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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1906)
V V 0 THE -OMAHA DAILY BEE: , MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1906. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA J oaltry .Ebow Open TueecUr with Tint Lot of Birch Entered. I (ST IS A MOST LIBERAL ONE OPTU reamer? loin pour Looklne Par. urniai nun m tifw riat to l.oratlna? In TMi City. V How -,vsnt of the weok In Bouth Omaha I "vlled to attend. the nerond iinnunl Trl-Clty Poultry w. i no pxnimts were neia in tne un it Order of t'nltPd Workmen temple t year, but owing to a misunderstanding ilrh has lately arisen the exhibit this jfear will be held In Richie s hall, over Vsrpk's store tin 11 din a;. The hall In con sidered better for the purpose than the rooms formerly occupied In the temple. The lateness of this change of place may confuse some. Outlines of the entries and the offered have been published for some time. Secretary H. O. Kiddoo ha spent considerable time In perfecting the orrangements. He has Invited an extensive list of fanciers and breeders and many entries have been made. Many are now ending tfielr exhibits which will arrive before Monday night. With Tuesday the public will be admitted to the show, which has been vastly improved In all respects over tho arrangements of last year. The time ff the exhibit Is from December 31 to Jar tu. ry 1. The following are the regulations as to entries and the regular premiums offered: Kntry 1st 2d 3d r ee. Frem. I'rcm. Item. $2.50 l. .25 .rs 1.IKI 1.00 1.(0 .50 Joseph's hopltal In Omsha yesterday morning. H? Is an old resident. The funeral will he under the auspices of the Ancient order of Hibernians. The funeral notices will sppear later. Oeorge H. Foik was arrested at the re Quest of Charles Collins of the Omaha Water company snd Mr. Cameron, th piano dealer of Omaha. It Is charged that n obtained money under 'alse pretenses to the amount of llim. Folks claims to have come originally from Pldney, la. Ha has been working about town for different firms. The ladies' suxllisry of the Ancient Order of Hlb-rnlans Is preparing for a card party to be given on January 8, at Odd Fellow's hall, Twenty-fourth and M streets. Ar rangements have been made for a short Dtoiram. cards and refreshments. First and second .prlres will be awarded. Every one wishing the order success are cordially C1TT COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Fnbtio 8erric Corporation Come ii for Larce Measure of Attention. STREET RAILWAY TRANSFER REMINDER Ordinance latrodacrcl for Maalelpal Electric Plant Fankhoaaer's Gas Ordinance Comes Into the Light. "Startrlghf shoes for children, the finest produced, 2S per cent off at Benson Thome's greatest clearing sale, begins Wednesday, January 2. 1&15 Douglas. NO OVERCOATS IN ALASKA Soldiers la the Far Northern Posts Manage to Keep Warm. .10 .10 $5.00 2.00 .50 .CO 2. 2.00 2.00 2.10 1.00 Ribbon hihbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Ribbon Rilibon Diploma Diploma Diplom Pen, five birds. .. .$1.00 Single birds 50 Pet stock, all kinds IHlr pigeons l'alr ducks Pnlr geese Turkey, single 50 Pen bantams, five .50 Itantam, single... .25 Incubator l.OO brooder '. 60 Done cutter 60 Hlue ribbon designates first premium: red. second; yellow, third; purple, diploma; green, sweepstakes. Kntrlrs will le taken and suitable premi ums awarded on any fowl, pet stock or article associated with the Interests of or having to do with the promotion and de velopment of the business. The following Is a partial list of the most valued special premiums which are offered: Grand Sweepstakes A handsome trophy cup valued at lib will be given to the ex- niiiitor showing the ten highest scoring birds. Standard handicap to apply. Special Bwerpstakes (given by friends of the association) Hrown A Oorshelm, Jewel ers, 222 Bouth Sixteenth street, Omaha, cup valued at It- to best dlspluy in Class 1. N. V. Frandsen, Jeweler, 19 South Sixteenth street, Onuilia, cup vulued nt $12 to best display In Class 2. T. L. Combs & Co., Jew elers, 15110 Douglus street, Omaha, cup valued at 110 to best display In Class it. FrltJS E. Sandwall, Jeweler, 2004. Ji street, Mouth Omaha, cup valued at $12 to best display by exhibitor from all classes ex cept 1, 2, 3, 13 and 14. Mrs. W. D. Godfrey, jewelry, 2) r street. South Omiilia, cup valued at $7.50 to the exhibitor having his display cooped In the most attractive man tier; must havu three -or more coops In show. Weening Water Nurseries of Weep ing Water, Neb., $5 worth of nursery stock to best display of water fowls. Besides these there are many lesser prizes -i by friends and patrons of the ss- ""Location. A large exhibit of prise winning fowls Is on its