Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone Douglas 618.
Bee, January I, It 07
The First Day Was a Whirlwind
Never in the history of our store did we have such a crowd as we had on the opening day of this Great Janu
jjary Sale: The
ibegan at tne stroKe
tfnent to the first and
) were here just as we advertised them. The prices well we only know .that quick action
the eight o clock bell and continued unabated until closing time. Everywhere from the base-
T a a . ) - .
second iloors there were enthusiastic buyers eagerly taking advantage or the great price reduc
tions. They seemed delighted with the bargains.
We have prepared for the second day of our great January sale with another tempting array of bargains. Be
here eatfy Thursday morning if you will share in these great economies. .
Sale Commences at 8 &. m.
i Wednesday, the Great January,
Sale of Beautiful Dress Goods
and Silk Was a Truly Won-
derful Sight.
There is always an Immense business
her during our Oreat January Clearing
Bale, but Wednesdays selling broke the
records In drees good and Bilks for the
' first duy's selling of any previous January
Clearing Sale. First of all, tha dress
goods and silks we are soiling are of tha
beautiful style' and quality you always
' And at Thompson, Belden It Co.'s. Tha
colors are' charming, ' Including the ex
quisite shades and styles that are seldom,
' If ever, to1 ba had at these special prices.
AH fairly sparkle with newness and
beauty. In fact, many of tho protty
' shades of gray are next season's Ideas
and color effects. It's hard to convey with
any degree of adequacy the beauty or tha
, extent of the sweeping reductions or
great valu. Ws merely hint of a few spe
cial Items.
The Season's Most Desirable
; Black Dress Goods Go Into the
. Great January Clearing Sale.
We never gave you such values at any
. previous Clearing Bale.
, 11.75 Black French Voile, now $1.09.
$1.18 Black Panama Novelty, now 76a'
to Black Jacquard Panama,. now 46a,
great value.
Black Shadow Check Panama, extra
wldi, $4-111,. regular $1.35 quality, now
78c. There Is an unusual large quantity
Xo choose from.
Every Piece of Dress Goods in
the Great Clearing Sale is
'Sparkling With Brilliancy
' and Newness. 1
You will be delighted to wear a gown
from any of them at regular price,
65o Novelty Panamas, In tha' pretty
hadus of gray, 1,. ' pretty checks, now
9C. " !
fl.U Queen's Gray Suiting, nothing pret
tier at any price, now 71o.
$1.M 64-Inch striped Mannish Suitings, now
J9c a yard, .
$1.35 all wol Shadow Check Panama, M
tn , extraordinary value, -all colors, 79o yd.
Hundreds to choose from.
'..- ii ' '
Sweeping Clearing Sale of
!,r . Beautiful Dress Silks
' You are Invited to come.; We promise yo-j
larger variety and greater value than you
ever bought before l'l ycir life of high
, rluss si Ik i,
; January Clearing Sale on Fine
; Blankets
!' Grent reductions on all of our Amana
: GrM. reductions on all of our 8t. Mary s
' Great reductions on all of our New
, 'Bremen Blankets.
Great reductions on all of our North Star
Market prices are still going up and
blankets will be considerable higher next
season. It will pay you" to lay In a supply
, Bargain Square in Basement
Remnants of Best Prints at 2ttc per yd.
Handsome Fur Coats
. We Continue (Tur Great Fur Coat Sale Thursday.
Dyed Otter Coats, regular price, $250.00; January sale price, 1195.00.
Dyed Otter Coats, regular price, $225.00; January sale price, $175.00.
Beautiful Astrakhan Coats, regularly sold at $40.00, January Clearing sale, $25.00.
Brook Mink Coats, regularly sold at $50.00, January Clearing sale, $35.00.
Hundreds of Near and Electric Seal Coats, box styles, fitted backs and blouse styles, the very latest
creations of tha season at our GREAT JANUARY SALE PRICE3.
1 genuine White Alaska Fur Set, slightly soiled regular price, $85.00; January Sale price, $35.00.
1 very elegant dark Mink Stole, most beautiful style regular price $125.00; January sale price, $75.00.
Hundreds of high class Neck Furs, comprising beautiful Minks, Baum Martens, Lynx, Natural and
Blended Squirrels loo numerous to mention.
