Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Office, 10 I'enrl St. Tel. 43.
UMult Cli
iI.Kht at 7
Pftvlo. drnir.
Ftokrt s 11" carpet.
Fine engravings at Leffert's.
Kd lingers' Tony Faust beer,
numbing and heating, Blxby St Ron.
lewg fuller, funeral director, "phone 7.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel Mt.
I,. Rosenfeldt Co. for pure wlhes, JlqiMM
and t'nrulnls. 61 Bo. Muln St.
Ivy and Welling, SoSslmiK. Western lowu
nilNCP. Mtrlwintrr terhl Jun. 2.
SL littUnVIiU A a A v I v l'UI'l!V'l'
lty MasonM lodge will meet to- o clock tor work In the first
degree. ,
Bildensteln A Smith, Fourteentn avenue
and 8ixth street, coal, wood and feed.
'i'honea 182.
All slss of storm doors, storm sash,
norm windows and weather strips at Geo.
Andrew Carlson, charged with beating hix
wife. wi given forty days hy Judge ttcott
In police court yesterday morning.
A beautiful and ornamental gas burner,
the WeUbaeh chick lu,tnp, complete,
Stephen Hros.. b2i) Went Broadway.
BOTH l'HONKtf 72.
High grade granite work, from tho beet
Karre imported granitea, b tterlng, carving
and traeiiig. Fine nionunientHl work a
specially. Hheeley & Lane, -17 East Broad
way. .
KI,KH. '
L). 8. Kerr hna merchandise for exchange,
farms for sale, all kinds of city property
for aale and on monthly' payments. Houses
for rent. 646 Broadway. - 'I'liones 417 and
Red. '
I am In the murkrt to buy DW tons of ma
chinery Iron. :W ton stove Iron, 20 tons
of rubber and 20 tons copper and lirnsn.
Write for prices before you sell. J. Katel
man, 80 S. Main St. Moth 'phones 660.
The big buck at Falrniount park, which
had given so much trouble lately on ac
count of Its vicious temper. ha been
vlaiiKhterei; by order of I'resldetit Oraham
of tho park commission and Its carcas sold
to a local caterer to be vended as venison.
M It. Rnvdur who will nuccced Judae U.
H. Bcott as Judge of the superior and police
couits on January 1. has aimouncia ine
terms of suwrlr court for 1W7 n follows:
January 28, Alnrch 4. April K, June 2, July
8, October 7, November 1H and December 16.
Hal Merrlum, the youth charged with be
ing Implicated wltJi John Prultt In the theft
of two horses from tho II. Haag pasture
last October, waived a, preliminary hearing
In Justice Uardiner'a court yesterday mum
lug and was bound over to await the nc
tion of .the grand Jury.
An old man named Krtiger, who wandered
away from his home In Omaha Wednes
day afternoon, was found y -sterday at a
house In Caning cut on the outskirts of the
city. He was completely exhausted from
his long trip and a family took him in and
notified tho police. His son, who was noti
fied, came yesterduy afternoon and took
him home.
Rev. Henry leLon performed the mar
riage ceremony yesterday for live couples
In his oftU'e at the county court house.
They were W p. Howarlh and Nell J.
Aui-nnii both of Woodbine, la.: Charles
Iorens and Stasia Padden, both of Des
Slolnes; R. J. Dowers of St. Paul, Neb.,
-jd' Nora P.. Underman of Palmer. Neb.;
r . Burchacd of Omaha und Olive May
Wrnnn of Des Moines; F. Herman and B.
Johnson, both of Omaha.
Ben I-aBouff, the young man picked tip at
the Union trunsfer depot Wednesday In a
demented condition, in being held at St.
Bernard's hospital awaiting word from his
relatives. The young man said yesterday
when before the 'commissioners that his
father lived In LJncoln, Neb., his mother
and sister In 8t. Joseph, Mo., trnd that his
home Was 'In ' Mdntreal, Canada. Nothing
could be learned from the younif fellow,
however, a to Where he was bound for,
when picked up at the transfer. He Is
shout ii years of age.
