Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Union faoifio Fropcses Increase on Car
Lots First of Tsar.
Lodzes Complaint With Interstate Com-
meroa Commission at Waahincton.
Tariff Jumps from Two to Biz aid Eight
Dollars a Car.
PrulJut Wattle of Exchnnne FffU
Confident Commission Will Bee
Justice of Protest and Over
rule the Advance.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Decfl 27.-Special
gram.) The Omaha Grain exchange
served notice on the Interstate Commc.
commission that It proposes to fight an,
raise on car lots of grain between Council
Bluffs, Omaha and South Omaha, as the j of the Russians at the buttle on
Union Pacific proposes to put Into effect the 't "span nre largely attributed.
January 7. At present freight on car lots The 'v ' de St. retersbuig. which is
of grain between Council Bluffs and Omaha f miniate. ported. In a leading article
and vice versa Is 13 per car, but January today dfc .'ij. n Investigation of tho
7 the Union Pacific has given notice. It will I charges of ' -iptlon brought against i m
ralso the rate to 16 per car between Council dais and of dishonesty In providing war
llluffs to South Omaha. This the Omnha i "hips with defective armor, guns and pto
Oraln exchange regards as a most unjust ! Jcctiles. which the defense vr.lnly endi av
rate and today filed a protest with the i OTei to introduce at the courts-martial of
commission, which will begin an Inquiry
at once. It is thought the Increased rate
Is In retaliation on the Chicago Great
Western, which made It possible to cre
ate a primary grain market In Omaha.
If these rates of the Union Pacific should
obtain they would seriously Injure the
Omaha grain market, the exchange main
tains in lta complaint idled with the com
mission. "Yes; we sent the complaint to tho com
mission last Saturday after a special meet
ing of the board of directors, at which a
formal protest was prepared." said Presi
dent Ourdon W. Wattles of the Omaha
Grain exchange. "Without any previous
warning whatever the Union Pacific hud
suddenly notified the shippers that after
January 7 It would charge 16 a car for
switching grain from Council Bluffs to
Omaha and South Omaha I believe It Is
$6 In both cases, though the Washington
people seem to have the Impression It was
$S to South Omaha. We did not learn this
from the shipper right away, but as soon
as we did hear it we had a meeting.
"The time was short hetwoen then orM
f rfci,Tanuary 7. so we prepared a protest and
ent It to Washington at once. What we
"vjf I want is to have the commission prevent
"av the company from raisins: the chnme. The
Union Paclflo has been hauling the grain
across the river all fall for 12 a car, and
we maintain that If It could haul It for
that price In December It has no right
to charge 18 for the same service la Jan
uary or Febrnary.' '
"The, Great Western Is doing the work
, for $2 on grain destined to elevators on Its
I own tracks and other roads are charging
I S3 also. The Union Pacific has been
charging $2, but now It wants to make
lf C an advance of 200 per cent and charge more
than the other roads.
I "I believe the commission will see the
justice of our position and will do some
thing for us before the rate goes Into
effect. A low switching rate across the
river Is of great value to the Omnha mar
ket In getting Iowa grain."
Secretary McVann of the exchnng was
seen by a reporter for The Bee after the
meeting last Saturday and ha said the
board had developed nothing worthy of
publication, having transacted only routine
business. Mr. McVann is in Chicago just
Uw Compiled With.
"The tariff sheets went to tho Interstate
Commerce commission December S, In com
pliance with the law, but the railroad
neglected to send the tariffs to the grain
men until about December 17," said John
A. Kuhn of the Updike Grain company.
"The exchange has protested on the ground
that 12 la i fair basis, the Union Pacific
having been content for so long to haul
the grain for that."
As a matter of fact. It Is said many mem
bers of the exchange 'would like to put
before the commission the argument that
the Union Pacific has no right to charge
16 on grain hauled west across the river
when It charges but S3 for hauling it east.
The switching rate from South Omaha
and Omaha to Council Bluffs Is and has
been S3, and the tariffs raising the rate
westbound makes no mention of the charge
This argument cannot be advanced by
the exchange, however, for the reason that
some of Its members have elevators on the
east side of the river, and they fear hav
ing the switching rate on grain eastbound
raised to &
Railroad Will Talk Today.
"I do not cure to make a statement on
that matter tonight." said Elmer 1L Wood,
general freight agent of the Union Pacific,
lurt night, "but we may be In a p altlon
to enter Into a discussion of It tomorrow.
Wo had not heard of the action of the ex
change In making Its protest."
