Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Tite Omaha Daily Dee
Entered at Omaha postofnc as scon
class matter.
Dally Re (without Sunday). one yr..$4 0
Dally Bee and Sunday, on year
Sunday Bee, one year J
Saturday Bee, one year 160
pal'f Pea (Including Sunday, rer week. .ISO
Dally Bee (without Sunday), per week. ..10c
Evening Pee without Sunday), per week. Jo
Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week... .190
Addreea complaints of Irregularities In de
livery to City Circulating Department.
Omaha The B building.
South Omaha City Hall building.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl strset.
Chicago o Unity building. .
New York 190 Mom Lir In, building.
Washington in Fourteenth street.
Communication relating to news and edi
torial matter should h addressed! Omaha
Be. Ed (to rial Department. .
Remit by draft, express or portal order,
payable to The Re Publishing Company.
Only (-cent stamps received as payment of
mall account. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
Stat of Nehrssks, Douglas
Charles C. Roaewatsr. general manager
Of Th Be PubU-ihlng company, being duly
worn, say that the actual number of full
and complete copies of The Dally, Morning.
Evening and Sunday Re printed during th
monin ot November, 1, was a toiiowa
1, 83.T40 J 81,180
I 81,800 i: 81.8S0
30,500 II 11,420
81,070 10 81.TT0
88.180 11 11.400
T 36,530 tl 31,110
1 33.450 II 31400
1 31.330 14 31,610
II 33,030 II 80,450
11 8O.BS0 II 31,400
II 31,650 it 31,850
II........ 31.040 31,480
14 31,380 II 8150
11 81,880 0 81,630
Total ..
Ls unsold copl . .,.
Nt total sales 843,033
bally avarag , 81,401
General Manager.
Subscribed In my presence, and sworn to
before m this 1st day of December. 1906.
(Seal ) M. B. Hl'NUATE,
Notary Public.
Subscribers leavtasr tb city 4wi
orarlly sbaald bar Th Be
mailed t thesn. Addraa vrlll be
No that Malaya have started a
campaign against the opium habit the
"little brown brother" may also be
come dangerous.
The street railway company's no
pass order should prove a great stim
ulus In recruiting membership for the
Pedestrian club.
President Amador of Panama will
probably reach Washington In time to
, see an exhibition of strength of con
gressional "Insurgents."
If the Sioux Indians will Investigate
Lmora fully they will find that the
if est place to keep thel money is in
"Uncle Sam's strong-box. J Tt
Secretary Shaw Is having the ex
perience usual to the public man who
acta regardless of special Interests and
must be his own defender or have
Milwaukee railroad stockholders
who Insist on a "square deal" may
find that, under proper conditions,
"hlgft finance" is susceptible of court
In confiscating the history of the
Russo-Japanese war written by General
Kouropatkln the Russian government
is evidently resolved to teep the dis
grace of that war from spreading.
When It is so easy to get out of our
penitentiary by the aid of the gover;
nor's pardoning power, is it any won
der that crooks and criminals take des
. perate chances on getting Into the peni
tentiary? Iowa pedagogues- have recorded
themselves for simplified spelling. The
agents ot the Book trust who would
like to supply the schools with new
sets of text books must have been
busy over In the Hawkeye state.
The appalling list ot pardons, com
mutations and paroles' Issued over the
name of Governor Mickey may afford
a further explanation-of the rampant
carnival ot crime from wfelch people
all over' Nebraska have been suffering
for some time.
The Nebraska State Teachers' asso
ciation has complimented Omaha by
selecting Principal Waterhouse pt the
Omaha High school to be Its president.
Omaha will expect the new president
to bring another meeting of the asso
ciation to this city.
It fc a' active anarchistic party la
really at work among the Japanese in
A America it. win do the Asiatic little
Jgooi In their campaign for equal
rlghU with native Americans. An
archlsm, coupled with Asiatic Indif
ference to death would be doubly dan
gerous, '
It la not fair to assume that the
speakership and presidency ot the sen
ate cannot both come to Douglas
county. . In the 'legislature of eight
rears ago Lancaster county had both
t these places at one and the' same
time, ahd It Is possible for history to
repeat with variations.
The suggestion ot Congressman
Bartholdt that Uncle Sam Issue halt
a billion dollars of bonds and spend
the money for internal Improvements
will meet with heartier acclaim than a
proposition to spend a like amount In
some other ways. But the time la
scarcely ripe to take up the proposi
tion seriously.
...... ' i -' ' . ' ''-
Secretary Shaw does not tcruiuch
emphaiiiie the fact that the; purpose
of treasury operations with , surplus
funds Is not. speculative, although
they may Indirectly and Incidentally
affect speculation. It so happens that
during precisely the period when cur
rency is most needed in the movement
of crops, especially during a time like
the present, of extraordinary com
inerclal and industrial activity, tht
withdrawal of money from circulation
through taxation Is usually very large,
so that scores of jnllllons more than is
Immediately needed for government
expenses may accumulate In the sub
treasury as an Idle hoard. .The legiti
mate need of business in the pinch has
for decades been regarded, as, warrant
for placing the superfluous treasury
hoard at the disposal of the com
munity by deposit with national banks
on Indubitable security, usually gov
ernment bonds.
