Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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r i
I 5
Tel. Douglas 618.
"Watch this 8pac for announcement, and
particulars of OMAIIA'H GREATEST
appear in the New Year's edition, Tuesday,
January 1st, If 07.
"Watch our show windows EVERY DAY
for the great bargains which will be offered
in our January Clearing Sale. '
Wlllfmt; assault to io sreiit bodily Injury
Lloyd Cardwell to S. M. Mellon, uncum-,
rTnier Russill to L. J. Sulllvun. Wallnoc;
InpPFt. ,
Charles B. Holmes to Ernest K. Holmes,
Omaha; perjury.
Jamr 8. Kennedy to John Groen, Lln
coin; oura-lury nnd arand larreny.
Timothy Curr 10 I. J. Traynor, Omaha;
manslaughter. . .
Joseph Jtomhir to B. II. Kelly, Rosebud.
S. O ; manslaughter
Arthur All-n to J. U Jobes, Tecumseh;
John Tayne to B. M. Mellck, Lincoln-,
Guy Nestle to M. O. Wolcott, Norfolk
Junction; burglnry.
Mwaril McKnrliind to P. G. Cooper,
Crawford; rnttle stealing-.
Harry KlKJitrnsjale to M. W. Nightengale,
Omaha; robbery .
Joseph Robinson to A. B. Bowman, U
renee; arson.
William Relnohl to W. T. Wills, Butte;
Richard A. Gould to L. C. Oberlles, Lin
coln; child stealing.
Charli-s Glover to P. A. Burke, South
Omaha; robbery.
Edgar Wnugh to J. R. C. Miller, Denton;
P. C. Richards to J. It. Frcsson, Mllford;
James Hunter to O. E. Williams, Have
lock; robbery.
Lincoln Meyers to J. R. Rothwell, Ver
dell; horse stealing.
Peyton IHnton to Sam Westerfleld. Lln
coin; assault to rape.
HtanllauH J. Oriu-y to Ji'lej A. Sam'.los,
Peters; assault to rape.
Oeorgo Craig to L. V. Sullivan, Wallaces
W. R. Herrlo to QeoiKe Melsncr, Bhelton;
AUert Mcintosh to V.'. H. Mcintosh,
Omit ha; crime anil Inst nature.
Totnl, 40.
Pnrolei Grunted by Governor Mickey,
The full list of paroles granted during the
lust four years, with the nam of the pris
oner, his crime, the daw of the beginning
of his sentence, the dati; he wus released
on parole and the name of the nun to who.n
lie was paroled. Is as follows:
Charles L. Bharp to J R Wilson. Sen
tence beg-u March (i, 1WJ0; three yeurj tur
grand larceny.
Alfred Kiasual to V. H McNamare, April
2. Sentence began May 18, 1891; twenty
years for rap.
Ralph Knnler to father, April 11. Sen
tence beaar Januur) 13, 1902, three yiarj
lor cattle stealing
A K. Norlln to Johr. Hjurklurd, May 6.
Sentence began July 9. 1W1, six years for
emb szlement.
Joseph Itlxley to B. E. Vanamaker. Sep
tember 11. Sentence began April i, 1j2;
two ytais for larceny froi the person.
riyxe Hunt to Joliri E-nst, liveryman.
May J Sentence began May 2t, 1W2; two
yca't for hutse stealing
August Randeiow to 8 M. Mellck, June
11. Sentence began January fl, 1102; two
ye'ri for grand birceny.
Jl n Kuchar to F. W, Bartoe, June 1
Sentence began Mtrch 14, 1902; three years
fur assault to wound.
Harry Nightengale to father. July 6. Sen
tence began June XS, 19W; ten years for rob
bery. Chris Pope to E Bnilth. July 24. Sentence
began April 19, 1901; two years for cattle
stealing. .
Kit McGregor to S. M. Mellck. August iS.
Sentence began May 190.'; two years for
home stealing.
Jasper PHce. colored, to W. H. Ratts.
S'-iilemher 1H. Sentence began May 18, 18.:
elKlit years for robbery.
William Nation to S M. Mellck, Septem
ber 30. Escaped and returned to prison
January 24, l'.iot. Sentence began November
28, 1900: four years for burglary and larceny.
Vlncer". 0 Connelly to William Connelly.
October 2. Sentence began May 27, 19j2; two
years for assault to kill.
James IVggs. colored, to 8. M Mellck. Oc
tober la. Voluntarily returned to prison and
on December 2 paroled to James C. Dhl
man Parole revoked January 18, lm. Me
llck paid Ilggs 110 a month ami Din'man
paid him 3U a month. llggs sentence be
gan January 29. 1901; four years for forgery.
