Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 8, Image 21

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Ers of Great Prosperity for Jobberi and
BtUileri Oloiei with Year.
Present Conditio, on Account of
Holiday Reason, la MUla Dull
Salesmen Will Go Oat
Aaala Tlila Week.
The New Year's season clones a year of
Unparalleled prosperity tor local Jobbers
ami for the re(ailrs in Omana s tributary
trade territory, There la not any line but
ha shown a handsome Inc reuse over lant
year. 'Hie volume ol bunln' ss dune by
varloua bonnes runs all the way from 10
to Mi per cent over lirnu. All conditions In
dicate that prosperity la to continue and
the coming year will be better than the
Cloning one. Collections for lb year have
been on the average very satisfactory,
though (or the laat two weeka they have
been a little slow.
For the last week, the wholesale business
In Omaha has been very quiet. Ketall deal
ers have been busy In their own stores, so
local house trade 1ms been practically
nothing. Bailsmen have been at hcmie for
about ten days, but will be out again
No change whatever In refined sugar has
taken place. Kaws, while they have
fluctuated a little from day to day, are now
about the same price as at the close of
tne previous week. The demand has fallen
oft In the last few days, which la natural
lor this season of the year.
There la a hopeful feeling in coffee, due
to the buying uemand In New York. The
market Is aomewhat firm.
Omaha Jobbers are receiving shipments
of new rice, which Is of a line quality,
prices are unchanged.
The market In all lines of dried fruit la
firm. Prunes are active arid may advance
almost anv dtiy. Tne California crop Is
good and the quality fair. Nearly all kinds
of dried fruit are in small supply, com
pared with the heavy demand. Pears are
firmly held. Ilaislns are a trifle easier.
No change Is reported in canned fruits,
and the markot Is steady. Corn Is firm.
Interest la said to be small, at present. In
futures. Beans are In good demand and
the market enjoys a firm tone.
Light Trade During Holidays.
oviria vntinBi i verv llirht lust now. dur
ing the holiday season. Orders were good
before the salesmen came In off the road
for their vacation, and it Is expected to
pick up at once after New Year's, when
the men go out again. The lines of the
country merchants seem to lie depleted
and need filling up. Conditions are un
changed. Iealher is high und stiff at
present quotations. An advance in stvie.i
would not be surprising soon after the first
of the year.
, The main difficulty In the dry goods
house la still the securing of goods. Mills
delay in making shipments, on account or
the acarcity of materials, and It seems Im
possible to get seasonable goods to fill
orders. Aside from this, the market U
without feature. Prices hold up and cottons
are strong. Ketall trade has been heavy,
although since Christmas it has fallen off
some. Road salesmen, who have betn at
home for ten days; will go out again tills
The present situation In hardware Is
quiet, just as It Is in other lines. The
market Is firm and the Indications are
prices will advance In many lines. The de
mand for building hardware still hold up.
White lead bus taken a jump of 2j cents
per hundred and us a result Carter leid
has advanced to 7V4 cents, while Southern
Is V cents. Turpentine is quoted at 74
cents. Linseed oil is unchanged, bo led
being 43 cents, while raw Is 41 cent. The
advance of lead means an advance In liquid
paints of at least 6 cents a gallon. Some
dealers have already raised the priefc.
Dealers in liquid paints are looking tor a
big business In 1907. Glass is firm and the
disccunts are now 90 and 5. An advance
of 6 cents la noted In glass In car Iota.
Droits nnil Chemicals.
The pure food and drug law la atlll at
tracting more attention than anything else
In drug circles. It. will not affect h. al
dealera to any great extent, as goods for
ale In the state of Nebraska will not re
quire additional labels until the first of
next October, but all Interstate business
must be relabeled to conform with the law.
Notwithstanding the Immense amount of
work and expense that has been entailed
upon manufacturers and Jobbers by this
law Its enforcement will In the end be of
material advantage to both the wholesale1
and retail druggists. Heretofore the honest
dealer has been compelled to compete with
the dishonest one and oftentimes he has
lost a sale because he did not have fcdulter
ated goods. The law, therefore, will pro
tect the howst dealer in the sale of honest
goods. It will only be a matter of a short
time In all probability when all the different
states will pass pure food lawa and It Is to
be hoped that when the Nebraska legis
lator get together to pass a law of this
kind they will make It In perfect harmony
with the national law.
