Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1907, Page 2, Image 2
TIIE OMAHA DAILY REEi FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1907. : i Telephpns Dougiss (18. , Genuine January Clearing Sale Several years ago the first Genuine January Clearing Sale was launched by Thompson, Belden & Co., and so -widely have they become known and so inany thousands of well pleased patrons look forward to it, that it has become a permanent fixture. And then when you purchase goods in the Thompson, Belden & Co, January Clearing Sale, you have that same confidence that the pods are of the sterling tort which has made this store popular. COME EARLY FRIDAY, ine saving inducements are many. The Greatest Values in Dress Goods and Silks in the History of Thompson, Belden & Co. ; Let us explain what wo mean by values. It has dif ferent meaning here. First, examine the goods we are Jell ing. Xote the beautiful styles and great variety of styles to choose from that are right up to the minute, quality and finish always the best at the prices. In these goods you get quality, While other stores are advertising "CLOSING OUT ALL WINTER GOODS," WE HAVE NO WINTER GOODS TO SHOW' YOU. Think it over, dress goods and silks that fairly sparkle with newness and beauty at less prices than others are asking for winter goods. SEE THE DRESS GOODS DISPLAYED IN OUR 16TH STREET WINDOW... There you will better appreciate the class of ood we are selling. FRIDAY WILL BE A GREAT DAY IN DRESS GOODS AND SILKS. ... CUE ACHED TABLE CLOTHS All linen. All our 11.7s Bleached Table Cloths In this January sale, each. . AU our 82 8S Bleached Table Cloth In tills January Mil a, tie each. All our $3.00 Bleached Table Cloth In this January sale, $209 each. - All our tin Bleached Tab-.? Clotha la fhl January sale, 82.60 each. ' AH our HM Bleached Table Cloths In fhl January sale, WOO each. All our t&.Ot Bleached Table Cloths In thla January sale, fR.ft each. BLBACHED NAPKINB-AU linen. , All our $2.25 Bleached Napkins In this January sale, 81.G9 dosen. , All our $3.00 Bleached Napkins In this January sale, $2.00 a dosen. . All our $3.26 Bleached Napkins In thla January sale, $2.28 a dosen. v , All our 8160 Bleached Napkins In this January sal $2.3 a dosen. Delivery of Packages. During this January sale we will consider It a great favor, If you will kindly take all packages with you whenever It la possible for you to do so. , HOUSE IS AFTER THE LOBBY (Continued from First' Page.) f r n turses who are taking care of them. Us provided the law ahall not apply parties la ease of epidemic, pestl- or calamitous visitations. The pen provided la a line of from $100 to U. Vl:e Joint resolution Introduced by Root if Cass providing for a test of tbs rail way commission law before the supreme court will have to be changed. In the opinion of some of the senators, before It wll DM. Itte resolution -la , heeded by a whereas," , reciting, the occasion for mo M-ODOsed test 6f the luw'. These are rhu- maraud la aubstance aa follows: Because J The remarks pt the new lieutenant gov of irregularities In giving nolle of tV.e i crnor wrre hearUlr ars'SVed. ow'u pro posed amendment, because the straight j pied the chair the remainder of the brief Amrwra.tln and republican votes were counted . for the smendment, because of questions relating to the arrangements of the official ballots and because neither the constitution snor the law contained any pro vision for the commission at the time. The resolution ssks the .attorney general to bring the test case expeditiously 1n order that the validity of the amendment can be determined before the legislature adjourns sins die. , peedy Test 4 Amendment. of the members expressed there after the reading of the resolution. U favoring the elimination of the "where as" snd passing the bare resolution asking for the test. They are inclined to think a simple resolution would be better than a Joint resolution, declaring It would be just as effective and could be passed In two days, whUe a Joint resolution would have to go through the same tedious process as a bill. Inquiry among members of the sen ate developed that, the sentiment Is la favor of a speedy teat of the railway com mission law. s Senator Patrick's anti-lobby law evoked a' smile when It was read. The title of the bill, which gives a general Idea of Its pro visions, is as follows: A bill for sa act prohibiting legist itivs counsel, agents, employes or lobbyists from attempting to Influence members of the legislature otherwise than by appearance lwfore the proper committees thereof, or by public address, newspaper articles, written or printed atatements. arguments of briefs. me) cu proving in.i non- i lata or agents shall go upon the floor of The bin provides thst none of those lobby ettner nouse ' except oy inviimon ot me house. It also directs printed briefs or ar guments shsll be printed and twenty-Are copies filed with the secretary of state be fore being delivered. The penalty pro vided for' recalcitrant lobbyists Is a fine of from. $100 to $1,000 or Imprisonment In jail from ten days to a year. 