Come THURSDAY and see for yourself how great the bargains really are.
Our Great Annual Sale of Furs, Consisting of All the Choicest Things in Coats and
Small Neck Furs, Commences Thursday, January 3, at Extraordinary Reduced Prices
The selling of Furs is a peculiar business. We don't know of a single high-class fur which is not Imi
tated, and usually sold for the real thing. . For instance, a black Domestic Cat is sold for lynx. Diended light
colored minks are Bold for natural dark minks. Opossum 1b sold for genuln.e Martin, and so on through
the whole list.
..No deception whatever is allowed in our store.
Thursday Is the Day to Buy Furs.
All the Mink Muffs reduced from $25.00 to $17.60.
All the Lynx Muffs reduced from $30.00 to $20.00.
All the Squirrel Muffs reduced from $9.60 to $6.00.
All the Misses' and Children's Fur Sets reduced.
All the genuine Mink Scarfs reduced from $25.00 to $17.50. . . ".
All the genuine Mink Scarfs reduced from $35.00 to $22.50.
1 very beautiful Kolinsky Fur Set, regular price, $100.00, JANUARY SALE PRICE, $50.00.
Continuation of the Greatest Cloak and Coat Sale Ever Held in Omaha.
To sell a thousand coats in one day is a great feat, and is conclusive proof that the store which dpes
it is certainly underselling every other store in Omaha. There are still hundreds of pretty Coats which we
shall continue to close out till everyone is sold at one-half our regular low price.
$60.00 COATS FOR $25.00.'
$35.00 COATS FOR $17.50
$25.00 COATS FOR $12.00
$40.00 COATS FOR $20.00.
$30.00 COATS ORF $15.00.
$16.00 COATS FOR $7.50
See THURSDAY ad for details of great skirt sale, Friday, January 4th.'
Great Semi-Annual Suit Sale 150 Beautiful New Tailor-Made .SuitsThursday at
. ;, One-Half Price. ; "
Waeii Thompsor, Belden & Co. RdYertiss Suits at ruin-half price it means one-half prio. Think what
60c on the dollar means it means that you can buy from us handsome new and stylish goods for less
money than old-time, worn bankrupt stocks can be purchased for. Our styles are always the latest and
much in advance of. other stores. Come Thursday and save from $12.00 to $25.00 on yoyr new.Buits.
SPECUAL NOTE Thursday, January 3, is the great Suit Salo day. .. r
Bleached Napkins All Linen
All our tt.Jfi Bleached Napkins In this
January sale Jl.8 dosen.
All our $3.00 Bleached Napkins In this
January sale $2.00 dnaen.
All our $3.25 Bleached Napkins In this
January sale $2.28 dosen.
All our $3.60 Bleached Napkins In this
January sale $2.38 dosen.
All our $4.60 Bleached Napkins In this
January sale 13.18 dosen.
All our $5.00 Bleached Napkins in this
January sale, $3.89 dosen.
All our $8.00 Bleached Napkins In this
January sale $4.38 dosen.
All our $7.50 Bleached Napkins In this
January sale $5.00 dosen.
All our $8.50 Bleached Napkins In this
January sale, $8.38 dosen.
All our $10.00 Bleached Napkins In this
January sale $8.89 dosen.
Bleached Table Damask by the
Yard All Linen
All our $1.60 Satin Damask In the Jan
uary sale $1.00 per yard (bleached.)
All our $1.00 Satin Damask In tha Jan
uary sale Too per yard (bleached.)
Silver Bleached Damask, by the
Yard All Linen
All our 65c Silver Bleached Damask in
this January sale 4o per yard.
All our $1.00 Silver Bleached Damask
In the January sale 75c per yard.
All our $1.26 Silver Bleached Damask In
the January sale 89c per yard.
All our $1.50 Silver Bleached Damask In
tha January sale $1.00 per yard.
All cur $1.65 Silver Bleached Damask In
the January sals $1.10 peryard.
Silver Bleached Napkins All
All our $1.75 Sliver Bleached Napkins In
the January sale $1.00 per yard.
Fancy Figured Huck Toweling,
by the Yard All Linen
All our 65c Figured Huck Toweling In
the January sale 65c per yard. '
All our 60c Figured Huck Toweling In
the January sale 42 He per yard.
