Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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0 '
Tb(M Looking for Wik lpots in Wbaa
Hits Ghtoo.
U (Marts Sat There Skeald Hava Boca
' Streagth, It Belaa- BipMti
that Emr WIU Bar
' Aatarleaa Wktat '
OMAHA. Jan. 1 1907.
The who wsr looking for weak spot
.OA which to buy wheat had their chance
today. The May option gradually declined,
UBlll at the close It wu too lower than
Monday. According to the dope wheat
Mould hare had a firm ton, world' ship
ments being light last week and aald not
to b enough to supply the consumptlv
demand. .
This means only one thing, aay the bulls,
and that la, Europe will have to come to
America (or wheat.
Corn was Inactive today, though (or two
or three days previous shorts were (airly
f ood buyers. The short Interest Is said now
a be pretty well covered. Prices were
about unchanged. Receipts are large and
will undoubtedly Increase further, which
will Impart a tendency to lower prices,
Oats were weak In sympathy with wheat.
Little Interest was shown.
Primary wheat receipts were 1,248,000
bushels and shipments 234 bushels,
against receipts last year of 904,000 bushels
and shipments of 199,0u bushels. Corn re
ceipts were 1,390.000 bushels snd shipments
tfkl.OOO bushels, aialnst receipts last year of
1.1X6,000 bushels and shipments of 671,000
Liverpool closed unchanged to Hd lower
On wheat and unchsnsred on corn. '
Bradstreets wheat decrease wss 1,000,000
nushals, ss compared with 7,ooo,ouo Duanela
a year aro. Bradstreets visible corn In
crevse was 778.000 bushels, oats Increase
1, IK .000 buahels. ,
Local range of optional
Artlcles.l Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Mony
Wheat-I til
May... 70 A 70A VVfcA HB 70Q
May... 3SVB S8HB
Oats I
May... S4A S4HB 34iA UB
A asked. B bid,
Omaha Cm ah Prices.
WHBAT-N0. 3 hard, 66Mr1rt7e; No. I
hard. 4iAc; No. 4 hard, eo(3c; No. I
Spring, tVjJWHc.
CORN No. 3, 86c; No. 4, 83G4c; no grade,
1Uic; No. I yellow, 86fcci No. I white,
OATS-No. I mixed, 8Hi32c; No. I white.
icj no. t wnne, su,
HYEV-No. X 2c; No. 3, 0Hc.
Carlo! Receipts.
Wheat Corn. Oats
Omaha 93
Kansas City SM6
Minneapolis (two days) 649
Duluth 167
Chicago Ill
St. Louis 40
Fcatare of -th Tradlag; aad Closlag
Prices em Board ( Trad.
CHICAOO. Jan. . The local wheat mar
ket was weakened today by general selling
Induced by increasing receipts In the north
eal At the close wheat for Mav delivery
w off yi$c Corn was unchanged. Oats
wire WU'c lower. Provision were tjn to
2io hlehrr.
The wheat msrket whs weak for the
greater part of the day, but toward the end
of the session covering by shorts brought
about a firmer feeling. The easy tone
early In the day was the result of Increas
ing receipts and stocks In the northwest
and reports o( a large yield from the har
vost In Argentina. Bradstreet'e report on
the world's visible supply showed a de
crease of 1,090,000 bu., against a decrease
of 7,6C0,0u0 bu. for the corresponding period
of last year, which seemed to give no
encouragement to bull traders. The selling
was quite general throughout the day and
the demand came chiefly from shorts. The
market closed easy. May opened He lower
at 7tfcc. sold off to J(i4c and olosed at
7HSl&'7o4C. Clearances of wheat and flour
were equal to H71.000 bu. Primary re
ceipts -"were 1, 42,000 bu against' 904,000 bu.
(or the same day last year. Minneapolis,
Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of
202 cars, against 8M caia lt week ami
Sj9 cars one year ago.
Notwithstanding the weakness of wheat,
the corn market was steady all day. In
creasing receipts had a tendency to de
press values, but the unsettled condition
of the weather offset this Influence. Cash
houses were the principal sellers. The mar
ket closed steady. May opened a shade
to Ho lower at 4Si'434c to 434c, sold
between 43c and 4SWlt4.lic and cloned at
the highest point. Local receipts were
7u2 cars, with rive of contract grade.
Prices In the oats pit were slightly lower
In sympathy with the weakness of wheat.
Most of the selling was by cash houses
with western connections. The demand
earn rrnm commission houses and a few
ftlt traders. May opened a shade to ViSo
lower at 3Tinc, sold up to &ie, where
It closed. Local receipts were 112 cars.
Provisions were firm all day on buying
by local packers and the volume of trad
, ding ' will be large. The main (actor af
fecting the market wa small stocks of
provisions at Liverpool. At the close May
borlt was up 6o at 3i6.2. liud was 20c
higher at W W. Ribs were 16o higher at
18.97. '
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat.
27 Onorheadrn' 'U' m ho8s'
The leading futures ranged as follows:'
Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close.lYes'y.
Tg4 76'4l7iT.
76-4 7BHC84,l74V4e'4l
23 4
M r -A
I "Corn
Jan. Msy -
Jan. May
Pork .
16 OS
15 88
16 27V.
1 t-JH
1 20
J 6-ft,
6 W
8 TJV,'
8 82S
s fry.
No. 8. . .-.
Cash quotations ware as follows:
FLDCR Steady: winter patents, (1 8fl
8.60; winter straights, 3.1iia.0; spring pat
ents, tt.sUf&o'.tt; spring straights, $3.2uij3.50i
bakers, $2 4o4i 2.J0. . -t i
VHHAT No. 8 spring. 7Mf0c; No. $
spring. 70WSc; No. 8 red. 726'7214jC.
CORN-No. t 89a6jc; No 8 yellow, 400
OATU-No. 1 84c; No. I white, 85HW4.C;
No. 2 white, 8tcc
RYE No. 1 tC4c
BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 47Hr
artEDtV-No. 1 flax. 81.HH; No. 1 north
western, $1 1S4 Prime timothy, $4.36. Clover,
contract grade, $11.76.
PROVISIONS Short ribs, sides (looae,
M.6i-i.7. Mass pork, per bbl.. $16.0IH. Lard,
per 100 lbs . $t).2u. Short clear sides (boxed).
IH12H68 86. '
Jtaoelota and BhlDmants of flour anil
grain: Receipts. Shipments.
, r tour, uwe si, 91)
Wheat, bu 77, 0O
Corn, bu.. 6M i0
Oats, bu 2V7 6u
Rye. bu I
barley, bu 164.4JO
165 i)
On the Produoe exchange today the but.
tr rnersei wss steaay; creamery, 22S31c;
aairy, aiic r,i, wtit: si mam. caa,
Included, aluac; Prats, I3e; prime nrsts.
no; sairas, sac v.n, steady, 13olc.
MUwaakea Grata Market.
ket easier: No. 1 northern, T8M TVHc I No. 8
northern. 7osi7ac: stay, i.o. tia.
ft Y F I .ower: No. 1. aWiic.
IAHLEy-teady; No. 2. 66Mj66c; sample.
CORN Steady; No. 8. cash, 8HfHc; May
434ai(c, aaked.
Dalala Oral Market.
nt'LITTH.. Jan. I WH KAT On track
No. 1 northern. 77 c; No. 8 northern, T5So;
May. 7s,o: juiy. 7c.
OATH To arrive, 8340.
Taleda eel Market.
TOL-FTDO, Jan. tSEKDS Clover, cash
and January, IS 30; rVbruary. $4 .7V;
March, 4v; prime alsike, $. 68; prime
timothy, z..
16 OB 16 o
16 111 16 27H
I S7H I 20
ersi ' 40
I T7H 67
06 tK"
9 17HI I $74
r ira
i7 Jan.
l.lw.rM.l Gl. Market I KOSIN-Klrm: stock. 74.11 bMs ;' A, B
x.iwartaas taraia sxaraei. and C. CM; D. 4 ) E. $4 K.-M4-
IJVF1RPOOL. Jan. -WHEAT-SpotH 14 r: H. It Sf; I. 84.t4 5o; K. IS 15; kl. 6.5o
gWai Nw. I rw4 wewuara aluur. sa; (utuies, J N. e.w; V. U, K ; W. Vt w 4.u.
quiet; March, Is 4d; Msy, 6s 4d; July, ts
CORN Root, quiet: American mixed, new,
4s Id; American mixed, old. 4a 4d; futures,
quiet; January, ta ia; Marcn, 4 iya.
