TIIE OMAHA DAILY .BEE: THURSDAY, JANUARY. 3, 1907. (3) NO Ji ini O AND COMPLETION OF GREAT WORK NOW WELL UNDER HEADWAY MEANS AT LEAST 4 . . Ta rn trp (q iLll U (cs) n nrNnn MM ULiiJ u u tam LJ m 1 i J fc in. J v 13 Ell 3 L AetAije-CLfrVtAe-' ) I J 1- -T73 I Investors from every part of the United Ftates ihow continual confidence In Unrle Bam refinery stock, aa can be proven from the books by th many substantial remit tanra received during the pant three weeks, whtla there are hundreds of deals pending which tha company ia closing very day. Completion of Work Means 80-Cfent Stork. . Tha completion of tha great work well under headway will advance thla Block In ' solid value to at least 80 centa par ehara and better Just a aure aa ynj are a foot high. To complete thla work ia Juat -,a question of securing funda with which to buy material and pay (killed labor. The company has already ralaed right at one million dollars. It has nearly nine thousand stockholder. All are Work ing for the company. They will be In creasing their holdings and getting tnelr neighbors to Invest . In thla stock even while you are reading this announcement. Hundreds of them will Invest thousands of dollars aa the company continues to J;row, while every day new people are otnlng our ranks by making substantial remittances. Tha- Uncle Ham company Is a big enterprise, does business on a big scale and by Its commanding position Is able to secure the greatest results front the least amount ( money Invested. It has low advertising rates from almost every leading newspaper In the land. This announcement will appear In all the met ropolitan papers and will be read by more than twenty million people. The stock Is In good demand, as the price at which It la selling Is based upon assets, and In vestors from all over the country are mak ing substantial remittances. During the past few days a one thousand-dollar draft was received from Illinois. Another for twenty-six hundred and twenty-five dollars came from South Dakota. Another from Iowa fr four hundred and fifty dollars. Another from Philadelphia for seven hun dred and ten dollars. Several from Ohio for from four hundred and fifty to seven hundred and ten dollars. Another from Canada for seven hundred and ten dollars. One from Missouri for fifteen hundred. One from Michigan for two hundred and fifty dollars. While amounts from .thirty dollars to one hundred and fifty dollar have come from every state In the Union, and several very representative deals have been closed up on the Installment basis. Sacrifice Price Allotment of Stock Will Sopn Be Sold. About pne month ago the company offer ed to accept $150,000 at the sacrifice price offered herein to you. With the remit tances already received and the deals now actually pending more than 190.000 of this amiunt will be- subscribed. Don't deceive yourself for one minute that you will bo Able to buy any of this stock fit tha oom pony at anywhere near thla price after this amount has been subscribed. The stock Is worth more than double what It is bringing the company right now and Is being sold at this low price In order to raise a large amount of money quickly rr that the company will be in a position to continue to crowd to completion work now under headway. Nov matter nhere you .live, whether It be Florida or BrUlsh Columbia,. New Tork or Texas, this giant Independent company has stockholders large and small, and aa before stst.Hl In very part of tha American continent, und you can Invest your money In this stock and depend on a Square Deal, for th company's stockholders, representing very part of America, Is a 'guarantee In itself of protection to you. Part of the Company's Karirlugs to ' ,. Pjr Dividends. . :.V- -.,.'1 "whan you purchase - this stock '' yon will receive 'regularly semi-annual divi dends equal to good Interest on your Investment until everything Is , com- rioted whon the full earning power pf he company will be paid the stock holders In dividends. It takes time to complete every great work, but this company is moving forward very rapid ly. With Its present prestige and strength and large returns from its oil REALTY MEN SEE BIG YElR Speakers -at Fiobauee Veetiue Predict Surpassing. Feoord for 1937.. DEBATE ON FIRE LIMITS OF TE CITY .... i Tople of Next Meeting Will Be the Opcnlmsj; of Tvreaty-Foarth Street, with )F. D. Wead - aa Leader, - At the first meeting of the Omaha Rool Estate exchange Wednesday hopeful ex pressions were given of the outlook for the new year. The annual review of the city as shown by the newspapers was taken as a criterion for the promise of even better times for 107. Charles F. Harrison of Hartlson A Mor ton spoke briefly aa to the rea estate bust Ms of 1906 and showed that while it was OXtremely gcod, yet but 1,100 new buildings wore erected during the year as compated with S.S00 built In the year lSfc'T. The amount of' building for 1S8T reached $6,000,000, while that of 190U would, Including South Omaha and Dundee, not go - beyond tJ.000,000. ' "I do not mean to say from this thai Omaha has not greatly prospered during the year Just past,',' said Mr. Harrison, "for Its growth has been Internal rather than external. This Is especially true of the enormous Increase of the Jobbing Interests. It la shown further In the fact of the total deposits in the Omaha, banks during the year 1904, which demonstrates the tremen dous Increase of the city's business wealth In the past decade. However, we can but admit that the growth In real estate values has not been commensurate with our In dustrial growth." Hew la Omaha's, Tim. George O. Wallace was of the opinion that the tremendous development of the west and the present high tide of pros perity sow, was Omaha's time. "We know,, what we ought to do," said he, "and we