Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Image 1
S2. The Omaha Daily Your Monty's Worth THE OMAHA DEE Best tlT. West HEWS SECTION. Pages 1 to 8. VOL. XXXVI-XO. 1G7. OMAIIA, SATURDAY MOUSING, 1ECKMBEK 20, 190G SIXTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THHEE CENTS. Bee. a 1 IT CHARGE OF FORGERY (hpr'et S. Fairchildand Qeorsre W. Ferkins Indicted by New York Grand Jury. INSURANCE DEAL BASIS OF CHARGE t Tummy Pali of Stocks Entered oa Books of hew York Life Campany. Statement by the grand jury Manipulation of oooki BetuHed in No Lou to Policyholders. BOTH INDICTED MEN PROMINENT Falrrhlld 'Was Formerly Secretory of the Treasury end Perkins la Member of Banking Firm of Mo rata n Jk Co. NEW YORK, rec. as.-Oeorge W. Ter kins, formerly vice president of the New York Life Insurance company, and now a ! A" efforts made during the nlKht to reach member of the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co.. j them w"e futile, but this morning small nnil Charles 8. Falrchlld, formerly s re- j quantities of provisions were conveyed to tary of the treasury and a trustee of th.i lh rsenRrs and crews. The equipment New York Life Insurance company, were ' of the Rrltish railroads Is Inadequate to Indicted today by the grand jury chaiged ! n,'a1 w'th these condition, heretofore almost with forgury In the third degree. The In- i unknown In this country, dlctemcnls were based on what Is known ; Several women had narrow escapes Tram us tho Russian bond transaction. In wsjich death on account of the collapse of a snow It Is chanced that a false statement was ladpr r"f r a Coven t Garden warehouse made by the New York Ufe Insurance . bu' most of them were rescud from the company In order to satisfy tho government of Prussia as to the securities held by that company. Mr. Perkins appeared in court and gave bail m the sum of $10,000. Mr. Fairchlld 18 in Europe. One of (he transactions Investigated by the grand jury in this connection and the one on which Indictments were found, is what Is alleged to be a dummy sale of IO.iW shares of Chicago & Northwestern pre fer! ed stuck and B.3'0 shares of St. Paul stoik to the New Ycr Security and TiUst company. As far as appeared on the books of the New York Ufe Insurance company this transaction was a complete sale of the securities. The. New York Security and Trust company, however, recorded It as a j James Bryce as ambassador to Washing loan. Later these shares were sold by the ! ton. This must be received before the New York Security and Trust company official announcement of the appointment with a profit (o the Life Insurance company ! can bo published. The appointment had of SI5J.OH0. This alleged false statement of i been admitted by the Foreign office and sale had for Its object compliance with the Mr. bryce has announced it in a letter to rules of thi Prussian government tha a his constituents, but the proclamation of life insurance company dorm? business In j the king Is lying on a desk awaiting a that country shall not Include corporation j cablegram from Washington. The moment storks in its assests, hut may include ona in such assests. Statement by Grand Jury. The indictments were reported to Re corder Goit while another case was being x Tt. i.,, wa. .l.n.i.i -voile' the recorder listened to the report continue to be plain Mr. Bryce, both be-"r-.h .,r. Th inr. reported ix cause of his own inclination and because Indictments against each of the accused men. Accompanying tho Indictments waa the following statement: Tho grand Jury respectfully presents that In filing a bll! of Indictment against two nArmni tnr nfTtft omrvlftifl In e.innee- ' tion with the affairs of the New York Life Insurance company, that, accepting tho law of f v3K cases as advised by the district attorney, they felt constrained to find the Indictment this day Bled. The grand jur- vicilor. that in doing the acts charged the defendants were Influenced by a desire to ber.ent the policy holders of the New York Life Insurance company: that the defend ants themselves neither did nor could in any way personally profit from the acts done, and that tho evidence conclusively showed that a large pecuniary benefit was derived by the policy holders as a conse quence of these acts. After presenting the Indictments the grand Jury was discharged with the thanks of the recorder. Perkins Pleads Not Guilty. Mr. Perkins was arraigned In the court of general sessions and he entered a plea of not guilty to the Indictments, reserving the right to withdraw the pica at a later date. He was given until January 21 to file demurrers. Hail for Mr. Perkins was furnished by J. P. Morgan, Jr., who pledged the house at 222 Madison avenue, valued at $300,000, and Cleveland H. Dodge, who pledged six acres of land In New York City, valued at $50,000, T.Aa.naa "S t.U If. n.l.l.. A I I A I "7 ""u mr' ' " Minister of Education. Brland called forth would not be necessary to furnish two repeatpa appittUse by assurances of the gov bondsmen. Mr. Perkins replied: "I prefer emmenf. determination not to enter upon io nave iwo vonomnen. u is my wisn to furnish enough surety to make the bond doubly sure." Ths Impression which hid become general ..... i... .u.B.m. cae by the grand Jury would be Impos- s!bl on account of the statute of llmlta- tions was