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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1906)
HIE OMAHA DAILY DEE: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1900. Tiie Omaha Daily Dee FOUNDED BT EDWARD ROBEWATER. VICTOR ROBEWATER, EDITOR. Entered it Omaha postofnce as second elase matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily Baa (without Sunday), on year.. $40 Daily Bee and Sunday, one year 600 Sunday Bee, one year Saturday Bee, one year DELJVKKF.D BT CARRIER. Dally Bee (Including Sunday, per week..ho Ially Bee (without Bundayi. per week...I0o Evening Bee without Sunday), per week. o Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week....lta Address rnmplalnta of Irregularities In de livery to City Circulating Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee building. Omaha City Hall building-. Council Bluffs in pearl street. Chlcaao 1840 Unity building. New York lfios Home Life Ina. building. Washington-601 Fourteenth street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and edi torial matter should be addreaaed: Omaha Baa, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or poetal order, payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only t-oent stamps received aa payment of mail accounts. Personal rhecks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BBB PUBLISH1NO COMPANY. STATEMENT OP CIRCULATION. Stata f Nebraska, Douglas County ,aa: Charlea C. Knsewater, general manager of The Bee Publishing company, being djly worn, ears that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Be printed during the month of November, 1904, waa aa follows: 1 33,740 1 31,660 1 31,860 30,600 . 81,070 30.160 1... 36,690 33.460 . 1 31.830 1 33,030 11 : 80,60 II 31,660 II 81.040 14 31,380 11 11,820 Total 681,810 Lose unsold copies 8,878 Nat total sales 843,033 bally average 81,401 CHARLES C. ROSEWATER. General Manager. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 1st day of December, 1906. (Beat ) M. B. Hl'NGATE, Notary Public WHEN OUT Or TOWN, afcerrlbera leavta the ely tem porarily should hare The Bee sailed to thesa. Address will ba skaagts as attest as raaasted. Servla seems more anxious to keep in the news bead lines than to gain a reputation (or Btable government. With the Yaquls on the war path, Mexico may temporarily Iobb interest in the outbreak of tine Colorado river. The railroad lobbyists giro it out that they propose to work under cover at Lincoln this winter. The lid, how ever, may not stay on. Mayor Schmltx of San Francisco does not seem to have the same high opinion ot his attorney that he held before he went to Europe. America has apparently enriched the language of Great Britain by the word billiard and the winter storms of the Island must be fiercer because of their new name. Judging by the record made by Gov ernor Mickey few convicts are staying in the penitentiary who are subject to parole or commutation except of their own accord. When the statistics come to be com piled for the fast closing year it will be found that Omaha hae broken a whole lot of records In the line of pros perity and expansion. Every one is remarking on how leni ent the weather man has been up to this time. It should ' be remembered that there are three months yet In which he can get in his winter's work. It la said that some of the city hall Inmates failed to ante up to the Christ mas pot for the silver service presented to His Honor, Mayor Jim. A second offense will put these folks on the blacklist. Those Japs who persist in violating our immigration laws are placing a strong argument in the hands of their enemies, who want to class them with the Chinese and subject them to like restrictions. The opinion of Governor Gooding of Idaho that railroads are operated for dividends rather than for the in terest of patrons, euggesta that the far east and far west have at least one complaint In common. Somebody wants to know it Chan cellor Andrews maintains a press agent. Why should he? The chan cellor seema to be getting all the pub licity he can reasonably desire through his own unaided efforts. The proposed consolidation of Omaha and South Omaha into one mu nicipal government Is drawing out con stant discussion. This Is really the best way to get at the best solution of the problem because the arguments for Oreater Omaha are overwhelmingly in preponderance. Some ot Omaha's postofflce clerks worked from fifteen to eighteen hours continuously and without extra pay In order to prevent congestion during the holiday rush, wihlle the carriers are kept down to the eight-hour day. The postofflce clerks are entitled to better hours or better pay. or perhaps both. Memory ot the litigation he con ducted to secure an entrance into Omaha over the Union Pacific bridge 'or the Chicago Great Western, cannot expected to dampen the ardor of the prosecution when Attorney Kel logg begins the Interstate Commerce commission's examination X the liar rlmaa railroad ayetem, II 31,180 I', 61,890 II 30,600 II 31,430 10 31,770 31 81.400 