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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1907)
T1IE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, ANITA RT ?, 1H07. RECEPTION .FOR OFFICIALS UpreMnUtl Gatbrln: of TUbrtiiani ' '. IxUnd a Hearty Greetine;. Dancing is again- dispensed wiTh fittls) Time Actio, la Take- Ae- eoaat of Condition of (ho Gail , VWii of state t apltel llalldlaa;. (From a. Staff Cnrresnondr-nt.) LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 2.-8peolal Tele trem.) A truly Nebraska welcome was fx. tended to a Nrtnuk son tonlg-ht and to all th state officers, and a farf well., fit tin the high position they have occuplpa, va tendered the outgoing Mate officers, at a tuMlo recetXion- held at the stnte house, housands passed down the long receiving line and extended greetings to the new comers and took thenf In as a part of the octal life of Lincoln. But It was more than a welcome o the social life of the state caftltal-it wai.i ststo,' through Its representatives, paying a tribute to those Vho will administer Its affairs for the nxt two years. The senate chamber and rep resentative hall were decorated with numer ous , flags, - gracefully ttraped, flowers and electric bulbs. Nebraska soldier stationed lit every lurrf guided the way for the vis itors, and, under orders from Adjutant Gen eral Culver kept the affair going with trlctly military precision. The receiving line, which consisted 6f the Outgoing and Incoming officers and their wives and the members of Governor Mickey's staff, was stationed In the sen ate chamber, and aa the long line of vis itors met the members of the line they were escorted to representative hall, where tiunch was served by young women em ployed at the atate house. Music was fur bished by a band la the senate chamber, concealed behind palms. The young women "Who served were the first to greet the line, marching from the office of Adjutant Gen eral Culver In a body. They were Misses Anderson, Pettljohn, Adams. Kroese, Lutx, "Withers, Taylor, Holland, Jodon, Howland, Xaup, Marks, Temple ton, GUmore, Garbcr, i Fox, Hoge, Bradley and . Brown, and Afesdamea Despaln, Lawrence and Fletcher. Among the visitors were William J. Bryan, who greeted Governor Sheldon aa a captain In 'his regiment, and Miss Bryan, In the receiving line were: Governor Mickev. Governor Sheldon. Mrs. Pheldon, Mrs. Mickey, Lieutenant Governor jwcuillora, lieutenant iJovernor Hopewell, iMr. Hopewell, Mrs. MeOllton, ex-Secre tary of State Galusha, Secretary of State Jdnkln, Mrs.' Junkin, . Mrs. Ualusha. ex Treasurer. Mortensen. . Treasurer Brian. Mrs. Brian, Mrs. Mortensen, ex-Attorney General Brown, Attorney General Thomp son, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Brown. Auditor Henries, Mrs. Searlea, Superintendent Mc Brlen, Mrs. McBrlen, Land Commissioner Katon, Mrs. Eaton, Kailroad Commissioner wmnett, Mrs. Wlnnett. Railroad Commls. loner Cowell. Mrs. Cowell. Railroad Com mlssloner Williams, Mrs. Willlnms, Judge tteagwicK, Mrs Sedgwjek, Judge Barnes, lira Barnes, Judge Letton. Mrs. Let ton. Members of the governor's staff. Colonels tuns, Bliumway, Thomas. Mellck. McCul lough, Kaley, Btorck, Hartlcan. Major Barkner and General Culver and their uvea. , We Dancing Permitted. The condition of the state house is dan Serous: : and for that reason It was advised that dancing be omitted at the public re ception tonight. - An Inspection of the east wing of the' building was made today under the direction of the Board of Public Lands and Buildings and It was discovered the east portion of this wing has settled several Inches since the legislature convened. While the inspectors 'did -not believe there was any Immediate danger of a collapse of that xrtlon of the structure. It was deemed ad visable to dispense with a dance, which had practically., been agreed upon. ,. Just , What wtlt be none in the matter has not been settled, but the condition of the build-' log will be reported ,to the legislature for some action. ' Normal Board Active. Colonel Tom Majors and Colonel Charles Gregg of the State - Normal board paid Speaker Nettleton a friendly call this after noon, and discussed with htm the person nel of the committee which will handle school, matters, . Colonel Delsell, another member of the board, came to town today and attended the reception tonight but Whether he, too. will call upon the speaker to suggest legislative committees la not fet of record. JFREIGHT CAR RIH8 ITO HOI SE Srmv Track and Tears Corner ot Building Away. SCHUYLER, Neb., Jan. I. (Special Tele, - tram.)-While local freight No. 68 was do ing its switching here this morning on) the south ride tracks a box car was thrown front the track arid ran Into the Schuyler house, tearing the northwest corner com pletely away. Mrs. Katie Hawe, who was Bitting inf a chair In that room, was. thrown violently on the floor, but, fortunately, not badly hurt. Mr. Hawe was struck by a door, but not hurt badly. The cause ot the derailing of the car Is not known, but It Is supposed t that a; stone, had got on the track li) sonu .manner. ; i J'- ' ', "., . ' ' Telephone Company Changes Hands. AUBURN, , Neb.. Jan. 3 (Special.) J. C KJ Harney, president cf 'the . Auburn Telephone company, has sold a controlling Interest in the company to thq following representative business men of this city: It A. t Lambert, O. K. Codington, E. Fer fceau. E.' I. Boyd. L. R. Young. H. E. Fur V v. - OOLD