Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Tclf'ihore 618.
Men's Dome! Flannel Night
: Shirts, good value al, each . .
Called Donict Flannel nothing lut cotton fle'opl on both pities,
very kind to tender skin, rut extra full and wide, long enough
to wrap around your feet, if yuu curl up n bit. Great big roomy
night fhirts made especially for Thompson Belden & Co. Pretty
tripes of blue or pink with negligee collar or military style, nil
f jy,e8 from fifteen to nineteen, extra good value, at 50c each.
Men's Department, just inside of main entrance, n step to the left.
erected, but at Grand Island will milt him,
h? said;
House1 ( nrn, Monday.
Several new members Joined the advance
guard of legislators here tonight, among
them being Senator Wllsnn of I'awnce, win)
wants to be president pro tern, of the non
ill. Dr. Wilson will open headquarters at
tho I.ltidell hotel tomorrow. The house
members who came were H. W. Green of
Holt. W. Neff of Franklin, T. Cone of
Seward, populist. The lnttcr intimated he
Intended to see that the legislature ac
complished something this winter or Ftand
for a big fight.
II has about been settled that the caucus
. of the house members will be held Mon
day night. There was some talk that the
caucus would be pulled off Saturday night,
but as some of the members are going
home to spend Sunday and others won't
get here until Monday, the candidates for
speaker have about agreed to get together
and request the caucus for the later dite.
Attorney Burnett of Omaha, who rep
resented the fraternal insurance companies
before the last legislature, was here this
afternoon, but he said he was not here
to' open headquarters, but on private busi
ness. George Lewis of North Platte was
mixing with the legislators this after
ndon. Receipts and Expenditures.
Of especlai interest to the legislators at
, this time Is a statement to be published In
the forthcoming biennial report of the
state Auditor, showing' the estimated re
ceipts fur the blennlum and the estimated
expenditures. Extra copies of the state
ment will bo printed and furnished r-i
members of the legislature. The estimates
are as follows:
New Permanent Improvements
State university tlSO.OrO.00
Soldiers and Sailors' home, Milford 14,700.tM
Soldiers' und Sailors' home, Urand
Islund 13,915.84
Hospital for Insane at Uncoln 57.0m). 0
loiital (op Insane at Norfolk
Institute for Feeble Minded Youth 57,.viO.(K)
Hoys' Industrial school 42,0 0,0)
Helm for the Friendless 12,uH).ua
Hospital for Crippled and- De- , Children - tioMo.OO
'Total 1517,616.84
Actual Current Expenses
Legislative expenses
Governor 20,0-0.00
Treasurer' Z-'.iitiii.OQ
Auditor u.ouo.eo
Insurance department, auditor ll.WiO.OD
Superintendent public instruction.. 24. 5". 0)
Secretary . of state 20.6SO.OO
Con-, public lnnds nnd buildings... 31 . 2KU .
Board Public Lands and Buildings 33.OUO.00
Board of Educational Lands- and -
Funds 7,000.00
Board of Purchase and Supplies f:-" 400.C0
Attorney , genere.) ......-.,,..,, of
AdJutKitt gaiicral ,.,.....,...,.. 6J.pW.00
Buprem -court ; . ..?..:" 97,310.00
Stato library t.wTi.. U1.76O.0O
Department of banking.'. 3BlSo ii)
Stale Board of Irrigation......,... lj.vtfi.O.i
Uame and Fish commission., 25,.oi.OO
State university 76i',Oiw.OO
Soldiers' and Sailors' home. Milford ' 61.5J2.l0
Soldiers and Sailors' horns, Urand .
Island 153.20.f0
8. ute penitentiary 117.9MO.00
Husplta: for Insane at Lincoln.... 20I,2n0.0)
itohi.ltul for Insane at Norfolk 137,400.00
Aslum for Incurable- Insune at
Hastings 401.780.00
Institute for Feeble Minded Youth 113.400. U0
Ciirla' Industrial school 36.010.00
Boys' Industrial school , 116.200. t
Normal school, Kearney 111.500 00
Normal school, Peru 131.4O0.oO
Home for the Friendless 40,000 CO
Institute for Deaf and Dumb,
Omaha 83.575.00
One Hundred
ioys' 3
LINESages 3 to 6, 10 to
16 values up to $7.50 at
$10 Young
Sizes 30
;$1.00 value Q q -59 va,u0 y. value
And Fifty Green Trading Stamps. ;.