The cases aaalnst Attorney Herman
&r.i,'nr and Muhlnn Brown, charged with
violating a city ordinance by expectorating
. m.hiirt aldewnlk. were dismissed In
police court yesterday , morning. Major
Richmond, chleT of police, explained that
the ordinance was not Intended to harass
.r omlmruHH renutable cltUens, who, In a
mood of forgetfulncHs, might expectorate
...I. Iimnlnir to I lid CUI'b tO do SO. but
whs intended for loafers, those who make
. i . .r.rn..m u liiuflnir ilace and cliew
tohuecn and expectorate until the sidewalk
becomes like a hog wallow.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night 03.
t 1
Well Known Council EluTi Polio Char
acter Victim of iaramour.
Insists He Is lifting; to Get Well,
Though Officials Are of the
Opinion His lajnrles
Are Fatal.
County Attorney R. E. Backus of
Bonesteel, S. P., was In the city last night,
en route to Mason City. Mr. Backus said
that Just before leaving Bonesteel He was
called to take an ante-mortem statement
of Uloyd Forgraves, who had been shot and
thought to tmve been fatally wounded by
Irene Townsend, his paramour. Forgraves,
however, refused to make any statement.
declaring that he was going to get well,
Mr. Backus said. Both Forgraves and the
woman are well known In Council Bluffs,
where they lived prior to moving to Bone
steel. Forgraves, who was a member of a
respectable family, was born and raised In
Council Bluffs. His associations with the
vicious element repeatedly got him 'into
trouble and he had to leave the city after
being Indicted for slashing a negro with
big butcher knife. The woman conducted
a resort on Broadway until driven out by
tho police.
brought a present last Monday for the lit
tle Inmates of the Associated Charities'
creche. '
Following a short program, consisting of
piano solo by Mrs. P. Macrae, a reading
by Miss Cor Oretier, a Christmas carol
by a trio Composed of Kenneth Sherman,
Iynne Brown and Henry Pent, the "honor
list" of the Sunday school was read and
then the rest of the evening was given
over to games of various kinds.
Investigate the A. Hospe Co. plan of
selling llanos. It's a system whereby
you get the best possible musical value for
the least money. 28 So. Main Street, Co.
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued to the fol
Kama and Residence. Age,
W D. Howarth, Woodbine, la 42
Nell J. Aaraons, WuodlXnu, la 27
Verne Blake, Yale, la 37
Mamie J. ltt, Marshalltown, la 8ti
Charles Irfirens, Des Moines SI
Stasia Puuden, Des Molnos.. ........... ,....S1
R. J Dowers. St. Paul, Neb 21
Nora B. Ulndei niun, 1 'aimer, fiuD .1
F. Purcbard, Oiualin 32
Olive May Weems. Des Molnea
F. Iferniaii. Omaha
Johnson, Omaha it
OOOP BEER The American People's
Bevsrste is recommended for Its tools 0
ana umu'tlo prm9rum.
Van "Brunt has most of his new, up-to-
date styles on the sample floor. Now Is
your time to select a nice Job for the open-
ng spring. Call around and look the line
Combination gas and electric chandeliers
and the celebrated Welshach Incandescent
gas burners. Why not see us before you
buy. We can certlnly plesse you on price
and quality of goods. Btephan Bros., 629
West Broadway.
Inforvii Tfcem Thtro is Ho Looter ' a
Tea.olurV. Profession, in Iowa.
Railroad Commission Pots In Day
Hearlnar Arguments Pro and Con
on Petition for Redac
tion In Rates.
condition Is serious and the outcome can
not be foretold.
hnotlnst Aflrsy In Hotel.
IOUX CITY, la.. Dec. 17. (Special Tcl"
giam h-In a fight In the 8'.. Minn hotel
this evening, William Potter was shot In
the shoulder by Joseph Herron, alias "Klon
dike Joe." Herron asserts Putter pulled a
knife on htm first.
Matters In District Court.
Fremont Benjamin began suit In the dls
tiict court yesterday against Mrs. Kalh
erlne Fogarty as administratrix of the eg
tato of her deceased husband, D. J. Fo
garty, for 11,063, claimed to be due for
legal services.
The Rock Island Railway company
made defendant In two suits brought yes
terd:iy by John Sexton. In one suit Sexton
asks that the railroad be restrained from
closing or obstructing an opening under
Its right-of-way, which he has used as a
passageway-for his cattle. In the othe
suit he asks S0O damages for the cloning o
this opening.
Joseph Michener has brought suit against
the Union Pacific; railroad to recover $1,075
damages for the alleged neglect of and
failure to feed In transit a shipment of
horses and colts from Opal, Wye, to Sioux
City. . The alleged failure of the railroad
company to properly care for the stock en
route, It Is claimed by the plaintiff, ma
terially decreased their value In the Sioux
City market.