PKOPLK - Improper Food Makes Poor Circulation Ths food that produces energy, gives statural ."warmth .While it strengthens the Invalid and leads back to health and hap piness. -;.:. . - There's no stimulant that can take the place fit proper, fully digested food that's Grape-Nuts.. "lanv. so grateful,",-writes a N. Y. lady, fof the good done me by Grape-Nuts that X feel J ought to write and thank you. "Ever since- the- coating of my baby I have had such poor circulation It seemed as though I never could get warm. "Noifela I. ate. Agreed with me and I bad little nourishment for baby. Finally myv' 'husband said, ?'Why not try Grnpe JNutsT t see It has done a good deal for Boms people. "Oh. I ass sick and tlred of hearing about those things,' I answered. It might benefit some people, but not me.' But I got worse all tke time. One day my hus band brought hime a package of Grape JSut and aaked me to try it. "I did so and that's why I am so thank ful low. The first-night I tried It I slept soundly I night and In Uie morning felt rarm mad comfortable. I tried It again and began to develop plenty of milk for tha'Vaby. I have kept on this food, and am now a well wpman. , "I am giving baby ajittls of the Grape Hute'every day, and he Is growing won derfully. When I. got tired out soma night by being kept awakat I find that Grape, Nuts In the morning refreshes me as thougl J-hl bad at good night's -sleep and I feel able to do a good dV.y's work. "It has done so much fur me I want to encourage mothers to use It themselves .-,3 give It to their babies. Was a godsend to. us,' v We feet ft Name given by Postura Co.. Battle Creek, Mich. Read the' little book. "The Road to WaUvUla." "There's a reason, I) 4 J .,,..'-- - .'-.- long, W. W. Harris. R. C. Boyd and S. W. Eustlre. In Detember Mr. Klllarney had an engineer here who- after looking the plant over prepared plans and ppeclflca tlons for s new multiple board and cable plant. It Is the intention ot the hew own' ers tp carry forward this work aa planned by the engineer. The Work as planned will cost approximately 116,000. PORTION OP rREHOUT IS FXOODF.D Gorge In Platte River Sends Strenm Out of Banks. ' FREMONT. Neb., Jan. 1 (SpeclaD-The rain and warm weather which came with the new vear tilled tho Platte river more than bank full htre and yesterday it over flowed west of the bridge, a small stream crossing the road at the north end of the structure. The bridge was In no danger and there was little Ice. It has since gone down and no further rise Is expected. The lower part of the city Is flooded to night and several families have come up town for a drier place to stay. The water reached the city from the west as usual about 2:i0 and rose rapidly, reaching the Burlington track and on Main street to the pavement. A good many cellars are flooded and as the water Is still rising some families are moving their goods up stairs. There is considerable water In Englewood, but the high ridge on the south of that suburb la dry. There ts sup posed to be a gorge of slush Ice near the Burlington bridge which' is the cause of the flood. Neither the wagon bridge nor the railroad bridge are considered In danger.- . GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Jan. a (8peclal Telegram.) In the Platte river south of the city the recent inundation of the Islands had somewhat diminished, . but It took another rise today and Is higher than ever. Fred Stolley and others who had hitherto still remained In their homes on the big Island, were today compelled to leave and drive their cattle to the north mainland. It Is feared further damages will rekult. Williams Morder Case On. AUBURN, Neb., Jan. 1. (Special.) Dis trict court convened here yesterday morn ing with Judge Kelligar on the bench. Preparations were Immediately com menced for the trial of the State against Clarence Williams for the murder of his father. The court and attorneys have been at work since then endeavoring to get a fit jury in the box and up to this time have only seven of the twelve. Horse Tblef Captared. ROGERS, Neb., Jan. . (Special Tele gram.) A horse thief captured here gives the name of G. W. Gabhart of Whltesvllle, Mo. He stole a team of horses near Madi son on Wednesday night from a man named Bash, by whom he was formerly employed. He confessed, on betng arrested. B. C. Smith gets the reward. Hews of Nebraska. PLATTSMOUTH A carload of chickens was bought and shipped from Plattsmouth Tuesday. PLATTSMOUTH Judge Travis united In marriage Albert F. Dill of Bouth Bend and Miss Fannie E. Connelly of Weeping Water. BEATRICE The annual reooet ot County Judge SpafTord shows that during the year l? he issued 213 marriage licenses. The number Issued In UU6 was . 