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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1907)
1 i TIIE OMAHA DAILY. BEE: FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, . 1907. TO n 0 H la n K M U siio Under weir Sa'i Won da i , - it. n n i l- i biz '-If ,v UL" Sal I of 2 Unent 1 A DAY OF BARGAIN WONDERS! .FRIDAY IN OUR NEW BASEMENT REMNANTS The Great New Basement Is filled to the brim with Bargains. Tomorrow's sale will demonstrate how Bran deis can sell far below the regular prices. - Square after square is piled with goods that we sell cheaper than they were ever before offered in America. K::xi4o:3: s Omaha's Pore Food Center Every Item Here Is A Rare Bargain: Very fine new lot imported madra9 white grounds with printed dots, stripes, neat figures and Jac- g"k shirts, etc.; 35o quality, yard ... 8 ah v. 9e TnA rAttA Dairm to,,,. o-v1 of m 5 m (Ul 1,11 C dU-lUVU UUblAU UUgS XUftll Dvll HI 15c yard will go at yard 10,000 yards yard Canned Vegetables $ Packed for thbsw who want th true -per 5c IS wide shirting and corded madras remnants, sella everywhere at 12 hie yard yard. . e at !- 5c Heavy printed car pet burlaps, usual price 25c yard, in in long mill rem nants I yard. Black and colored sa teen and percallne lin ings. They sold from the bolt at 2 Bo yard; mill lengths here at yard . . . P. ncu iur mon wno want in irueii Now that winter la here. It la Impos- U albla to ret those rljfht out of the 5 trarden. We offer the'W:2rDEI.I., W brand of canned goods aa being" the purest and beat that money can buy. They are so reliable ap appetising you are aure to Ilka them nri we guarantee them absolutely perfect. R best factory In the best fruit and vegretabla growing section of the best country on earth. ..5c 36-inch Cretonne and Drapery Denims Usually sold C f at 14c yard; mill remnants go at, yard 7C Remnants Standard Apron Checked Ginghams 'Zl All size checks in blue or black at, yard J 2v Remnants Heavy Quality Outing Flannel Light f l runs rooo pBtnrxs Absolutely no lye used In the pre servation et Gibson's antl-lye prunes. Once tried, always used; 6,000 lbs. at per pound 7c R and dark styles, very special bargain; at, yard Thousands of yds. j Long lengths reg unbleached muslin ular 12c percales 30 inches wide, regular price 5c All the slightly mussed white goods that were 12Mc and 15c S::.6c yard at, yard 2C rnsh Traits and Vegetables Strawberries, per qt 2Be Tangerines, per doi 15o Florida Oranges, up from. ....... .l&e Orape Fruit, up from Be English Hot House Orape Head Lettuoe California New Turnips New Beets New Carrots Oreen Onions Hubbard Squash Sweet Potatoes at Lowest Prices. mm. . . -solid colors, re- i g strIctly UT'lo. 88o markable 1 bargain A Choice Country Butter, (roll) per 2 m for Friday at, yard. In the Forenoon, from 8 Till 10 We will sell light 6hirtinf prints this is a new, fresh lot and a bar gain that will be appreciated at, yard...... Remnants IV U TnAM. l.A.linia Cf f f cxait ivavcsi aim uaia TORCHONS , Bargain square filled with these fine VALS laces worth reerularly up to 15o a POINT de PARIS yard many patterns and a big bar gainat, a yard. . ... . . ....... Remnants of Embroideries I AND INSERTINGS In the finest of Nainsooks and cam brics three big Fri day specials at, yard 2 li S Separata. Entranoes 3 l I eg uiai ijr up j.uu a gg 