Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Tlbirty-ffive branch--want ad offices for
the convenience off patrons
! 1 B II B
ji , mJ!LL''''!?l'JT.'r''' "j!!!! , rS? 1 . --ir"'" 11 n J
Deputy Auditor f ieroa Maks Borne Keo
ommendationa in His Eeport.
I'rrxnrrr Mortrnirn Receives Twenty-Five
Dollars from Colorado
Man to Start Con
science Fund.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. 27. (Special.) In his bi
ennial report Insurant-? Auditor John L.
Ilerce recommends the passage or a fire
nmrshal law, passage of a law limiting the
liability of a surety compRny on any one
rik to one-tenth of the amount of the
company's capital and surplus, an act pro
viding for publishing- brief abstracts of
annual statements of foreign legal reserve
Ilfo Insurance companies, a new section
providing for fees to be paid by all legal
reserve life companies, the publication of
the auditor's certificate of authority, ac
companying the published abstract of the
annual statement of surety companies, also
that the publication be made In two news
papers of general circulation, one of which
Is published at the state capital, lie rec
ommends that the law relating to fees
be extended to surety companies, so as to
Inolude fees for the company's certificate of
authority and for the certificate of public-
To Piano Buyers
If taken, means money in your pocket. In
this great bankrupt piano sale no one can
possibly le hurt but the dealers. Every
person buying a piano at this sacrifice sale
gets a guarantee from a millionaire piano
manufacturer; also from local national
banks, If you so desire .
A new feature for Friday and Saturday.
I Hi ling these two day we will offer at
the Interval of every hour In the day any
upright piano on the floor or in our factory
for Just so much money. This will be re
gardless of the tajjs that have been hung
on these pianos during the receiver's sale
Thl feature should invite cash buyers to
quite an eitent. No de tiers will be sup
plied, however mucti money they may offr
us for these pianos. We are bound and de
termined that these plains shall go ex
clusively to the homes of the surrounding
territory. A beautiful stool and rlatio naif
will be given free with each piano, ant will
be delivered to your home at any time you
may desire before New Year's day.
Former prices. $J50. 3J5. 1'A H75,
$ HO. Bankrupt sale prices, ?..
US. $1JS. Hi. flTS, VI. etc, .
This sale is absolutely as represented and
these pianos must le sold regardless of
cost. Omaha piano dealei s s.iy it If an out
rage to sell pianos at three prices. You will
never again have the 4tpoi tunity to buy
high grade pianos at such low prices.
This sale Is in Its last hours and you must
certainly make up your mind either to
have a piano laid away for ou or be I'or
ever too late to save your share of this
t-0.000 worth of profits that is to be given
to the ptan buying people.
Iktit't Forget the Number. .
1611 Farnam St.
Oyeu All Day and Ktcuius.
1'tMMlV IHuUm 701.
Follow the example of
thousands and put your
ad in The Sunday Bee
If you cannot come to The Bee office, step-into
one of the following drug stores (you will find one
near your home). These drug stores are branch
offices of The Bee Want Ad Department and you
will pay the same rates as you would at the Bee
office and receive the same prompt attention.
Albach, W. C 40th and Farnam.
neranek, S. A., 1402 South 16th street.
Becht's Pharmacy, 720 South 16th street.
Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb.
Caughlln, C. R., 6th and Pierce, streets.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Avenue.
Conte, J. B., 31st Avenue end Farnam street.
Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake.
Cormak, Emll, 1262 South 13th street.
Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton.
Ehler, P. H., 2802 Leavenworth
Foster & Arnoldl, 213 North 25th street.
FreytaR, John J.. 1914 North 24th street
Florence DrugfCo., Florence, Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy, 1929 Lake street.
Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave and Pacific
Greenough, G. A., 1025 South 10th street.
Greenough, G. A., 10th and Hickory.
tlon; that the law governing accident and
sickness companies should have a new sec
tion providing for fees to be paid by this
class of companies. At present there Is
nothing relating to them In the act relating
to fees. Two laws which he says are
virtually a dead letter he asks to be re
pealed. They are section 23, chapter zlll,
governing foreign Insurance companies and
requiring a special deposit Of 125,000 In some
of the I'nited States or territories; section
78, chapter xllil. relating to the auditor's
certificate of the Investment of funds of
mutual benefit associations.
Two Apply for Pardons.