Quotations ef the Day oa Varloa
NFW TORK. Jan. 1 lTTiOTTTWReceln's,
1MS5 bbls.; exports, 1,044 bbls. ; sales, 1.&0
fiacsages. Market dun ana a annus
ower; winter patents, tltt-aa 9"; win
ter straights, 83.4ifn3.50; Minnesota pat
ents, M.1UQ4.40: winter extras, ti.lOi3.10;
Minnesota bakers, M.0a.76; winter tow
grades, 82.8reu3.05. Rye flour, dull: felr to
good. .1.f'q3.N0; choice to fancy, 13 Hj4.20.
Buckwheat flour, aulet at 2.15-2.2i, spot
and to arrive. ,
111 tK WH EAT Quiet at Pr vv ios.
low, 1.20fcl.26; coarse, 31.10dl.12; kiln dried,
22.7fWia.80. .
KY B Nominal ; No. z western, "ici c. i. .
New Tork; Jersey and state, 6ac, de
livered New Toik. . .
BARLEY Nominal: feeding, H.iB c u I.
WHEAT Receipts. M.000 bl.; exports,
216,274 bu.; sales, 2,3U0,0uO bu. (utures. Spot
market steady; No, I red, 79c, nominal,
elevator and JOHc f. o. b., afloat; No. 1
northern Duluth, 89"o r. o. P., anoat: ro. t
hard winter. MSc f. o. b., afloat. The op
tion market developed weakness during the
forenoon on liquidation of old accounts and
sharp declines In outside markets. Partial
recoveries followed, based on a decrease
In world's stocks, and last prices were only
V.0 net lower, as follows: May, 82c; July,
f'ibDV T, 1 . .. . ill
046 bu.; sales, 4.000 bu. spot. Bpot market
easy: No. 2. 62Ac elevator and 60c f. o. b..
aflvat; No, i yellow, &0Vkc; No. I while, Slo.
option market was without transactions,
closing net unchanged, as follows: Janu
ary. BlVic: May. 60c: July. bOo.
OAT8 Receipts 65.600 bu.; exports. 14,6110
du. spot market steady; mixed, zo to si
lbs.. 2i'-'9Vic: natural white. 30 to 83 lbs..
4u41c; clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs., 40fe44c
.t.D ttieady; spring Dran, i.m, prompt
shipment; middlings, 1.2.76, prompt ship
ment; city, I.SOM'-X.BO.
HAY Firm; shipping, 8fr&90e; good to
choice, ll.0Cal.16.
HOP8 Busy: state, common to cholre,
1906, lm5, (t-tfllc; Pacific coast, 19".
14ul7e; 19U6, 10il4c.
HIDES Steady ; Galveston, to 2B lbs.,
20c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 21c; Texas,
dry, 24 to SO lb. 19o.
LEATHER Steady; acid. 27fi2Sc.
PROVISIONS Beef, firm; family, I14.0O-?
14.50; mess, 9.0OJj9.60; beef hams, $23.50
26.00; packet. IU.0ivJiU.60; city extra India
mess, 20.6(Xfl22.60. Cut meats, steady; pickled
bellies. I10.2feiji0.60: Dickled hams. tl2.i)
12 60. Lard, firm; western prime, 19.30
fi1.40; reflned, quiet; continent, $9.90;
South American, 110.60; compound, !x.2fi'a
1.60. Pork, steady; family. 118.5019 0);
Short clear, I17.6OM9.00; mess, 117.6818.50.
TALLOW Steady; city (12 per pkg ), 6c;
country (pkgs. free). 64jHc.
RICE Btesdy; domestic, fair to extra,
2Wui4hc: Janan. nominal.
POULTRY Dressed, weak; western
chickens. 124fl5c; turkeys, 141Sc; fowls,
TtTTTTT5Tt Firm: street nrlce extra cream
ery, 23c; ofllclal price, creamery common to
extra, tti32c; held common to extra, 224J
10c; state dairy common to firsts, 2KP3LC;
renovated common to extra, lSff24c; western
factoiy common to firsts, 1t"n22o; Western
Imitation creamery firsts, 230240.
CHEESE Quiet; state full cream, small
and large, September, fancy, 14Hc; state,
October best, 14il4c; state, good to prime.
124&13c; state, winter made, average best,
12c; state. Inferior, ll(fjl2c.
EGOS Easy; western firsts, 26c, official
price; seconds, 24Q26c.
Bt. I.onls Genernl Market.
ST. TH'IS. Jan. 2 WHEAT Firm
track. No. 2 red cash. ,4Mj(&76Hc) No. 2
htird. TlffTSc; May, 775"c; July. 74Sc.
CORN Firm: track. No. 2 cash. 39a404c;
No. 2 white, 4tH4iHoc; May, Juiy,
OATS Firm; track. No. 2 cash, Joc: No.
2 white, SO'c; January, 84Hc; May, Sb&
FLOUR Steady ; red winter patents. 23.55
63.75; extra fancy and straight, 13.1003.46;
clear, !2.5.Va2.S6. '
BEED Timothy, steady, 23.25(88.70.
CORNMEAI-Steady. 1120.
BRAN Quiet; sacked, east trsck, i&
HAY Quiet; timothy, 216 0919.00; prai
rie. I1B004;16.00.
PROVISIONS-Pork, higher; lobbing,
$16.70, Lard, higher: prime steam, $.lo.
Irv salt meats, higher; boxed, extra shorts.
$!.37tt; clear ribs, IS.37H: short clear. $9..'H.
Bacon, higher; boxed, extra shorts, $10,134;
clear ribs, $10.12H; short clears, 19. 12.
POULTRY Firm: chickens, 9c; springs,
lOHc; turkeys, 14c; ducks, 10Hc; geese, RHc.
BUTTER Higher; creamery, 27(533Vio;
dairy, 23flc.
EGGS Firm at zic
Receipts. Shipments.
10,000 14.000
40,fln0 4,non
tWS.ono 142.000
158,000 &8,000
Flotir. bbls
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
Kansas City Rrnla aad Provlaloas.
Changed to V10 lower; May. 7Tc; July,
tWc. Cash: No. 2 hard. 6XVt??mc; No. 2,
tWVw'i67Hc: No. 2 red, 71fT2c; No. 2, t6a70c.
CORN Vnrhanged to c lower; May,
$Mg, Julv, 3Sc. Cash: No. 2 mixed. Softi,;
1NO. B, 0((iiwi-4c; o. 4 wmie, aiioiTH',
OATS wa V higher; No. z white, 3b(B57c;
No. 2 mixed, 3&Vu:lKc. -
RYE Steadv. wwaha-.
ir,AY Prairie. 6o lower. Choice tim
othy, $1&.6M.H.00; prairie, $11.0O?tll.60.
HUTTKK-steaay ; creamery, sue; pacKing,
ISHc. . , ....
KUUS nteaay to nrm; nrsts, z--c; seconas,
Following were me receipis ana snipmenis
of grain:
Receipts. Shipments,
Wheat, bu.
.... 36,000 16;,OH0
.... 73.010 37.010
Corn, hu...
Oats, bu...,
.... 6,0U0 13,000
Roard of Trade quotations for Kansas
City delivery. The range o( prices, ss re
ported or igan at tsryan, lu uoara or
Trade building, was:
May ..
July ...
694 Ti
May ..
July ..
A asked. B bid.
Available Pnppllea of drain
NEW YORK. Jan. 2. 8peclal cables and
telcn-raphlo communication received by
Birtdmi eet's show the following changes
In svallHlile supplies, as compared with
previous account:
w nest t . nitett urates, east or Mocsry
mountains, increased 139.000 bu. : Canada
decreased 3'J9,Oil bu.; total, t'mti'd States
and Canada, decreased 19Q.0il0 bu ; afloat
ror ana in r.urope, necreasea w'v ou.
total American and European supply, de
creased 1.000.000 bu.
Corn Inlted Rtates and
creased 1.77.Oi4) bu.
Oats I'nlted States and
creased 1,292.000 bu.
Mlnuenpolla Grata Market.
77c: July. 7rSc; No. 1 hard. TSVATBct No. 1
northern. TTNtivsc ; jso. z northern, 75Htr
i5c; No. I northern, ntT 7?-e.
KLOl'R First ratents. I4.M4.4 30: second
patents, $4 Oofi4 1R: first clears, 13. 853. S3
second clears, $2.40ff!.tii).
BRAN In bulk. $17.26.
Philadelphia Prednce Market.