Bath Robes -Smoking Jackets
50 Discount
, Bee, Dec. 17, 1906. ".
Foort commission '..:
Geologic-it I purvey
Plate Historical society
Nebraska Library commission
Stiite Hoard of Charities and Cor
rections Expense of Normal school board..
tows and Journals
Revenue books nnd blanks
Junior normal schools
State Board of Equalization and
State Hoard of Health
Fugitives from Justice and officers'
District court ..
For support of State Poultry asso
ciation For support State Bo.ird of Hor
ticulture For support State Hoard of Agri
culture For support of State Dairymen's
Commissioner of labor
State veterinarian
Procuring and transcribing ab
ntracts of bind
Institute for Blind
Nebraska Industrial home
Hospital for Crippled and De
formed Children
Legal advertising
Estimated deficiency, wolf bounty
Estimated deficiency claims
For miscellaneous claims (est.)....
2.5' 0.00
10,000. 1
7.OC0 0O
6.000 00
30.000 01)
2.000. ft)
11.000. ft)
6.000. CO
1.000 00 j
Tntnl u en m
mento 617,615.84
Adding Mate school apport'nm't,
disbursed durinr 1907 iiRd im... 1.340.93-.67
Total $3,493,831.61
From above total of $5. 493, SSI .61
Amt chnrgeable general fund Is. .IJ418 143.84
Amt. chargeable University fund 762,000.00
Amt. chargeable library fund 10,750.04
Amt chargeable temp'y school
fund . . l.S40,9?.7
Total to,49J.S31.6l
Estimated receipts for the fiscal period
coiiitnenci:-!.' April 1, YMi. niui ending larLh
3i. 1S09. lia.i-td i n 85 per cent of the am unU
levieu foi' all purposes unw-r the grand
assessment loll of ltsi. and sundry othr
collections bused on actual receipts during
the lust two;
Ueneral fund levies for 1907-8 $2,391,911.07
Ueneral fund collections on back
taxes ... KO.OOO.OO
Sinking fund collections on back
t;ixes (House Boll 2o4) 3,500.00
Collection of obsolete funds
(Senate File 60) 1,500 00
From interest on deposits., 16.i(M.0
From miscellaneous collections... t.Sii.OO
From fees governor Itiii.n0
From fees secretary of state 22,ib3 95
From fees. auditor public accounts 192,219.47
From fees commissioner public
lands and buildings 6,k?9.1fl
From fees state oil Inspector lS.t9ii.oO
From fees department of banhlng 24.739.tJ
From fees state food couiBilsr
sioner 4.817.35
From fees board of irrigation.... 661.46
From C S. government "aid"
S. & 8. home 72.70S.OO
From temporary school -fund tax
collections 4,618.57
From Interest on school and saline -
lauij ,..,.,,....,...-.. 233,4i$ 38,
Fronj lease wn, school .and aultne-'' J
M' :.v:r. V.. .'.''.V.V.; -1(W,19S.J5 '
r rem internal. -tin ..oonns. eu.wM.iO
From Interest on "warrants " 1hh.io9.47
From game and fish licenses. . Ul.ijOioy
From temporary university fund . -.
taxes , ....v.t.'..t,.i...(.J -fcl4,
From Interest on university land 11, 4X1.30
From lease on university land... 8,067.uO
From Interest on agricultural col
lege lands .- 24,447.23
From lease on agrloulutral col-
leg-! lands 8,154.35
From V. 8. government aid agri
cultural and mechanic arts fund 80.000.00
From. V. B, Government aid agrl-.