Obviously such deposit or refusal to
deposit will be a factor In specula
tion, the same as the question of the
enactment and provisions of a tariff
measure or any other capital govern
ment action, or any non-government
contingency affecting Industrial under
takings. The memorable "Black Fri
day, when Oold Room speculation so
disastrously collapsed, was precipitated
by General Grant's refusal to order the
treasury action hoped for by the "bull"
operators, but his refusal was deter
mined by general business considera
tions. The point of substantial criticism
formerly was that the treasury opera
tions, although sincerely aiming at
the good of general business, were too
much Influenced by the special sec
tional view of eastern financial inter
est. Whatever ground there may have
been for such criticism ' it has been
disappearing, and never so rapidly as
under the present administration,
which has taken elaborate precautions
to secure the widest possible distri
bution of treasury funds on deposit.
Its success has been signalized by
complaints latterly by the New Y6rk
and eastern banks, that they are un
able to get their fair share,' and by
speculative factions according as their
schemes would be promoted by liberal
or restricted deposits.
The essence of objections to the ad
ministration deposit record really at
tacks the subtreasury policy, with
which the administration has nothing
to do, the same having been estab
lished by law for more than a. half
century. But with a system that cre
ates a large treasury hoard at the ttme
when the cash la most needed In busi
ness, public sentiment now conclu
sively favors Its restoration to. circu
lation within hounds of discretion.
Pepartment of Agriculture bulletins
indicate that under the Initial regula
tions manufacture of denatured al
cohol by individual farmers will not
be practical, at least as a general prac
tice. The regulations have, of course,
been drawn with chief attention to pre
vention of frauds on the revenue of
which much toas been made In dis
cussion of tax-free alcohol for the arts
and which naturally would be promi
nent In the minds of ' the revenue
authorities In early experience under
the law.
How far manufacture can be local
ized, even If not yet practical at small
farm stills, can only be determined
experimentally,, but particular pains
have been taken so to draft the rules
as, while protecting revenue, to favor
distilleries at the smaller towns, near
the sources of raw materials. But
manufacture of this as of other arti
cles. Is likely to be determined by gen
eral Industrial forces. -
The chief, public interest in which
farmers, both as consumers of de
natured alcohol and as producers of
the raw materials for it especially
share, Is that this new substitute for
agents of light, heat and power al
ready monopolised, shall not Itself fall
under control, of , monopolising com
blnatlons and trusts. 8uch a result,
If It should happen, would infallibly
and swiftly cause the same Irreslstl
ble demand for relaxed revenue regu
lationa as has Just caused tax exemp
tion of denatured alcohol'. And In any
event the government upon Ita own
motion may be expected to - modify
them as -rapidly as practical expert
ence In administering the system shows
It to be safe from the revenue point
of view.
The scheme of a colossal govern
ment bond issue, the proceeds to be
devoted vaguely to "Internal improve
ments and especially the waterways,"
will not make much headway as a
business proposition. The Idea of
thru promoting Internal Improvements
on a grand scale. Including deep water
In the main rivers, roads and high
ways, and even public buildings, may
be suitable for rhetorical flourish, but
cannot survive the tests of cold com
mercial calculation and public policy,
which require certainty and consist
ency as the basis tor any such meas
ure as the proposed issue of a bait, bil
lion bonds.
Unquestionably the attention ot the
business community has lately been
turning mora seriously than ever to
the question of Improving the naviga
tion of the Mississippi and Ita main
tributaries, and it la a subject the Im
portance ot which, under existing and
prospective conditions ot transporta
tion in a broad view, must rapidly
grow. But even navigation .alone tl
not at present In shape for practical
dealing on a grand scale. To couple
It with a half dosen other phases of
Internal Improvements, all of them
also vague, and all Involving conflict
log Interest,, under a jeneral'boadlhg
efheme,' would not be business, but
folly, probably Imperilling rather than
advancing any one ot them.
A point hat already been reached at
which a rational scheme of Interior
water transportation, no matter how
extensive, would be earnestly and fav
orably considered, and provision for It
through bonding operations might
even be made. Indeed, to be rational
such a scheme would, from the nature
of things, have to be comprehensive,
and possibly might require apportion
ment of the cost through bonds to an
other generation, to whom most of the
benefits would Inure.