Thirty Thousand Dollars or Life Is
Demanded by the "Black
NEW TORK, Dec. 27. Announcement
was mode today that Dr. Markar G. Dadir
riun, a well known Artrenlan physician
and manufactuier. Its being guarded by
the police as ths result of a "Black Hand"
plot. The physician. It Is said, has re
cently received two letters threatening him
with d-uth If he failed to pay ;)o.i.-0 to
the writers, snd the police, to whom the
cane was reported, decided to guard his
residence In Harlem night and day.
Ir. Daeirrlon Is 70 yours old and said
to be wealthy. He Is one of the moat
influential Armenians In the country.
Though frightened by the demands, he
says he will die rather than pay the money
demanded by the blackmailers.
Engineer aad Fireman Fatally la.
Jared When Gait Piaia(tr
Train Is Wrecked.
HOUSTON. Tex., Dec. 27. A Gulf. Colo
rado ft Santa Fe passenger train, south
bound. wS wrecked today near SomervDIe,
Tex., while running at a high speed. The
engine turned over, fatally injuring En
gineer James Sealy and Fireman r'eldur
g pMtu&aera were bur
Troop Sent to Pant a flara neranae
Mint laborer Are Congre
gated Tbere.
HAVANA, Dec. 27. Governor Magoon to
day referring to a published statement that
hi report to Secretary Taft regarding the
dispatch of troops to Santa Clara was re
garded as evidence of the Inability of the
Cubans to permanently maintain peace,
niade the following statement to the Asso
ciated Trees:
I have not made any such Intimation.
The inference is unjustifiable. 1 do not
know of a single Instance of disorder or of
Indications that any disorder Is Intended.
It was only one of many vague rumors
which I have reported to Secretary Taft
us nuch.. The dispatch of troops to Bant
Clara was merely a precautionary measure
lind to enable them to make practice
mirchs In view of the present concentra
tion of laborers on the Santa Clara sugar
Influential Itasalans Demand Investi
gation of Old Scandals In
Army and Kavy.
BT. PETERSBURG. Dec. 27. With the
trials of Admirals Rojestvensky and Nebo-
7- itoiT out of tho way, an effort Is being
e with inlluentlul backing to compel the
"'y. "itles to mako Inquiry Into the naval
i 1 of the Brand ilucal regime to whl h
the two admirals.
Spain AeknonleilKM tote.
MADRID, Dec. 27. The Spanish govern
ment has simply acknowledged receipt of
the papal protect on the subject of the
expulsion from France of Monslgnor Mon
tagnlnl and the seizure of the archives
of the church at Paris. The bishop of
Bandajox has wrlten to the archbishop of
Paris, Cardinal Richard, offering an
asylum to all sick or aged French priests.
Russian Found Dend.
LIVERPOOL. England, Dec. 27. The Rus
sian consul here, Colonel De Geigmanti,
was found dead In bed this morning having
been killed by a pistol shot. Whether ho
was murdered or committed suicide has not
been determined. It is believed he took
his own life, but the reason for his action
has not transpired.
Iloynl llctrnthnl Announced.
BERLIN, Dec. 27. Princess Alexandra
Victoria of Schleswlg-Holsteln-Sonderberg-Olucksburg.
has been betrothed to Prince
Augustus William, fourth, son of Emperor
William. Princess Alexandra Is the second
daughter of Duke Frederick of Schleswlg-IIolstelivSonderburg-Glucksburg.
nrltlnh Hllssnrd Continues.
LONDON, Dec. 27. The blizzard which
commenced Christmas night continues over
tireat Britain. Country districts are snow
bound, traini are late and rural villages
temporarily out off from communication..
' Halaonlt Receives Orders.
TANGIER, pec. 27. The Moroccan war
minister has established seven small forts,
each garrisoned by 150 men, around Tan
gier, and has sent orders to Ralsotill to
"cease governing."
Irregular Association Palls.
PARIS. Dec, 27. An attempt made to
form a general schismatic worship associa
tion In Paris has met with a formal refusal
by the clergy.
Fast Trip of Jffiiro Messenger Makes
F.xplanatlon Necessary at
Police Court.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. President
Roosevelt and his entire family, with the
exception of Mrs. Longworth. together with
several friends, left Washington at 11:25
this forenoon for line Knot, Mrs. Roose
velt's country home, for a holiday outing.
They will return Monday night. They oc-.
copied a Pullman car attached to the New
Orleans fast mall on the Southern railway,
which Is scheduled to reach North Garden,
twelve miles from Pine Knot, at 2:27 p. m.
Besides the president and Mrs. Roosevelt
and their friends' children, the party In
cluded Admiral P. M. Rixey,. surgeon gen
eral of the navy; M. 8. Latta, assistant
secretary to the presidfnt, and Mrs. Lung
don, a friend of Miss Ethel Roosevelt.