srTOneous. It waa stated today i influential laymen considered the law of that the investigation would be continued 1905 acceptable, but were compelled to re by the grand Jury, which will begin Its ! fraln from submission thereto because of an labors In January, History of the Cass. Ths grand Jury's Investigation of the af fairs of the New York Life Insurance turn- pany, which resulted In the Indictments I today, was an outgrowth of ths investlga- tion of the lnsuranca companies by a legun latlve committee a year ago. Bo voluminous was the testimony taken by ths legislative committee that Dlstrtot Attorney Jerome was occupied for months In examining It. . George W. Perkins, a former vice president of the company and mber of one of the most Influential financial firms In ths world, was arrested on a technical charge, of larceny, but that the proceedings were merely a test case waa shown when It was perm I ted to go through to the highest court In the stats without any opposition from ths accused. , Ths pressure upou District Attorney Jerome to proceed against high officials in creased rather than diminished as time went on. During ths spring months the public demand for sctton was reinforced by Justice O'Bulllvan of the court of fun eral sessions, who, in a sensational charge to a grand Jury, directed them to take up and Investigate Insurance matters, with ths asalstanca of the attorney general. he choss to glvs them assistance, or with- out It. ir ne on not. xns question was occurreu near ATDroatn, on tne North considered to some extent by that Jury, British railroad, between Edinburgh and but no definite conclusion waa reached, and Aberdeen. Among the persons injured is the work they had begun was left unfln- i Alexander William Black, member of the Ishsd when they were dismissed. On ths ; Huum of Commons, from Banffshire, Scot rsnuast of the district attorney a special 1 land. grand Jury vu next drawn for the sole purpose of taking up the Insurance cases. from London for Aberdeen were held up at ' tee commission has been In communlca rasa Causes Artlvltv Arbroath. During the afternoon the line tion with Wllbert George, a negro, who is Ths real activity, however, began only a few weeks ago, after the conviction of . r. t 1 , ( SJ Tt W . DUI nn tit, j . . 1 i l-uuiiici for ths Mutual Reserve Life Insurance , on charge of forgery. The In- 11 f Burnham and twe other high officials of the Mutual Reserve had fol lowed ths Insurance Investigation. A ver dlst against Burnham convinced Mr. Jerome, so ! later announced, that there might be grounds upon which ha could proceed against ths officials of ths New York Life. As a result, the matter waa (Continued 00 Seoood Page.) STORM IS FATAL VfMfl Con Dunn OiT font and Slnt Persons Frtfn to Drnth. LONDON'. Dec 2. The crew of the Japums liner Awa Maru, which ran on the rucks off Redcar lust niht, were tuken oft by Me boats. A telegram from Holyhead gay an un identified vessel has foundered off Rlios cuiyu point. Wales. Distress roi keis were sent up last night and a life boat put out and searched fur hours, but found no sign of tho vestcl. Nine pet sons have b"en found frozen to death on nada In England alone during the past twenty-four hour The continuing sin.wfall has created prac tically an unprecendented situation, tho worfct known .n thirty years In Gieit Flritiiin and the conditions existing here are apparently generally throughout Europe. Ftoni nil parts f Oreat Britain conies stories of trains burhd In now drlfts. the worst case being that of n pas senger train Kiund from Dundee to Edin burgh, which ran Info a snowdrift at 6 o'clock last nli;ht three miles from St. Andrews end la still Imlx-drtcd. A rescue train sent to the assistance of the passenger train also stuck In a d lit. CORTNNA, Ppaln. Deo. 28 The Sranlsh fishing steamer I'rlmero has foundered In a storm. All cf Its crew were lost with the exception of one. BRYCE COMMISSION DELAYED Statement from lindnn that Appoint ment Awaits Approval of I'nlted States. LONDON. Dec. 28-The t'nlted States l causing Rritlsh officialdom considerable embarrassment through Its failure to send In its acceptance of the appointment of tills message is received a special gazette will be Issued and formal information sent to the press. Nothing has been decided in the matter of a peerage for James Bryce, and In this . case also the general belief is that he will Of the opinion that America would prefer It. WASHINGTON. Dec. 28. When shown the cublogrant from London saying the British government is embarrassed because ' of the failure of the United States to send an acceptance of the appointment of James Bryce as ambassador to the United States, Secretary Root tonight said: "The British government was notified j hfAh onUy through Ambassador Durand and in writing several days ago that the appointment of Mr. Bryce would be eml- nently satisfactory to this government." It was announced in Washington dis patches a week ago that in response to inquiries from the British government President Roosevelt had Indicated that Mr. Bryoe's appointment would be entirely satisfactory. BRIAND REPLIES TO POPE French Minister Says Desire ot Vatican for Persecution Will Not Be Acceded To. PARIS. Deo. JR. The Senate today con cluded the general debate on the church measure and the principle of the bill waa approved today by lfc7 yeas to 87 nays There , remains only discussion of the details of the various sections, and it is expectea itus will be concluded tomorrow. superfluous negotiations with Rome, and not to accede to the Vatican's evident de- sire for persecution. The Vatican, declared M. Briand, had refused liberty. The bill , d0ea not violate the spiritual infiuei ce of J tne hlerachy. he said, and proof la found in the fact that manv bishop elerirvmen and obedience to Homo, which the speaker said resembled slavery. The government had offered the church the full benefit of the common law hitherto demanded by the pope, but It would not accord special rights . . . v. 1. 