Steady, fair demand: extra western cream
ery, official prli-e. 32WC; street pries, 33Vc;
extrs nearby prints. 3Hc,
EOO8 Weak, 2c lower: nearby fresh and
western fresh, 27c. at mark.
CHEKSE-Steady; New York full cream.
Cattoa Market.
steady; middling uplands. 10c; middling
gulf, lie: saiea, 4&.B10 bales.
LIVEHPtOL. Jan. 2. COTTON-erot. In
moderate demand, 1 point higher; American
middling fair, .4d; good middling. I. Old;
middling, 61J; low middling, 6(i3d; gool
ordinary. S CM : ordinary. 4 Kid. Sales. 7.000
bales, of which 6uO were for speculation and
export, and Included 4.6u0 Amerli-an. Re
ceipts since last report, 77,OuO bales. In
cluding &7,0X American.
ST. LOl'18, Jan. 2.-COTTON 8teady;
middllruc, loc; sales, 42 bales; receipts,
none; shipment none; stock, ;5.3?3 bales.
rUsd (Inn; sales. I.S75 bales; low ordinary,
6c nominal; ordinary. "',. nominal; aood
orllnary. I7-I6c; low middling. iVc; mid
dling. llM,c; good middling, 11 1-ltic; mid
dling fair. 11V. nominal; fair, 2c, nomi
nal; receipts, 4.036 bales; stock, 4j.4al bales.
Oils aaa Rasla.
OIL CITY. Pa.. Jan. . OI U-Crvdit bal
ances. II ba. Runs. December 20 and 31.
SS2 1 bbla; average. 1'6 132 bb s ; ship
ments. tvoember 31. 170.f4 bbls.; a-erage,
19 S.v bbla; shipmsnts. - January t, M.ZLi
Fricei Wtrer UnotitsiBlj and Tolnm f
Trgniaotigsi it BmalL
Isnpeadlnsj laejalrr r laterstata
Casameree Caiassissloa Oeoaslea af
tka Depresstoa Hill Issaaa
NEW YORK, Jan. 1 Prices of storks
wavered uncertainly today and showed a
tendency to settle back to Monday's dos
ing level. The volume of business was on
an Insignificant scale. The constraint of
the speculation wss not explainable by any
Immediate developments, these being mostly
favorable. But the longer outlook was the
subject of much consideration and of
greatly mixed Interpretation. There wa a
wealth of authority In evidence In the an
nual reviews on th great showing ot the
year Just past, but there was In all -of these
a rather surprising unison In the note of
caution mingled with even the most hope
ful passages, and from that ranging down
ward In the scale of optimism to an admis
sion of probable early commercial reaction
and depression. This had its effect on stock
market sentiment.
The future of the money market also
seemed (ar from clear In spite of the prompt
relaxation which was manifest today In
this market and in foreign markets as well.
Berlin discount rates eased In a way to
give gratifying evidence of the successful
Iiasslng of the year and crisis In that mar
;et, which was especially dreaded. London
discounts ran off In a pronounced way. The
early 20 per cent rate for call loans here
was not held long. The huge volume of the
clearing house exchanges was witness to
the Important progress already made on
Monday In disposing of ths annual require
ments. Conditions seemed tending quickly,
therefore, towards the money relaxation
which has been relied on to revive stock
market activity. A modifying factor which
must be reckoned with Is the course of the
treasury operations In the future and which
were especially dwelt on in the January
circular of the National City bank. Provis
ion Is already Implied (or the return of
110,000.000 of government deposits held by
the banks, half on January 20 and half on
February 1. and the latter date was also
mentioned as the period for beginning the
return of the $27,000,000 of deposits made
with the banks In September last. The olr
cular estimates that exceaa of government
revenues over, payments between now and
January no win amount to KiK.udo.uuo ad
ditional. The opinion Is expressed that
money rates will be sustained by these
causes up to the time of the maturity of
the $115,wo,C00 of 4 per cent bonds, when
the outlook will he affected by the alterna
tive of redemption cf the whole Issue or of
partial refunding. Meantime prepayment
has been made of all the government In
terest falling due up to and Including
May I.
a striking feature of the day s financial
markets was the violent advance in the
foreign exchange market. The demand for
remittance seemed urgent In SDlte of the
easing of money markets abroad. It was in
terred mat obligations which were deferred
during the stringency in money here were
Demg covered on a large scale. The price
of demand sterling rose fully I pence In
the pound over that of last week. Ths
high Interest rates charged on stock mar
ket account for December had a discourag
ing effect on holders of stocks on margin.
The average rate for the month charged by;
me biock exenange nouses was 12 per cent.
The Impending inquiry Into the relations of
the Harrlman group of railroad properties
by the Interstate Commerce commission
was the occasion of some depression. The
HB1 stocks were supported and there was a
subsidence of the rumors of money troubles
growing out of the severe decline In those
stocks. There were other points of oc
casional strength, but thev yielded In the
course of the trading. The market closed
irregulaw and near the low prices of the
Bonds were IrreaTilar. Total sales, nar
value. $1,804,000. United States bonds were
unchanged on call.
ine following are the quotations on ths
New York Stock exchange:
Sales. Hlvh. Iviw rinsa.
Adnmi Kxpresa Be
Amalgamated Capper M,KH llBVa 1"H 1'4
Am. c. A r ton it 42 t
" . F ...... lUUVfc
Am. Cottra Oil , im ' tl 11
Am. Cotton Oil of .....
' U '
American Express
Am. H. u prd
Am.- Ioa, -eoorlH-a. ........ 100
Am. Llnaaed Oil 400
M .
Am. L.nM Oil M
Am. lsmitm! ......
Am. Locomotive sM.
MS 1014 104 W
8.400 1M"4 14l 164
no 1144 11H 114
l,n 114 4 1SH U4
Km MV4 4 H
1,400 Ml 18414
14.800 1H 1044 IU614
400 H 44 M
I'M) 111 111 14 11114
.toe in 1M14 U014
Am. s. a k
Am. 8. A R. pfd
Am. Sugar Refining...
Am. Tobacco pfd ctfa .
Anaconda Mining Co...
Atchison pfd
Atlantlo Coast Line...
Baltimore A Ohio
Bal. A Ohio pfd
f 14
Brooklyn Rapid Tr T.tflO T
Tilt 7
144 11.141
tanaaian facino ,oon
Central or N. 1
Chesapeake A Ohio...
Chicago Ot. W
Chicago A N. W
C. M. A It. P
sia Ilt gia
14 4 44
104 II 1744 1 7
I.IO 144 14414 141
Chicago T. A T
Chicago T. A T. pfd.
C , C, C. A St. L...
Colorado V. A I
Colorado A 80
Colo. A 80. let pfd...
Colo. So. Id pfd....
Conaoll dated Oaa ....
Corn Prod acta
Corn Products pfd....
100 17 ST IT
100 174 1174 1374
T.100 13 21 11
800 84 82 4
1.800 127 121 183
Delaware a Hudaon..
Del., U A W
Denver A R. (I
, 11,400
42 41
81 81
T4'4 71
41 48
T4T4 744
U. A R. O. pfd
Dlatlllera' Securities
En ....1
Erl let pfd
Krle 2d pfd
Ueneral Electrla
1,800 141 10
"ioo lii" Hi"
'"ioo '1044 'iiii
Hocking Valley, aikad
lllloota Central
International Paper ,.
Int. Paper pfd
nt. rums
InL Pump pfd. M
Iowa Central
14 184 184
Iowa Central pfd
804 40 40 44
1,0110 141 14r 141
404 M K 1
tuO M 4a 44
1,100 1S7 111444 184
100 17 141 144
Kanaaa City 80
K. C. 80. pfd
boulllle a N
Mexican Central
Mlaneapolla A Bt. It
M., St. P. A S. S. M
M . St. P. A 8. 8. M. pfd.
Mleoourl Facile .'.
Mlieourl. K. A T
M.. K. A T. pfd
National Lad
N. R. R. ot M. pfd
New York Central
N. T.. O. A W
Norfolk A Western
Norfolk A W. pld
North American
Paclto Mall
People' Oaa
P., i' , c. A St. L
Preaaed Steel Car
Preaead 8. C. pfd
1,000 4144
I.400 41 40
na Ti4 71
"0 71 78
1x0 II 47
1.10V 111 181.