George L. Dow to Chris Rocke, November
12. Sentence began December 8, 1900; five
years for forgery.
Peter Carroll to 8. M. Mellck, December
4. Sentence began July 19, 1902; three
k Deep Cut
J i
lit "t l.r.:'T i?
And cores of other leading makes to select from. We have con
cluded, prior to taking inventory, to sell 100 new and all the used
instruments taken In exchange during the holidays for new STKINi
WAV and STKtiKK & KONS planoa at cost.
Latest styles, the kind sold elsewhere for $225, $275, $350 and $400,
are now offered at
$148. $172. $215. $225
Boston Upright, ebony
Small Chlckerlnf? Up
right, rosewood case
Used square pianos
Including Stelnway, Chlckerlng, Knabe, Emerson and others, $25,
$40, $50 and up. '
Including Mason & Hamlin, Kimball, Farrand & Votey, Storey
Clark and others, $S. $12,422 and up.
Will bring a fine piano to your home. We ship everywhere and
guarantee (satisfaction or money refunded. Write today for free il
lustrated catalogue and bargain list. We rent, tune, move and repair
pianos. Lowest prices. .
Schmoller .(Si Mueller
Piano Company
Manufacturers of High Grade Pianos. Estab.
1311 and 1313 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1625.
Bee, December 2 8, 190C.
I year for burglary. Relumed April 28,
194, for cause.
I-.veret Buchanan to mother, November l.
Sentence began April 30, 19U1; nine years for
assault to rape.
Joseph Keller to Charles Raymond, De
cember 5. Sentence began November 12,
1902; two years for horse stealing.
Charles Boyd to A. L. 8ulllvan, Decem
ber 11. Sentence began June 16, 1901; live
years for burglary.
George Wiegrefe to A. Jaco, December 15.
Sentence began November 11, 192; two
years for cattle stealing.
George Craig to Charles Schauber, De
cember 19. Revoked March 1, 19-J6. Sen
tence began January 24, 1899; fifteen years
for rHpe.
George W. Snurr to 8. M. Mellck. Jan
uary h. Sentence began April 6, 1901; five
years for horse stealing.
Ella Tolls (colored) to F. G. Crnndall,
January 29. Sentence began December 13,
IW'i: three years for assault to do great
bodily injury.
Mack Spahn to O. S. Christian, February
2: escaped parole June 2K: requisition Issued
upon governor of Tennessee for return.
Sentence began November 11. 1902; two
years for assault to wound.
Frank MelHter to John M. Herman, Feb
ruary ltf; returned May 23. Sentence began
(N-toher 15, 1902; three years for -horse
Guy Goldberry to H. W. Lowe, Febru
ary 21. Sentence began February 7, 1!KB;
two years for receiving stolen property.
Oscar E. Jackson to 8. M. Mellck. March
6. Sentence began May 11, 1901; four years
for larceny.
John Burrell to G. A. Schroeder, March 7.
Sentence began March 7, 1901; four years
six months for raiie.
Joseph Robinson to A. R. Bowman, March
8. Sentence began January 23, 1903; seven
vears for arson.
William Heavrln to S. M. Mellck, March
10. Bentence began February 18, J9ol; five
years for rape.
Bud Blunk to E. J. Bohannn, April 19.
Sentence began Hntetnber 24, 19(0; Ave
years for horse stealing.
Jesse George to E. J. Bohanan. AdHI 19.
( Sentence begun December 19. 1900: Ave years
lor rape,
Ieslle M. Strong to T- F. Hamer, May 20. ' tence begaii April 5,, 1902; five years for rob
Bentem e began February 8, 1901; five years , tvry,- , 1 . T i
for assault to rape. John Nyqulst to F. H Anderson. July 13.
William H. Palmer to Lee L. West
1. Sentence began April 17, 19J8
seven years
lor came stealing.
Luther Bush to father, June 8. Sentence
began April 13, 19u2; Ave years for assault
to rape
Parker June 6. '
Sentence begun April II, 19r;; live years
for obtaining money under false pretenses.
Edward Simon to C. T. Harm. June 20.
Sentence began March 23, 19c3: two years
ror snooting with Intent to kill
June 27.
n.ia.utrwr tn v i nnh.nan ,
Sentence began December 27. 1901; ,
four years for manslaughter.
William Way to J. A. Hayder.. July 8.
Sentence began May 20, 1903; on year six
months for burglary.