cultural experiment station fund 88.5O0.f0
From university cash fund 119.533 2 1
From normal interest fund 1,62:83
From normal school library fund,
Feru 6,670.00
From normal school library fund,
Kearney 6.141.47
From state library 6,098.50
and Seventy-eight
Piece Stilts
Men's Suits
to 36, at
Kr'm hospital for Insane fund 1.512 31
Krom, convict Uhof B:iM
From penitentiary fund n.00
Total ' '. 5,161 .659.01
From total income of $
The fteiiernl fund derives .$2.9!'V'!74.72
The school fund derives I,330,n44 46
The university fund derives 877.7H.V i9
The normal school fund derives.. l.1'3'Ji
The stats library fund derives 6 098.50
The hospital for insane fund de
rives 2.612 33
The penitentiary fund (land) de
rives 3U0.0Q
Total $6,161.fi601
(Continued from First Page)
orients advocates of government ownership
of all public utilities, ss the best means
iof solving the present problem before the
American people.
"Mr. Bryan has nothing to do with
this meeting. He tias not been consulted
In the matter at all. While It Is possible
that he amy b a direct beneficiary of the
movement It IS not Instituted In his Inter
est. All parties favoring the matter of
public ownership afe Invited to Join with
us regardless of former party affiliations.
It Is not for the purpose of the creation
of a new political party In any manner,
but Is" simply a- Iragne favoring the ac
quirement of public Utilities for the benefit
of the public.
I.enane Is Nonpartisan.
"The organization Is wholly nonpartisan.
We have received a number of letters from
all parts of the state, many of them from
republicans, who earnestly favor the move
ment. We shall at once proceed to the
organisation of public ownership clubs
throughout the state and will send or
ganizers out Into tho field. While the
movement relates generally to the owner
ship of all public utilities by the govern
ment, tonight's meeting will devote itself
to the question of government ownership
of railroads. The recent Investigations
held here In Omaha and elsewhere by the
Interstate Commerce commission have
shown that the only relief from railroad
dovnonatlon Is In publio ownership.
"The World-Herald Is not In favor of
government ownership."
This was the concise manner In which
Coagreseman-elect Hitchcock, editor of the
World-Herald, broke the attitude of his
paper to representatives of the ownership
league who called on him at his office to
ssk him what he proposed doing.
"We thought," said one of these repre
sentatives, "that the democratic organ of,
Nebraska would come out In favor of this
movement that Is, we wanted to know
whether It would or not. Do we know?
well, yes."
Colored Soldier at El Reno Throws
Wile of Physician from
tho dldeivnlk.
EL RENO, Okl., Dec. 27 -Race feeling Is
at white heat and threats of lynching are
henrd on every hand as a result of an
assault committed on Mrs. T. 8. Clifford,
wife of a prominent physician, this after
noon by a negro of the Twenty-fifth In
fantry. Mrs. Clifford and her sister, Mrs. 8. II.
Clarke, were attempting to pass the Sol
dier when he viciously grabbed Mrs. Clif
ford around the waist and threw her into
the street, exclaiming that the sidewalk
belonged to him. Mm. Clarke r reamed
for.asslstance and the assailant fled, escap
ing before help arrived.
News of the attack spread rapidly, and
the entire police department, Tetnforcecl by
several, hundred men -and boys, searched
th.own.andsurroMn(ling bountry, but thts
evening the .chine was given up. -The negre
was in uniform and must return to the
post or become a deserter. ' -
' Word was . sent to Fort. Reno and nl'
absentees noted. Both Mrs. Clifford snd
her sister are positive they enn Identify
the man and .will go to Fort Reno to
morrow and attempt to pick him from the
soldiers who were out of the post today
when the assault occurred.
A. B. Huhetmann, only western direct
diamond Importer, corner 13th nnd Douglas,
which are retailed at wholesale prices.
Engineer, Yard Foreman and Flag
nian. Charged With Responsibility
for Enderlln Wreck.
ENDKRLIN, N. D., Dec. 27.-Three ar
rests will be made here soon In an effort
to place responsibility for the accident on
the Boo read here Sunday. Sidney Adams
of Lisbon, the acting atto. ney for tha
county, has sworn out warrants for John
J. Moore, tho engineer of the switch engine
which obstructed the main line track;
Charts R. Aker, yard foreman at Enderlln,
and J, E. Walsh, the swltchmnn Sf-nt to
flag tho approaching passenger train. The
charge will be manslaughter In the second
degree. The number of those who died in
the wreck has been Increased to eleven.
