14 Want - ads Advertisements for the want ad rolinni will be lakrn until 12 ra. for (ha evening edition and antll n. (or k morning and Snadar editions. CAn RATES FOR WAT ADS. One Insertion, 1 1 -3 ruiti f vrd two or mora rniifpn)le Insertion. 1 cent per word each Insertloni nun than one Insertion, If no ran eon eeejtlvely will be charged for at tba rate of 1 1-2 eenta prr word. I. no per line for one month. Ha ad taken for leas than SO eenta. tAn RATES FOR NOTICES. Heath and Fnneral Wotleea, Tarda of Thanks and Lodge Wntlees. T eenta per Una for one edition, tnornln or evenlngi eenta a line for eaeh addi tional edition. Snndnr. 10 eenta a line. Ho ad taken for leaa than SO eenta. BRAIf H OFFICES. Want ada for The Bee may be left at any of the following dm a atorea one la "yonr eorner drnaalat" they are all branch offices of The Bee and yonr ad will be Inaerted Inat aa promptly and at the aame ratea aa at the mala office In The Bee building, .Seventeenth aad Farnam atreeta. Albach, W. C, tOth and Farnam. Beranek. B. A.. 1402 8. 16th St. Becht'a Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Caughlln. C. R-, 6th and pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Art. Conte, J. R.. Slat Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cormak. Emll. 122 8. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy, 446 Hamilton. Ehler. P. H., 2W2 Iavenworth. Foster Arnold, 213 N. 2Sth St. Freytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th St Florence Drug Co , Florence. Neb. OnMmnn Phurmarv 1i Lake St. Green'e Pharmacy, corner Park Art, and j'acino. Oreenough, O. A lK 8. 10th Pt Oreenough, O. A., loth and Hickory. Hayden, VVm. C, 2!30 Farnam St. Hanscom Park Phar.. 1M 8. 28th Art. HolRt, John, 624 N. l'ith St, Huff. A. L., 2S24 Leavenworth St. Kli.g's Pharmacy, Farnam St. Kountze Place Pharmacy, 3004 N. 24th. Patrlrk Drug Co., K"2 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Chaa. E.. 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. K., 24th and Leavenworth. flarntfis-u Dmff- fVt . 24th ftnd Amen AVS. Bchaefer's Cut, Price Drug store, 16th and Chicago. Bchaefer, August, 2fi31 N. lfith Bt. Schmidt, J. II.. 24th and Cumins; Sts. Storm Pharmacy, lth Rnd Martha Sta Walnut Hill Phar., 40th and Cumin?. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta. Wlrth, O. H 40th and Hamilton Sta. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses been Issued: Name and Address. Clarke G. Powell, Omaha Janet L. C. Chambers. Omaha Iiwrence M. Price. Omaha have Age. .... 30 .... 20 Winifred F. Coulter, Omaha 20 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. The following births and deaths were re ported to the Board of Health during the twenty-rour nours ending rrioay noun: lilrthM-J. L. Timni. 2624 Decatur, boy Fred Denker, 8313 Dewey avenue, girl; H Holle. 1X1S North Twenty-eighth, boy; T. M Hawkins, Benson, boy; J. K. Morrison, 407 North Twenty-fifth, boy; Konert Mamie, 2iilB Emmet, boy: Axel Anderson. Fifty- sixth and William, boy and girl; Robert W. Washam. 2747 Crown Point avenue, girl Deaths Owen Bnyder. 1718 Cass. 60 Amelia E. Bluett, 221 Seward, 66; Lillian J larvey, Norn en. Neb., 8. MISCELLANEOUS The MID-WINTER TEEM ot BOYLES COLLEGE Opens Wednesday, January 2. The new catalogue is ready. Address H. B Boy let, President. Omaha. R 640 GAS & ELECTMC FIXTURES WHOLESALE AND RETAII BUHGESS-GRANDEN CO., 113 S. 10th St. Tel. Douglajs 681. It 8b9 OMAHA Bafe and Iron Works make a spe. dally of firs escapes, shutters, doors and safes. Q. Andrven, Prop., Iu2 S. lvth 8t. U64i 61QN PAINTINO a H. Cole, U02 Dougla. R 641 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 181$ Farnam. R-044 DAVIS BROS., machinists; general repair ing. 14u$ Jackson bt. Tel. Douglas 2WA). AUCTIONEER If you want your stock of goods sold or reduced write me at Glen wood, la. Capt. F. P. Fowler. K-M76S J22 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Two Monona county, Iowa, farms, one of 200 acres and the other of 256 acres. 200 acres Is located JV4 miles of Onawa, no Improvements, and not In cultivation, but right In the drainage district and will be very valuable when tlltch Is completed. The 256 acres Is located Vs mile of Klencoe, and all In cultivation except 3b acres, which Is In blue grass; has good house of six rooms, large bam, outbuildings, etc. Price of 2" acres Is $tiO per acre, encumbrance $4,000 at 6 per cent; 2&t acres Is $75 per acre, encumbrance $7,500 at 6Vfc per cent. Will exchange equity In one or both for live stock or a stock of merchandise. J. R. Adkins, 14 Pearl St, Council Bljffa, la. Z- M8o6 29 IF TOU do not And what you want In this column put an ua. in ana you win sooa get It Z 22 WANTED To exchange four-foot roller top desk for larger one; will pay differ ence. Telepnone Douglas luzs. Z 859 29 LOST AND FOUND WILL party who took a pair of skates oft the back platform of Dodge car December 1 return to Bee omt.7 No questions. Lost 481 liOST Necktie with diamond horsewhip at:arrpin. itewara. uuo uuugius bl lx)st n 2Sx