Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Wonderful Bargain Opportunities J;, Great Semi-Annual Inventory Sale
Silk Mufflers
A large fthipment of La
dies Fancy Silk Mufflers
just received, too late for
Christmas trade, -will bo
closed at most attactive low
prices. Undoubtedly the
greatest opportunity of the
season. Prices
Tailor Suits
Over 200 garments in ther
lot, all styles and colors,
garments in this lot worth
regularly up to $20.00
to close Saturday at
See 16th street window
Getting Ready For Inventory
"All Ladies' Fur Trimmed Juliets, $1.50 and $2 kind.$1.00
All Ladies' Felt Opera Slippers, blue, black .and green
$1.25 kinds, at ..75?
All Ladies' Vici Kid and Calf Fleece Lined Slippers, $1.25
kinds, at Sof
All Ladies' 7-button Overgaiters, 25c kind, at 15t
A complete line of Men's Warm Shoes at lower prices
than any one, to clean up.
Fancy Goods at Half
Comb and Brush Sets, only a few left from the holidays,
will be closed out at-Half Price:
f" Hose Supporters, worth OCs
.Z JC 60c, at ( aCJC
f ft,, Mirrors, regular 60c
1 lC values, at. . DC
PYItOGRAPHY -The largest stock shown In Omaha, and we will
sare you money on every purchase. Get our prices before buying.
See the stock displayed on Main and Third Floors.
Hair Brushes, regular
60c values, at
Hose Supporters, worth
26c, at.
Ladies' and Children's Furnishings
Specialty Priced For Quick Clearance
Ladles' Outing Flannel Gowns
Splendid quality, extra special
value at 98t
Children's 60c Outing Flannel
Oowns; sale price 25
Ladles' All Wool Union Suits
at S1.50
Ladles' Golf Gloves and Mittens
All wool and worth up to 60c;
clearing prices, 25c and. . ..15
Ladles' Heavy Fleece Lined Union
Suits at 98c, 76o and....50
Ladles' Vests and Pants Heavy
fleece lined, 60c, 39c and.. 254
Ladies' Kid Gloves Several new lines in 8, 12 and 16-but-
ton lengths, all new shades, at, pair. .$1.50 up to $3.50
Fine Kid Gloves, in Mocha or Glace, all the newest shades
and stitchings, at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00
Expert fitters always in attendance at our busy Glove
h Day
m i
of the Great half Price Cloak Sale
Friday, the third day, was a phenomenal success. Crowds cf enthusiastic
buyers thronged the department, and' only words of praise for the magnificent
bargains were heard on every hand.
110 new salespeople engaged for Saturday, thus iusuring your being quickly
and properly waited upon. Better Bargains than ever before offered.
1,000 Women's Coats, 1,000 Children's Coats added to the already tremendous
forward stock for Saturday selling.
Your choice of 700 stylish Coats, in plain blacks and greys, plaids coverts and
fancy mixed materials, garments worth up to $15.00 world-beating bar
gains at $.00
Your choice of 400 Handsome Broadcloth Coats, in black or colors, satin lined
also coats in fine kerseys and fancy mixed materials, in very newest
Btyles-$15.00 and $18.00'Values-sale price " $7.50
COATS AT $10.00 The greatest lot of fine kersey and broadcloth coats
ever shown at the price, lxtose, semi ana tight lining styles, in
blacks, blues, brown, reds, castor and fanciest, garments in the lot worth
$22.50-sale price 1 ; .$10.00
COATS AT $12.50 The very cream of the cloak market, not a gar
ment in the lot worth less than $25.00. All fine, imported mate
rials, Skinner satin lined throughout. Come in colors and black.
Truly unmatchablc bargains, at, choice $12.50
After purchasing, if not perfectly satisfied,
will gladly refund your money.