Trade In the drurf line has been com
paratively quiet during the week on re
count of the holiday season. Harlem oil has
been advanced In price 75 cents per gross
and Is now quoted at H SO to $4.75. Opium at
U 65 to J3.75. (Jlyeerlne continues on the up
ward grade. The price has been advanced
to 14ty cents in 60-pound cans. Poppy seed
advanced during the week 2 cents per
pound and is quoted at 12 cents to 14 cents.
Alurphlne will probably be marked up again
on account of the advance In opium. This
being the season of the year when traveling
salesmen are withdrawn from thelf terri
tories to report at headquarters, and when
Jobbers are busy with their Inventorlit,
trade Is usually quiet. Ni t withstanding
this the market remains Arm an 1 , th'ie
are a number of small advances all along
tha line. Qolden seal Is a trifle lower and
la quoted at 11.71 to $1.85 per pound.
Ilambarif Nan Reads of Thief a Arrest
In The Bee and Cornea to
After reading tho account In The Bee of
tha capture of John Turner, colored, early
Thursday evening In the act of robbing
the house of Mr. Crary, 1622 Spenoer street,
and the fact thut Turner had confessed to
a burglary committed at Hamburg, Iu., .
H. Qrlggs, a grain dealer of Hamburg,
arrived in Omaha Saturday morning and
Identified tha watch that Turner stole in
Hamburg aa hla own. Mr. Orlgga said his
home was robbed on the night of Decem
ber 19, tha house having been ransacksd
by the burglar without waking any of the
occupant, and the watch, which was found
In an Omaha pawnshop Friday morning
by Detective Donatio, and 124 waa atolen
from tho dresser in hla bedroom. Turner
was bound over for trial under bond ot
t&oo after a preliminary examination in po
lice court Friday morning.
Road Abont Indians and Ontdoor Life-.
In a little book -that coats nothing. Tha
book describes tha northweat, tha land of
tha future. It la printed on the best of
paper, is interesting, profusely illustrated
' and full of Information. It is suitable for
your own home, for achoola, or libraries.
It dcacrlbea tha wonderful Yellowstone
park, tha wild Bltterroot mountain In
Montana, tha Queniut Indiana almoat un
known on the north Pacific coast, tha
grand Columbia river acenery, tha mar
valoua Puget aound region, and Alaska.
It coat but tha postage required to mall
It It will be aent to any address for
centa. Tha book la "Wonderful 1S06," pub
lished by the Northern Pad Mo railway, and
Is for general distribution. Send I centa
to A. M. Cleland, general paaaenger agent,
Bu Paul, klinn., or as many times f cent
a you wish coplea, with proper addresses.
nd tha little volume will be promptly
forwarded by that gentleman. Don't wait!
Tha book ha in object to educate and in
form tha public about tha northweat, the
I region that La wis and Clark, tha Aatorlana,
Fremont and other explored and made
known to u. Help It perform ita mis
sion. raraoaally coadaetoa, Toa (
Old Maileo.
A anecial party for a thirty-day tour (
Old Mexico, embracing practically ail tha
Important cltle and principal point of a
teraart. wlU leara Omaha January. 14.
Rata covering tranaportaUoo, berth and
meal only $200.00.
For fuithar Information call or addraa
Hook Island City Ticket Office, IU Far
tuu 8t-
Wadding Ring. Edhoim, jeweler.
Two nandred Families Cheered with
Daaketa of ProrUlosa
nd Clothing;.
The distribution of Christmas baskets to
the poor needy of Omaha by tha Vol
unteer of America began at 1 o'clock Sat
urday afternoon. The distribution wna
made under the supervision of Captain and
Mrs. O'Neill.
The Volunteers' headquarters at 117 North
Fifteenth street was the scene of activity
Saturday morning and noon, before tha
distribution of the 200 or more baskets of
provisions. Each basket was filled to over
flowing with groceries and meats, consist
ing of apples, canned vegetables and fruit,
potatoes, oatmeal, coffee, eugar, baenn,
with a chicken or turkey to each basket.