LOST Between 2Mh and $4th, on Califor nia string of gold beads; reward for re turn to li otnee. LostlUa8 SO PRINTING l vwr.Tir.HIh grade 107 Calendars, E. corner 16th St und & JUKVt, Capitol Ave. -707 CENTRAL PRINTING CO. Fine lob work; typewritten letters, uu o. litn Pt. la blocks nono arm oiug. u ji WAXERd PRINTING CO., U07 Howard 6t -Mill tlD.1 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy. secondhand furniture. atoves. carpets, clothing and shoes; pay tu. best price, lei. vuugiaa sv,i. N-MJT J14 WANTED To buy, soldier's additional eight-acre homestead acrlp. Address John Steele, Bee Bldg., Omaha. N M97T Jan2x WANTED AGENTS WANTED AGENTS. County agenta wanted for the Middle West exclusive territory given to iiarties mak Ing nrst purchase. A sure winner. Per sunul Instructions furnished new agent by expert salesman. See ad. Sunda Dinner page. A. J. Kennedy, Omaha, Nub. J St 2x CASH salary and all expenses to men with rtKS. tu Introduue our uuarantced Pouitr and Stuck Remedies. Send for contract we mean busiue.a and furnu-h brat ref erencrs. Q, R, blglM Co., X 619. Sprli. WANTED MALE HELP- WINTER TERM of the Omaha Commercial Collcgo, lih aod Farnam, opens wmum dav. Jan. 2. 1907. New classes In Bul ns. Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, English, Civil Prvlce and Penmanship. Best time to bogln. Over SflO will be en rolled. Bend for free. catalogue riving full partlculsre. ROHRBOUOH BROS.. Omaha, Neb. B M552 SI U. B. NAVT enllata young men and me- rhanlca of good phvslque and cnaracter. citizens of l 8., 17" to 35 years. Special pav and training for qualified men, and advsnfpment when qualified. Oreutly In creased pay for men who re-enlist. Re tirement after 80 vears' service far en listed men. with rm.70 to I1,W2.17 i pay) per annum. Prlvlleae of discharge by purchase. Navy Recruiting Statlc-ns, P. O. Bldg., Omaha, Lincoln, Hastings and Sioux City. B M8.3 J24 WANTED For the U. B. Marine Corp men between ages 21 ana So; an oppor. tunlty to see the world. For full Informs, tlon apply In person or by letter to Re cruiting Officer, Cor. 12th and Farnam Sta B M437 D31 WANTED Five boyi good wagea; perma nent Job. A. D. T. CO., ZU O. um m, B Ol MEN and boys, numbing or bricklaying trade pays Ift to IS per day. we teacn you by practical Instruction! In three months; position guaranteed; free cata logue. Coyne Trade School. 4976 Eatpo Ave., Bt. Louis, Mo. B-M807 OLD LINE INSURANCE MEN will make changes of companies during tnia monin, one of the best western old line com- fanles In America has something food o offer. If Interested write lock box 1195. Lincoln, Neb. B M1T J1 WANTED A watch. Tou get It for a few hour of your time. Write ax once to Malena Company, Wrrlormark. Pa. B M136 FebSx TWO hustlers to handle a new line Christ mas articles; city work. 1S1 Ho war a. B Ml bt J3 WANTED Good salesmen In clt 1 u'our" 'per 'cent gold NICELY furnished, well heated room, all cent stocks; $100 per modern conveniences; excellent table; prl lesion guaranteed under vats family. 248 Harney. F-M1M small towns to se bonds and 9 per month and prtmmlulnn run 6 months' contract; references required. 442-44 Huntington Bldg., Los Angeles, CaL WANTED At once, SOO sound young men. agea is to 36, ror nremen ana ora-nemm uii I n ( 1 1 1 1 K nrmri I Mill I'n'in m . - i roads now being completed; experience unnecessary; nremen per ninui, brskemen $75; positions now open; call olf write at once for particulars. National Ry. Training Ass n. 620 X, Paxton block. Omaha. Neb. B-MU J4 WANTED Young man for general work m lumoer otr.ee. Address care nw, B MS48 81 WANTED Specialty salesmen for south ern states; rare prepaid. Menieini, vy mu sor Hotel. B M358 29x WANTED Reliable party willing to invest smju 10 ii.uuo. wnicn win De impiy iwum. to represent us In any city or town In DroKerage ousiness; saJU per monin s;uar anteed. besides full eouitv for Investment. Addrese American Finance and Develop ment Co., 442 Huntington Bldg., Los An geles, Cai. B M47J DH Drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest, N. Y. L. D JVL513 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Great demand for barbers. Top wages paid. Hundreds of good opportunities to open business with small capital. Few weeks completes. Best chance In the world for poor man. Call or write Molar Barber College, llltt f arnam Bt. B M7 J2x RULER and forwarder; must have good references. A. I. Root, (Inc.), 1210-1212 Howard. a ait WANTED A first and second cook; man and wife preferred: two dining room all-Is for out of town: good wages. Call Sunday or Monday at 2116 Spencer St., or 'phone Douglas mx. n M.e ju THE M'COOK TRIBUNE has steady posi tions for two or three good printers at best wages, a. M. Kimmeli. B M981 31 X WANTED A stenographer to take charge of an accident insurance office. Only those experienced need apply. Home of fice will be removed to Bloux City Jan uary 10. Must know a little about book keeping. Cell Immediately at the En dowment Accident Association ar Coun cil