LESS Children's Coats, in plain bearskin and
many other fabrics, worth $4, choice. .$1.75
Children' Coats In curly bearskin and many
other fabics, worth $5.00, choice. ..... .$2.50
All Infants' and Children's Coats that sold at $0
and $7, in this sale $2.95
All Children's Coats that sold at $10 and $12, in
this sale -$4.9
At $3.95 Over 700 handsome skirts, in fine
Tanamas, cheviots and broadcloths, all newest
styles and worth up to $8, choice Saturday
at $3.95
$10.00 French Voile Skirts, trimmed with pleats
and folds, remarkable bargains, at ....$6.95
Women's $1.50 Black Sateen and Fancy Waists
at 39t
Women's $1.50 Sateen Underskirts, Saturday
at 69
Women's $5.00 Eiderdown Bath Robes. .$2.50
Women's $4 Beaver Shawls, Saturday . .$1.25
FREE, FREE A Silk underskirt free to
every purchase of one of our $8.90 Voile or Plaid
Skirts Saturday.
Great Pre Inventory Grocery Sale
Carried Goods, Farlnacious
21 pounds bent Granulated Sugar for $1.00
8 lbs. best lliind Picked Nay Beans.. 25c
8 lbs. Best Rolled Oatmeftt 2?c
10 bars best Brands Laundry Soap.... toe
Regular 12V4c jars I'ure Fruit res,rJe"-
Regular 12tt'c' bottles Worcester Baucn,
this sale '
Regular 10c cans Breakfast Coooa,
this sale 'c
Regular 26c bottles Large Queen Olives.
this saio , v " i.
Regular 6c cans Potted Moats, this
Bai zVic
Regular' 6c cans Oil or Mustard Sar
dines, this sale 80
Regular 10c pkg. Bromangelon, Jelly
con or Jello, this sale W'.:,'c
Regular 7 tic pkg. Corn Starch, this
gale 4C
Regular 60c pkg. Bull Durham Smok
ing Tobacco, this sale c
Goods, Bottle Goods, Dried Fruits, etc., etc. All Broken Stocks
to be Closed Out Before January 1st
Regular 12 He cans Gulden Table Syrup,
this sale '9c
Regular 10c cans Fancy Wax, String
or Lima Beans, this sale 7 He
Regular 10c cans Assorted Soups, this
sale :...7Vc
Regular 6p pkg. Uneeda Biscuits, this
ale Siic
Fancy Santos Coffee, per pound lac
Fancy Marlcaho Blend Coffee, per lb.l7'6c
Fancy Porto Rico Blend Coffee, lb 20o
Fancy Ankola Java and Mocha Coffee.
per pound 3c
Fancy O. O. Mpcha and Java Coffee,
per pound ' -8c
The verv finest Arabian Mocha nnd
Mandehllng Java, an elegant drink,
8 pounds for ....1.00
(single pound 35c
Fancy Sundrled Japan Tea, pound ....25o
Fancy B. F. Japan Tea, pound 25c
Funcy Oolong, Gunpowder, Ceylon or
English Breakfast Tea, pound ....83 l-3o
Fancy Tea felftlngs, from finest teas, pound UHo
The best fancy New Mixed Nuts, per
pound 16c
Fancy Highland Navel Oranges, per
nizen 15c
I.urge Grape Fruit, each 7 He
New Halloween Dates, per pound . . . . 7 c
Fancy 7 Crown Imported Figs, lb.... 16c
2 heads Fresh Lettuce 6c
Large head Fresh Cabbage, each 6o
Turnips, Onions, Beets, Carrots cr
Rutabagas, per ppund lo
Fresh Roasted Peanuts, quart 6a
$5 and $6 Trimmed
Hals Satur- t f
day at 4
A millinery clearance that
means great saving to our
customers, stylish models,
beautifully trimmed, to
close in one day, f(
at, choice. .1 1 11
Many other splendid bar
gains shown in this dept.
Clearing Sale of 1
r w w
We will close out every
yard of Fancy Holiday Kib
bons. Sale beginning Satur
day morning nnd continu
ing till every yard is dis
posed of:
20c Fancy Holiday
30c Fancy Holiday
35c Fancy Holiday
Ribbons ,
60c Fancy Holiday
Ribbons ,
75c Fancy Holiday
$1.00 Fancy Holiday
Holiday 25C
Clearance Sale of Men's Furnishings
The tremendous Christinas trade has left us with numer
ous broken lines in our men's furnishing department. These
wc must close out before inventory, hence these splendid
bargain offeings:
Men High tirade Neckwear In newest patterns and best 97.