ought to do It now. Th comparison of the building years of 188T-8S and 8 with that of 1906 la no. . criterion. While 1.7U0 or more residences were erectftd during one of those, years,. It waa only a few years following that we had 1.700 mpty houses In ths city. What we are building now Is solid and not of the boom order. We are worth In fact and not on paper.". - D. C. ' Patterson talked briefly upon th subject of the extension of the fire limits of the city and thought that they should t coextensive wuq in city limits. , B, 8. Curtis did not concur In an ex tension of tha fir llmlta He rather fa vored their elimination entirely. "By cut 'ting out the fir limit restriction, Farnam strtet would bs built up with substantial j flit fT ho Uttl hcIP luiet ft Irritation, control the Vassf KJLt V lO U tnfiammstlon, check tbo progress of tho dis- J esse. Our sdrico It give ths children Ayer'e ff -f Cherry Pectoral. Ask four doctor 11 thlsia hit I nirftiin sdrlcsslto. He knova best. Do at he say. I ssles It will be able to build and equip more properties several time over In the next. year than It haa been able to com plete In the past. If you will consider the lm merits of the Uncle Sam company you will admit this and readily see where a few hundred dollars Invested now can not help but grow steadily In value till the stork goes to par, or $1 per share. Such conditions should Interest you. as it has thousands of others, and that's why this company Is taking up valuable space In this paper to give .you an Idea of the work It Is doing. so that you may become In terested and eventually Invest your' money where It will help you and this Company, too. . IWt Investment in the United State Today. There can be millions of dollars made In the producing and refining of petroleum and not break any law or commit Injustice to your fellow man. The Uncle Sam company Is the only large organisation In a position to step In and take advantage of the great opportunities open for an Independent com pany. tFeoplo are tired and disgusted with the oppression and bullying ways of the criminal trust and are ready and willing and wsltlng for a chance -to cut loose from the trust manufactured goods and buy In dependent products. It has been the Oil trust which has dared to attempt to make perjury and graft respectable In the United States and the American people, while slow and conservative to act, are going to stop such methods In the most effective way they can. and. there Is no better way and, Jn tact, no other way to defeat the ends of a commercial pirate like the criminal Oil trust than to refuse to patronise their hire lings and buy their trust-mtde goods. The Uncle- Sam company owes Its support and success to the common people only. There are no millionaire frenzied financiers any where In Its makeup. It has stockholders thicker than democrats In Arkansas In the seven states where' It Is building Its dis tributing stations and reaching out and pa trollng the country with Its oil wagons. It will be but a matter of a few months' work until this company can have distributing stations built in every principal trade ren ter In Oklahomn, Kansas, Missouri, Arkan sas. Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska. There are hundreds of good men, trustworthy and good hustlers, ready and willing to help the Uncle Born company push the sale of Independent oil. The Uncle Sam company ran operate three hundred and fifty main distributing stations and' keep a thousand anti-trust wsgons delivering oil to every hamlet In the before-named seven state practically Just as easy as It can operate the sixty-seven distributing stations now nearly completed. One Success Generally Follows An i other. . In less than two years' time Uncle Sam company haa built and placed In opera tion two great refineries. Uncle Sam re finery No. 1 at Cherryvale, Kan., has been In successful operation considerably . over one year. Uncle Sam refinery No. 2 on the banks of navigation by Atchison, Kan., has been In 'successful operation for sev eral months.' Uncle- Sam refinery No. t on the banks of the Arkanns river by Tulsa, O. T., Is practically completed and will be In operation this month. It. has built nearly 200 miles of main trunk and lateral pipe line. It has buHt and equipped five main trunk pipe line pu.nplng stations. It has equipped to date thiity-iour mam distributing stations, and haa thirty-three more nearly completed, situated in the principal trade centers of Kansas, Okla homa, Nebraska' and the very big trade centers of Iowa, Missouri and are going Into Arkansas and Illinois. . It baa fifty six tank wagons patrolling the streets and, and delivering pure Missouri Valley anti trust oil to scores of trade centers In the before named , states Tight-. now.), lb r Is building more tank wagona foe Immi.'diute delivery. ' It haa thltty tank Cars 1 1 tha service and fifteen more bought with SiMiraiiienu delivery by January 15tfl. I! as thousands of. barrels of crude and manufactured oils In storage. It has bouxht and nald for and devetoDed valun- able oil properties. From Its own or con- I irousa on wens- it can suppy aauy nearly 740 barrels of crude oil. while Its miles of lateral pipe lines roach other producing oil properties owned by Independent men two-story structures Instead of blllcoards," said Mr. Curtis. "No one cares to build two stories underground and ons story above ground. Iet our -people build when and ths way they will. That Is the way to trulld Up a city." Short, talks were .made by W. H., Green and ons or two others along genert.l lines. Opening of Tvreaty-fourth, The toplo assigned for the next meeting is "The Openm of Twenty-fourth Street South of Cuming." Thls subject will be mads the special order of the meeting, the discussion to be led by