The distribution was made by tickets which
had first been sent out to deserving needy
families whose condition fiad been ascer
tained by the officers of the Volunteers.
Such of the ticket holders as were sick
and unable to go to headquarters were
supplied by agents from Volunteer head
quarters, the distribution being made by
wagon. The distribution continued from
1 until 5 o'clock.
Captain O'Neill said:
"Most of the supplies, as you see, are
of the best class, which we bought, though
we received many donations from the
grocers. The funds were derived from vol
untary contributions made on the streets
to our "chimneys' on the street corners,
and cash donations from other sources.
We did not give a dinner Christmas day,
as the Salvation army had that day for
their Christmas offerings. We ordinarily
give a free Thanksgiving dinner, but we
did not arrive here in Omaha in time for
the free dinner this year, so v.e concluded
to wait and make ours a New Year's offer
ing to the poor and unfortunate. Aside
from this free dinner offering, we have
made during tha week a big distribution of
Absence of Attorney C'aoaea Delay ot
Wondard-Barllnaton Case In
Federal Conrt.
The hearing in the matter of the In
junction of the J. K. Woodaid & Co., cc.U
company against the Chicago, Burlington
& Qulncy Railroad company, to r. strain
the latter company from appropriating the
coal of the plaintiffs entrusted to the rail
road company for shipment, came up fjr
hearing Saturday morning before Judgo
Hunger In the United States circuit court
and has been continued over until Monday
morning. The postponement is owing t the
unavoidable absence of the principal at
torney for the coal company, who expected
to reach Omaha Saturday morning from
Chicago, but missed his train. C. J. Greene
and James E. Kelby. attorneys for the
railroad company, were present in court
and were Insistent that the hearing should
go on. But Judge Munger thought other
wise and decided to continue the case until
the first thing Monday morning. The rea
sons for the urgency of the railroad com
pany were alleged to be that the con
tinuance of the restraining, order until the
case could be heard on its merits on the
application for a temporary Injunction on
January 17, was working a hardship on
the railroad company.
Judge Munger remarked: "I cannot 8:8
that any serious hardship will result to
anybody by letting the matter go over
until Monday. Missing a train Is a cir
cumstance that Is liable to happen to any
one and In Justice to the attorney for tha
plaintiffs the case will be heard the first
thing Monday."
Real Estate and Abstract Man Decldea
to Become n Preabyterlan
The Kerr-Shallcross company, real es
tate and abstracts; has dissolved, William
J. Shallcross having withdrawn from tho
partnership. The business will be incor
porated and continued under the name of
J. Fred Kerr. ' i
! Mr. Shallcross is planning to enter the
ministry and has consulted the faculty of
the Omaha Theological seminary about
taking a course of instruction In that in
stitution. Mr. Shallcross took his academic
course at Bellevue college eome years ago
with a view to entering a theological school
afterward. He was a constant attendant
at the Torrey meetings recently.
Carelessness at Omaha Printing Cora,
pany Doea Much Damage
to Stock.
Through the carelessness of some one
the water waa left running at the Omaha
Printing company plant Friday night, and
when tha employe arrived Saturday morn
ing they found the entire place flooded.
The water had started at the top floor and
had flooded every floor all the way down,
seeping through the celling. The damage
Is estimated at between $2,000 and $3,000.
In Line with (be fure Food Lai.
Tha National Food and Drug act which
takea effect January 1, 107. doea not af
fect Chamberlain' a Cough Remedy In any
manner. No apeclal label are required oa
thla remedy under that Act. aa it 1 free
from oplatea and narcotics of every char
acter, making it a safe remedy for mother
U uaa with their children. Thla remedy
ha bean in use for ao many years, and
lta good qualltlaa ar ae wall known, that
no en need hesitate to uaa It when
troubled with a oougb or cold.
Announcement, wedding stationery and
calling oarda, blank book and magaxlna
binding. 'Phone Doug. 1604. A. I. Root, Ino,
Have Root print it.
Dr. L. A. Merrlam will addrese the
Omaha Philosophical society Sunday, De
cember 30, on "The Unity of Nature." The
meeting will open at t o'clock p. m. at
room 3. third floor Patterson block, 17th
and Farnam.
Bee Want Ad produce result.