materials, worth regularly up to $1.00: now 50c and aC
Men's Mufflers In Reefer, square or Oxford styles, that sold C)r
up to $2.50; special clearing prices, $1.25, $1.00 and JUQ
Men's Fancy Silk Suspenders That sold up to $1.50 In
three lots Saturday, at 75c, 50c and aaV
Men's Gloves and Mittens Greatest assortment tn the city silk
lined, fur lined or unllned, at $2.60, $2.00, $1.50 J QQ
Men's and Boys' Heavy Golf Gloves all colors
at 50c and
Men's iFine Wool Underwear that sold up to $3.00 per gar
ment, broken lots; sale price, per garment
Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear, worth up to $1.00 a gar
ment In two lots; Saturday at 45c and
Men's Fine Wool Hose Plain and fancy colors
at 25c and
Git K AT SHIUT CLKAKANCK Men's Fine Madras Shirts, all well
known brands. A general clean-up of our high grade shirt stock.
Newest styles and patterns, values up to $1.50; greatest snap XQf
ever offered at 50c and J7C
Best Meats at Lowest Prices
Quality to suit the most particular at prices that please
the most economical. That we're guilty of these two charges
is the verdict of our customers. Let us prove ourselves
guilty to you.
Chickens, per, lb 10VaC
Turkeys, per lb Yiy2o
Geese, per lb HV20
Pot Roast, lb 5c, 6c, 7c
Leaf Lard, 10 lbs for. $1.00
Kib Boiling Beef, 8 lbs. 25c
Veal Stew, G lbs 25o
Veal Roast, per lb 7c
Cudahy's extra quality
Skinned Hams, lb... 130
Pork Loins, per lb 10c
Bacon, per lb
Eiz Dollan a Day for Election Judzei and
Clerks in Omaha.
Proposition to Let Feeding of Prison
ra by Contract or Hare the
Prorlstons Supplied on
' Requisition.
14 V. MaaMnir nt tha PAUtltV Official
anil the legislative delegation yesterday!
afternoon It wa decided to ask' for an
amendment to the election law fixing the
pay of clerks and Judges of election In
Douglas county at 16 for the election and
!n the city of Omaha to pro rate this
equally among the city, school district and
county when all throe hold elections.
It was practically agreed to uvor a law
fixing a definite salary for' the sheriff and
permitting the county board either to let
the feeding of prisoners at the county Jail
by contract or to furnish the provision's bj
County Attorney Slabaugh was directed
to draw up an amendment covering the
change In the election law and a com
mittee consisting of the county attorney.
Commissioners I're and Kennard, was ap
pointed to confer with Sheriff McDonald
and agree on the terms of the bill. Mr.
Ure said the sheriff had told him he would
be satisfied to have the salary fixed at
l&.Ouo a year and allow the county to let
the feeding by contract.
County Attorney Slabaugh read amend
ments already passed on by previous
meetings and which hetiad drawn up in
form to go to the legislature. They cov
ered the following subjects:
Allowing' the register of deeds In Doug
las county to pay his deputies $1,500 a year
and cop: lsts $S0 a month.
Providing for a coroner's physician In
Douglas county to perform post mortem
examinations and to receive 1900 a year.
Making the fee for autopsies from $10
to $00.
Provtdlng that commercial schools and
schools run for private gain shall not be
xempt from taxation.
Giving the state the same number of per
emptory challenges In criminal cases as
are allowed to the defendant.
Empowering the county attorney to cal!
and pwear witnesses and punish for con
tempt In refusing to appear and testify.
Allowing permanent roadways under the
Inheritance tax law to be made sixteen
feet wide.
Fixing the marriage fee to be charged by
the county Judge at $S and providing they
shall be reported to the county.
If You Car.e nt all for Beauty
If you want your skin soft. cler and velvety if you want it
to look aa fresh as a baby' and feci as fresh' as it looks
let me prove to you, free, what Koemeo will do.
aitnnljr wk roar dealer tor a Ire tiniple box, but ak Mm at one It you
plMM ffir f,Hi tiirirM.
lo't mm Ilia orportunttr I an oftrtn too. Ia me irWe you ahsnltitely
fr4 tills wtruple tf tuj Kmiium anil mr Koemen hinkl't. 1 wont lo Imprwaa oo
you thai KutUMO U alflertnt (rum aa; reiantUou jou Lara aver uaod.