F. D. W,ad. The committee, to! which waa referred the matter of additional water extension In needed districts submitted the following report: Tour committee appointed to ascertain If a water supply can be obtained for the new districts in need of water beg leave to report that we had an Interview with the water company and Water board and find that no new supply of water mains had been put In recently on account of the litigation over hydrant rentals. Sinoe going over the situation thoroughly with the at torneys for the water company and Water board we are npw of the opinion that the water company will likely afford a water supply In districts reasonably In wed of tt under conditions with which the Water board ctn reasonably comply without prejudice to the city. Tha committee recommended that the fol lowing petition be submitted to ths Water board: . We. as representatives of large property Interests and more especially of property In those districts, the development of which Is retarded by the lack of water Supply, respectfully request you to take the action nncoesary to obtain on reasonable terms an adequate supply of water for the districts of the city rapidly building up and so urgently in need of water. The petition was presented at Wednes day's mooting arid signed by all members present and will lie submitted to the Wster board at Ha next meeting. la Llae nltk ttie far rood tin. The National Food and Drug act which takes effect January 1, HOT, does not af fect Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In any manner. No special labels are required oa this remedy under that Act, as It Is free from opiates and narcotics of every char acter, making It a safe remedy for mothers U use with their children. This remedy has been In ust for so many years, and Its good, qualities are so well known, that no ene heed hesitate to use it whea troubled with a cough or cold. : Mangura Co.. LETTER 8PECIALI8T9. -Datrysaea Admit OsTesse. For adulterating cream with a coloring extract, Peter Ilendrlckson, East Omaha, and O. J. Gunderson, Fifth and Orace streets, were fined $6 atd ousts and $1 and costs, respectively. In police court Wednes day morning. Their arrest waa ordered on complaint of Health- Inspector Joe Scully and the dairymen admitted the charge of uoltxs the extract.-but danied that.ji was detrimental to the purity of the cream. Judge Crawford found them guilty as charged and asseaeod fines In ac co-dance with their varying degrees of Iniquity as It appeared that the cream waa of higher standard than that of Hendrickson. . who are glad to ret away from the clutches of the bullying trust. Oil Sale Growing Rapidly, . A few minutes in the sales department of this company would convince the most' skeptical of the magnitude of the Uncle 8nm oil ssles. Don't wait until the sales of Uncle Bam manufacturing oils are past four thousand dollars per day, but send In your remittance for from fifteen to twenty-five hundred dollars and help your self and a good cause while the opoprtunlty Is open for your acceptance. The time to make a good investment In any manufac turing enterprise Is In the stage of Its greatest development. Just at this time the Uncle Sam Company has more unfin ished construction than at any time In Its career. A few thousand dollars now will go further and do more toward Increasing the earning capacities of construction so nearly completed than at any other time. When any man or enterprise offers you a good bargain he should have a reason for making such an offer or have an argument to convince you that the offer Is a bargain in fact as well as name. W show you cause why this company is selling this stock at a sacrifice price. The company right today could supply on hundred. .and twenty main distributing stations. In other words the company could sell twice the amount or oil that It Is selling If It had these distributing stations completed. It takes from ten to twelve hundred dol lars to buy the ground, pay for the storage tanks and pay for tank wagons for a sta tion. Th company Is making a special offer herein of twenty thousand shares for twenty-live hundred dollars. This twenty five hundred dollars will equip two of these new stations and pay nearly half on the third one. The profits of even two stations will In a short time reimburse the company for this outlay. So you can read ily see that this company, with Its vast or ganisation and commanding position, can Invest money to an advantage where an Individual could not. We solicit you In good faith to help us with this great work and share the profits. If you can't buy twenty thousand shares, buy a less amount and it, together with hundreds of others as they are continually coming In, will secure the same end. Kansas. First. Uncle Sam company was started In Kan sas In the memorable oil struggle of the Independent oil producers In their fight for protective laws during the session of the Kansas legislature In 1906. Tha stock holders who subscribed the first $60,000 for ithis company were practically all Kan sans who were heavily Interested In, tha Kansas oil fields . and who commenced an active fight for self-preservation for ell properties of which they would hot sit Idly by and see confiscated by the well known 'millionaire anarchists who have plundered every oil field successfully until they attempted their holdup in the Jayhawker state, and aa usual got called. There is principle as well as financial gain back of this enterprise, it 1 leading the light for a square deal In tha oil . fields. It 1 pushing the fuel oil outlet and has already been the chief cause of nearly doubling the price at which the trust attempted to practically confis cate the vast production of Kansas' heavy oil. Few fwople realise It but storage, tanks for both fuel and