3. C. Miller of Minot died In the hospital
here yesterday and Mr. Brockett of Minne
apolis died today.
; i"
Hundreds f Car Loads Are Comlna
Into Minneapolis Over All
MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 27,-The backbone
of the grain tleup will soon bo broken, as
hundreds of cars of grain are coming into
the city dally, particularly over the Oreat
Northern, Northern Pacific and Boo roads.
Oreat Northern officials report that they
will have handled more than 7,000 grain
cars locally by the end cf December, as
against S.000 cars In November. The North
ern Pacific will have handled between 1,:0)
and 1.6u0 cars, as against 653 cars in No
vember. Cash Hrllef for China.
WASHINGTON, Dec. fT-Additlona! sub
scriptions for the Chlnu famine sufferers,
amounting to $1,000, have been received by
the American National Red Cross, making
K'.OnO to date. The Chinese minister today
thanked Secretary Root for the evidences
of good will and friendship given by the
American government and people towards
the sufferers. He said the Chinese of Stn
Francisco had notified him they would at
once send M.COO to the relief committee at
Brlalam and America Asxseed
. WASHINGTON, Dst. Zl. Baron Hon
cheur, the Belgian minister, today called on
Secretary Root. It was learned the con
ference related to .the Congo and that the
I'ntled States and Belgium are in accord
on the matter.
Conference at Memphis.
8T. LOC18. Dec. 27 The nest meeting
of the conference Ik nun here a week ao
betwevn a committee representing soutii
'eastern grain shlppeis and representatives of
railroads rrlwtive to rates Into the south
east ard Carolinsa' territory will be held In
Menu, als in Jauuary 4. Tin. merlin wa
to have been held here today, but owing t-
Hi holidays was postponed.
Mnrdfr and snlrldv
.' BT. IjCH'IS. Dee. 27. A quarrel todiy
between Al Davidson and his landlady.
Mrs. Frieda Wrigel. terminal.-.; In David
son shoot nig Mm Velel n the he id and
kllltng himself by a bdllct througn his
brain. , Davidson left a life Inaurance
! policy, in which his mothsr. Mrs. Snruli
. K. lvld!ton tf as BjUtn Mntti street. ga
j 4 use, lbi., as iMincii m it. v uvucuvmi jr.
fscreUrj Wilson f tadi Evidence to the
Department of Just c.
Amnna- Them Art the Bnrllnaton,
Ureal Northern and I nloW Paelflo
" 1'lnchof KsnlaJas For-'
1 retry Reserve.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 27.-Becretary Wll
on of the Department of Agriculture
transmitted' to- the DoosTtmehr of lustier !
nine additional rits if alrVfvsT vtolatton ;
of what l popularly. krvwn the "thirty-I
six hour law." which provides that rail- I
road companies shall not detain stock on !
railroad cars for a longer period than
twenty-eight hours without food and water
except with the consent of the owner of
the stock and then no longer than thirty
six hours. The cases were one each
against the Grertt Northern, the Oregon
Short Line, the Southern Pacific, the
Tnltn Pacific, the Lake Shore A Michigan
Southern and the Chicago Iturllneton
.Qttlncy and three against the Santa Fe.
The secretary forwarded the complete evi
dence In each case to Attorney General
Bonaparte and requested him to Institute
proceedings. The law provides as a pen
alty for violation a fine of isoo., ;
Secretary Wilson says there were sev
eral hundred cases under consideration by
the agricultural department 'and that
everywhere the evidence warrants prose
cution will be Instituted. The ' attorney"
general hns cases against the .Southern
Pacific, the Lake Shore A Michigan
Southern, the Big Four and the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul roads.
Defense of Land Withdrawals.