M. Marcus of this, city has filed bis pe
tition In his suit against the Omaha &
Council Bluffs Street Railway company
for $10,000 damages for personal Injuries
alleged to have been received April 27, 1906.
The plaintiff alleges that the car
on which he was a passenger was de
railed at the turn from Broadway onto
Avenue A, at Thirteenth street, owing to
the great speed at which the car was being
run. Marcus states he was thrown from
his seat and received permanent Injuries to
his head and neck.
t. 8. Jackson for himself and as assignee
of the claim of L,. 8. Howe has begun suit
against the Great Western railroad, In
which ho asks $426 damages for the burning
of two and one-quarter acres of fruit al
leged to have been set afire through neg
ligence of the defendant company. The
fire complained of Is said to have started
along the defendant company's right-of-
way and spread to the orchards of the
plaintiff and Howe. . .
Wallace Benjamin has brought suit
against the Alfalfa Meal company to re
cover $110 alleged to be due him as com
mission on the purchase of lots In the
western part of the city for the site of
the company's proposed nw factory,
Companion Was Careless In Handling
a (Inn.
Wenflel Kllllns, the 12-year-old son of
J. A. Killing, 276 Washington avenue, was
shot and seriously wounded Wednesday
afternoon by the accidental discharge of a
shotgun In the hands of Burt Msxnfld. a
young companion. Roscoe Maxfleld, a
brother of Burt Maxfleld. received some of
the shot In the calf and ankle of the right
leg, but his Inlurles are not serious. There
Is fear that If complications set In young
KUllns' Injuries may terminate fatally.
Young Kllllns and tho Maxfleld hoys,
who live on Mornlngslde avenue, had gone
Into the woods nearby with a small air
rifle to hunt. While there they met Will
Miller,' a 14-year-old lud who lives on
Cooper avenue, Boy-like, they wanted to
look at the shotgun, and young Miller
handed it to Burt Maxfleld. While the boys
were crowded around looking at the gun
young Maxfleld accidentally pulled the
trigger. The greater part of fhe charge
of shot struck young Kllllns on the side
at the top of the thigh and passed through
the groin, tearing away the flesh and mus
cles and leaving the thighbone exposed.
Young Kllllns was carried to his home by
the father of the Maxfleld hoys. Yesterday
the wounded boy was reported to be re
covered from the shock of the Injury, and
unless blood poisoning or. other complica
tions set In he has a chance fo recovering.
Plctares, Fancy Frames
Burnt leather bags, shaving pads, stamp
cases, photo albums, address books, sta
tionery, pottery, etc., for New Year's gifts.
C. E. Alexander, 8S3 Broadway.
Special sale on fine hand painted china,
S3H off. Also on all pictures and novel
ties. Calendars Illustrated by Frederick
Remington and Marcfleld Parrlsh at W,
B. Hewetson's Art and Wall Paper store,
Broadway and Fourth, Council Bluffs, la.
Speaking of quality-
0 and Incidentally of purity.
V " - - ,
cleanliness and so on
"o)Pr?Fo) t
bear silent testimony in Ita
own behalf. The quality and
character of Blata beer could
have) never been attained bad
not the first laws of food brew
ingpurity and cleanliness
been observed. Butthe keynote
of the popularity of this beer la
ita honest, individual goodness.
Try any of thee brands
whether on draught or In bob-
. tlea wherever you can
Arrested for Stenllnar Horses.
Harry Gilbert, a stranger to the police,
but who when arrested claimed to be em
ployed by the Independent Telephone com
pany, Is behind the bars of the city Jail
with a charge of grand larceny against his
name. Early yesterday afternoon Gilbert
hired a horse and buggy at the Weather
bee livery barn on Broadway. Ite was
arrested a few hours later, after he had
made arrangements to sell the rig to Frank
Davis, a horse trader living at Twenty
third street and Avenue I. Pnvls, not hav
Ing the money at hand with which to buy
the rig, accompanied Gilbert up town to
the office of the Clark Mortgage company
with the purpose of securing the needed
funds by giving a chattel mortgage on
the horse and buggy. It happened that a
member of the Clark Mortgage company
recognized the rig as belonging to Weath
erbee and he notified the latter. Weather-
beo at once put himself In communica
tion with the police and Gilbert's arrest
Kew Year's ;ift.