refined oils homing' ap proximately 11,000 gallons each are either completed and In operation or unloaded In nearly revery. big county . In Kansas, except those clone to other Independent refineries in the gas belt of Southeastern Kansas. When the Uncle Sam company said ,lt would patrol Kansas .with anti trust oil wnitons the. oil- trust hirelings traveled up .and down " the state tell ing the people It was a' bluff. These per jurers are being kept busy nowadays ex plaining' why they told these lies and are busily engaged, manufacturing new ones but to no avail.' For the Uncle Sum com pany had a purpose and is fulfilling that purpose, is toeing the mark is making gcod. it is Dacxea rjy nanaans witn tnou Bands of Kansas taxpayers among its heaviest stockholders -and there Is not a single county In Kansas where from ten PLAN TO START STEAMBOATS Movement Set on Foot by Commercial Club for Biter Traffic TANGIBLE STEPS IN THAT DIRECTION CoBtarressman 'Kennedy Says Actual Establishment " of Barge Llae Woald Promote Chssees for Government Appropriation. To organize a company for the' establish ment of a boat and barge line on the Mis souri river from Omaha to St. Louis, a pub lic meeting will be held at the Commercial cltfb rooms Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Members of the Commercial club and Omaha Grain exchange and all cltlxena In terested are expected to be present. This Is the result of a Joint meeting held Wednesday of the executive com mittee of the club and the board of di rectors of the exchange. Charles H. Pickens of the transportation committee of tho club ssld that the boat Jlne from Kansas City to St. Louis .had proven a success and the Kansas City Commercial club had decided to buy more boats. Con gressman John It, Kennedy gave his opinion that tho actual operation of boats' on the rtver would lend great weight In congress In the matter of appropriations for the improvement of the river. President Wat tles of the Omaha Grain exchange said he snd a number of his business acquaintances had talked the question over and were ready to put their money Into a boat line. At the meeting Wednesdsy, after an ad dress by Congressman Kennedy, Chairman WUhelm appointed a committee to draft resolutions sxpresslng the sentiments of Omaha's commercial bodies on the general proposition of $60,000,000 annual appropria tion for rivers and harbors, and specifying what part of this amount ought to be spent annually on the Missouri river. , Resolatloas Are Adopted. This committee, consisting of G. W. Wat tles. John M. Guild and H. II. Baldrlge. prepared the following resolutions, which were adopted: Whereas, The city of Omaha Is, and for many years haa been, a fvput Jobbing cen ter, the Jobbing trade of this city during the last year having been more than $&, OUJ.OnO; and. Whereas, The city of Omaha Is a great live stock and grain market, having re ceived live stock during the last year to the value of twitiOJO, and having received during the last year at this market more than 15.0u0.000 bushels of grain, and having large storage elevators with capiclty of more than i.000,uu0 bushels; and. Whereas, The city of Omaha la a great manufacturing center. Its manufactured ar ticles during the last year having exceeded $li. u).ju0 In value: and. Whereas, On account of these great In dustries there Is a general demand for water transportation from Otuaha to Gulf ports: and. Whereas, The Missouri river Is navigable from Omaha to the Gulf and haa been suc cessfully used for boats for many years In the past; and, WhereaA Th said river la now being used and navigated as for north as Kan sas City, Mo.; and. Whereas. A corporation has recently been formed In the city pi Omaha for the pur pose of establishing a line of barges pro pelled by steojn. to be operated from Omaha to Kansas City and St. Louis. Therefore, be It Resolved, That It la (he sense of the Omaha Cuutuvrclal club and Of the Omaha to fifty stock holders could not be sum moned ter the protection of Uncle Sam prop erties by 'phone or telegraph In a very few hours. In other words, like a sentry on duty. Uncle 8am stockholders are every where, demanding a square deal for Uncle Sam oil, soliciting their neighbors to buy It and demanding that the merchants han dle the same and stand by a home Kansas Industry, and are putting up a knock-down argument which the slick tongued trust hirelings simply cannot answer or over come. Shipped to Nebraska. Several months ago Uncle 8am promised to establish a main distributing station at Omaha. Last week a deal wss closed through the First National bank of Omaha for a fifteen-hundred dollar property abut ting the Missouri liver and the Burlington sidetrack. It's paid for. Warranty deed to company. Tanks are shipped. Deals have been closed In Falls City and Nebraska City and tanks have been shipped. Deals are pending In Beatrice, Wahoo, David City, Oram! Island, Hastings, Falrbury, Columbus, Tecumseh, Blair and Lincoln, and it will be but a matter of time until from all of these principal trade centers Uncle Sam tank wagons, backed by the strong anti-trust sentiment in Nebraska, will be practically reaching the entire oil market of the Ooldenrod state. As In Kan sas, Uncle Sam stock holders are every where. There are over six hundred In the state and nearly two hundred thousand dollars of Nebraska money back of Uncle Sam. These estockholders and their neigh bors and friends can be depended upon and any man of enterprise in the commercial world knows what It Is to have home peo ple help them to sell their goods. ' Iowa. , " Main distributing station for Iowa has been purchased at Council Bluffs. Three whole blocks- right at the end of the princi pal paved street in Council Bluffs, with sidetrack of three of the big railroads