Glfford Plnchot, chief of the forest ser
vice, today approved a rough draft of a
report to the secretary ef agriculture re
lating to the 4,000,000 acres of land In In
dian territory, whose withdrawal for for
est reserve purposes brought about criti
cism of the sercetaries of the Interior and
agriculture by a senate committee. The re
port will be a defense of the withdrawal of
the lands, which are located In the Choc
taw and Cherokee nations, and will show,
first that the proposed forestry reserve
was asked for primarily by the Indians
themselves; second, that the maintenance
of a forest on the proposed area will fur
nish a much needed continuous supply of
timber and wood for local use and also pre
vent disastrous floods along 1.000 miles of
the Red river In Texas, Arkansas and
Louisiana, where Immense sums are now
expended for levees: third, that the forest
reserve would not take up all the residue
of lands after allotments to the Indians.
The report will further insist that the
secretary of the Interior's action In tem
porarily suspending allotments was ; not
only within his right, but that he would
have been remiss had he done otherwise.
As a result of careful Inspection by the
forestry bureau a .recommendation will be
made to the secretary of agriculture, who
Will undoubtedly transmit it to the secre
tary of the Interior, to the effect that the
area originally withdrawn can be reduced
one-half J)y leaving out ; the part In the
Cherokee nation and all the lands within
twenty miles of the Missouri, Kansas
Texas railway In the Choctaw nation. This
report, which it Is expected the secretary
of the Interior will make public,- will show
that considerably more than half the re
duced area Is valuable- for agriculture and
can be allotted 4o- .abaonear. iutuw , sfter
exmina,tloo . 15 detejrve Its arable char
acter. ! : NotwKnstanfr;!t1!,tntlnn vthat the
Secretary oT fn' trrt!!lc fd -no warrant
of -law " 1 r. twitch" ln. Bt.rr; " e lands, tha
cpntdUlcP being, that t(iey primarily be
long to the Indians': 'It '"Is imder;ood that
the withdrawal .will,rtak place and that
the Indiana haw tlw-rlglt- o try out the
authority of the' secretary In the coflrn.
Pay. for , Cuuy l UmplTs. -
Chairman Shonts of the Isthmian Canal
commission;' announced today that the com
mission has decided to pay the employes
on the Isthmu whose compensation is fixed
on an hourly basis for January I, February
22. May S, July . Lnbor day, Tlisnksglvlna
Cay and December 25. The compensation
for theso employes will be on the basis of
an eisht-hour day. This will grant pay for
the holidays to all the skilled mechanics
on the canal aone, who, number about 8,000.
If such employes bo required to work on
these holidays they will be paid time and a
half in addition. ,
Labels on Glncose Paekaares.
Representatives of the Glucose Sugar Re
fining company had a conference today wit a
Becretniy Wilson of the Agricultural de
partmtnt concerning the labels which, under
the pure food law, will have to be placed
on packages. The conference related par
ticularly to the labels (6 be placed, on corn
syrup, corn sugar, grape sugar and glucose
used in Jams. The secretary gave bis call
ers to understand that It will be necessary
for their lalwls to Indicate Just what each
package contains, i
Promotion for Bell.'
It is announced that Brigadier General
Franklin Bell will be promoted' to. be a
major general on the retirement from active
service January 27 of Major General Jesse
Lee, Just relieved front duty in the Pliltiu
plnta. General -Boll will continue to d s
charge the duties of chief bf staff under his
new commission. ( ,
Fair Today and Tomorrow la Ne
braakn. Sooth TJalfot and
Western Iowa.'
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. Forecast of the
weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska. South Dakota and Kansas
Fair Friday and Saturday.
For Iowa Fair west, snow or rain In east
portion Friday; fair Saturday. '
For Missouri Fair FrUlay. except rain In
southenst portion; Saturday fair. .
For Wyoming and Montana Fair Friday
and Baturday. ,.
Local Hrrord.
OMAHA. Dec. Jf. Official rvcord of 'tem
perature and preriiiitHtiun compared with
the corresponding day of the last throw
years: 1 . 116. lm. W.
