Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Quartermaster Depot in Cmihs Amonc
Most Important in Country.
Vncl. San Has Series ef Twelv. r
Fifteen Buildings, overln aa
Area of Many Acres, la
One of the moat Important establishments
connected with the general government
located In Omaha la the quartermaater'a
depot eltuatei'. between Twentieth and
Twenty-seconds streets .and aouth of Pop
piston avenue, terminating in a triangle
along the Union Paclflo right-of-way. The
depot la mora popularly known aa the gov
ernment corral and compriaea an enclosure
of several acres In triangular shape and
surrounded by a high wall.
. The depot comprises twelve or fifteen sub
stantial brick buildings, with the large
new warehouse built about two years ago,
and all of them are equipped with every
modern convenience for handling heavy
freight necessary for army purposes. This
embraces quartermaater'a supplies of every
description, though at present little stuff
la stored there, having all been sent out
to the various posts of the western de
partments. The new warehouae la equipped
with electrlo elevators.
Oreat quantities of commissary supplier
are also stored here, particularly during
the quarterly periods when the contracts
are made for the quarterly supplies. These
supplies are being constantly shipped out,
going Into every department of the west
and as far aa Alaska and the Philippines.
At present much of the army parapher
nalia from the recently abandoned post
of Fort Niobrara Is stored here. Including
wagons, harness, tentage, cooking utensils
from the abandoned barracks. The depot
also la made the atorage department for
much of the signal service equipment not
In actual use at Fort Omaha. In addition
to its uae as a storage depot the buildings
are equipped with apparatus for the re
pair of all varletlea of military supplies
except ordnance.
Captain Swob, la Cnarsre.
' The depot is under charge of Captain
Thomas Swobe. quartermaater. United
States army, and la garrisoned by about
thirty-five men, all civilians, Including fif
teen clerks employed in the various de
partments. One of the buildings is de
voted to the storage of household furniture
belonging to officers of the army who
have had recently to change their stations,
some of them being now In the Philip
pines and Cuba.
The grounds are kept like a park and In
the aummer season are very attractive and
beautiful. In the busy seaaon the depot
presents a scene of the liveliest activity,
with the constant Inshlpplng and outshlp
ping of army supplies.
Tha monthly expenditure ef money for
-quartermaater supplies and barrack equi
page; tha latter Including queens ware,
stoves, rangea, cooking utensils, type
writers; desks and miscellaneous furniture
of all kinds, will reach 25.000. Most of
these articles are bought here In Omaha,
and with a little mora encouragement tha
monthly purchase of army auppliea at
Omaha could be increased to 1100,000 or
Oss of Most ' Important.
Tha depot la one of tha most Important
In tha country and by the purchase of four
acrea or thereabouts Just west of the depot,
whloh la much desired by tha army officials,
tha depot could ba very materially enlarged,
thus making It tha largest in the country.
One of the civilian employes connected
with tha depot aaya:
"Could tha government.- b persuaded , to
buy this property, which Is known aa the
old boiler worka. It would straighten out
the grounds and afford room for several
additional buildings that could be utilised
as an Indian supply .bouse, .thus avoiding
fte necessity of renting quarters for the
Indian supply house, as ' now done. The
railway trackage is the best in the city,
and shipments could be loaded directly Into
the cara for any part of the country.'
There la no good reason, why much of the
stuff that la assembled at Jefferson, Ind.,
quartermaater depot should not be assem
bled here. Wi have every facility for
handling it and can buy hero Juat as well
as In the east, and thus make an Immense
saving In transportation charges."
Bids will be advertised for miscellaneous
-I Bwwm
Grand Clearance
; ' f '
LadicsV Imported Gowns and
::;:':jCostumcs,. Ladies9 Furs,
Cloaks,; Suits, Etc.
The extremely unpleasant weather of the first
day of our clearance sale leads us to continue the
great event tf the sale. ; Imported apparel at just
a fraction of its tost to land. "'. '. '
A $30000 Imported Gown. J. .......... : ; ; . ; .$89
: A $125.00 Spangled Gown !....,., 7. $35
A $150.00 Imported Velvet Gown $25
A $loU.UU imported Velvet Carriage Coat $50
A $150.00 Imported Real Lace
A $50.00 Imported Waist
A $39.00 MaTabout Boa
$27.50 White Opera Coat
$27.50 Fur lineed Coats
$15 00 Black Broadcloth Coats . . .
