DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1907. Wonderful January Clear ance Bargains OMAHA WEATHEH FORECAST ThnriKlay fair and colder. PsS TTX TV IT TVTT T7P7FUw Thursday 1 1 TOE OMAIIA $ i T BBLANDEl S Thursday ihe 2nd Day WW i ! h umana s rare tooa icnierR in Ed the 2nd Day New Basemeaili NOW OPEN Wc Want Everyone to See This Great " New Economy Center on Thursday For Tomorrow's selling we have filled 5 the basement with the Most Gigantic Spe ll cial Bargains ever presented to the people of the west. Nobody But Brandeis Could Offer Such Low Prices As These Thursday's Wonderful Bargains will be remembered and talked of' for years it P A ill mm i is. u Canned Vegetables i H to come. READ THESE SPECIALS: IN BASEMENT DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT 81 I 25o quality double width wool plaid, at O K t yard .... , OC h U All wool Fancy Flannel Waistings usually sells at 39c yard at, a yard......... Satin Stripe "Wool Challies the usual 50c kind I Thursday only, yard rt n -n n p p xi i u a a P o uoiion narnes, on uie oou, noi remnants irom o 'till 10 in the morning, 20 yds. to a customer, at yd. . Yard wide Percale, the regular 8Vfco kind, at 5 i buy. tt ilng- R U Packed for those who want the true j flavor of freshly gathered vegetables. Li Now that winter la here. It la Impos-. & slhle to rt those right out of thr U ?! garden. We offer theHriimH9BUn j brand of canned goods as beln 3 purest and best that money can sj They are so reliable sp appetlzl n you are sure to like them and we Es 0 guarantee them absolutely perfect. f5 jjj These goods are the best effort of the Lj hi best factory In the best fruit and R w vegetable growing section ox tne best tj country on earth. W W Q Absolutely no lye used In the pre- R M Onp. triad. nlTnvi iiMft; S 00ft lh n t & per pound 7e y Fresh Fruits ana TsgetaDles Strawberries, per qt , ..9ScU f yard I Extra heavy Cretonne, the 50c grade, in long mill lengths, at, yard.... .5c 1 EXTRAORDINARY WHITE GOODS BARGAINS BUY CAPITOL COAL After-lnveatory Stocks All Topsy-Turvy Prices All Smashed Up What an opportunity for bargain getting. In thousands of instances, a quarter can do the work of a dollar. And it isn't confined to one or two departments, either, but to every department under our roof. Women's Coats and Suits at Less than Half Price Hosiery Underwear and Handker chiefs at Next-to-Notkmg-at-AU Prices Linen Sacrifices Silk Sacrifices Dress Goods Sacrifices All bargain lines, Petty Packages and Dinky Odd Lots, must be swept out to rpm::::::::!Si B make way for Our First Great January White Goods Sale, which opens Monday, and which will dwarf all contemporary THE RELIABLE STORE Tangerines, per dos. lSe Florida Oranges, up from. .16o English Hot House Grape Head Lettuce California New Turnips New Beets ', New Carrots Green Onions Hubbard Squash ! S3 MiMm an A Irn R W fitvlntlv frA.h flrflrn. tier 1n . . Qftn Choice Country Butter, (roll) per lh S4a FN n Thursday Special In Meat Department V U 1,000 pounds Plcnlo Ham, per lb. to Sti Chptce Sirloin Steak, per lb lie Kj Lonsdale Muslin, in long mill lengths, at yard Various grades of Bleached Muslin and Cambric, in mill lengths, at yard Unbleached Muslin, the regular 7c kind, at, yard l 40-inch Lawn, in full pieces, worth 15c, at yard One table of fancy white goods and dotted Swiss, 7 1 worth regularly 25c yard, at, yard. 2C I Full size bed spreads . Large Hack Towels, Knit Sanitary Wash about a 8 Do TCl- tne 10c kind, e cloths, the f grade, at JJC at, each JC1 the 6c kind. at. .. 1C IN BOYS' BASEMENT CLOTHING DEPARTM'T. One lot of Boys' Suits good strong woolens, worth $2.60 each, ages 4 to 16, at each 148 Boys' Wool Knee Pants ages 4 each. ... 24c IN BASEMENT SHOE DEPT. IViisses', Children's and Boys' Shoes all sizes, made of good calfskin, a pair 98c I New Basement Ready-to-Wear Section! M a Separate mtranoes 3 January Weather Means Strong Shoes No need to tell you of the kind of weather that comes to us In January. Better think of the strong shoes that every woman should wear. Bad walking is before us for weeks to come, and If you are compelled to go out some Btormy day poorly shod the results may be serious. Keep your feet dry and warm and avoid colds and la grippe. The way to do so Is to wear a pair of our strong mannish shoes made of heavy kid or gun metal calf nothing awkward or clumsy about them. Style and comfort In every pair. Price $3.60. Ladies' black sa- Ladies' heavy fall teen