Maximum temperature .. M 4 44
Minimum tejuperat-ure ..HI 846 SO
Mean temperature , 'I' ; I Si
lieclpltatlon . 0 .0J .22 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1.
and compared with the last twe years:
Nornml temperature .yla
F.xcess fur the day '.
Total excess since March 1 "s
Normal preclpltatli n 0? Inch
Deficiency for the day ' .o:t inch
Total rainf.ill stru-o March 1.,. ...25 10 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 4. M inches
I wfkiency fur cor. period. IMii 2.70 inches
Deficiency for cor. perlud. lio4... 6. S3 inches
Resorts front stations at T P. M
Station and State
of Weather.
Plsmarck, clear ..
Temp. Max.
fall. T
7 p. m. Temp
Cheyenne, clear
Ohicaifo. cloudy
Davenport, cloudy
Ienver, cleur
Havre, cloudy
Helena, cloudy ,
Huron, clear
Kansas t'ity, It cloudy..
North Pintle, clear
Omaha, clear
Rapid City, clear
Ft. Ixiu , rulmtur ,
St. I'aul. cloudy
.ir .tyiWe '.'Ity, raining-..
.. So
.. W
.. K
.. to
.. Sti
... 42
.. in
.. 64
.. V,
'.: si
.. 34
.. 3
.. '
y. 4
Willlston. partly cloudy..
T trHti'- trac i,r nrxelnltHtion.
Indicates below sero. -
1. A. WfcUSU. If al Furecsir.
all kinds
A Few Friday Specials
at the "Da y light Store" that are in no sense in Keeping with their
actual worth, or what otner stores charge for identical kinds
Handkerchiefs for
New Year's Gifts
A very choice lot of alt linen em
broidered and linen lawn em
broidered handkerchiefs, . good
assortment to select frorrt, worth
36c each; our price, each. .25
Special Box Handkerchief Offer
Pretty box containing 6 all linen
- embroidered and fancy Initial
and plain Initial checked hand
kerchiefs, worth $1.25 box; your
choice of this lot, the box. . .1
New Year's Novelty
Our entire stock of novelty pin
cushions, collar and handker
chief cases, prettily painted,
worth from 10c to 7 Be each; to
be sold at ON K-HALF AltOVK
Work Boxes Out-Half Off Our
entire stock of children's fancy
work boxes that sell for 25c to
35c each; to be sold at ONE
Fancy leatherette handkerchief,
glove and collar boxes, soil from
25c to $1 each; on sale Friday at
Fancy tiarters Pretty glass cov
ered box containing silk frilled
elastic garter, with new novelly
. buckles, make a nice New Year's
gift; .special, the pair, 69c, 50c
and ; ...25?
Fine Underwear
Ladles' shirts and drawers, shaped
garments, combed Peeler fleeced
and silk finished balbriggan. a
fine 50c value; to be put on sale
Friday for, garment. 39
Ladles' derby ribbed half wool
shaped shirt and drawers, na
tural gray, nicely made and fin
ished; special for Friday only
. at 390
'! ii ii i n
.a,8lth?y are always .a commodity'
ell thein under' a 'guarantei to
paid us at any time within one
Rings frpm
$5.25 to 8450.00.
Question Diicnssed by American Associa
tion for Advancement of Ecimce,
Speaker flays Great Fortunes Are
Created Through Corporate
Abuses and Sot hy
Natural Causes.
NEW YORK, Doc. 27. The concentration
of wealth in the luinda of comparatively few
was vigorously denounced and earnestly
defended at the opening sessions today nl
the fifty-seventh annual meeting of the
American Association lor the Advancement
of Science.
Henry I-aurens Call . of . Washington, 13.
C. attacked the right of John U. Rocke
feller to Ilia fortune on the grounds that,
he asserted, it was not the result of nat
ural cuuses, but had been created through
corpurate activity which the speaker ternud
ficous." I
During a subsequent . dlscusflon of "The
Evolution of Property," Louis Q. Mcpher
son, assistant to the. late Samuel Spencer
as president of the Southern railway, re
plied to Mr. Call. He declared that Sir.