Bluffs, li. L. Wilson, president. B M994 29 WESTERN REF. A BOND ASB'N (INC.), 840-41 N. Y. Life Bldg. If you are open to consider atietter posi tion thsji you have, or are out of a posi tion entirely, you should see us without elay, BtlUK KEEPERS A STENOGRAPHERS. Machinery, thb: wholesale, $i5; real es- tale, i0. BOOKKBKFBK8. Hotel business. $75: wholesale. $W: manu facturing, $ot: Implements, $75; commission (assistant). $50. Implements. $1J6: specialties, $150: general merchandise (sieclalty), $150; hardware (sales munager), 11 M. OFFICE CLERKS. Bank, $76; railroad, $75; railroad, $05: wholesale (tnreei. at .t; coal, Shipping clerk, $b0: grocery clerk. $75: general ciera, io The above positions are open for Im mediate consideration. Call or write at once. B-M992 29 HUSTLERS wanted everywhere: $25 to $3., made weekly, distributing circulars, pack ages, overseeing out-door advertising; ex perience not needed; new plan; no can vassing. Address Merchants' Out Door Advertising Co., 79 Dearborn St., Chicago. M MDN4 30 x WANTED FEMALE HELP COMPETENT cook In private family; no laundry woik; city reference required; wages, $30 or $35 month. Address F. Bee i ottice. Council Biurta, la, c M966 S GIRLS to operate power machine In shirt and overall laciory; permanent work. M. u. smiiu t Co.. utn ana Douglas sts. C : WANTED Competent girl, family of two. Mrs. w. j. uutgesa, iui a. Sid. o-two WANTED A girl for general housework. two in family; references required. Mrs. W. 8. Poppleton, 204 S. 37th SU C-4M YOUNG girl wanted to take care of chil dren, -ton I'oppieton Ave. Mu :x WANTED Experienced lady bookkeeper lor wholesale nouse. Aauress u 4:'.' Hea. C M916 30 GIRL for general nouseworK, S8.U0 per week; laundress. 1Z48 Bo. vtn Ave. Tel. Douglas 114i. C MM4 30x WANTED 6 laundry girls. M. E. Smith's factory, 11th and Douglas. C 3s WANTED Oirl to do clean washing and Ironing. Room and board and $4 a week. The Creche, win ana Harney. C MM7 29x WANTED Mangle girls. Model Laundry Co. U JuMa 29 X WANTED A girl for general housework. 41i0 Davenport St. t-' Ml 2sx k1'"1 for neral hou,ec f WANTED Competent girl. Mrs. U T. Sunderland. 1X3 . 37d St. C 7 23 WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. 41 B. ism St. 4J MC 30X BODY ironer and mangle girls. City Bteam laundry. ZU S. 11th. U K61 a LADY for office work. Lock Box 253. Omaha, Neb. J Kv 30 WANTED Girl for general housework. tM Ingdon Court, one block north of Bt. Mary s Ave., on 24th. C-70 30 WANTED Shirt finisher, laundry, lVli Cumlng.( Midland Steam C-MS75 SI WANTED At ence, experienced marker and sorter. Midland Steam laundry. Ml Cuming. C-MS74 $1 WANTED-White washerwoman early next week. J. 11. Hah in. Ill So. 37th Bt. C-MWk) SOx 3 CASHIERS in and out of town; differ ent salaries. 2 STENXHlRAPHERS, $00. STENOGRAPHER AND BOOK- KKKPER. $76. STENOGRAPHER. $56. If you are capable of filling any of the above positions or have experience In other lines, sr-e us at oiice. WESTERN KKF. BOND ABS'N (INC.), ks.'-li x. uie man. THE OMAHA That Sign in Your Window stating you are in hundred people. only in Omaha WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED At once, business woman with some knowledge of bookkeeping; one not under 26 years of age. 714 New Tork Life Bldg. C 14 30x FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWET European BotaU 12th and FVrrim. Doug. 611. OLE. llauls Trrmka E . FRONT room, well heated; nicely fur nished; atrlotly modern. X4SS FINELY furnished rulte of rooms. J0J Farnam Bt. g 7 2x EXCELLENT, large, modern, furnished rooms, with alcove, for light housekeep ing or sleeping. 'Phone In house. J5T Harney Bt. FOR RENT Three) furnished roomg near Transfer. Address A. Bee omce. w r Bt, Council Bluffs. Ia. gM967 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD NEWLY-FURNISHED suite of rooms and board; hot and cold water, hu,,!" Ats. f um li VIENNA hotel; private dining rooma: cafa ROOM8, breakfast. Privileges, telephone. in in . stn. r u. jo FIRST CLASS rooms and day board. Close In. 618 Bo. 19th. J - NICELY furnished warm rooms, modern conveniences; good board. The Rose, 2030 Harney St. 5iLanx UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FIVE unfurnished rooms; rent reasonable! reference. 2667 Douglas Bt. u bob zsx FOR RENT Three unfurnished, modern rooms; desirable location, -pnone -l-ayior S068. G 961 aOX FOR RENT HOUSES BEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west; ws can save you mousy. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. 16th B' Tel. Doug. USS. D-6 COUNSMAN-VAN BUROH CO.. storage and transfer. Best storage house In the city; immeaisie auenuon given. U3HU-SI 14. iota bu lei. ueugiai tu. FOR RENT -room house, all modern ex r- r.t fiirinf. f?(i (-room bouse, all modern, new furnacs Pi. C. M. BACHMAMN. 438 Paxton Block. D-4S3 WE DO expert piano moving at loweat rices, lei. uougiaa ita. eenmouer lueUer Piano Co., UU-Ult Farnam. U OOJ TTnTTJTTQ 'n u parts of the city. The F. Davis Co., Bee Bldg. 1 6t4 HOUSES Iid- 1 w HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwait, Barker Bile FLATS. 