James Davis to Waldo E. Whltromb,
July 14. Revoked February 1. 1905. Sen
tence, began March 2, 19(3; 4 years for man
slaughter. Albert T. McNutt to J. M. Bronson. July
27. Sentence began November 21, 1902 ; 4
years for burglary.
IRoy Vincent to J. H. I'mstead, Au
gust 2. Sentence began October 14, 1901;
i years for horse stealing.
George Carson to E. J, Bohanan, August
? knPSln September 18, 1902; 3
years for burglary.
Ad8VaS n.Ince'nen'Mreh-
v?ur. l i n MarCh ' '
3 years for grand larceny.
August 10. Transferred to S. M. Mellck! 1 Ulpml,.,
li i V r i. . norse stealing.
18 19o2; 3 years for burglary Chester r"en, cdored, tn S M. Mell k,
n 24W TranJi?ed l.lli. ?nnV,.rt ' ""ber 18. Bentence began September 12.
K i.i: Transferred July 18, 19o. to Judge lvt3. tnrwe y(.arll for gnni art.eiiy. .
Westover. Sentence began June 6, 199; IS : E u Taylor to She"iff Baumun of DodTe
y m!" i. i" Sce?t-i . . . county. December 18. Sentence beoan No-
Mlehael Enrlght to ngent f tu,,0"llJ' IVfrtiber 11. 1KH: two years for'grnnil larceny.
Packing company September 29 Ben- James Mahaffy to M E. Mahaffv, Decem
tence began June 29, 1901; 10 years for rob- I ber 22. Sentence began August 4. 1904; three
i , . . . . j . ! years for horse stealing.
Charles Olsen to agent of Cudnhy Pack- is.vt r.,.. . a le nr.,.,i..ia r.
Ing company. October 24. Srnr,,n,e began
September 15. 198; 20 years for rape.
M. a. Hubbard to F. M. Grove. December
2. Sentence began October 23, 1901; 7 year
for rnpe,
William Barrett to Theodore W. Crnw
ford. December 2. Sentence began Augtrs;
18. Iri2; 8 years for horse stealing.
William McVey to James Schnetdewlnil.
November 23. Sentence began October 23,
in Pianos
Any one contemplating the purchase of
a plnno within the next two or throe
months should not fall to take advantage
of this great opportunity to buy one of the
world's best pianos at practically cost.
Hallet & Davis, fancy 'Q I Q
walnut case lOO
Stein way ft'Sona upright, ebony
rase, big snap.
12 years for shootlns; with Intent
A. Mollne to S M. Mellck. November M.
Sentence bepnn March i:i, !!.?; J years Slid
6 months for obtaining s gnatiire nn-l'v
f.tlse pretenses.
William Reinoht to W. T. Wills. Novera.
her 2. Sentence began December V
17 years for rape.
Arlie Metd to I ew is A. llson, Decrmhcr
3. Sentence began Novomler 24, 1K-T; t
year and months for forgery. '
Frank 1-lss to Krnnk Stlnhoffel, December
8. Sentence began iH-crriber 29, 1; 7
years for burglary.
Henry Gam.t to Sister Superior Pt. El'i
abeth hospital, lHcember 10. Sentence b
gan March 7, lT; 13 years for rotibery.
James Kennedy to James Cosgrave, De
cember 10. 8' ntence l-i g,m September 23,
19C; 7 years for burglary, and larceny. ,
Chnrles Klllberg to E Killherg, December
28. Sentence began Dcember 17, 190u; 8
years for rnpe.
tlward McKenna to W. A. Gordon, Po.
cember 30. Sentence began April 14, 1903; 4
years for burglary.
Oliver Riclinrds to O. E. Menter. Decem
ber 20. Senteii'-e began October 3, li3; 1
years for horse stealing.
William E. Clark to I F. Sullivan, Jan
XIh.j o. heiiie,,c- he.uan ixovemoer 6, j9 3;
oim year for grand larceny.
Thomas J. L. Peck to C. . Bragg. Jan
uary IS. Sentence began January 19, 1901;
two years for assault with Intent to kill.
Karl Dusterhoft to Aaron Wall, Febiu
sry 18. Returned voluntarily to prison
September 'ti. Sentence began December ID,
five years for manslaughter.
George Mann to 8. M. Melick. February
23. Sentence began March 21, 19o2; four
years for assault to rupe.
Henry Hawkins to B. M. Mellck, Febru
ary 23. Sentence began February 24, -1903;
three years for burglary.
J. K. Thompson to Ira Pllsslnger, March
J. Sentence began February 1, 19o4; three
years for forgery.