Tou can be aura of tha
beat prescription service
here. The purest druga and
chemtcala enter into tha
composition of all recipes
and our system la aui h that
mistakea are Impossible.
When ypu have preacrlp
' tloua to b put up remem
ber these advantagea, for
they mean advantagaa to
your health, time and
Tho Beaton
Drug Co.
Patron ef Omaha Jobbery Ar U Hit
Pririleee of Meetinc.
Local Wholesalers Will Send Oal
notices In Few Days to
Their Cnstomera of
Retailers In the territory tributary to
Omaha In a trade way will be officially
Informed In a few daye by the Omnha
Jobbers' and Manufacturers' association
that the merchants' meetings In Omaha
are to be held next spring as usunl. tp tT
a few days ago the jnerchants all over the
country were fearful that the Jobbera In
various trade centers would no longer find
It possible to hold the meetings on account
of an Interpretation placed by the rall
roada on a ruling of the Interstate Com
merce commission.
The railroads proposed not to grant any
rates until 100 certificates had been vali
dated. This would have killed the meet
ings at all Jobbing points, as tha early
comers cannot be made to wait until 100
retailers arrive at market.
Recently the railroads secured a favor
able Opinion from one of the members of
the commission and announced that the
meetings could be held, under the guaranty
of the Jobbers' associations that the at
tendance would reach 100. The local or
ganization Jumped at the chance and the
merchants will have their reduced rates.
Dates for First Meeting:.
The dates for the first meeting will be
January 19-27, returning January 21 to Feb
ruary 6; dates for second meeting Feb
ruary 2-10, returning February 4-20; for
third meeting, February 16-24. returning
February 18 to March 6; for fourth meeting,
March 2-10, returning March 4-20.
A rate of one? anil one-fifth fare for the
round trip will be granted from all points
in the territory of the Western Passenger
The Invitations sent out call attention to
the growth of Omaha as a Jobbing center,
the building of new wholesale housea and
the accompanying enlargement of stocks
from which to select, also the fact that
thirteen lines of railroad running; out of
the city give assurance of prompt delivery.
These meetings will have no effect on
the agreement of the Jobbers to. refund
fares between January 15 and April 1. Dur
ing this period fores will be refunded In
all cases where they are equalled by t per
cent of the purchases made by the visiting
retailer. The advantage to the merchant
In coming on the dates of the meetings
when reduced rates prevail, Is that he will
liLve to buy a leas amount of goods to get
his fare back.
Smart Shoes
Young men who like swell shoes
can find the season's best at
The new toes, slightly narrow,
are the proper thing.
We have them In several styles.
Some are button some lace and
some blucher cut.
Patent Colt and Calf.
We want young men to call for
a look at them.
$3.50 will buy a pair.
All sizes all widths.
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam St.
Third Floor Paxton Blk.
Hijheit Grade Dentistry.
Konsonnblo Fricos,
The woman who goes shop
ping or stands a great deal,
should have a pair of - these
comfortable, sensible and
sturdy boots.
They are made along easy
lines, full of style and grace,
of "choice, flexible but strong
leather, medium iheels and
with the idea of supporting
the foot and making walk
ing a pleasure.
At this season of the year
every woman should have a
pair of our Gun Metal Calf
Street Boots
$3.50, $4 or $5
twm iiom,
and Douglas Streets
aiaMij iisui naiMS Kwmm,mmmrmc
Oma-haL's Pure
Excellence ii New Year's Cakes
Such as Is found In those made at Courtney's, comes from the care exer
cised in selecting the ingredients. Only flour pf the highest grade, the choicest
butter, the freshest eggs, the purest flavoring, and the best of all lngredk-nts
arc used. These feature, combined with the highest skill and ripe experience
in mixing and baking, have given our cakes, pies, pastry, etc., a reputation
that is to be envied.
Mlnee Pies, each XOo
Oolden Pumpkin Pies, each lBo
Three-layer Cakes, all flavors, ea.30o
P.tty Pel!, per doz 40o
Olazed Squares, per doz lOo
Cream Puffs, with whipped croam,
per dozen . 30o
Chocolate Eclair, par do ". .BOo
Start the new year right by using the right klnda of wlnea and llquora.