Two applications were filed with Gov
ernor Mickey for pardons today "Harry
Dow, sentenced for three years for grand
larceny from North Flatte. and Charles
Schear, sentenced for three years for rob
bey from Douglas county. Both men en
tered the penitentiary last December. Dow
j stole a grip and an overcoat from Con
I ductor Anderson of the t'nlon Pacific, which
: the Jury valued at S51. Anderson has filed
I a letter with the governor that the value
1 of the two articles when new was $26.
Judge Day wrota the governor last June
recommending clemency to Schear and
I Deputy County Attorney Fitch recently
wrote him recommending the pardon. Judge
Day wrote he sentenced the man for three
years because that was the minimum under
the law.
' Mortenarn (Marts Consclenpe Fund.
State Treasurer Mortensen has started
I a conscience fund and at this time It
I contains $25, received from a man who
, once upon a time broke a Nebraska law.
since which time his conscience has never
ceased to trouble him. With the $26
which was received today came the fol
lowing letter dated at LaJune, Colo.:
Nebraska State Treasury Department:
Having broken the laws of the state of
Nebraska 1 will endeavor to make It right
by enclosing $26, which please accept as a
conscience fund.
The letter waa not signed.
Storch for Adjutant General.
Colonel Storch of the First regiment came
t in this morning to boom his candidacy
J for adjutant general. Inasmuch as Gov
ernor Sheldon has not yet shown up.
Colonel Storch Is doing some hustling
among the legislators and says he has
many endorsements from a number of the
National guard.
Teachers Fleet Officers.
The nominating committee of the State
I Teachers' una .clat.on this afternoon selected
the following officer, for the ensuing year:
A. 11. Waterhouse of Omaha, president;
E. E. Magee uf Ashland, vice president ;
Katherine Woods of Peru, secretary ; R. D.
Overlmlt of Mlnden, treasurer: E, B. Sher
man, member of the executive committee to
take the place of W. H. Gardner, whose
term expires.
The list of officers was reported to the
general meeting last night, and the nonil-
, nees all elected.
I Richard llobson addressed the teachers
1 at their meeting tonight and during the day
each of the sections carried out Its par
ticular program already published. The
attendance at this time has reached 1.7.0.
Brown Moves to Kearne.
Attorney General N orris brown has gone
to Kearney to prepare to move his family
buck to that place as soon as his term of
office expires. Mr. Brown lived at Kearney
before being appointed deputy attorney
general six years ago.
Escaped Prisoner Makes Trouble
COUl'MBL'S, Neb., Dec 17. tSpecial.V
IM Tschudy. who was getting a Utile tired
of being shut up, and especially on Christ
mas night, dug his way out of the jail
where he waa serving a thirty-day sen
tence and came up town, and he and a
friend named Mostag got Into a tangle In
front of the Baua hletueay saUiufl on Elev
Hayden, Wm. C, 2930 Farnam street l
Hanscom Park Phar., 1501 South 29th avenue.
Hoist, John, 624 North 16th street
Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth street.
King's Pharmacy, 2238 Farnam street.
Kountze Place Pharmacy, 3004 North 24th.
Patrick Drug Co., 1602 North 24th street.
Lathrop, Chas. E., 1324 North 24th street.
Peyton, L. E.. 24th and Leavenworth.
Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames avenue.
Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago.
Schafer, August, 2631 North 16th street.
Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming streets.
Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha streets.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming.
Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace streets.
Wirth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton streets.
enth street. They made things hot, and
while they were warm one of the fellows
slipped around to the back entrance while
the proprietor was In the front quelling
the disturbance and helped himself to all
the whisky, cigars and other things he
could make merry with. Officer Burke cap-
turea Dom iscnuay ana jnosiag arm iriey ,
are now In Jail until such time as they I
can have their examination Derore judge
Excelsior Bonked In Oil Fonnd In the
BRAD8HAW. Neb. Dec. 27. (Special Tele
gram.) An attempt was mad j a few
nights sine: to set Are to the puhlic
school building at this place. The scheme
had been carefully planned by the would-be
Incendiary. A box about ten Inches square
had been filled with excelsior which was
well soaked with coal oil, whllo over this
had been drawn a sack well soaked with
oil. The steps and wall of the building
had also been well saturated with oil and
matches were found In profusion, some of
which had been lighted, but for some rea
son had failed to Ignite the excelsior. Prob
ably the Incendiary was frightened at his
own work and fled without accomplishing
his design. At a meeting composed of
the most prominent citizens held at? Dr.
Allen's office last night It was decided to
offer a large reward for the arrest and
conviction of the would-be Incendiary.