224 N. 24th St., -r., new. modern, $40. 222 N. 24th St., 6-r., new, modern, $37.60. 2679 Harney St., 6-r.. modern. $36. 27M jacKson Bt., b-r., new, modern, $32.50. farx a, o-r.. w. For balance or list call at omoe. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam 8t X 943 28 FOR RENT -room cottage and barn, to carerui tenani; monuis, low rent, wm, Fleming, ZU o. 18th. D 94S 28 OMAHA Van ft Storage Co., pack. mov store, n. n. gooos; storenouse 1120-24 N. Uto. Office, 15U Farnam. Tel. Doug. 166k, D-666 CENTRAL, steam, modern 7-room house. Tlxard, Z4 in. aa. 1 Molt j.roOM flat, modern, good repair, opposite Hanscom far m. rnone uougias ba. U 670 QTYIP A irP. Household g o e d s. mer OlUftAUU chandlse. eta Fred Bush Transfer Line, lous-e arnam Bt. UV6 J10 FOR RENT Modern, t-room. fcrlck hodsa lli o. Bist di.; w per monin. i nomas Brsnnan, room i, n. x. uie Bldg. U (71 FOR RENT -room brick house, basement finished, an moaern, new rurnace, only halt block trom car, gooa neignoornood rent $26 Oer month (worth $50). C. M Bachmann. a faxton uiocv. L us VERY nice house, 7 rooms, strictly mod. ern. practically new, . b614 - Leaven worth. i- tui jitx WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van at Btor age Co. 'lei. Doug. iwe. umct, int web' star Bt ,u nil 106 8. 28TH 8T., 6 rooms, $10; 624 N.' $2d St., 6 rooms, modern. Jib; witn Darn, $17.60; 2416 Fa-mam St., li rooma, modern, $&. Ringwait Bros., Barker block. D M9S6 30 $22.50 PER MO. for 6-room modern house. near Z7tn and fierce bis., in exception ally good repair and nicely located. GEORGE & CO., 16vl Farnam St. D M979 Janl 12 ROOMS, modern, close In. southwest corner Zrtn ana jacKson, oeing put In thorough condition and will be painted outside as soon as the weather permits, $60.00. - BEMIS, 'Phone D. (86. Paxton Block. D-asi 662 B. MTH AVE., rooms, modern $30. JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. OI-D P. O. DMsa FOR RENT f-room house, modern except furnace, at 2Z13 Burt, inquire nrst house east. D 836 2 FOR RENT. A strictly modern 6-room flat, nearly new, $ blocks from poatofllce. Look It up. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. 1st Floor N. Y. U Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1710- V 843 CHOICE six-room cottage, stable, carriage house, nice yard. O. F. Davis Co. D 871 4 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES SECOND and third floor. 1611 Douglas Bt.. about zzxvo leet ot noor space on eaca floor, heat furnished on second floor; rental $luO per month. Farnam St., large store room and basement, $36 per month. ZlISHs Farnam St., $26 per month. . I-M4 $0 92 Letrtnvortb St.. store room. Wtiw HASTINGS t MEIUICN, J.04 Faruam Bt. i u at pxDR RENT Desk room In Bes office, city baU building. 417 N. 2flh St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. 114 FOR RE ' -Largs corner store room. Utk and Vlrtri Mk w. oacumann. 43d pax tsiuca. 111 a. UTH ST. 3. N. Frenaer. I-M2U 1104 FARNAM. $ stories and basement $100. JOHN I. K-trr-K, urr. uuu r. u. FOR RENT The $-story and basement building 1022 Douglas Bt. . premises or to David Cola r on tn J-M (13 OFFICE ROOM In the New Conservative Savings and lxan Association building, 161 Harnay St.. about 1.2K0 square feet ot floor space. with large vault $76 per month. uvHQa A CO, lavl Farnam Bt. DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, need of competent help may be read by onto A want ad in The Dee reaches thousands, not but in surr rounding territory. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE N. P. DODGE & CO. We have a l-room, t-story and basement house, close to 16th and Leavenworth 8ts. j lot 10x133, and Is the cheapest cloee-ln property; only S blocks from Rome Killer a new hotel and close to 18th Bt. Good place for rooming bouse and the price la very low, 10 ACRES' The best garden spot In the state and "the price has never been so cheap. But the owner has bought garden land In California and Is bound to go there. This consists of 10 acres and a 4-room house and Cd barn and windmill and chicken e and hot beds, water tank and one acre of asparagus and one-half acre of pieplant, and present owner cleared $S, this year and will nay 1200 for to rent It for the year 19ii7. Now, you fellows that want to steal something, come and see us and you can have It for $1,700. N. P. DODGE & CO., . 1714 FARNAM BT. RE-968 28 MAKE GOOD START FOR 1907 You can buy two good houses on Burt St. near mn, ror iawo: moaern. item lor $36 per month. W. T. GRAHAM, BEE BLDO. KK tab B 50 PER CENT OF FIRST COST More house and more real state than ever offered la Omaha for $1500. Do you want It? If so, act quick, for soma one is going to wake up and pick up a snap. ' This house Is located at 1810 Binney St., the prettiest residence street In Kountse Place, south front, asphalt paved street, cement walks, all paid for. Contains ten rooms with oak finish, mantel and grate, billiard room on third floor, Urge porch; all taxes paid up to Dftl. Keys at our office. i The house cost $7,600 to build and the lot cost $1,600; total $9,000. The owner of this prop erty Is compelled to sell before January 1st In order to do this he has reduced the price on this beautiful home at $4,600. Terms, $2,000 down; balanca mortgaga. Don't fall to look Into this great sacrifice sale. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., ' Bole Agents. , 01-2-1 N. Y. Life Bids. BB-MC S !A FINE INVESTMENT. Three strictly modern flats, well built, new, have storm windows and doors, window shades that go with the build ing; practically no expense for two .or three yeara; tenants pay water rent; only 8 blocks from postofflce; yearly rental $1,680, or a little over 10 per cent gross; lot 66x122, fenced In, good stone walks, street paved, all special taxes of every description paid. You don't often find a better fin ished piece of property In Omaha. Price $16,600. Owner nonresident, PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. SOLE AGENTS, First Floor, N. Y. 1 Bid. Tel. Douglas 1781. RB-S41 2 GOOD modern house, 1 rooms, on Binney St.: paved street, cement walks, barn; splendid locallty-$6,600 will take same. iraae. GRAHAM, BKB BLDG. RE-SS 2 Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Let us show you our list of city property. acres. Improved (arms and cheap western tanas. B ERICA. CO.. Tel. Douglas 7497. S8 N. T. Life Bldg. TEXAS PANHA NPLB-TOUR OPPOR- TUrMTT. Lands from $11.60 to $30 per acre; wheat, com and alfalfa; more productive, lays better, soil rich as Iowa or Illinois; easy terms; descriptive matter sent you free. Loan Star Land Co., 14 Pearl St. $d floor, CouncU Bluffs. Ia. R&-M821 TWO modern houses at the southwest cor ner of 81st and Cass Sts.. witn ground on which to build another house. Paved street, east front, nice shade trees. Make ins an offer for one or both. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room L N. Y. Ufa Bldg. RS 471 WE SELL land In Nuckolls county, Nab.. the great corn, small fain, alfalfa aad tains grass country In southeastern Ne braska. Writs us for land list. U. IX Follmer A Son. Nelson, Neb. RB-Mt6 ALL modern, t-room bouse and lot f of amis at a oargun. H . win. nu an SUBURBAN home site, two acres, on Florence car line; forest trees, r-iegani place to build. GRAHAM, BEB BLDG. R.B-87 2 To settle up the estate of Isabella Flem ing, deceased, as administrator, I desire to dispose of a nice little home propertv. consisting of cottage, fine barn and two lots, at corner 28th Ave. and Yates. It Is a fine property and a bargain. Will rent If not sold December VL WM. FLEMING, Administrator, 2U South Uth St RtMCOtl OOOD INVESTMENT- new brick flats, close In; rental $1,600 per year. Price, IH.6UU, GRAHAM, BES BLIX1 RB-W DECEMBER 20, 1900. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE My practically new 7-room all modern residence, near 27th and California streets, will be gold for $3,200 cash, or terms If sold next few days. Address L-496, Bee. RE M-987 30 KERR-SHALLCROSS CO. B ABSTRACT9 OF TITLES are the Barest. iou are pro tected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errora. You don't buy a law ault when you Tel. ou buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 irarnam. Doug. M.K7. nr. PERSONAL CITY STEAM t.AiTKnHV Bhlrts creased. not ironed. ZU B. 11th Bt Tel. Doug, or U-687 SEWING machines rentod. sny make, 76 per week or $2.00 per month. Becona hand machines for sale, $6.00 and up. neo. cycle Co.. 16th and Harney. XI TM PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOMl Mrs. Jng, 3U1I N. 21st Bt. Ti. DOUg. U WW PLEATINO Bwtos." ucmn Drel a ,nVJ Embroidering. I - " ...... wcaujua;, sponging auu ng. only 6c per yard. Bend for pries list and sample. oa rw. "PIEMAN PLEATING CO., Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 193. U 6 itd!11?1 AND PRODUCE BHIP- talnirrL81' highest market price obv- taining on date of receipt for best quality muter and eggs; we charge no commis sion; remittance In cash or merchandise Promptly. THE BENNETT COMPANY. U MKfl i T?.B.u.8ALVATION ARMY solicits castoff v.iwiing; in ract, anything you do not r.r?d; collect. reDalr and sell, at 114 N. ",B. Bt., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. call 'phone Doug. 4136 and wm caij. u oil 'SEP medical and surgical treatment at ""l2n Medical college. 