Rockefeller had had his financial struggle"
and had done much good which was gen
erally lost idsht of in the criticism which
came with success. He told or Mr. ltocKe
feller's attempt to stcure -5,0txi wltii
which to cunstruct a pll line for oil. One
man who refused aid met the financier
when the pipe line had been laid. To him
Mr. Rockefeller said:
"I built that pipe line to make oil cheaper
and 1 succeeded. I cut the cost more than
half. And et they find fault." '
Caa't Afford to Est Ustrrs.
Mr. Mcpherson then leis seriously told
of a dinner party several years ago at the
Rockefeller home when Mrs. Rockefeller
explained the absence of oysters by say
ing; "We like them, but are too poor to
have them."
This to Illustrate Mr. MePherson's point
that a man might be worth 1'J0,CKA),kjo and
till be short of ready cah If he kept his
factories In operation.
Wealth and railroads were but two of
the many subjects discussed by the speak
ers. After convening at Columbia univer
sity, where they were welcomed by Presi
dent Nicholas Murray Butler, the several
hundred scientists separated into various
groups, wbere many discussions were
opened. lr. W. H. Welch of Johns Hop
Ulna' university, the new head of the as
sociation, talked tn medicine and Charles
A. Conant of this city on currency. The
feature of tonight's session was the ad
dreiiB of Vr. C. M. Woodward of St. Lt-uls.
the retiring president, who hmjks on "Tlg
Science of Education."
Healthy and Timely Growth
Dr. Woodward pointed out that a healthy
and tlniely growth ar.d development of the
bratn was to be promoted by an education
Involving a great variety of activities, sktl
fUy adjunud as to quality and quantity.
pu ''.('I'wieMit I'lyjajars'ww'itTSl'ttW
Phone 981.
Early New Year Silk
Creine Japanese Silk that we are
going to make a big special for
Friday at, a yard 19
SO pieces of fine luxurous black
taffeta silk that has always been
sold at $1.00; on sale Friday
at. a yard G8
Neckwear Specials
Pretty lace trimmed coat sets
fancy box collars, silks, chiffon
and lace, and odd lot of scarf
ties; this lot worth to $1.25
each; choice Friday, each. .500
Special Book Gifts
for New Years
Our entire stock of Alger and
Henty books for boyg and the
Girls' Home sorles, consisting of
Meade, Cares, McKeever and
all the popular authors; on sale
Friday, your choice, each. .190
Billy Whiskers' Friends, a good
book for the little folks, regular
79c grade; special Friday. -500
The latest books for the little folks
John Dough and The Land of
Ot regular 95c value; special
Friday, each 79
Exquisite and large assortment of
New Year's post cards; special,
each, 5 and 2 for 5?
Dress Goods of
Worth at a Big
Saving Friday
4 4-inch rainproof suitings, a full
line of novelty mixtures, checks.
shadow plaids, etc., that have
sold all season for $1.00 yard;
on special table Friday for,
yard 690
Ajf of our $1.25 46-inch plain
color and shadow check suiting
offered as a big Friday speclal-
at, a yard 890
See the big window display on
Sixteenth street.
Put you Christmas money Into
Diamonds and you'll not regret it.
It Is true they are no lower in
n'rlrift HQS' t han " hafnr'a Phrtatmna
qif fixecilyaluej.. Remember we
rafund nine-tenths of, amount
H-Uu Llfsu.inMHsa
Gfie WaJes
Adding Machine
Is the latest, most modern,
up-to-date Adding and
' Listing Machine on the
market. It must 1 teen
(o bo appreciated.
' Correspondence Solicited.
Trial Examiuutlon Free.
A. L. McCreary
Neurtuik Agent,
P. O. IlOX 891, UMCOL-M.
to the mental and physical status of the
"I see now here," he said, "In either
ancient or modern times, a people who-e .
youth have been trained as our Americans j
should he trained. Neither Oreece nor
Rome, with their pinnacles of culture rest- '
lng on the barbarous foundation of human '
slavery, nor the blooded aristocracies of
modern times, can teach us how to educate, !
train and adorn an American cltisen. We
must not expect all our students to rule,
nor yet all to be ruled, to direct, nor
yet to be directed to employ or to be em
ployed. They must be capable of all
tneso inings. to narrow aim, no prejuuice
or caste, no false claim of high culture
which scorns service, must lead the grow
ing, expanding minds. Give them a gen
erous symmetrical training; open wide the
avenue to usefulness, to happiness, to
power, and this age of scientific progress
and material wealth shall be also an age
of high Intellectual and social achieve
ments." I
Mlrhlaaa Man Kills Ilrolhrr.