. $10.00 50-inch Mixture
$25.00 Ladies' Tailored
$8.50 Ladies' Skirts, at
$6.98 Children's Coats ...
$4.00 Children's Coats
Ladies' 75e Knit Underskirts
Ladies' $2.50 and $2.00 Wool
Remnants of All Wool
Henriettas, CheviotsVCnsh jner n
Suiting, Mohairs, PI - ids and
Silk Mixtures-length 3 t S "
yards, worth from 8 Jo 10 60
all at one prioe
& place axe mad safe. .
quartermaster supplies January 10, and
these purchases will an be first stored here
te await requisition from all parts of the
Llaeela SteaTens Drops lato City, bat
Has Hla Mack Rake Cater
Lincoln Steffena, newspaper and magaaine
correspondent of national fame, accom
panied by Mrs, Bteffena, ia a guest at the
Paxton. Like Diogenes of old, who went
about with a lantern In quest of an honest
man, Mr. Stoffens Is raking American mu
nicipalities for an honeat city government.
He aaid he is finding much muck to rake,
but la an optimist to the extent of believ
ing there are hopeful signs and that the
people will yet triumph.
Mr. Bteffena likes to Interview rather
than be Interviewed. He asks questions In
reply to questions.
"My observations have been that the
average municipality of this country la
way behind European cltlea In the matter
of good government We aell ourselves
for a mess of pottage we are bought with
our own money," Mr. Steffene said In pass
ing. Mr. Btsffsns agreed that there Is a gen
eral awakening throughout the country and
a demand that public officials represent
the people In fact as well aa in fancy.
."Do the city officials of Omaha really
represent the people? Do the newspapers
represent the people? Does the police de
partment do its bounden duty to suppress
crime? If you can aay 'yea' to those ques
tions then you have a eonditlon that tends
toward good city government here," waa
the way the visitor put it.
"The men who are making tha muck are
such persons as Harrlman, Hill, Morgan,
Rockefeller, et al. If they would atop
making muok I would be out of a job In
alx months," he aaid.
A tall, stern looking young man with a
battery of suit cases dashed Into the Mer
chants hotel yesterday afternoon, walked
up to the office and registered Ms name
as "Richard Mansfield, Cosad, Neb." Clerk
Scott Immediately recognised the gueat as
a prominent merchant of Cosad and de
cided to have some fun with a play of
names on the first day of the new year.
After a wait of half an hour Richard
Mansfield came downstairs and tarried at
the cigar counter. Clerk Scott told an
unsuspecting guest that Richard Mansfield
waa at the stand.
It happened that the unsuspecting guest
waa an admirer of the famous actor and
knew no better than that the person at
the cigar stand waa Richard himself. Ap
proaching the Cosad gueat with some tim
idity the unsuspecting one made hlmpelf
acquainted and started In to tell of the
pleasure he had had watching the Cosad
man act, and such.
"Now, my friend, go back to Bleep; I
am not Richard Mansfield the actor, but
Richard Mansfield, the merchant. Should
you want anything In my line just drop
down to Cosad. No trouble to show goods.
Visitors are as welcome aa customers,"
replied the Cosad cltlsen.
Then Clerk Scott rushed over and eepa
rated the two gueata.
Difference of Opinion, Just the Same,
Lands Mrs.' Ray In Polleo
Get your transfer when you pay your
tare or you go to Jail.
The experience of Mrs. Anna Ray, 1414
South Twenty-fourth street, colored, on a
Hanscom park car late Tuesday night re
sulted In the jotting dowu of the above
advice- aa hir irUnd. Mi. Ray BUl iniu a
quarrel with- Conductor '.Pflmple ' over
whether she had or had not paid her fare,
and Patrolman .Van Deusen was asked
at Sixteenth and Leavenworth streets to
take her In charge on a disorderly charge.
"Disorderly P sniffed Mrs. Ray at the po
lice station. "Why, I didn't even call him
a Uaf nor other names. I guess that Isn't
being disorderly." She waa allowed to go
home for the night on bonds.