The gracious custom of opening the new
year by gift giving en New Year's diy Is
deservedly popular. We are well prepared
to assist you In the matter, having an at
tractive line of small water color and
leather novelties from 10 cents up to any
price you choose. Our art cilendois are
especially suitable for Ne,w Year's gifts and
we are making cut prices on them th;s
$33 B oadway
I t
o ?- MILWAUKEE, i . I
Henl Kstate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
Peceinber 27 by the Po'M-Attamle County
Abstract ccmpany ol .'ounrli B uffs:
D. Rothschild Grain eonnm. to Jihn
W. Crow, 2tl ft. lot 12, Mick 1. in
Mlndi-n, la., w. d $5j0
Receivers or tmcer A. t'ns.y to F. J
Day. lot S, block S. Ht Va ad.: ran
of out lot 1. Mill Hud 'and part of
lot 1, bluck 11, Mynster s add. to Coun
cil bluffs, la., reevrs d 2T0
County nvumrtT to Day & HeM. un
divided one-half of lots 4. 6. li 9 '0
11, 1-. 13 and 14. blink . Central sub. Iv.
in Council Bluffs, la., t. d
William T. Wyman to K. C. H irton. lots
il and K block -'1; lot $. bliek :2 and
lot 15. block J. Ferry add. to Council
Bluffs. Ia.. t. e. d
Four transfers, total.
A. Metsvar A Co.
Nw location of Wholesale Bakery.
51$ Mynster Street, Council Bluffs, la.
Home-Made Bread a Specialty.
VUitors Welcome.
Sunday 'School Entertainment.
The Christmas entertainment of the chll
dren of the Sunday school of St. Paul
r.plscopui church brought out over JnO
yourg folks and quite a goodly gathering
of the women of the congregation. From
an linmecse Chilatnias tree each child
wua presented with a good-Ued box
candy.' Nt other " prrsvnts were given
this yer, as the children iuxteaj each
Ender's dollar safety raior will Bhave the
toughest beard. No stropping or honing.
Swain & Mauer, Council Bluffs.
Jackson In Tremble Again.
William Jackson, the negro whose do
mestic and other troubles have made him
familiar character In the police and
other courts for the last year or more, was
before Judge Scott In police court yester
day morning charged with the theft of 909
pounds of old furnace castings belonging
to the International Harvester company.
The Junk had been hauled out of the base
ment of the International company's build
ing and had beet stacked on the platform.
Jackson. It Is said, entered Into negotia
tions for the purchase of the Junk, but h'.e
offer was not accepted. Falling to secure
the Junk by purchase, Jackson, It is
charged, went at night and hauled It 'away
and disposed of It to J. Steln, tho Broad
way Junk dealer.
Jackson denied any Intention to steal
the Junk and claimed he Intended paying
for It. His hearing was continued until
this morning.
Bee Btephan Bros, for the latest and best
Inverted burners. 629 Wast Broadway.
Carpenter Severely Injured.
A MRU, la., Deo. 27. (Special.)- William
Watklns, a carpenter living In Amea, was
IsifrlouBly wounded by Tailing from a twenty-
foot scaffold. He struck on his head and
received severe scalp wounds, but It Is be
lieved that no fracture of the skull oc
curred. Mr. Watklns Is 40 years old and
has a wife and several' children.
His Cigar Doesn't
Taste Right
And Vet It Is the Same He Was
Smoking With So Much llollsh
After Dinner, Last Mght. Out
of the Very Same Box, Tool
Every smoker has experienced this pecu
liar condition of the stomach and liver, the
result usually of Imperfect digestion of
food. And the blame la usually put on the
cigar and not where It belongs.
Buch men are usually nigh livers, hard
workers mentally, living under high pres
sure and high draught, and it doesn't take
a great deal to disorder the stomach or ren
der the liver torpid.
They should make It a practice to use
some tried and rellal;' remedy like 8tuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets, i -it will aid Nature and
not force It and v.ili tike care of the sud
den attacks of acute indigestion.
The use if thse tablets Is not to be oon
founded with the patent medicine habit
Btuaris Dyspepsia iauietsare not a patent
medicine, but are composed of the very ele
ments which nature provides the hea'tliy
stomach to do the work of digestion pep-
sin, aiasiase, goioen, seal, etc. There la no
secret In their preparation; they are abso
lutely pure and therefore all the world umi
No matter how disordered the stomach
may be. It will right itself If given the
chance. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets digest
food where the stomach can't, give the
abused stomach and Intestines a rest, and
offer renewed strength to the worn out
glands and muscles.