2c-3ic-5cj All Kirvdi of Plain and Fancy Buttons All sizes I2C Table Damask Remivaivts In 1H to 8-Yard Lengths. AH Kinds and Qualities. One Big Lot of All Linen Toweling Remnants at Way Below Regular Prices. Cotton Toweling In rem- nants at, yard Hemmed Barber Towels the 6c kind at, each... 2 C 6c Sanitary Knit Wash Cloths . at, each 1C Napkins In half dozen lots at ONE-HALF PRICK. J5he WaJei Adding Machine Xs the latest, most modern, np-to-date Adding and Listing Machine on the market. It mast be seen to be appreciated. Correspondence SoUclted. -Trial Examination Free. A. L; McCreary Nebraska Agent, P. O. BOX 891. LLNOOLM. 4 "iSslfl . Dress Goods Remnants Remnants of plaids, waistings, challis and cashmere 3 to. 10-yard lengths, worth up to 29c; Friday, 1 0 yard. .1UC Remnants of serges, Henriettas, Panamas, cheviots, fancy suitings, silk and wool novelties and basket 6uit- 1J ings, 3 to 8-yard lengths, worth up to 59c yd. yd. JC Remnants of black and colored Panamas, storm serges, plaids, granites, checks, voiles, French novelties and etomines, worth up to 75c yd; Friday, at, yd. . 9 i Phenomenal Sale : -of- j Cooper Remedies Continue Hi WAIT FOR OUR Grand Sale -OF- Muslin Underwear .BEGINNING NEXT Monday January 7 The Rarest Bargains In Dainty Undermuslins Ever Offered In the West SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAY The best people of Omaha openly boast of the wonderful cures from Cooper Rem. dies. Thousands ars slnsins: Dr. Cooper's J praises. 2 BEATON DRUG CO. 15th and Farnajp Bts. 2 I Cooper agents and w positively smaran 5 tee every bottle, your money back if you B fail to sea results. Nest Importaat Bargain Event In Years , Our Annual Sale of Linen BEGINNING MONDAY. JANUARY 7. '07 Specially Dig Bargains in High-Class Table Cloths and Napkins: Also Doilies. Center Pieces, Etc. To Sell Household ' Qoods Machinery Horses Wagons, Buggies Real Estate, or If You Want to Exchange Anything A Bee Want Ad will be found a speedy and satisfactory- 'method ' to employ. Telephone Douglas 23S OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Frldsjr, Fslr. W) TTTVir TFl Ml -4 i r-i BARGAIN FRIDAY J After-Inventory Bargain Hot Shot YOU'RE LUCKY, INDEED THIS IS NO FORCED HOT-AIR SALE. BUT A DETERMINED PROFIT-DROPPINQ EFFORT TO CLOSE OUT BROKEN LINES, DINKY LOTS AND PETTY PACKAGES OF Clean, Reliable After Inventory Merchandise Dress Goods FRIDAY WE WILL PLACE ON SALE A LARGE LOT ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS, some wool "Waist infrs, Challies, etc these goods sell regularly at 50c Friday, yard 21c $1.00 AND $1.25 NOVELTY SUIT INGS AT 39c This lot consists of nearly every 6tylish weave, suitings of all kinds, 54-in. wide; some 46-in. wide this lot is an exceptional bar gain BARGAIN fTft ., .'..JC 56-IN NEW. GREY SUITINGS that just arrived they are elegant in " style and quality, pretty color com binations same goods . are sold for $1.00; our A $f sale price, yard, is Silks Another Xemendsus ' Lot Will be offered Friday. This as sortment consists of beautiful ef fects, embroidered or dainty stripes, etc., just the qual ity of silk for suits new colorings these , silks . are worth from 85q to $1.00- BARGAIN FRIDAY, yard n tSl riday 1 sroT 1 IV tsT m BeiYixett's Big Grocery PYlday nd Sstnrdsy List of Money SaTers In the Best Goods. Bennett's Capitol - Flour, sack $1.30 And SeTenty-flve Green Trading Stamps. Granulated Sugar, double Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Best Coffee, 3 lbs $1 And Seventy-five Oreen Trad ing Stamps. Teas, your choice, pound ..6 So And Forty Green Trading Stamps. Maine Corn, can 10c, doz.Sl.OO Bennett's Capitol Mince Meat, 3 pkgs 25c And Ten Green Trading Stamps HEADQUARTERS FOR BUTTER Butter received daily from the best dairies. Fresh Country Butter, pound 22c CHEESE New York Cream, lb 20c And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Bwlstf Cheese, pound 25o And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Royal Luncheon Cheese, Jar 24c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Corn Meal Special White or yellow, 24-lb. sack ...85o And Twesty Green Trading Stamps. Bulk Pickles Sour Pickles, quart lOo ' And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Chow Chow Pickles, quart .16c And Tea Green Trading Stamps. Small Sour Pickles, dozen .............. 5c Small Sweet Pickles, quart 20c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Stuffed Olives, pint . 1 25c And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Cocoa Special D. Gherardelll's Cocoa, 4 -lb. can 25o And Twenty Green Trading 8tamps. Bennett's Capitol Wheat, pkg. .10o And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Grape Nuts, pkf 10s , KK-o-Keo, pkt ?26u Navy BeaTna, 10 lbs J6o tTneeda Biscuit. 4 pkss ....lie And Tan Green Trading Stamps. A. B. C. Catsup, pint bottle 13a . And Twenty Green Trading- Stamps. Jallo-O,,-assorted, I pkgs .tte And Tea Oreen Trad Ins Stamps. Raisin, pound ...... .10o Beedlwts Kalelns, lb. ,10o Currants, cleaned, lb ....lis . - ' Seeded Raisins. kc. ........ lac Bennett's Capitol. Wheat, pkg '.10o4 And Ten Oreen Trading- Stamps. Btnsrif cajtsixs. PPECIAT. OFKtJH bplenold klUed Candy, Ib l0 Peppermint Balls, lb .......loo Special OBar Jars of Flgu le argam m CoaiSuit Specials Second Floor $15 Fancy Plaid Coats, 50-in. long, each $6.95 $15 Tailor-made Suits, ST - $7.95 $15 Fine Kersey Coats, hall lined, 50-in. long, velvet and braid trimmed $7.95 89c Outing Flannel Kimonas - - . 49c $7.50 Talfeta Silk Petticoats - - $195 $19.50 Evening Coats, white, gray, tan $11.75 BROMW BROS., Fine Clothes for Men and Young Men Suits and Overcoats " that sell regularly up to $35 Your Choice ' . Friday f i Third Day of January Clearance Comnart the s " Unmakhablt Quality and Price of Our Offerings THE RlUABLat TOWg Bargain Opportunities Friday Friday the Greatest Day of M A tremendous Holiday trade in all linos and two days of un precedented selling -in our January Clearance has left us witli! many Remnants and Odd Lots, which must be closed at onco. Hence these tremendous price reductions. Phenomenal Silk Bargains A general clean-up of all short lengths and odd pieces from onu immense stocks of silks. Never before has the equal of this assort ment of such values been offered at the prices here quoted: Remnants of odd pieces of Fancy Silks, Taffetas, Chiffon, Popjins, etc., etc., worth regularly up to 75c yard, to close Friday, at, yard. . . .'. 