Mrs. Ray denied that she had been die
orderly when ahe. appeared in police court
Wedneaday morning and the case waa dis
missed, aa It appeared to Judge Crawford
that the present chaotlo state of transfer
regulations was enough to try the soul of
a saint and a little outbreak of temper was
. $35
Coats $4 9
Suits $10
, : 3.98
' , . .1,93
; 35
and Cotton Waists . . . .93
j wen he, too, from a consorvatlvs line. It Urdly nesded this aasurancs h U a commendable' busies. joiUun.
Hospital ii Form a 11 j Dedicated Few
Year1! with Publlo Beteptiou.
Poaltry Show CVpeas with Fair
Attendance ana aa I'nusually
Viae Display of
None could be prouder, nor with greater
reason, than the members of ths South
Omaha, Hospital association over the com
pletion fit the new bundles'. - The publlo re
ception waa a most gratifying1 experienoe,
both to the association end to the large
number of friends who .visited the building
during yesterday afternoon and evening,
Numbers were coming and going. In the
evening especially. Host people who visited
brought something In the nature of a dona
tion. Considerable cash was contributed by
visitors. The rooms are not completely fur
nished as yet, but most of. the necessities
will be supplied from the old hospital. All
the rooms are models of convenience. . All
tha doors swing on noiseless hlngea. ,
Entering from the south or front a per
son atepa Into the reception room to the
right, which Is a neatly furnished apart
ment. From thla down the east aide one
passes into the office, then the sterilising
rooms and in the northeast oorner the
operating room. This Is not completely fin
ished yet. The women made use of It last
night to serve punch and refreshments to
the guests. In the northwest corner Is the
emergency room, aa near to the operating
tablea aa possible for greater convenience.
At the other extremity of the hall, at the
aouth west corner, Is the room furnished by
the King's Daughters. It le one of the
largest and best rooms In the building. The
women of the organisation have it nloely
furnished, t'pstalre In. the same order In.
the aoutheaat Is the head nurae's room, the
men's ward, the diet kitchen and other
nurses' , rooms. On the . west side, In tha
northwest corner. Is the . Odd Fellows'
room. Then a room furnished by Mrs. W.
Berry." wife of Dr. Berry-' It the south
west corner Is the room of the Ba stern Star.
These rooms are so named because-these
orders and people have obligated themselves
to furnish and keep tn good condition these
rooms. ; . . "
The hospital will accommodate from
twenty-four to thirty-two patients. All of
the Interior la finished In white and the
woodwork H of a light or natural wood
stain. In the baaement la the kitchen, din
ing room and other compartments for heat
ing and waah rooma. A dumb waiter ac
commodatee all floors from the. kitchen.
The women took great pleaaure In show
ing the guests through the building. Al
most every woman of the association as
alated. Mesdamee Brewer, Byerly, King.
Talbot. Wescott, Bents, Hasklns, Berry.
Wright, Christie, Check, Ames, Jones and
Lott were each present and helpful In their
assistance. Coffee and cakea were served
from the kitchen. The efforts of theee
women have gone far toward making the
hospital a great success.
Praise Dae Scott Kin.
By far the greater measure of praise for
the great work so happily completed be
longa to W. Scott. King, the president of
the association. He haa been the organiser
whose tireless efforts and push have not
only redeemed the association from ths
time when he assumed control of lta af
fairs and found the funds depleted and the
association In debt, but he handled the
finances In such a way that the hospital
made money and when It came time to
erect the new building over $6,000 waa
available as a stsrter. He managed the
construction largely In person and secured
good service end economy In- every par
ticular. Before the close of another year
the association will have paid the last obli
gation. Mr. King confeaaed laat night that
he had often been In doubt of late whether
he was working for the Union Stock Tarda
company or for the Hospital association.
He was present at the hospital during the
greater part of the day and received many
congratulations from those who knew of
the efforts he had made. ' He .took great
pride In the universal praise of the new
building, but declared that he. was ready
to go on the retired list with the feeling
of a good .work well accomplished.
Receptlea at T. M. C. A.
The New Tear'e reception given by the
Ladles' Auxiliary to the Young Men's
Christian association was fairly well at
tended last night. The gymnasium was
neatly decorated with holiday evergreens,
pines and sprays. A booth for refresh
ment was fitted up and supplied by the
kindness of the women with abundance of
good things. The Juniors In the afternoon
did not attend in large numbers and the
women were a little disappointed. The
evening was much more satisfactory. A
program of entertainment was provided by
the committee and thla part was aa well
enjoyed as was the dainty refreshments.