Frank Henuen to John A. Dillon. March
3. Sentence began tKtober 2, lOvfl, three
years fur horse stealing.
George Wilson to John A. Sheedy. March
11. Sentence began December :. 1900; six
yeirs for burglary.
D. Wlckborg to William Relm, March 20.
Sentence began December 29, 19W; two
years for forgery.
Colonel lialley to 8. M. Mellck, March 21.
Sentence beg;in February 6, one year
and six months for stubbing with Intent to
E. Mason to Karl Aldrlch, March IS. Sen
tence began March S. 14; one year and
six months for grand larceny.
Jesso Pilser to W. H. IMser, April 1.
Sentence began March 1H. 19"4; one year
anrl six months for burglary.
H. K Deutch to E. J. Bohanan, April 8. began September 13, 1902; four
years for assault to rape.
George Williams to C. D. Mullen, April
10. Sentence began March 10, 19J2; five
years for stabbing to kill.
William Davis to Joseph McNamari,
May 8. Sentence began January 4, 1901;
three years for burglary.
Charles 11. Jooes to S. M. Mellck. May 15.
Sentence began June L 1908; three years
for burglary.
Lincoln Meyers to J. K. Rothwell, Msy
17. Sentence began May 10, 1904; four yeirs
fur horse stealing.
Richard Gould to L. C. Oberlles, May 12.
Sentence began September 11, 1903; six
years for fhlld stealing.
Theodore RoggenthiTt to W. T. Wilcox,
June 5. Sentence began June 4. Wl: one
year and three months for cow stealing.
Cecil L. Beaumont tn George lr Marsh,
June 9. Sentence begun April 27, 194. two
years for obtaining signature under falso
, Frank Betts, temporary release to father
for medlcAl trcAtnit-nr .Tune 22. R, t U ned
! IJ .,""".r".V.r. - " . i ' ' . . . . .. ... !
tering forged check.
Julin Anuerson to S. AI. MeiicK, June z.
feXUCfl.Jfn larc.h,1?,4,l ''."7!". i'!n'1 1
H. Bauer to W. B. Dulug, July 11 S n-
Sentence began September 9. li3: two years
ani six mouth for horse stealing.
I Frank O'Conror t Rev. M. A. Shine. July
' 18. Sentence began May 14, 1904; two years
for burglary.
Charles (Jlover tn P A Rurks Julv 6.
sentence negan uecemoer ii, isui; ten years
iur i uuuei y.
Etlgar Wuugh to J. R. C. Miller, Septem
, her 4. Sentence began Marcli 2 19(4; four
; years for embezzlement.
P. Coursev. Richarus to Rev. Preson.
tpraiior o. tsenteiice oegan April o, vs i,
,w.5'vp. X" ??.. rul
Charles McMillan to A. Schneider. Sen
tember 18. Sentence began October 24, 1903;
eight years for manslaughter.
Karl Dusterhoft to William Rehpoh, Sep
tember 29. Sentence began December 19,
19c3: live years for manslaughter.
John Sorenson to 8. M. Mellck. October
11. Sentence' began December 22, 19C0: s-ven
yenrs for breaking and entering at night.
John Berry to Frank Koblola, Nevember
13. Sentence began October 26; eight years
for robbery.
James Hunter to G. E. Williams, Novem
ber 23. Sentence began December 23, 19 3;
four years for robbery.
f emU,,. 15 ptence beitan September 1.
,ih. ,.., fnp ...lri,irv v
WaHer VPaVer "'r ank Parker. De-
I cember 9. Sentence begun May 1, 190.:; t n
ver in .h.iin. ..,h ,.,.,., ... 1,111
1 nomas Haley to Bishop Honacum
i Sentence beian Julv' 19 1902
! P"ltence Pegan JUly 19. 1902.
Deoeml er 11.
six years for
cember 27. Sentence beirnn November -14.
jWl; fifteen rents for assault to rape
James Uanghain to T. C. Johnson, Feb
ruary (. Sentence begun December 6,
1IU4; three years Ur assault to rob.
Carl Smith to Jonn D. iuruow, February
7. Sentence begun May 2S, 111(14; Jirue
years for horsn stealing.
Held Yates to S. M. Mellck, February
10. Kentanca began May i, J02; six years
tor robbery.
William T. O'Day to il. O. Uannon. Feb
ruary (4. bentence began July 17, 1903;
seven years tor burglary.
Harry Junod to Melon Junod, Feb.-u&ry
14. beulanco began February 10, l'JUu;
two years and six months for grand lar
ceny. Fred Coleman to S. M. Mellck, Febru
i ary 19. (sentence began December 22,
1DU3; three years and six months for as
sault to rape.