II 81,160 II 81J00 14 31.680 II 80,460 01.400 17 81,880 II 31,460 It 31,680 16 81,630 HOJT CANDIDA TEH FOR BTEA KKHSTA ND Now that the speakership candi dates have presumably all shied their castors Into the ring the public as well as the members ot the legislature are entitled to know Just where each stands on the vital issues involved In the last election. All of these candidates, with two exceptions, came out unequivocally for the platform pledges previous to the election and their signatures will be found attached to the platform synop sis printed in The Bee at the time. To the two who failed to respond to In quiries during the campaign, namely, Ed P. Brown ot Lancaster and Adam McMullen of Gage, the editor of The Bee addressed the following let ter: During the recent campaign, with a view to strengthening public confidence in the republican party as the party of reform, I Invited all the republican legislative candidates In the various districts through the state to plant themselves squarely on the pledges made In the state platform. Tou were among the few who fulled to respond. Tour candidacy for speaker now Involves these Issues to an even greater degree than did your candidacy for the house. Wishing to be perfectly fair with you, I Inclose another copy of the state ment previously sent and would be glad to hear from you as to your position on these very vital questions. Replies to this request are now at hand from both of the candidates re ferred to. The one from E. P. Brown covers the ground thoroughly and Is as follows: LINCOLN, ' Dec. 26, 1306. -To the Editor of The Bee: Tour letter has been received. In reply thereto I wish to say that prior to the recent election I have frequently declared my position with reference to the platform pledges of my party, not only In my own county, but elsewhere In the state. I have stood, and now stand, for such measures and such actions as will fully redeem all these pledges. I have publicly and over my signature In the press stated my belief that the Instructions of the party platform are binding upon me as a representative and that I will vote to carry them out. This has been and Is my posi tion with reference to all the planks of the republican platform; not only those men tioned In your present letter, but also those as to which your letter is silent, namely, the election of the party's nomi nee for United States senator. I consider It of the first Importance that these pledges should be redeemed of more Importance than the selection of any one man as speaker and In whatever capacity I may act I shall' endeavor to bring this to pass. E. P. BROWN. The answer from Adam McMullen is not as clear cut as it should be. To give him the benefit of his own lan guage it Is herewith reproduced: WYMORE. Neb., Dec. 24, 1906.-TO the Editor of The Bee: I am in receipt of your favor of the 18th Inst., wherein you forward a synopsis of the republican state platform with an Invitation to sign the same as a token of my belief In and sup port of the principle therein set forth. Once or twice during the recent campaign I received a similar communication. I did not sign aa requested then, and do not care to sign now, for the reason that I re fused to be pledged in connection with other matters presented to me and there fore could not ignore said refusals by sign ing In this Instance and be fair to all. I might, however, give a specific reason for not signing this synopsis, . You may recall. because I conferred with you In relation thereto, that I Introduced a direct primary measure that did not Include the nomina tion of the state officers under that sys tem. I did not believe such a sweeping law would bring the results desired. I do not believe so now. Yet the republican state platform provided for a primary law that covers "all state, county and district offi cers." Hence, if I had signed such synop sis I would be pledging my support to a policy I do not think will be the best. I may be mistaken In my position, but do not think so. In case I should be defeated for the speakership, I intend to Introduce the same measure and contend for Its en actment. Generally speaking, however, I stand squarely on the platform, and while I may hold a different opinion from others regarding the make-up of certain meas ures pledged to the people, yet I believe all of Its pledges should be redeemed. ' ADAM M MULLEN. We believe the members of the leg islature have a right to have this In formation about the candidates who are soliciting their support for speaker so that they may understand their at titude and the Influences back of them. NEW STOCK ISSUES IN MINNESOTA. The action brought by the attorney general of Minnesota to enjoin the $60,000,000 stock issue recently au thorized by the Great Northern board of directors is an effort to enforce the state law requiring stock increases to be submitted to and approved by the State Railroad commission. The action does not necessarily imply that the purposes ot this particular issue are wrongful or that It