1 . v. .. irhA .... 1. l" v, rty wtt " own "'t; continued the mln- 1"ter' . The P"""' W." woul1 . .t th? cnurch VtMn ,rvB'aw ,n, T. . ,l,wr na ! OD"Re ln vpf- " n ae8,rea 10 ronimue 1 re"lBtano' to resort to private worship, and i thl" meaure never would be accepted by I the 1 athollc or trance, rne cessation or ,m""u """""J" " ' " , T T anate from Rome. M. Brlend averred, and mis wouia oe cieany unaersiooc, oy tne country at large. The senate has ordered that M. Brland's speech be plaoarded throughout France. COLLISION NEAR DUNDEE Anniversary of Tay Bridge Disaster Marked by Another Big Wreck la that Vicinity. DUNDEE. Scotland, Dec. 28. In a rail road collision today, caused by the heavy If snowstorm, sixteen persons were killed ' ; and more than thirty injured. The accident i Owing to the heavy fall of snow trains ' wa d"''1 and on train proceeded for ! Lmndee- It stopped at Elliott Junction and ths danger signals were thought to hava - .... i t,en ' 1 "ea lo at"t. however, ' through being clogged w ith snow, and an ' preas train dashed into the rear of tho waiting train. BRITISH It Is reca-.ed that the Arbroath accident , and he had accepted, but had failed to ap occurred on the anniversary of Scotland's j pear for duty on account of these threats, worst railroad accident, the Tay bridge I The commissioners think the matter will disaster of 18T. and within twenty miles ' remain In the position It now is until the of the same scene thereof. In that wreck a bridge collapsed and precipitated a train with more than seventy persona Into the river. No . escaped, R0B1NSUN BIDS TOO HlGli Quartermaster General Humphrey Rejects Proposals for Worv that Post. SHAW WILL NOT ' .UTURE PLANS e Generals Daring Retlremer the " 'y o ' Ilrlnnr the tar to Brigadier N .leral T. J. Wlet. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Dec 2s. (Special Tele gram.) quartermaster General Humphrey today decided to reject all bids which have been submitted to his department for con- Uictments ajrainsi mier until v eon sua y develo? lonn interesting phases very structlng twelve buildings, consisting of morning, at which time Judge Graham Will gnonly- Tne talk g e.ther combination cavalry barracks, quarters and stables at have made it evident whether he Intends to tf hf. fle,d j,, McMullen or a combl Fort Robinson. Neb. One bid for two I Hce the Ruef-Schmltz case 1n half. I nn,,,m of the neld against Nettleton. Two double captain s quarters, one double lieu- j In passing on the matter Judge. Dunne , or tnrfe lh can0UUtet) have discussed tenants' quarters, one set bachelor oltl- jsald: ' a combination of the field against the cer.' quarters, two double cavalry bar- lam tnM lArr Informally, but there were nM racks, and veterinarian stable, amounting n(j j llive HiM noticed that they Invariably enough members here during the day to to was submitted by G. F. Atkin- appral to Judge Graham as a man of large definitely show whether the field could or- ... .... . ... . , .. .. I ImnnlaM Thar son. Colorado Hprings, ana one mu lor iwo i double stables and four cavalry stables, amounting to tKi.016, by Wllllaim lmpson, ,)uct of this court, and It seems to me th it ) their hands off of the organisation ef the Denver. These bids, It is stated, are 10 j I ought not to bo called upon to do an idle hoU!I(1 Bg thpr lobbyists would have the to 20 per cent higher than any prices ever ; com"nedoedd wWhThis general public believe, but as in the pa.t puld for similar work, and both were re- .inquiry In the present condition. If the ap- ; they will do all In their power to secure Jected by the department, which will ad- : plication of the counsel to Judfc" OrHham ' organisation suited to their purpose. To vertlse for new bids, with the condition . ''ca nWUVmn' thi. end Hur.lngton I.-bbylst W. A. DM Imposed that work laust be commenced Tiot , ,,roceed under the very ctrcumstano s of worth, waa here yesterday, as was his lieu later than April 15 and completed within , the cape with the henrlna: of th's matter tenant Frann Young of the same brigade, fifteen month, of award of contract. j ?:h. W" " TX do.nJ; fLl ! Iafing around the Llndell lobby are a few High prices of labor and material In 'h" west Is said to be the cause of the fancy I figures wanted by contractors for construc tion work. Shaw Declines to Dlscnss Fntnre. Secretary Shaw, when shown a dispatch for New York to the effect that he would I not become president of the Mutual Life 1 Insurance company, but would probably go '. w. st and resume his bunking business In j Iowa, said thut while he appreciated the , Interest his friends had in