of Iowa running clear through the property from whlcii connections to the other five railroads of Council Bluffs the accessible. Also like the Nebraska Omaha site it is ac cessible for barges to unload oil from the Missouri liver. There Is a maximum freight rate law and an antl-discrimlnatlon law In Iowa and from Council Bluffs Uncle Sam company will soon apread out over the en tire state and especially the western and northern parts. Missouri. , Site haa been purchased and tanks ship ped to Joplln. Wagons are already In oper ation In Kansas City, Mo., and Uncle Sam has a big distributing station at St. Joseph, Mo. Denis are on foot for stations at Jef ferson City, Springfield, Chlllicothe, Sedalla, Boonville and St. Louis. Missouri, like Ne braska, Iowa, Kansas, ' Illinois and Arkan sas, has been one of the principal backers of this giant Independent organisation. There are over twelve hundred Missouri stockholders and the sentiment of the peo ple of Mlf-sourl In favor of Independent oil Is deep rotted. ' The Mtssourtans are down on the trust and you can depend on their staying that way. The Uncle Sam com pany will heve at least eighty distributing stations In Missouri when it finally gets Us great , work completed. Oklahoma.. Bites have been secured and paid for and tanks shipped to Hobart, Kingfisher, El Reno, Stillwater, Watonga, Perry and Chandler. , Deals are pending for Outhiie, Oklahoma City, Norman, Shawnee, Enid, Alva, Pawnee, Sapulpa, Durant, South Mo Alester, Blackwell, Woodward, Chickoshti and Anadarko. With the great refinery In the heart of the greatest oil held in Okla homa, practically - In the center of the new state, where the merchants and the business men or Tulsa raised the money to furnish the Uncle Sam company twelve acres of valuable land and' other conces sions, snd where public sentiment is so strong In favor of a square deal end against the criminal oil trust that In toe fall election, after the trust had brasenly made Its talk that It would control the constitutional convention, however, out of one hundred and twelve delegates to the constitutional convention there are Over one hundred and five members absolutely pledged to a square deal, and the con Grain exchange that an aggressive move ment should te at once Inaugurated for the purpose of securing a large appropria tion, at least $2,t00,000 per annum, from the government of the United States, for ithe purpose of Improving the Missouri river at and near Omaha and between Omaha and Kansas City, Mo.; to the end that the said river may be more successfully and safely used for the purposes of navlgaiion. Resolved, That In our Judgment this work, can be most successfully prosecuted by en gineers selected solely for the proposed Improvements, and not by local commis sioners. Resolved. That our congressmen and sen ators be urged to use their Influence and endeavors to secure an adequate appropria tion rrom congress at me present session for the purpose of Improving the navigation of the Missouri river, and that they be re quested to work In harmony with other senators and congressmen, representing states along said Missouri river, to the end that the waters of the Mt-aurl river may be again ueed to facllttat the commerce of the great Transmlssouri country. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to represent tho Omaha Commercial club and the Omaha Grain exchange to assist the senators and congressmen from this state in securing the appropriations as above suggested. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the rivers and harbors committee and to the senators and congressmen repre senting this-state. The premise of the resolutions regardlnf the barge line Is not regarded as premature, for the" reason that the resolutions will not be sent out until after the meeting Friday. Congressman Kennedy will have a copy of them to assist him In his work In congress oh behalf of the river. Against Bartholdt's Plan. Mr. Kennedy' spoke against Congressman Bartholdt's proposition to vote $600,000,000 government bonds to Improve ths country's waterways, saying the country's revenues are great enough to vote $50,000,000 ' an nually. He gave his opinion that the gov ernment which Is able to spend several hundred millions of dollars In an Isthmian canal Is able even to spend $100,000,000 an nually on Its livers snd harbors. "Omaha must get busy and talk enthusi astically about the river," said Mr. Ken nedy. "You can't sit by silent and let the appropriations be made and expect Omaha's Interests to be proteected. If Kansas City makes all the noise and gets all ths ap propriations for the lower part of the river that town will get better railroad rates through water competition and Omaha will be left whee It Is." He said the Important thing at present was for Omaha to take a stand on the general proposition, .and then, after con gress hud committed Itself, to begin work tor the Missouri's share of the money. Hs ssld he would be glad to present Omaha's demands to the subcommittee which haa charge of the appropriation work for Nebraska, Wisconsin and Iowa.' Mr. Wattles talked on the practicability of a boat line on the river and the oppo sition of the railroads. He said In the last two years practically all of the corn ex ported by Nebraska has gone by way of ths Oulf porta AN OLD and WELL-TKIED REMEDY, FOR OVER SIXTY TEARS ktma. WXXBX.OWS soora anrmir bas been used for ever SIXTT TEARS b rllLLlONS of MOTHERS for their CHIU HEN WHILE TEETHING. WITH PER. fcOT SUCCESS. IT SOOTHES the CHILD SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN. CURES WIND COLIC, and is the heal remedy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by Drug, gists in every part of the world, be sure tnd ask for MRS. WLNSLOW'S nOOTIUXQ BTOIT vention, after