On reaching the train one of the presi
dent's boys found be had forgotten to bring
his gun. A negro messenger from the
White House was dispatched on his bicycle
to get the firearm. He got to the White
House all right and was going at a speed
prohibited on his return trip, when ths
metropolitan police overhauled him and
threatened him with arrest, but he did not
desist. Explaining his mission he was al
lowed to proceed to the station, followed,
however, by a mounted policeman, who
came Into the' station and reported the
matter to one of hit. superior officers. The
president, learning what had occurred,
called the officer and explained that the
matter would be settled when he returned
to Washington.
President Roosevelt and party arrived at
Pine Knot at 6 o'clock this evening. The
drive there from North Garden, which they
reached on the train at 1:06 o'clock, was
without special Incident.
Sixteen Million Head Handled at
t'nlon Stock Yard In
CHICAGO. Dec. 27. Figures on the busi
ness transacted at the Union Stock yards
for 1"6 show the valuation of live stock
handled to be the largest on record. The
receipts for the year were slightly over
16.WiO.oO head, valued at an in
crease of Sja.OfO.tirt) over 1!6. General
price Pnctuafed within a narrower range
than in previous years. Beef cattle aver
aged 25 cents a hundred higher, hogs $1
higher, sheep 2o cents higher and lambs S
cent higher.
Motion to Admit Record of Chicago
Federation of Labor In El.
dence Refused.
CHICAGO. Dec. 27-Th defense In the
Shea trial today moved that the records of
the Chicago Federation of Ubur be a(j.
milted as evidence, contending that they
would show that the men now on trial were
In faor of a fccttlement if the strike and
had not bevn guilty of conspiracy, JuUg
ball dvtiiud the tuuiiou.
hebraggan Admits He Will le a Candidate
for the Democratic Nomination.
He Denies Report That He Said He
Wonld Faror W. J. Stone for
Head of National
TOPEKA, Kan., Dec. 27.-In an Interview
here today William J. Bryan practically
admitted that he would be a candidate
for the presidential nomination before the
next democratic national convention.
"While I have not yet announced that I
would be a candidate," said Mr. Bryan,
"I have not stated that I would not be a
candidate, and do not Intend to. Such a
high honor as the presidential nomination
Is something that no American citizen
should decline."
Mr. Bryan declared that he had never
stated that President Roosevelt had stolen
the thunder from the democratic party,
although, he said, the president was now
advocating many things favored by that
Mr. Bryan said there wai no foundation
for the story that had been printed to the
effect that he would. If nominated, favor
the selection of William J. Stone of Mis
souri as chairman of the democratic na
tional committee.
"I have never told anyone anything about
the organization of the national commit
tee." he said. "I do not even know that I
w-ill be interested In It further than that
I do not want to see men on the committee
who are not good, clean men, who want
a government for the people and not for
tho truBts. I do not care to see men on
tho committee like Roger Sullivan of Illi
nois." In speaking of the railroad legislation en
acted by congress at its last session, he
stated that he did not believe the legisla
tion was what It should be, but he thinks
that tho president took what he could get.
He said the giving of railroad passes was
one of the most corrupting influences exer
cised in this country.
Mr. Bryan spoke before tho Kansas State
Teachers' association here tonight.
Tlrynn Opposes Currency Bill.
LINCOLN. Neb., Dec. 27. -William J.
Bryan has authorized a statement on the
proposed currency bill, In which he says:
The democratic party Is committed to the
doctrine that the Issue of money Is a gov
ernment function that ought not to be
delegated to the banks at all, but In addi
tion to this standing objection It opposes
this new form of currency which lessen
the security of the depositor. Increases the
risk of the note holder and Involves our
country more deeply In the Wall street
control of our finances.
Rosebud Indiana Favorably Inclined
to Disposing; of Tripp
Connty Lands.
From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. (Special Tele
gramsInspector James McLaughlin, who
Is one of the most successful agents of the
Interior department, arrived In Washington
today to mnke report to the secretary of
the Interior as to the progress of his ne
gotiations with tho Indians of the Rose
bud reservation In South Dakota for the
opening of Tripp county In that state to
homestead settlement. Major McLaughlin,
who has written Into the statutes more
treaties made with the Indians than any
living man, said today that he believed the
Indians of the Rosebud band would ac
cept the conditions presented by the govern
ment. He had a four days' council with
the Indians and with private talks thought
the conditions very favorable to the open
ing of the entire county of Tripp In South
Dakota to white settlement.
Rural carriers appointed: Iowa, Akron,
route 2, William D. Williams, carrier; Rex
ford T. Smith, substitute. Clarion, route
1, Hugh O'Neill, carrier; Frank O'Neill,
substitute. Collins, route 1, Harvey E.