25) Heavy Rustling Taffeta, 27-ln. wide, regular $1.10 quality, Friday, at, yard 68 Beautiful Plaids, in the very newest patterns, sold at 85c and 11.00 yard, Friday at C9c and 50c$ Remnants of Wool Dress Goods About 1,000 yards of Stevens' cele brated Broadcloth', in all colors, that sells at $2.00 to $3.00 a yard. In short lengthB from 14 to 6-yard pieces, all will go at, a yd 59 About "2,600 yards of Stevens' fine Broadcloth, made to sell at $1.50 to $2.00 a yard, will go at, a yard. 49 2,000 yards of 52-ln. Broadcloth that sold from $1.00 to $1.50 a yard, in remnants of 1H to 5-yard pieces, in all colors, win go at, a yd.... 30 6,000 yards of 40, 44, 60-ln. Mohair, la all colors, in good length, that sella from 60c to $1.00 per yard, on sals at, a yard 25 60c Henriettas at 25c 10,000 yards of 35c and 60c Henriettas, in all col ors, in good, long lengths, at, a yard 25 15c Danish Cloth, all colors and cream, in good, long lengths, at, a yd. 84 'Hgh Grade Linen Dept. Here is your chance to get remnants of the finest goods mada at one-fourth of their value. ; Remnants of Table Linen, all high grade goods from our regular stock, and sold from 60c to $1.75 a yard, in good lengths from m to 34 yards, in weacnea, silver bleached and an bleached we will place in three lots at, a yard. 69c, 59c and 49 Manufacturers' stock of Merc. Table Linens, in lengths from 2 or 34 yards, would be worth In regnlar way up to 75c yard, only two patterns to a customer at, a yard........24 Odd lot of Napkins, In bleached and unbleached, 18x18 and 22x22, most of them full dozen, sold regular up to $2.25 a dozen, in three lots at, a dor, $1.25, 89c and 59(4 Odd lot of Dresser Scarfs, center Pieces and Stand Tops, slightly soiled, all sizes, In one lot at, each 2 l Odd lot of Towels, Turkish and Huck, all linens and unions, extra large sizes, sold up to 15c apiece, only 6 to a customer at, each ....... In the Great Bargain Room Compare these prices. Examine the quality of the offerings and you'll quickly recognize the cause of the great popularity of Omaha's greatest bargain room. 15c Toil du Nord Dress Ginghams, Fri day, at, yard 8$ 10c Outing Flannels, extra heavy qual ity, at, yard 5 12 e Indian Head Muslin, 3 6 -in. wide, at, yard .$ 10c Fleece Back Flannelettes, extra heavy quality at, yard ........ . 5 10c Percales, extra heavy quality and wide, at, yard 4 16c Curtain Swisses, In dot and stripe, a In xu'.Aa of varil W7 Li. Jm 12 Vic Sheer India Linons, Friday atH vard 1? Jm ' ----- - vr Remnants of Wash Goods, worth up to 25c yard, on bargain square at, yard 5 Remnants of Wash Goods, worth up to ' 15c yard, Friday, on bargain square, at, yard 3c 10c Zephyr Ginghams, in checks, stripes and plain colors, at, yd.. 5 12 c Lonsdale Muslin, every piece stamped lonsdale at, yard . . . . G 12V4o India Linons, one great lot, slightly soiled, at, yard 3H 8 Vic Amoskeag Apron Checks Ging hams, Friday, at, yard 5 Great Cloak Department Clearance All other sales must take second place to ours. Ladies' Suits. Opera Coats, Costumes and Street Coats, $20.00 to ues, in Friday sale at, choice $12.00 Coats, over 700 garments to select from. Friday at, choice. $15.00 Kersey Coats, satin lined throughout at Children's Bearskin Coats at Women's Silk Drop Voile Skirts at ... $30.00 Sable Coney Coats Friday at $150.00 Otter Coats in this sale $300.00 Alaska Seal Coats at . 12- $25.00 val- .95 5.95 7.50 ...