The practical difficulty In the way of
efficient government agency at this
time Is the lack of a consistent plan
for river Improvement, upon which
the principal Interests Involved are
substantially agreed. An enormous
sum In the aggregate has actually been
expended by the government upon this
and cognate objects, but In a sporadic,
piecemeal way which has been no
toriously wasteful and Inefficient. The
first Indispensable step must be crys
taliiatlon of public sentiment, at least
of the great Interior region, upon a
feasible, thorough plan of river tran
sportation, whereupon financing pro
vision, whether by bonds or otherwise
would become neither difficult nor
Illogical. The present agitation for
bonds, while It may usefully serve to
concentrate attention upon the subject,
Is not likely to promote it in any other
That Omaha's police department is
deficient in point of numbers, render
ing It Inadequate to cover the terri
tory that requires police protection. Is
not to be gainsaid. This is more par
ticularly true of late In view of the
spreading out of our population over
a wider and wider area. While the
personnel of the force might perhaps
be Improved In certain directions,
Omaha's police problem is to get more
policemen. At the same time, with the
laws governing the police fund and its
expenditure as they are now, It is diffi
cult to see how this problem can be
solved at any very early day.
It Is reported sub rosa that the po
lice board is contemplating taking the
bull by the horns and appointing thirty-five
more policemen, leaving it to
the future to find the means of en
larging the police fund to meet such an
increased demand upon it. Such pro
cedure on the part of the police board
would, In our opinion, "be not only
Illegal, but inexcusable. The charter
specifically holds the police board to
the employment of police officers
within the limits of the revenue at Its
disposal, and It likewise limits uncon
ditionally the amount of money which
may be leyled for the police fund.
While the council has in times past
been known to stretch a point or two
by transferring an appropriation from
the general fund to the police fund,
for the coming year -the general fund
has been so skimped that It will hardly
meet the ordinary drafts upon It and
would be utterly depleted by such a
transfer to the police fund were It to
be attempted. More than this, under
our present arrangements for munici
pal tax levy the municipal tax rate Is
fixed practically a year In advance, and
there is no way, even with legislative
sanction, to reopen the tax levy and
Increase or decrease the rate. The
amount available for the police force
during the year 1907 is, therefore, Ir
revocably determined so far as It Is to
be raised by taxation and will produce
no more than enough to maintain the
department In lta present condition.
It may be possible later to procure
a temporary addition to the police fund
from some other source of revenue, but
until the funds are actually at the dis
posal of the police board it will have
no right to Increase the payroll charges
by the appointment ot additional offi
cers. The Bee's advice to the police
board is to keep strictly .within the
law and not to load the city up with
any obligations to defray which there
is no money in sight.
The telegraphic Item from Ithaca,
Nr Y.', about the city losing to the
water company In the award decision
of a disputed appraisement nnder
which the city bought the works Is cal
culated to attract attention here In
Omaha. .The conditions qf water
works purchase at Ithaca are doubt
less very different from those at
Omaha, but the (decision serves to re
mind us t&at there is no sure thing for
either side when a case of this kind
goes Into court. Until our cltliens and
the owners of the Omaha Water com
pany get together the whole situation
is bound to be hazardous and our
water service shadowed with stagna
tion, while the cry of a growing popu
lation for enlarged mains and ex
tended! service pipes and fire protec
tion must remain unanswered.
. A sidelight is thrown on the pro
posed Union Pacific bridge embargo on
Iowa shipments to the Omaha grain
market by. the recent acquisition of the
Illinois Central by the Harriman inter
ests, which are also supreme In the
Union Pacific. Two railroad bridges
pan the Missouri at Omaha, the sec
ond one belonging to the Illinois Cen
tral. It la a reasonable proposition
that ed long as Mr. Harriman controls
the destinies of both of these railroads
neither of these bridges will make any
trouble for the other by cutting bridge
tollj In competition for the business.
Now that John Bull has been offi
cially notified ot Uncle Sam's willing
ness, James ' Bryce may consider his
call an Invitation to study the Amer
ican commonwealth at closer range.
I The World-Herald says it Is against
roveroment ownership of (railroads.
Suppose Colonel Bryan should be noinl-
nated ae the democratic presidential
candidate on a publlc-ownershtp-of-rallroads
platform, would the World
Herald support him?
Tronnle Sear Home.
St Louis Olobe-Democrst.
Uncle Bam Is asked for moral support In
stopping th Ctrngo atrocities. Recent, ad
vices from Mississippi Indicate that an
African crisis nearer horn requires careful
Any Part In n Storm.
Indianapolis News.
Th oil companies call attention to "ev
eral points In connection with the present
litigation against them. Tn the first placed,
they are not guilty; In the next, their guilt
cannot be proved; In th third, the law
doesn't apply; and, finally, what difference
does it make, anyhow?
Primitive Simplicity.
Baltimore American.
There Is still soma primitive simplicity
left In th world. A woman, undoubtedly
the victim of a soslous mistake of Identity
In New York, arrested as a thief, had no
lawyer In court because she was laboring
under th antediluvian delusion that all
Which Justice and the law reoulred was
th plain telling of th simple truth. If
such a preposterous theory wer allowed, j
an appalling list of profits would b cut
out of th ' court calendars.
Frolts ( a Pat Year.