Kosmeo Requires no Massage
Pot oo yndr fat, nark, rhnuldera anil banda anrae of tha Kuameo thM I
fire jnn U4 It au; a few tuoiuenia wii It utf -thai' alt.
Kihhuao naoda do axbauaiiuM muaagr. It vonutua do mineral oils or
anlouU fata fci nik tha hair r..w on llie tnc. It Uuks not nil or aaUrge the
a porsa. Jlusumo la uuliatt any other preiurattoa that la made.
Kosmeo Feeds the Skin Tissue
and makaa tti skin Brm, plump, soft and velrrtr- It aae la But a taak, but a
omtirtit. Ita reward la a.4 a diunt pnvaiiao. I'ut U fflt atom-.
You tmt tha nn-uUUua im.liiu srutir Into tle tiny di.uard blood TaaaeU
thai ruaka "euuinlviliia"-jou Iwl the iira out the oil ami dirt.
A Cisan. Uallctotis Frcahnras rooioa to the kln Umt was bard and dry,
freckled, aaliow and rliapiwd. If you ai'i'lr K.iu olo out ol doors
thaaua will not tan your akin burn or Uiater It, or bnu out Irsckjea; Kuauuo
luakea the skin sun sad wind-proof.
keemee It said by all blga-grade 4rutK A" "' slMa(ar BOc.
If your drufiinat does d.4 sell aosmeo. aend nie bta name and Si) eta., and I
wltl aend you a lur of knenieo. and the Koaiueo book which talis how to ue U,
poaU-aid. bw aura to aend your druna-ut's naius.
Gcrvalse Graham, 1301 Michigan Ave., Chicago.
Snrprlaed mt Work by W. H. Crnry
nnd Marched Into the Ami
of a Policeman.
Caught In the very act of attempting
a housebreaking, John Turner, a negro,
was surprised by W. K. Crary, IK2 Spencer
street, and marched Into the hands of the
police at the point of a revolver, Thursday
evening. The negro has been bound over
for burglary awaiting trial In the city Jail.
Crary was returning home shortly after
9 o'clock and went around to the rear of
his house to- enter by tha back door. As
he did so he came upon the negro at work
at a window, and before the fellow could
take alarm or was aware of his presence
Crary had him covered with a revolver.
Turner readily obeyed his captor's order
to go ahead, and Crary marched him to
tha Bishop pharmacy, 2816 Bhermaji ave
nue, whero Patrolman L. A. Smith was
encountered. The officer then took charge
of the prisoner and sent him to Jail. A'hcn
questioned at the station Turner said he
had been In Omaha but four days, having
come here from Lavenworth, Kan. An
Omaha pawn ticket dated December 24
was the only artUie of value found on his
person and two pocketknlves were his only
An examination of the window where
the negro was found at work showed that
he was working with a view to opening it
during the night. A number of holes had
been bored In it. but he evidently' suc
ceeded In throwing away the tool, as li
could not be found. Crary is a real eelate
dealer and lives with his family at the
number stated.
Friday morning Turner confessed to Chief
of Detectives Savage .that he had robbed
a house at Hamburg, la., obtaining a gold
watch and $-0, and tha watch was found In
an Omaha pawn shop Friday morning by
Detective Donuhoe. He also confessed to
having served threa terms In the peniten
tiary at Leavenworth, Kan., aggregating
nine years, for burglary.
A complain was filed In police court Fri
day morning by Mr. Crary, and after a
preliminary examination Turner was beund
over on tha charge of burglary for trial
In the district court under bond of $5oO.
The polico are highly elated over the cap
ture of Turner and were load In their praise
of Mr. Crary for his capture. It was a
peculiar coincidence that Thursday night
was the first night for several months that
Mr. Crary had carried hla revolver.
:u8ineia Man Show Their A pprociatioi oi
KnichU of Ak-Sar-Ben.
Annual Meeting; of the Organisation
at Borwood Theater Thnrsday
Mght la st Moat Enthu
siastic Affair.