260. BLOOM FIELD E. H. Mason, for the last sixteen years cashier of the Farmers and Merchants State bank of this city, retired from that Institution today. PLATTSMOUTH The Presbyterian Wo men's Missionary society held Its annual missionary tea In the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Salbury, which was largely at tended. BEATRICE At a meeting last evening of hose company No. 1 John Luberger was elected a delegate to the Nebraska State Volunteer Firemen's convention to be held In Grand Island this month. BEATRICE Mr. Samuel L. Scovllle and Miss May M. Garton, both of Hebron, Neb., were married last evening. Rev. J. K. Davis officiating. The young . couple will make .their home on a farm near Hebron. - . isCHUYLER-Married, at the home of the bride's parents, Mrs. and Mr. Carl Witten berg, their daughter. Miss Reka, to Mr. Albert Heine of Hooper, Neb. Rev. Sweene of the Presbyterian church .officiated. TEKAMAlr A a meeting ot the Teka mah Fire association held last night the following officers were elected: Chief, Charles Eckley; assistant chief,. Frank Lll lle; secretary and treasurer, Charles Nes blt. YORK In the death of Mrs. William H. Oakes York county loees one of Its early pioneer cltlsens. The deceased was bom and raised In Ireland and located In York county In an early day. She leaves a hus band and Ave children. ARLINGTON The Arlington Telephone company has raised their rates to 11.26 for residence 'phones, which has raised storm of protest by the patrons. Some will discontinue the 'phone, while others will use the Hooper lines. TRCUMSEH Prof. H. T. Sutton, who Is at the head of the school of eloquence of Cotner university, Bethany, will speak in Tecuniseh Sunday, January t, on "The Slavery of the Liquor Traffic," at the Christian church at 1 p. m. BEATRICE Two cases of smallpox were reported yesterday from Blakely township northwest of the city.. The county board of health will order a quarantine at once. The persons afflicted with the disease are Carl Lens and Henry Dixon. TABLE ROCK M. H. Marble, secretary of the school board, has Just received of ficial notification from Hon. T. M. Hodg- l man of Lincoln, high school Inspector, that the Table Rock High school la again placed on the list of accredited schoola ARLINGTON The recent rains and snows have put the roads In very ' bad shape and farmers have stopped shelling and delivering corn. It Is hoped that this will in a measure relieve the congestion which has existed for some time. BEATRICE The marriage of Mr. Christ Nelsen and Miss Llbble Rltlgley was sol emnised yesterday at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mra ' Andrew Ridgley, fourteen miles northeast of Beat lice In Hanover township. Judge Watges officiating. NEBRASKA CITY Rev. B. O. Chandler, rector at St. Mary's Episcopal church, has tendered ills resignation to lake effect the lust Sunday of this month. Rev. Chandler is leaving his work In this city to accept a cull from St. John's Episcopal church In Omaha. COLUMBUS For the closing week of 194 the real estate transfers as recorded for Platte county amounted to the sum of t49,H8.06, and the Increased lndebtedneas by mortgages tiled and released shows that the total Increased Indebtedness amounted to 121.334, CAMBRIDGE The annual banquet of the Ladies' Twentieth Century club of Cam bridge was given Tuesday evening at the residence of Hon. E. B. Perry. This social event was something out of the ordinary and was the fifth ocurrence of the kind since the organisation of this club. TEKAMAH Rev. I. C. Jones, an old res ident of this county, died at his home, about six miles northweut of this olace, yes terday. Deceaaed was born at Exeter, Pa., January 14, IK1. and came to this county In UbT. In the civil war he served as a pri vate in ins rineenin itunots inraniry. BEATRICE Hose company No. I elected these officers last evening: Ii ra Lock. Dres- tdenl; cnarles Avey. vice prei resident'. u. D. Ruhn. secretary; Charles Lock, treasurer; Jacob Ling, foreman; Charles Schenk. first assistant foreman; Charles Dukes, second assistant foreman; J. G, Smith, steward. TABLE ROCK A pretty wedding oc curred at high noon Wednesday at the home of Mra J. T. Iaymnii. The groom was Mr. John Brittenham and the bride Miss Vesta Pearl Freeman, both of whom reside In Lincoln. The officiating clergy.. man was nev. i. aa. suepnera of fewnee City. GRAND ISLAND At the home of D. Morgan, father of the groom. In this city, Miss Margaret Wilkinson of pine Bluffs, Neb., was united In marriage to Mr, Fred R. Morgan. After a trip to the east Mr. and Mia Morgan will nutke their home at Kimball, Neb., where the groom has a drug uuruueaa. . i . . . BEATRICE About twenty-five reDresen tallvea of the Dempster -company, Including the . ma nttgeit of Lti branch houaee at Kansas Oly. Sloux-Falls. Omaha. Memohla. Tenu.. and Wichita Kan., arrived In the city yesterday to attend the annual meet ing of the company and plan for next sea son s worn. GRAND ISLAND Woodward Diing, who haa, made his hums near Wood River, this county. lor over a year, has been taken Into custody at tne instance ot a federal officer who Is expected to arrive In the city tomorrow to take charge of the prlo. oner. It Is stated that Dring lmmlirrated , Jtfrom rJigland, and was In sens at tne tune. escaping the Inejpeetors and making his way ft without undergoing m requires examination. It is expected that he will be returned to England at the expense of the British government. TEKAMAH The elertrlc llsht plant at this place was rlostd down last week owing to the foreclosure of a mortgage held by the Burt County State bank. Preliminary steps have been taken by the city council to annul the franchise and within another year it ts expected that the city will own and operate its own electric plant. ARLINGTON Mrs. J. A. I'nthank, wife of the late Hon. J. A. ("nthank, died at the family residence In this city on Tues day. Mrs. I'nthank came to Nebraska in IxM. She leaves one son and three daugh ters, O. N. I'nthank, and Mrs. W. 8. Cook of this city, Mrs. Eva Fink of Omaha and Mrs. Simon Hammers of Red Bluffs, Cal. YORK The Alumni association of tVSs York High school will conduct on Janusrr 