Brain workers can rely on Stuart's Pys-
pepsla Tablets, no matter how tense the
strain. All druggists carry them In the
6o-cervt packages, or If you prefer a free
trial package can be had by sending you
name and address today. F. A. Stuart
Company, U 8tuart Building. Maruhuii
j Mich.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
PES MOINES, Pec. 27. (Special.) Before
the State Teachers' association todiy
Judge H. E. Deemer of the supreme court
said that at present there Is no profession
of teaching In Iowa and that women teach
ers ought not be paid as much wsges as
men In teaching; that teaching now Is hut
a temporary employment or avocation lead
ing to "law or love, medicine or matri
mony." He declared that there should be,
and Will be soma day, a profession of
teaching, but he hoped that love and mat
rimony would not be Interfered with.
Judge Deemer's address was one of four
on the subject, "Shall There Be a Teach
ers' Profession In Iowa?" The strong po
sition that the Judge took upon the sub
ject created, much comment among the
teachers.. Not all were willing to follow
him In the assertion that women teachers
should not be paid as much as men and
that the measure of wages should not be
equal pay for equal service, but compensa
tion on the bas's of the needs to support !
the family dependent upon the salary. '
Judge Peemer held that the question was
properly stated In that It conceded that
there Is not now a teachers' profession In
the state. President McClaln of the State
university, one of the four to read papere
on the subject, said the program commit
tee had refused to Join the popular Ana
nias club singing, "In all things that are
good Iowa affords the best,"
President McClaln discussed the problem
with equal frankness. He said he be
lieved there should be more of the state
domination of schools Instead of less; that
there should be recognition of college diplo
mas; that there should be Interstate comity
with respect to certificating teachers, and
that the Jealousies of Institutions, fos
tered much by mistaken notions of en
thusiastic -alumni, must give way beforo
there is a profession of teaching.
The convention of the State Teachers'
association monopolizes the attention . of
Des Moines. The 'teachers fill all the ho
tels and occupy the center of the stage.
This year there Is little or no politics In
the election of officers to the Important
positions. Interests of the various educa
tional Institutions usually dornlnate. This
year there Is nothing but the personal
choice between the candidates. Only three
men have been mentioned for the position
of president. They are: E. J. Hook of
Winneshiek county, F. E. Lark of Monona
county and George E. FarrelJ of Clinton
county. They are all county superin
tendents, 'as the election of president Is
to go to the county . superintendents' sec
tion this year. There is the annual dis
cussion of the place of meeting, Cedar
Rapids being the only competitor to Des
Moines. "
The resolutions committee of the State
Teachers' association tomorrow will report
favoring state aid for- lilgh schools and
changing the date of the; annual convention
to October. There wtlljibe no resolution
regarding more state normal' schools.
The association went jjr -record by the
adoption of a resolution as favoring leav
ing the new state teachers' certificate law
alone, and thus . turned down the Daven
port people, who are attempting to get the
next legislature to amend It. The resolu
tion passed by the association says thatN
the law hoe much to commend It, and as
It has been In force less than a year they
believe It should be unchanged for at
least two years more, and ask the Thirty-
second general assembly to make no
More stability In the teachers' profession.
Improvement of school houses and sur
roundings, more consolidated schools. Im
provement of the status of the county su
perintendent, a closer supervision by the
state of all schools, Including high schools,
and the appointment of a commission by
the legislature to revise all the school
laws were recommended by President Main
In his annual address.
Prof. Athearn, editor of Midland Schools,
the official organ of the 'association, de
livered a phllllplc against the Sunday comlo
newspaper supplement. He read extracts
from the sayings of Sunday supplement
characters to show the kind of English
the children of the land are getting every
Sunday and In general declared that the
Sunday comlo supplement should be abol
Commission Has Ilearlner.