There Is much excitement over the affair
and If the guilty party or parties are found
the limit of the law will be their portion.
Casualties Scar Ashland.
ASHLAND, Neb., Dec. S.-tSpeclal.)-The
holiday season seems to have brought
an unusually large number of accidents of
various kinds In this vicinity. Charles
Benedict of Cass county has a broken knee,
due to letting a wagon box fall upon It.
Miss Pearl Mutnm of the same county
looked Into a stove where she had poured
kerosene to start the fire and backed out
of range with a badly burned face and
head. Carl Wohlforth, a young boy, be
came mixed In the spokes of a revolving
wheel of a delivery wagon. After "looping
the loop" several times he emerged with
a broken leg. Barney Williams of Cedar
Bluffs fell off a stock car while loading
cattle and was picked up unconscious. A
detail Inventory of his Injuries consisted
of two fractures of his right leg, a fracture
of his hip and a badly splintered ankle.
About the same time the fireman on a
Burlington freight train fell off his loco
motive near Greenwood and was badly
bruised, and a stranger giving his home as
In Iowa attempted to commit suicide with
a knife on the public highway near the
same village. The latter was found uncon
scious In the road, and when brought to
consciousness expressed his regret at the
failure of his attempt.
Allen Returns to Terumsrh.
TECUMSEH. Neb., Dec. 27. tSpecial.)
Hon. A. B. Allen, secretary to Governor
Mickey during the two terms of office that
gentleman has held. Is making arrange
ments to move his family back to Te
cumseh from Lincoln shortly after the first
of the year. Mr. Allen la as yet undecided
as to business plans for the future.
Banker's Assailants In Jail.
BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. 27.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Elvln and Harry Snyder, charged
with assaulting Banker Pothast of Plckrell,
are In Jail, and unable to give bond. Their
preliminary hearing Is set for next Satur
day. News ( Nebraska.
COLUMBUS The county treasurer will
close his office January, t while he makes
settlement with the cuunty.
OSCEOLA In the recent election on the
subject of botuU for a proposed railroad la
Polk county Canada and Osceola precincts
voted in favor.
BEATRICE At a meeting of the citv
council last night Treasurer Jones was In
structed to buy ?,( of 3 per cent bonds at
93 cents on the dollar.
BLUE HILL- Mr. Ernest Johnson and
Miss Emma Erfman were united in mar
riage at 6 o'clock this evening at the Lu
theran church in Pleasant Hill precinct.
BEATRICE Mrs. M. M. Coe passed away
last night at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. J. P. Saunders. She was 7 years
of age and one of Beatrice's oldest resi
dents. GRAND ISLAND Mrs. N. D. Mann died
at her home near Cairo at the uge of 27
years. Lung fever was the fatal illness.
She leaves a husband ana two small chil
dren. EDGAiR Mr. William T. Caldwell and
Miss Muud Anderson, both of Edgar, were
united In marriage Wednesday at 8 p. m.
at the home of the bride's parents, Dr.
and Mrs. D. F. Anderson of this city.
BEATRICE Mrs. J. M. Goodnight died
yesterday at her home on East Court
street, aged 31 years. She is survived by
her husband and one son. The remains
will be taken to McNlmble, Tenn., for In
terment. GRAND ISLAND William Kern died at
the Soldiers' Home hospital at the age of
78 years. He was a member of Company
H, First Minnesota volunteer Infantry, and
was admitted to the home from Arcadia,
Valley county. In 1904.
TECUM8EH Dr. P. C. Johnson of
Tecumseh, chaplain of the Nebraska peni
tentiary, was handsomely remembered by
the convicts of that Institution on Christ
mas. He was presented with a beautif'il
solid gold hunter casn watch.
GENEVA William Thompson, aged 76
years, was buried here yesterday. He died
at Fort Collins, Colo., and the body was
brought here Monday. Mr. Thompson for
many years lived Just north of this city
and went to Colorado last fall.
BEATRICE The local barbers' union met
last night and elected these officers: A.
L. 8herwood, pres.drnt; G. H. Purvance,
vice president; George West, secretary;
Charles Avey, treasurer; J. J. Manion,
guide; Clement Drew, recorder, and Harry
Humphrey, guard.
BEATRICE The seventh annual exhibi
tion of the Soutneastern Nebraska Poultry
association opened yesterday In t lie Young
Men's Christian association building, with
a large number of entries. The show will
last three days and promises to be one
of the best yet held.