John S. . Brown's Napkins
Extra Special
t00 dosen of John 8. Brown & Sons $8.T5
dosen. . . ,
200 dosen John S. Brown & Sons $4.60
$2.75 a dosen, 1 '
All pur 10c Huck Towels In this Janu
ary sale 6c each.
AH our 15c Huck Towels In this Janu
ary safe, 10c each.
All our 25c Huck Towels In this Janu
ary sale 15o each.
All our 456 Huck Towels In this Janu
ary sale 26c each.
All our $1.00 Huck Towels in this Janu
ary sal 69o each. '
entries to Lincoln to find the committee
cannot meet at tha time set, so he waits
over until the nest day. The same thing
happens again. Then the second bill comes
up and again he Is sent for and again the
first performance la repeated, so the su
perintendent has to spend much of his.
time tier when he should be at his Insti
tution looking after tha work he Is paid
to look after. '
"I would suggest that the house and sen
ate committee hold Joint sessions when a
tats superintendent Is sent for to explain
the reason for certain approprlatlone, have
the time of the meeting fixed and, hold
the meeting at that time. One trip could
do all the work. This could ba done very
easily and when tha senate committee
came to act on the measure It would have
the advantage of the explanation made to
the Joint committee. .
"Of course. It is not necessary rliat the
superintendent be sent for at all. If he
makes It clear In his written ststement to
the legislature what he wants, but II al
ways happens some members of the com
mittee wsnts the superintendent to noine
and explain personally the reasons for
the appropriatlona.'.
Kettletoa at Work on Committees.
"I shall begin work on the committees
tonljrht," said Speaker Nettleton today.
"Most of the members have filed their pref
erences with me and they are being tabu
lated. No announcement of any committee
appointment will be made until It Is rend
to the legislature, and Just when that will
be 1 do not know."
Senator Millard's manipulating commit
tee has about faded away and the hotel
corridors remember It as a has-been. The
effect of the boosters has been to Inspire
tho legislators to call at the office of Nor
rls Brown and again assure him that he
was the choice of the republican state con
vention and the choice of the electors at
the Wist election for the seat used by Sen
ator Millard, and they Intend to abide by
that decision, in fact, the office of the at
torney general was crowded at times dur
ing the day by legislators.
Superintendent Hayward of the Indus
trial school at Kearney Is one superintend
ent who does not believe It Is necessary to
lobby In order to get an appropriation at
the hands of the legislature.
"I have never had any trouble getting
what the Institution needs," said Mr.
Hayward. "In times past I have filed my
report and my statement of what Is needed.
The committee to whom the matter is re
ferred has notified me If It desires any
further explanation and I have come be
fore the committee. I have never been
turned down and I have ' never had to
lobby for an appropriation. I have found
the legislators fair and generous In their
treatment of the institution at Kearney.
I ask for only what Is needed and that Is
what I get."
Flora. t for County Option.
It la generally conceded a strong fight
will be made to secure tha; enactment of
the county option law, which Is backed by
a number of temperance societies over the
state. Thomas Darnall, who acts as lob
byist for the Anti-Saloon league, Is al
ready busily engaged In Interviewing mem
bers of the legislature. Beside the county
option measure . legislation is proposed to
prevent as far as possible the Infraction
of tha spirit of the law by : tha express
companies In communities where no license
has been voted. In these prohibition com
munities tha express companies ship large
quantities of liquor consigned. "C. O. D."
The practice Is . said to ba to deliver the
packages to anyone who would sign for
tbem and pay the charges. The express
offices, it Is asserted,, in some communities,
at least, bava become drinking places and
nniih.ftnru.thi. nnn ejklrMkn wnulii twi. I
It la practically certain that soma measure
covering the matter will be Introduced.
.At the request of- the legislative commit
tee of the Order of Railway Conductors In
this state. Senator Gibson will Introduce a
bill which will carry out one of the planks
of tha republican platform. It relates tha
liability of common carriers for the In
Jury of their employes by accident. It
provides that contributory negligence shall
not ba a bar to action, but shall be left to
tha Jury to decide; that insurance or bene
fits received by the Injured employ shall
not affect his claim against the company,
but relief benefits or other aid received
from the company may be deducted from
the amount recovered. Railroad men In
all branches of the service are Interested
In the bill and It Is said will make a fight
to have It enacted.
governors will bs read. The house then ad
journed until 10 o'clock .tomorrow.