9 In the afternoon an art exhibit In the gymnasium room of the York High school. It will be whst is known as a home loan exhibit. Including the best work done here by local artists In water color, oil. Ink, pastel, crayon, carbon and china painting. PLATTSMOUTH C. F. Yocum, a young man who stole a fine team from a farmer near Boone, la., and drove It to this city and was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Man speaker here November 7 and taken back by the officers of that county, plead guilty to the charge and was sentenced to serve four years in the state penitentiary in Iowa. ARLINGTON Chase A.' Reynolds of this city and Miss Maude C. Smith of Council Bluffs. Ia., were married at Fremont by County Judge Stinson January 1 at 2 p. m. Mr. Reynolds ia the son of ex-Commls-sloner F. A. Reynolds and is well known In this county. Miss Smith Is one of the society belles of Council Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds will reside In this city. PLATTSMOUTH Richard Forsho of Kansas City, a special agent of the gov ernment architectural department, was In this city Wednenday and examined the dif ferent sites offered for a government post office building. The report of the investi gation of the Inspector will be Sent to Washington, D. C, but he failed to in form any of the cltisena here what that report would be GRAND ISLAND Yesterday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. Mina Juedeke, mother of the bride. Miss Bertha Jaedeke of Han over, Kan., was united In the bonds of wedlock to Rev. Mr. W. T. Kahse pastor of the English Lutheran church of Grand Island. The happy young couple Is ex pected to arrive In this city tomorrow and the members of the church are planning a reception to them on Friday evening. AINSWORTH At the residence of the bride's Darents. Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Moseley, occurred one of the most notable weddings ot the season, when Miss Grace Moseley was united In marriage to Mr. John Nicholas Spargo of Ogden, Utah. The house was decorated profusely with cut flowers. The bride was raised here, where she has many friends. The groom is one of the frominent business men of Ogden, where hey will make their future home. TECUM8EH At an adjourned session of the city council last evening a resolution was adopted Instructing the city attorney to prepare and cause to be circulated In the three wards of the city the required petitions to the city council to call a special election for the purpose of voting bonds for a new electric lighting plant. It Is proposed to bond the city In the sum of $16,000, with which sum a heating and light ing plant complete will be constructed. TECUMREH John Walker, a colored man, perhaps 26 years of age, has been very sick at the city Jail here during the week with pneumonia. He arrived in town Saturday and complained of his sickness to the city authorities. He said he had been In the far northwest and that he was on his way to his home In Oklahoma City, that he was without means and that he was depending upon doing a day's work here and there to get him to his destina tion. YORK Mr. C. C. Morse, night operator of the Burlington deoot. who DUt up such a good fight with the robbers who held him up, lett yesterday morning ror coin, where they had two susL.cts. He It unable to Identify either of the parties. Mr. Fair, landlord of the Fair hotel, enys that the two robbers were loafing around his hotel two davs before the holdup and that one of them was a negro and the other a white man. The negro was the larger of the two. TlOT'MflEH-Ths following la the mort gage record for Johnson county for the montn ol uecemDer, lautt, tne ngures coming from the records at the office of the county clerk: Number of farm mortgages filed. thirteen: amount. S31.8a: released, fifteen, amount, $24,760. Number of town and city mortgages filed, five; amount, 11,627; re leased. Ave; amount, $1,860. Number of chattel mortgages filed, fifty-four; amount, 112,626.80; released, - sixty-six; '-amount. 116.M4.a. . '. NKBRASKA CITYMrs. Mary Bowman Brinker. a highly respected and esteemed nloneer resident of this City, died today at the advanced age of St. The deceased came to this city with her husband, the late Dr. Brinker, In 1S65 and has resided here continuously since that time. She la survived by George Brinker, Arthur Brinker and Mrs. Mary Humphrey of Den ver, Joseph Brinker, general freight agent of the Santa Fe; Mrs. Anna Beasley and Misses Ella and Lucy Brinker of this city. BEATRICE Papers were tiled yesterday In the county clerk's office by the Chicago, Burlington & Qulnoy Railroad company as lessees of the Atchison at Nebraska railroad, the Burlington cranch which rune through the of this county at Adams, Indicating the appointment of two i new trustees of the Atchison & Nebraska. Thomas Beai, as surveying trustee of the company, appointed Arthur 8 tarn wood of Boston to Oil the vacancy caused by the aeatn ot James rl. Hlake and Thomas Hol land of Chicago to till the vacancy caused oy tne aeatn or ueorge w. wells. YORK Deoutv Sheriff Ilaenfrlts and Chief of Police Brewer have just returned irom Lincoln, where they took Charles Martin, the Insane man of Bradshaw, to the hospital for the Insane. They state that they had the time of their lives to keep Martin from Injuring others and de stroying property. They claim that Mar. tin Is normally a veritable Herculee and when seised with an Insane desire