Southern, carrier; William McWhorter, sub
stitute. Grimes, route 2 James W. Zorne.
carrier; Bennle J. Reed, substitute. Htnton,
route 4, William A. Reynolds, carrier;
Augusta Reynolds, substitute. Kellerton,
route 1, John A. Mannasmlth, carrier;
Clarence Mannasmlth, substitute. South
English, route 1, Mllo C. Miller, carrier;
Charles A. Miller, substitute. South Da
kota, Biaseton; route S. Peter H. Davis,
carrier; Franklin T. Davis, substitute.
Postmasters appointed: Nebraska, Bur
ress, Fillmore county, Cora M. Dutcher,
vice A- E. Cook, resigned. Iowa, Ceda.
Mahaska county, Ernest Et I. yon, vice 8.
M. Turner, resigned; Conovan. Winneshiek
county, John F. Frana, vice William Frana,
Captain Claude B. Sweezey, paymaster
! will proceed from Omaha to Denver and
j report to the commanding general, De
t jiartment of Colorado, for temporary iduty
j In that department with station at Denver,
j and upon completion of this duty will re
I turn to his proper station,
j Major Champe C. McCulloch, Jr.. surgeon,
, Is relieved from duty at Fort Meade and
j will repair to tnls city and report to the
Isthmian Canal commiaslon for duty on
the Isthmus of Panama,
f hlcaao Board of Health Interested
In Fowl Bousrht for Christ
ina Dinner.
CHICAGO. Dec. 27.-Dr. Whalen of the
Chicago health department lias begun an
investigation following the discovery that
a turkey Intended to grace a Cmistrna
dinner table was In the '..tat stages of con
sumption. J. lew cod had purchased a live turkey on
Christinas evt from Charles Klohr, a
butcher. The gc-thler was fat and ap
parently In good htalth, but when killed
pecullw white spot were found on the
heart aod liver. Mr. Tnwood held a con
ference with the butcher, who refused to
take the dead turkey back. Then the
matter was taken up with the health de
partment. Doctors Whalen and Blehu of the city
labratory held an autopfy over the diseased
organs and reported the fowl was In the
last stages of consumption. Inspectors were
sent to the butcher's shop, but It was de
cided that the butcher could not be held
responsible as he had purchased the turkey
In good faith. Effort are now being made
to discover the farm from which the turkey
came a It Is believed others may be
similarly affected.
('oadaetor Will Strike.
KL PASO Tex.. Dec. 27.Thc result of
the referendum vote of the conductor of
tho Mexican Central snd its bran.he la
Mexico on the proposition to strike on
January 1 unite their demand for an in
crease of wage be granted ha not been
Hnp'ii'nced. The -o,'i',"r r'rnlh '"t
El Paso Juarez wUl not discuss the matter
Iks imtoU amy b sntuwuuitl Wuivuuw,
Town Is Raided and Americans and
Mexicans Killed at Us-
LOS ANGELESi Cal., Dec. 27. Colonel
H. B. Maxson, vice president of the Na
tional Irrigation fftngieaa and secretary of
the Board of Education of Reno, Nev., who
has been spending the last few weeks in
the state of Bonora, Mexico, arrived here
yesterday with a graphic description of
the massacre ef Mexicans and w hites which
occurred at the little town of Lancho, on
the Cananea, Yaqul River & Pacitlo rail
road, late Saturday! afternoon.
According to the statement of Maxson,
his train stopped an hour at Lancho.
While there rumors were received that the
Yaquis were upon the war path and that
the few people in the neighborhood of the
station and railroad were In danger. The
station master, a man named Thompson,
belittled the matter, and said he and bis
wife would remain at their poet-
The train bearing; Colonel Maxson and
party hud not left ' the station for mure
than an hour when. the Yaquis descended
on the little party of Mexicans and Ameri
cans and butchered four. Station Agent
Thompson and his wife escaped by board
ing a work train (hat pulled In -at the
The train appeared after four of the peo
ple had been killed and Thompson and his
wile had defended themselves back of the
barricaded doors of the station. As the
work train appeared the Indiana withdrew.
The train bearing Colonel Maxson and
party continued to a station about llfteen
miles farther along the line, and then, as
the signs of the uprising became more
alarming, the party decided to return. Tho
train started baek toward Lancho, and
when It arrived the station house had been
burned and demolished and four human
bodies lay along the track. The party
stopped a few minutes In the hope that the
survivors might be found and taken to a
place of safety. While the train was at
the ruins of the station the desperadoes
appeared In the distance, but did not come
within range of the few armed people on
the train. The bodies of the victims were
Btill warm when Maxson saw them, and
with the aid of others on the train they
were given a hasty burial.