Balance on hand, 1905.9 796.61
l.oaa membsrs at 910.. 10,450.00
Tangier tampla 400.39
Ball admission 701.00
I atads subscriptions. . . 9,314 98
Carnival coacesalona,
admission tt bootha , 81,956 34
Souvenir book 926 67
Total receipts ...S44.546.13
Initiation S18 091.05
Parades 16,140.10
Carnival ' 13,345.96
Advertising 4,037.33
Total disbursements 944,534.44
Personally Conduct Tesr of
Old Mexico.
A special party for a thirty-day tour of
Old Mexico, embracing practically all the
Important cities and principal points of lr
terest. will leave Omaha January. ii.
Rate covering transportation, berth and
meals only jmOO.
For further Information call or adJreae
Bock Island City Ticket OfPce, 1SJS Far-
aara et. ,
If you have anything to trade aJvertlse
it in the For Kxchange column of The
13 ee Want Ad page.
Balance on hand 9 11.61
S. B. Puller. K. J. Ponfold.
John O. BreaeL Robert Cowell.
i. O. Colt. J B. Hayden.
A D. Beaton. A. B. Cook.
W. B. Wright. J. C. Boot.
Charles Harding'. David Cole.
Samann la Here to Stay.
A Jubilee and revival rolled Into one was
the annual meeting of the Knights of Ak-Bar-Ben
held Thursday evening at the Bur
wood theater. Several hundred of the
faithful subjects of King Samson gathered,
filling the entire lower floor of the buld
lug. President Wattles presided and with
him on the stage were members of the
Board of Governors and others. Mr. Wat
ties sounded the note of revival in his an
nual address.
"A great religious revival was held re
cently In this city," he said, "and the key
note of the revival was, 'Get right with
Ood.' It I might suggest such a motto to
the assembled business men of Omaha, I
would say, 'Square yourselves with your
fellow cltlsens.' Subscriptions received
from the business men for the celebration
In 1907 aggregate to date $S.4O0. This Is
about enough to pay for one of the parades
which we place on the street. But It la
enough to cause the Board of Governors to
decide that the Ak-Sar-Ben must continue.
that we cannot afford to give up this In
stitution which has built up the business
of Omaha and made tt the market place for
the people of the state. Hitherto It has
been necessary for the members of the
Board of Governors to sign notes and be
come personally responsible for the great
expenxe connected with this greatest of
Omaha's institutions. This year the board
will go JuBt so far as the citizens and
business men warrant their going."
After Mr. Wattles' address It was re
ported that a number of business houses
bad doubled their subscriptions and that
all the bunks of the city had taken this
Sobecripffona Poor In.
"Are there other sinners ready to take
such action?" asked Mr. Wattles, and all
over the house men rose In rapid succes
sion, doubling and trebling tha subscrip
tions of themselves or their firms. The
limited time made it necessary to cut this
part of the meeting short, but the secre
tary will receive auch Increased subscrip
tions by mall at any time. The action of
the meeting last night waa an Indication
that the efforts of Mr. Wavtles and the
other members of the Board of Governors
to awaken the people to the needs of the
Ak-Sar-Ben have been most successful and
that the parades for 1907 will bo more mag
nificent than ever before In the history of
King Samson's reign.
Secretary Penfold read his report, show
ing that $11.69 remains In the royal treas
ury after all bills are paid. He also made
a short speech showing the prosperity that
Omaha owes directly to the goodfellow
ship engendered by the meetings of the
knights and to the advertising which the
Institution gives the city.
Three new members wjll be elected to
the Board of Governors at the annual
meeting of that body ear'y in January.
Nominations for these places were made
Thursday night as given above.
The business meeting adjourned at 9
o'clock and the knights wltnesxed the play,
"Madame Sana Gene," by the Burwood
theater cast. .
Captain Webb ia Wsrslug Merchants
Analnat Skillful Counter,
felt Certiorates.
Captain John Webb of the government
secret service department was showing a
new raised $10 silver certificate to the
banks and department stores Thursday and
Friday, to put them on their guard against
the bill, which Is regarded as an extremely
dangerous counterfeit. The bill Is raised
from a 12 silver certificate and is the work
of an expert. It can be readily detected,
however, from the fact that It has The
Indian bead frontispiece Instead of the well
known "buffalo note" front common to all
genuine 10 certificates. On the counter
felt all of the figures and words "two"
have been carefully erased and the figure
10" substituted both on the front and back
of the note.