'In the grist of bills offered by Root of Cass Is 'one repealing the section of the criminal code under which the governor his been accustomed to pardon two long , term criminals every Fourth of July. Sen ator Gibson's employers' liability bill Is alee among those offered. tlosrrwrtl Takes OSlee. The farnal Installation of Lieutenant Governor Hopewell took place after the sauatv bad, reconvened at the close of the jelot session. As soon- as the senate had been called to order McKesson of Lancaster, moved a vote of appreciation be extended to the retiring lieutenant governor and the motion was unanimously carried. Wlbtou of ?awnee, Epperson of Clay aud Root of Cass were named. to escort the., incoming official tt) tae chair. Mr.' Hopewell was led to tha rostrum and too his place beside lieutenant Governor McGtltoif an4 the latter, banding him the gavel, said: In surrendering you the gavel I dlre to ay that I hope and trust you will have the same oonstdrratlvn llutt has been accorded ja as presuduig oOiuer. I hope and trust Pf1Ce, :f Powder f ' ft..-' St IK W stwa tne eAs tbeee) place are made aafa, . The Annual Great Linen Sale Goes Merrily On AU our 84.50 Bleached Nankins In this January sale, $8.38 a dosen. JOHN 8. BROWN NAPKINS. Extra Special. 208 dosen of John 8. Brown Sena. $8.7$ Napkins in this JANUARY BALK K.Ot A DOZEN. 300 dosen of John 8. Brown A Bona $4.50 Napkins In thla JANUARY SALE $2.75 A DOZEN. BLEACHED TABUS DAMASK BY THE YARD, ALL LINEN. All our $1.60 Bleached Satin Da ma ok In this January sale. $1.00 per ard. AU our $1.00 Bleached Satin Damaak, In this January sale, 75c per yard. SILVER BLEACHED DAMASK BY THE YARD. AU. LINEN. AU our ec Silver Bleached Damaak. In thU January sale. 49c par yard. OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS. HOWARD, CORNER you will find it as great a pleasure as I have found It. Judge Hopewell responded briefly and with feeling as follows: Gentlemen of the Senate: I consider It a hiinrk. Itii1m.i1 t rt ftrMllA HVCT this honorable body. 1 trust I may so dv1 I. . Mu - will m mat with 'VOlir H T- proval. I think It Is expected that much legislation very important to the whole state will come ' bef ore ua for action. If platform phages and pre-election promises mean anything, the majority and the mi nority members of this body should work hand In hand to enact lawa' which are honest and Just and which vmi promised your constituents you would help enact. Personally, I feel I am Inexperienced In parliamentary . practice. The last experi ence I had was thirty years ago In a de h.tlnr arhonl where I rot my education. j feel f will have the support of the mem. n of this body In-my , endeavor to, do what is just. j session. PROCEEDINGS OF THE .ESATK First Day for Introduction t Bills II rl Kirs Good Grist. , (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. $. ( Special.) The morning session of the senate was short and was taken up almost entirely by -the Introduction of bills. " The' senate was called to order at 10 o'clock by the lieu tenant governor.' ' Wlltse Of Cedar, Hol brook of Dodge and McKesson of Lancas ter were appointed to see that the sen ators got their share of tha tickets to the Inaugural. Bualnesa started when the head of In troduction of bills was reached. A short lull followed the snnouncement of the division when McKesson of Lancaster jumped up and offered a bill which was designated as Senate Tile No. 1. King of Polk was close second and then bills began pouring In from all ever the cham ber until fifteen had been stacked up on the secretary's desk. m . When the bills were all In and read by title the first time Gibson of Douglas read his report from the committee on em ployes, which was announced Wednesday. The report was adopted and the employea lined up In front of the president's desk and took the oath required by law. Randall of Madison moved the pay of the clerk of the committee of the whole be fixed at $4 a day and after some dls- cusslon as to whether or not the pay of .... nravl.,M. wv provided by tloa carried. Wilson of Pawnee, Hanaa of Cherry and Glover of Custer were named as members of a joint committee U decide about ad journment. The morning ssssioa ad journed until 1:45. ' ' The senate met sgsln after the joint session and transacted a amap amount of routine buslncsa Senator Gibson of the employes committee made an additional report, recobimending for appointment