Not many miles along the road the scene
was duplicated. Four more dead bodies
of Mexicans and Americans were discov
ered along the tracks. The little band at
this station hud been able to repulse the
at.ack of the Yaquis with the loss of but
four of their number. The remaining mem
bers of the company refused to leave on
the train, but said they could stand off the
Indians until the next day, when the
rurales would rearh the spot and sum
mary justice would be meted out to the
murderers If captured.
EL PABO. Dec. 27. A special to the Her
ald from Nogales, .Mex , today says: De
tails are arriving here of the butchery of
a party of Mexicans by Yaqul Indians near
Valencia, sixty miles below Guaymas.
Eleven Mexicans und one American were
killed and from all accounts there were
over 100 Indians In the attacking party.
The employes on the Southern Pacific rail
road In that section are frightened. It Is
said many are leaving and that the mas
sacre may delay the road to Guadalajara.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27.-The right of the
United States to Intervene with the view
to suppressing the allfeved. murderous acta
of the Yaqul Indians In Mexico la seriously
questioned by officials of the Stuta depart
ment. From the highest official sources
; It was explained today that Americans
j and others who go into that part of Mexico
inhabited by the Yaquis do so at their own
j risk. The ease was said to be analogous
j to the early days of the far west In the
' United States, when prospectors and others
I went Into the Indian country, where It
was unsafe for white people to be, and It
was added that, had some foreign subject
i been killed or Injured, the government
i would have resented Interference from the
Xevr York Woman Exonerated In
Court Causes Arrest of Complaining-
NEW YORK, Dec. 27. One of the moot
remarkable and distressing cases of mis
taken identity ever brought before the
courts In this city reached Its climax to
day when the victim, Mrs. Alexander Traut
man, the wife of a prominent physician,
was on her alibi discharged after a hear
ing in police court on a charge of larceny
from a man's person. A moment after Mrs.
Trautman had been given her liberty, her
accuser, Peter J. Hogun, clerk, was placed
under arrest on a charge of assault pre
ferred by Mrs. Trautman. In support of
her charge that Hogan treated her roughly,
when he caused her arrest she bared her
arm and showed the magistrate black and
blue marks, where she said Hogan had
seized her.
The evidence against Mrs. Trautman was
of so flimsy a nature that Magistrate Finn
discharged the complaint without the for
mality of bringing the most Important wit
ness Into the court room. This witness,
who was an unwilling one, known as Kitty
Wilson, and she is almost a perfect double
of the woman accused. Kilty Wilson la
known to the police and the fact of her
remarkable resemblance to Mrs. Traut
man was recalled soon after the Investi
gation of the charge made by Hogan was
begun. As a result of a search by the
police the missing "double" was taken Into
custody today and during the arrilgnment
she was In a small room adjoining the
court room. The necessity of taking her
before Hogan was removed, however, when
Magistrate Finn, after hearing the testi
mony of the accuser and accused, said
there was no ground whatever for holding
Mrs. Trautman and directed that' she be
honorably discharged.
The charge of assault against Hogan was
later withdrawn on the ground it was said
Hogan was not mentally responsible. Ho
gan was then discharged, as was Kitty
Wilson, Hogan being unabU to Identify
her as the woman who robbed him.
California Attorney May Confer with
Attorney General Bonaparte on
Japanese Affair.
SAN FRANCTSCO. Dec. 27. -The depart
ure for the east of United States Attorney
Devlin In response to a summons from At
torney General Bonaparte gives rise to a
report that members of the local Board of
Education are to explain their position on
the Japanese question to the authorities
In the belief that the meeting of all parties
upon a common ground might lead to a
compromise. The position taken by the
hoard does not seem to favor a proposition
of the kind. According to President All
mann "there Is nothing to compromise."
"Debate will scarcely alter conditions or
accomplish any change." said President AU
mann, "and a conference at Washington
could not modify the law under which the
board Is acting.
Fermaneat Organisation Effected at Het
inx Thursday Fight.
Intention la to Push It Alona and Ul
timately to Make Its Scope
National Permanent O ni
cer Elected.
President at r. Harrington, O'lTalU.
loe President X. O. Brome, Omaha.
Secretary Edgar Howard, Oolumbns.
Treasurer w. K. Green, Crlghon.
The Government Ownership league of
Nebraska, embodying the principle of gov
ernment ownership of railroads and In
tended to be the nucleus of a movement
which shall spread over Nebraska and In
a short time over the entire United States,
was organized last night at the Paxton
hotel. About eighty men were there from
several counties, men of various political
parties and of opposite views on tariff
and finance, but all together on the ques
tion of the right and duty of the govern
ment to own and operate the railroads.
