas City Times. ' At least eight western' states; whose teg-lsUtures are soon to assemble, contem plate the enactment of. anti-pass and' 2- cent-fare laws. This - comes, too, at an unfortunate time, when the railroads are so busily engaged in electing United States senators. One Scorch Enooah. Pittsburg Dlppatch. Reports of strained relations between the president and the senate are more abundant than ever. These strained relations have gone on for a long time; but Innocent by standers have been the only sufferers. However, It Is safe to predict that William B. Chandler will steer clear of the trouble this time. Hibii Adjaataneat to Flata. Washington Star. Scientists are basing . calculations on a skull discovered In Nebraska to show that the average height of man on this continent 200,000 years ago was seven feet. This Is Interesting. If people continue to shrink St the rate of a foot and somenches every 200,000 years, In tha course of time tha average fiat will be abundantly roomy. MCRDER Olf RAILROADS. A Proper Designation for Preventable Dlaaatera. Chicago Record-Herald. Fifty-three people were killed in the Bal timore A Ohio train wreck at Terra Cotta, D. C. Sixty were Injured, and several of these will die. It may ba that this death list can prop erly be said to ba tha. result of an acci dent. But present information makes it look much more like murder. Suppose what seems most probable that the block signals were properly sat and that tha engineer of tha rear train ran by them, either because ha did not take the trouble to look at them or deliberately In order to gain time. Ought such an offense not to ba made murder In tha first degree, with death as tha punishment? But there are other alternatives with re gard to the engineer, supposing the fault to have been his. Perhaps he was color blind. Perhaps ha had been working such long hours that ha Was- physically ex hausted. Perhaps he .was under Instruc tions from tha railroad, or at least knew his superiors wished him, to run by block signals whenever ha thought ha could do so safely to save time. In such cases as these ought not. the penalty for murder to be Imposed on the persons responsible for employing a color blind man, for overworking tha man or for giving Instructions which were apt to result In such terrible loss of life? Or the fault may have been tha oper ator's. If he was carelessly amusing him self Instead of doing his proper work he should be held personally accountable for tha fifty and more deaths. If he had been overworked until stupid from loss of sleep, or If ha was a mere boy at low wages, Intrusted with this responsible duty, the punishment should ba Inflicted on his su periors. The time has coma In this country to stop trifling with crime of this kind and make the punishment adequate. Tha block system Is coming in for much blame, because of tha many accidents that have recently occurred where It Is In use. The blame Is wrongly attributed. It should ba driven home not -to tha system, but to tha employes or officials who have abused tha system. Tha railroad which has recently adopted rules forbidding high speeds and substitu ting Intelligent methods for making good tlma without frantic spurts has taken one step In tha proper direction, which other roa4 will do wU to imitate. BITS OF WASHl.tGTOX LIFK. Mlt on the Spot. "Not the least interesting feature prom ised In the coming ruction In the senate over the discharge of the negro soldiers," says the Washington Herold, "la that Sen ators Spooner and Tillman will ba on tha same side of tha controverty. They have enlivened many a exnion of tha somnolent senate with tilts over the negro. They are warm friends, and like each other In tha genuine sort of way, but on numerous oc casions they have had clashes over tha negro question that seemed seriously to threaten a severance of their friendly rela tions. It Is suspected that Senator Spooner, as former Senator Chandler used to do, has more than once baited the fiery South Car olinian, Just for the fun of a rumpus with him. Persons who know of their personal relations nd former 'spats over the race Issue are not prepared to believe that they will dwell In harmony on the question long, even If both of them do take up tha cudgels for the president against Benator Foraker. It Is the Impression around the senate that before tha debate has pro ceeded very far both Messrs. Spooner and TlUman will forget all about the Interest of the president Involved, and go at ona an other hammer and tongs over the black man. There Is a considerable negro vote In Wisconsin, and Benator Spooner's troubles there with his