to de molish things. It la a difficult matter for even two men to handle htm. Charles Martin Is the young man from Bradshaw who, owing to unrequited love, went tn- ine. IKKMOKT-Tlu appointment of a re ceiver for the Standard Beet Sugar com pany a surprise to neoDle here who are familiar with the situation. The com pany has been havlna a but run this sea son. The beets have been of a high quality, the tonnage per acre above the averaae. and it was hoped that they would be able to get on tneir leet again, people who nave raiaea nee is were ngunng on con tracts for next season and the oroaoects were good for an Increased acreage over last year. Tne building and machinery are In ttrat-cluas condition and only a year ago the capacity ot the factory was doubled. BRADSHAW -The cltlsens and business men of tli's place are much worked up over the attempt to burn the high school building and at a cltlsens' meeting they appointed a committee to wait upon the town board and requested that a reward of $4)0 be offered for information that would lead to the capture and conviction of the Incendiary who so carefully and deliberately planned the burning of the Bradshaw public school building. In ad dition to this, the business men propose to offer an additional reward. It is be lieved that some one local attempted to burn the building. YORK Morris Dwlnger. the boy charged with obtaining $40 from Lint Keallher by false pretenses and who has been running up a board bill at the county Jail for the last forty days, In a letter which he left addressed to Jailor Ilgenfrlts Just before he departed through a transom, thanks Jailer Ilgenfrlts for the many favors siiown and the nice food prepared for- him and expressed a regret that he was leav ing without personally seeing Mr. Ilgen frlts and bidding him goodby, and stating that the last two weeks he did not like the company he was compelled to be as sociated with In the county Jail and men tioned the craxy man, Charles Martin, who nearly scared him to death. In a letter addressed to Sheriff AiTlerbach, Dwlnger says that he will make the money and pay Mr. Keallher back every cent that he owes him. There Is not much regret on the part of the officials about Dwlnger'a escape. While the charge was filed against Dwlnger, the complainants did hot seem to care to have It come to trial or were not prepared, and the county has been to considerable expentn in cap turing Dwlnger and for his keeping. Xomlaatloas by President. WASHINGTON, Jan. J. The president sent to the senate today the following nominations: Assistant attorney general. Edward T. Banford, Tennessee. United States marshal, district of Kansas, William 11. Mackey, Jr. Brigadier general, to be major general, J. Franklin Belt. Collector of customs. Morton Tower, Southern district Of Oregon. Attention, Plasterers! Q. P. I. A- No. 4: You are hereby notified that a special meeting will be held Friday evening, January 4. Business of Importance to be transacted. . By order of President MRS. L1LL1E GIVEN. PARDON Toman BslMied as '0n. of List CfEcial AcU sf Qorenor Mickey. .' HAD SERVED TWO YEARS OF LIFE SENTENCE Convicted of Killing Hneoaad, Harvey Llllle, at Dnyld City, and Cnse Was Before Several ' t'enrts. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. (.-(Special Telegrams Governor Mickey has pardoned Mrs. Mar garet Llllle, convicted of the murder of her husband, Harvey Llllle. The pardon was signed shortly after 12 o'clock and Mrs. Llllle. was released at once. She wss sentenced for life end entered the penitentiary January 10, 190S. The Issuing of this pardon was the last official act of the governor before retiring from office. - Governor Mickey Issued the following statement regarding the case: In the Lena Margaret Llllle pardon case. due notice of hearing as per statute hav ing oeen naa ana many amdavits setting forth new evidence In the case having been submitted and argument msde in the pres ence of the county attorney of Butler county, and open hearing and discussion of the rase having been had, and after many days of deliberation and stuuy of the testimony as submitted to the court and submitted at the time of hearing for par don, I am clearly led to the conclusion that there is very grave and serious doubt of her guilt, and am compelled In my own unbiased and sincere Judgment to grsnt lier a pardon. Lena Margaret Llllle is this day at 12:30 p. m. granted -a full and com plete pardon. Mrs. Llllle was almost overcome by tho news, but she began to make, preparations to leave the penitentiary at once. Her father. J. F. Hill, was In Lincoln snd went at once to, the prison after the pardon was announced. He will take' Mrs. Llllle with him to his home In California, where Mrs. Llllle's 16-year-old daughter Is now living. Before going there they will visit Mr. Lll lle's mother, who lives at Bellwood, Butler county, and who has always maintained a Arm belief In Mrs. Llllle's Innocence. Brings Joy to Niece. NORFOLK, Neb., Jan. 8. (Special Tele gram.) Miss Msy Llllle of Norfolk, niece of the pardoned woman, and who lived with her uncle and aunt at the time of the murder, was overjoyed this afternoon when she learned' of Governor Mickey's set She has always believed her aunt to be innocent and declared In the trial that the dead man and the pardoned woman en Joyed harmonious and happy relations. Miss Llllle heard no burglar, but believes the burglar theory. .She says her aunt will go to Los