M. F. Harrington, provisional chairman,
and. Edgar Howard. secretary,
w-ere made permanent president nnd secre
tary, respectively. H. C. Brome of Omaha
was elected vice president and W. H. Green
of Crelghton treasurer.
President Harrington was authorized to
appoint an executive committee of six,
one from each congressional district, to
draft a constitution, which shall be In ef
fect until the first state convention of the
league shall be called. Mr. Harrington
will take time to select the committee. A
statistician will be chosen by the executive
It Is proposed to pUBh the organization
of the league In every county In the state,
and It Is expected to have delegates from
every county when the first convention Is
called, which will be In about six months.
After this' convention It Is proposed to
begin the spread of the movement by help
ing to organize other states.
Fund for Organisation Work.
To carry on the work of the secretary,
who Is to have literature printed and dis
tributed, and to provido for the expenses
of organizers, a fund was started last night
by subscription. Mr. Harrington started
with a pledge to give $10 a month for a
year, and William Deck of Nemaha county
followed him with a pledge of So. By the
close of the meeting SS3 a month for a
year had been subscribed. The secretary
will continue to take pledges.
Previous to definite action, addresses
were made py Mr. Harrington, W. F. Porter
of Lincoln, C. J. Rundell of Wayne. William
Deck of Nemaha county and C. Vincent of
Omaha. Former Senator William V. Allen
had been expected, but ho sent a letter
saying he had found it Impossible to be
Mr. Harrington aald the question of gov
ernment ownership of railroads Is the blst
gest one that has arisen since the foun
dation of the government, even bigger than
the slavery question. By virtue of Its agi
tation, he said there Is bound to be a new
alignment In politics, that men are to es
cape the new cause without regard to
fmrty. Bryan and LaFollette, he said,
thinking ao they do en this question, can
not fight each other, very long, but must
stand together.
Cost of Pnrchaslntr Roads.
Taking up the matter of the cost of pur
chase to the government Mr. Harrington
"The Union Pacific proved In court that
I u couia nuna lis main line ai tJv.uiAj a mtie.
It also proved In court In 1904 that It could
I pay dividends on S120,W0 a mile. It can
now pay on $180,000 a mile.
"One-half of the money that crosses the
Union Pacific counter Is profit; more than
onethlrd is profit on the Northwestern,
and more than one-fourth on the Burling
ton. Can you find any other business that
will pay as well as thatT
"The capitalization of the railroads of
the country Is $14,000,000,000, and LaFollette
says $9,000,000,000 of this Is water. If he Is
right, then $5,0n0,fl00,ooo would buy the rail
roads. As the government fan get money
at S per cent. $10,000,000 a year would pay
. the Interest. What Is that to the $700,000,000
annually which the railroads take from the
people by their exorbitant charges to pay
dividends on the watered stock T
"The debt would be less In proportion
to tho population and the wealth of the
country than was the national debt at the
end of the civil war."
Mr. Harrington spoke of Switzerland and
New Zealand, which own their railroads,
as the most representative governments of
the world. He gave many Instances show
ing where the railroads are building up
communities at the expense of others. In
order to get the long haul on merchandise
and make money for themselves.
Cannot Prevent Rebates.
Tie said the laws could not prevent the
railroads from giving rebates, though they
might have to give them Indirectly. The
railroads could agree to buy all their meat
from Armour and pay hm a big price,
or they might agree to buy all their Ice
from Swift and pay him a big price, and
the law could not stop It
William Deck created some amusement
by squelching a man who advocated gov
ernment ownership, but not operation.
"I learned years ago." he said, "that
when you want to cut off a dog's tall, you
want to cut It off where you want It cut."
C. Vincent of Omaha said the rate on
corn east of Omaha to Chicago la 1.1 cents
per bushel per 100 miles, but from points
In Nebraska to Omaha It is (.2 cents.
First Informal Meeting;.
Speaking of the meeting, Edgar Howard
aald: "We held an Informal meeting In
Omaha several weeks ago and then decided
to hold this mass convention, to get the
movement started in this state. Our present
object Is to form local organisations in ev
ery county In Nebraska. We also hope to
make our organization the nucleus for a na
tional organization which shall have fur Its
object the furthering of the cause of govern
ment ownership. We believe we can make
many converts to the cause In this way,
and we expect to start a movement which
shall be a real force In bringing about the
ownership of public utilities by the gov
ernment. "We are interested In the government
ownership of all public utilities, but es
pecially railroads.