being In session for several weeks, Is formulating a constitution which will make forever Impossible In that state the criminal aggression which has cursed and ruined other oil fields. Under such conditions as these, the big Tulsa refinery Uncle Sam No. 3 Is worth ten times as much to the stockholders of this company as It would have been under other condi tions. Investors must admit the strong points of such conditions as they exist In the Central West and must admit that the Uncle Sam company la the organisation of the hour. In the arena at the right time, with a path before It which Is plain and a success which Is certain. Juat a Question of Time. If you doubt that this company Is not pushing, ahead every minute, hour and day, come to Kansas City , and we can take you to two of the largest Iron works In the Missouri valley which have their buildings full, their yards covered and ex tra gangs of workmen hammering out Un cle Sam storage tanks to best the band. Besides these carload after carload haa been shipped during the past month into tha various states above named. Besides this, there are other firms working on tank wagons, others making metal barrels, others making merchants' tanks, while very day people are coming from adjoin ing states and looking ovef the Uncle Sam fuel oil burners and going through the fuel oil department at 604 North Sixth street, Kansas City, Kan., leaving orders for petroleum stoves and heaters. It will be but a question of Just a few months until the Independent oil men . will have the Central West covered and the trust whip ped to a standstill In the states above mentioned. People don't want the trust made goods and the trust hirelings know It. But it takes time to complete distrib uting stations and get to where the people can be supplied. Less than two years ago the trust threatened to leave the state of Kansas in darkness if they passed the pro tective oil laws. At that time there was hardly an Independent oil wsgon in the state. In less than sixty days now inde pendent oil wagons will be patrolling every county In the state where there Is a trust, wagon ' as fast as these distributing sta tions can be completed. Reports are com ing In dally from all Uncle Sam distribut ing stations that the trust Is having a hard time to keep Ha men to do Its dirty work. In several Kansas points where these hot air blowhards for the trust who are paid so much per to talk on the street corners, and put up their spells on the trains a year ago made their brags how they would do up the Independents, the trust has made as many as from three to five changes In the past year, and a great many of their old standbys are ' quitting them every month. Kansas may have their differences and fuss around among themselves but there Is One proposition where all Kansas practically stand together and that Is where the Interest of one part of Kansas are placed In Jeopardy by a foreign thiev ing combine. The Kansas oil fields prac tically reach from Kansas City on the north clear through to the Indian Terri tory line. There are good Indications of oil and gas right in Kansas City. . Several light wells have been found. There are good oil pools already devel oped In Miami county and from there on slgsogglng In a distance of from twenty five miles to fifty miles wide cUar through to the southern borders of the state. Kan. sss pluck and determination and Kansas hard earned money developed these oil fields under the bait held out . by the trust of $1.38. oil. Scores of close Kansas corpo rations were organised in this state and developed good properties only to build up their prodfrctlon to where their Investment was a good one and to receive the blighting touch of the criminal trust as it showed its teeth when It boycotted the entire Kan sas oil fields after hammering down the price to a horse-thief schedule of leas than thirty cents per barrel. There are a w Imported trust hirelings temporarily at the head of two or three newspapers who have tried to cover up the facts and white wash the trust's corrupt methods In deal ing with one of the largest Industries In Kansas and one which affects every farmer r and every . laborer and profes sional man In the entire Kansas oil belt reaching as above stated. This whole CONNELL CONTEMPT CASE Judge tattoo Will Ordrr Attorney for Coal Doalera Pretested. NEW TURN TAKEN IN, PROCEEDINGS Conrt, Decides Not to Order Dlsbar- nt and Maadamns Contem plated by Attorney' Will Be Dropped as Result. As the result of. the action taken by Judge Sutton on Wednesday morning, W. J. Connell, attorney for the coal dealers, will not present to the supreme court on Thursday his application for a mandamus on Judge Sutton, as he had planned to do. At the opening of court Wednesday morn ing Judge Sutton announced that he had concluded not to enter any order of disbar ment until the contempt proceedings, con templated by him, had been heard and dis posed of. He further stated that the trial of the coal cases would not commence next Tuesday, aa had been ordered, but would be delayed Until the '' case against Mr. Connell for contempt had been dis posed of. In that connection he further stated that on next Tuesday morning he would direct ths county attorney to prepare and file an Information against Mr. Connell for con tempt of court. Mr. Connell thereupon arose and said to. the court, that he naa no objections to the proposed action of the court with reference to his alleged con tempt but on the contrary was very glad that he was to have an opportunity . to present his defense against any charge of contempt, and to have It appear on record Just what had occurred during the recent trial of ths State against Samuel E. Howell. Mr. Connell further said that he would file his answer to any charges made