Angeles, where the parents of the pardoned woman, as well as her little daughter, now live. Former United States Senator William V. Allen, who gave his services In arguing the case of Mra Llllle before the supreme court for a retrial, was much gratified when informed over the telephone ot Mrs. Llllle's pardon and declared that Governor Mickey had done a righteous act. "Mrs. Llllle was never convicted," he said. "It Is law that in a circumstantial case charging homicide the evidence must prove thdt a deadly weapon had passed Into the hand of the defendant. It wah never shown that Mrs. Llllle ever possessed a deadly weapon. She should have testified in her own behalf In the first trial, as she wanted to, but her lawyer refused. - He made a mistake." The crime for'whlch Mra, Llllle was sen tenced to the penitentiary was the murder of her husband, '"Which occurred about 5:30 o'clock on the 'moMring of Friday,' October U. 1902. Mr. and Mrs. Llllle had been out the evening bfSi ylslttng' the. former's sister ' and mother. According to Mrs. Llllle's story she') was awakened In the morning and saw' a man poiutlng a revolver at her. She rolled off of the bed In order to avoid being' shot and the man Bred through the window and then fled. She alleged that $300 had been taken from the bureau drawer. Her husband bad been shot before she awoke. . ' In the trial Mrs.' Llllle was defended by Judge Miller and C. R. Aldrich. Judge F. G. Hamer of Kearney Is the lawyer who made suoh a persistent fight before the supreme court and the governor, first for a new trial and then for pardon. Af ter three unsuccessful attempts to secure a new trial. Judge Hamer declared he would never drop the case until Mrs Llllle was out of the penitentiary. The trial began February 10, 1903, and lasted twenty-three days. She was found guilty. Since that time every effort has been made to get her a new trial or a pardon from the penitentiary. Probably - no case ever aroused as much Interest In the state as that of Mrs. Ltllie. One xf the most amaz ing features of It was' that Mrs. Llllle her self refused to say a word. She kept abso lute silence through the trial as to the man ner In which her husband met his death. No expense was spared to secure an ac quittal. The case .was argued for a whole day. Her motion for a new trial was argued for three days and after several weeks of deliberation was denied. Then there were lengthy proceedings In the su preme court, . All failed and the verdict reached by the Jury In a short time was carried out and the woman sentenced to the penitentiary for life. There she has remained, wrapped In her old silence. This one woman who knows how her husband met his death has preserved her silence during these years unbroken. Coarse of tho Ballets. Much time was spent In studying the course ot the bullets which according to Mra Llllle's story of a burglar firing the fatal attot. must have been fired. Four sewing girls were sleeping in the house on the night of the -murder. Two of . these testified that they heard the first shot, that about ten seconds Intervened before the second shot and that following the second, they heard Mrs. llllle scream that some one had shot her husband. At this time Mrs. LJllle was In the hall and site was the first to get down stairs and tele phone for help. Mr. Llllle was shot In the right side of the head, the side next to his wife. There was burned powder In the wound. Indica ting that the shot was fired at close range There was also burned powder on the cur tains and on the window psne through which the second shot was fired. Indicating that the revolver was held close to the window when this shot was fired. The theory ot the state at the trial was that Mrs. Llllle shot her husband while In bed by, the light of the moon then shining upon' his head, then after a short Interval fired the second shot at close range through the curtain and window and then told the story of the burglary. The testimony of the sewing girls was to the effect that between the first and second shots there was absoluts silence and that sfter the second shot Mrs. LJIlle screamed. The evidence showed that for several years Mrs. Llllle had been a patron of a bucket shop In David City. Her dealings covered a period of about four years, and in that time her losses were approximately $100.' In the period from August 7 to Oc tober 2S, the day before the murder, . her losses were $1,025. The theory of the state was that she took her husband's life to get his life Insurance money to cover these losses. - CLVVfONDa-Frenser, 16th and Dodgs. Bes Want Ads produce - rl's; . Phone 981 Douglas Everyone Who Visits the Daylight Store Knows That this sale is and will be the most Gigantic and Successful ever held in the middle west was evidenced yesterday by thousands of delightful encomiums elicited from as merry a throng of buyers as ever came together under one roof. It took weeks and months of planning and preparation. It is a gigantic sale on all lines of goods throughout the entire building. The whole store is one vast emporium of matchless offerings. .The second floor presents a marvelous array of this season's choicest Suits, and Coats at Va price and less. Notable offerings in Muslin Underwear, Corsets, Waists and Millinery. --"i; ri. i ' The main floor offers values in Silks, Dress Goods, Linens, Hosiery, Underwear, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Laces and Embroideries never before