way from Hs Moines and will be a great addition to the present lnrge proportions of the exhibit. The manage ment has secured the services of Adum Thompson to Judge the exhibits. He Is from Amity, Mo., and one of the recognized authorities on blooded poultry. New Enterprise In Prospect. -Paul rJHwnJttv' repyeisg the Arton Creamery company of Arlon, la., was In South Omaha yesterday looking up a loca tion for a prospective plant. He was fa vorably Impressed flth the locality con tiguous to the new spur on the Union Pa cific, wbjch Is now nearlng completion be tween the main line nnd the Jetter brew ery. Negotiations have been begun for the purchase of a site and If this Is satisfactor ily accomplished the construction will be attempted In the spring. . v It is aguin declared by the Interested par ' V: hat the Wentworth Furniture corn pany lias decided to locate Its factories here, Uaantlty of Liquor Seised, Sheriff McAvoy and Chief Brlggs raided the premises of Alexander Bombs, colored, living at Eleventh street on the county line. The raid was made about o'clock last night. It had been learned by the Sarpy county sheriff that the women, notably Irene Combs, had been selling liquor with out a county license. The officers found several cases of beer and some other liquor, which they confiscated and carried to the Bouth Omaha city Jail. The family claimed to have a government license, but this was not satisfactory to the officers. Tho family is thought to have kept the liquor for sale on account of the at r let Sunday closing reg ulations In force In Bouth Omaha. Card of Thaaks )We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to the many friends for their sym pathy and assistance In the death of our beloved wife and mother. OTTO BCHULTZ. RAY BOHNER. FRANK BOHNER. CHARL.ES BOHNER. Justice cf peace, notary public, real estate, fire Insurance, 2317 N. Start the new year right by buying the Roxbury. a high-grade Illinois coal, $8 per ton. Newhouse Egg, a strong coal for heater or furnace, $5.26 per ton. Newhouse nut, guaranteed to be the best coal In the city for the money, $6.00 per ton. All coal screened and delivered In good condi tion. Oeorge W. Masson, 711 North Twen'y fourth street. 'Phone . Made City tinaslp. South Omaha Country Club Spoons. God frey's. Standard I-osn Co.. 2430H N St. Special rales during holiday season. Mrs. J. M. DUlle has gone on a visit to Sioux City for a few days. Jetter's Oold Top Beer delivered to all parts of the city. Telephone No. I Mrs. and Miss Seaman were the guests of Mrs. and. Miss Crclle Lyon yesterday. Alfred Nelson and John Brakka of R lyn, ' la., are the guests of M. A. Martin, the senior mall carrier of the service. Vpchurch lodge No. t and Superior lodge No. 198, legree of Honor, will hold a Julnt Installation of officers Wednesday evening, January Z. All mambers are In vited. William Montgomery, aged 68, died at SL "You do not find any one wearing- over coats In Alaska, even In the winter," sa'd Major F. M. M. Beall of Baltimore, who re cently returned from that territory. "The prlnclpiil thing to be careful aboat Is keeping the head, hands and feet warm. In that part of Alaska where 1 have been the only land transportation Is by dog sleds, and to follow them one hits to drop Into a dog trot beside the sled. "in ordinary suit Is plenty thick enough S keep you warm, and an overcoat Is dan gerous In that temperature. Trotting along side a sled wearing an overcoat would make you perspire, and the bitter cold would freeze the perspiration. "The men there wear a fur cap that ci.v ers every part of the head and face except the eyes, and there Is only a little peep hole for them. Wool-llnd mitts are worn on the hands, and moccasins, with woolen stock ings, on tho feet." Major Beall has ,been three years In Alaska, commanding Fort Oibbon, the gar rison consisting of twd companies of ihe Third United States Infantry. "Fort Gibbon Is 900 miles up the Yuiton river and seventy-five miles south of tho Arctic circle," he said, "and the river Is frczen up most of the year, in that tune dog sleds are used, but when the river opens steamers come up frequently. Some times the rough characters trave.lng around the country take possesion of a l iver staamer, and It's part of our work to restore order and recapture the steamer. "Tho chief work of the soldiers at Fort Uibbon Is to keep the telegraph lines go ing. Since laying the cable from Seattle the United States government has had all the mining camps connected by tele graph, and it is our work to maintain them. We keep order la the country nnd protect the people agnlnst stealing by traveling roughs. VWhenever we send any of our men out we always have men experienced in me ways of the country go along. We