400 47 '4 47
t0 1144 1144
"ioo 'iiii 17
11.104 144 111
400 l 41
1.004 41 12
100 110 10 140
I8I.I0O 114 1U 1114
Pullman Palac Car...,
Reading ,
Reading 1st pfd ,
Reading Id pld
Republic Steel ,
Republic 8teel pfd ,
Hoc k I aland Co
Rock laland Co. pfd...,
it. U A S. . Id pfd..
St. Uxila S. W ,
HI. L. S W. pfd ,
southern Pad 80
So. Paclflo pfd ,
So. Railway ,
So. Railway pfd
Tennessee. C. A I
Teaaa A Parlfle
Toledo. St. U A W...
T . St. L. A W. pfd..
I'nlon Pacific
Union Paclflc pfd
U. S. Bipreea
V. 8. Really
U. 8. Rubber
U. 8. Rubber pfd
I' 8. Steel
U. 8. Steel pfd
Va.-Carolina Chemlcel
84 88
7 17
4144 41
(4 14
0 4 !
W !4 12V
4iM 117 114V 1IU
1.UW 11 824 82
44. 1"0 lu 17 17
80S l ! 1
104 11 II 41
48 48 44
I.0O0 104 104 14
JOO 1444 M4 l
Va.-Caro. Cham, pld
Wabaah too 18
rvaoaan pis too 14
Welia-Pargo gipreea
Weatlnghouaa Kleclrl 104 144 144
Waelara Lnlon
Wheeling A U
Wiecanaia Central
Wla. Oeotral pfd
Northern Paclne ....
Central Leather ....
Central Leather pfd.
Sloee-Shemeld Slerl
Oreal Northern pfd.,
Int. Melropuliua ...
Int. hSH. pfd
8U 188
40 144
'"i'i '74"
t iu4
0 M
1 714
Touu alas lor ths day, 444,404) share.
New Yark nialakT ttaeks,
NEW YORK. Jan. 1-Closlngj quoUtlons
on trlning Biotas werei
Adaau Caa.
utile CkiaC ..
.. I
.. II
.. Tl
BrunawUk Cea.
Cuwatock Tunnel
Coa. lal. A Vs.
tiora Hi Her
Leedelue Caa. .
.. a
.. t
.. M
Ismail Hep ...
Traasary laleaaaat.
WASHINGTON, Jan. t-The monthly
statement of the government receipts and
expenditures show that for the month of
liecembrr, lMwi, the rwcelpia were IAX12.I7I
aad tits sxuciuL lures letafl.eH, Icavlug a
surplus for ths month of ts.rTS.ono. The
surplus for Ixscember, 1905, wag Io,4n0.0ia
The expenditures for the month wero
$..fof),ono m excess of those (or lie rem her,
1 The receipts (or the sia months o(
the present fiscal year show a surplus over
the disbursements of $27,060.90. as against
a deficit for the corresponding period Isst
year of 27.242.61
Hew Yark Meaey Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. l-MONSY-On oalt
Strong at 6 JO per cent; ruling rate, 14 per
cent; closing bid, I per cent; offered at
per cent. Time loans, easy; sixty .al
ninety days, 7 per cent; six months, 69Vi
per cent.
per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at $4 M7bt
4.14) for demand and st $4.79w34 90 (or
sixty-day bills; posted rates, $4 .fr(H OH and
24 N; commercial bills, $4.79S1j4 9V
SILVER Bar, 667c; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, steady; railroad.
Closing quotations on bonds were as fol
C g. tf. 4c. rag..,
do roupse
0. I. 9a, rag
6o eeupoa
I'. I. els 4s, na...,
do coupon
V. 8. s. 4a. rag...
Ss coupon ,
Am. Tobacee 4s...,
Co a ,
Atchison (an. 4a..
a adj. 4s
Atlantla C. U 4s..
Bal. at Ohio 4s....
4s IH
B R. T. a. 4a....
Central of Oa. Is
Mo lt Ina
Co id Inc
do Id Ina
Chen. A O. 4Ha.
-C. Ct A. ma...
C.. B. (J s. 4i
C, P.. I. P. 4s.
do ool. Is
..1MH Japes sa. Id series... 97
..1MH dS 4e etta Mvt
..1M da 4a etta
..101 do Id aeries 1H
..ine- u N. anl. 4a. .100
..loo "Man. a. I 4e lie
..IM Mel. Central 4a M
..1C"4 de let inc Its,
.. 7414 M. 8t. L. 4S.... P5
..! M , K. T. 4a. ;S
,..10S "do la HO
.. MS . R. R. of M. s 4a MV4
.. M N. Y. C. g. lve H
...out "N. J. C. f. as 12744
.. No. Paclllo 4a 14i
... r-'Vk do la 744
. IOCS N. W. s. 4e
... O. g. L rfdg. 4a H
.. 71, cone. IHa. M
,.. M Readlnf gen. 4a M
,..10614 "g. u i I. at. a H.. 1134
,.. 7-4 . U a g. F. f 4a. M
I. 7 St. L. S. W. C. 4e... 7744
... 74 Seaboard A. U 4a... 1114
... M 80. Pacific 4a Ww,
1A1 . A Am M.t- . li A-
err. a st. L c
Polo. Ind. Se. aor. A. T!48o. Railway ia in
Colorado Mid. 4a 79Tene a F la 117s,
Colo. Bo. 4e........ M4 T., St. L. A W. 4s.. 4144
Cuba le loml'Cnloa Pnclio 4c 11H
". R. O 4a... M l'. S. Steel Id be P
Dletlllera' sec Is..
Wabaih la 114
Erie p. I. 4a I74
do gen. 4a I1H
Hock, Val. 4 Ha. 1414
do deb. B 74
"Western Md. 4e.... t2Vjj
w. 4 k I. 4a.... m
Japan 4a I1ulwii. Cec
Ex-Interest. Bid. Asked,
terest and bid.
lWii. Central 4a.. 17V,
Bostoa Stocks aad Beads.
BO8TON. Jan. 2 Call loans, 10C15 per
cent; time loans, 6fj per cent. Official
quotations on stocks and bonds were:
Atchison adj. 4a. r(4lBlnham ...yi It
do 4a Cal. A Heels 100
Met. Central 4a Mv, Centennial
Atchtaon 106 '4 Copper Range ...
....... S4
do pfd 14 Pair w-eat
"Boetoa Albany... rS
Beaton a Maine 1(1
Boiton BlerateC loft
Fltchbur pfd 1MH
Mexican Central 14
"N. y.. N. H. A H..1M
Pera Marquette 51
I'nlon Paclflo m"4
Am. Art. Chem. pfd SO
Am. Pneu. Tuba. 11
Aniar. Sugar 13114
do pfd .124
Am. T. 4V T la-H
Am. Woolen Ilv,
do pfd 101 14
Edleon Bloc. Illu 1M
lale Rorele ...
Maaa. Mining .
Mont. C. A O.
Old Dominion .
Quince ........
Shannon .......
United Copper
U. 8. Mining..
V. 8. Oil
Maa. Rlectrle 17
ao pra
Maaa. Oaa
United Pnrlt ....
United S. M
do pfd
U. g. Steal
do pfd
. M
. 41
. 41
"Wlnonc .....
. 314
North Butte ..
Butte Coalition
.. 4
Mt Cal. Arliona
IT iTecumeen
114T, Ureene Con, ...
Amalta mated
. I1H
Bid. "Asked.
Laadoa Closlagr Stocks,
LONDON, Jan. 8. Closing quotations on
ths stock exenange were:
Console, money MS M., K. AT
.. 41
do aeooant .... M 11-14
N. T. Central..
.. 144
,.. ti
,.. 4
,.. 41
,.. 14
,.. 14
,.. M
,.. 40
,.. II
,.. 89
,.. (4
Anaconda , 1IH
Atchleoa .......1. ....liH
da pfd 104
Norfolk AW...
d pfd
Ontario A W...
PennaylTanla ..
Baltlmoee St Ohlo....m'4
Canadian Pact Do
..101 Rand Mine
Chan. A Ohle.. 174 Reading
Chicago Ot. W 184 Southern Railway
M. a st. r im ao pra
DeBeers 1444 1 Southern Paclflo ,,
Dearer A ft.' O : 43Un!on PaclBo
do Bid . Si do pfd
Erie 444 U. g. Steal
do let pfd 77 do pfd
do M pfd I84 Wabaah
Illlnola Central 174 do pfd
Loulevtlle N ltlHlSpanlah 4s
SILVER Bar, steady, !2 7-16d par ounce.
MONEY 4ffl4'a per cent.
The rate of discount in the open market
tor short bills Is 6M,E per cent; for three
months' bills, 6Ht4 per cent.