P. II. Wlntersteen of Dodge county as cus todian of the cloak room aad.J. A. Denaon of Caaa as doorkeeper of the gallery. They were elected without opposition and sworn In. On motion of Wilson of Pawnee the en ate then adjourned until IS o'clock Tues day, by which time it is hoped the full list of committees will be selected. The following bills were Introduced into the senate today: M;, , 8. F. No. 1 By McKessoa of -,4?raeter. Provldlug for cti&UKoe ef venue iu justice oas'S snd for the tsxlng of accrued coats against the party Hiking or the change. a. r. no. uy King of ruta.. rouoiting the giving or taking of ree railway transportation except Co or by railway em ployee or certain other excepted classes and providing for a line ! . from $ivw . to I1.UU0 for violations. S. F. No. S by Root of Cass. A joint resolution directing the attorney general to Institute quo warranto proceedings to test the legality of the railway commission law. 8. F. No. 4 By Root of Cass. Fixing the liability of railroads for damages for Injury to employes and providing fault of fellow servant, or accepting of Inaurmnca or relief shall be no bar or defense. 8. F. No. a By Oibson. Making common carriers liable for injuries) to employes, making contributory nea-llgence a question for the Jury, and Providing the accepting of relief -benertta or insursnce ahall not be a bar to a claim agalasl tue common car rier. 8. F. No. By Root of Cmss. Prohibiting the shipping of Intoxicstlng liquor between points in the stste without labeling tbs package In large letters "lnto.-tlnff Liquor,'' and prohibiting the coaaigning ef liquor to fictitious persons and providing for h nne ox tiuu to B F. No. t-By Root of Case. Making the place of manual delivery of Intoxicating Louor the place of aale. ,- . . 8. F. No. e By Root cf Cae. Provtd'ne that 4amage cases for death by Injury Mj nil be prosecuted in the name ef the widow and next ef kin and fur their ex- I cluklve b iicnt. 8. F. No. a By Latta of Burt. Amend'ng WW well be, too. from a consrvaUveJuae. " Jt hardly needed UIs assurance uls a-cbmnKnaahie-twstness proposition. - j, One' Thousand New and Fashionable Separate Skirts on Special Sale Friday, January 4th, at 8 a. m. at Half Price. These- handsome and perfect fitting skirts are made by the best manufacturers In America from Imported French models. 'Every skirt Is new In design and every style Is an exclusive one with Thompson, Bolden & Co. Our skirts are made by the three leading houses In New York, Bonwlt, Heineman and Newgrass. COME FRIDAY TO THE GREATEST OF ALL SKIRT SALES. Voile skirts, regularly sold at S30 JANUARY CLEARING SALE PRICE, 116. - Black voile, black panama separate skirts, regularly sold at $25 JANUARY CLEARING SALE PRICE, 112.60. All the swell novelty stripe, plaids and fancy mixed skirts at 'ab solutely HALF PRICE. All the black taffeta silk skirts at HALF PRICE, all the $15 skirts at $7.50- Kindly take notice that this Is not a sale of the common or ordi nary style of skirts, but the very highest grade, such as well dressed women love to wear. SPECIAL NOTK The great sale of coats continues at half price, also the great sale of high grade furs, as well as the fine tailor made suits. All our $1.00 Silver Bleached DamaJik. In thla January sale. 75c per yard. All our $1.25 Silver Bleached Damask, In this January Sale, f9o per yard. SILVER BLEACHED NAPKINS. All linen. All our $1.7$ Silver Bleached Napkins, In this January sale, $1.00 per dozen. FANCY FIGURED HUCK BY THE YD. AU linen. All our 66c Figured Huck Toweling-, la thla January sale, 66c per yard. All our 50c Figured Huck Toweling, In this January sale, 42',c per yard. TOWELS. All our 10c Huck Towels, In this Jan uary sale, Sc each. All our 15c Huck Towels, In this Jan uary aale, 10c each. ' SIXTEENTH STREET. the present lew so as to reduce all passen ger rates within the state to 8 cents a mile. a. F No 10 By Epperson of Clay. Pro as 8. F. No. 8. 8. F. No. 11 By Patrlrk of Sarpy. Pro hibiting lobbying before the legislature and providing for a penalty of from $100 to $1,000 orImprisonment from ten days to a year t. F. No. 12-By Root of Case. Refining the offense of adultery and providing the pen alty shall be not to exceed a year In Jail. 8. F. No. IS By Root of Case. Fixing fes to be charged by the county Judge and providing for a regular fe- of $1 for per forming marriage ceremonlea. 8. F. No. 14 By Root of Cass. Repealing the law providing the government may grant unconditional pardons to two long term p.-lsoners In, the penitentiary on July 4 of each year. 1 8. F. No. to-By Rot t of Cass. Amending the present ssme law miklnr the clovod sesson for redr fox and srey .squirrels from February 1 to August Si and providing a penalty of $5 for each squirrel killed dur- Ir.g the closed season. ItOlTlMJ PROCEEDINGS OF HOI SE Conjcress Memorialised to Act on the (oiko (taestlon. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. t. (Special.) Speaker Nettleton called the house to order promptly at 10 o'clock and after roll call and prayer by Chaplain Crosswalt, the Raper resolution memorallxlng congress to give Its moral support to a move to help out the people of the Congo Free state and prevent further brutalities there wss carried, i E. W. Brown of Lancaster, Farley of Hamilton, Fletcher of Antelope, Quacken bush of Nemaha and Graff of Cuming were appointed a committee to hear the evi dence In the contest between Carlln of Rock and Coryell of Brown. Hart of York, Wilson of Custer and Quackenbush of Nemaha were appointed a committee te confer with a senate com mittee on adjournment. The committee reported that when the house adjourned It be until 10 o'clock Tueaday morning. Whttham of Johnson Introduced the fol lowing resolution, which carried by a vote of 59 to 17: Where ft has been the custom In the past for lobbyists In the employ of the rsllroAils snd othr rornoratlons of this stste to have access to this floor st all I times, and as each member of this body can vote Intelligently on each and every measure that may be Introduced, without being buttonholed or bulldosed by any per son on earth, therefore, be It Resolved, That If any lobbyist shows up On the floor of the house while this body Is In snsston, thst the sergeant-at-arms be Instructed to eject him, forcibly If neces sary. The joint session of the senate and house was called to order at t o'clock by Lieu tenant Governor McGllton. McKesson of Lancaster, Lee of Douglas and Mllllgaa of Dixon were appointed to notify stats offi cers of the meeting snd to present them to take the oath of offloe. Ned Brown of Lancaster and Saunders of Douglas were sent eut to bring In Senator Millard to occupy a seat next to the speaker. Wllsoa of Custer, Aldrlch of Butler and Saunders of Knox were appointed a committee to escort the supreme Judges to the platform. Governor Mickey read his messags. Tbs oath was administered to Governor Shel don by Chief Justice Sedgwick, following which he swore In the other officers. Gov ernor Sheldon delivered his message. The sessioa adjourned until 10 o'clock Tuesday. J. A. C. Keayon,v manager of the. South Omaha stork yards, Is here laying his wires to prevent any legislation which might affect his business. Hs Is not mak ing his presence public Tbe following bills were Introduced: H R. No. i. by Lee of Dour las To au thorise street railway oompaniea to extend aid and to acquire the capital stock and , Donas pr interurosn rauroaus. ana to au thorise street railway companies and Inter urban railroad romoanlea to operate, lease and purchase the lines of each other. H. R. No. t by Cu Idles of Saline Amend-Ins- the game lawa H. R. No. $, by Leader of Douglass-Providing Omaha firemen shall work only twelve hours a day. H. R. No. 4. by Cone of Saunders A fel low servant law to conform to the national law. H. R. No. a. by Hart of York County option bill. STRANGER KILLED BY CARS Maa Believed te Be Willis sa Fltsslss ' saaas at Oaeaaa Dies la? ladlaaa. LA PORT K, Ind- Jan, I (Special Tele gram.) A maa supposed to be William Fttsaimmoas of Omaha from the fact that cards were found In his clothing bearing addresses of Omaha buslnees men, was struck by a Miobigaa Central train at Bm, Jan. I, 1107. All our 15c Huck Towels, In this Jan uary sale, 15o each. CRASHES AND TOWELING. All our 7Ho Brown Linen Crash. In this January sale, 3Hc per yard. All our 12tye Brown Linen Crash, in this January sale. So a yard. All our 15c Brown Linen .Crash, In this January aale, UHc a yard. All our Bleached Linen Crash, In this January sale, 9c a yard. All our 15c Bleached Linen Crash, In thla January aale, 12Mfi a yard. AU our 18l-8c Bleached Linen Crash, In this January sale, 13c per yard. All i our 15c Checked Glass Toweling, In this January sale, 11c a yard. All our 16 2-Sc Checked Oless Toweling, In this January sale, 12Vfcc a yard. WASH CLOTHS. 600 dosn Rubdry Wash Cloths, In this (January sale, lVic each. Important. Watch our ad and our Sixteenth street and Howard street windows every day for great bargain offered In this January sale..-. Michigan City last night and Instantly killed. . The authorities will communicate with Omaha authorities In an effort to' establish hs Identity. . . , , OIL COMBINE- LOSES (Continued from- First ''Page.) expressed In the written enactment.