Hov Carver to Alfred Aldrlch, February
II. Sentence began December 7, ltf U t ; o
years lui uurglary.
Michael Mosiek to St. Elisabeth's hos
pital, February . Sentence began Feb
ruary llti, iytM; three years and six months
; for assault to rape.
I Virgil Adair U) V. F. Sullivan, March 1.
i Bentence began November 12, 190;!; Ave
years for shooting with Intent to kill.
I Dee Case to F. H. Conway, March C.
! Sentence began February 2, 1906; two
years for cattle stealing.
oeorge Craig to John A. Dillon, March
. Sentence began March 26. 199; fifteen
years for rape. ,
Henry Koch to Clarence Fnoul, March
I 21. Sentence began January 30, 1904;
six years for grand larceny,
i William Herrlck to George Melsner,
i April 9. Sentence began September ',
l 1904; three years for burglary,
t George H. Kay to Hoy Doollttbt. April
I 17. Sentence begun March 6, 1900; ten
; years for manslaughter.
I Michael Alostek to Father Shine, April
1.19. Sentence began February 24, 1904;
I three years and aix months for assault
i tp rape.
I Joseph P. Hasty to J. H. Basserman,
I May IS. Sentence began May 17, 1904;
; three ygnrs for n annul t to rape.
George W. Hyan to 8. M. WelicK. June
12. Sentence began May IS, 1905; two
; years for burglary.
i John E. Chandler to John R. Chandler.
! June 12. Sentence began May 20, 1905;
I three years for grand larceny
John McCool to James H. Rothwell, June
tl Sentence hegan January 4. 194; 4 years
j for horse stealing.
Frank Holland to O. J. Axtell, Jun S.
I Sentence began October 14, 1904; t years and
j t months for grand larceny.
James Connelly to J. J. Cillopy, May SI.
i Bentence legan April , 19u6; t years lor
1 manslaughter.
H. M. Anderson to S. H. Wlrts. June 9.
' Sentence began March it, 19i6; 3 years for
j rattle stealing.
Jonas Reynolds to K. D. Spelts. June 15.
I Sentence began November 21, lisd; 7 years
: for burglary.
William Dandreth to Matthew Severd
j feger. June 13. Sentence began Senlember
' 17. 1H; 2 years and months for grand
! larceny.
I George I.andreth to II. M, Mellck. June 1.1.
I Sentence beran S-ptisnber 17, 1"4; 2 yeirs
1 nnd months for grand larceny
Dlovd Cardwell to 8. M. Melick,
T. Sentence began December 14,
years for rape.
Elwr Ruaaell to F. D. Sullivan,
10. Sentence began Sepienib r 15.
yeors for Incest.
IV; 10
199; 11
p.iim'ftra ju. Mcrnnsna to r. m.
August IS. Sentonce began July
17. 196;
1 vnru tar cattle ateallnc
f'harlee EI Holmes to Ernet
8 Holmes.
August SO. Sentence h gan November 71.
19o4; years for perlury.
Carl Smith to Joseph McV.imara. Au
gust 21 Sentence tiesfan May 25, W4: )
I y-srs for horse stealing.
J Jauies Kennedy to John Green. Anvust
24. 8eb fence began Septei.iber 23, 1903; I
yenrs for burglarv and grand Ian eny.
Timothy Carr to P. J. Tavlor, August 2
Sentence began July 8, 1904; 8 ern for
Newton Jones to St. Elisabeth hospital,
August JO. . Sentence began June 9, 1; 3
yeais for assault to wound.
Hsny Meldow to St. Elizabeth hospital.
August So. Sentence Ixghil September i,
19 4. 4 years for grand larceny.
Joseph Boucher to Government Agent
Ed wan) B. Kelly. Rosebud agency, 8. D..
September 12. Sentem c began June 14, IhOS;
8 years for manslaughter.
Frits Keester to Charles W. Rittledge,
September 12. Sentence began December
lo. 1hi4, 4 years for assuuit to do great
brnlllv Injury.
Charles J. Murray to St. Elizabeth hos
pital. September 2i. Sentence begun May
lo. 1!6; three years for burglary.
Arthur Allen to C. K. Chulvbuck, October
1. Sentence began October 2, 19oo; two
years for robbery.
Thomas Spencer to James McNamara,
October Ifi. Sentence bgan November 27,
19t;'; two years for adultery.
Lee Fairman to C. T. Kohn, October
18. Sentence begnn September 28, 19i; two
years for forgery.