New York Bun.
Th Department of Agriculture estimates
our cereal crop for th current year at
approximately 1,000,000,000 bushels. This In
cludes corn, wheat, rye, oats, barley, flax
seed, buckwheat and rie. Its production
Involved th cultivation ot nsarly 100,000
square miles of land. Th valu of th
product Is about $1,000,000,000. It would take
all th gold we hav dug In thirty years
to pay for this single year's crop of cereals.
It has been, a fat year. Little wonder
that there Is a railway shortage!
Senatorial AHralam.
Philadelphia Record.
Senator Foraker'a championship of th
negro soldiers would be very moving If
one could b sure that It was wholly gen
uine. Unfortunately tber Is an impression
In Washington that Mr. Foraker Is hunt
ing for a presidential nomination. The
nogroes of the south cast no votes, but
they send delegates to national conventions,
and In several northern states a republican
candidate will need th votes of colored
men. Furthermore. Secretary Taft Is a
presidential possibilities, and Mr. Foraker
must eliminate htm If he would appear be
fore the next national convention as the
only genuine favorite son of th Buckeye
state. We regret to see that there Is little
disposition to credit the senator with al
truism. BARK,IS 19 WILLING.
Definite Announcement of Mr, Bryan's
Receptive Mood.
Chicago Post.
What a pity this Is not the gladsome
summer time that all th little birds might
carol Joyfully, and all nature put on Ita
gayest garb of green.,' : Still, In spite of
drear skies and frosen earth, let us heave
a sigh of relief and rejoice mightily. The
Suspense. Is over; the night of our uncer
tainty has passed and" th glad tidings, like
a glorious dawn, have, swept from Sandy
Hook to th Golden Gat that William Jen
nings Bryan will not' refuse a nomination
for the -presidency If It 1 offered him.
We had feared that the pleasant year
now all but over would be distinct in one
vital particular from If Brothers of the
last decade; that 'Of weoefislty it would
have to be laid away oh 'a separate shelf
and marked "th only-ysar In which Wil
liam Jennings Bryan waa Hot a candidate."
No longer do wa dread th necessity of
such a course. The necessity ha passed.
Mr. Bryan has filled tb otherwise mo
notonous hiatus between Christmas and
New Year's with the announcement that
he "will not refuse,'' etc.-
In the mind's eye had risen a haunt
ing picture of a repentant democracy grov
elling in the political dust and beseeching
the haughty Bryan. to accept the proffered
crown. Now this nightmare of the political
winter .has vanished, and w see Cltlsen
Bryan bowing to the will of his people and
regretfully quitting the tranquil horn circle
once more to enter the lists o,s "the chosen
No, 1906 is no different from the years
that have gone before. Mr. Bryan has been
a candidate In them all. No doubt with
delightful impartiality he will be a candi
date during many of th years to come.
Expanding Versatility of th King;
of Cereals.
Baltimore American.
No matter how great the American corn
crop may be, the world "absorbs" It and
Is glad to hav it. It Is not so many years
ago that th newspapers heralded In big
headlines the fact that the cour'ry's corn
crop had touched th round billion. Th
effect upon the world's markets of such
an enormous yield of this "coarse" grain,
which Is not supposed to b used largely
for breadmaklng, was asked with an ap
parent trepidation, lest th price of corn
should sink to the aero point. But the
world at larg took the billion crop, and
last year It absorbed approximately
2.700.000,000 bushels of the whits and yellow
grain, and th crop of this year, accord
ing to Department of Agriculture esti
mates, will b very close to 1,000,000.000
bushels. Nobody now has much fear thnt
this tremendous yield will not be taken at
fairly remunerative prices to th growers,
for corn Is probably put to more different
uses, is changed into mora commodities
that are sold In jugs, bottles, packages
by ths quart, pound and ounce than any
other primary product.'
Corn product include a vaat variety of
things that look very different from com
and very different from each other. The
spirits that are barreled and bottled, and
that ar classed as ardent, are mad more
largely from corn than from any other
fruit, vegetable or cereal. The glucoss of
commerce comes principally from corn, and
fifty other edible products are extracted
from the mall kernels. It Is not surpris
ing, therefore, to learn. In connection with
the statement that ths Corn Products
trust la Intending to center Its manufactur
ing activities in Chicago, that the plant to
be erected will Involve an outlay of G0)0,0no,
and conalat of as many as thlrty-thre
buildings; that 1.000 men ar to b employed
and that the output will amount to 100,000
bushels every day. This big plant will turn
about 30,000,000 bushels of th country's an
nual corn crop Into commodities that are
not sold as corn. This 80,000,000 Is, of course,
but a minor Item In the aggregate of a
I,000.000,0t0 crop, but the distilleries that
are distributed from Buffalo to Houston
and from Baltimore to San Francisco will
account for many other millions of bushels.