The filagree work about the "Indian
nead" as appearing on the original 2 note
has been erased by chemicals nnd the
space about the head Is left blank, except
that the bank number adopted In all na
tional bank notes Is printed in red Ink to
take up part of the space to the right of
the head left blank by erasure. The coun
terfeit at first glance looks to be genuine
and very little evidences of alteration are
evident, so carefully has the work of alter
ing the note been done.
dent was engaged In distributing fertilise!
over a field from a wagon. The wagon
went into a ditch and Weber was throwi
out and under the wheels.
Weber was a brother of Mrs. Michael
LJebemann of Beatrice', Neb. The body
was taken in charge of by Coroner
Richard Collins, Who Looks Vpou
Wine When It la Ited,
Loses Star.
Patrolman Richard Collins was sus
pended from the police force Friday morn
ing by order of Chief Donahue after re
ceiving the report of Sergeant Slgwart, who
found Collins at home In bed and asleep
Thursduy night when he should have been
on his beat. It is also charged that the
officer was Intoxicated and he will be tried
Monday evening before the Board of Flro
and Police Commissioners if he does not
resign from the force in the meantime.
Patrolman Collins failed to "turn In" to
the police operator after 6 p. m. Thurs
day, which fact was made known to Cap
tain Dunn. Sergeant Sigwart was sent to
Investigate and said In his report that he
found Collins at home in bed and intoxica
ted. The officer has anything but an enviable
record while on the force, having been up
Fifteen ta the Last Brood of the
Tear Initiated Last
' An Initiation party wss held by Omaha
aerie No. 88, Ftaternal Order of Ragles,
Thursday .night, wings being sprouted on
the members of a class of fifteen deserving
birds. Among the victims were County
Treaaurer R. O. Fink and Police Julge
Crawford. After the close of the secret
work a program of music and speaking,
Interspersed with refreshments, occupied
the time. Visitors were present from the
newborn aerie of Eagles at Florence, and
they were called upon for the good word.
on charges before the commissioners about
-lx months ago on the charge of arresting
two men because they refused to give him
a drink from a can of beer. He was also
badly worsted In a fight Christmas night
near Fourteenth street and the Boulevard
and has been generally traveling a thorny
llomeseekrrs Continue to Come Wer
In Search of Farm Prop
erly to Boy.
Tho demand for land In the west contin
ues unabated. The moHt available land to
day Is that which is being relinquished by
the cattlemen in Iho northwest because the
government has ordered down their fences.
Intensive farming alBo is making room for
an Increased number of agriculturists In
the grain belt and the demand for this
land also is on the Increase. D. Clem Dea
ver of the Burlington took out a largo
party of seekers for homes last week, and
these are, as a rule, well supplied with,
money and able to buy in on some good
farm land. Other roads also have had tho
most prosperous year of their existence In
taking homeseekers west. But railroad men
are fearing that the action of the new pass
legislation may have a deleterious effect on
this work of colonization.
H iaa,. P J4.t-w V?t'tv'r-;f?.
who are about to consult a specialist,
and who have only a little money to
spare, should not throw It away In an
effort to get something for nothing,
lietter make It go aa fir as It will In
getting honest, reliable, skillful and
succeabful treatment.
the announcements in The Bee
Mondays, Thursdays and Sun
days of the
Call and Be Examined Free or Write.
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
permanently Established In Omaha. Nebraska.
Waaoa Overturns and I nfortnnate
Man Falls l ader the
Jacob Weber, aged 55 years, fell under a
load of dirt and was killed late Monday
afternoon on Adolph Kuehle's farm, about
half a mile north of the Benson orphan
age. Weber was employed by Kvel.le, who
la a gardener, and at the time of the aecl-
f y
Weak Men, Frail Men
know the wpnderful building-up power of
n-turvv'H treatment. Hid 32 YKAlttof
experience of treating diseases of men has
taught blm Just what will cure, aim t-ui.
(ii I. k aad permanently at small coat
lleaa or men ran aim -
ftir a price that would correspond with the
nature of the disease.
Treatment by mail.
Office hours all day and to t.iO p. m.
"""can'oVwrVte. Bo T. Office 21 Mouth
Fourteenth street. Omaha, Neb.