are careful with our men and none of them get frozen. Another danger that has to be guarded against is breaking through tho ice, for the zero weather will freozo a man quickly when tie has become wet. Baltimore Sun. ECHOES OF THE ANTE ROOM Woodmen of the World. The Christmas night entertainment given hy Alpha camp No. 1 ws a success. The presents given the children were much ap preciated by the youngsters. About thirty pounds of candy was left over, which was given to the children of the Creche and Child Saving Institute. The Installation of the officers of this camp will take place January 1, sfter which an Interesting program of entertainment will be carried out. Sovereign tVmmander J. C. Root will be the installing officer. "Educator" shoes for boys at 26 per cent off. Benson & Thome's January 2 clearing sale. 1515 Douglas. SMITH HAD THE BILL CHANGED Also Spent the . Money Before the ' pnlle ' were" Able to Locate Hint. As rich as Croesus for . a few brief mo ments, while the spoils, consisting of $10 remained unspent, William Smith, a South Omaha negro, found himself In the hands of the police Saturday night, charged with larceny. Smith Is the man, and does not deny It, who was given a $10 bill to get changed at Twelfth street and Capitol ave nue, early Saturday morning, and failed to return. "Ah-Ah took de money, all right, Mr. Offlcah, and paid mah room rent right away," said Smith at the Jail. He didn't say what he did with the rest, but every cent was gone. i ne money oeiongca to William Jones, a laborer, who passed It to H. H. Trawler, proprietor of a lunch stand. In payment for a sandwich. Lawler said he did not have the change and Smith was sent to get some. P. C. Caldwell. I i ! I SEASONABLE FASHIONS. ARROW im Ba wO he at, ru-rrt riinuii co. Fnnrl ffin weak ana nervous rose rUUUlUr who find -their power Is Nf as list work and youthful vigor VI wve gone ae a result of aver. Work or mental exertion should tak UHAT'B NEK VK FOOD I IL.LS. Tbty rake yon rot and tires snd k a man link X Bos I toXM - by fcaoti, Sherman & MeCoivncll Drug C t let ana Jjoags Bis osiaAa, rtea. NO, rS8-A TRIM SHIRTWAIST DRESS. For general wear there Is no style of dress which answer the purposes of use fulness and becomingness as does the shirt waist One In blue mohair is drawn here, which shows the newest skirt and a waist tucked In slot-seam effect. The i dainty linen collars In stiff linen and sheer batiste are most attractively worn with these shirt-waist dresses. The tucks of the waist form two slot-seam effects at each aide In front and two In the back. The skirt la a four-piece one, with tucks at front, back and aides to resemble inverted plaits. The cut la a practical one, as well as being up to data In line and outline. Any of the light-weight worsteds or cloths may develop the dress, while silk Is always pretty. For the medium sls t yards of ft-lnch material are needed. s7 Slsea, $3 to 43 Itches, bust measure. For the accommodating or The Omaha Bee readers these patterns, which usually retail at from 36 to M cents, will be fur nished at a nominal price (10 cents), which covers all expenkes. In order to get a pat tern enclose 10 cents, giving number and BAiue of pattern wanted and bust measure As the patterns are mailed direct from the publishers at New York, It will require about week's time to All the order. Ad Omaha, Neb, , ;1 At an adjourned meeting of the city couts ell held Saturday night three Omaha public service corporations were brought Into the councllmanic spot light. The three In ques tion were the street car, gas and electric light companies. Councilman Bridges offered an Innocent looking little resolution which he explained was a reminder for the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company that on De cember 11 the city council cussed a "uni versal" transfer ordinance, and that on January 10 It will be expected that the street car company carry out the provis ions of such ordinance. Councllmen Davis and Brucker thought the resolution was premature. Inasmuch as January 10 was some days hence. As a matter of fact the resolution was offered for the purpose of getting some light on an amendment which has been pre pared to that ordinance after a. consulta tion by street car company representatives and the railway committee of the council. Councilman Zlmman declared that the street car company can and should carry out the provisions of the ordinance, and he objected to such meetings as the one held during the week at the office of Attorney John l. Webster, who represented the street car company. An expression of the present temper of the council was obtained by the vote which followed, the vote to table the resolution being 7 against and 5 for and the vote to adopt