colleague, Mr. LaFollette, may give him about all tha load he cares to carry In his forthcoming campaign for re-election, so that he probably will not want to ba placed In the attltura of hostil ity to the blacks, as might ba done If he should get along too harmoniously with Senator Tillman In the debate of the Twen-ty-nfth infantry Incident." While ha was secretary of war Ellhu Root was not a supporter of the movement for Increasing tha salaries of government officials and employes, especially of army officers. A delegation of army women waited on him onca to urge him to recom mend In his annual report an Increase of the salaries of army officers. They pre sented the usual arguments that tha cost of living had greatly Increased since the pay of officers was fixed forty years ago; that they had a terribly hard tlma to "make both ends meet;" that their social obligations were such that they had to buy mora clothes than women whose husbands earned less; that they had to keep more servants, etc. Mr. Root listened with great courtesy and patlenoe, and when the army women had finally finished the presentation of their case ha calmly Inquired how many children each had. One had three, an other two, another one, and another none. "My father," said Mr. Root, "reared a family of eight, and he never earned more than $1,500 a year as a professor at Hamil ton college. Ha educated all of us, and then gave us a start In the world. I know that the salary drawn by the husband of each of you ladles Is a great deal more than was earned by my father, and I can't see why you can't get along on It quite as well as my parents did, even though the cost of living is heavier now than when my father and mother reared a family of eight children on only $1,500 a year." Internal Revenue Commissioner John W. Yerkes objects to the title ot colonel. Tha fact that ha halls from Kentucky and Is almost invariably addressed by the time honored handle gives him great distress ot mind. "Evry time a man calls me colonel," said Mr. Yerkes, "I turn around and ad dress him as general or admiral. The city of Washington is just about the worst place I was ever In for titles. You can't find , any plain American cltlsens here. It is general, admiral, colonel, captain, or Mr. Secretary. Mr. Commissioner,' Mr.-' Door keeper, Mr. Attorney General. Why, even tha colored help around the Treasury de partment addrea each other as Mr. Mes senger or Mr. Elevator Conductor. "One day, soon after I reached Washing ton, I was in my office talking with a crowd of congressmen and In walks old Admiral Watson. As he opened the door he shouted: 'Hello, John, how are youf I leaped up frcm my chair and rushed for ward to greet him. 'Adimral,' I cried, 'I could Just hug you for calling me that. Please do It apaln. I'm so dead tick of being called colonel that my given name Is music to my ears.' " It Is generally agreed among occupants of the galleries at the capltol that tha most polite and accommodating member of the senate Is Mr. Pettus of Alabama, aged 85. Ona bf the most rigid rules regarding elevators In the senate wing Is that they must be run to accommodate senators, no matter who the other passengers may be. Mr. Pettus never allows this rule to be enforced In his case, always Instructing the man to let other passengers off wher ever they wish to alight. "Walts Ma . Around Again, Willie." has been changed to "Run Me Around Again, Johnnie," as the result of a bloodless and ludicrous affray between Representative John Wesley Gaines of Tennessee arid a man In Washington who Is known as a publicity agent. . As the story goes, Oalnes and the pub licity agent engaged In an altercation In the rotunda of a leading hotel, which con cluded In an Invitation to Oalnes to "step out on tha sidewalk and take a licking." The alacrity with which the Invitation was accepted somewhat discouraged Oalnes' would-be antagonist, who led the way toward the street When a big, revolving door, leading Into Pennsylvania avenue, was reached the pub licity agent's courage shrunk completely. Instead of passing Into the street he calmly followed the door around in a circle, the irate Oalnes at his heels. Around and around went the pursued and pursuer, with ever-increasing velocity, each In his sep arate compartment, dragging his heels from under the door, following relentlessly upon his footsteps. As the compartments flew by tha open space leading Into the hotel and Into tha street, loud words resounded, only to be muffled a moment later as tha compart ment sped Into the "tunnel" on either side of the doorway. Finally. Oalnes Is reported to have become exhausted