may not, Indeed, be beneficial to the public, but the ob ject of the law was to provide guar antees against the manifold abuses of watered stock. Stock watering abuses under uncon trolled capital Inflation go to the very root of an evil with which national and state authority must deal con clusively before long. Public attention has been for some time mainly con centrated upon the Intolerable class of wrongs which grow out of unequal transportation charges, and It is justly believed that very marked advance has been made toward removing them. But the next great question, after un just discrimination in rates, is aa to their reasonableness, and this question is directly dependent on that ot capi talization. It U notorious that jugglery and Jobbing have Inflated corporate capitalization enormously beyond real Investment value, so that rates pay ing a customary percentage on out standing stocks and bonds yield an ex travagant and illegitimate percentage on the real investment. That this dan gerous process which has been in operation since railroads began to be built should be arrested Is being more and more generally realized. , The Minnesota law, though far from sufficiently drastic and specific, only requiring in a general way submission of the legitimacy of stock increases to the state railroad authorities for re view, if observed by Ihe carrier com panies would provide at least some check to gross abuse, bnt it has been recklessly defied up to this time. Like the proposed issues of many other companies, the present $60,000,000 ot Oreat Northern Is to be offered to old stockholders at par pro rata, although the stock is selling in the market at more than double par. In Massachu setts and at least one or two other states any arrangement for issuing the stock for less than an approximation to market value In cash or Its equiva lent would be absolutely illegal. Yet the Great Northern plan, in addition to swelling the capitalization aa a per manent basis for charges for service, Is thus to be the means of distributing to subscribing stockholders virtually as an additional dividend the differ ence between the par and market values of the new stock. The result in the Minnesota case, too, Is to be regarded aa a striking test of state authority. The Great North ern system penetrates a dozen great states, which would suffer equally in rates adjusted on a basis of excessive capitalization, but which are largely dependent for protection against such abuses upon the incorporating state alone, until the stronger and longer arm of national authority shall be ef fectively outstretched, as it is sure to be in the not distant future. THE APPEAL FUR CHINA. Detailed information following on the heels of President Roosevelt's proclamation calling for relief for the famine stricken Chinese emphasizes the seriousness of the emergency and cannot too much stimulate organized effort for the quickest and most ef fective results. The (hunger peril is shown by indubitable evidence to be menacing a population of 15,000,000, equal to that of a dozen states like Nebraska, and hundreds have already perished of sheer starvation. Famine Is so unknown In the experience of our own people, and the afflicted region is so remote that only with difficulty can we realize the horror of the situation. Yet in the midst of prosperity and superabundance of the means of sub sistence, and ot all times during the holiday season, notching could appeal more directly for instant and liberal response than this call on behalf of famine-stricken humanity. To be of avail it must be quick. Moreover, in this case Interest in a broad view runs even-footed with human impulse, for as our commercial relations with the orientals are becoming more intimate and important it would be wise policy, even if it were not moral duty, now to extend a helping hand. POSTAGE AND TRANSPORTATION CHARGES. The showing of excessive charges tor transportation ot the malls made by the representatives of the United Typothetae and American Weekly Publishers' association, wtille it may-be regarded as a reply to Assistant .Post master General Madden'a recommenda tion of a 300 per cent Increase of the postage rate on newspapers and peri odicals, pertinently challenges public attention to a vital phase of postal re form to which Mr. Madden'a report does not give the consideration it de serves. According to the estimates of Postmaster General Cortelyou, the total payments to the railroads during the present fiscal year will be $46, 825,993.89, and the rates are notori ously in excess of those required for like service from other patrons than the government This situation, which has become chronic, should alone be enough to turn reform effort at the start in the direction of the compensa tion allowed by congress for carrying the mails by rail. The publishers' organization al leges that on the basis of an elaborate statistical compilation the government is paying the railroads three times as much, on the average, for the trans portation of mail matter as