seen on new, up-to-date merchandise. The basement is filled with factory goods, mill remnants, loom ends, .blankets - and comforts, domestics, china, glass, nickel, enamel and aluminum wares, all at mill cost, which means prices far lower than was ever quoted on same goods before. THIS SALE IS BRINGING YOUR FRIENDS. HOW ABOUT YOU? The Gigantic Unload ing Sale la flourishing In our Ladles' and Children'! Ready-to-Wear Depart ment. Every 'customer expresses great surprise at the wonderful reduc ' tlons being made on all kinds of goods. Some Friday Startlers LADIES' FIB SCARFS AND BOAS. Marked $4.95, 15.95, $6.95. $7.60 and $7.95, in water mink, natu ral and blended squirrel, Isa bella and sable fox and marten. A big table of them for. $3.05 Ladies' Cloth Coats, fur lined, our newest styles, HALF OFF MARKED PRICES. Ladles' Cloth Coats, black and colored, .tight fitting, loose fitting and evening wraps, all at HALF OFF MARKED PRICES. Misses' Coats, ages 6 to 14 years, plain and fancy cloths, curled as trakhan and plush, all at HALF OFF MARKED PRICES. Infants' Coats, ages 1 to 5 years in silk plush, Russian bear and cloths. ALL AT HALF OFF THE MARKED PRICES. Unloading Sale Price on Colored Dress Goods 40-inch fancy Walstlngs, in checks and plaids, French flannels, with ' Persian stripes. 36-inch Fancy Mixed Suitings and Plain Panamas, worth up to 75c yard, Friday, only. yard. . ,10 :' Silks . Far Below ' Cost Our entire stock of, China Silks that sold at 45c yard. Every yard of our silk Poplin that sold at 69c yard, a big lot of fancy Silks that sold at 75c yard, all go at one price in the gigantic unload ing sale, yard -25s Our entire stock of silks and vel vet at 20 discount. This means that we will give you 20 off the regular selling price of all silks and velvets. Friday Bargains in the Linen Section As we write this "ad" the aisles of the linen section are fairly crowded with busy shoppers and shrewd buyers. We reserve, how ever, a few items for Bargain Fri day, just as good if not better than Wednesday's price. Good width Table Damask, heavy, durable sort, 65c value, unload ing sale price, yd .49 A crepe Huck Towel, fringed, large size, absorbent, 12 c qual ity, unloading sale price.. 7 Another big table full ot fins Bleached Towels at, each... 3 Another shipment of those manu facturers' Bleached Linen rem nants shall be closed at same un heard of price on bargain Fri day 3 yards for $1.47 2 yards for 08 JV4 yards for $1.23 OMAHA SALESMAN IN TROUBLE A. Hodclas Is Aeeased of Glettlntf Notes fross Soatn Dakota Farsser. SIOUX FALLS. 8. D., Jan. S.-(Speclal.) Falling; to furnish bonds In ths sum of $3u0 for his appearance at ths next term of stats circuit court in Turner county, A. Hodglns, a Nebraska man, has been lodged In the county jail pending the convening of court and action 'Upon his case. Hodglns claims to bs a representative of an Omaha grocery house and at ths time hs got into trouble was canvassing through the rural precincts of Turner county securing orders for goods. The charge against him is obtaining property by false pretenses. The complaining; wit nesses against him are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Handwerk, who reside on a Turner county farm. . They allege that Hodglns came to their home, and after selling them a bill of goods, took in payment therefor a note for the sum of X31.S9. This note was taken to a bank at Marlon and sold, Handwerk's credit being good. It is further alleged that a few days later Hodglns again vlxited the Handwerk home, tak'!-; a bottle of whisky with him. Handwerk was, it is alleged, Induced to drink and when he had become sufficiently "mellow" It Is alleged that Hodglns In formed him that he hsd lost the note and asked him to sign another. Handwerk com plied with the request. It Is further al leged that Hodglns inserted a 'T' In place of the "1" which had appeared In the first note, making the second note call for the sum of 17.39. y This note Hodglns also Is charged with having, soJd at a bank, when Handwerk Unloading Underwear Values Ladles' extra ribbed Union Suits, fleece lined, worthy garments, 69c values, too many on hand and they go at, each 30 Special lot Children's Grey Union Suits, while they last, choice, suit 10t Special purchase of ladies' extra size Vesta and Pants, in grey and white, less than mill cost worth 35c, now, each ....23 Sample Underwear Sale ,000 samples "Marshall Field & Company" ladles' and children's underwear, union Bults, vests and pants, silk and wool, all wool half wool and cotton worth from 25c to $2.00 the garment, unloading sale AT HALF THE . MARKED PRICES. Flourishing Sale of Hosiery Ladles' fancy embroidered lisle, lace lisle and fancy colored mixed lisle hose, our .entire 60c line, unloading sale price, the Pair 20t Unprecedented Sale of Valenciennes Early Importations, consisting of 1,000 bolts Mechlin, German, fine French and Normandy Val. lace edges and Insertions to match, worth up to 25c yd., un- . .loading sale price, yard. . . . .5 Fine Wash Laces, consisting , of : Point Paris, Torchon, Normandy Vals., Laces and Insertions, wide and narrow widths, Irish crochet bands, cream and white, worth to 35c yard, unloading sale price, yard ..-5f Lace All Overs for Waists and Gowns 18-ln. to 45-in. wide, cream, ecru and white, net tops, Irish crochet, Venice, German and Normandy Vals., worth from 60c to $2.00 yard, unloading sale price, yard, 76c, 60c .