his future move ments, he was not yet prepared to liscusa tho matter. "I am busy now with work connected with the Treasury department and' until that is concluded It will be Im possible for me to outline my plans. I will Issue a statement In due season as to my business plana. Beyond that I can not talk at present." Promotions In the Arniy. On next Tuesday Brigadier General Franklin Bell, chief of staff and , now in command of the army of Cuban pacifica tion, will be succeeded by Brigadier Gen eral Theodore J. Wlnt, who Is already on the ground. On next Wednesday Major General Jesse M. I-ee will be retired and General Bell will receive two stars. Major General James F Wade, senior officer In his grade and second officer In rank in the army, will retire for age April 14, next, the vacancy being possibly filled by the promotion of Brigadier General Wil liam S. McCaskey, commanding ths De partment of Texas, who will himself retire October i, next. The permanent appoint ment of a major genral Is then expected to go to General Wint, although General Fred Funston Is senior to Wlnt in his re ception of the Btar. General Wlnt will re tire in 1809, while General Eunston win not reach the retiring age until nearly twenty years later. During 1907, a number of brigadiers will be made, and It is believed" Colonel Enoch II. Crowder of. the Judge advocate general's department and now assisting Governor Magoon In Cuba, will be among those to receive the star. His many friends in Omaha and Washington are hoping that Crowder will reach his well deserved pro motion some time next year. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Number of Rural Carriers Are Ap polated for Routes In Nebraska. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Dec. 28.-(SpeclaI Tele gram.) Rural carriers appointed for Ne braska routes: Albion, route 2, Andrew M. Watson, carrier; Rolla Watson, sub stitute. Burchard, route 3, John F. How- I land, carrier; Samuel Deadorf, substitute. i Fullerton. route 8, Martin L. Moore, car- Susanna E. Moore, substitute. Grand i i.iandi route 4, Albert U Ramsbel, carrier; jonnnie B. Wyatt, substitute. Rlverdale. ! route 1, Roy U. Dennis, carrier; Dora Den nis, substitute. Postmasters appointed: South Dakota, Chancellor, Turner county, Christian F. , Gordon vice H. H. Wheelhonse, resigned; j Draper, Lyman county, Celia O. Kensella ; v)ce f. H. McMaster, resigned. Wyoming, ' Moneto, Tremont county, Harry Bryant j Vce w. J. Riley, resigned. On the recommendation of Congressman Kinkald, Dr. E. T. Wilson has Deen P - pointed pension examining surgeon at O'Netl, Neb., rice Dr. J. L. Mcuonaia, re signed. POLITICIANS NOT WANTED Head of Roosevelt Third Term League Says Matter Must 'Coma from People. NEW YORK. Dec. 38.-Edward A. Horner if cng-o, president of the Roosevelt Term when asked yesterday 1 about lhe orranlration. Bald: u ,a not our purple t0 appeal to the ' politicians; In fact, we don't want any of them. It is to be a matter which Is to i , ,ome drectly from the people, and for my. I rto., care whether President Roosa- j yet ke, u or not To my mlndi ne has nothing to say about it. He Is the only man In whom the people have absolute and Implicit confidence. We know he Is honest; his actions have demonstrated It beyond doubt." The headquarters of the league are In Chicago Tho league Is sending broadcast over the country copies of Its platform, which sets forth that President Roosevelt shoutd bs nominated and tells why ths i league Is nonpartisan. j NEGRO CLERK IS AFRAID Only Maa Eligible for Mississippi Postal Clerkship Advised to tay Away. I WASHINGTON. Dec. 28. The Civil Serv. . the only eligible for a clerkship In the postofflca at Hattiesburg. Miss., and who has been advised by certain white . - to remain awmy from tne postottlca, other , wise he would be mobbed. George advisei .id . the commission that the postmaster at Hattiesburg had tendered him a position . attention of the Postofflce department or the commission la called officially to ths Inability of George to perform the work to whlua be haa been assigned. REBUKE FOR JUDGE GRAHAM Judge Dunne Accuse Heart ot Superior ( onrt with Interfering with Ilia Department. t BAN FRANCISCO. Pec. 2S.-Judge today administered a remarkable rebuke to Presiding Judge Graham when he learned that the latter Is preared to cmstder the motion of the attorneys for Mayor Sohmlta to have his case transferred to another court. Judge Dunne not only directly ac cused Op-ahum of Interfering with the busi ness of his department, but declared with an air of finality that If the Schmlti cae Is taken away from him the Ruef case must go with It. On that account he continued the proceed- logs looking to the setting aside of the In- ; V" . 