Majority Are Hills lor Pristls Con
stitutional Amendment.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. Special--Tho follow
ing Is a list of the claims and deficiency
claims which will be referred to the legis
lature. With the exception , of the claims
for wolf bounty, the list Is complete to
date. A majority of the claims ar fir
printing the proposed constitutional amend
ment notices:
A. Pondernmnn Co $ S""""
State Journal Co 63 25
Qeoreo A. IlcrlliiKhnf 1M 47
Krahlll Hardware company 2"J SJ
Rudae Gurus-1 Co 44. T
Andy Prlffner
Mayer Bros .
Crete Mills ..
Kenngy A Klnslnger
7 14
4!' )
J. M. Smiley 2J ;S
1'nlon Coal ownpnny 211 41
Chiirles A. MrKIm 307
Nebraska Telephone company....... 4-o
Andy 1'UITner "-
Rudge A Uiienscl Co y4' ;
Kenngy A Klnslnacr I
Charles A. McKlm f-'-M
E. T. Smith
Jason L Claflln 4 SO
Grand Island Telephone company -Vt
Nebraska Telephone company 4.W
Nebraska Telephone company J W
Orand Island Telephone enmp my.... 29.KO
Nebraska Telephone company 4.90
riran.t uland Telephone company 4 M
C. H. Havens & Co tX
J. N. Doty
Albert Lykke
Albert l.yKKe
John P. MrBrlde
John D. Mc Urlde
John IX Mcltrlde
John I. Mrltrlde
John 1. McHrlile
John D. McBrlfle
Klopp & Hartlolt Co..
Klopp & Bartlett Co..
Charles A. McKlm
O. I. Hedge
ChHrlrs A. McKlm....
Charlotte Towl
Edward McEvoy
I'atrk-k Mostyn
Henry A.
2 45
34. 30
ill i
Ii iil
15 0
7 .HO
Ureer 1M 97
Western Vnlnn Telegraph company..
R. C. l'ottinger
Van Doran Iron Works company....
W. G. etainm
Springer A flohurman
li 8. Davis, county troiisurer l.incoin -county
'. l,ZtZ..S
E. S. Davis, county treasurer Lincoln
county '
Charles A. McKlm
Otis R. Palst
H. L. Cook
Commercial Bank, Nelson
8tella N. Peckham
John N. Gustus
A. J. Trude
Wt T Diintu
Un'ltel Statos government 'J'"?'1?
County treasurer Saline county 1,1
rmimliia eoiintv. Nebraska , lo.-
Allen G. fisher.
$.'. ,ii
84. CO
AM our $1.75 Bleached Table Clotb In this All our $5.00 Bleached Table Cloth In thla
January sale $11 each.
AW our $2.28 Bleached Tabls Cloth In this
January sale, $1.G9 each.
All our $3.00 Bleached Table Cloth In this
Remnants of Light Outing Flannels at 6o January ,aie. K. each,
of Flannelettes at 4Ho per
per yard.
' Remnants
Remnants of ITnbleaoheJ Shaker at So ,,, ,al, gj.oo each,
par yard. -
All our $3.76 Bleached Table Cloth In this
January sale, $2.60 each.
All our $4.50 Bleached Table Cloth In this
January sole $3.89 each.
All our $6.00 Bleached Table Cloth In thla
January sale $4.38 each.
All our $7.60 Bleached Table Cloth In this
January sale $3.00 each.
. All our $8.75 Bieached Tabl Cloth In this
January sale $6.28 each.
Crashes and Towelings
All our 7Ho Brown Linen Crash In this
January sale, $Hc per yard.
All our 12'c Brown Linen Crash In this
All our $10 Bleached Table Cloth In this January sale 8c per yard.
January sale $.80 each. All our iBo Brown Linen Crash In thla
AU our $1$ Bleached Table Cloth In this January sale. 12o per yard.
January sale $8.38 each. All our 16o Bleached Linen Crash In this
All our $13.50 Bleached Tabla Cloth In this January sale, 12 He per yard.