BEATRICE Mrs. Nancy Jane Kerlin,
for thirty years a resident of Beatrice, died
yesterday of heart trouble at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. W. R. I'rln. She was
73 years of uge and leaves six children.
The funeral services were held today and
Interment was In Evergreen Home ceme
tery. OAKLAND Jesse Weaver and Miss Mary
Hansen, daughter of Mrs. Robert Hanwn,
of this city were married at the bride's
home at high noon Wednesday by Rev. Mr.
Ijiug of the Methodist church. They left
on the afternoon train f'.r a visit with
relatives at Wakefield, Neb. They will
reside on the John F. Linberg farm, east
of town, which the groom recently pur
chased. TECUMSEH The coming meeting of the
Johnson County Farmers' institute, which
is to be held in Tecumseh the last two
days In January and the first two days in
Desk Trays
Box Files
Board Clips
Stationery Racks
Desk Pads
Loose Leaf Books
Post Binders
Loose Sheet Holders
Office Ticklers
Vtrucal Fife ana
Cui Laaex Ssppnss
Transfer Cases Ur Letters,
Docsaenta as' Car.
!- rSM-ets.
Orchard ft WUfeela Carpet
Co. 41-l-lS U. Xth U
atMa bloWArUrk Use
Convincing proof of the
pulling powers of Bee Want
Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb.
Dear Sir:
Please take our ad out of The Bee. I
gave you the ad for three days but exchanged
the stove on the frst day and since that time we
have been bothered to death by people who saw
the ad and wanted to trade. We made a deal
early on the first day.
Myrtle Condon,
2525 Davenport St.
Results are what you want. Then put your ad in next
Bee. A few of the many things you can advertise.
Furnished Rooms
Houses for Rent
You can get a competent girl
real estate or buy a new home
February, promises to be one of the best
the society has ever held. A corn show
will be a feature, and It is expected to Jo
something In the way of exhibiting fruit.
The committee on general arrangements is
arranging to serve dinner each day to all
comers tree of charge. Committees to take
charge of the details of the meeting havo
been announced.
FREMONT The mystery of the team of
bay mares which were taken up here a
week ago has been solved. It appears
that they belonged to a man named F.
Smith living north of North Bend. Smith
was In poor health and decided to go to a
hospital In Omaha for treatment and to
drive across the country alone. Some dis
tance east of Fremont, probably In a fit of
temporary mental aberration, he left the
team uml walked the rest of the way to
Oinnha. Nothing was heard of the team by
his family until the accounts of the mat
ter were published in the papers.
GRAND ISi.AMJ A real estate purchase,
completed yesterday. Indicates that a new
saloon or restaurant building will soon be
erected In the vicinity of tne government's
site for the postottice building and opposite
the street, John Wlndolph having pur
chased an alley corner east of the building
and across the way. The Blots Brewing
company of Omaha has also purchased a
lot In this vicinity and expects to build
next year. It is expected that work on
the federal building will be begun during
the season. The three-story Odd Fellows
building and the Etting wholesale fruit
and candy factory building are nearing
TECUMSEH Judge W. H. Kelligar of
the Johnson county district court has made
a ruling in the Fred W. Buerstetla will
case, suHtainlng the finding of the county
court previously made. The case was on
the construction of tne will. It seems that
after providing well for his widow Mr.
Bucrstetta divided the balance of his es
tate equally among his seven brothers and
sisters. The property Is in lands and
moneys and Involves financially at least
$12,ntx). To four of ills beneficiaries above
mentioned he leaves their respective
shares of the estate fee simple; this Is to
be used or disposed of at will. To the other
three he bequeaths as much property, re
spectively, but leaves It as a life's estate.
The three children so discriminated against
desired that they should be as free with
the use of their property as are the first
four mentioned, and the case came up
for trial In the county court some time ago.
County Judge Livingston placed a con
struction upon the will, which would dis
pose of the property as above outlined,
and now Judge Kelligar confirms that de
cision. ROtSDIP OF
Two Halfhreed Indiana Arrested Near
PIERRE, 8. D., Dec. 27. (Special Tele
gram.) Louis Brock and John Arpan, both
mixed-bloods living on the Cheyenne river
reservation, are in Jail In this city on a
charge of horse rustling, having been cap
tured in Stanley county with a good sized
bunch of horses which they had stolen. In
the preliminary hearing Arpnn Implicated
a number of others In the work, Indicating
a general band of rustlers working in the
country wtst of the river. He said other
stolen horses were In the care o." Alfred
Brock on Moreau river and that William
George, known as "Buffalo," and several
other Lyman county men were In the work.