1 L . , .,7 . m ' n. .,., , ..Vh ,'hp nrderlv con- ' mlt the matter to you. You have my views. I j,,rtK0 Graham'todav postponed until Mon- day morning the hearing of Mayor Schmlti remain unattached. These unattached Iot motlon for a transfer of his Indictment i bylsts. however, are doing the "listening" ease from Judge Dunne's court to some . other department of the superior court. The postponement was ordered after a bit' ter interchange of words by the attorneys and at the request of Assistant Dlstr ct Attorney Hiram Johnson, who desires to file counter affidavits. UNION PACIFIC PLANS CUT-OFF Seeks to Avoid Blar Hill at Athol on Line from Denver to Coast. CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Dec. 28. (Special.) About six months ago it was announced that the Union Pacific had a party of surveyors In the field surveying a cutoff from a point near Car on the Colorado division, to a point neaj Borie, on the Wyoming division, west of Cheyenne, thus avoiding Athol hill and shortening the run from Denver to coast points by two hours. Today right-of-way maps were filed by the Union Pacific in the office of the county clerk here Rhowing this cutoff al most exactly as described at that time. The map Is certified to by R. L. Huntley, chief engineer of the Union Pacific system, and shows that portion of the cutoff lying In Laramie county, it is understood that the new line will leave the present right-of-way at a point near Carr station, on the Union Pacific, extending to a connection with the main line of the Union Pacific west of Cheyenne about one and one-half miles east of Borle. Another line will leave the cutoff in section 83. townBhlp 13, range B7, and will extend to a con nection with the Union Puclflo near Cor lett, about eight miles east of Borie. This second line will be used for traffic between Cheyenne and Denver only, all the western business passing over the main cutoff. Construction work on the new line will be started as early as possible, probably during the month of March, and It Is the desire of the company- to have trains run ning over the shortcut before the end of 1907. The new line will mean only the saving of a few miles between Denver and Salt Lake City, but it will mean a vast saving In time, almost two hours being' consumed in climb ing Athol hill. AFTER MACKLIN'S ASSAILANT Well Defined Rumor Man Who Shot Army Officer Will Be Arrested Within Few Hours. EL RENO. Okl., Dec. 28. Major Ven- rose, commandant at Fort Reno, tonight refused to make any statement regarding a rep0rt that he has a clue to the identity and whereabouts of the person believed to be a discharged soldier of the Twenty fifth infantry, who shot and seriously wounded Captain Edgar B. Mockl n a . wee ag0 tt s believed here, however, , that nn naa Becured definite lntormtt'pn i an(j tnat the assailant will be In custody wltnn a short time. I Major Penrose says that Captain Mack- jn.8 condition Is showing much lmprove- , ment, though It probably will require many weeks to restore his health Ill-concealed excitement and Intense feeling still prevails here over the as sault upon Mrs. T. S. Cllff.ird. wife of a prominent physician, by a negro yester day afternoon. While Major Penrose posi tively declines to discuss the affair at this time. It Is understood from other army sources that all of the regulars have been accounted fpr and that the Insult was given either by a discharged soldier or a negro clvlltan who might have purchased his cast-off uniform. It is understood arrests are to be made soon. but that If possible the fact will be kept secret In order to avoid prpbable mob ; violence, INSURANCE PRESIDENTS MEET Organisation la Completed and Con stitution and By-Laws Are Adopted. NEW YORK. Dec. 28. The Association of Life Insurance Presidents was organized 1 here today and a constitution and bylaws , adopted. Ten of the fourteen presidents I who attended voted to adopt the constltu- I tion and bylaws, the others being ex cused from voting until they can consult with their directors. The meeting ad journed until Januaty 17. The object of the association la the "Im provement of the life insurance business by the Inauguration of better practices, with the aim of ultimately Increasing dividends and thereby reducing the cost of life Insurance to policyholders. It was announced that it would be the policy of the new association pubflcly to present the merits of life insurance when ! ever the Interests of policyholders are as j sailed. ! ORDER IN RAILROAD CASE (real lonacri nasi snow t aase Why lajuartloa Should Not Be Issued. ST. PAUL. Dec. 2S. The district court haa ordered the Great Northern to show cause why a temporary Injunction should not be granted restraining the proponed Issue of StiO.uuv.GU) of stock. COMBINATIONS ON SPEAKER Not Eetelooed lar Ir,ueh to lidioate Vrhat Etreneth it Haa. LOBBYISTS SAY THtY ARE KEEPING OUT Indications, However, Are They Are finally at Work 1'nder ( over to Secure Favorable Organ isation. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Dec. 28 (Special.) Rumors of combinations filled the air today and tli iIulicalIonB are lhe speakership fight will S"ie against any one man. The corporation are not going to keep unattached lobbyists, who are protending thev are looking for nothing" and expect to act, and within a short time they will have to show their hands. Little Talk Among Senators. Among the senators there Is little talk of an organization. Inasmuch as the presi dent of the senate has llttl-3 authority, and tho committees even are appointed by a committee, few candidates have come out for the place. J. C. F. McKesson of Lan caster Is here on the ground, of course. and he wants tho place, and Joe Burns Is his general manager". Saunders of Doug las county has no manager here and neither Is he here, while Wlltse of Cedar, who Is considered a strong 'candidate for the place, did