There - were several musical numbers' and
some short addresses by the older patron
of the association.
First Day of Poaltry Show.
The attendance during the first day of
the Poultry show was very good during the
afternoon. There were many counter at
tractions for the evening, which accounted
for the" smaller number. The exhibits are
now all complete. The number of entries
Is about twice as great as In the. first ex
hibit. Many mere of the rarer and more
elegant breeds are represented. The range
of the competition Is much wider in this
respect and tn the number of different deal
ers as well. The common breeds are rep
resented by a large array of the finest.
A novelty not seen often is two pens of
white China geese, exhibited by E. B.
Smith of Uncoln. They are very large
birds with a big, bald, yellow bump over
the eyes, giving them an odd appearance.
Their volcee are very harsh, much like
an array of Mongolian minstrels. In one
corner of the room ths most epicurean
j chicken fancier of the plalna la on ex-
peere out at the fine array of toothsome
fowls with an eye sparkling with greedy
anticipation and hla ears are pricked up
to the sound of the mocking crowing of the
big Barred Plymouth Rocks.
There is a cage of Belgian hares- above
i him and a cote of pigeons. Among the rare
I birds are the Black Langshans of A. W.
Covalt of Council Bluffs and C. H. Iaard
of Omaha. There are several pens of
I Houdana, a variety not often seen. The
i exhibitors are J. O. Oourlay of Lincoln,
J Meyers, aJao of Lincoln, and Hennlng of
i Wahoo. A - fine pen of Blue Andalualan
; fowls are exhibited by Mrs. Robey of Belle
vue. Silver and Golden Spangled Htm
. burgs are represented by eight fine coops.
' The Buff Laced Polish, the Bearded and
t'onbeanled and .White Polish are also to
be seen. Their heada are almost completely
hidden by feathers. It la well worth the
time to visit the poultry exhibits, which
continue three dsys longer,
i Mr ale City Gnsslp.
! Pr'dil Rose Silver. God trey's.
, Flecher tiheltun. Twenty-eighth and Q
; streets. dU4 yesterday. The funeral ar-
, -Mrsenients nave not oean made.
Tte i'y treunry had Ks funds Increased
?3,'0 miring' the month of December
l t ' j te be a record -breaker.
!' .i!d society of the Enllsh Lutheran
! c wil, nrtl st tr-e luur.e or Mrs. K.
i .-, .Tfih and T streets, Thuridsy
v st i :c
Im .. tW4 N St.
r nay season. .
lii i -f Americi wll
. . . iur iLe coiiUrig yer al
their hsll over the South Omaha National
bsnk Thursday evening. .This Is lodg No.
The young people of the- English Luth
eran church were entertained at a wstch
party at the home of tha psstor. Rev.
Kslph Livers. The evening was pleasantly
spent with games and refreshments, snd
as the new year approached appropriate
services were held.
Rose Ksnnfukla, a child of I years, whose
parents reside at Fortieth and I streets,
died yesterdsy. The burial will be from
the residence at 1 p. m. today to 8U Mary's
The funeral of Mrs. Anna M. Elliott will
take place from the residence of her daugh
ter, Mrs. P. J. Farrell, at Twenty-third snd
F streets, this aftsrnoon at 1 o'clock. The
burial will be In Falrvlew cemetery In
Council Bluffs.
Ail the Bouth Omaha lodges of the An
cient Order of I'nlted Workmen will in
stall officers at the temple Thursday even
ing of this week. There will be three
members of the grand lodge present Tha
members sxe urged to turn out.
Jetter'e Gold Top Beer delivered to all
parts of the city.. Telephone No. t.
The body of William T. Hayes or Hees,
who died at the county hospital, lies at
the undertaking rooms of H. T. Brass. He
waa the blind piano player well known as
Blind Billy tn Omaha. A search la being
mada for the relatives to see what dispo
sition they want to make of the body. -
Lesley' Way; one of the newly appointed
mail carriers, while driving in from the
home of hie parents. W. W. Way of .37
Harrison street, was thrown out of his rig
on the east end of the Q street viaduct.