Foretga Elaaaelal.
PARIS. Jan. 2. Prices on the Bourse to
day were stronger. Russian Imperial 4s
closed at 76.60 and Russian bonds of 1904
at 494.
BERLIN. Jan. 2. Prices on the Bourse
today were firm, especially In the case of
bank shares, due to the favorable reports
of amount of business transacted during
the year 1906.
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. Jan. 2. Bank elearlners for to
day were 1.062. lhS.U and for the correspond
ing date last year i,w,tv.t3.
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 2. WOOL Steady : me
dium grades, combing and clothing, 21H9
Zac; light fine, iswc; heavy line, lbl7o;
tub washed, S0&38c.
BOSTON. Jan. i. WOOL The market Is
fairly active and Arm, and in a genernl
way Is said to be satisfactory to mer
chants. During the year lust closed the
market has been steady throughout, but
on the whole quiet. Manufacturers, are
showing continued Interest in the white
clothing wools or Texas and California.
Foreign grades are firm. Quotations: Indi
ana and Missouri Combing, three-eighths
blood, iiti'Mc: combing. Quarter blood. Jl'wa
82c. Texas Scoured basis, fine, twelve
months, 72&73C; fine, four to eight months,
67f Sc; One. fall clean. 6ottfa California
Bcoured twsis, northern, choice, 7J('';
northern, good, SMiwc; middle county, Irfjf
66c: southern. -iiac: fall free. 67i65c.
Oregon Scoured basis, eastern. No, 1 staple,
7047isc; eastern, mo. 1 clothing, 6K70c;
valley. No. 1, 4Wsi2c. Territory Staple
Scoured basis, fine, 70373c: fine medium.
oftiTOc; medium, STAgWc. Territory Ordi
naryScoured basis, fine, WifiOc; fine me
dium, 6b.Ko; medium. Htimte. Colorado
and New Mexico Spring scoured X, 7ft
tvsc; jso. 1, 3'a5c: pulled wool, scoured
basts, extra, btrti 70c ; ffne A, ootlnbc: A
supers, UafiSc; B supers, 47p63c.
Metal Market. .
don tin market was lower, with spot
quoted at 191 10s and futures at 192 6s.
Locally the market was weak In conse
quence, with snot quoted at 141 WXu41.liQ.
Copper was unchanged to a shade lower
in the English market. Spot was quoted
at 105 6s and futures at 106 10s. Locally
copper appears to be in a strong position,
with little of the metal available for de
livery earlier than the summer months.
Lake, 3.7624.26; electrolytic, 2S.50'J4.00;
casting. I.'S.2.Vu23.75. Lead was unchanged
at 8W.t4kfieJ.iS In the local market, according
to aeuvery. 1 tie Kngusn market was Is Id
lower at 19 17s 6d. Spelter was unchanged
at ?8 In London and at 86 564J6.7S locally.
Iron was unchanged to a little lower In the
English - market, with standard foundry
'juntea at sis ann Cleveland warrants st
tils 9d. Ixclly the market wss unchanged.
No. 1 foundry northern. J8.Sf2.26; No. 2
rounary northern. I24.7E.1MS.76; No. 1 foundry
southern. I2S.V'o 27.60; Na 3 foundry south
ern, a.Ti.i.ffn si.w.
ST. LOl'IS, Jan. I. METALS- Lead,
steady at 8.06; spelter, steady at 86 S24
Jew Tark Live Stork Market.
NEW TORK. Jan. 2 BEEVES Receipts,
IM head; steers firm, bulls steady to
strong, choice heavy fat cows firm, others
stesdy; steers. 84 25fl 16; oxen. 86.00; bulls,
SS aMW.; extra fat bulls. 84 66Q4 ; cows.
81 4"fHlo. Exports toddy were gll cattle.
V Burrii aiiu e.juu quarters OI Deer,
t-Ai.vfcT rteceipts. 1 (B head; firm to
strong; veaie, eo.axan.ou; culls, ll.OO-fiS.Ou;
barnyard calves, 8a.6uro4.O0; no western
Calves; dressed clve firm; city dressed
veais, evni4c per lb.; country dressed, 7i
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.617
neaa; sneep nrm; lambs Zbc higher; me
dium grades 4pc higher; sheep, Il0i4jt.ii0
no prime stock here: lambs, 17. 8 50
cull. 84.iVkfi6.uo; no Canada lambs.
1UXJB Kecelpts, 10,377 head; easier;
state snd Pennsylvania hogs, I4.7uuil.afi:
pigs, 86.9O4T7.00. 1
Bvaparatea Asplee aaa Dried rrall
APPLES Market quiet; prices barely
strady. with futures offerins ouita fri
Fancy, 8iic; choice, 8&ijc; prime,
are Arm and said to t concentrating into
the hands of comparatively few holders
on the cuast. Quotations range frurn .i
so for California fruit, with Oregon 60s
to us quoieo at i"no. Apricots ars un
ensnged. with choice Quoted at 14c: extra
choice. 17ij!lc; fancy, l.a'JOc. Pesxhe are
quiet ana steaay; cnoice. lie; extra chotca,
lakc: fancy, lie. Halslns are unihaMU-wl
1. u , U , . t I Tl m.AmA I -1 . .
I -- ' "i . .... j , . m mmmmmm
I vhk, Aseuaua layaia. u.4i.a.
Good CatU EUadr, bat Others Art Elow
god Eu'er.
keep aad Lambs la Moderate Iteeelpt,
bat Everything Arrives Wet
aad tka Trade Is Slaw, wltk
Lower Teadeaey.
SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. 2. lXfl.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hoes. Sheen.
Official Monday 147 1.427 4.1J1
Offlcial Tuesday 2.3S 2.&KT
Ottlcial Wednesday l.tkO S.40O
Three davs this wek-.10X4 11.41(4
Same days last week.... I.3R1 I 4hl
Same daye I weeks ago.. ,722 V.74
Same days I weeks ago. .21. 08 23,466
Same days 4 weeks ago..l4.ST4 If, 443
Same days last sar 7,417 li.ui
Oood to choice corn fed steers H.SAfl 28
Ealr to good corn fed steers 4.7Vg6.50
Common to fair steers 4.0'4.7I
Oood to choice fed cows I.7V&4 M
Fair to good cows and heifers 3.W-0J.7S
Common to fair cows and heifers.. 1.5g2.50
Oood to choice st'kers and feeders .lm4.M
Pair to good stockers and feeders. 3. 434. 20
Common to fair stockers I.TtVjia.tO
Bulls, stss-s. etc 2.0ia'4.0O
Veal calves 4.0oa.2
The following table shows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons!
Date. I 1904). 106. 1104. 11103. 102.1S01. 11900.
Deo. 24...
Dec. 26...
Dec. 2...
a a
(05 443 454 186 120 4
I 00 4 fa 468 27 414
111 466 111 I 26 4 77
5 00 4 67 4 4 SI 4 81
0 4 62 4 61 36(I6
4 47 4 64 26 24 4 30
Dea 27...
Deo. 28...
Dec. 29...
Dec. 80...
Deo. II...
S 21 H
Date. I 1907. 1908.lDO5.1904.lSO3.1902.19Ol.
Jan. 1....I
Jan. 2.... I
S 141 I 4 641
I 11 4 W 4 SI I
ss; a1 4 1
! 221 4 M
Sunday. "Holiday.
. . l.AOftl.OO
... roti.6t
... 1.75.M
Kansas City ,.
St. Louis-
Ths official
s wSwa'aT
. t,
number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'ses
C. M. & St. P T
Wabaah 1
Missouri Paclflo
U. P. System 40
C. A N. W., east..... 10
C. ,k N. V.. west.... 27
C, St. P., M. At O.... 19
C, B. & Q., east 4
C, B. & Q., west 27
C, R. I. P., east.. 16
C, K. 1. & P., west.. 1
Illinois Central 1
Chicago Gt. Western 1
Total receipts 169
The disposition Of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
' Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 6:0 921 1.051
uwirt and company 6X8 1.2J1 1.374
Cudahy Packing Co.
Armour A Co
Vansant & Co .'..
Lobman & Co
McCreary & Carey
W. I. Stephen
Hill tt Son
F. P. Lewis
Huston A Co
Hamilton 4k Rothschild.