Officers are out after all the parties accused
by Arpan.
Miner Killed br fsTfls.
STURGI3. S. D., Dec. 27. (Spec'al Tele-j
gram.)-iCarl Patterson, 29 years old. was
killed In a mine near North Moreau river
Saturday. He and his father were getting
out coal and were working In a place that
had been undermined, which gave way,
burying them. The father wn burled all
but one arm and his head and dug himself
out. The son was killed almost Instantly.
The father was badly bruised. The funeral
was held today at Whltewood under the
auspices cf the Odd Fellows. He leaves a
wife and two children.
Attempt to Wreck Trolley f ar.
LEAVENWORTH. Kan.. IK. 27 An at
tempt was mailt- early today to wreck a
trolley car near Leavenworth. An obstruc
tion placed upon the track waa discovered
in time to prevent a collision. A report
that It was the work of negro soldiers, who
had trouble with a street tar crew ou Mon
day lUgtil, Is being investigated.
Furnished Rooms and Board
Lost and Found Articles
for housework you can
through Bee Want Ads.
Mississippi fffioen Are on Trail of Men
lespoDiibla for Trouble
Twelve Persons Believed to Be Dead
as Hesult of Conflict and
Innocent Bleu Are
NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 27. That white
men protected Innocent negroes and that
an effort Is being made by the whites to
punish the "hoodlums" of their race who
were responsible for the Christmas riots
In Kemper county, Mississippi, was the
information In detailed accounts arriving
early today from the little towns which
were the scene of tlje bloodshed.
"A conference has been held," the dis
patches say, "between the civil and mili
tary authorities, at which evidence was
produced that will establish the Identify
of.flvo white men of good families of the
county who took part In the lynchlngs.
District Attorney Currie has made a public
statement, in which he says: 'I found,
upon an Investigation, that the trouble
was caused by a lot of hoodlums and out
laws, who openly violated all laws of God
and man and decency. The four men
killed Christmas were not connected with
the affair In any manner, and I am In
formed that the houses burned were oc
cupied by negroes who were not even In
sympathy with any of those who were con
nected with the outrages. These men will
be captured, If It Is In the power of the
state of Mississippi to do so. "
Officers Want White Men.
The dispatches say the death list Is
probably twelve; that the mob element
3 m
ieairaimee Sale
Starts Saturday
and will continue until space is
Omade for our new Spring goods. I"!
- - j: I AT AlVd ciTTTrno fTTT) O OVTBTfl
U Starting SATURDAY, DEC. 29, '06. U
See Our Ads
The New CloaJc Shop.
sell your
among the whites has mostly fled toward
the Alabama state line, while negroes In
terror have gathered at Wuhalnk and
Scooba to place themselves under the pro
tection of troops or of citizens. The killing
of a negro named Calvin Nicholson Is re
ported as "one of the most brutnl which
has occurred since the drtys of reconstruc
tion." . .
Nicholson was a negro of the best class.
While a pouse was searching for a negro
named Simpson, who had killed a deputy,
they entered Nicholson's house and several
persons began shooting at him. Deputy
BherifT Alexander and two others rushed
to the negro, shielding him with their
bodies. They protected him until over
powered, after which he was shot and his
house burned. District Attorney Curris .
says he has fixed the blame for this murdnr
upon three men and will arrest them If
they are still In the state.
All Troops Leave fleoobu.
MERIDIAN, Miss., Dec. 27. All the
troops stationed at Scooba, the scene of the
recent race troubles, returned this aftor
noon In chsrge . of Governor Vardnman,
vho went there last night to take personnl
command. Returning mllltury officers and
others say that apprehension of further
trouble is passed. There were no outbreaks
Personnlly Conducted Tour
Old Mexico.
A special party for a thirty-day tour ot
Old Mexico, embracing practically all the
Important cities and principal points of In
terest, will leave Omaha January. 1&
Rate covering transportation, berth and
meals only VMM.
For further Information call or address
Rock Island City Ticket Office, 13J Far
Bam St.
Police Launch frufe.
NEW YORK. Dec. '."7. Police launch No,
tf with three men aboard, which was re
ported missing In Jamaica bay last night.
Is safe. The men succeeded in making a
landing and reporr-d to the Cunarsle polios
station early today.
E 3 '
Dec. 29, '06
Friday Night.
1517 Farnam Street.
era c