against him without delay, and would be ready for Immediate hearing of the con tempt charges. . . Time for Hearing; Not let. Hs further stated he could not be present In court on Tuesday owing to his absence in St. Ixuls In the damage suit of Dr. Rosewater, which Is to be heard at that time before the United States court of ap peals, but that hs had no objections to ths order being made In his absenos directing the county attorney to file charges against him for contempt. Judgs Sutton stated that he would not make such an order during ths absence of Mr. Connell, and It was thereupon agreed between Judgs Sutton and Mr. Connell that all further action In ths matter would be deferred until the re turn of Mr. Connell from St. Louis. Ths result of this action by Judgs Sutton prevents Mr. Connell from presenting to the supreme court st Lincoln on Thursday his application tor a mandamus to compel Judge Sutton to permit him to appear In the trial of the remaining coal cases. As Judge Sutton has announced that he would not make an order disbarring Mr. Connell until after the contempt proceedings against him are heard, all further action In the way of a mandamus must be delayed until after that time, Connell Ready for Action. Mr. Connell already has received from the er his brief o the law which he in oil belt. If given a square deal, a free market Snd a fair price will blossom like a rose and Its prosperity be f elt 4o the en tire limits of all Kansas. In other word they may make fun of the Jay hawkers, but you can't skin one part of this stale and get another part to help you, for rvery Kansan realises that the prosperity of his Kansas brother means his prosperity as well. The wUile state of Kansas Is stand lng to a man behind the Independent oil Interests and It Is a cinch that they are going to stick together In this fight until they win It and they are Just as sure to win as water seeks Its . lowest level, and that's why an Investment In this greut or ganisation which has been on the firing line of the fight for two years, doing Its duty for a square deal, Is as safe and se cure as government bonds. It Is certain W receive loyal support In Kansas and even one-half of the oil sales of this state would pay handsome dividends on every share of its stock, while the adjoining states are going to do almost as well. What We. Want to Do. Aa before stated, the company has raised right at one million dollars. Kvery doilar of thts money Is back of the enterprise. This company should complete at once the balance of two hundred distributing sta tions. We should also complete the bal ance of the river pipe line, which will ony take about pne hundred miles, and this Is a small amount when you stoat to consider that the company has already completed one hundred and fifty-one .nlles. The company should also, during the next four months, Increase the Atchison re finery. Uncle Sam No. 2, to twenty-four hundred barrels per day, Cherryvale re finery to six hundred barrels per day and Tulsa to twenty-four hundred barrels. The company already has under construction a big paraffin plant at the Atchison re finery and machinery ordered for a lubri cating plant at Tulsa, The market Is waiting for us, the people want the oil Never was there a greater opportunity fpr any enterprise than Uncle Sam, and never was there a time when bo many people were hoping and praying for the success of an 'enterprise which Is build ing up right In the face of one of the most cruel and oppressive combinations of hundreds of stolen millions with their un speakably dirty methods of competition. Besides this the Uncle Sam company has maintained from the first that this Kansas-Oklahoma oil Is nature's own fuel, and there is not a taxpayer In any of the Central West states who does not Know that the fuel problem Is already a serious one and becoming more serVus every year. The oil trust, the railroads and the coal trust are apparently all working to the same end. to give the consumer the worst of It. When you help the Uncle Sam com pany you heln advance the flag of reason able. Independent fuel. If yru don't think so call st any of the Uncle Ssm distribut ing stations and get a barrel of oil and sn oil stove and compare it with the cost of your present supply of fuel. Uncle Sam will hsve forty-four of the his: Kansas counties equipped fo fuel fi by the middle of February, . wl '.e thirty of them, are equlnped right now. There are thousands of farmers, mer chants and professional men in the United States who. out of the love of Justice, and to help further a worthy cause, should buy a thousand shares of thlsstock at one hundred nnd flftv dollars and could mnk It possible for this comnanv to complete all of Its work right nway. This company has already made It possible for-tho tlx pavers of Kansas to buy the best wnter white kerosene anvwhere In the stnte s.t an average price of four dollars snd a half per barrel laid down In n hamlet' In the state where under oil trust combinations th former average orlce wss from eight dollars to twelve dollars and a half per barrel. The oil trust. bn.s almost a syste matic control of all big nvr trnnsac. tlons In the United Fttntes. The only way on earth this comnanv can complete Irs rreat undertaking Is to r1e thee funds In amounts ranrtn from fifteen dollars tn five thonsan1 dollars from Independent In dividuals... Tt cannot be Vne any other wsv and we know what wo are talking about. The same management Is Ht the bead o this rnmnanv as was st th begin ning. We are 1ut common everyday Ksna sns snd we know we csn re is everv dollar needed to complete everything . to per fection equal to anything the trust or tended to present to the supreme court, to gether with a printed abstract from the official records of the stenographer showing