- 25 J Unequalled Embroidery Values Our counters lined with the most complete stock ever offered. All over Embroideries, worth from 60c to $1.00 yard, unloading sale price, yard, 50c and .29 Wide Corset Cover Embroideries and fine Waist Insertions, fancy headings and flouncings, widths, worth 39c to 76c yard, unload ing sale price, yard, 39c, 29c, 26c 10t 300 pieces Embroidery Edges, In verting. Beadlngs and match sets, all widths, from 1 to 10 inches wide, regular 10c to 39o values, unloading sale price, yd., 16c, 10c , 5 Trunks and Valises Every Trunk, ValLse Cases at factory cost. and Suit was notified ' of his Indebtedness at the bank, it dawned upon him that he had been duped and without delay he swore out a warrant for the arrest of Hodglna A companion of Hodglns named Skalfe, who also was canvassing for ordrrs In Turner county, was also arrested, but as the re sult of the preliminary examination of the two men ths case against Skalfe was dis missed and Hodglns was held for appear anos In the circuit court, as stated. Handwerk will have to pay both notes, which aggregate the sum of tGt.n. Railroad Work Saapeaded. HERKKK. R D., Jan. 1 (Special.) The Chicago di Northwestern railroad, which Is extending Its line from Bonesteel twenty six miles west to ths Tripp county line, has suspended operations temporarily on account of a heavy snowstorm, drifting the cuts full. Two hundred men have been em ployed laying steel and dynamite wss used In large Quantities to blast the two feet of frosen earth. General preparations are being made with an Idea that Tripp county will be thrown open for settlement next year. Pair mt Soatk Dakota Pardoas. PIERRE. 8. P., Jan. 1 (Special Tele gram.) On recommendation of the State Board of Pardons Governor Ertsod today granted clemency to two Lawrenca county prisoners, Hobart W. Coulter, who was serving a term for robbery In secoad de gree; and Herbert I. Caddy, who was serving a sentence for robbery, being the parties pardoned. Moax t'ltr Traveling- M Drops Dead PIERRE. 8. V., Jan. l.-Bpeclal Tele- , J gram.) Tho body of Charles A Hutchinson, a traveling representative of Bhenkberg Co. of bioux City, who has lor several 1 Mail Orders Filled With Attanuon 1 i THE FOLLOWING SPECIALS WILL CREATE LIVELY HELL ING IN Ol'R 'MONEY-SAVING Basement sren values have never BEFORE 11EEX OFFERED IN OMAHA 1,600 yards outings, good quality, . worth 8c, unloading sale price, yard . .....3s 1,000 yards Flannelettes, closely woven, attractive designs, worth 10c and 12Vo, unloading aale Price , ......6 2,000 yards double width Flannel ettes, excellent quality, a variety of pretty designs, light and dark, worth 12 He and 16c, unloading sale price, yard Ot Large assortment Bath Robe Flan nels, extra wide, .worth 40c to 50c, splendid quality, choice col orings, unloading sale price. 20 Best 36-lnch Fruit of the Loom Muslin, yard 8ty 7-8 Good Bleach Muslin to go at. only, yard ..,...,'.4 Large size Bed. Sheets, while they l&flt s s f,4,t s s 2 Special lot of good, large Pillow Cases at, only, each. . . . . . 0 Comforts and Blankets 11-4 white, greys and 'tans; were $1.60, unloading sale price. 1.10 11-4 white, greys, and tans, worth 85c, unloading sale price.'. 50 11-4 fine wool blanket,. In white and greys, unloading sale price . tor $4.25 11-4 All pure Oregon wool white blankets, attractive borders, un- - j loading sale price v v. ?$Q.25 11-4 wool mixed grey blankets, ex tra quality, $?.75, unloading sale ' Price v..$1.05 One special lot of Sllkollne Com forts, soft cotton lining, tied and knotted, less than mill cost 08 Fine grade sllkollne Comforts, . lined with pure French batting, $2.00 values $1.50 1 Comprehensive showing of Sa teen Comforts, artistic, soft, fluffy tremendous reductions prevail. Handsome down comforts less than mill prices. A new lot of loom ends at 2 He yard, worth up to 16c yard. " Visit the China Section And see the big tables loaded with choice values. 1 large table filled with Cups and Saucers, Salads, Vases, Figures, Plated, Shaving Mugs; Sugars and Creamers, values up to' 75c, at this great sale, each. . . . 30 ' ENAMELED WARE A big table of enameled cooking ,. utensils, Stew Pans,. Milk Pans, Pudding Pans, Wash, Basins, etc., your choice at the unloading sale, each o NICKEL-PLATED WARE AT A GREAT REDUCTION ' 25 discount on all nickel plated Tea Kettle, Coffee Pots and Tea Pota, nickel plated Chafing Dishes, Carving 8eU, , 8clsors and Shears, Cooking Knives, Nickel plated Bath Room Fix tures, unloading sale price, 25 off. years made all points, west of .the . river between here and the Black Hills, was brought in from Midland today. On Qua of his trips hs stopped at a house near Midland and while there he dropped dead from heart failure. Burial at River Falls, Wis. Hoaawar ladlaa Boys Captared. Unwilling to study lontrer at the whita man's books and be kept in school to leurn his ways, two Indian boys. Isaac Peters and George Wakefield, ran away from the Indian school at Genoa, Neb.,- snd came to Omaha, where they were captured early. Thurnday evening. They are now being held at the city Jail waiting to be taken back to the school. The lads live In Michi gan and intendud to go back horns. Befare I transferrin; Iff us give yea soma suggestions that will simplify tha operation. '4 Ordure WaaelaCsrsclts. tiui t)UetVirics Un W0P F0R190 Vw transferrin; J' ' jivt i(i;, -jr " - yea soma suggestions that will simplify the operation. '4 sa . Ordure Wsatiai Csrscl Cs. sf- Ml