14th and Dav nport Sta. j special attention pal to eon pnement cases; all treatment supervised py college professors. "Phone Doug. 1167. answered day or night. ' U 129 THR CITY OARBAOE CO.. office 4th and ownii bis. Tel. Douglas lusi. U-68T OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Hamgs mog. u MAGNPTIP'reatmentand bath. Mme. mrkuuc lgmlln ug N. 16, 2d floor. U-6W ANY POOR GIRL. In -tim.1 nf friend rail im. n . mtron of Jkhe.BaJTva;'on S SnSSmeJI Women 8s24T,N;.,li"n U-M100 5l.hSmu,?n-c2nnnementi, ba Pi. .aoPeL. Ths Oood Samaritan Sanl- ". First Ave., CouncU Bluffa, la. I - ti PENNEU, Millinery Co., S3 North 16th St ORANOB blossoms or thistles which? I I am a dlStrint Krhnnl tAnhr frnm wPRt. I rn Nebraska. enea.rd tn nwptpstt elrl nn I skaxK a n . . t ' , , t I 5f llf ft i. of -f wealthy cattleman; r,t m .... -rri.' -, ' -r ...j iiiiauLioi nuirwuiiesi, i -nme to ymana to attend the last Ak-Sar-Ben resnvai and spent W0. Her papa found It OUL made him fnnrt nnrl nnit tho 1H duffer refuses me his daughter's hand unless I make $100 between Christmas and New Year's, to prove that I am equally as swift In getting hold of money as I am in spending It. Now. you Omnha sports. grafters and "get-rlch-qulck cnemers, let me In on something quick. auuicbb Ai-sar-tsen, care tsee. U 848 29x RUPTURB CURED No knife, no pain, no detention from business. Call or write Jo' booklet, etc. QUICK CURE RIIP- onu vu, au wooomsn or world Bldg., unua, u SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut pnees; sena ror free catalogue. Myers- iiuon urug Omaha. U-wz CALENDAR pads. Burkley Printing Co. U A1S10 D31 Masque costumes. Ueben. TeL 4116. Open sr. MASSAGE fwtdlsh movement, 410 N. xju i (ih, room I, second floor. U M157 J3 DR. VOGEL'8 privets home for ladies be fore and during confinement: be:t and cneapesi in me city. Z3U a- 13th St. U-129 JS FOR anything In the sewing machine line g-o to P. K.-Flodman d?T jfiTgggT BUY from the Envelope Co. manufacturers. Burkley NAME embossed In gold letters on Christ mas presents. Henry E. Tagger. I? Barker block. U 831 D31 TYPEWRITERS rented. $2.60 per month: sll makes; satisfaction guaranteed. Fox Typewriter supply Co., 18Z2 Farnam St U MZ18 J ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax. ton's salve. B. J. Bcannell, agent. 609 Ware 131. U M678 JZ1 LADIES If you want a safe, sneedv reru. lator that will please you address Post uox m, umana. Neo. u Miaa jax DR. C. N. BOMMER, homeopath, Bee Bldg. u Saint J!& DR. PRIES has removed from his office In witnneu block to 614 N. letn st U-MS06 SO TYPEWRITERS All makes, for rent. $2 to $4 month. Central Typewriter exchange, itu ieavenwortn. 1'none Ken ts.sy. IT M 990 Jan2 MEDICAL DR. PRIES, specialist: women's dlseasea weaknesses, discharges, irregularities cured painlessly and saleiy. 614 No. istti. -86 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Oray's Nerve Food puis," u box, postpaid. Sberman ft Mcconneii urug uo.. imian. NEW PILE CURE Instant relief; no pain. Trial package free. Mirablle Uuaker Health Co., St. Paul. Minn. M 9n 3ox WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Traveling salesman who Is will ing to work hard; salary and commis sion. Call or writs tha Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. L 978 29 WANTED Men with team and rig to sell a line Of high-grade family remedies. spices and extracts to conaumera; must be honest, sober and Industrious. The Gladstone Medicine Co.. Hawarden. Ia. L Uwl SALESMAN WANTED for our high grade nursery stock, stock guaranteed, write us and see what we can do for you. Oaborn's Nurseries, Bloomfleld, Ind.. Oreen Co. Ty M J5 WANTED SITUATION YOUNO man wants place to work for board and room while going to school. Boyle s College. Tel. Lioux. 1HV A in EXPERIENCED stenographer. Address F 66. Bee. A MsCl Jlx WELL educated young man familiar with correspondence ana general omce worn desires position, cesi reierenres. au- dress F 4U1 Bee. A Mw 2x YOUNO man wants place in private family to work for board und room while going to aehool. Boyles I'ollege. A ftM FLORISTS BESS 8WOBODA, 141$ Farnam. 710 L. HENDERSON, 161$ Farnam. Tel Doug. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS ARE TOU In need of money? This Is the time of yeer when evervone needs jmrne extra cash. We "hsve a lot of ready money which we are going to loan for a sliort time at the lowest rates ever known In this city on iTOfpnnnt.D fprnitt're, PIANOS. WARKIIOI SK RE CEIPTS, HORf I S. WAGONS, BAI.ARIK9. If you hsve other hills It will he cheaper for you to let us furnish you the money to pay them and concentrate all your Indebtedness at one place. This Is an old, re liable orilce and our business Is as private as i bank. Don t worry. Call on us for all the monev you need. Our terms n the lowest, our service Is the quickest and our huslness the most private and confidential. Reliable Credit Co., 8rd Floor 307-8 Paxton Blk., Cor. 16th & Farnam Sts. X-M531 Save Something During 1907 Start right now. Oet out of the old rut you were in so long. L,et us snow you now. BORROW MONEY ON FURNITURE, PIANOS OR SALARY. WITHOUT HAVING THEM D1S1UKUEU, Then pay off your troublesome a ems ana concentrate au you owe, Lowest Charges Liberal Rebate Omaha (Mortgage Loan Co., U Board of Trade BlUg. - $06 8. 16th St lEslaulisued liii.) Tel. Doug. iUto. A. Jul SALA11LED PEOPLE and cther8 furnished money upon their own names, without necurlty; easy pay. menta; omces in u principal cities. Save yourself monay by getting my terms first D. ti. lULiMAiN, 714 New York Ule Bldg. DR. PR1BBENOW3 MONEY loaned on furnituie, salary, pianos, horsea etc.. In any amount; less than half rates; perfect privacy, Immediate attention; any terms wanted; payments suspended when sick or out oi worn, n &.aroacn Blk.. 2u South l&th St K 7u0 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., sdvances private money on chattels n salary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same uay uieu lur at amau cost Open evenings till 7. X 701 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THB rnOKNlA titiiuii' w. or chattel or salary loans, two ruiun diock. 