Pork and beef are, of course, also to be
classed largely as corn products. Th hog
crop In particular Is but a transmuted
form of th corn crop. It Is always a
question for th farmer to determine
whether It will pay him better to turn
his corn Into pork or to ship It In the
original form. During recent years the
great foreign demand for American pork
has caused a large percentage of th corn
yield to vanish from the "visible S.uDply,"
not to reappear again except In baiis and
breakfast bacon,
Par Food, Denatnrlir l Alcohol anal
Aatl-Rallroad Paaa.
Two of the four su-called reform meas
ures enacted by congress last spring go into
effect on New, Year s day. Thee are the
pure food law and thr denaturlsed alcohol
law. The anti-pass provision tf the rail
road rate law becomes effective on the
same day. Technically the pure food law
goes Into effect on Tuesday; morally It has
been In effect two or three months, says
the Washington correspondent of the Bri
ton Trsnscrlpt. It will be the first of Feb
ruary, and perhaps later, before the ma
chinery that Is to be used In enforcing the
food law will be In running order. This da
lay Is the result of congress falling to make
an appropriation for carrying out the pro
vision of the act at the time th legislation
wa enacted. As has been noted In the dis
patches, congress only last week appropri
ated tXO.OOO to be used In enforcing th leg
islation up to the first of July, when the
present fiscal year will end.
In the estimation of Dr. Wiley it la un
important that the pure food machinery
Will not be In operation for a month or two
after the law becomes effective. "All over
this country." raid he. "the law Is now
morally In fore. About 18 per cent of the
persons affected by this legislation are hon.
Th other I per cent now hav to be,
and ar anxious to be. Many persons who
were putting Impure food befor the public
before this legislation was enacted hastened
to make, a change In their business. They
welcomed the law. In many Instances com
petition forced them to do thlnga.they did
not wish to do befor the law was passed.
Th prospect Is that It will be an easy law
to enforce; It will almost enforce Itself. Of
course ther will be those who will attempt
to evade It, and these ar th men our
chemists and Inspectors will got after."
Th manufacturers and dealer of th
country have had th department's rules
and .regulations under the law before them
since October 16. and this has given them
mple time to arrang to conform to the
law. According to th government's ad
vices, manufacturers' that engaged in adul
terating hav arranged to stop th prac
tice. Th question, of labels ha worried
the manufacturers and dealers a good deal.
The order of the department Is that:
"The regulation regarding th principal
label will not b enforced' until October,
1907, In the coae of labels printed and now
on hand, whenever any statement therein
contained which Is contrary to th food or
drug act of June 30, 1908, aa to character of
contents, shall be corrected by a supple
mental label, stamp or paster. All other
labels now printed and on hand may be
used without change until October 1. 1907."
It will be a surprise to the government
officials If there Is not a distinct improve
ment In the foods and drugs on th market
after next Tuesday.
The denaturized alcohol act does not
come as close to the people as the food law.
Tho day the law goes Into effect some of
the large distilleries, notably those con
nected with the Whisky trust, will begin
the making of denatured alcohol. It Is th
expectation of the government that the
business of making the new fuel will grad
ually grow. The distilleries will have to be
guided by the demand for the new product.
The prospoct that the Whisky truBt will
absolutely control the output at the start is
discouraging. Congress has taken notice of
the situation and bills have been Introduced
with the view of making It easier for the
man of small means to engage In the busi
ness. Internal Revenue Commlslsoner
Terkes said today: "I have no means of
knowing how many concerns will engage In
th manufacture or how many will deal In
the denatured product In any event we
shall be able to take car of the volume of
business, no matter what else It may be. I
have sent out letter j to all' the internal rev
enue collectors Instructing them immedi
ately to furnish me with all the Informa
tion they can gather about the manufacture
of denatured alcohol as soon as It starts In
their districts, and at once to cr.ll on me
for whatever additional help they may need
prc.perlyJo supervise the industry."
The Whisky trust has not yet an
nounced what the price of denatured alco
hol will be. It Is assumed that it will put
the price as low as possible so as to bring
the product In competition with gasoline.
The going into effect of th anti-pass
provision of the railroad rate law marks
officially an important step in the reforms
of the day. Most of the railroads of th
country have anticipated the provision of
the rat law by cutting off free transporta
tion, but a few of the great systems have
continued to follow the old policy. After
next Wednesday It will be unlawful for any
common carrier engaged in Interstate com
merce directly or Indirectly "to Issue or
give Any interstate free tickets, free pass.
or free transportation for passengers, ex
cept to Its employes and their families, its
officers, agents, surgeons, physicians and
attorneys at law; to ministers of religion,
traveling secretaries of railroad Toung
Men' Christian associations, Inmate of
hospitals and charitable and eleemosynary
institutions and persons exclusively en
gaged In charitable and eleemosynary work;
to Indigent, destitute and homeless persons,
and to such persons when transported by
charitable societies or hospitals, and th
necessary agents employed In such trans,
porta t Ion; to inmate of th national homes
or state home for disabled' volunteer
soldiers, and of soldiers and sailors homes.