He fell on his face and bruised it con
siderably and cut through his under lip.
He waa unconscious for a time and waa
attended by Dr. Leo DeLanney. His face
will be slightly, scarred.
Presldeat Sticks to System la
Important Order on Purchase
- of Naval Discharges.
In his order recently Issued touching upon
the matter -of enlisted men In the navy
buying their discharge, President Roossvelt
Indicates that, regardless of what congress
and other bodies and individuals msy think
of the reform In spelling, he claims for
himself the right to make use of It. lie
observes the reform In hie order, a copy of
which has been received at the local naval
recruiting station. This order, which Is re
garded as one of great Importance, reads:
In time of Teace any enlisted man of the
navy, serving in bis first enlistment, who Is
not undergoing punishment or under
charges and is not in debt to the govern
ment, msy, after one year from the date of
hla enlistment in the navy, apply for the
privilege of purchasing his discharge. The
application must be made to the Navy de
partment thru official channels, giving rea
sons in full and will state that the appli
cant' waives all claims for transportation at
government expense to his home or place of
enlistment If the discharge Is granted. In
general no reasons will be considered suffi
cient to warrant discharge unless It can be
shown that these reasons did not exist prior
to enlistment. The price of discharge to be
the price of outfit furnished on enlistment
plus two months' pay at the rating the ap
plicant is holding at the time of actual dis
charge If In the second year of his enlist
ment or one month's pay If In the third
year of his enlistment. After the third year
of enlistment the price of discharge will be
the price of outfit furnished on enlistment.
When the application for discharge by pur
chase Is made on account of dependency of
near relative, and shows in connection
therewith that a state of destitution ex
ists, that he has tn the extent of his op
portunities and ability made contributions
to the support of such relative, but that
these contributions have proved Insufficient
to relieve the destitution, the Navy depart
ment may, at Its discretion, remit such part
of the purchase price of discharge other
than the price of outfit furnished on enlist
ment as may seem proper and necessary
by reason of the inability of the enlisted
man fo pay the full amount.
Kmc Offers Only New BUI, but All Get
Large Ronsee at Afternoon and
Evening Performances.
New' Tear's was. a good day at the
Omaha theaters. The people seemed more
In the mood for the play than on Christ-'
man,' and the houtes were filled at both
afternoon and evening performances. ' t
' The Krug offered thti omy change in bill,
a ."musical comedy", which Is neither, mu
sical nor comlcsl, sailing under the name
of "Everybody Works But Father," being
the attraction. Some of Its features af
forded great delight to the people who had
paid their' money to see It, but for. the
most part It was received In polite silence.
Miss Kathryn Roberta, who heads the. com
pany, hae a strong, aweet voice, which she
uses well on the few songs she haa to sing,
and Will H. West, who Is the "father" end
of the show, works very hard with a Ger
man dialect part to afford amusement,- and
causes considerable merriment by hie
antics. The stay Includes a matinee this
afternoon and closes with this evening's
At the Boyd "In the Bishop's Carriage"
drew a capacity house at both perform
ances; the Burwood wae packed twice, and
at the Orpheum two standing room crowds
saw the bill that is being offered for the
After Being Ont with Companion
Retires and Later is Dls-
. . , -. covered .Dying;.
Ella King,; also known a Ella Monroe,
died at 206 North Eleventh atreet erly
Tuesday afternoon under conditions which
will require the attention of the county
coroner. The woman rented a room from
John Duncan at the number stated and
went -out Monday evening with John Mc
Reynold. It was. about 4 o'clock the next
morning before she returned and asked
to be called at ( o'clock, as she would have
to go to work.
The woman's Instructions were carried
out, but she failed to respond, remaining
In such a condition that later In the day
tha police were notified, and Police Sur
geon Harris waa aent to attend her. She
waa then so far gone from the effects
of drug, liquor or disease that Harris waa
unable to do anything for her.
Little is known concerning the woman
other than that she had been employed
as dlshwaaher at tha Her Grand hotel.
She was about SO years old.
An Inquest waa held at 10 o'clock thla
morning. The verdict of the coroner's Jury
waa to the effect that the woman came to
ber death from the excessive use of drugs
administered by her own hand. No ar
rangements have been made for the
funeral, as Coroner Bratley Is trying the
relatives of friends of the woman.