The Railroad commission today gave a
hearing to petitioners asking for changes
In the present freight rates. All the rail
roads of the state were represented by their
freight agents and the various Interests of
the state asking for changes were present
to press their claims. The Clarlnda poul
try men, who have been asking for a con
centrating rate on poultry to Clarlnda, had
not reached the city, but may be here to
morrow. The watermelon growers of Mus
catine. Ia., ask for a lower rate on manure
which Is shipped from the cities and towns
of that section, and they claim the In
dustry In the future depends largely on a
cheaper rate. Theodore Drake of Muscatlnd
pressed that claim. C. M. Gould of Musca
tine, representing the Mississippi Box com
pany, asked for a lower rate on boxes
packed In a certain way on the claim that
the present rates act In effect to discrim
inate against Muscatine on boxes. Carl
Wtlnrlch of the Burlington Vinegar and
Pickle works and A. E. Wilkinson of the
Beatrice Creamery company were also be
fore the commission All matters were
taken tinder advlwement by the commission
and will be determined In executive session.
nine Men tn Session.
At the meeting of the Iowa Puroc-Jersey
Swine Breeders' association today at the
Commercial club H. C. Sheldoner of Peoria,
secretxry of the national association, ad
drSKed the meeting on "The Needs of the
Dv roc-Jersey Men at the State Fair." W.
J. Hartung of Muxwell spoke on "The Ben
efits of Advertising." Among the other
speakers were U. H. Rogers of Pa ton,
H. 8. Allen, P.. J. Harding, President O. U
Mog.snmn of the Iowa association and
Treasurer G. W. Hockett.
Ions Sena otes.
WATERI.OO- Rev. S. K Ferguson Is shy
two valuable diamonds. ai.psed t i have
been stoln by a b.iy of IS named Ciyde F.
Green. Green had opts rtuidl y to gel away
with the gems, and has sine - disapi c:u cd.
NORTH WOOD The peaceful seienlty of
Christmas week In this bu g has been d,s-turln-d
by the tiling of an Informa.lon be
fore Justice Frank Forties chaiging Dr. K
G. Hewitt, one of Northwood s best physi
cians, with assault and battery, coininliie.l
upi;n the person of R. P. Johnson. retired
business man and one of the large stock
holders in one of the local banks.
At KLEY" 8eaich of the tntlie connti.
falls to reveal a clue leading to the loentll.
of the unidentified girl whose body wa.
round Hanging Hum the lowa central rail
road briuge here yesterday alieriiom. Be
cause she carefully piepaied for death 1
burning up every trace of Identity, Includ
ing her clothing containing m.uks of iden
tity, the otliceis are utteily uuuble. to Met H
line on the young woman prior to the tunc
she was seen here Christmas afternoon.
The name (Joseph Tctlcy Co.) on every package of Tetley'a Ten In
stires every buyer against impurity. The only way to Ret acquainted with
its dellflouMiiesft U by trying it.
McCORD-BRADY CO., Wholesale Agents, Omaha.
Joseph IHnnslnaer.
TABOR, la., Pec. 27. (Special. )-Josepli
Munslnger, aged 74, died at his home north
of Tsbor yesterday of pneumonia. Mr.
Munslnger came to Tabor In the early
and took up the land as a homestead where
he died. Deceased leaves one daughter, a
Mrs. Blakely of Orlando. Flu., and three
sons, Myron, Warren and Albert of Tabor,
besides his wife. The funeral will be he.d
at 2 p. m. Friday from the residence, with
Dr. J. W. Ferner of the Congregational
church in charge.
J: C. Mlddnoah.
FREMONT, Neb.. Pec. 27. (Special.) J.
C. Middaugh, one of the old settlers of this
county, died suddenly early this morning
at the age of 72 years. He went to bed
feeling us well as usual. During the night
ho was restless and got up and went out
In the yard. He did not return and was
found a few minutes later lying on the
ground dead near the door. Death had
probably come Instantly. Mr. Middaugh
had resided on his farm near Ames for
nearly forty years and ha 1 accumulated
considerable property. He w: a very active
and consistent member of the Seventh Day
Advent church. A widow and several chil
dren and grundchildren survive him.
Charles llecUwHh Kink.
PITTSBCRO. Dec. 27.-Charles Beckwlth
Fink of Latrobe. editor of the Patrobc
Advance and a pioneer newspaper man of
western Pennsylvania, dropped dead at his
home yesterday, death being caused by
apoplexy. Deceased's son, Hal M. Fink Is
manager of the Sioux City, (la.) News.
Missouri Valley Farm Home.
MISSOURI VALLEY, la., Dec. 27. -(Special
Telegram.) The home of Albert Dint
ing, three miles from this place, was dam
aged by fire today to the extent of J1X.
For a time greater loss was feared. Mr.