- In the ascertainment of that, wplfl. Lam not at liberty to ignore the -ulUnjats object of the law. That object was. Ahe, establishment 0f uniform,, railroad . rates, t reasonable . la amount.. The former law had failed to ae- cnninllsh this and was. Oiarmtnrtk itMnk. neA Inatend of bfelnrwlnt ' h ki. nea' Ineteoa otng wiped off the books having served Its purpose,. . additions) and severe liabilities were, created and more drastlo remedies and penalties authorised. Dlffereace lav: Laws. . For the offense with whtfch the defendant stands charged the preceding Elklns taw prescribed punishment only, by fine.- The view entertained by the i present congress respecting this offense finds expression In the .provision authorising, the additional penalty of Imprisonment In the peniten tiary. And Jhe court Is asked to hold that thla same congress deliberately Intended to pardon all unlndlcted prior offenders, whose conduct It wss, nic e than all other causes combined, that moved congress to enact the rigid and far-reaching measure of June M. "My opinion Is that whereas a i common law the repeal of a penal statute extin guished all penalties for offenses against its provisions In the absence of an express saving clause, under section 1$, the re peal of a pennl statute extinguishes no such penalties In the absence-of an express ex tinguishing clause, which the rats law does not contain, that the so-called saving clause In section 10 was Inserted for the sole pur pose of definitely prescribing the rule of procedure that should control tha pro seen, tlon of causes then pending In various stages In the courts, thus avoiding the con. fusion and controversy which, as experience has shown, must otherwise have resulted. The court overruled the demurrer te eight of the Indictments and sustained It as to technical grounds In others. CHARGES AGAINST RAILROADS Usee of Three Assoelatloas Aeeased f Favorlag Steadard Oil. WASHINGTON, Jan. 1 Discrimination In favor of the Standard Oil company by railroads la charged In a complaint filed today with the Interstate Commerce com mission by the National Petroleum asso ciation against the lines constituting the Central Traffic association, the Trunk Line association and the New England Traffic association. The city council of Atchison, Kan., has filsd a complaint against 'the Missouri Pa ctfio and other western railroads, alleging that the defendants operate, free of charge, elevators In Kansas City, Mo.; Leaven worth and Coffeyvllla, Kan., but refuse to do so In Atchison. The Board of Trade of Kansas City, Mo., complains that the Chicago, Burlington Qulncy and other lines running Into Kan sas City charge $3 a car for the reoonalgn. ment of grain shipped out of the city. The board requests thst the commission pro hibit the levying of such a charge, or that the charge. If levied at all, be made Just and reasonable. DROPS OWN TRADING STAMPS Big New Yark Deaartsseat Store Ceasea Over te S. A B. Greea tassais Esrlaslvely. NEW YORK. Jan. $. (Special Telegram.) Messrs. Chapmen Co., a large Brooklyn department store snd a member of the H. B. Claln syndicate, have discontinued the uso of their own "Merchandise" stamp, after a little ever two years' trial. They have decided to confine themselves exclu sively to tbe "8 H." green trading stamps. This decision was made necessary by tbe greater drawing power of the "8. H." premium systsra over their own merchandise plan. The determination of Messrs. Chapman 4k Co. is a substantial tribute to the per manency and merit of the B perry eV Hutch inson company's green stamps, which bare attained a world-wide reputation. DIAMONDS-Frenaer, 1st and Uedga. NEBRASRANS NOT PLENTIFUL ' Cily Cne f nttcr and One Oontrressmaa ( Freisnt win fsstioa ConTtnet, N0RPIS HAS GOOD WORD FOR NETTLETON Haasbroaah Has ' Ameadmeat te tbe Homestead Law Setting Aside Itil las; of Departmeat la Matter f Cammatesl Eatrlea. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Jan. l.-'Bpeclsl Tele gram.) Nebraska was represented by a lone member on the floor of the house to day when that body convened. Judge Norrls of the Fifth district being the only one to appear when the speaker's gavel fell. The other members of the delegation are ex pected to arrive In town tonight or tomor row morning. During the holidays Judge Norrls quietly went to his home at McCook. where he remained until the. first of the ynar, arriving in town yesterday. Judge Klnkald, who Is making a trip to Panama with a number of members of the Cali fornia delegation. Is expected to return to Washington on next Monday. On the sen ate side Senator Burkett was the only Ne braskan, Senator Millard being expected to arrive on Sunday. Iowa was noticeably unrepresented, both senators being, st home, Senator Dolllver looking after his fences, while Senator Allison, who has been exceedingly 111 dur ing the summer. Is not expected to arrive before the middle of next wees. Both of she South Dakota senators were also ab sent. Senator