skirts, the wash waists, flan- ama you wuuiu exyeci nei, maaras ana sateen i to pay 7 60 m worth up to g n'Th 25c,"c-..19c Ladies' black corded silk waists, worth $1.50 each of "a each. . Basement Furnishing Goods Section l Men' and Boys Wool and Jrsy Sweatera, regular C & 50c and 75o quality at, each IC 1f mi j n dj.vit ft' 1. : j a lien avivii vvjm ticfugcv onirii, guuu p&ticrua at, each r i 2 1 29c Extra Special Bargains in Our Clean Up of All Blankets in New Basement 2 31 21 1 2 SA11 oar wool Blankets in white, grey and tan, QO that told up to f 6.00 a pair at, a pair, . . . . fZJO All oar finest Blankets in white, grey, tan and (J J fancy, worth regularly up to f 12.S0 a pair, at CpO All the fancy Wrapper Single Cotton Blankets. In all weights an kinds, at, each all weights and C Blankets that were 125 12.50 each will go at Special Uargun m new Uasement licp&rtmcnt l.ACF. CURTAllMS One lot of various grades of Nottingham Lace Uurtams usual price JO t $2.50 a pair, at each nZK It Visit Our New Basement Tomnrrnw it fl I. TCiUA wuu w . iitvu Mini nuiiuviiui uai fyOkMklOt il Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnara SI. reports. Walt for It It'll Pay BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY OOTTEB SOA8TE9 OT TKB BXPABTXEITT WBrLIl TOU WAIT. i'iir -t.a i ll 'fclj. lb Bennett's Capitol Coffee, lb. pkg .880 And Thirty Green Trading; Stamps. Bennett's Golden Coffee, lb S6e And Twenty Green Trading; Stamps, Teas, your 'choice, lb 48o And Thirty Green Trading- Stamps, Pepper, ground, black, can .130 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Pears, table, larg-e can IBe And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Red Cross Milk, i large cans flOo And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Bonbl Grasa Trading Stamps on Thai. Corn, can So Peas, can 60 s Tomatoes, can lOo Baked Beans, can 4o Raisins, lb loo Currents, cleaned, lb... llo Seeded Raisins, pkg lOo . Seedless Raisins, lb lOo Evaporated Apples, lb lOo Women's and Children's Garments at Hal Price and Less Women's $8 and $10 Coats, 50 inches long velvet trimmed, choice 3.9 Women's and $15 Coats, in this sale at, choice Jj5.9 Handsome Coats, in kerseys, broadcloths and fancy mixed materials, loose or tight fitting styles, $18 values, at $7.50 $22.50 and $25 Coats, the most remarkable bargains ever shown; at, choice.. $10.00 FURS FURS FURS ' Half Price and Less. . ' Women's Seal Skin Coats, 33V37o discount Women's Krimmer Coats, V2 price Women's Near Seal Coats, V2 price Women's Astrakhan Coats, J& price Women's Sable Coney Coats on sale at $14.95 Children's Bearskin Coats at $1.50 Women's $G.OO Silk Underskirts at. $2.98 Women's Wrappers at G9 Women's $0.00 Waists at $2.98 Women's $6.00 Eiderdown Bath Robes $2.98 Children's $5.00 and $6.00 Coats at $2.50 Women's $1.50 Waists at. 490 33 Per Cent Discount Sale All Black Wool Dress Goods. All our Evening Shades, except Lansdownes. All our Cravenettes. All Color Dress Goods, excepj Lansdownes. All our Wool Suitings. All Bearskins and Astrakhans, During This Sale at 33 Per Cent Discount. 10c Outing Flannel Light or dark patterns, in the bargain room at, yard 5 124c Curtain Swisses On sale Thursday In bargain room at, yard -Gc 10c Fleecebnck Flannelettes In bargain room at, yard 5 7 He Cream Shaker Flannel In bargain room at, yard. . .4 Diamond S Preserves, larsre Jar. . .88o And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Wheat, 2 pkRS..90o And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Oats, 2 pks SOo And . Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Mineemeat, 8 pk(?s tor ... .. 5o And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Doabls Oma Trading' Stamps oa OraatOatsfl Sugar. Egg-O-See Breakfast Food, S pkgs.85o Cora Hsal Special Yellow or white, 24-pound sack ....,... .3Bo And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Kssdqnarters for Butter BoosItsA Sally Irom Bst Dairies. Cream Cheese, lb SOo And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Swiss Cheese, lb 85o And Ten Green Trading Stamps. BEHTTETT'B OABDZES. Special foe On Say Only. Bock Candy, lb 100 Inl 0 mi i AlflU MEV YORK VORLD AL ENCYCLOPEDI Removal Motice ! To Sell Household Goods Machinery Horses t Wagons, Buggies Real Estate, or If You Want to Cxchango Anything A Bee Want Ad will be found a speedy and satisfactory . method to employ. Telephone Douglas 23S BAILEY l MACH DENTISTS K Thir J Floor, Ptxtort Block Highest Grade Dentutry