from the chase, the publicity agent vanished, and when the police arrived Gaines was found alone on the field of battle with a smoking re volving dtfbr In both hands. Governor-elect Comer of Alabama visited the house of representatives In Washington a few days before the recess and was re ceived so cordially that the resulting noisa disturbed Speaker Cannon. On learning who the stranger was "Uncle Joe" waited until he had departed end then reminded Clerk Hlnes that under the rules grtvernore elcct should not be admitted while the house Is In session. "But, then," he added, "those boys from Alabama don't know much about my rules and wouldn't believe in them If they did know." Thomas C. Dawson, the United States minister to Santo Domingo, walked Into the offlre of Assistant Secretary of State Bacon to confer about matters relating to the island republic' "I wish to congratu late you on your promotion," said Mr. Bacon to the minister. "What promotion?" saked Mr. Dawson. "You were today pro moted to be minister to Colombia," replied AsnUtant PocreUry Bacon. "Great Scott!" exclaimed the surprised diplomat, who U ona of tha few officials promoted without lug rolling te bring it about. I Left-Over Piano Sale Over 60 Pianos Too Many to Invoice at Hospa'B. Just eight days In which you can enjoy cnt j of prices on Just fifty Pianos, which we do not propow to Inclu U a our invoice January 10. Therefore, you will be able to buy ' Pianos at reckless reductions. This Includes New Pianos. Used Planoe, Grand Pianos, Upright Pianos. Square Pianos and about JO organs, a few good Piano Players, as well as Inside Player Pianos. Think of buying the highest grades, the medium grades, the cheaper ones. The kind you ar. pairing $J60 for, we will Bell a number of these for $146. Yes, anion $6 per month. This will pay for them In less than one-half the time you can possibly pay for the eame grade of Piano elsewhere. We Include Knabes, Kranlch ft Bach, Klmballe, Hallei Davis. Krells, Whltneys, Hospea, Cramers, Wesers, Gilbert. Hlnses and a score of other makes. We will sell them cheap. W will offer terms ihat will appeal to the buyer (even though he needs no Piano for a year.) We will give such a guarantee (one y6u will not outlive), and furnish with each Piano a stool and searf and then save you enough money to buy a good musical educa tion. And. as usual, this house has the reputation of keeping up Ita record of S3 years of already furnishing a safe bar gain for the Piano buyer. Just look at the astonishing prices the Pianos have been marked down to: S98-$U9-$125.$145.$I55 $175-$415-$450 Then be sure and watch the terms. Remember, the prices are made on New Pianos, on Used Pianos, on Grand Pianos, on the highest grades, the most reliable Pianos ever offered. 'Mark the time, January 10. You have just eight days to buy big bargains that will . not reach around by one-third the demand. . Seeing is believing. ' , A. HOSPE CO. 1513 DOUGLAS STREET. FROPHKT OF KV1L. Sfcallow-Pavteel Vaporises Attract e rloaa Atteatloa. Philadelphia Ledger. Almost every community possesses some individual, possibly not in all respects a fool, who poses as a prophet. Throwing himself Into a fine fit, or otherwise seek ing intimate relation with the unknown, he emerges to tell what he has seen of the future. He predlots dire . disaster always. He has had a glimpse of tottering cities and starving peoples, of ships going down in tha deep. There has been vouchsafed to him the certainty of pestilence, famine and war. The serious aspect of this sort ef folly la that it may tend to disturb the timid. To exploit it is a grave mistake. Of course. Intelligence knows that the man who pretends to read the unborn years, more than can be done by reasonable de ductions from the cause to effect, Is a lun atlo or a knave. Tha story of the universe unfolds from day to day, and there Is no reading of the hidden scroll. To be a "prophet" Is not difficult. It does not require knowledge except of the most superficial kind. - Tha "death of a monarch" against whom millions are plotting- la not a prophecy, but a tolerably safe guess. The prediction of earthquake and International disturbance means noth ing but that the events In which a frail humanity must participate, passively or actively, ara likely to follow the ordinary course. When a conjecture proveo to have been somewhere near the mark, lo! a prophet has arisen. Of the thousand con jectures that do not fit circumstance there Is not another thought. PERSONAL NOTES. Percy H. Johnson of Lebannon, Ky., who has just been appointed a national bank examiner. Is about 27 years of aga, and