the resolution be ing 8 to 4 In favor of such action. All of which would suggest the fate of the amend ment when It Is brought up for considera tion In the council chamber. More for Municipal Electric Plant. Councilman McGovern led the charge agalnBt the electric light company. Mr. Mc Oovern Introduced an ordinance to author ize the mayor to Issue a proclamation for a special city election November 5, 1S07, to al low the electors to vote on the matter of issuing $500,000 In bonds for the establish ment of a municipal electric light plant. The bonds are to be of $1,000 each, of twenty years' life and to draw 4 per cent Interest. That ordinance was read a first and second time and referred in the usual manner to the lighting committee. Mr. McOovern said he was In dead earnest about the matter and believed It would be a boon to the citi zens to vote for such a proposition. Then Councilman Davis offered a con current resolution that 2.1 cents per hour per arc lamp be deducted from the electric light company s bill against tne cny ror all "outage" of arc lamps, instead of 2 cents as Is now the case. Mr. Davis said he had figured It down carefully and nr. rived at 2.1 cents as 4 correct figure, while City Electrician Mlchuelsen showed that 2.05 would be the figure, according to his reckoning. The Davis resolution was unani mously adopted. During his remarks on 'outage" of arc lamps Mr. Davis said many arc lamps are out some time before they aro reported and that some are never reported at all, In some Instances tne fail ure being due to lack of patrolmen, who are required to make reports of arc lamps not burning. Gas Compsnr Conies Kext. . Councilman Funkhouser's ordinances on the gas commissioner matter were reaa first and second times and referred to a committee. One ordinance provides for the duties, term of office, manner of appoint ment and other details of the office of gas commissioner, while the second goes into detail as to the quality of gas that must be furnlBhed In Omaha and how the com missioner shall proceed to make tests. Both ordinances have already been explained In detail. Mr. Funkhouser also had an ordinance providing . that the city electrician shall have control of all gas and electric city lights and of all electric meters In the city. In addition the electrician shall have under his supervision meters by which he may determine what current the city Is receiv ing under Us contract with the electric light company. This ordinance was referred to the lighting committee. Tho city clTk was directed by resolution to advertise for bids for apparatus needed by the gas commissioner for tests of gas and meters and for the city electrician In the matter of keeping a check on currents to the arc lamps. An ordinance appropriating $3,500 for the maintenance of a hospital for contagious diseases was passed on final reading. In connection with that ordinance a concur rent resolution was adopted to authorise the mayor to enter Into a contract with the Visiting Nurses' association, which organi sation will have charge of the hospital, the health commissioner, however, to be In real authority. T e contract will be for a year, the city reserving the right to term inate It at any time. Contract for City Hall Repairs. It was resolved that the bid of Ruther ford & Jenson for the repairs of the city hall be uccepted and a contract prepared. Tho consideration Is $2, 18, which was the lowe.-t of six bids. J. C. Rltchey will be awarded a contract for tho construction of a temporary work house for $238. The workhouse will be at Twelfth and Nicholas, near the paving plant. Mayor Puhlnian rejected two Items on the general appropriation ordinance, the Items being for supplies for the treasurer's office. The city legal department held that according to a charter provision the city should pay the county only ll.ouo a year and 1 per cent of collections as expenses for collection and disbursement of city taxes. A concurrent resolution offered by Coun cllman Brucker to direct the building In spector to have removed certain building was adopted. The resolution referred to small homes of squatters on North Thlr teenth street. An ordinance regulating auctioneers In Omaha was Introduced and referred to the committee on Judiciary. This ordinance places auctioneers under bonds and hold them liable for all misrepresentations Fraternal t alon of America. Banner lodge at the open meeting next Thursday evening will give a progressive high-five party. Four prizes will be awarded and refreshments served, followed by dancing. Indies of the Grand Army. Garfield circle No. 11 entertained Friday evening at an open meeting a very large number of friends and members. Hlnh flve, refreshments and dancing were the