Reasonable Prices 2 WE are now located in our new build ing at 1614 Harney St., where we are prepared to handle a larger business than ever. We receive sums of money ranging from $ll00 to $,000.00 and allow dividends from date we receive it. Thus far our rate has been 6 per cent. Resources, $2,COD,000. Reserve, $65,000. The Conservative Savings ZL Loan Association ThtKE IS ItU qUlKIKE IN 1 1 Oni of thi Rusons Why raRor.io-LAY ViOtJ CONTAINS MO QUININE . Has Become o Popular. It Breaks ur Colds and Prevent! "Grip" Quickly Safely Leaving no Bad After-fects like QUIXIKE PREPARAT10KS In the Orange Colored Box. All Drug Stores 25 cents. Or by Mail. HOMO CHF.MIO.1L CO.. CHICAGO HOTEL. rWhen in Chicago Stop at The StfSiord Hotel " European Plan K.aaed, Elrtant, Quiet. Located cor ner of city's two Duest boulevard, convenient to tntlra bu.lnets center. Clo.e to beat theatre and ihoppinar dittrict. Zti room, 150 private bath; luxarioB writing and reception room; woodwork mabiiffany throtigbout; bra.s beds sod all modern comfort; telephone in every room; beautiful dining room' the beat of everything, at moderate prk-aa. uuuih mnm kihi Divas., liucsro JM COMPRISED of the best malted bar ley, the choicest Bo hemian hops, sparkling Artesian water, and brewed In one of the most modern and scien tifically managed plants In the United States, Stors Beer la pre-eminently the best. It has won honors wherever exhibited because of Its high quality and purity, and Is today recognized as the leading beer of the west. Insist on hav ing Slora Beer. It means health, good cheer, and true temperance In your home. Order a case to day. Ston Brewing Co. Omaha. Dl """m. 11 "" " '8i" " m" ElOGBIflQQ flomovoa Dackheada Price 60c-At All Dealan. NOW ON SALE The. Standard American Annual A Complete Encyclopedia in One Volume Over 600 PagesMore Than 1,000 Subjects Over 10,000 Facts and Fi?res AT ALL NEWS STANDS, 25c NEW FEATURES rAKAMA OAMAI-FBOOKJEM OF CONSTHTJCTIOM I . mew FUR FOOD LAW LBOIBIATION RBtiCLATTNO KArLROAI) BARS CVDAH IMTKRTKKTIOI rAM-AMEKICAN CONOKK8S, AERONAUTICS, . CIKNTiriC rROORESfl IK 1906. OCOARArUICAI. BJCSKARCU III 10O. AMXTOWir BXPOBITION OW lOT TAMTA ISTHMIAM CANAL CTrOffrnOV OF 18 MFXIXIMO BRFORM MOFTCMKNT9. MJCCTKICAL PROGRESS II 1SOO. RARTROCAKRS THJCIR CACSR AMD KFFECTS FARTT fXATTOIUlS lSOA-fKHKRITANC TAX IK VARIOUS STATES. FROrOSBU STATRUOOO OF OKXAHOMA AND ARIZONA ACTS OF LTX. CONttAESS FRIMCIF4X LEOISLATION AXX STATES IH . IsttrMttMad RaOwae hiab Reeth. Ceural aae SMta A trine, mm H aWea mt ether Tepte s lly tattered tsc. , Armed Strength of the World; Pedigrees of tne Great American Moltl-Mllllonalre Families; Labor Statistics; Progress of the United State since 1800; Qualifications for Voting in Ail the Stales; Woman Suffrage Statistics; Monetary and Banking Statistics; Socialistic Demands, Postal Information; Our Insular Possessions Described; Indebtedness and Fi nances of Nations; Fire, Life and Casualty Insurance Statistics; Cost it Living In the United States; Bankruptcies in 1906; United States Civil 8ervice Regulations; Building and Loan Association Statistics; Agricultural Statistics of tbs World; Statistics of Crime and Pasperism'; Marriage and Divorce Laws of All the States; Law of Contracts, Wills', Deeds, Notes ao Checks; Game Laws of All the States. Sporting Res ords of Every Nature; Statistic of All Fraternal Orders; Educational Statistics; Copyright and Trademark Laws of the United States, Relig ious Statistic of the United States; Army snl Navy of the United States; Heads of Governments of the World; Reigning Families of Europe; Ministries of European Countries; Foreign Consuls in the United States; United States Diplomatic Service Abroad; Statistics of Mexico, Central anu South America; Population of the Earth; Popula tion of tbe United States; Population of Largest American Cities" Presidential Election Tables; Election Statistics from all States- Pol lltlcal Complexion Sixtieth Congress; Naturalisation Laws, etc, etc. The Werld Alwamae. s-rtnteS ea od bible saper. strand kuo4 h a, laminated cevera. la a aaebil and valuable acquisition to aav library. By Mall S Qte. Adr-e. The Wrl4. flits- Bid,.. wew Trk. Bee Want Ads Produce Results EVERY PUFF A DELIGHT TW n9 QUALITY THE BtiST AMVAlh tNitOlt.M V, It. lUce MercautUe Cigar Co Uanuiacturers, bU Louis, '"therioes w mrtut7.T'" - SVwn 'be." too.- fxu a boneervaUv J line." It Urdly tieedea this asjurance j n U a totmnentJaDrrim. i vn t.,'3 X