Bnllatnsr Permits.
The following building permits have been
Issued: George Vradenburg, 1331 Park ave
nue, 3,6uu brick store and dwelling; J. M.
Marston. Twenty-third and Pratt. 12. 3u)
dwelling; W. L, Locks, 2438 Elston avenue.
t'.6oo dwelling; A. 8. Bustup, 1137 8outh
Eighteenth, 1.600 dwelling.
Modlsetts' Case Delayed a Day. .
The trial of . the Modlsett brothers.
Charged with fraudulent conduct In land
rases, did not corns up In the federsl court
Wednesday because or the rallure of Im
portant witnesses to appear. They are ex
pected to arrive and tha trial starts Thurs
day morning.
and you'll know, !ike
. million of other.
There's Rsa."
Get the little tvKik, "The Road to
Wellvllle." in pkgs.
i-i) .m.ismiMi
Our gigantic unloading sale yesterday called forth favorable comments from all sec
tions and won the appreciation of thousands. The multitude of people who attended it
received sensational values and they profited greatly. There was enthusiastic buying in
every department. No wonder I Think of buying merchandise at about half usual prices.
The coming days of this sale will witness the giving of values even greater than those
of opening day. New merchandise will be added daily. It's money in your pockets.
Come quick.
Silks! Silks! Silks
Our entire stock of Radium Peau
de Cygne Silk that sold at 7 So
a yard, In every possible plain
shade, both light and dark, in
cluding black all go in this
sale at, yard... 37
Extra Special
200 pieces of fancy silks In checks,
stripes, plaids and pretty' small
designs, these are from broken
lines, that we sold at 86c, fl.00
and $1.25 a yard all go in this
sale at, yard 50
Colored Dress Goods
44 to C6-lnch Tailor Suitings, in
irregular plaids and checks,
fancy strlpeB, shadow checks and
fancy mixtures, sold at 11.00
and $1.25 yard, sale price, only,
yard ....... 59k
68-lnch Melton Cloths, In shapes
' of gray, blues, tans, red, brown
. and greens our 85c quality
. sale price, only, yard . . . .35
Here is a Chance for
,. ; the Restaurant Man
and Thrifty House
wife 2,500 yards of Table Linen.
Manufacturer's remnants bought
by us several months ago for De
cember delivery for this January
sale. These goods are perfect in
every way. Irish Satin Damask,
all pure Hnen and put up by the
maker In three lengths, two yards,
two and a half yards, and three
yard long, which we place on sale
In three different lots at a price
that defies competition.
Lot No. 1 2 yards for.... 08
Lot No. 1 2 yards for. 81.23
nv. x a yaras ior . .. l 47
ixi ino. z a yaras ior. . ..
Lot No. 2 2 Hi yards for.
Lot No. 2 3 yards for. . .
Lot No. 3 2 yards for. . .
Lot No. 3 IVt yards for.
Lot No. 3 3 yards for . .
bllll V2lUCSLdle8, 8lt Prices $26 to $50. all now,;
Strvios of Omaha Branch of Sixth Division
Shows Bia: Growth.
Headquarters as Well as Boundaries
Have Been Extended and Depot
Facilities Also Materially
Durlns the year 190s the railway mail
service for the Omaha branch of the Sixth
Atvialnn haa been materially Increased. Up
wards of thirty news clerks have been
added to the service. The lines have been
considerably extended. What was formerly
known as the Bcribner & Oakdale line has
been extended to Omaha and is now known
as the Omaha ft Oakdale line, with a
largely Increased service, .
Tha offices of- the Omaha headquarters
also have "been much increased, six rooms
now being" appropriated for the work in the
federal building, where a year ago there
were but three office rooms. The offices
arm inrated In tha northwest corner of the
second floor of the federal building, with
I". L. Keller as chief clerk, he succeeding
u TP ntiRnrer on March 1. Another new
clerk was added to the office force In July.
The mall quarters at union siaiion nave
been enlarged, so that registered matter
In transit can be taken care of at the
station without being brought up to the
postofflce as heretofore.
Malls Welarhed East of Hirer.
Th nuadrennial weighing of the mails
east of the Missouri river will be under
taken with a big force Immediately! This
work will require the assistance of a large
number of special weighers and will occupy
sixty or nlnsty days. The appolntmente of
weighers will be made from applicants
living east of the river ana most or mess
appointments have already been made.