not show up during the day Parties who do not want Dodgo for speaker are saying Saunders will bo made president pro tern of the senate In an effort to sidetrack Dodge, while those who favor Dodge are saying the same thing ' about the candidacy of Saunders. Nettleton Is Angry Candidate Nettleton waa extremely net tled this morning when a demo-pop said he waa receiving the support of the state cpmmtttee officials and the backing of Norris Brown even to the ettent of se curing a room at the republican state headquarters for nothing. Mr. Nettleton answered the statement In these few, but pointed words: "It's a d n lie. And since the appearance of the state ment In the paper Landlord Steve Hoover has been chasing himself anound every where telling that Mr. Nettleton pays for his headquarters the same as any other candidate. . Former Representative Cuubingham, who started out as a candidate for ser-geant-at-arms of the house,, has with drawn from the race and very magnani mously has requested It be made public that he will sacrifice his own interests to secure the appointment fit George H. Washburn of his town of Glltner as post master of the senate. It. A. Hober, who was sergeant-at-arms of the Benute during the. last session, is on the ground to get his old Job back. He halls from Fullerton. Other candidates for minor places are beginning to come In and are almost as numerous as the legislators. Among the sejiators, Epperson of Clay county added himself to the list this after noon, declaring that ho cares little about who fills the offices, though he said there would be no doubt that every .measure pledged In the platform would be enacted into law. Senator Epperson brought some fame to himself two years, ago by offer lng a motion to poison the dog of an editor who had spoken derogatory of the legislature. The senators had worked them Belvea Into a white heat and some of them were foaming, almost. In their determination of this newspaper man when Epperson got the floor. Mr. President," he said, "something awful should be done to that editor. His action Justifies the most severe punish ment. I therefore move you, Mr. President that a committee of three be appointed to poison the editor's dog.' It had the effect of starting the Benate on another line of business. Incidentally Mr. Epperson brought his dog with him and said he was going to take it over to a relative to visit during the winter, Secretary of State Junkin tonight an nounced the appointment of Walker Smith of Elwood, Gosper county, as recording clerk In his office. The position pays $100 a month. Mr. Smith was for three terms county clerk of his county and Is an ex tensive land owner. This makes the sec ond Smith in the office, and as Deputy Waifs mother Is a Smith Mr. Junkin said he felt he had done his duty by the Smith family. Among the arrivals tonlgtit was Repre sentative Hill of Imperial, who Is a eandl date for speaker. Mr. Hill has doclded not to open headquarters, but will feel out the members on his chances and take a shot at the plum at the caucus without making a vigorous campaign Mike Lee came down from Douglas county and brought the Information ths the balance of the delegation, or a big por tion . 1. in v. - i ..- ,,, m .1 . T were K ,n!7 Wt'' U t0"lM lh",aol?J' w?Jl;;tU,ned a.verd.ct of acquittal. The case th Culloch of Gage, ttenkei or enster. Ressc representing Adams and Webster. Wilson of Custer and Hamer of Buffalo. Rev. Mr. Flook of Omaha, who was chap- lain of the senate two years ago. Is here to boom his candidacy for the sume place this year. Some of the members will go home tomorrow to spend Sunday. STATEMENT BY MRS. SAGE Widow of New York Financier Says Requests for Charity Are Premature. NEW YORK, Dec. 28. Mrs. Russell Sage, widow of the financier, today gave out a statement In which she declared that It I from New york. was not her intention to distribute Immedl- j e0"'0"-ArTlvd: Sylvania. from Uv ately the money left by her husband, and , At Antwerp Sailed: Menomlnle, for much less does she Intend to distribute It ! Boston. everywhere and to everybody. She clared that she has at her own doors plenty of cases of need which have a neortr clulm on her than the people of other cities whose needs, she believes, can and should be met by philanthropic per sons In those cities. The earliest date at which her husband's estate can be closed up, she says, Is one year from his death, and therefore present applications t her are premature. THE BEE BULLETIN. Fnreenat for tehrnaka Fair and Somewhat Colder Saturday. Sunday F-S-. faste. , 1 Indictments In Insnrnnre Case. Army Cnnstrnrtlon Hln Too tllah. TnlU of Combination on Speaker, (hair of the Prison Parole law. 2 F.fTeet of Car Shortnae on Trade n e from sll Parts of braaka. A. J. Cassntt Dies Snddenly. S Flnanrlnl Review of the Week. TnrlfT anil the Trnsta Ptsenssrd. B Spnrtlnsr Events of the liny. O'Neill Asraln Heads Western. II Affairs at Snnth Omaha. T Few of the sj-sv l.asvs Wanted. Ak-Snr-llen Annual Meeting. H Old Sages on Correct Living. tias mils Are Now to the Front. 1 Editorial 11 Whiskers Flgnre In Identification. Hleh Legacies Left to Charity. Monroe Explains liaise In Half. Ill fiood Things for Snndny Dinner. lireat Year for Knllroad Work. Some t sea of the Hsnqnet Habit. 