L. F. Huss
J. H. Bulla
Mike Haggcrty
J. B. Root A Co
Z. It Clark ,
T. B. Inghram
Sullivan Bros
V. A. Brltton
Lehrrer Bros
Other buyers
. 161 .... l;:i
.8,876 Mo! 3AA
CATTLE3 Receipts this - momma were
Quite liberal, but unfortunately the arrivals
consisted principally of common to medium
grades, there being a scarcity of really de
sirable cattle.
it Happened that packers all seemed to
want a few good cattle and when asked If
they would look at a string they Invariably
replied by asking If they were good, and if
not they were very slow about looking at
i"!'. 5U . ,T-. ."V JZ? Prei.v
the corrvoion to medium kinds were very I .BT,-.,?S-SPJi' Mo- J"' t.-CATTLE-Re-slow
and In many cases decidedly lower. ! 227 ,'ad;. "larktiemcUv,:..nJt-,J,""
The market on cows and heifers was In I ;Zf f2 ,1 -nd e,! -ti-l
about the same condition as the steer 1 'fS tf.??', .J??!'0
market. Buyers would look st pretty fair .M8"? c E,BA V?, rnarket 2V3
stuff, for which they seemed willing to I ,VhSfp1 fVn0! amSiW'?'
pay about steady prices, but the other hfJBl!'p..A,ND LAMBS Receipts, 1,278
kinds were slow and the tendency lower. headi market steady.
Only a -Very few feeders were on sals,
but what there were brought steady prices.
.representative sales:
No. A. IT No. A. Pr.
IS IS 4 113 4 Tl
10.. ... 864 4 80 17 1046 4 44
17.... 1117 4 44 14 .....1141 4 44
10 1011 4 44 44 184 I 11
1 114 4 44 41 187 I II
1 14 4 40 10 151 I 44
I Ill 9 10 18 Kl IN
T 101 I 44 1 101 1 14
I 888 I 10 . 4 1040 I II
3 1004 8 80 11 81 I 44
I I.I I 71 1 171 I 4
14 90S I 80 IT 14 I 41
II 10 I 80 4 1087 I 44
1 814 I 10 II 114 I 44
1 74 8 80 4 1104 I 4
4 10 I 14 1 878 I 44
1 1031 I 44 I 144 I 44
I 447 I 44 T 180 8 41
14 104 I 04 1 1014 I 71
14 171 I 10 11 .. HI I 71
II. .. Ill I 10 11 l I 14
4 1117 111 1 1071 144
f 111 I II 12 11H I 84
!.. 131 I II 1 1370 4 II
14 10M I 16 1 1144 4 84
11 lot 1
1 440 I 14 1 861 I 84
4 780 I I 11 17 I M
1 400 1 14 I ID III
II 171 I 71 8 Ill I 44
I Ill I 14 II 171 I 44
1 741 I 8 It 441 I M
1 144 I W It 744 4 0
1 1114 I 40 1 1044 I tt
1 1444 I 84 1 124 I K
I. 1134 I II 1 ISa I tl
1 8 0S I 81 1 1110 I M
1 1140 I 4 1 1870 I 81
1 ...1070 I 14 1 144 I 4
1 IIOS I 94 I U7 1 a
1 1711 I 14 1 44 I 84
1 860 I 14 1 1100 4 4
1 1444 I 88 - 1800 4 II
1 144 I 71 t KM I Tl
1 148 I 11 . 1 841 I 71
1 10 4 60 1 114 4 44
1..... 114 I 86 1 .... 144 I 44
1 1H4 I 86 1 10t0 I 04
1 174 I 14 1 171 I 84
19 Ill I 10 I Ill 4 14
1 174 I 44 1 110 t
1 114 I 71 1 lot) I II
I ISO I 71
II 711 I 70 84 IU IN
10 M8 I 74 8 44 I 4
14 417 I 76 1 464 I 4
1 644 I 14 1 164 I 70
1 768 I 84 14 424 I 74
14 40 I 84 98 831 I 74
I Ill III 7 TI4 I 71
I TI0 I 16 1 808 I 40
4 44 8 84 1 114 I
14 141 I 4 4 44 I
I ill I 64 I Toe 4 44
1 44 I H 4 714 4 04
1 760 I SO T Ill 4 0
11 M4 I 44 60 lfrM 4 a
HOOS Hogs sold 2H6o lower this morn
ing. IDs trade opened slow and It took
buyers and sellers some time to get their
ideas adjusted to a trading basis, but when
the Ice was once broken the hogs moved
off rapidly, so that the big end of the
receipts changed bands by 10 o'clock or
soon after. The bulk went at 4"-'0.BH.
as against 1.'U and 8426 yesterday. In
other words, the most of th hoars sold
only 2Ho lower, but there were esses where
salesmen were forced to take ort so. as
will be noted from the sale below the
popular price was 36.20. One choice load of
MO-pound hogs sold up to 86.27H. which wag
th top, as against 86.80 yesterday. The
market closed about steady with the open
ing, there being very little change through
out the day.
Representative sales:
No. A. Ik. Pr. Na At. Sk. T.
81 44 ... I Tl II 14 844 4 44
88. 11 ... I IS ' t Ml 4 4 I
44 IT 0 I 11 71 1(7 4 4 94
84 86 18 4 17S 41 84 4o I 14
4 124 I 17 "4 64 til ... 4 84
14 114 ... 117" 44 17 IM 4 I
47 1 4 ... 4 M 14 117 ... I 14
Ill ... I 84 18 141 44 4 N
14. 147 ... 4 14 44 12 ... It
4 lit ... 4 84 11 ...164 144 I IS1
IT 1.1 ... 14 44 IM ... IR4
84 Ill ... 4 14 U Ill ... 1114
14 18 ... It 11 It ... I 12S
84 US ... 18 4 Kl IM I tJ-4
. 1 14 6 8 44. 84 44 I 14,
1 14 44 4 14 44 it! ... 4
11 17 ... 4 80 St 1,1 ... 4 II
44 Ml 4 I 8 4 Z3 ... I
44 1!) 1 te 184 HI ... IK
44 143 194) 4 r 81 PS 4 I 18
Tl 1! M IS T4 r4 ... I N
Tl IN M .tr ... I 18
81 14 44 I IS Tt Ill 44 I 88
II IM ... I IS II " ... I 81
44 144 ... 4 M 44. IM ... I St
84. ... I 10 Tl IS ... I II
an 11 ... 4
SHEEP It wss a typical rainy day mar
ket In the stieen barn. After the all
night rain everything arrived oa?nig wet
and looking at Its very worst. Puckers
are never In a hurry to buy wot wool and
the market accordingly ws extremely
slow and bnrkwart In opening and was a
good deal of a drag all the morning. To
add still further to the dullness and wesk
ness Chicago reported a Inrge run and a
lower market, lluyers would pick out here
and there something that they .especially
wanted at prices that did not look so very
mucn lower than yesterday consmerin
4r7.0O; good to choice yearlings, lamb
weights, fll04O; fair to good yearlings,
lamb weights, $6.Uty4S30; good to choice
yearlings, heavy welgnts, 16 K.V?4).flO; fair to
good yearlings, heavy weight, Io.0(vii6.a6;
good to choice old wethers, 26 Mj6.7o; fair
to good old Wethers, f.2,"ilt.60; giod to
Choice ewes, HtOtte.SO; fair to good ewes,
24 60ii4 90.
Ountatlon On feeders: Oood to chrvlce
lambs, !6.Jfy 50; medium lambs, In.27'fl6 25;
light lamb. I4264Y6.2S; yearling. 26.16416 60;
wethers, $4 764?s to; ewes, 2J-6"H4 .60; bleed
ing ewe, f4604?K.09.
Representative aulas 1
18 western ewes 147
200 western ewes Ill
14 western ewes 137
230 western yrlgs. and wsthers.103
126 western ewes, culls M
4 western lamb 77
10 western lambs 73
23 western ewes ht
le'7 western wethers 12
24 Western cull ewes li
131 westsrn cull ewes 126
60 western culls lambs b
5 IS
6 16
5 16
5 So
4 46
7 if.
7 06
4 76
f 00
4 25
4 45
6 50
7 26
7 36
7 as
7 28
km western cull lambs
43 western cul
SI western cull
16 western cuil
250 western cull lambs.
ITS western cull lambs.
176 western cull lambs...
Cattle Steady la Btroas Hogs Weak
ta Lower.
CHICAGO, Jan. 2. CATTLE Receipts,
about 26.000 head. Market steady to strong;
common to prime steers, I4.ii7.00; cows,
S2.704i4.40; heifers. I2.2t'(i6 20; bulls, S-latf
'mm'"- 2Ma-60' "tockers and feeders,
HOOS-Recelpts. 82.(100 head. Market was
weak In Kn lni.r nrlm. hlnnlns'
weak to 6o lower: nrlme henvv ahlnnlntr.