No malls will be weigneg wesi or me
river, thle work having been done In the
transmlssourl districts last spring. This
weighing of mails takes place every four
years In the several districts of the country
in nrAer that a basis may be established
for forthcoming contracts with the railroads
for hauling the malls.
J. J. Lcsakas astd Prank Streak Dis
cover Their Supposed Snap
, Ii Delnslon.
Two kind, genial and philanthropic eltl
sans met J. J. Lenahan. 2:1 Mason street,
and Frank Btraub, 1720 Dorcae street. Tues
day night, and, their hearts overflowing
with good cheer and best wishes for all
mankind on ths New Tear day. Invited the
latter pair to be their guests at a restau
rant spread. Lenahan and Btraub had
never seen the pair before, but that made
no difference. They wanted something fo
sat,- and hsre was en opportunity stumbled
onto with blind luck not to be passed up
under any circumstances.
Ths Invitation was quickly accepted and
the four strolled Into the Oriental restau
rant, 12Q Douglas street, where an almond
eyed waiter served them with what did
them most good. Ths banquet over at last,'
they started toward ths front of the house.
Inahan and Btraub pausing as thsy looked
fur their hosts to pay ths checks.
The hosts, hewsvsr, did not pause at tha
on rallied. beea l
Phone 9S1 Douglas.
Gigantic Unloading
Sale of Housekeep
ing Linens.
We have planned and made
splendid preparations for this
mammoth January Linen Sale.
We have tolled hard to procure
good, dependable merchandise to
make this the greatest linen sale
in the west. The stocks are large
and thoroughly complete. Table
linens, napkins, towels and fancy
linens of every kind, from the
most inexpensive to the very fin
est grades, the production of the
foremost looms in the world and
bought under most favorable con
ditions months ago in order to get
the lowest figure and In order to
give to the consumer the best
possible quality at the lowest pos
sible price.
Heavy grade Irish Table Damask,
good patterns and durable qual
ity at the unheard-of UNLOAD
A fifty-cent quality of Table Linen,
Union Damask, half bleached,
good width, heavy Scotch mate
A strictly pure linen heavy weight
Satin Damask, both in bleached
and unbleached, made of the
very best flax of sturdy Scotch
manufacture, positively the best
value in America today, and sells
regularly at 65c UNLOADING
SALE PRICE, per yard . .49
All our 85c quality high grade
linens, comes in widths from 66
to 72 Inches, all pure flax, the
best line in Omaha for the money
A varied stock of the very best
satin damask manufactured,
comprising pieces from the lead-,
ing manufacturers of Ireland,
Scotland and Germany, heavy
double damask, every ' piece
guaranteed for wear and dura
bility, most exquisite designs,
which we sell regularly at $1.35
and $1.50 per sard- UNLOAD
ING SALE PRICE .;.. 81.00
(Ladies' Suits Prices were $7.60 to $15, all
at....... ... ...
JLndles Suits Prices were $16.60 to $22.60
......... t
cashier's desk.. The two who had invited
entire strangers to a New - Tear feaat
went through the door and up the street
as fast as they could, amid much chatter
ing and alarming talk on the part of the
Chinese attendants.' ' The . cashier looked
to Lenajian and Btraub for reimbursement,
lie , disregarded the explanations . about
being invited in to eat, and matters looked
rather bad when the police arrived. The
three were taken to jail.
Btraub was Inclined to be very wrathy
towards the cashier, falling to see where
he himself had been made the dupe, but,
as Captain Mostyn told him, after he had
had a session with the police Judge he
might be more careful iu the future with
whom he eats.
Inasmuch as all three prisoners had had
such an .exciting and novel experience
Judge Crawford dismissed the case in po
lice court fWednesday morning without
prejudice to anyone concerned.
Meat Stand In' Front of Two Plaoes
Robbed In Wee Small
t Honrs.