the ex press companies are paying for like services, so that the amount paid by the government this year will be over 131,000,000 more than it should be, or several times the deficiency of the department revenue. Even if great allowances are made from the conclu sion, the fact indisputably remains that the railroad overcharge for haul ing mall M enormous. It is also dem onstrable that the compensation is vastly greater than that which 1b made by tine governments of other countries. Equity and common sense require that before the postal revenue deficit problem ta solved by abrnptly raUIng postage on printed matter, which is so great a proportion of the mall transported by the railroads, their transportation charges shall be re duced to a reasonable basis. The Nebraska State Teachers' asso ciation is holding Its annual convention at Lincoln, with promise of attendance even better than last year. These meetings have come to be a great clearing house for the exchange of ideas on new and up-to-date educa tional methods, and they have unques tionably had much to do with the im proved efficiency of our public schools throughout the state. Every effort ot the school teachers to make themselves better prepared for their work should be encouraged.' The contention ot the attorney gen eral of Minnesota against permitting a railroad to increase its fixed charges without first showing the act to be necessary, strikes directly at the great est evil of the present system of ma nipulating railway finances as well aa at control of the charges for service. Out ot a grand total of more than f 14,000,000. embezzled in the United Stated In 1906 less than 123,000 was taken by postal employes. .and when the number of these employes handling fnnda la rnnatdArArt fha tAttrnmant Is to be congratulated upon tie high cnaracter or the men who serve it in such capacities. The greatest objection to the en forcement of the obsolete statute re quiring congressmen to forfeit salaries for time not spent in congress is that if the absent ones were compelled to return they would only add a few more pages to the Congressional Record. That North Dakota verdict finding that a "knocked out" prize fighter who , never recovered consciousness died of pneumonia, is entitled to a place beside that North Carolina ver dict finding that a negro who had been lynched, had committed suicide. It is to be noted that those demo cratic members-elect to the legislature who object now to being classed with the populists were very careful not to do anything to alienate populist votes while the campaign was still on. Pretty Near the Mark. Chicago Record-Herald. There are people mho suspect that Sena tor For&ker does not love, the negro more, but Theodore less. Brought Riant Home. Pittsburg Dispatch. Nebraska cattlemen are confronted with the growing heresy In high places that stealing publlo land constitutes theft. Value of a Jolly. Indianapolis News. In connection with the nlnnsnnt thine Japan's representative has to say about our meat-packing plants, one would infer that the Yankees in the east have also become convinced that a Jolly Is worth all it costs you. Peaceful Escluslveness. Chicago Record-Herald. Hicks, the miner who was entombed for fifteen days at Bakersfleld, Cal., says there were some momenta when he enjoyed his Imprisonment. He was no bothered by book agents or Insurance solicitors and It didn't cost him a cent for coal or groceries. Messages Better Than Gossip. Philadelphia Record. Never mind, Mr. Roosevelt. Go on writ ing messages. The discussions caused by them are wholesome. The people of Amer ica ought to talk about their national af fairs more than they do, and about mur ders, divorces and all. sorts of dirt less than they do. Imprints of Leaden Foot. Baltimore American. Millionaire land grabbers In the west have been convicted of conspiracy, a Penn sylvania receiver Is asking permission to sue the Sugar trust, the Oil and Ice trusts are facing a sea of trouble, and trouble la looming darkly in the distance for coal. Truly, the leaden foot of Justice Is work ing overtime. " Doing; the. Canute Act. Chicago Chronicle. Fanciful people will, of course, see a parallel between tha .case of King Canute ordering the tide to turn back and that of the president commanding the Colorado river to be kept within bounds. The com parison Is Iruwrurarte, . however. Canute did not. have n, Harrjjnan, handy to carry out bis orders. " Tho modern instance Is consequently' a oT akin ' to the ancient tradition. Cuba Must Pay the Piper. New York Tribune. The item of $2,000,000 or thereabouts in the army budget on account of Intervention in Cuba Is to be commended to the con sideration of Cuban patriots rather than to that of Americans. This country can easily afford to advance the money. But it will not be so easy for Cuba to repay it. Yet it is only lust that it should do so. It it will dance it must expect to pay the piper. Great Light for Tax Gatherers. Springfield Republican. It the state of Minnesota carries out its