1'nona Douglas-. to. x M816 BAuLls loan orrit'B, reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 1301 jjougias. JLva MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, je slry. horsea. cows, eta C. F. Reed, 310 13tb. X-70$ FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Dull Green Loan Co.. room 8. Barker Block. X-I04 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley ioai i-o.. 1WH f arnam hi. x. ii FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS t-t oat DM..kn in . sV DAlifT li uilllvi IUB ssioiiijy, ill BUU oondlUon. Inquire George K. Wright, Bee w BEND us you mall orders for drugs: freight paid on 610 lota Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, Q 647 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint bherman ee Mccnnnell Drug Co. Q-650 HAUL'S safes, nsw, Zd-hand, 1818 Farnam. U (4 A FEW BARGAINS In second-band sod fountains; monthly pajments. Deright, 1818 Farnam. Q 6-3 ONEB-lnch Jenkins' valve for sale. Apply W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bes Bldg. Q-MU3X WHITE STEAMER Will sell my white steam touring car cheap if taken at once. i. Fred Kerr, 1614 Farnam. Q MB27 GASOLINE ENGINE and wood working machinery tor sale cneap. Apply Ancnor Fence Mfg. Co., 207 N. 17th St Q-M42 COAL $5.25 ton: burr egg, big size, good; try it; i phones. Harmon & wcetn. Q-4M J10 BARGAINS In unredeemed Jewelry. 418 No. 16th. w ju jJT&S Inquire of FOR SALE A handsome bookcase, ma hogany nnisn, at a bargain. Telephone Harney 1623. Q 606 X ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6, In good condition, lor sale cheap. Call at Metj office. g-M-j.'lfX FOR SALE Model "K" Winton Automo bile; fully equipped; top lights, etc.; only run 800 miles; guarunteed tlrst-class condition. Price $2,000. Address C. E. Wllklns, Dewey Hotel, Omaha, Neb. Q-M9I7 FOR SALE $60.00 Victor talking machine and 60 selected records and case. l. l Morgan, 3302 Sherman Ave. Q M&16 Six FOR SALE Ford touring ear In good or der. N Duncan, I'awnee City, Neh. Q-M848 J lx SCHOLARSHIP for sale at a discount In Boyles college; good beginning mid winter term '07. Address or call J. Jaskalek, 2Ni2 Douglas. Q 8f,6 2Sx FOR SALE A . 20-horse power horizontal tubular steam holler, in excellent condl tlon. Apply 4Q7 Brown Blk. g 13 3"x MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam, 6 and 6Vi per cent loans ou reau esime, no at lay. W-6tf MONEY TO LOAN Payns Investment Co. w i WANTED City loans snd warrants. W. Farnam emitn at u rwnun Bt. W-47T LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxton Block. w dis PRIVATE MONEY-F. D. Wead. 1630 Doug. $1,000,000 TO LOAN on buslnesa and rest- Gence property in isumiia,; iuwcbi ratea; no delay. Thomas Breunan, It. 1, N. Y. Life. W-660 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters ft Ox W-681 I LOANS on improved city property. W. H Thomas. 6t First National Bank Bldg. W-u3 $1,000 private money. Belby, 440 Board of W M230 i rai mag. CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA, The LeadinK 1'u.lmltit of U.naha. Revelations of past and futurn described. Parlors, 113 b. liith St.. Upp. Boston bmre. a-'iii POOL AND BILLIARD TABLES FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. bruaswlck-Balks-Collendar. 407 S. 0th fit. i 14 OSTEOPATHY JOHN8DN IN8TITUTE, 4'J N. Y. U Tel Douglaa-16.4. - HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE HOKSES-AU kinds. Myars, 1716 Jackson, BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Changa If yoa hsve a farm, pome, Donnsa r property mat you . . nvfl write us. QLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT COe omatia. Neb., or Siotia Cityla. Drug stores for sals. F. V. Knlest, N.JTLWs A. ONE Investment U. B, Bnlcomba. Y JJ6 J-ltx phone iteu w.. CONKP'TIONKRY, cigars and tobacco: g od d-pot location; Invoice between 1404 and t''; 70-acre farm. $ pet" sere; 121 acres, !; 12 acres fruit and gotxl 6-room house, 63,000. Alvy Smith Co., Co. Bluffs, Ol'R fine general merchandise business for sale, ens'! or pun goon iana. ninr about fit.oon annual c.ikIi sales $40,000. Shcedy & Reed, Mankato, Kan. Y M770 2 YOUNO. systematic hustler, not over 35. to Invest nbniit ji.mi in transier, sroraii Bnd coal business and manage depstftr .. ,.'ai? NT l.