"This Is not a Bryan movement," said
M. F. Harrington. "Of eourse, if Mr.
Bryan should become the democratic noml
ne for the presidency next time and
should run on a government ownership
platform, he would naturally reelve the
support of this league, but If he should
choose not to run on a government owner
ship platform he would not get our en
dorsement. This movement Is launched as
the political artillery of no man, nor has It
for Its prime purpose the furtherance of
the political schemes of any man; It is
undertaken in dead earnest by men who are
(Continued ca becond Page.)
Fair Friday and Saturday.
Temperature at Omaha Yeste
iur. lies:. Hour,
o a. m ..... , si t
n. m v.i
1 p. m
2 p. m. . .
a p. m. . .
4 p, m . . .
R p. m . . .
ft p. m . .
T p. m . . .
7 a.
N n.
in a.
11 a.
12 m
H p. ni
l p. m
Prof. Lindsay of Phllndelphla Ar
enac C Ivle Federation of Trylna;
to Discredit Movement.
PROVIDENCE, R. I., Dec. 27.-Mnny Im
portant meetings were held here today In
connection with the gathering of historians,
educators and students of political science,
under the auspices of their own university.
International law was considered by tho
American Political Science association.
Prof. Charles Nobel Gregory of the State
university of Iowa discussed "The Three
Mile Limit" In the internal fisheries dis
cussion. The Economic association and the So
ciological society held a Joint session this
evening. The subjects discussed were
"Western Civilization and the Birthrate"
end "The Extent of Child Ijihor in the
United States."
Walter F. Wilcox of Cornell rend a pa
per on the former subject- It was followed
by a discussion by Edward Robs of ttui
University of Wisconsin. Tho paper on
child labor was read by Samuel M. Lindsay
of the University of Pennsylvania and sec
retary of the national child labor commit
tee. He said:
The nationnl government should do more
to give Its cltix.'tis adciuate Information
concerning the Ills of child lalmr. which
has so many raniiflcatiuns In matters of
the greatest public concern, such as the
public school, normal family life, the phys
ical efficiency of our racial stock and the
moral and Intellectual training of our
Dr. Lindsay condemned severely the Na
tional Civic federation, which, he said, had
attempted to discredit and minimize the
statistics of child labor. This attempt, he
declared, was palpably Intended as an
apology for employers who have resisted
legislation to protect childhood and violated
existing agreements and legislation.
New York Inquisitor Will Hold An
other Session Before Act
ing; ' on Bill.
NEW YORK, Dec. 27. When the grand
Jurors filed out of their room yesterday
after a four hours' session they had not
decided whether or not to return indict-,
ments against any of the officers of the
New York Life Insurance company based
on the testimony which has been sub
mitted to them during the lost two weeks.
They will resume their discussion of the
evidence and their -voting on the question
of Indictments today; and it Is likely that
when they appear before Rocorder Goff In
general sessions court they will have
reached a determination.
The examination of witnesses was practi
cally finished yesterday, yet even District
Attorney Jerome Is known to be in the
dark as to what view the grand Jurors are
going to take of the evidence put before
It was reported tonight that the grand
Jury today voted Indictments against two
men as a result of the Insurance Inquiry.
It was rumored that forgery in tho third
degree would be charged.
Those In a position to confirm these re
ports refuse to discuss them.
Broivn Men Who Cross Mexican
Border Sent Back I'nder Pauper
and Contrnct Labor I.nw.
EL PABO, Tex., Dec. 27. Immigration of
ficers have succeeded In arresting five
Japanese below here at Fort Hancock, out
of a large number that was smuggled over
Christmas night, and all were deported to
Mexico today. Some had previously been
rejected by immigration officers here and
all came under pauper classification, hence
their deportation.
Nine Japanese applied for admission at
the Immigration bureau today and all were
rejected under the "contract labor" clause,
the officers being satisfied the Japanese
were under contract to go to work at Bar
stow, Cal.
Immigration officers today caught eight
een Japanese at Palulr, eight miles from
here, on the Rio Grande river. They were
a port of the fifty-three who were refused
admittance at the port and had succeeded
In crossing the river at Palalr. They were
at once deported. This city's Japanese
population has Increased at an unprece
dented rate, notwithstanding the rigid en
forcement of the Immigration laws by the
local officers.
Delaware Corporation Dolnar Business
In South Chanted With
IrrcKUlar Methods.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Doc. 27. A petition
was filed In the city court here today for
an Interlocutory Injunction restraining the
Standard Trust company, a Delaware cor
poration, from doing business in Alabama.