13 Commercial and Financial ews. 1(1 Connell Dion's and InWa News. 1 Two Big Jobs Without Orrnpant. Temperature at Omaha Yesterdayi Hour. Org Honr. Deg. R a. n XT 1 p. 111 II a. m jl a p. m 4W T a. m 1U n p. m fl.'l Ma. m ail 4 p. to 4 On. m 27 ft p. m 47 10 a. m .141 p. m 4 7 11 a. ni .1.-1 7 p. m 4(1 ia m mi H p. ni 41 l p. m l-i CONDITION OF THE SICK ONES Connt Crelghton's Symptoms More Encouraging and J. H. Kitchen Is No Worse. The reports on the condition of John A. Crelghton, lying In his private ward at St. Joseph's hospital, continue to be of a natu"e more favorable than otherwise early Saturday morning. Early In the even ing his condition was less favorable. Tho patient seemed to be resting easily during the nsght, while on Thursday night he was somewhat restless and did not secure more than one hour of sleep. Another matter which gives a favorable tone to the reports is that the temperature has not Increased, Indicating that the fever, which was not high on Friday, has not grown worse. In spite of the absence of alarming condi tions. howeVer, the anxiety of the physi cians lsjiot allayed, as the crisis lg not yet passed. The condition of James R. Kitchen. whns I Illness at his home, m South Thirty-second ; avenue, has been of a more alarming na- ture recently, showed no change early Rat urday morning. Word was given out at the house that while still low Mr. Kitchen had grown no worse. MANY FOREST RESERVATIONS Acting I .and Commlnsloner With draws Iand In New Mexico, Colorado and California. WASHINGTON, Dec. W.-The acting commissioner of the general land office has announced the withdrawn! of 637,920 acres of land for forest reserve purposes Included within the Sacramento range of mountains in south central New Mexico. The lands are located In Otero and Chaves counties, south and east of the Mescalero Apache Indian reservation. The acting commissioner also announced the withdrawal of 87,820 acres in Routt county. In northwest Colorado, west of the Continental divide, for the same pur pose. He also withdrew for forest reserve purposes 483,000 acres lying In southwestern Colorado, north and east of the southern Ute reservation, near Durango, and 155,180 acres In northwester California, lying In Del Norte county and adjoining the Kla math forest reservation on the west and the Oregon border on the north. ECHO OF MVICKER CASE Revelation of a Plot Against Wealthy Widow Said to Re Motive) for Murder of Clerk. LOS ANGELES. Dec. 28. The sudden and mysterious death in Pasadena two years ago of the wealthy Mrs. Harriet McVlcker, widow of the well-known Chlcugo theatrical man, may figure In the murder trial of J. C. Jackson, a negro tailor, who Is ac cused of the killing of James Logan, a mulatto clerk of Pasadena. Miss Ida Mc Danlel, who was a nurse In the McVlcker household, Is now on her way here from Chicago to give testimony for the prosocu tlon In the trial of Jackson. It Is claimed that her testimony will reveal an attempted plot against Mrs. McVlcker, which Miss McDanlel exposed by revealing It to Lo gan, the murdered man. Enmity against Logan growing out of this matter, It Is charged, had to do with his violent death. Miss McDanlel Is expected to arrive here today and take the witness stand tomor row. COLONEL MANN IS ACQUITTED Kdltor of Town Topics Found Not Guilty of Charge of Perjury. NEW YORK, Dec. 28.-The Jury In the case of Colonel William D. Mann of Town went to the Jury at 7 0-COCK and the ver- 1 diC was reached four hours later. The charge against Colonel Mann grew I out 0f the Hapgood libel suit. During tho ca8e colonel Mann testified that the letters ' O K. W. D. M.. appearing on a letter . . . ... . . ' . ... received by him from Count Reginald 11. . . . , ... , Ward of London had not been written by njra It'was charged that Colonel Mann com - nut tea perjury wnen ne aeniea naving maae . the letters. Motenirnts of Ocean Vessels Dee. 2M. At Que-nstown Arrived: Lucanla, from New York. At Boulogne Arrived: Ryndam, from New York. At Hamburg Arrived: uraf W aide-rate. . Al ixmaoii ouueu: AiiuiituoiiK, xor cw At Brenv n Sailed: Bremen, for New York. At Naples Siilled : Canoplr, for Ronton. At Liverpool Hailed : Empress of Britain, for Halifax. At St. John, N. B Sailed: Empress of Ireland, for Liverpool. At Portland. Me. Arrived: Hungarian, from Glaegviw. At Boston Cleared: Devonian, for Liver pool. At Havre Arrived: La Lorraine, from New York. PAROLE LAW ABUSES rcme Work ncs Under the Ftatuta Tunne Mickey dministratien. PRISONERS LET CUT TO VIRTUAL PEONAGE Esnt to Work for Frivate Tarties Under Conditions Net Named. LINCOLN LIVERYMAN FAVORED INDIVIDUAL S. M. Melick Qeti Twenty-Two Durine tha Last Four Yean. FILL LIST OF CONVICTS AND CRIMES Shomlng that llrmands Attention Made hy Records at the Kierntlvr Office Covering Mickey's Two Terms an Governor. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dec. JK. (Special.) The mat ter of paroling prisoners from the peniten tiary has attracted some little attention, been made known, for the reason that no official report is niude on the subject. The prisoners are paroled und no publicity is j given to the action unless some occurrence i calls attention to the fact that the prisoner I Is out of confinement. Some apparent ; abuses have grown up In connection with the practice which may require correction. One of these has been the paroling of prisoners to men who need unsklli. d labor and who are thus supplied at small cost. A paroled prisoner, while not in actual confinement, la subject to such rules as amount to vlrtuul peonage, lie has the option of working for the man to whom he Is assigned at such waites and under such conditions as the latter m.iy pre scribe or return to prison. The wages paid these men are small, generally merely nominal, while thay are -expected to per form as much work isv a free laborer. Other prisoners are paroled to relatives, and In these casies the parole amounts In effect to a pardon. The records of paroled pris oners, which are kept at the governor's office and at tho penitentiary, are silent on this point. Statute on the Snhjrct. The law of Nebraska reads; "That the governor shall have power In the case of any prisoner who Is now or hereafter may be Imprisoned in the state penitentiary under a sentence other than murder in the flrBt or w'l'nd degree, who may have ''rVPd the n"''u' term provided by law for the crime for which he was con victed (and who has not previously been convicted of felony and served a term In any penal Institution within the United States of America), und In the case of any prisoner who Is now or hereafter may be imprisoned under a sentence for murder In the first or second degree and who has now or hereafter shall have served twenty five full years, to allow any such prisoner to go upon parole outside of said peni tentiary, to remain while on parole within the Btate under the control and within the legal custody of the governor, and subject at any time to be taken back: within the enclosure of snld Institution, and full power to retake and relmprlson any convict so upon parole is hereby cort forred upon the governor, whose written order shall be a sufficient warrant for all officers named therein to authorize such officers to return to actual custody any conditionally released or paroled prisoner, and It Is hereby made the duty of all officers to execute said order the same aa ordinary criminal process." Violations of l,nw In Pnrollng. It will be noted that only first-term pris oners are subject to parole, and yet sec ond, third and fourth-term prisoners have been bo released. The law also provides thai paroled prisoners must remain within the state, and yet at lenst one waa pa roled to go outside the state and entirely away from the custody or Jurisdiction of ths governor. The law says that the pa role cannot be granted until the minimum sentence has been served; at least one waa paroled before he had served the minimum sentence, and others were released so close to the time that It seems that they were being especially watched by some one. Mellfk Gets Many. Certain parties seem to have been espe cially favored under the law. One of these is 8. M. Melick of Lincoln, a former sheriff of Lancaster county and keeper of a livery stable there. He has had during the last four years twenty-two pris oners paroled to him. These have been engaged In work around bis livery burn and at the new house he built during the term. The "po"ce records of Lincoln show that the prisoners paroled to Melick caused any amoynt of trouble and frequent arrests. E. J. Bohannon, a competitor of Melick In the livery business, has had five con victs paroled to him In his barn during the same time, and St. Elizabeth's hospital has had four let oot of the penitentiary to) work around the premises of the hos pital. Farmers and others wanting cheap help have secured convicts from Die penitentiary on parole, and at least one Instance Is known In which the convict asked to be re turned to prison to escape from the hard ship of life on a farm under parole. This was recently reported from Heward county. The monthly reports from the convicts thus liberated are sent to Warden Rcemer of the penitentiary and not to the gov pi I it 1 1 a "iiitu. 11 is r i : t inj mm n lull ' report of conduct during each month of j . J ort of free(Jom mae, but how ao- ernor's office. It is expected that a full curate the reports are Is not known. It Is reasonably certain that thoad who have bern let out to work In the livery barns of Lincoln have never told the full truth atiitlll fhf.lV H,.it1fU rtt llli.Lt alirttllil V, a .... 1 , . . . . , been quickly locked up again for v olttt lng .... . . . " ' the conditions of their paroles. 1 j Convicts Now Out on Parole. j Tl"' rlsoriers at present out on parole William Shnylor pandid to Thomas Shay- lor. South Omaha; Incest. Thomas Spencer to Joseph McNamara, B'-eimr; adultery. I-e O. Kalrrnaii to C. P. H.ihn. IJneolnJ forgery. Charles D. Patterson to W. A. Apperson, Tcuni-h; horse sti-ullhg. Harry Mclirlde to olne Fellman, Beemer horse stealing. Roland Rivers to Ciaus Cass, Gretna! b.11 Klary. Charles Fair to J. C. Stewart, Uncoln; grand larceny. Dennis Wofford to W. H. Westover, Ruslivllle: murder. Gilbert Clark to Sister Superior St. Enos, Llurtiln: tni-eat. Mark lily to W. K. Agcr, Kearney; horse stealing. Fred Ward to M. Stensrnlder, Hubbell; stiihtdng to kill. Will Hawkins to James Wheelan, Omaha biphway rob ry. George H. Day to Roy Doolittle, Tecum, seh; manslaughter. James Connolly to J. J. Callopy, Scott's Bluff: manslaughter. Frita Koester to Charles W. Rutledge, !h v.JlL-!''' t ... . t a