leatures or the evening. The Installation of the new officers will be held Friday evenina. January 11. l'ast Department President Mrs. Julia Price will be the Installing, officer and an elaborate program Is being arranged for the event. , I nlon Veterans' t'nlon. Shlloh regiment No. 2 met Friday even ing and elected these officers for the ensu ing year: J. O. tantman, colonel, 8. F. Moore, lieutenant colonel: C. K. Brunnr i major; H. V. Epsley, quartermaster: W. w. Mace, chaplain: R. Van Ness, surgeon; C. W. Bachman, adjutant. , These resolutions were adopted In memory of the late F. J. Etter of South Omaha: "To the officers and members of Bhiloh regiment No. 2, Union Veterans union. "Your committee, appointed to draft sult- aum resuiuuons inucmng tne death of our-4. comrane, r j. t,tter, respectfully submit: "That Comrade Etter filled in a larger measure than Is given to most men the horizon of good and useful citizenship. It Was his good fortune in the vigor and strength of early manhood to be able to render long, courageous and patriotic serv ice to the country of his adoption. As a soldier he was loyal, fearless and efficient. When the conflict was over, the danger passed and peace assured, he devoted the same energy. Industry, Integrity and loyalty to the performance of the plain duties of an American citizen. In every station to which the vicissitudes of lire culled him. he bore well his part. The final roll call found him performing faithfully all the services Incident to a hlsh and important public trust. He leaves to bis family, friends, acquaintances and comrades the best herit age possible the example of a useful and well spent life. It Is proper that this well earned tribute to his memory be entered upon our records, and a duly authenticated cops, be furnished the family of our de:id comrade. B. F. THOMAS. H. C. BKOMK. E. A. BENSON. Royal HlKhlnnders. A Joint Installation or tho nflinun ..f Ferncllffe, Dunoon and John Huss cnstles will be held Wednesday evening, January 1. Most Illustrious Protector Sharp will conduct the Installation ceremonies. The Installation will take place at Fernclin castle, Seventeenth and Farnatn streets and will be followed with refreshments. Tribe of Hen liar. Mecca court No. 113 elected these officers Thursday evening, for the ensuing vear: Past chief. Dr. VVilllsm Hostetter, chief; Mrs. Ellen Hall, Judge; Iaura Miitza, teacher; F. C. White, scribe; C. E. CaiK, keeper of tribute; J. U. Mclean, captain; Harry Bohner, guide; Nettie Schaub. keeper of Inner gate; Peter Powers, keeper of outer gate; Mrs. Ida Lnngevln. musician. The Installation of officers will be held January 10. State Manager C. F. Way acting ss Installing officer. An open meeting will be held January 3, at which dancing and refreshments will be speclul leatures. Royal Arcanum. The general committee on extension and good of the order of the Royal Arcanum councils of the city Will meet at 1710 Far natn street Monday eveinmg at 8 o'clock, t arrange for several entertainments to bt held during tne coming six montns. The last meeting or t'nlon j'acinc coun ell for the yrar 1!W octourred on Thursdii: vonlng In Creighton .institute hall. Twi . candidates were admitted to membership nd several were halloten: upon. The nrst meetings nf the councils ir anuary are always looked forward to with special Interest on account of the annual Installation of officers occurring at that time, and these appronching events are receiving special attention from the n tertalnment committees. Tempting re freshments will be siM-ved snd snnie excel lent proKiams of entertainment will be pro vided. Carnival council will meet Tburs dnv evening. January $; Pioneer' council wlil meet on Tuesday evening. January . and Union Pacific council will meet on Thursday evening. January 10. The date fixed for the approaching class Initiation, when it Is expected over hW more new members will Join the local councils In the presence of Supreme Regent H. C. Wiggins of Rome, N. Y., Is Febru ary 14. Royal Achates. The united lodges of the Royal Achates held their annual Christmas tree enter tainment Tuesday evening st Harlgnt a hall, Nineteenth and Farnam. The hall was filled with members snd their friends, accompanied by the little folks, who were greatly In the majority. Dancing com pleted the evening's entertainment. Tuesday evening a Joint Installation of officers will be held. January 8. comes the mask ball In the same hall. Many beauti ful prizes have beAi secured, which will bo displayed a week prior to the ball In the windows of one of the leading stores. The young men's team will also give a mask ball on the nlRht of the 12th. At Its meeting Sunday afternoon. Per'm ber IS. the men's degree team of the su preme lodge