Charles D. Patterson to W. A. Apperson,
October 20. Sentence began April 7, l;vt;
nve years lor home stealing.
Roland Rivers to Sass, October 23.
Sentence began October 20, 1j4; three years
for burglary.
James Been to James McNamara, Novem
ber 2. Sentence began June 20, 1W6; two
years six months for forgery.
Albert Mcintosh to William It. Mcintosh,
April 21. Sentence began October 30, 19.1;
ten years for crime against nature.
Charles Fair to J. C. Stewart, October i.9.
Sentence began April 7, 1904; six years for
giand larceny.
John J'ayne to 8. M Mellck, October 8.
Sentence began May 21, 19u6; three years
for burglary.
Guy Nestle to M. O. Wescntt. October 11.
Sentence began April 13, 1905; three years
for burglary.
William Shajlor, to brother, October 15.
Sentence began June 24, 1906; four years for
Har.-y McBrlde to Oliver Fillmaji. Oc
tober 15. Sentence- began October 11. 1905;
one year six months for horse stealing.
Ben S. Caven to W. C. Caven, December
28. Sehtence began December 28, 1904; six
years for assault to rape.
Fred Ward to M. Stroschnelder, Decem
ber 22. Sentence began December 9, 1305;
two years for shooting with Intent to kill.
Mark Bly to W. K. Ayres. Sentence b
gan September 80, 19i6; two years for horse
Dennia Wofford to Judge Westover, De
cember 4. Sentence began September 6,
1904; eight years for manslaughter.
8. J. Cerry to J. A. Sindox. January 28.
Sonttnce began June 2, 1900; thirteen years
for assault to rape.
Gilbert Clurk to St. Elizabeth hospital,
December 7. Sentence began April 4,,lt9S;
H. M. Anderson to S. II. Wlrts. Angora;
cattle stealing.
John E. Chandler to Jithn R. Chandler,
Alnsley; grand larceny.
(Continued from First Page.)
once more placed before the grand Jury
and was pressed vigorously.
Among the present and, former New
York Life officials who have been examined
by the grundJury are George W. Perkins,
Edmund W. Randolph, treasurer; F. 8.
assistant treasurer; Woodbury
Lungdon and George A. Morrison, who
were members of the finance committee In
1903-04, and Milton M. Mattison. head book
keeper of the treasury department of the
company. Another witness was Alexander
Webb, Jr., secretary of the New vYork Se
curity and Trust company.
It has been said that when Mr. -Perkins
was a witness before the grand Jury he
was warned of his legaf rights, but It Is
understood that he told all he knew of his
connection with the various transactions In
the New York Life Insurance company.
Hnnsrrd at Las Animas AdJndged
Insane In Utah H Few -Months
SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 28.-Lawrence
Leberg. the man who was lynched at Las
Animas, Colo., Inst night, was taken Into
custody here In June last, was adjudged
Insane and was committed to the state
hospltnl at Provo, where he was detained
until August 18. That the mob lynched
a lunatic Is the opinion of Dr. Calder, su
perintendent of the I'tah asylum. Leberg
drunk to excess and while under the Influ
ence of liquor had a mania to set fire to
anything within his reach. The man was
known here as Lars Leberg. He Is said to
have come from Silver City, Ida.
Mast Pay More Than Company Asked
for Plant. Including All
ITHACA, N. T Dec. 2S. The decision of
the commissioners In an appraisement In
the noted suit for municipal ownership of
the water system of Ithaca was made
known today.
The terms are that the city pay the old
water company $i',00,000 with Interest from
January 1, 19u5.' With the costs and the
money expended for Improvements since
the property was acquired the plant will
have cost the city SWO.OflO.
The decision Is In favor of the water com
pnny, which offered to sell for $1)05,000. The
city's offer was $450,000.
Jacob II. ftchlll Kara Matter
Too Crude Shape for Dis
cussion. Is li
NEW YORK, Dec. 28 -The Jewish World
of London printed recently an announce
ment of a colonisation scheme, which In
cluded a projected settlement near Galeus
ton, Tex. The plan was to acquire land
for settlement ' by Jews who should be
brought from Russia and other countries.
The scheme Is said to have the support
of the Rothschilds, and It Is Mao said that
Jacob H. Belli fT had promised to contribute
touC.ooi) If a similar sum were raised.
Mr. Schlff said yesterday that tho mutter
was In too crude a shape to be discussed
at present.