$1.50 $8.00 S14.95 882.50 $165.00 Lace Curtains and Draperies From the great bankrupt stock purchase will be offered Friday to close at lower prices than ever before known for mechandise of equal quality: Cable Net, Nottingham and Barnett Lace Curtains, worth from $3.00 up to $0 a pair, will go at. each 75 i Slightly damaged Lace Curtains, worth from $1.60 up to $3.00, will go at, each 3J) Mill End Lace Curtains, worth up to $1.60, go at, each , 25 Comfort Silkollne that sold at 12 Vic, for Friday only, at .8V Comfort Satin that sold at 25c, will go at, a yard 15 Cotton Madras, In all colors, at, a yard 15 Figured and Plain Burlap, regular 15c quality, at, a yard. J 10 ' Mill End Lace Curtains and Pillow Shams, in two lots at, each, 10c and.. 5(4 l-yard wide Swiss for sash Curtains at, a yard, 20c, 15c, 10c and 5f Silk Drapery Fringe that sold up to 26c a yard, Friday only, at, a ydi.,.15 1 uora tor rurueira, regular uu tun oov ijuaiiiy, gu m, a pair .......... J.OC V f Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons v m J 3 1, -1 1 i i l - - A 1 J.HUUBO.UU3 ot joiua iv uiuu. til uijjiusi any price to maite. j room for new spring goods: Fancy Val. Laces of all kinds, at, yard, 6c, 3c, 2c and l Wash Torchon Laces, all kinds, at, yd., 7 Vic, 5c, 3c, 2c and l Oriental Laces of all kinds, at, yard, 19c, 15c, 10c, 7 Vic and 5 Embroideries of all kinds, at, yard, 16c, 10c, 7Vic, 6c, tVic Pearl Buttons, over 10,000 gross to go on sale Friday at, doz., 4 Vic, 3 Vic, 2Vic. IVic lnsertlngs of all kinds at, yard, 15o, 10c, 7 Vic, 6c, 2 Vic Fancy Ribbons of all kinds at 29c, 19c, 16c 10 Plain Silk Ribbons, all kinds, at 15c, 10c, 7 Vic, 6c, 2c Handkerchiefs at, each -1 Handkerchiefs at, each 2i Handkerchiefs at, each ....5 Prices do not equal one-half the ac tual cost. ' ' ' Groceries' Groceries Groceries We have completed our inventory. "We have a large number of broken stocks on hand. To close them out we are going to give 'J our patrons the beaefit by closing them out regardless of cost. ' 11 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar fl.OO lba. Best Hand Picked Navy Beans.. 2 5c I lbs Best Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal. .26c EfS-o-See Breakfast Fopd, per pkf..Tc Corn Starch, per pks , 4c Oil or Mustard 8ardlnes, per can.... So Campbell's Condensed Soups, pt-r can. 7 Ho Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn, per can 6c Oolden Table Syrup, per can c Pearl Baso or Tapioca, per lb 7 He Peanut Butter, per Jar o 10-lb. sacks Buckwheat Flour 15c 10-lb. sacks Best While or Yellow Cora meal lac The Best Soda or Oyster Crackers, p?r rotund '. .. 4 e Fresh, Crisp Ginger Snapa, P-r lb....6o Large Bottles Quran Olives, per bottle 1 Sc l-lb Jars Fruit Preserves .. (Ho raism rmxrrrs ajko Rutabagas, Carrots. Turnips, Beets, Tel. low or Red Onions, per pound l0 Itrge bunches Fancy HliaJot Unions.. Kq Large bunches Fresh CarrotH or Jiets.6o tancy Klin Urled Jswect Potatoes, per pound "io Large heads Fresh Cabhag. Ko Cooking Apples, per pek ., 1 5j Fancy Black Walnuts, per peck ,...JOo I-ttrge Florida Plneapplaa. etu-h 20q Fancy Kallug Pears, per oVjxeu 1 So Large drape Fruit, each 7 Ha Fancy S-i rown Imported Figs, per California Figs, pur pkg m Fancy Highland Navel Oranges, pur doa i50 Fancy ( ape Con Cranln-rrles, per qt..fcHo r rear) rt'iaistea t'eaiiuiit. per it Fancy HulloweVn Imtes. per lb.... Fancy Fard Oates, per lb 1 mm. .60 II 7 4o j .1 hi bRssiKTistTZfiTaiBiisisiTBxitiisBsaisisa -A . I