elected the following officers: O. A. Pope, president; William Dakln. vice president ; Charles T. Krelle, secretary treasurer: A. K. Orleb, chaplain; Otto Bratim, Sheldon Barlght nnd if. J. Derker. board of trustees. The team will give a mask ball the evrnlng of January 12. The next regular treeting will be held at 2:30 Sunday afternoon, December 30 All members are asked to be present. COLORED SIRENS ARE ACTIVE Several Visitors Tonchetl, One to Extent of Hnndred and Eighty Hollars. The rain of Saturday night, while Inter fering considerably with the usual week end business of the big stores, failed to put any damper on the operations of the colored women of the Third ward. One of the first victims was a former special policeman of San Francisco, whose experi ence in the wicked western metropolis failed to render him proof against Omaha' accomplished women of color. His name Is J. L. Holly and he reported the loss of $5 to a dusky maiden. He forgot the place, but one of his cards left behind gave the police the clue. A portly man, who confessed to the name of John Smith, and who snld he Is about to move to Texas, told the police a rtegress with nimble fingers got his roll, containing tlSU without his knowing It at tho time. Smith's home Is In Omahn and he will have to rema'.n awhile now. unless his wad is found, as the woman secured nearly all he had. During tho night the police raided many of the houses In the neighborhood of Eleventh street and Capitol nvenue, making a general cleaning out of all colored rn sorts. Both men and women wore placed behind the bars snd bonds refusfd for the nlsht. Among those arrested ars the ones who had their fingers in the two cases of theft reported. Tetleg INDIA AND CEYLON Tea Vou lfuscn the rout of llvlnn ly usinn Tfllcy's Tea. It ftorg much fartlir-r than other to because of it Ktvater Mrrnfrth ami this combined with Its purity ami dt'lirlousnoss make It flip Itloal te. McCORD-BRADY CO., Wholesale Agents, Omaha. Entire stock of children's furs at 33'4 per cent off, Benson & Thome, 1515 Douglas St. Dugan A Hudson's boy fin (hoe at 2S per cent off at Benson & Thorns' greatest clearing sale, January t. 1618 Douglas. Worklnat for Glory. Theodore uiu, tne world s greatest au thorlty on fishes, work for the United States government, receiving $1 a month for Ills service. He 1 a rich man on whom many universities have conferred titles and degrees. Dr. Harrison O. Dyer, another wealthy man. who know more about mos quitoes than any other living person, de votes mucn or nis tune to government, re ceiving $-5 a month. Gifford Plnchot, millionaire, ia head of the United State forestry' service, but he I comparative! wen paua, ma samry Deing I to per annum. Several other rich men are on the govern ment pay roll at nominal figure, workln for the pleasure of "doing thing," as Free- Ident Roosevelt puts It. S3H per ct-it off places Lilliputian cloth Ing within tTV reach of all. Clearing aula begins Wedutliay, January 2, 1114 Douglas St An American Ambassador Abroad. The American ambassador to Italy, Henry White, is a notable figure In Venice as he :loats about In a gondola with his wife and daughter, notes a correspondent of the London Pall Mall Gazette. "He Is an American," said a lady from the states. I am sure no one but an American would e so polite to his womenklnd." "Not at ill," said another dame with a cockney iccent. "He Is an Englishman. He looks t all over nnd no man except an English ran would ever drink throe cups of tea." lust then a waiter approached and Mr, .Vhlte spoke to him in the purest Italian The ladles looked at each other In blank :imuzt-ment and exclaimed: "Why, he's Low Holiday IL&ie s ONE FARE AND A THIRD FOR THE ROUND TRIP TO ALL F0INTS ON TIIE Chicago, Milwaukee (Si St. Paul Railway and many points in Alabama, Florida, Georgia? Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, "West Virginia, in fact most anywhere you want to go east or southeast. Tickets on sale vnrious dates, according to destina tion, from December 20th to January 1st, inclusive. Liberal return limits. Further information on application. Three Daily Trains From Omaha, Union Station, at 7:55 A. M. 5:45 P. M. and 8:35 P. M. Ciiy Ticket Office, 1524 Farnam Si OMAHA, NEB. F. A. Nash, General Western Agent. Our Big Premium Offers A Handsome Present tor the Girls. C5kiiMi The "Pony" Sewing Machine. Will be Glren. FREE as a Itewnrd for Bending- I's Fear New Subscribers. This Is not a tor, but a PRACTICAL. SEWINd MACHINE, making a stitch cxaotly liks ths 'Wilcox Olbbs Auto matic" It ssws perfect ly, making a good a stitch as a 7S.OO sow ing machln. Beautiful In dsslgn, legsntly inuntltd, and finished in flower de signs of live different colors. It Is made of the best