reported purpose of assessing the Hill ore lands at the value claimed for them by Mr. Hill himself In the transaction with the United States Steel corporation, the hold ers of the Oreat Northern ore certificates will have to modify' their calculations of profit materially. Mr. Hill's minimum esti mate of the value of the lands Is, while they have hitherto been assessed for taxation at only $30,000,000. It is not only proposed by the Minnesota tax authorities to assess the lands at $400,000,000 hereafter, but to sue for taxes on that valuation back six years, which Is the legal limitation. As the United State Steel corporation as sumed no liability for taxes, the loss resulting- would fall wholly upon the holders of the Oreat Northern ore certificates; and it will be no small loss, either. LATEST IMMUNITY BATH. Standard Oil . 8 1 riving to Squeese Throajrh a t notholc. Pittsburg Dispatch. The Inventor of the Immunity bath, hav ing been retained by the Standard Oil com pany to combat the government's prosecu tion at Chicago, has sprang another theory that makes the famous coup that discom fited General Moody seem almost trivial. Ths Is no more or leas than that the passage of the new rate bill amounted to a proclamation of amnesty, for all offenses under the old Elklns act, which It repealed. It will be recalled that the new law was passed on June 2S and became effective at once, but that on the following day a Joint resolution waa passed postponing Its opera tion until August 28. The new law repealed all conflicting laws, but provided that pend ing causes should not be prejudiced. At torney Miller contends that the going Into effect of the new law for the one day re pealed the EJlkins law and, while the sus pension of the new law revived the Elklns act until August 28, It could not be retro active In re-establlshtng the ofTenses com mitted under the old laws which were wiped out by the passage of the new. The Chicago indictments were returned under the revived Elklns law on August 27. the day before the new law became efTectlve for the second time. Should this contention be sustained It would affect most of the prosecutions now pending, embracing thousands of counts. The government's attorney, of course, takes Issue with this amnesty theory, holding that the suspension of the new law revived the Elklns law In full force for the sixty days, and that when the new law again became effective the Indictments were pending causes specifically continued. Fur ther, he quoted fhe statute that unless con gress specifically granted amnesty It could not be established. The common sense view would declare the amnesty ridiculous, but with the prrs tlge of inventing the immunity bath be hind him Mr. Miller's novel theory may cause uneasiness. Until the court sustains him, however, there wUJ be a general belief that his newest attempt will not repeat the success of his first, and that it. will be a case of the pitcher goiug tw the wail once too of tou. BITS OK WASHISGTO LIFK. Minor Scenes and Incidents flketrhed on the Snot. Advance notices of a change In congres sional temrer on the matter of railroad pay for earning United States malls are becoming notably frequent In Washington dispatches. Cynical scribes predict there will he something doing after the first of the year. Officials, high and low, have resolved to refuse the cutomnry free pass fnvors, so that they can approach the question of the railroad long haul on the treasury with minds untouched by the silent Influence of the pssteboard. Con gressman Victor Murdock of Kansas Is al ready Investigating the subject for his own satisfaction. As a result of his In quiry, outlined by the Roston Transcript the Knnsnn Insists thnt the practices and methods now followed In fixing the pres ent compensation of the railroads for carry' Ing the mall should he changed. This he urges should occur before February 1 next. when tinder existing law the mails will be weighed in Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Michl gan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Mis sourl. The basis of most of the govern ment's enormous outlay for carrying the mail, which amounts this year to $45.0no.oon, Is the average dally weight. Mr. Murdock not only finds fault with this system of pay. but he charges that the average daily weight, according to the present system. Is a false average. "That the average !? mathematically false I believe." ho de- dared, "and an accountant would show that this government In the last ten years has paid something In the region of for the carriage of the mail more than It should have paid on a true average." In explaining how this false average was struck Mr. Murdock asserts that the malls for a certain territory are weighed for 115 days, Sundnys and nil. and this Is all to taled. Then to secure the average dally weight the total is not divided by 106, but by ninety days, the Sundays being excluded. Reducing the system to a basis of a week Mr. Murdock asserts that seven days' weighing are aggregated and