January sals $9.8$ each. " All our 16H Bleached Linen Crash In
All our $15.00 Bleached Tabla Cloth in thl. this January sale 3.3c per yard.
January sale $10.00 each.
Wash Cloths
- 600 dozen Rubdry Wash Cloths In tills
January sale. Hie each.
Watch our windows and our ad every day for the great bargains which are being offered in the January Sale.
DELIVERY OP PACKAGES. During this January sale we shall consider It a great favor If you will kindly take all packages with you. whenever It Is possible to do so.
ever, 'becausi as head of tha committee on
employes for the senate he has to act as
reception committee for a horde of office
seekers Who are trying to get on the senate
pay roll. All day Wednesday he was sur
rounded by a crowd whenever he .appeared
In public, and his only chance to di
SO work was to . lock himself In some
other senator's room. The committee
on employes announced today It would
pot fl'l any positions until the work
of tha senat demanded. This is In ac
cordance with the party'a pledge for econ
omy . of administration. The places not
provided for now will ba filled as necessity
requires In order that the pay roll may be
k'pl.dowu as small -ss possible.
. fcheldon's bill, passed by tba last legis
lature), will do a great deal toward shut
ttitg oft many of the sinecures which bave
psdilad tha pay rolls heretofore. Under
th Sheldon law tha number of employes
who. nay placed on tha senatorial pay
roll la limited to forty-eight, and the of
fices are designated In tha bill. At previous
osslona the pay roll contained tha names
of about sixty-five persons, t'nder tha old
rule the senate could employ aa many
helpers aa tha political aituatlon In th va
rious senatorial districts required.' While
this bill will effect a saving to tha tas
payors. It la not helping to lighten the
burden .- resting ou tha shoulders of the
members bee duties It Is to recommend
the employes, as thure are applicants
moufU to All every place two or three
rawer Asplleaati Thaaj Vasal.
AKbough thera ar plenty ot place seekers
on th ground, eld members of ths lrl
utirra reirarh on the tact tnare tr a
smaller nuirber Hum there b m ut
forma Mas loos. This, they say, U du tj
tha fact that now every office seeker, as
well aa every legislator, walks or pays
gool, hard cash for his transportation.
Naturally, If au applicant for a petty posi
tion hod to face the expenditure of money
for tickets both ways to and from Lin
coln, he would be sure of his ground be
fore coming to Lincoln. The reduction In
the number of placo seekers . Is ths one
ray of light In the pass situation for the
legislator. And. as Mike Lee expressed It,
"Just think of the crowds that are waiting
down there In Omaha, for a telegram or a
telephone message from tha front."
The senat caucus Monday voted that
the majority members, who .had an elective
officer credited to them would not ba en
titled to any appointive officers, but the
members who had no elective officer would
ba entitled to two appointive officers. It
la under this caucus rule ths employes
committee has teen sifting through the
sum of recommendations. Th committee
announces while it has not filled all the
places that will be Oiled now. It la not
from lack of material, but because It Is
undecided between two applicants snd is
waiting for further conferences with the
members concerned.
The Pheldon law provides for these offi
cers and limits them to th following.
President pro tern, secretary, two assist
ant eecretarles, one clerk rptnmrtte of
th whole, on chaplain, on sergeant-alarms,
on assistant sergeajit-at-arms, one
doorkeeper, on assistant -doorkeeper, one
postmaster one mat carrier, on bill clerk,
one aasistant bill rlerk, one bpokktt-par,
custodian, on custodian of cloak room,
eight stenographers, two proofreaders, ono
i'lerk for lieutenant govcrr.r. oa chief en
rolling and n&roaatn' cUrrk. sever, copy
ists, thro page, ou clsik judiciary cuuO
mitte. one clerk finance committee, four
other clerks for the use of th senate and
three Janitors. This makes forty-eight
employes In all.
Esaployes Decided O.
Th following Is a ltat of the employes
so far decided upon by the committee and
th senator by whom each Is recom
mended; L. P. Corrick, clerk committee of the
whole, by (Senator Sibley; J. H. Maunlng,
doorkeeper, by tienator Kandall; H. W'll
sey, messenger, and KVy Gels, stenogra
pher, by tienator WlUey; Harriett Bardell.
secretary, snd Clarence Hortewell, page,
by Lieutenant Governor Hopewell; Haiuuel
Bush, Janitor, by Senator Kaundera; Harry
Bradley, Janitor, by benator Aldrlch; W.