An evening or two ago a resident of West
Farnam street who happended to miss his
last car walked out home. Being a cir
cumspect man he took the middle of the
street rather that the sidewalk. He ob
served as he reached a point in front of the
Puritan laundry. Twenty-eighth and Far.
nam, a man standing behind a telegraph
or telephone pole on the opposite side of
the street. And then he reflected that Just
the night before burglars blew open the
safe and wrecked two wlndowe of the
Puritan laundry. He proceeded on hla
way without being molested or without
molesting anyone until he reached Thirty
sixth street on the northeast corner of
which stands Butts Brothers' grocery
store. Here he observed two men standing
behind a telegraph pole immediately op
posite the store. One of the men left bis
station and walked across the street as
the tardy westender approached. The
A child's 111., mentally
upon props netritiou, cleanliness of food eaten being
a great factor. The bands disseminate 'disease, germs
ding to them. A food prepared without the contact
of hands must be clean.
to prepared tinder strict scientific processes and no
contact with hands from the busker to ths consumer,
and henos germs are an impossibility. A food for
old, the young, the feeble and the sedentary.
fM sv. -r a a a i - a.
Napkins at Half Their
Regular Price
One hundred doiens of our $1.25
Napkins, full bleached, medium
6-8 site, all pure linen, which
we will unload at, dozen.. 75
A good size union linen Napkin,
full grass bleached, pretty range
of patterns, at less than Import
cost $1.15
A large size dinner Napkin, strict
ly pure linen, Irish satin dam
ask, heavy weight, strong and
durable. $3 values UNLOAD
ING SALE PRICE, doi. .81.05
A mixed lot of Napkins, including
several kinds of all pure linen,
full bleachsd. This lot we will
dispose of . regardless of cost.
Among them are some $3.50,
$4.00 and $4.50 values, all in
one lot at, per dozen. . -82.50
Loom Ends 24c Yard
Come See What
They Are
10 cases mill remnants, contain
ing ginghams, flannelettes, out
ings, etc. Prices at half and
less than factory cost, yd., 4c, 5c,
6c, 7c, 8c and OHc '
Extraordinary values in ladles'
and children's hose, at 6c, 7c,
8c, 9c and 10c pair.
100 dozen all linen handwerchlefs
for men and women, half
price 5
Blankets and Com
forters Less Than
Mill Prices
600 single gray blankets, worth
double, sale price 29
1,000 ladles fancy linen and silk
trimmed collars, worth up to
25c mill price, each lt
5,000 dozen Fine Valenciennes
laces, all widths, with Insertions,
worth to 25c yard, lace counter
Unloading Sale Price, yd.5
200 pieces fine Allover Laces, in
white, cream and ecru, worth
75c to $2 yard Unloading Sale
Price, yd. . . . . 75 50t 25
Lace counter.
'f::... ..3.95
- r - alI now , ; CIA
. fl y(
, kAU
other one kept his moorings and also his
gate on the' mid-road pedestrian. The
mld-roader reflected again and his mind
recalled the fact that but a few evenings
before robbers had tried their hand at the
Butts' store two nights in succession.
As the westender was somewhat In a
hurry to get home, and being a man who
believes In sttending strictly to his own af
fairs, particularly at such hours of the
night, he did not stop to Inquire of the
men behind the posts whether they were
awaiting another chance or were guards
of these Institutions, but he thought the
incidents quite singular.
Youthful Mayor and Perhaps Sheldon
and Brown Will Attend Mo.
Klnley Club Banqaet.
The committee on' the McKinley. club
banquet, to be held January , met
Wednesday at noon to perfect arrange
ments. Bubcommlttees were appointed.
Mayor Becker of Milwaukee has written
that he will come to Omaha for the ban
quet from Louisville, Ky., where he Is to
address the Board of Trade. The. com
mittee has a prospect of getting another
noted speaker for the' banquet. Special In
vitations will be eent to Governor Sheldon,
Norrls Brown and others.
Bee Want Ads produce results.-
Union Paclfl. Sinks Holes, to Detest,
tulno Solidity of Earth for
' New BolldlnsT. .-
The Union Paclflo Is sinking test holes in
the earth at the site bought for the new
headquarters building. This is for the pur
pose of learning the nature of the gronnd,
on which will depend the depth to which
the foundation will have to go. Solid ground
and a very heavy foundation will be neces
sary to hold a superstructure of twelve
stories. .
and physically, depends
of Digestion mud Beady to Eat
sswwssisrs ne aasrtetj er test Is sella, sulk. .e.4ei