the result is divided by six. Of course this Increases the average. Nearly all the heavy averages come from routes which have Sunday malls, and Mr. Murdock's Inquiry leads him to believe that the resultant loss to the government Is enormous. The statements of Mr. Murdock have made an Impression on members of congress and an Inquiry Into the matter Is regarded as certain. Speaker Cannon and Representative Longworth, the president's son-in-law, were In the senate chamber during most of Senator Foraker's severe arraignment of the president In the matter of the dis charge of the negro soldiers. EaclT listened attentively to the speech. They left tha senate together and Were met in the hall way by a mutual friend. "What do you think of Foraker's speech?" Inquired the friend of "Uncle Joe." "That question hasn't reached the house yet, and for that reason I must not ex press an opinion upon its merits or upon speeches dealing with It," answered the foxy "Uncle Joe." "What do you think of It, 'Nick'?" per sisted the friendly Interloper. Clearing his throat, the president's son-in-law replied: "The Speaker has ex pressed my views exactly, accurately." President Roosevelt has transmitted to congress, with his approval, the report of the committee which he appointed several months ago to examine the conditions un der which supplies are purchased for the various executive departments. The ' com mittee learned many interesting things while poking around the bureaus. For In stance) ' "One department pays $1.70 per docen .quarts for a particular ink, while another.4epartment pays as high as $3 per dozen quarts for ink of the same kind. The price of a certain mucilage, runs from $1.84 per doien quarts In one department to $3 per dozen quarts in another. There Is also a marked difference In the prices paid for lead pencils by the departments; for a certain pencil one department pays $3.3t! per gross, while $2.27 per gross is paid for the same pencil by another department." Assistant Secretary of State Adee prob ably owns more shoes than any other mail rn Washington, excluding dealers. lie keeps about a dozen pairs in his office at the state department and as many more at his home. Mr. Adee has not accumulated his shoes because of any fad but merely for the comfort that he has learned can only be obtained by having constantly on hand a multiplicity of shoes. It appears that when he arrives at his office In the morning after a brisk walk from his home he Immediately changes his shoes and that through the day he makes several other changes, whenever his pedal extremities be gin to feel uncomfortable. For the most part the shoes are all of the same general pattern. The shopping of Baroness Hengelmuller, wife of the Austro-Hungarlau ambassador, is alhiiet an affair of state and other social lights of ihe American capital are follow ing her methods. Mine. Hengelmuiier al ways drives down in her most pretentious equipage, with a liveried coachman and footman and the trappings gay, with the colors of a dual empire. Before madam alights a trim elderly maid descends and proceeding to the counter which is to be visited she Informs the clerk what to have In readiness. When she has prepared the way the madam proceeds to Inspect. The maid first solemnly hands the gold-mounted lorgnette and, when necessary, her purse or list of purchases contemplated. Senator Piles of Wabhlngton said he wanted to introduce an amendment to the child labor bill. He thought the bill was too sweeping. "Is it not a fact," he asked, "that under to bill as It now stands I would not be permitted to employ my own son in my law office U he were under 14 years of age? "Would you," Senator Beveridge inter rupted quickly, "put a son under 14 years of age to work In your office if you de sired to train him to be a lawyer?" "I went into my father's office," said Senator Piles with dignity, "at the age of 13." "Did It help?" queried the Indiana sena-. tor. And there wasn't any answer. Tho ceremony of the United States su preme court Judges marching from their robing room across the corridor to take their stats on the bench, which occurs at high noon every week day while the court Is hoi. ling session, is always a matter of Interest to the average visitor at the capi tal. Every day there la a small crowd waiting to see the stately procession. The other day Justice Moody, as the youngest member of the august body, brought up the rear. A flirkvr of a smile appeared on his face as he noted the black-robed fig ures ahoad of IiIti, but it passed away In stantly and he became as solemn and grave as the others. Wo Work, Wo Pay. Kansas City Journal. The proposal to enact a law docking the pay of cungreusn.en for every day they ab sent themselves from the house develops tha fact that there Is already suoh a law, adopted fifty years ago but never enforced. It la with laws as with kldewalks. Every now acd then one is found down under the mud a hose existence waa wholly forgotten. X Pti ft f . w ;l V 1 JJllL PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Turn the wick as high or low aa von can there's no danger Carry heater from room to room. All parts easily cleaned. Gives intense heat without smoke or smell because equipped with smoke less device. Made in two finihesnir11 mnA n :i r . , ., rn- k...j "iJ: "I - .