(n,.nln K.h Y MS20 n H FOU BALI-J-S-Virt buys offlcp building and a Jl'.O'O practice; live town; population, Ron: one other doctor; big territory;' one-halt cash; bill, to suit; open for ten diy. Address O P2, care Bee. Y MJWt x PART of Incorporated stock for sale In onsj of the best manufacturing businesses Iti the city or stale. Must be taken before first of vear. Factorv located In Omaha. Address'K 496, care of Hoe. Y 867 INVESTMENT of $100 pays 140 per month! couple of hours' light work In the even ing. Address J. I Harnett, 2112 lvmglas, St., for engagement. Y 860 2Hx WANTEIV-Man to take charge and man BKe good paying business, who will Invest 12,000 In sume. Address J-494, care Bee. Y-M961 80X GENERAL Merchandise Stock. Clean, pood paying business. Invoice about tS.Oiirt. Double brick building; cheap rent, located Boulder, finest town In Sunny Colorado. Will discount on acount other business. Box W. Excelsior Springs, Mo. Y-902 2Sx HAIR DREBSINO pnrlor for sale; best la city. 206 Neville l!lk. Y W2 SOx HAVE cardial for Investment with service), in a large and good wholesale hardware) or grocery business In a city. Ilirty means business and all negotiations con fidential. Address P. O. Bo.x 43. Couirwl Bluffs. Ia. Y-M!H3 31 FOR SALE FARMS S10 AN ACRE SAVED. I own three 240-arre farms, thren-fotirths richest bottom land, don't overflow, all In a body; 6"0 acres In cultivation, bO acres in alfalfa, 60 acres wheat, all goes to buyer; my two-fifths of 460 acres corn, this vear was over 12,ofi0 bu.; paid as rental, 12 to 16 per cent last 15 years; never missed crop in 15 years; J5.O0O Im provements one; sell any one, any two, or all together; 2 to 4 miles to good towns; bottom land, level as floor; soil 30 feet deep, no subsoil. 480 acres upland, $2,000 Improvements, 75 acres wheat goes to buyer, 16 acres alfalfa, 3 to 4 miles throe good towns; all farms on mnln roads, R. F. D., tele phone lines; one-half mile school, sur rounded by biggest feeders In Nebraska; sold mv rent corn S5c bu. on place, or two miles from farm, 37o In December last year, 4f,c In 1!4; all churches at towns, Including Lutheran, Catholic. I guarantee to sell these farms for $10 aiv ncro less money than you can duplicate them In county. Will myself be at Alma, Neb., January 2 for rest of week. lo there next excursion If Interested. For full description, photos of buildings, farms, etc., cull on or write H. J. Hill, Lincoln, Neb., 1802 B St. H-M983 80 DON'T HOARD YOUR MONEY Make It work for you. Chenp lands ".- counted the sarc-st or paying invent. ments. Buy at once, as the opportunity will soon be gone. The Union Pacific R. R. Is fast closing; out its lands In western Nebraska, Colo. ralo and Wyoming at $ to $5 per acre-Easy Terms Th land consists of nne farm and ranch lands. For description of binds and full Information regarding special excursions, apply to LAND AGENCY U. P. R. R. Dept. B, 18 So, 15th St, OMAHA. NEB. II PATENTS F. J- LARSON ft CO.. patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 70J Patents, trade marks, guaranteed or no fee. National Investment Co., Douglas Hlk- M264 Jtt 6HARPE MACHINE SHOPS Patents procured, Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 604-lJ S. 10th St. 734 DETECTIVE AGENCY WETMORE Detective Service. 'Phone Red $384. Rooms 11 and IX Union Blk., 16th and Farnam. MBlifl Jl CHIROPODY DR. ROY Warts, moles removed by elec tricity. R. 2. 15u6 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 6497. 81 3 FENCING ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing 6c per foot. 2o5 N. 17th SU Tel. Red 814. -668 Jig DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING In family or at home Miss Sturdy, 2642 Chicago. 'Phone lied 4703. PLUMBING LYNCH BROS Repair work our specialty. 118 N. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 1477. 978 3?1 . saw Abundant Rainfall and Good Crops are making the west famous for rich fanners and ranchers. The Union Pacific It. R. Is closing out the last of Its lands In Kansas, Colorado, western Nebraska and Wyoming. $3 to $5 Par Aer EASY TERMS For full Information regarding lands and Bpeclal excursions ap ply to LAND AGENCY. U. P. R. R. Dept. B. SIS Se. ISth SL OMAHA LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Office of Lee-Ulass-Andrw-sen Hardware) Company. Omaha, Neb., December 8, lMaV Nolicu is hereby given to the stockholders of the Lee-Olaas-Audieesvn Hardware Company that the annual meeting of the . stock holders of the company will be held at the utile a of the said company, coiner of Ninth und Harney sweets, in the city of Omaha, In the slate of Nebraska, on Tues day, January 8, A. D.. 17. at 8 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the company to serve during the ensuing year, and to transact sucE other business aa may be presented a$ such ine-llnK Attest; W. M. GLASd, IL !. LEE, Secretary. President. D i Sit NOTICE OK DISSOLUTION OF CO" PARTNERSHIP. Vf,tlnM la hi.pi.l.v vU-An (Win tha 1 - p- t .. ...... ,H ...... .... . Sh;ill-rnsjt Co., a co-par tnf-rwlilp ci nn poat.4 a. of J. Fred Kerr and William J Sliallcross 1 K l.aa this ilay dissolved, by mutual i-onsenU ' r 'I lia IjUi-Iuo-k of tn- firm will continue in f tht n-ime ijf J. rred Kerr, who has authority to collect all outstanding ac counts und has assumed the firm's In dehtednuxs. Dated Dvcemher !l, 1!M. J KKKU KERR. VShilt VH.I.IAM J. fcllAIXCR08a ' c ii C-MW1 9 u r