Gamble to remain In the state until after his election as his own . suc cessor. Pleased With Nettleton's Elect loa. Congressman Norrls today, speaking about the election of Dan M. Nettleton as speaker of the house, said: "Dan Nettleton Is one of the pioneers of our state. In my Judgment he Is one of the best qualified members of eur legislature and he will ho found absolutely fair. He won't permit an Injustice to be done to rich or poor, corpo ration or Individual. At one time Mr. Net tleton was a prominent candidate for con gress In the Fifth district but was de feated 'for i the nomination by W. E. An drews. Trie legislature has not only hon ored a good man, but they have done honor to the entire party of the state. I have great faith in Dan Nettleton, both as a friend and aa a neighbor." Breckearldae Appears tor Indians.' R. W. Breckenridge and daughter, who have been sightseeing In New York, arrived In Washington today and were among the Nebraskans present at the reception given by the president In honor of the diplomatic corps tonight. Mr. Breckenridge Is In Washington In the Interest of a bill now pending before the Indian affairs committee of the house In the Interest of certain bands of Santee Sioux of Knox county, Ne braska. Barkett Has Soma Bills. Senator Burkett today introduced a bill to prevent the nullification of state antl gambllng laws. The Intent of the bill Is to prevent transmission by ' telegraph, tele phone er through the express'compsnles of messages bearing commissions to bet upon horse races, or In fact any other form of gambling. Senator Burkett also today Introduced bllls'to Increase the pensions of the follow ing Nebraskans to $30 per month each: John E. Meglerme, Lincoln; Samuel Steele, Tecumseh; Thorrfes Harrop, Roca. . Hospital lev Fort MrKensle.. Representative Mondell today Introduced a bill appropriating $4M)00 for the erection of a hew hospital at Fort McKenaie, Wyo. He also presented a bill providing that all lands a) toted to Indians in severalty or reserved for their use In common, suscep tible of Irrigation, may be . leased for a term of not exceeding twenty-five years for cultlvstlon under irrigation, In the discre tion of the secretary of the Interior. - Amendment to Homestead Law. Senator Hansbrough today Introduced a general bill relating to commutations of homestead entries. The scope and pur poses of the proposed measure are thus explained by the senator: "Under a ruling of the Interior department, made February 27, 110$, It was held thst In order to com mute an entry tinder the homestead act the entrymsn must have resided upon the land for eight months continuously after six months of constructive residence. Prior to the above mentioned ruling it was pos sible for an entryman to leave his land for a month or so at a time without jeopardising his right to commute at the end of eight months' residence. "Slnoe the ruling hss gone Into effect many entrymen have acted under the old rules of the department, not knowing of the new one, and have left their land for short periods, with the result that when they endeavored to commute their proofs were held up. The proposed bill gives these people the right to make their proof under the old ruling of the department In many parts of the country It Is Impossible on account of climatic conditions to remain the entire winter' upon a homestead." Protection af Mineral Iinds. Mr. Nelson In tbe senate and Volstead of Minnesota in the house,, today Introduced in their respective bodies a bill proposing te put Into law tbe recommendations con tained In President Roosevelt's mersage for the preservation of mineral lands now embraced In the public domain. These bills, which are identical as to phraseology, provide that lands containing ccal, lignite, petroleum or natural gas shall be reused under a system t6 be devised by the secre tary of the Interior. The first section pro vides that all coal, lignite, petroleum or natural gas shall be rt served to the United States, that patents made disposing of such lands shall contain a provision specifically making such reservation. Another provision of this bill Is to the effect that unless the transfer expressly mentions that coal, lignite, petroleum or natural gas are conveyed, it will be pre sumed that such depcslts are not conveyed. Entrlee for land containing coal, etc, shall be made at the local land offices and pat ents Issued as under the present law by authority of the secretary of the Interior. Representative Volstesd in speaking of his bill so .far as the house Is concerned, said tonight: This bill Is presented as a basis (or dis cussion. Ths president's recommends tlon In this connection has already b?en actd upon, In a measure, by the houss com mute on public lands." Paetal Matters. Iowa postmasters appointed: Badger, Webster county, Charles C. Knudsen, vies A. E. Hovey, removed Kemlgala, Appa noose county, Lafayette Oordy. vice O. L. Flener, resigned; Ledgard, Kossuth county, Joe Jenks, vice W. A. Wright resigned.. Joseph C. Shoch has been appointed reg ular and Howard Kulpl, substitute rural carrier for route at Columbus Junction, 8. D. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Axel W. Petersoa left yesterday for Key.erburg. III. . P. B. McCarthy and daughters, old-time pioneers of the Black Hills country, arc registered at the Henshaw from Rapid City. Uordon Smith of Denver. Bruce Wilcox of Alliance, R. Carter of Lexington. Allen O. Fisher of Andrews. Oeorge H. Mead of Hastings, H. hi LeC'rone of Kennard and C. O. Murphy ef Aiuswwrth are at tbe ller Grand, - , I Removal WE are now located in our new build ing at 1614 Harney St., where vve are prepared to handle a larger business than ever. We receive sums of money ranging from $1.00 to $?.000.00 and allow dividends from date we receive it. Thus, far our rate has been 6 per cent. Resources, $2,C0M00. Reserve, $65,000. i The Conservative Savings Loan Association r.lSeli,Mi.hVIt. RECOMMENDATIONS Wi FOLK $ Governor of Minonri 0 fieri Suarreitioni for Lwa to the Lijjiilatura, PRIMARY AND REGISTRATION DESIRED Municipal Ownership af All Pnbltc I'tllltlea Is Favored and Legls latare Asked to Make It Possible. JEFFERSON ClTY, Mo., Jan. I.-Oov-ernor Folk In his message to ths legis lature today recommended a number of acts relating to life Insurance companies, among others a standard policy for all life companies, prohibiting discriminating and rebating, regulating the election of di rectors snd requiring nonresident companies to keep at least 70 per cent of the premi ums received from Missouri pollcyholdars Invested within the state. He also recommended the enactment of a law making It a crime for anyone for com pensation to lobby with the members of the legislature. . , The railroads, he said, should be required to carry passengers within the state for ! cents a mile. Primary Law Desired, There should be a state primary law for the nomination of all elective officers, In cluding United States senators. The elec tion of senators by the people, be said. has long been demanded, but It cannot be obtained until the federal constitution Is amended. Public opinion will ultimately force this reform, but In ths meantime the next best thing can be secured by having senatorial candidates voted for at a state primary. He advocated a registration law applicable to all towns of 10,000 Inhabitants. He rec oni mended a law making It a felony to register a bet upon a horse race, either on a blackboard or any other substance, or to telephone a bet on a horse race to any other stau or to telegraph or use any de vice to accomplish the registration of bets. He also recommended legislation .to sup press bucket Shops.-. Rigid child labor laws, prohibiting a copcern or corporation from selling higher In one part , of the state than In another. adding a prison punishment for violation of the anti-trust laws, and making the pen alty for the maximum freight law to apply to persons, corporations and partnerships; also a statute providing proper penalties for railroad corporations of the directors, employes or agents of any railroad giving rebates on shipments within the state. PnbllcKy for Corporations. . . Every corporation, he ssld, should be re quired to furnish each stockholder with a balance sheet of Its business once a year. There, should be an annual tax In the na ture of a privilege tax of Via of 1 per cent on the capital stock of all corporations, both domestic and foreign, doing business In the state. The state Should regulats the charges of public service corporations In order to prevent extortion. To determine the reasonableness of rates there should be power to Inquire Into and determine the actual amount Invested In such cor porations and to furnish rates on a reason able basis. The reason of this should be to eliminate fictitious values. Hs recommended that the people -of each city or town be authorised to purchsse or own and operate any utility of a public nature whenever they shall vote to do so and to Issuu bonds In payment thereof. Favors Maalelpal Ownership. The necessary law should be enacted giving the municipalities of ths stste full power to regulste tolls, charges and rates for gas, electric lights, telephone snd other public utilities within such cities and com pelling the Interchange of telephone service and fixing, and 1 regulating the charges thereof. It was the province of the gen- ! era I aasembly. he said, to put an end to wrongs by preventing one corporation from owning stock in snother, and