Including those about to enter and those re
turning home after discharge and boards
of managers of such homes; to necessary
caretakers of livestock, poultry and fruit;
to employes on sleeping cars, express cars,
and to linemen of telegraph and telephone
companies; to railway mall scrvlc em
ployes, postofllce inspectors, customs In
spectors and Immigration inspectors; to
newsboy on trains, baggag agents, wit
nesses attending any legal Investigation in
which th common carrier Is interested,
persons injured In wrecks and physicians
and nurses attending such persons: Pro
vided, That this provision shall not be con
strued to prohibit the Interchange of passes
for th officers, agents and employes of
common carriers and their families; nor to
prohibit any common carrier from carrying
passengers free with the object of providing
relief In cases of general epidemic, pesti
lence or other calamitous visitation. Any
common carrier violating this provision
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor
and for each offence, on conviction, shall
pay to the United Btatea a penalty of not
less than 1100 nor more than 12.000, and any
person, other than the persons excepted in
this provision, who uses any such Inter
Mate free ticket, free pass or free trans
portation, shall be subject to a like pen
alty." The Interstate Commerce commission
says this section of the law will be enforced
"without fear or favor." Movements to
bave the legislation modified are under way.
The day before congress adjourned for
the holidays the house committee on Inter
state and foreign commerce heard a dele
gation that desired to have the door opened
a little wider.
Even If congress should amend the provi
sion or even repeal It, which Is not likely,
the greet railroad systems would hardly re
turn to the old practice of Issuing free
transportation Indiscriminately. The diy of
the pusa ba passed.
Hann Them PHI.
Chicago News.
There ar aotn people In this country
who will never feel safe until Japan Is put
under bonds to refrain Jruin scaring them
u death.
Valentin Republican: Wherein llr 'h
necessity for two federal district courts tn
Nebraska? Many are naturally inclined to
believe th main reason for this contention
Is to provide more offices, there not yet
being enough to go around. Business of
the one court In this state has never been
congested to any alarming extent and at
present appears to be grinding out grists
as fast as litigants desire to fill the hopper.
Columbus Tribune: It la difficult to de
termine which set of lobbyists Is doing th
railroads the most good. Hob Clancy and
his associates at Lincoln or Mike Har
rington and Kdgar Howard, wtio with their
self-constituted provisional or providential
or some other kind of government owner
ship league are attempting to distract the
attention of Nebraska legislators from the
resl and difficult task of formulating defi
nite and specific and effective rate regu
lation for this state.
Fremont Tribune: The republican party
has made certain pledges. It has been com
missioned to carry them out, and If It
fulls to do that It Is likely to go hard with
the party. The people expect that there
will be legislation against political and all
other kinds of passes: on freight and pas
senger reduction; on a primary system of
nominations. If the members of the two
houses should. In caucus, select a com
mittee of Ave for each of these subjects
to bring In bills It would give recognition
to fifteen party leaders who would Insure
th keeping of the party's pledge and the
faithful service with respect to paramount
Issues promised the people In th campaign.
Th special committee plan la manifestly
th wisest on for th legislature to pursue.
Tekamah Journal: There Is only on
way for th stats legislature to deal with
the lobbying that always menaces the
most mature Judgment on legislative mat
ters down at Lincoln and that is to hav
It all done away with, no matter In whose
interests the lobby may be working. A
committee of men from one Interest or set
of Interest ha Just as much right to at
tempt to Influence legislation by the lobby
ing method as has another. The state In
stitutions have no more right to hav a
man hired to look after their chance to
secure a big appropriation than has the
Burlington railroad to have a man to look
after its Interests. When th time shall
come that legislative districts will send
men to represent them, wholly oompetent.
and with minds of their own, then th
lobbyist's business will be unprofitable.
Then his salary will cease and with that
the nuisance will abate.
Friend Telegraph: The elans seem to be
gathering at Lincoln anticipating the com
ing meeting of the legislature. Already It
has been hinted that if an opportunity of
fers the .corporations .will have no hesi
tancy In skinning the people out of th
victory won at the polls last November.
We pity the legislator from the bottom
of our heart who goes to the session this
winter pledged to his constituents and then
disregards his pledges, or disregards the
rights of the people who sent htm to fill
that very exalted position. We have
recognised the fact that these vital ques
tions have been agitated so much that the
people are in no mood to be monkeyed with
by any one. Possibly more people will be
engaged in watching the movements of the
Nebraska legislature during th present
winter than any similar body which has
ever assembled In this state. To the legis
lator who carries out his pledges faithfully
there will certainly be hop in th future,
otherwise none.
Columbus Tribune: Senator John C.
Byrnes - and Representative "Jim" Orelg
will be two democratic members of the leg
islature whom we are confident the cor
poration Influences will not be able to use
aa obstructionists. Both of them hav said
frankly to the editor of this paper that
they will gladly support any republican
measure promising relief along the lines
Indicated In both party platforms and that
they will refuse to stand as obstructionists
for the sake of gaining party advantage.