With us purity and best quality means "right" and we guarnntee our goods
to be that In every sense of the word, and while all good wines, liquors,
cord.als must vary according to vintage an l hk they should tie pure and free
from adulterations, under all conditions, which Is what we claim. We desire
the public to know that we are neither blenders, compounder or rectifiers,
also that we use the utmost care to purchase our goods from tho mst relia
ble bouses In America and Europe, and Just as we get them, they pass Into
the hands of our customers. No spurious imitations or Impure llquprs offered
for sale.
We offer you the leading brands of
Imported Champagnes, per bot.S2.83
Bed and White Wines from Califor
nia, per bottle, up fnpm 3 So
Clarets from France, per bottle. 75o
Rhine and Moselle Wlnos from Ger
many, per bottle 7oo
Sherries, from California, per bot
tle BOo
Imported Spanish Sherries, per bot
tle 1.00
8 Cognac Brandy, per not
tle 91.33
Purest of old Whiskies, per bpt
76c, $1.00 S1.23
Maryland Rye, (full quarts) per bot
tle 91.00
After dining, a cordial or "Liqueur"
If you like. Is considered by some
Just the thing "for the finish" of a
meat. We have them all. Any kind
you like, imported from France, up
from 76a
Our line fit Imported and Havana
Cigara Include tho following high
grade brands at New York prices:
Lieutenants, 16c, or $6.60 box of 60
Captains. . .20c, or $7.00 per box of 60
Adjutants. .20c, or $4.25 per box of 25
Majors.. 26c, or $5.60 per Nix of 25
Colonels, 35c, 3 for $1 $7.00 box 25
GoneraJs. .60o, or $10.25 box of 25
ourlney & 2o.
3 Separate
raa as a aar av a.
THli ijimnjirs i iljl .asm iiniiiiajiieanMsapjssfrnassaaas
fj,at m.m w.m..r ii.rinm.iAi 'S-i, l,.,f--.- 7nT ,.!,. in J.n wi ,i 1 ....... y7S
Tt ' -u tr hum liaa- --"-nw iHMitnndfSi.iaai a-i-s iift-iiiimri rnn it h
i mi aTiii'si'lilM'iriil'ii" ii T!TraTTTin'iirar'l vVaaiia'y
1506 FARNAM, OMAHA 'Phono Douglaa 175
Try the new roofless ktg'lyi'y'lv Teeth extracted wtth
plate, made to craok ififivlv out pin 6 different
nuts with. yff?W V. We give gaa
r M run a. ( MT1??! nd Yfrn. aleo VI-
Gola Fllllugi tlaf Jjf fyVYY Hllzed air.
lUflof 1 r Wait GaaraateH II yean.
Your year's
at one-half price
Our readers say It is tbs bast fo tha farmer and rteok rrowas- beoaa
It la issued Weekly (52 time a year) Its Feeds and Faedlnr Depart
ment Is the best Its Dairy and Creamery, Poultry, Live Btpok, Veteri
nary and Farm Toplca Department cannot be excelled Ita Department
for the Women and Children are most Interesting and entertaining?
it has more and better Illustrations, and more and txrtter special arti
das by practical writers than other similar publications.
W Kara AO0 aattsflaa aubaexlbera saw and we waa Ttu to-raaa
v Special 1-3 rat
Th. f.ntliitli Rmturv Farmer
Our Country
Poultry Oaaette
And your choice of any one fit tha
Gleanlmra In Bee Culture
Klmbalra Dairy Farmer
Western Swine Breeder
Apple Specialist
Special 1-fl rat
The Twentieth Century Parmer
Breedera Oasette
Home MaKaaine .x
Poultry Uaaette
Special V-a rat
The Twentieth Century Farmer . .
McClarea Ma-atae
World'a Work
Olranlnga in Bee Cult a re
Poultry Gaxette
The offer rood tCl January 81, 107.
Each publication Included In these ofltera ar reliable, clean. Interesting and
the beet In their partloular line.
Tou cannot obtain so much reading at ao low a coat fnpm any ether aeurce.
Den't miss thla opportunity. Send in your erdar today.