all the proceedings relating to the numerous controversies between himself and Judge Sutton. Mr. Connell asserts that .the offi cial record Is an absolute Justification si far as he is concerned, and that after read ing the same he felt like throwing him self a bouquet for having kept his temper, during the ten days' trial of the Howell case. . E. M. WARNERT0 SARATOGA Leaves United States National to Go to a Wyoming State Bank. Edward M. Warner, chief clerk In the discount department of the United States National bank, has - resigned to become cashier of the Saratoga State bank at Sara toga, Wyo. He left Tuesday to take up his new position. He has been with the United States National bunk ' for six years. Six other men have gone from this institution In the last few years to become cashiers of western banks. They are: Frank Beach. ft JiyLy , What Do Youi Weigh? Are you too light for your height Would you like to "put on 15 or 20 pounds more flesh? Would you con aider trying a food for thirty days that will coat you nothing' m case k tails This ia'the only condition under which, PEPTOL the flesh builder. ia aold. We cannot atate just how many pound you may gain in that time, but we do abtolutcfy guarantee that you will gain in flesh. is undoubtedly the greatest discovery of the age the out come of years of experimenting by the greatest food experts in the world. It embodies in highly condensed form the very food elements that make flesh predigested and ready for immediate auiroilatioo. It creates appetite and helps digest other foods. It ia the quickest and only absolute) certain route to permanent and substantial increase in weight. Give PEPTOL s trial aUrt today. For aale by all first class druggists or send one dollar to ua for the first supply. Ths Peptol Company, First National Bank Building-, Chicago. (LasusSeiyi bstUe Cm, alka.) Ha hirelings can trot across. The balance of the stock when sold, figuring from plat experience, will bring the company ovel nine hundred thousand dollars. The quirk er we con raise the monev the quicker great results can be achieved. We sold it you In good faith to send In what you can spare and ask you to solicit your friends to do the same, and If you are In a terri tory where Uncle Sam oil wagons are d. Ilverlng oil or any other Independent oil wagons are operating, to demand that yoisr merchant handle Independent oil and so licit and request yortr neighbor to use It. This is your fight as well as ours. We will be slad to send you rurther particu lars on request and will send you reports trl-monthly keeping you Informed as to tha progress of the Independents' cause. Prices of Stock. 1K shares .$ 15 00 . 9.W .. tf.M . 45 00 . .00 . 7&.00 . 80.(10 ,. 106.00 . 130.00 1.16. (0 .. 1W0 . 2-Jfi OO ,. 8oft.no ,. ST6.no .. 460.00 no shares 1I0 shares shares . 40 shares 600 shares , (t0 shares 7ou shares , 8i0 shares 9W shares l.oiio shares l.ftoo shares 2.000 shaces 2.6"t shares 8. WO shares .. ..... Monthly Payment Offer. From the start the Uncle Sam OH Com pany has made it possible for men of llnv. Ited means to Join the company, and In ad dition to offering treasury stock at the above mentioned price will sell on monthly payments aa follows: onimy Six monthly, Shares 100 .... 2O0 ... "0 ... 400 .... 600 ... 8"0 ... 70 ... 800 ... 00 ... 1,000 .. 1,500 ... 2.000 ... 2,500 ... 3,000 ... payments. Down, ....$ 2.00 .... 4.00 .... 6.00 .... R.OO .... 10.00 .... M.00 .... 14.00 .... 16.00 .... 1S.0O .... 20.00 .... 80.00 4O.00 .... 60.00 .... 60.00 JSach, $ 2.60 6.00 7.W 10.00 12.50 15.00 17.50 20.00 , 22.50 26.00 37.60 60.00 62.60 76.00 Special Offer. 3.6flO shares 6.000 shares . .$ 60000 .. 710.00 7,000 shares lorno .1.. '"' ' .1,000.00 are8 .iw.o A,000 shares 2 6O0.U0 How to Send Money. Remit by postofflce money order, bank draft or personal checks. If you send currency, always register your letter. Make all drafts, checks and money orders payable to the Uncle Sam Oil Company. Your stock will be sent to you by reg. lstered mall. Our office force Is rushed ' with work and do not expect your stocks to reach you for at least two weeks after your remittance arrives at the Uncle Sam ofxice. References Kansas City State Bank, Kansas City. Kan., Commercial National Bank, Kansas V. I KH '' Mon,Kmery County National Bank, Cherryvale, Kan.; Atchison State Savings Bank (oldest state bank in Kan sas, Atchison, Kan.; Wm. Stryker, ex-8tata Superintendent of Kansas, Tulsa, Okla homa; also a million dollars unincumbered assets, mostly Iron and steel from the banks of the Arkansas clear across thre hundred miles to the banks of tho Mis-' Add ress The Uncle Sam Oil Co, or H. H. TUCKER, Jr., Soe'y Wyandotte BlrJrj.. Kansas City. Kan 1 Lyle, Minn.; Albert Sanders, First National. Arlington, Neb.; Herbert Reckmeyer, Sara toga 8tate bank, Saratoga, Wyo., who now leaves to go with a larger bank farther west; James R. Wright, Rexburg Stets bank, Rexburg, Idaho; Fred Cuscaden,, Erlcson State bank, Erlcson, Neb.; Charles) F. Greunlng, Bank of Mullen, Mullen, Neb.' LITTLE GIRL . BADLY , HURT Snstalns Fracture of Lear Whllsy Coasting- Down Hill on New Year's Day. ; Anna Mel v In, a 7-year-old girl, suffered a severe fracture of the leg, while coasting east from the Boulevard north of Ames avenue New Tear's day. With a larger neighbor boy, Oscar Cain, she was coasting and young Cain offered to steer her down the steep Incline. Instead of ateerlng her. he Is said to have given her a shove and let her go down alone. Not being able1 to' steer the sled It ran her against a tres at the bottom of the hill and broke her leg. She was attended by Dr. Vance, who de-1' elded to send her to. a hospital and put ths. leg In a cast. The injury was quite painful tha bone being driven through the flesh. A FOOD NOT A MEDICINE -si