: 8S.40(afl.42H; strong weight butchers, fri.3rf
'ti'j, an unpj n cia ill 41 it it iici , y 1 . agt'iis,
6 1; light butchers, lo.nvon gs; packing,
en. 3,; ouiK or sales, 4t So.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, t',000
head. Market for choice steady, others
weak to 10c lower; sheep, :i 7Mi.00; year
lings, 4.8iij.40; lambs, itf OOflLW.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 8.500 head, Including 150 southerns.
Market steady to weak; choice export and
dressed beef steers, $5.75ifi4i o; fair to good,
34.0iK(i6.60; western fed steers, $3.76lQ.CO;
stockers and feeders. 82.9oiir4.70; southern
steers, 23 2Sti6.00; southern cows. 22.0j&8.50;
native cows 2.25'?i4.60; native heifers, (z.OOfji
6.20; bulls,e2.6oft4.25; calves, li.ThUi'! 50.
HOOS Receipts, 13,000 head. Market &ft
Vjo lower. Top, 26.40; bulk of sales, trt S03
8 86; heavy, en.S2H,il.40; packers, eliSo-
6.87V4; pigs and lights. 85.26afl.8?4.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.f00
iwaa. niarxet strong: Iambs, fy.Zb'in.bu:
ewes and yearlings. 4.60u26; western fed
yvarllngs, ISJOiinito; western fed sheen.
84.lCii5.66; stockers and feeders, 23.4&ii4.76.
St. Lanls Live Stork Market.
ST. LOUIS. Jsn. 2. CATTLE Receipts,
3,500 head, Including 200 Texans; market
steady; native shipping and export steers,
36.10ti.60; butcher steers, I4.4fc4.!; steers
Under !.() lbs.. 8S.2M7-4.KO: alnekera
feeders, 820064.90: cows and heifers, 82 5fvQ
o.ii ecnmirrn, i.sntj)v.iu; DUIIS, 3.6O'4.00;
calves, 8S.OO7-60; Texas and Indlsn steers.
82.6oifj.60; cows and heifers, 31.76'&S.60.
HOOS Receipts, 11.0(0 head; 6c lower;
Pigs and lights, 86.75fiS5; packers. 86.16
i.36; butchers and best heavy, IS.2fVg4.40.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpls. 3.000
head; market steady; native muttons, 83.60
r.00; lambs, 4.007 7 60; culls and bucks,
$2.004313.00; stockers and feeders, 11.5033.25.
Sloax City Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITT. Ia., Jan. I. (Special Tele-
irm.i-i.nus rteceipts, 1.300 head;
market weak; stockers, slow; beeves, it 86
600: cows, bulls and mixed, $2.5064.26;
etorkeea ar.4 fesHaea, J3.00S-1 2J; calves and
yearlings, 32.603.86.
HOQS-Recelpts, 2,800 head; market Be
llfX: Jl"1" mt W-WW-Ki bulk of sales,
I Josepk Live Stook Market.
Stork la Sight.
Receipts of live stock st the six nrlnclnal
western inaraeia yesteraay:
Cattle. Hog. Sheep
south Omaha 3.8no 6.4(0 4,201)
Hioux uity 1,0110
Kansas City 9.609
8. 139
32, 0H0
St. Joseph
,. 1.227
.. 8.5fl0
Chicagro ,
...46,327 67.481) 23,476
Condition of Trad aad Quotations oa
lapl aad Pasty Prddaee.
LIVE POULTRY Hens. 7i28c: roosters.
4c: turkeys. lOiillc: ducks. k'uo: sDrlna-
Chlrkens, "HfiSc; geese. TtiSc.
BUTTER Packing stock. 1819o: cholc
vi rsncy aairy, zitejac; crsamery, imb.uc.
ha x Choice upland, 3950; medium, 18.00;
eonrs. 8. 008.50. Rye straw, eo.60df7.00.
BRAN Per ton, 416.00.
TURNIPS-Per bu.. 60c
SWEET POTATOES Kansas, car bbl..
TOMATOES California, per basket of M
ids., 4-.00.
WAX BEANS Per bu. bog, 83.5Oi7t.00.
BEETS and CARROTS per bu.. J50.
LEAF LETTUCK Hothouse, per dos.
bead. 4fe.
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dos., 81.753
ONIONS Horn grown, 0c per bu. ; Span.
isn, ..uu per crate; (joiorsao, too.
HORSERADISH Case of 2 dos.. 81.90.
RADISHES Per dos. bunches, southern,
latge bunches, xf.
NAVY BEANS Per bu... 81.66; No. , $1.60.
1,1 MA BEANS Per lb., 6'0.
GREEN PKPPERS Psr hamDer. 83.00.
PARSLEY Hothouse, per dos. bunches.
CABBAGE Holland setd, horn Brown,
per 10., ltto.
EtiO PLANT Per dog.. 12 253.00.
I'I T ATVll. S Par hu.. eOfi&Oc.
RUTABAGAS About 150 lbs. to sack.
HEAD LETTUCE South, pr dos.,
SHALLOTS Southern, per bu., SOo.
APPLES Ben Davis, shuloe. 82.00: fancy.
per bbl.. 32.26; Jonathans, 33.60; New York
apples, Hi; Grimes' Golden, 83 60.
PEARS-Wlnter Nslls. per box, 83 00.
ORAPES-MaJaga. per bbl., 16. 0041.00.
ORANOES-Fluridi oranges, 8290; 1 Call
fornla navels. 83.26.
LEMONS Ltmonlera, extra fancy, 240
sl. 84.60; SOO and 860 ise. 36.00; other
brand. 64M leas.
BANANA Per medium td bunch.
t2 wx02 26;. lumbos. 32 60le.0.
UAlfco-Kainwaf, so; -Buyers, no; rial
lowis. new stuffed walnut antes. lb. box,
81.10; California, bulk. 7ic; S-.iown, 15c
Lrrovn. 14a: 8rown. 12e.
GRAPE g RUIT-bis 64 to 64 fend 90 to 94.
84 59.
COCOANUTS-Per Sack of bA 84.60.
Ribs: No. 1, 14Vsc; No. , 'c; No. 8, V4o,
Lxln: no. 1. uc; mo. z. 1 ro. , vo
Chuck: No. 1, V; No. 2, 5c; Hj. 8, 4c.
Round: No. 1. 6c; No. 2. 7c; No. 8. tftto,
Piatt: No. i, 4o; No. 2. 4c: No. 3, Sc.
CHEESE Swiss, new, 16c; Wlsconnln
brick, liVs4rl6c; Wisconsin llmberger, 14c
twInH. 16Vic: Young Americans. Ittc.
FISH-Truut. 12.-. halibut, lc: caiO-h. 16
buffalo, 8c; bullheads. 12c; black bass, fine
stock, 5c' salmon. 12c; pike, 13c; ted snap.
per, fresh frosen, 13c; whltellsh, fresh
froieo. 13c: yellow perch. dressed and
scaled, 8c; pickerel, fresh frozen, so; frog
legs, oc per aoi. snaaies.
CURED riSJI Family whlteflih, per
quarter bbl.. loo lbs , 14 00: Norway rr.ttck-
trel. No. . 36 0fi; No 1 3-8uu; herring In
bLls., ) lbs. each. Norway. 4k. !; .Nor.
way, 8k. IV. 00; Holland herring, In keg.
mllVers. sue: kegs, mixed, 7'c.
1. 124.C; No. 2, llc; bull liiues, fc-dluv; gfee
t.iaea iso. 1, lie; No. I, 10c; hoisa, X.ivif
3 75; sheep pelts, evcwtl.25. Tallow, No. L
4.c; No. 2. 3A.C.
8 Fren.h walnuts. 13c: California
h stock was wet bul the ser-eial Jj X fancy Chinook. K.. IJ 10; fancy sock:
tendency was lower beside being dull, as ' . F t Pllrrt,n,,, ,vl irter oil. 12 751
L.r.r,...?' . , three-ounrtr mustard. 23 .oa Sweet pota-
Uuotatlona on k'llers: Oood to choice toeBi n.prrii.j. 8atierkr:iut. 21 .00. Ptimr-
an MM I .XRWU i .BU : I K.I T IO Mil (Ml 111 II I UB. Q.iD t,l- .a w'.. 4 , IL
Walnuka, No. ! bard suslX, Uuj No. L soft
shell. 1IWc; rTrarils, lM71c; pecan. HH772CI
filberts, 1.1(1 14c: petmuts. raw, .SHCj
roaated. IWc; California almonds, hard
Shell. IV; soft shell. 17o.