authorising quo warranto proceedings to be filed to dissolve any worporatlon a majority of the stock In which Is acquired by a holding company. This wss necessary, he urged, to prevent the creation of monopolies In trade and business In the state. Saloons Only on flnffraace. The liquor traffic, he contended, does not exist In the state as a matter of right, but of suffranee. Yet it has sn exemption from authority denied other Interests. The traffic should be made to observe the law Just like any ons elss. Hs recommended the amendment of t anti-brtbory law so that witnesses could 1 forced to testify,' but relieving them fro prosecution by reason of their testimony. The governor Invited conaideration of tl. propriety add advisability of tha tidoptlo. of a resolution msklng application to cm gress to call a convention for propose amendments 'to : the federal oonstltittioi particularly with reference to election v senators by the direct vote of the peopl and for a Just income tax. Krsrs Perjarer Convicted, PITTBBl'RO. Jan. 1 William B. DeCoata, the negro tailor arrested for perjury after his testimony In the Hsrtje divorce trial, wss fnuixl siU' by a Vrv this sftsrnoon Ths negro coachman, Clifford Hooe, had previously been sentenced to six years In the penitentiary on conviction of perjury. The excellent qualities of bare secured theil great aale Alweyi .W-eti;r is raj ptttne cafetlvo prorao Qebifla DrM 4CcU taOneteay, OrTt 3 Ifcryi e..3e) Notice! i FORECAST OFJTHE WEATHER Fair anal Warmer In Nebraska Te- ' . day, Imn er Rain Tomorrow Warmer In West Portion. WASHINGTON, Jan. I. Forecast Of the westher for Friday and Saturday:' ' For Nebraska Fair, warmer Friday; Sat urday snow or rain; warmer In west por tion. For Kansas Fair; warmer Friday and Saturday. For Iowa Fair Friday; Saturday, fair warmer. For Colorado Fair Friday except enow In the mountain districts, warmer In north and west portions; Saturday rain or enow, mow In the mountain districts. For South Dakota Fair In east, stvow in west portion Friday; Saturday warmer; snow In east portion. For Montana Rain In southwest, snow and warmer In north and east portions Friday, Saturday rain or snow; colder in west snd north portions. . For Wyoming Snow and warmer Fri day; Saturday snow, colder In northwest portion. Local Record. OFFICE OF TH.B WEATHER BXJREAU. OMAHA, Jan. . Official record of temper ature and precipitation, compared with tha corresponding day of tha ast three years: 1908. 1804. 1003. Maximum temperature .. 28 . 1 a 14 Minimum temperature ... 12 21 Is 4 Mean temperature .j 18 26 ti 5 Precipitation 00 T .00 .01 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal st Omaha since March L and comparison with the last two years: Normal temperature IK Excess for the day ." 0 Total excess slnoe March 1, 1906 159 Normal precipitation 08 Inch Deficiency for the day , OS Inch Total rainfall since March 1 36.61 Inches Deficiency since March 1 8.79 Inches . Beficlency for cor. period, 1906., t. 62 Inches eflclency for cor. period, 1908..- 1.64 Inches Reports from Stations at T P. M. Station and State ' Temp. Max. Raln of Weather. T p. m. Temp. fall. Bismarck, -clear 8 4 .00 Cheyenne, cloudy S2 " S8 ' .00 Chicago, cloudy 34 64 .00 Davenport, cloudy 26 82 , .00 Denver, cloudy 80 40 . , .00 Havre, cloudy 44 .00 Helena, cloudy 40 40 .00 Huron, clear 4 8 10 .00 Kansas City, clear 26 88 , .02 North Platte, clear , , - Omaha, clear 28 - 1 28 .0 Rapid City, cloudy 14 - - '.00' St. lxuls, raining 88 U . .1 St. Paul, clear 10 36 ' . .00 nlt t-k Cltr. cloudy '.. 84 84 T Valentine, clear 12 22 ' .w Wllllstonv clear 14 14 .00 "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. indicates below sero. L. A. WEL8H, Local Forecaster. AMISEMENT. nswnfga Woodward fUS . uvr a Bargess. TOsTIOXT TOKOMOW sTICXX 600 Seats Lower Floor. $1.00 . Bargain Matinee, SSo-BOo-7Bo PRIMROSE MINSTRELS STTJTDAT MATrirZa AXTD sTXOXT The Musical Farce Matinee, 26'j-oOo. Night, 26c-60c7tc-$i,.00 PAINTING THE TOWN BURWOOD Tonon Pretty Peggy Next Week rOQUOXS. CRtlQHTOrf 'Phone Douglas 484. ' TOVIOHT AJID SAT. MAT. An ITS, MODERN VAUDEVILLE Six OUnseretttsi Frederick Mawley ft Oo Augusta Close 1 Xaasoa a sT.lsoai Maddoa 81 M si via 1 Max fttUllaa) carls Bmitk aad tbe Two Johnsoaa aad the aUaodrotne. 1ICXS lOo, aae too. liUIIJIXH.. I.ll X .... M -r EiRUG theater! TONIOHT-8:15 MATINEE SATURDAY TBS OBtXAT MITBOFOUTAJf KZX.OSBAMA, - Lost in New York mo ntgapAT MATrvxa IUO SUN . MUlsv Xsnt la, ataMss! T AUDITORIUM ROLLER RINK Skating every afternoon mod evenlac this week. BIO RACK Saturday NMgrht. X ri f? '1' fTti vi V;ki wis? John M.Fixa's Cafe and Restaurant 1516 Dodge St. Everything New Best of EvcrytiUng Thoroughly fp-to-Date First Class la AU Inspects Wlt a n saa.s m a w . 1 eh 1 V V