Forty Men Arrive at Hew Orleans for
Service on Southern
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 2S.-Forty strike
breakers, firemen from St. Louis and Cin
cinnati, arrived here last night and were
located In quarters furnished by the South
ern Pacific company.
It is said that union engineers are mak
iiMC no objections to the placing of non
union firemen 'on their engines, and this
conciliatory attitude of the engineers Is
said to be due to their opposition to the
present demands of the firemen.
Plica t'iKii In O to 14 Dirt.
Pazo Ointment ! guaranteed to cure any
rase of lie i. Blind, Bleeding or Protrud
ing Pilea In v, to 14 dayi or muuey refundeU.
InterHal Hcvraie t'ullert luaa.
WASHINGTON, D-c. 38. The monthly
HtaU-nicnt vf the collectlonn of Internal
revenue allow that for Novmitx-r, laJ6, the
total rwclpti were $24,73S.!d2, an Increase
aa cumpared with November, I'Mi, of
y:,MU.",i2. The receipts for the Ave month!
of the prumt fiscal year were tlli.6.ft.
an Increaae of ti,7U, for the correspond
ing period of Vi.
To rare Cold lu Use Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
TirueglMi refund money If It falls to eura.
B. V. Grove signature it on each bos. 26a
l-k Wedaiug li;na, i-duulru. Jewsltr.
Last of
The story of the old year has about
"Daylight Store" has just one more.
pockctbook and self
Last Opportunity at
Gift Books Special
for New Years
Our entire stock of Alger and
Henty Books for boys and tho
Girls' Home Series, consisting of
Meade, Carey, McKeever and all
the popular authors, on sale,
your choice, each 19
Billy Whiskers' Friends, a good
book for the little folks, regular
79c value, special 50
The latent books for the little
folks, John Dough and the Land
of Oz, regular 95c value, spe
cial 79
Exquisite and largo assortment of
New Year's post cards, special,
each, 5S and 2 for 5
New Year's Novelty
Our entire stock of novelty pin
cushions, collar and handker
chief cases, prettily painted,
worth from 10c to 75c, to be
sold one-half the above marked
Our entire stock of children's
fancy work boxes that sell for 25c
to 35c each, to be sold at one-half
off the above prices.
Fancy Leatherette Handkerchief,
Glove and Collar Boxes, from 2oc
to, $1.00 each, on sale Saturday
at one-half the marked price.
Glove Gifts for New
"Reynler'B Best" French Glace
Kid Gloves, three wrist clasps,
all colors, only, the pair. 2.00
Removal Notice!
i .a? suit
r1 feft V.&-.;.
a . -1,
Our New and Pennanent Home,
1014 Harney St., Omaha.
I5he Conservative Savings
(Si Loan Association
By GEO. F. GILM0RE, President
Department of Commeroe and Labor Ibiuss
ttatement of fcubject.
satisfactory Increuae In Internal
Coatauarc of Nation fur Kleven
Months of Year, bat
November Less.
WASHINGTON, fee. at The car short
age problem has hud ,lts Influence on the
movement of Internal commerce during the
last month.
According to a statement Issued today
by the bureau of statistics of the Depart
ment of Commerce and Labor, while the
I statement slates It is impossible lo Qo-
trrmtne to what extent inadequate trans
portation facilities affected the movement
of grain, live stock, meat products, and, in
some localities, lumber and coal. In No
vember, it says it can undoubtedly be af
firmed that they would have been much
heavier bad the railroads been fully able
to cope with the situation.
A marked decline Is shown In movements
of certain Important staples when com
pared with November of last year, but an
increase for the eleven months of the
present year. The total live stock receipts
at seven interior primary markets during
November aggregated 3.W4.117 head, a fall
ing off of about j0.uju head from the same
month of last year.
Urals Dealers Affected.
For the eleven moruiis or ths present
year Ilka arrivals aggregated 37,44-.l-9 head,
con pared with JT.Oha.TuJ head tor the like
p-rlod lo ln.
A considerable falling off is shown In
shipments of parking house products from
Chicago during November, there being a
total of 218,110.712 pounds, against 2xj.iki,3';j
for the same period in 16.