And why should not the representatives
of both parties stand together for needed
reforms In this state? Both parties stood
for the same reforms during th cam
paign. There were influence at work In
both parties before election tb defeat honest
reform and the same Influences will be at
work harder than vr In both parties In
the legislature to defeat honeat reform.
The people, therefore, will not ask whether
a representative has stood with his party
but whether he Is lined up with those rep
resentatives In both parties who stand for
the public interests. It Is to be hoped that
a majority of the legislature will assume
the same attitude as that of John Byrnes
and Jim Orelg.
Postmaster General Cortelyou has on ot
the finest collection of political scrapbooks
in th United States. They ar Indexed
under various heads, such aa "truth,"
"nearly truth," "almost Ilea" and ther is
on upon which appear this label, "Just
Left Hand, chief of th Arapaho In
dians, and th last survivor of th Washita
battle, In which he fought Custer, Is dying
of old age In Oklahoma. ' He was allotted
a quarter section of land some year ag
In" common with th rest of his tribe, upon
which he now lives. -
The Los Angeles girl who can sing In
either the soprano or the baritone regis
ters, and who now wants to add th basso
profundo to ber equipment as a vocal
trust, is tn the class with the monopolist
In th old song, whose heart's deslr It
was to be a whol bras band.
Ths Infant phenomenon has appeared In
St. Louis In a most alarming shape." It Is
that of a child of B months, who talks
volubly and with a vocabulary of wonder
ful extent. A It Is generally felt by all
thoughtful people that children have en
tirely too much to say about everything in
this age, a precocity of loquacity is not a
development to be viewed , with entire
The distinction of being the tallest man
In the United States army belongs to Er
nest D. Peck, a first lieutenant in the en
gineer corps. He is 4 feet ihi Inches In
height Lieutenant Peck is a native of
Wisconsin and was ' graduated from ths
Oshkosh High school. Lieutenant Peck la
now on duty at Yellowstone park, Wyo
ming, and has supervised the building of
a military road known as Peek's Pike. He
1 called Pike's Peak by his comrades tn
the service.
As a realisation of his boyhood fancies
and the fondest dreams of his fifty years
of life, Oeorge I. Long, for twenty-six
years editor of the Manson (la.) Journal,
and father of a grown son and daughter,
will enter college after the holiday. He
expects to go to the State Normal school
at Cedar Falls for six months, after which
he will enter the Iowa State university.
During his absence, thepaper, which Is
one of th strongest republican papers In
the Tenth congressional district, will be
under the editorial management of his
Avery Mcllhenny, recently nom
inated a civil service commissioner, though
only X years old, has put two girdles
around the earth, has killed big game In
Africa and has fought In a real (though
mull) war. Besides being a former rough
iidT, he Is one of the richest men In
Louisiana. HUs prppc-r farm on Avery
Island, Iberia parish. Is famous, and so Is
the huge factory In which he makes pep
per sauce. Two years ago the Mcllhenny
entertained the president's older daughter,
now Mrs. Longworth, In their New Or
leans home at carnival time and last year
th prtsldnt himself was their guest.
MBH root) LAW,
rhanne for the Retter Drgla ytH
the New Test.
Chicago Post.
One of the most Important reforms eret
undertnk.n In the United States will b
accomplished when the national pur food
lnw goes Into effect on next Tuesday, New
Year's day. What this means to the peopla
of the country fw probably realise. It
means thnt "If they see It on the label it
Is so;" thnt at last they will know exactly
what they are buying ar.d will get what
they ask for. Furthermore, they will know
that the watchful eye of government chern.
Ists Is fixed on the manufacture, giving a
good assurance that no poisonous or un
wholesome coloring or similar matter has.
been used in the preparation of the food
stuffs. As a matter of fact, there always was
more smoke than fire In the entire pure
food agitation. Dyes, more or loss harm
less, In small quantities, were used, It Is
true, but few persons probably ever wer
harmed by partaking of prepared foods,
Thnt, however. Is a forgotten Issua. Th
new law which will go Into force with
the comlnK of the New Year will put a
atop to deception. Henceforth th pur
chaser of "farm sausage" may rest as
sured that It Is farm snusage If th label
so ststes. "Wild cherry phosphate" must
be made from cherries and not from chern
Icals, no matter how harmless those chem
icals may be; and "deviled ham" must b
made from ham and not from scraps ot
various kinds of meat.
One Immediate and Important result of
the new law undoubtedly will be the rts
toratlon of foreign confidence In American
tinned foods. .The widely proclaimed
"stock yards expose" did much harm to
even the best of the American packing
companies, but this prejudice the new law
Is expected to wipe out. Indeed. It seems
safe to predict far greater prosperity for
the packers and other manufacturer of
edibles now that their goods are known te
meet th government's strict requirements.
After all, honesty is tho best policy.