(If you don't find what you want here, send in your list and let us quote
you our special olubblnc raiea. We caa save you from 1 to 60 per cent on
every publication Issued Address
TIB TWSsTTJXTK CSMTUST rAJKarOBS, 1708 funaa St, Omaha, Hab
V. IU !Uc UercaiO- Cigar
Food Center k
Jelly Titrta, per down . ............. ... .too
Napoleon Bars, per dox ..... . 30o
Almond Macaroons, per lb 40a
Imperial MactLroona, per lb. ...... .40o
Kisses, per lb..- 40o
t.'ocoauut Sticks, very fine, per lb.40o
Butter Wafera, per lb 400
Conchas 16c. or $5.25 box of 60
Puritanas Flnas, 30c, or JS 25 box bO
Panatellaa. . 1 5e, or $12. na box of 100
Habaneros, 20c, or $3.76 box of 25
Perfectos Selection. 25c, or $5 box 20
Bock Y. Co., per 10 J1T60
Bock's Envoy, per 60 $5.50
La Carolina Perfer-tos, box 26.. $6.00
Clear Havana Cigar
Baronets 6c, or $2.26 box of 60
Club House.. 2 for 25c, or ,"j.0 box 50
Conchas Kspeclales, i for 25c, or $4.50
box fit 60. '
Puritanos Finos, 10c, $4.50 box of 60
Panatellaa, 15c, $12.00 box of 100
This list consists of only a few of
our leading imported and Havana
cigars. Get our prices before pur
chasing. Htmtlay'a and Palmar
Kngllah Biscuits, In beautifully decor
ated tins, while they last at the fol
lowing low prices:
Lare Box, each S5o
Mahogany Box, each 60o
Filler Box, each BOo
"Marquetry" Swiss . . . .603
"Marquetry" Cinderella 60
"Marquetry" Reception 60c
"Marquetry" Monarch 60c
Plates 76c
"Syrian" Society 91-39
Work Pnsket, small S5o
Work Basket, large 91.83
Entrances, 3
rAn4I IB Y..r Sam.
j raaVWIIllOl Location
reading B
combination "
11.00 V
Publisher CO
Pric...... "
.. $1.13
oomblaatloa "1
combination On
' n0 I
$100 V
00 (
$1 00
Publishers' at-T
Price.. -
Co.. Manufacturers, bt. Louis
Soec'a Clothina
a -
. Question
the Best
Our Pre-lnven'ory Clothing Clearance
offers opportunities exceptionally groat. You may find cloth
ing just as low in price or even lower, but quality is what counts.
A shoddy or poorly made garment is not cheap at any price,
Uecoiniizinc this to be true we offer onlv dependable goods at
prices which you'll admit on
where for like quality.
v. ,J
$ ,
I Special 0
Great Bargain Room t
V 1
Wednesday, Jan. 2d, 1907
Most remarkable bargain opportunities ever
offered. Watch daily papers for particulars.
For New Years' Dinner-
"Wholesome juicy meats the best of fresh dressed poultry ia
always assured if you buy at HAYDEN'S.
Start the New Year Right.
by securing your meats and poultry at Omaha's Greatest Money
Saving Meat Department. Thousands of fresh dressed Geese,
Chickens and Turkeys on hand Monday, Dec. 31st.
Always highest quality always lowest price.
A fare and one-third for the round trip
to many points on the Union Pacific and
its connecting lines, has been placed in
effect by the
Tickets on sale' Dec. 30, 31, 190G, and Jan.
1, 1907. '
lliWi'l.lan'eTrrV Wa.llilaTUaa
Bee Want Ads
Baraain Monday .
Prices Undis
putably the
investigation are lower than elsey
In accordance with our cus
tom we will cut prices deeply on
all regular lines in order to great
ly reduce our stock before inven
tory. Now is your opportunity
to select from a complete stock
at great saving priees.
Men's Suits-worth $12.50 to
$18, in fine worsteds, cheviots,
cassimeres, etc., "750
sale price
Men's Overcoats "Worth regu
larly from $12.50 to $18, long or
medium lengths, in loose or the
new semi-fitting styles, perfect
ly tailored, erreat variety of
- ' t' '
materials and col- 750
ors special
Bovs' School Overcoats, worth
un to $7.50 150
Children's Overcoats in sizes
2V to 8 vears, values up to $4,
at "$1.95, $2.50, $2.95.
- -a
Produce Resells