Darting was In town and his wife, with
three children, was at home when the Are
broke out. Tho woman telephoned for her
husband, but before his arrival neighbors
had rescued the household goods and put
out the flames.
St. I.nnls nnlldlnar.
ST. 1XUIS, Pec. 27. The building occu
pied as the headquarters of the Lfl-clede
Gaslight company was badly damaged by
fire today, tho loss being estimated about
(50,000. The origin of the fire has not been
Durnnd Sn Ciond He.
WASHINGTON, Pec. 27. Sir Mortimer
Durand called on Secretaries Root and
Taft and bade them farewell today. The
British ambassador will sail Saturday.
Trv This for 5
Your Cough
Mix half ounce of concentrated Oil
of Pine with two ounces of glycerins
and half pint of good whlsksy; shake
well and use In tablespoon dossa
evsry four hours. This is the formal
prescribed by Sr. Ju W. Wallace ths
renowned throat and lung specialist
who established ths camp for con
sumptives in ths pine woods of Mains
and whoss remarkable cures attracted
widespread attention among ths medi
cal fraternity. Dr. Wallace declares
that it will heal tns Jungs and cure
any cough that is curable and will
break np an acute cold in twenty-four
hours Ths ingredients can bs se
eured from any prescription drufgist
at a small cost and Is easily mixed;
the only care necessary is that it bs
thoroughly shaken.
Be sure not to buy the ordinary
bulk Oil of Pins; this will produce
nausea on account of the quantity
necessary and ths impurities that It
contains, consequently cannot be ef
fective. Ths concentrated Oil of Pine Is put
up for medicinal nss and comss in
half ounce rials inclosed in small,
round scrsw-top cases, which protsot
it from hsat and light.
It is also said to bs an excellent
rsmedy for lumbago and all forms of
urio acid rheumatism. Por this pur
pose it is taken raw; a few drops on
sugar night and morning.
Milwaukee (Si St. Paul
and many points in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois,
Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi,
New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South
Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, in- fact
most anyv ' re you want to go east or southeast.
Tickets on sale various dates, according to destina
tion, from December 20th to January 1st, inclusive.
Liberal return limits.
Further information on application.
Three Daily Trains
From Omaha, Union Station, at 7:55 A. M.
5:45 P. M. and 8:35 P. M.
I v
City Ticket Office, 1524 Farnam St
F. A. Nash, General Western Agent.
,'sm nj !
t.ssri isisfrnm
No travel In the world la bo luxurious
that from Omaha to California. Both as to
scenery and train equipment no route ia so attractive.
The Overland Limited
Leaves Omaha daily, electric lights- In every
berth all the latest books and papers news ot
the world bulletined twice daily and In extras
mucu ucuiuu warrants.
Union Pacific
For California Booklets
Inquiro at
'I'hone Douglas 334.
'rW """""B P'aswaSBssBSvesFWB
Hotrl GimI Aph ilatrd.
SIOUX CITT, la., Dec. 27. -(Special Tele
gram.) With his satchel full of Christmas
presents for relatives and friends at Went
worth, 8. D., whence he was bound, J. J.
Bond was fatally apliy xiuted In his room
at the Chicago huuse this morning-. He
was found dead on, his knees near a wash-stand.
Boy Dnnaeronalr Hart.
SIDNEY, Is., Iec. 27. (Special.) A seri
ous accident, that may terminate fatally,
happened near the Sidney depot this
morning. Mra Charles Baslnger and two
sons were coining to town with a small
load of corn, when something went wrong
with the harness and Nye Baslnger, aged
10, 111 getting out to adjust- It fe41 under
the wagon wheel, which pnrsed over his
head, lufllcUng dangerous Injuries. Hit
MnsBBBBafanasBBB hnasssv BBBMgaga
The lines of the Chicago & North-Western Ry.
radiate from Omaha, to the north, east and west,
with splendid train service, first-class equipment
and through sleeping car lines that provide for
travelers The Best of Everything.
Fast trains for Chicago leave Omaha 8.00 a. m.,
11.30a. m., 5.50 p. m.,8.33 p.m., 11.00 p. m.
Fast trains for St. Paul, Minneapolis, Superior,
Duluth and all points in Minnesota, South Dakota
and northern Wisconsin, leave Omaha 7.50 a. m.,
8.28 p. m.
Fast trains for points in Nebraska, The Black
Hills and Wyoming, leave Omaha 3.00 p. m.
Full information concerning rates, tickets, train schedules, etc.. on
application to