-j iiuuusicu, iiuiu 4 quarts oi on ana burns Q hours. Every heater warranted. If you cannot get heater or information from your dealer, write to nearest agency for descriptive circular. THE Struct Equipped with latest improved burner. Made of brass throughout and nickel plated. An ornament to any room whether library, dining-room, parlor or bed room. Every lamp warranted. Write to nearest agency if not at your dealer's. TNTJAHP Oil rKRSOXAL SOTE9. Under the new automobile language In Germany the emperor's chief chauffeur must motor through life under the Imposing title of "oberhofwagonfuehrer." A certain eastern railroad, whose officials enjoyed until recently a celebrated assort ment of fat tips from favored shippers, an nounces that the usual Christmas offering will be dispensed with this year. Those who Insist on doing the right thing will have to look up the .homo nddresa The busiest class of men to be found off tho reservation Just now are holders of railroad annuals. The task of wearing out the dainty morsels of cardboard before the new year ends their joy Is wearisome, but tney are bearing up bravely. After mid. night, December 31, they will be at home regularly. Governor Harris of Ohio Is the oldest chief cxeculive of any state In the union, but la a very lively and poKnt Integer In the politics of the Buckeye state. He Is 71 years old and has the distinction of having twice been lieutenant governor before being elevated to h(s present position by the death of Governor Paulson. Interesting comparisons are supplied by a clipping bureau regarding the article? printed In the newspapers about the deaths of prominent men. No other man In Amer ica had so much printed about his death In the newspapers as McKlnley. Carl Schurs has received thus far 12,000 obituary notices, more than any other man since McKlnley. John Hay and Joseph Jefferson had 10,000 each and Mark Hanna. 8,000. "Carl Bchurz memorial professorship" is to be established at the University of Wlsoonsln as a result of the movement re cently started In Milwaukee by a number of prominent Germany-Americans. The plan Is to raise an endowment of tS0,000, the Income of which will be used for the establishment of an annual course of lec tures to be given by prominent professors of German universities. Hugh H. Hanna of Indianapolis, widely known as a publicist, has been elected president of the council of twenty-ono members of the Presbyterian Brotherhood of America at a meeting held In Chicago. The council, which consists of a number of the moat influential laymen of the Pres byterian church, also adopted a constitu tion for the brotherhood, which will be pub lished after the holidays. Cardinal Richard, prince of the Roman Catholic church and archbishop of Paris, who was compelled to vacate his episcopal residence In Paris, belongs to one of the noblest of the families of France and is considered a man of great learning and remarkably strong character. At the ex treme age of 86 the celebrated French eccleslastlo possesses a mind almost as alert and healthy as It was twenty-five years ago. TOO MICH OF A GOOD TIlINti. Proportion of Public Rxprnses De voted to Past and Future Wars. Pittsburg Dispatch. Senator Hale's statement In the senate on Tuesday, that of the revenues of the gov ernment two-thirds are expended either In payment of the burdens of past wars or In providing for the possibilities of future wars, is calculated to provoke reflection. An examination of the figures attainable shows the senator's statement to be within the truth. We have not at hand the els ssi fled re ceipts and expenditures for the last fiscal year. Those for the fiscal year ended June SO, 1SK6, showed the total revenue of th government to have been $543. i'-, Wo, and the Utal expenditures JDt37.tll.O0O. These figures leave the postal receipts and ex penses out of the account, except for the deficiency of $14.000,OnO. The expenditures for army, navy, pension and Interest on war debt were 39",0fi').iioi, or In exe. es of the two-thirds predicated by Senator Hale. That the country should provide Adequate means of defense and care for dlsabl. d vet erans Is beyond controversy. But when we consider this remarkable ratio and perceive thst the greatest share of the Increase In expenditure during the past few years hns been In the martial line the question be comes acute whether the real strength of the nation would not be enhanced by economlxlng on militarism and devot!og some share of the public funds to Internal improvements that would Increase our productive resources. To Belated Christmas Givers No place like the Hoepe Store to buy tha piano you promised . yourself you would get, but which you neglected to order out. It is not too lata to make the loved