LANSING. Mich., Dec. 27. Elbert Conk
lln, a ktnneinason, was shot and killed last
night In his home here by his brother Ml
vin. '1 hi-y had quarreled over pioierly
matters. Melvin came to Elbert's In use at
midnight, called his brother to the door arid
wounded him with a cliurge f-om a sh' t
yun. He lin n pursued him Into his betioom
and fired another rlmrge into Ellwrt's
adlimitrii, d seinhowi ll'if and kli'lng hl-n
listimlly. Mrs. F!K-rt Conk'I'i ran from th
house In terror and Melvin fired one slu t at
her, slUhtly wounding the woman in the
arm. Milvin ts u ruler arrert and app.-ai
to be insane or feigning Insanity,
Frrivht Kasilara Without Coal.
IM'TCHl S'S'sN. Kan.. Dec .-Several
local freight trains on the Hutchinson &
Soutlifrn and Kinsley branches of the
K"Mi Ke and an extra freight train on th
Hutchlniom tit houliii-rn branch aru lied up
arid in ttie yards here fur waul of coal to
run the engines, -
Great Reductions In
All Kinds of Furs
and Coats
La ill cs Brown Fur Scarf, S2 Inches
long, silk cord and tassel, eipht
tails, fur lined; Friday. .2.00
Zrta. Skinner satin lined; Fri
day 91.56
Children's Anjrora Hots; special,
at 790
Ladies' Outing tJowiis Extra
heavy outing, silk ribbon trim
med. worth up to $1.50; special
Friday, at 980
Children's Coats, All at One-half
Price Hundreds to select fronv
every stvle. size and color
DAY. Ladies knit underskirts, assorted
colors; Friday 230
Friday Extras, Linen
(First Floor.)
About 350 yards of toweling, la
remnants of from two to five
yards long, of different qualities,
heavy and absorbent, 7c and 8c
values; at, per yard, Friday, 40
About 60 dozen hemmed huck
towels, good size, pretty red
border, regular 8c value; for
bargain Friday, each 50
A good size Turkish bnth towel,
twisted thread, cream color; spe
cial for Friday, each 60
Clearance Sale Fri
day in Basement
FANCY STEINS Ranging frt)in f
$12.60 to y..500- f
FANCY' LAMPS Ranging from
$7.50 to 1.25
JARDINIERES Ranging from
$4.95 to 500
BOYD'S r? Mcrs.
Tpnight and Saturday, Saturday Matinee,
The Kings of Daughter,
In the Musical Novelty,
" , .. THB HAM X1BB.
Positively the best singing and dancing
chums of girls ' in the -world. - .: . r r
Commencing Sunday.
Sunday, Tuesday. Thursday. Sat. Matinees.
Phnnii nnuilai 494.
Torllght and Saturday Matinee and Night,
Blohard Braats and His Ponr-footsd
Pantomlmists, ratty Bros., Alfred Hsloy
fc Co., Marssna, Ifsvaro fc Maresna,
ears, Oeorg-lnna Clark, Joe Whitehead
and the Misses Orlersou and the Kino
drome. ...
Prices 10o, B5o and BOo.
Tonight 8:15. Matinee Saturday.
Rowland A Clifford Present
A Dramatization or liertlia At.
Clay's Famous Novel.
Sunday CusUr's Last Fight.
John M.Fixa's
and Restaurant
1516 Dodge St
Ever) thing Ntr
Best of Everything
Thoroughly I'p-to-Duta
First Class In All Ilespects
Ii nan wtu t '
fay ylMtknas jajur
'B found la C
wayt .Kmeml,r to fun
axative prcmo Qfcwm