A. bhollenhart, mall carrier, by Henator
Thome; U Ashenfelter, bill clerk, by
Senator Packet t: J. It. Cleaver, book
keeper, by tienator Wilson; Henry be 'ae.
night watchman, by Senator Lodson; Kva.
uougias, stenogrspner. by benator Hanna;
J. Cole, page, by Senator Gould; ltose
fiweetman, ateuographer, by Benator
The elcctiv officer of th senat have
been charged aa follows:
Secretary Gouldlng, to Senator Thomp
son: 8ergeant-at-Arins Hober, to Benator
King; Assistant Sergeant - at - Arms
Soli mold, to Wiltse: First Assistant Sec
retary Keeder, to Goodrich.
One custodian has been charged to Sen
ator Olbsoa who ha not been decided
UYn yt.
l.rCllallve Small Talk.
Hun. Jehn L. Kennedy, defeated for re
election to congress from the Second dis
trict by Gilbert M. Hitchcock, was counted
in by th speaker of the house of repre
sentative today and for a second and a
half was a congress-nan for another term.
And In correcting tb mistake Mike Lee
again sad-4ia a hui.iorwt. ItT happened
tbU way. fepcakc;' Nettleton was calling
oft th names of the successful candidates
previous to declaring' them elected and In
reading so many republicans called the
name of Kennedy. When he had con
cluded, his attention was called to th mat
ter by Senator Wllaey.
"I hardly think It right, Mr. Speaker."
he said, "even though wa have a big ma
jority to count In Mr. Kennedy when It Is
a matter of history Mr. Hitchcock was
"Yes, yes," said the speaker, "I hope the
members won't think I was trying to count
In a republican just becaus w have a
majority here. Mr. Hitchcock was elected
congreasman of the Second district. It wss
all a mistake."
"Tea, sir, the biggest mistake the people
of th Second district ever made." chimed
In Mike Lee, and th house expressed th
same sentiment by Its loud applause.
"I understand Governor Mickey went
down today and bought eight beds prepara
tory to going to housekeeping," said a
member of the upper hous today,
"He's feolish If he doesn't apply to Pres
ident Roosevelt .for a federal appointment,"
chimed In a half dosen hous members st
once, and each aeeroed to know why the
governor should stand a good c nance of ap
pointment. Speaker Nettleton la good natured and
genial; h appreciates a good jok. If these
things wer not true this incident would
never be made a matter of record. A su
preme court commissioner In commenting
on the picture of the speaker published In
The Bee this morning remarked:
"That's a good picture of th speaker, all
right, but I beliav It flatters him a little."
Th legislators have certainly Impressed
some of the keepers of rooming houses In
Lincoln with their importance. A young
man called at a rooming houae to gat quar
ters for the winter.
"If you had come earlier I . could hav
given you a room," the landlady said, "but
just this morning I rented my last room
to a couple of the congressmen. You
know congress meets here this winter.
Ttaas Evas Matters (p.
Th whirligig ot politics cauaea strange
things to be brought to pass, but Repre
sentatlve Buckley of Polk county and Sen
ator King, from the place, ar the
heroes of about th moat unuaual Incident
that ever happened. Mr. Buckley s th
first republican representative elected In
Polk tor twenty-two years, and the last
tepubllcan representative from that county
Is the present Senator King. Tha fuslonists
took charge of Polk county when King
went out of offlc twenty-two years ago and
It wua not redeemed until Buckley sewd
It uu this falL with th halo nf the Inmt I
republican representative, th present sen
ator, Mr. King. Mr. Buckley Is president
of the Btromsburg bank and spends most
of his time looking after his land, which
about surrounds tha town of Btromsburg.
References made to the presnc each
year of heada of state institutions lobby
ing for appropriatlona, has brought forth
from a state auparlntendent th atatement
that th reason la in th action of legis
lative committees. This man said:
"I hav no desire to be her and lobby
for appropriations and think It- wrong to
do so, but th fault 'lies largely in the
legislative committees.