ones happy. The piano Is here, the quality and price Is right and we are ready to deliver It. To you it is economy of lime and money and a certainty of satisfaction. Our prices are known to be the lowest in the United States, quality for quality. New Pianos. $135. $175. $190, $210. etc. New Kimball Pianos. $355. New Knabe Pianos, $450. And a score of others of moat reliable, best known makes. Come now and see what a splendid piano can be secured for a small sum. Ten dollars will send a good piano home and you may pay $6, $8 or 10 a month. . A. Hospo Co., 1513 Douglas SC No More Cold Rooms If yon only knew how much comfort can be derived from a PERFECTION Oil Heater how simple and economical its operation, yon would not be without it another day. You can quickly make warm and coit any cold room or hallway no matter in what part of the house. You can heat water, and do many other things with the - " - i")- iuum Deauu- inn mnA COMPANY FLASHES OF FI K. ' "I have just found nut that the hand some actor you luive admired so much la lending a double life." "Oh, you Unn't tell tiie!" "Ves; he plays two characters right along." Baltimore American. A Joke came into an editorial sanctum, wliero It was 111 received. "t'ormidcred as a more Jest," It admitted. "I may. not rx without defects. Neverthe less, there Is due lo hrk such respect aa should guarantee me civil treatment." This view, indeed, seemed so reasonable that in the end it prevailed. Philadelphia Ledger. ... J ; ' i ' "Right here." said the architect, who was showing him the plans for an ornameni&l fount, tin. " would lie h pood place to put on ,i gargoyle as a finish." "That would do for the lnid woodwork of a houw, all right," suld Mr. Gasrwell, With decision, "but for an out of door finish I prefer paint." Chicago Tribune. . y "Mr. Nervcy," said tho girl's fnther, 'It seems to me that you sit up entirely too late with my daughter. Now" "Don't worry, lr," Interrupted Jack Nervey, "I never require much sleep,"' Cleveland Ijeadcir. Ardley Keap If you've got two- free din ner engagements fur Chrls'mus, an' they're both about the same time, wi the matter wnn uiy eatin one oi em rur ye? ... rxMtui jiouuey 1 iihl s juhi uks ye n sni to lit ko tne oreaa nuten a p mouth, ye blamed hawg! Chlci une. - . . .. : man Till . ". . ; "I wonder what the poet meant wtinn tie said 'blessings brighten aa they take their filght?' " remarked the curious man. "Perhaps he meant single blessedness," replied the man who 'was unhappily uior-v ricd. Philadelphia Press. . . ... I, "A man should always have the courage pf his .tunviUiuiLSt'i ,, .- r3 -5; tr-ft.,w..- "Yes." answered the member of congress, plooinlly, ''but when It comes to voting tm increase your own salary, even the stoutest ' heart is liable to forget Its high sense of Justice and moral duty." Washlngtoa Star. Mrs. Knicker How did you persuade your cook to stay? Mrs. Boiker We hung some mistletoe over the stove. New York Sun. "You worked for my election because you thought I wns the better man, didn t you?" said the official. "Nope," answered Farmer Oorn'tc ssel; "the leas of two evils." Washington Ht&r. "You are charged with carrying a re volver. What do you sayT" It is true. "Where do you oarry It?' "In my vallHe." 'And where is your valise?" "1 always leave 11 at home." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Rhe Am I the first girl you ever mad love to? Ha The very first, darling. She Good heavens! you don't want me to believe you learned all you know about love-making in a correspondence course? Baltimore American. "What is the reform most needed In Rus sia?" asked the student. "I don t know for wire," answered the man with a lexicon, "but I should say It was spelling reform." Washington Star. OIIITLAKY OF A YELLOW DOG. Chicago Record-Herald. Toor Gyp Is dead, our yellow dog, No more we'll see him here; He wore a gash across his face That itajjiieU from ear to ear. His mm th was open as the day. His wisdom ran to smell; He used to curl his crooked tall To cut a canine swell. Whene'er he, heard the voice of kids His lovo for sport prevailed; He had a shape that took the prize, Though oft his use cur-tailed. Kind words he ever took from all; H had few bane designs; He worn a cuat of golden hue. And many were his whines. He lived In pence with most mankind Would rather love enhan-. He'd run and play the livelong dajr. But ne'er wore out his pants. Hut poor Gyp is now st rest. Cares not If fortune frowned; His paws were very large and strong, liu dug caves In the ground. His knowledge, hid from public gas (Ills mouth he could not hide); His eyes were alwavs very moist When he was hi inly tied. He kept his neighbors all disturbed. And thrmiKh the gardens tore; He always brought his muddy paws And wiped them on the floor. But we will miss his constant bark. And listen for his noise; H used to follow after girls And chase the wicked boys. Bo, let us now. with rev'rent head, Kxtol his better acts; He dwells In peace and rest and bllSfc And where there Is no tax. n