HON ET Per 24 frame. $S 50.
CIPEH New York, half barrel, 22.71; bar
rel. IS i0.
COFFEE Roasted, No. SS, Me per Ib.t
No. . lie per lb.; No. 36, lc per lb.; No.
20, 1c per In.; No. 21. ISc per lb.
TRlT-ln bbls.. 27c per gal.; In rsaes,
10-lb. csn. 11.70; cae, 11 J-lb. cans, 1.0;
caaea. 24 2Vlb cans. $1 VI.
SrOAIt iiramilated cane, In sacks, 2.121'
granulnied berl, In sacks, 25.11.
CANNED (l(X1l8 Corn, standard weat
ern. bMi-; Maine. $1.15. Tomatoes, S-lh.
csrs, 1.10; l-lb. cans. 7Hcflll.0O. Pine,
apples, grated, 2-lb., fr-.'..40; sliced, II 90
fi2.20. Oallcn apples, rtney, I.'.i6. Call
fiirnla aprliot. Il.!ti2. Penrs, tl.TtSf
1 wi. t-eacnes. tancy. i.ij2': It. .
lima beans, 2-lb., 7lc?ill.36. Spinach. II Ml
Cheap peaa. 2-lb., Sue; extras, aftcdJLlO;
fancy, tl.SWl.To.
CofTee Market.
NEW TORK. Jan. l-t'OfTER-PutiiMJ
opened essy at a decline of l(.7i?0 point,
and Increased the Inaa during the, eeiori
under European selling and liquidation."
Large primary recelpta, lower European
cable and rumors that there had been a t
hitch In one of the valorization loans ap-t
reared to be the main bear argument. 1
ITIces eased off still further during tha
middle salon, and while the cloning ton !
was steady, with one or two months a
lit tin up from the lowest, last prices were
ZXuM points net lower. Sslcs, t&oOO bags, .
Including Jnnunrv at 6.40c; February, .Eo:
Mnrch, 6.6."w5.66c; May, 6.75ti6.8o; July,
6.!rc; September, 6. lmffi. 15c : November,'
6?ic; December. g.Ti'.ipS.SOc; January, 19n.,
( SSc. Spot, nuiet; No. 4 Santos, 70. Mild,
steady; Cordova, 9til2ttc
Maaar and Molasses.
Steady; open kettle centrirugal. 3SfT3 13-locj
centrifugal white, 44 1-lftc; centrifugal yel
low. SMi3 15-ltic: seconda, 21i3 9-l6c.
MOLASSES New syrup. 31 (1 34a
Atteraey Dies .of I'nesmoal
Three Week Period of
Frank Heller, attorney at law, died ,
yeaterday of pneumonia at his home, 2006
South Tenth street, which Is now the De
tention home, of which Mrs. Heller 1 ma
Although Mr. Heller had been 111 for th
last three weeks, his family did not feel
any alarm until Monday, when hi condi
tion became serious.
Mr. Heller was born at Wlsner, Neb.,
forty-seven years ago and kept a merchan
dise store there. He moved to Omaha s
about twenty years ago and read law In '
tho ofTlce of Judge Keysor and was ad- .
mltted to the bar. Skice that time he lias
practiced law and devoted a considerable
of his time In the Interest of humanity.
He was chairman of the public play
grounds committee and has endeavored la '
many ways to mnke himself a useful cltl- '
sen, devoting considerable energy to help
ing mankind, especially the little folks.
Thirteen years ago he was married to Ml" 1
Harriet Hlckox. one of the teacher of
Omaha, who conducted the Froebel Instl-
tute. She gave up this work soma Urn '
ago to take charge of the Detention home, 1
which is maintained In connection with th
juvenile court work of the city. '
Mr. Heller leaves a wife and two adopted
daughters, Marlon, 9 years, and Hope, ft
years, and two brothers, Anton Heller of
Wlsner and O. A. Heller of West Point. '
The funeral will be held at 4 p. m. Thurs
day at the First Church of Christ, Scientist, 1
Twenty-fifth and Farnam streets, of which i
church Mr. Heller was a member. All i
friends are Invited to attend, but It 1 re
quested that floral offerings be omitted, '
After the services at the church the body '
will be taken' to Davenport, Ia,, for era
Part of Geaeral Plan of neorgaalsa- '
i tloa of Benevolences, Say
Rev. J. R. Smith.
"Though It ha been contemplated for
some time, this was entirely a new ventur
for the church," said Rev. J. Randolph :
Smith, referring to the action of the Metho
dist church In divorcing home from foreign '
missionary work. "It la a part of the plan
of the reorganization of th benevolences
of the church.
Two years sgo, at the general confer
ence meeting at Los Angeles a committee
was appointed to effect the reorganization,-"
whlrh Is rflmmnnlv nnnken of aa a consoll- .
datlon, since In several Instances the work -
of various societies has been combined, t
For Instance, what wa formerly the work
of the Southern Educational society has '
come under the -management of th Educa-.,
tlonal society
"This committee recently completed its (
work, at A meeting held at Buffalo. For
elgn and home missionary work wag
formerly don by th same organization; "
now it will be, done by separate depart
ments. Th separation went In fore Jan
uary 1. Dr. A. B. Leonard, former cor- ;
responding secretary of the missionary so
ciety of the church, has been appointed oor-i.
responding secretary of the Foreign Ml-:
sionary society. Mr. J. M. King 01 fnna
dolnhla. former secretary of th Churchy
Extension society, has been made corr- -
ponding secretary of th Horn Mis-,
sionary society. Th appointments will
bold until th next general conference, '
'In 1907 It will be our aim to raise 1.-
000,000 for home missions and $1,000,000 for
foreign missions. Last year w had 'only
81.600,000 for both. The dlvlrlon of the. two
lines ot work 1 calculated to bring mor
money for both." ' . '
Kx-f'onvlct Is Released.
John Ell, alias "Frenchy," 60S North
Twelfth street, who was srrested Monday
morning by Detectives Ferris and Dunn on
the charge of being Implicated In the theft
of some carpet and horse blanket from
th Salvation. Army barn at Eleventh street
and Capitol avenue, was discharged In po
lice court WednefdHy morning, as the evi
dence st hand would not warrant a convic
tion. Ell I an ex-convict and servd three
yesrs 1n the penitentiary for a burglary
committed In Omaha.
J. B. Brlsbln and W. R. Wall to 8. P.
Johnson, lot 16, block 112. and lots'
8 and 4, block 116. Florence ...f 625
Henry C. Flower and wife to Adella
Klewlt, 113 ft w33ft taxlot 10, sec.
22-16-13 600
Olaf Magnuson and wife to Soron -C.
Anrleison, rt5 feet lot 18, block 108,
South Omaha . U
Jilm J. Hobart and wife to Alice M.
I.iwn, west 6 feet lot 7, Troup
Hut. 1
Clenitnt L. Hoefller and wlf to Nancy
D. Coulter. lot 6, replat block 1,
BmlB Park 2,500
Jua.-i h Marvin Illutt to Katie A. Bus-
sott. lot 1, bloi-k 2. Knuntze Place-.. 1
George C. Buett and wife to Joseph
W 111-,. I... ,.l t. A .....
Place '. '. t
Frank Ziw and wife to Josephine
ZeiHE, e', and eVi "-4 and swS
wV sec. 7-16-10, and other lnd 10,000
J. B. Brlsbln and W. H. Wall to
Adam kundert. lot , block 113, Flor
ence 1S5
Ceorge Warren Smith to Alice M.
Aduins, lot t. block 1. Bmllhfleld
Add .... 600
Raymond T. Jester and wife to Abra
ham L. Patrick, lot 19, block 7,
Urlggs Place 460
J. L. Urandaia & Sons to Brandt-Is
Really Cuminv, lots 1, 2, 4 and 1
block 1)7. Omaha 1
John fl. Cameron, sr., to T. H. Lutx.
lols 15 and 14. biock 3, Highland
Park 150
Florence M Luts el al. to John R
Csmeron, lots 14. 16. 14, 17 and la,
block 3, Highland Park 1
Marie V. Holly and' husband to Jo- -
seph Vojlr, ekv fwut lot 14, block
6, Kounts Third 1
S T"u ai'h., ') PA Al.ullJ ..ilmnn A
115. M