Governor Reports He Will Have
Message Thursday.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LIN'COLN, Jan. i (Special.) The second
sesnlon of the senate was as devoid of fea
tures as the firs:. It began at 10 o'clock.
After prayer by the chaplain, Rev. O. W.
Martin, a committee was appointed, con
sisting of Wllaey of Frontier, Root of Cass
and Oould of Greeley, to confer with the
house committee to arrange th joint ses
sion to canvass the votes cast at th last
election. Tb committee appointed Tues
day to notify th governor the legislature )
was ready to receive communications from
him reported th chief executive would be
ready to submit his message Thursday aft
ernoon at 1 o'clock.
The senate tendered th us of the sen
ate chamber for th Inaugural reception to
be given Thursday night and then ad
journed to meet in joint session with tha
After th canvass of th votes the ses
sion was resumed at 11 o'clock. Senator
Saunders of the committee on standing
committees reported th committeemen em
ployes announced Tuesday night and the
report was adopted. Mr. Saunders re
quested. In order to facilitate the work
of naming the committees, that each mem
ber file his preferences with the chairman
ot the committee. The senate then ad
journed until 10 o'clock Thursday morning.
Zfi.W t V
lR.w I
10.(10 I
.( I
427.50 I
" I
(Continued on Third Page.)
I Clnpeco Shrunk Quarter Slzs Collal I
JL 15 cents each; 2 for 25 cents ' f
f) rxurrr, peahopt co. "A f
Iuki-vuutut I i
AJtCKoa raroa compajst, j
807 worth 17th BU, Omaha. Jlj
Mgrs. j
boyd's rsssss
The Successful Comlo Opera,
tOO Seats Lower Floor. Xl.00.
600 Scats Lower Floor, $1.00.
Pretty Peggy
Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sat. Matlneos
Next Week mOQTJOIS.
ai A
f CRKiaHTOtf
'Phone Douglas 44.
Every Night Matinees Thur., Bat., 3uft.
TODAY of Hous
rricss 10c, 85o and 60?
err? tic; theater
The Metropolitan Melodrama,
stat Institution has In two appropriation
bills. Ona for salary and one for mlac!
ULnaous purposes. When the' first comes
bsfura. lh financ commute th aurrrln-
Undaat is notified to b present.
Speaker Kettletoa Authorized to Kaws
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. l-(Speclal.)-8peakr
Nettleton called the house .o order at 9
o'clock. and Chief Clerk Barnard read tha
journal of the proceedings of the first day.
The regular order of business ot the last
session was adopted.
Van Houten of Colfax moved the speaker
appoint a committee to select house em
ployes. Tha resolution was laid on the ta
ble on motion of Lea of Douglas, and on
motion of Whltham the speaker was auth
orised to select the employes.
Raper of Tawnee Introduced a reaolution
memorializing ccngreas to take a hand In
the affaire of the Congo Free State, in
which he spoke of the Inhuman treatment
accorded the natlvea by King Leopold. This
went over one day for sctlon.
The chair appointed Tucker of Douglas,
Raper cf Pawnee and Henry of Hull to
confer with a commute of th senate re
garding a joint session to canvass the vote.
A receas was tbsn tsken until 10:.
Lieutenant Oovernor McGilton presided at
the jflnt session. Secretary Gculdlng ot
th senate begun reading the votes sent In
by th various counties, when a motion was
mad and carried to accept the vote as c cr
tlfled to the house by th secretary of stat.
For Instance, a j Speaker Nettleton then announced th tlec
El SUN SJ. Miller Kent la Baffles.
r suimj.nmu J Ji!W!--w'Wi
Skating every afternoon and evening
all this week.
UIQ RACE Saturday Night.
and Restaurant
1516 Dodge St.
Everything New
Best of Everything
Thoroughly I'p-to-Pate
First Class la All Respect
tlon of those candidates certified by th sec
retary of stat and already familiar to the
people. Th joint session adjourned to meet
at .2 o'clock tomorrow, at which tlm th
tie messages from tb outgoing and incoming
ait place ar mads saft,., ". I inW well be, too. from a conservative Une. It hardly "needed thU aasurante u i a commdabi Wamoss yropcUoa. Joa railroads