material, all working parts being made of steel and Is constructed In a moat substantial manner. The circular frame la made of metal. It has the latest patent Vfeed motion, a perfect atltch regulator or au tomatic easier, and has the Wlloox Olbbs slf-aettlng n e e d Le , which has a short blade and long shank, and Is not easily broken. On account of the simple devices embodied In Its construction It runs lighter and quieter than any machine made. It la free from comullca- tlons, easily cared for, and always ready for use. We can recom mend It to anyone dealrlng a novelty and a flrat-class machine that will sew perfectly. It Is suitable for the little miss or for ths roung lady for all kinds of plain family sewing. Each machine la packed in a separate bos. with an extra needle, furnished with a clamp to attaoh to table, aleo combination acrew driver, with complete instructions and cut showing how ta thread and operate the machine Every machine Is thoroughly teated and adjuated, and la sent out with a aample of sewing done on It. show ing it leaves the faotory In perfect working order and Is threaded up ready for uae. Thla splendid machine will bs sent free, poatags prepaid, as a reward for sending us four new subacrlbers for one year each at $1.00 each, or two new auhacrlbers and " 6 cents extra. The price of ths machine, including your own subscription for on year. Is fl.ti. TO For Poor New Subscribers. Universal Bread Maker. Anyone can make bread la the "Universal." Any floor, any yeast or any recipe that will make good bread by band will make better bread In the "l.'nivereal." Careful menaurlng and thorough kneading Insures good horns made bread. The "Vnivereal" le simpler, easier, quicker and a cleaner way of doing the work. It does the mixing and kneading of the douch In three mlnutee. The dough is not touched by the hands at all. The kneading Is done ecteutlflcally and ths bread Is much better than when done by hand. Ws slve the "UnlvereaJ" braad maker free as a reward for sending four new subscriber to The Twentieth Century Parmer tor one year or for two new subecrlbera and 10 aents extra. ' The price of It. ineludtng your own eubecrtption for one year, la It eft, sent by expreaa at receiver's expense. Per Twe New Subserlbers. The "Sentinel" Air Rifle, 1 For target practice, squlrrsl shooting and other doss rang work the air rtfl la prattloally as good as a powder rifle, and is much cheaper and safer, as ne powder la required. The "Sentinel" 1 on of the best and most popular air rifle made. Its mechanism cannot be excelled. It la mad with a good, substantial walnut stock and nickel plated barrel. Th ammunition used la althw ordinary air MB shot, or dart. W will give this splendid rifle free, as a reward, for sending In' two new subscribers for Th Twentieth Century Farmer for on year each, or for on new subecrtber and fl.tO extra. Th prlo of th rifle, lnoludlng your own subscription for on year la 11.00, sent by express at receiver's expense. ' One of Our Leading Offer. We have just completed arrangements with on ot th oldest and largest watch mnufactarr In th United Stale, whereby we are enabled to give some of the best watches mad as a reward for sending us a comparatively small club of subecrlbera This handsome nickel silver watch. It all (equally eultable for men or boya, open face with famoua Knick erbocker movement, porcelain dial, stem wind and sat. The case Is solid hlckel silver, handaomely engraved and will wear forever. The watoh Is guaranteed by the manufacturer for one year and during that time they will make all repairs not neceeeltated by careleseneas or abuse free of charse. We wlah to eepeclslly emphaalse the fact that thla watch la in no way similar to the eo-called "dollar or clock watch ee" now on the market, but le fitted with a GENUINE JEWELED WATCH x MOVEMENT of apeclal quality. V will cend this splendid watch free, postage prepaid, aa a reward for sending us a club of three new subacrlbers for one year each or for one new subecrtber and tS cents extra. Ths retail jewel er would charge about 15.00 for thle watch. Our price for It. Includ ing eubicrlptlos to Th Twentieth Century Fanner, la tint. Three New abscribesg Tut Thro New Boberrfbere. The Family Meat and Vegetable Chopper. ill Capacity, two pounds per min ute; three adjustments, for out ting coarse, medium or One. Will b sent as a reward for sending us three new subeortber to Th Twentieth Century Farmer for on year each at 11.00 each, or for on new subscriber and 00 cents extra. Th prlo of tl chopper. Including yeur own sub scription for on year Is 11.00. Beat securely packed, by ex press, at receiver's expense. Address The Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, JfebrasKa : r. " iia