In this connection It Is pleasant to con
alder the opinion of Dr. H. W. .Wiley,
chief of th bureau of chemistry. Many
people, from reading sensational newspaper
reports, have become Infected with th
theory that the food manufacturer are
the greatest of rogues. They will be sur
prised, therefore, to read this statement of
Dr. Wiley:
"About 98 per cent of the persons affected
by this legislation are honest at heart.
The other t per cent ar now anxious to
be honest. Many persons who were placing
Impure food on the tables of the publla
before thla legislation was enacted have
hastened to make a change In their busi
ness methods. They welcomed the law. In
many Instances competition compelled them
to do things they did not wish to do."
Really, we Americans ar not nearly so
black aa w sometime paint ourselves.
"Does your wife take much Interest tn
polities T"
"I Bhould say so. She's speaker of the
house. " Milwaukee Sentinel.
"He seem to be a man of considerable
"No wonder; for year he canvassed for
a directory." Baltimore American,
"I cannot cure you," said Dr. Fox, "un
less you promise to do exactly what I tell '
you. Do you solemnly promise?
"I do," replied the patient.
"All right. Let me have' your check for
that old account that has been standing so
lung." Philadelphia Ledger. -
Mrs. Strong What did you say, dear,
when he asked you your age?
Miss Sharp I told him the truth.
Mrs. Strong You did! Really?
' Miss Sharp Yes; I told him It was none
of his business. Boston Transcript.
The waiter girl knew a thing or two -about
table etiquette. So she (nlfted scorn
fully'as she said: ' '
"It's not our custom to serve a knife .
with pie."
Nor' remarked the patron In surria4.
"Then bring me an ax. 'Puck.
The Lady What thirty-eight cents a
dosen for eggs? Why, that's mor than I
cent for one egg!
Th Grocer Well, mum, you must remem
ber that one egg Is a whole day' work
for one hen. Cleveland Leader.
"I hear that Our poor old friend Toper Is
quite broken In spirits."
"From what I saw of him lately I think
his broken spirits are largely brandy
smashes." Baltimore American.
"Hear about th queer accident at th
Robtnses' house? Little 4-year-old Willi
took an old shotgun down from th wall,
poked the mussle In the baby's fac and
pulled the trigger."
"Too bad! Bume old story didn't know
It was loaded."
"It wasn't loaded!" Judge.
"Do you think your congressman does
$6,Aoo worth of work every year?"
"That ain't the point," answered Farmer -Comtosaol.
"We're grateful to him for
not coatln' us tso.000 or so In mistakes."
Washington Star.
"Come to think of it, a druggist Is gen
erally opposed to the temperance cause."
"What make you say such a thing as
"Did you ever hear of one who mad any
scruples of selling drams?" Baltimore
"Doctor," said the visitor with the fur
lined collar, "there's something the matter
with me."
"Well," responded the doctor, "I knew
that when I saw you as Hamlet last night,
but I can't do anything for you. Curing
hams Is out of my line." Philadelphia
"Why doesn't your wlf sing to th baby
When It cries?"
"She used to, until we discovered that
the neighbors preferred to bear th baby."
Cleveland Leader.
Alfred Tennyson.
Full knee-deep lies th winter snow,
And the winter winds are wearily sighing.
Toll ys the church bells sad and slow.
And tread softly and speak low,
For the old year Ilea a-dylng.
Old year, you muat not die;
You came to us so readily,
You lived with us so steadily,
Old year, you shall not die.
He lleth still; he doth not move;
Ho will not see the dawn of day.
He hath no other life above.
He gave me a friend, and a true true-love.
And th new year will tak 'em away.
Old year, you must not go;
So long aa you hav been with us.
Such Joy aa you have seen with US,
Old year, you shall not go.
Ha froth'd his bumpers to th brim,
A Jollier year w shall not see.
But though his eyes are waxing dim.
And thouKh his foea speak 111 of him.
He waa a friend to me.
rA vesr. vou shall not die:
We did so laugh and cry with you,
I've half a mind to die with you.
Old year, If you must die.
He was full of Joke and Jest,
But all his merry quips are o er.
To see him die. across th waste
His son and heir doth ride post haste,.
But he'll be dead befor.
Every one for his own.
The night Is starry and old, my
friend, '
And the new year bllth and bold, my
Comes up to tak his own.
How hard he breathe! Over the snow
I heard Just now the crowing cock.
Ths shadows flicker to snd fro; -The
cricket chirps; th light burns low
"TIs nearly twelve o'clock.
Shake hands before you die.
Old year, we'll dearly rue for yoo
What la It we can do for you?
Speak out before you die.
His face Is growing sharp and thin.
Alack! our friend Is gone.
Close up his eyes, tl up his chin.
Step from the corpse and let him In
That stanileth there alone.
And waltetb at the door.
There's a new foot on th floor, tn)
And a new face at the door, my friend,
A new fac at th dour.
ns n