the youngest man ever appointed an ex aminer. Congressman Thomas H. Dale of Scran ton, Pa., Is an enthusiastic whist player and has twice held tha national champion ship of the United States. He Is a regu lar attendant at tha national whist con grass. The youngest professor in the eastern states Is William T. Foster, professor of English at Bowdoln collage. He supported himself from a very small child and at the age of 17 had saved enough money to take a college course. Several years ago, after ha had made a visit to Aiisona and New Mexico, Senator Bevertdge was sent $5,000 worth of stock In a mine in that section. Tha senator promptly returned tha certificates, stat ing that he felt it would ba Improper for him to accept anything of the sort. That H.OOO worth of stock Is now said to ba valued at $1,600,000. John Horns has bean connected with the Mount Washington railway for thirty-two years, and tha last twelve as Its superin tendent. When tha road Is not In opera tion he works In tha Boston aV Maine ma chine shopa at Dakeport. Ha is a native of Yorkshire, England, and Is a man of re- ' markable mechanical ability. He Is tha oldest official of the road. SHIRT WE have just them all on a table urday we will sell them for These shirts sold as high as $2.00 and come in all styles negligee, pleated and stiff bosoms. .We have all sizes from 14 to 18, and in some we have extra length sleeves. These are all our regular stock shirts and every one a big bargain. SEE OUE WINDOWS. Browning, Ming & Coi R. S. WILCOX, Manager. PLEASANTLY PpT. "Mr. Gotrox says very bitter things about those lazy sons of his, but his wife Is al ways making excuses for them." "Yes, she makes excuses, but he has to make allowances fur them. That's why he's so sore." Philadelphia "Press. Mrs. Chugwater Josiah, this paper says "municipal ownership is an ignis fatuus." What Is an Ignis fatuus ? Mr. Chugwater That's So plain that any body ought to know what It means at flmt sight, "ignis'' means Mre. "Fatuus" Is fat. The fat's in the lire. Chicago' Tribune. "Do you men with great railway Interests have any fears of gove -nment ownership?'' "No. feais whalevtr," answered Mr. Dustln Stax. "If the government wants to buy, we'll take a chance on selling. The government was never a very good hand at a bargain." Washington Star. "Awfully bulging forehead, hasn't' he? Must be very brainy." "Brainy! Why, that man can take up a problem In brldxe and analyse It and give you his deductions, and then show you Just how the cards should fall for rtx deals ahead. He's brainy, all right." Cleveland Plain Dealer. "The kind of, men who don't know when they're whipped; ure very much like postage stamps." "In what respect?" ' "They stick the. better for. a Ilcklng.'S-, Baltimore American. ' ' ' Peck-SnifT (with a benevolent smile) I trust, my young friend you swore off from some of your bad . habits on New Year's morning. ' ' His Young Friend I did, sir. I hava sworn off from the bad habit of thinking I ara better than other people are. Chicago Tribune. "There's Jenkins, for instance: now, he knows something about whisky." "Nonsense! He never drank a drop in his life." "That's what I mean." Cathollo Stand ard and Times. "Well. Bal, I'm fired." : "Serves you right, you fool. You had no business to go to the office loaded." Balti more American. CARL SCHIRZ. - - Richard Watson Glider in Putnam's. In youth he braved a monarch's Ire To set the people's poet free; Then gave his life, his fame, his fire . To the long praise of liberty. His life, his fame, his all ha gave That not on earth should live ona slave! True freedom of tha soul ha sought And In that battle well ha fought. He fought, and yet ha loved not war. But looked and labored for tha day When the loud cannon silent ara And holy peace alone ha-th sway1. Ah, what a life! From youth to age, niiin( i no iatin, in nooie rage. Ah. m; ha t m Html BSnm knl-Vlu w Servant and champion of' tha truth. . Not onca in all his length ef days That falchion flashed for .paltry ends; So wise, so pure, his words and ways, Even those he conquered rose his friandA For went no ranoor with the. bow: ' The wrong, and not tha man, his foe. He amota not meanly, not In wrath; That truth might spaed ba cleaved a path. The lure ef place he weU could seern Who knew a mightier, Jay and fate Tha passion of tha hope forlorn. " luxury or. Doing great The deep content of souls serene Who gain or lose with equal mien I Defeat his spirit not subdued. Nor victory marred his nubia mood. SALE finished our inven tory and find w have a lot of odds and ends in our shirt stock and we have Dlaced and Friday and Sat