The most noticeable decline is shown In
receipts of grain, the total flgur.s for
fifteen interior markets during November
haviiig been 75,779,1.4 LusueU, showing a
Telephone 981 Douglas
ttie Year Bara alns
esteem will all profit
"Reynler's Fanchon" undressed
French Kid Gloves, three-clusp,
ail desirable shades, only, tne
pair $1.50
"Reynler's Leila" Glace French
Kid Gloves, In all the suit shades
best glove made at the price
of $1.00
"Lefl's Real Chevrette Gloves,"
one-wrist clasp, black, gun metal,
tan and white, our special, the
pair 92.00
The "Lome" Mosquetalre Gloves,
full 16-button length, glace fin
ished French kid, black, wmte
and all the evening shades, a $4
glove, our special, the pair.3,50
Ladles' and children's fine Mocha
kid and silk mittens, ranging in
prices from $1.50 down to J0
Ladies' pretty Initial all linen
handkerchiefs, put up six In a
box, special, the box, $2, $1.40
and $1.00
Gents' satin bar checked linen
handkerchiefs, neat embroidered
initials, six in a box, special, the
box, $3.60 and $2.00
GentB' plain linen initial handker
chiefs, six in a box, special, the
box $1.50
Pretty Box Neckwear
All at special prices. The latest
fads, in novelty collars, and
stocks, put up In a fancy box 1
worth $2.00, Saturday, your
choice, each $1.50 down to.50
Next Monday this Associa
tion will begin business in its
new quarters at 1614 Harney
street. For fifteen years we
have lived in rented properties.
We now enter our new and
beautiful home with 6,000 mem
bers. Resources exceeding Two
Million Dollars, a Keserve ac
count of $65,000 and a record
of having never paid a lrss
dividend than 6 per cent per
annum on investments ranging
from $1.00 to $5,000.
We cordially invite our mem
bers and friends to call on us
at their earliest convenience.
Monday and Tuesday of next
week will be special reception
days. If you are not able to
come one or both of these days
come when you can. Our latch
string will always be out.
falling off of over 17,500,000 bushels In No
vember, 1906.
For the eleven months of the present
year grain receipts aggregated 722,944,871
bushels, exceeding Ilka months In 1906 by
more than 11.500.000. Decreases which oc
curred in the receipts of wheat, barley and
rye were offset, however, by an lnoreaae In
the receipts of com and oats.
Domestic cotton sight receipts during No
vember amounted to 1,392,390 bales, against
2,193, In November of last year.
November shipment of anthracite onal
from eastern producing regions totalled
S.liU.ira tons, compared with 5.421,584 In 1.
The Interstate Commerce commission to
day announced that, as a telegraph ser
vice along a railroad's right-of-way Is es
sential to the safe operation of trains, a
railroad company may lawfully contract to j
furnish free or reduced rate transportation
to a telegraph company for such of Its
officers, men, materials and supplies as are
required In connection with the construc
tion, maintenance and operation of such a
telegraph line and service upon its own
Cure Hoarseness tind Sore
Throat. A simple remedy.
Free from opiates. ! ai
, -wera.TTJ
been told, but the
Your pride, your
by trading here
Great Coat Sale
Ladles' black coats, full ripple
backs, velvet and silk braid
trimming, many styles, all sizes
up to 46, coats that sold at $8.95,
$9.90 and $10, your choice Sat
urday $G.50
Children's Coats,
Worth up to $6.50 at
Novelty mixtures, kerseys, beavers
and meltons, all ages and colors,
coats that ate worth three times
the price, in full backs, pleated
backs, worth up to $6.60, your
choice of 160 coats, Saturday
for $1.98
Another Big Waist
Black and colored taffeta silk, silk
lined, lace and figured nets, pret
tily made, newest styles. In plain
tailored and fancy effects, the
entire lot, Saturday, worth up to
$6.50 at $3.75
$1.98 $1.98
LadleB' $2.50 shows on sale
Saturday for $1.98 Blucher
and Lace Vlcl Kid-
All Toys at Half Price
Extra hands, heads, etc., for re
pairing dolls in our DOLL HOS
Afternoon. Tonl
The Kings of Laughter,
In tho Musical Novelty,
Including the best Binning and dancing
chorus of girls in the world.
Four Performance Sta-tlngr Sunday,
New Year's Iay Matinee.
This Afternoon. Tonight.
Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday. Sat. Matinees.
'Phone Douglas 414.
PRICES-lOo, So, 60c
Matinee Today. .Tonight, ilia,
I Rowland & Clifford Present
tiobni aits omAiraa blosiomi
A Dramatization of Bertha M.
Clay's Famous Novel.
Sunday Custer's Last right.
John M. Fixa's
and Restaurant
1516 Dodge St
Rest of Everything
. Thorough I' p-to-Da to
First Claas In All Respect M
Special Ireparatlon for After-Theater
150S and 1510 Howard St.
Every Evening 5 to 8.
Sundays, lliUO to 8.
Ml SIC. '
Saturday Evening- 0 to 8 O'clock.