The petitioners seek a receiver and charge
the concern with Irregular business meth
ods. It Is set forth that it has a capital stock
of KXIO.OOO and does business In Alabama,
South Carolina, Kentucky, Mississippi, Vir
ginia, Arkansas, Florida, Texas and Colo
rado, and that a contract called an "in
vestment hopie purchasing contract" Is Is
sued an applicant on the payment of $6
on delivery and $6 a month for six months,
when he will be ellglhle to a loan of $l,ouO
to start purchasing a home.
The petitioners aver that the method of
Issuing the home purchasing contract In
volves elements of a lottery and that the
scheme Is unlawful and void.
Carrollton, Owned at San Francisco,
Aground Near Midway Islands
Mate's Boat Safe.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27.-The Navy de
partment haa received the following tele
gram from George C. Ward, vice presi
dent of the Commercial Pacific Cable com
pany, supplementing that received yester
day regarding a vessel ashore near the
Midway inlands:
Our superintendent at Midway now re
ports name of bark Is 'ari.,llt.,n. and the
owner, Koudrowaa. Mule bout af
Inside reef.
The dispatch yesterday erroneously gave
the name of the bark as Charles lioutrow
and stated that the mate's boat, Willi eight
meo, bad not been lbtJ
Candidates for Speakership Eeokrinff
ThemitlTea on Fart Platform.
Joint Committee to Ftrmulato Bills Eeems
to Ee Favored Flan.
Onlj Cns of the Oid-Timo Lobbyists Has
lutin an Appearance.
Ultimate of Kxpcnsc for lllrnnluiu la
lUX.Hai, Including School Ap.
jiortlonuicnt, and Receipt
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. . topucntl.j F. A.
Marsh ot Seward and .Ned uruwn of Lau
turner hung out luelr sign louuy und got
Into tne speakership content. Hoiu opened
liedUMUaiUis ut tne Lliiuull hotel. Other
caiidiuati who are her and who hud ai
rejdy opened headquarter uie M. T. llarii
eoii, float representative lioui Otoe and
Cus; Adam Mcuuueii of Uuge, Dan Net
tleton of Clay. Representative Tucker Is
In clung, of liepresi illative Dodge's head
quarters and Mr. Dougu will be here him
self Saturday. Willi tho exception of Ilia
local seiiutors. Wllluo of the Twenty-ninth
ui.suict is tne only one so 'ar on the giound.
Clydu liurnaid is hustling lur tho position
of chief titrk of tho house, having come
in last night. As yet he lias no opponent
on tlie ground. Former lieprescntativo Mc
Lean of Seward is here after the position
of Bcrgeunt-at-urnis of Hie house, and U.
H. Goulding of Kearney has como in to
work up his caudlducy for secretary of the
Of the candidates for speaker Representa
tive Marsh said:
"The legislature should keep Its promises
to the peoplu and the work should be don
in the quickest posslblo time. While I
sfiall advocate measures covering every
pledge In the platform, I am particularly
anxious that we pass a state primary law.
I want the people to have an opportunity
to vote for the candidates they want on
the .ticket without any hindrance. At a
primary all of the people will have an op
portunity t be heard, while such is not the
case and never has been the case at a
convention. If :.u enact a primary
law and the people fall to vote, then the
responsibility must rest with the people. I
think the quickest and best way to get the
desired legislation will be to anuolnt a
I Joint committee from both houses and let
that committee draft tha measures."
Xrttleton Declare Himself.
Representative Nettleton, who claims to
be the homeliest man In the state and who
claim no one denied the allegation, ex
pressed himself on the duty of the legisla
ture without any hesitation. He said:
"We must carry out every pledge In the
platform and It is going to take hard work
to do this. If ono should take time to
look over the platform, he will find the
republican party has promised the enact
ment of a great many very Important
laws and If these promises are to be kept,
and they must he. It Is going to be a busy
session. I am In favor of a Joint com
mittee getting up the measures and report
ing them to the legislature. I think that
will bring tho best results. But I am not
In favor of any adjournment while that
committee Is at work. There will he plenty
of routine and general work for the rest of
the members to attend whllo the committee
is at its work."
Candidate Ned Brown said: "Whether I
am elected speaker or not will make no
difference to me. 1 shall give the man
elected my. most loyal support to carry out
the platform pledges. We made the
pledges, the newspapers have printed them
and republican speakers have talked about
them and we must keep our promises."
Senator Wlltse, who Is the flrsto fthe
outside members of the upper house M
reach the capital, said he had nothing
special to bother about this session.
"I am Just going to watch the organiza
tion and let the other fellows do the work.
I think If we pass a law giving the railway
commission plenty of authority to do
what It Is Intended It should do, wo will
have done a good winter's work. The
platform will be carried out." Mr. Wllsey
was a member of tho last senate.
Railroad Commissioner Waiting.
Railroad Commissioner-elect Wlnnett is
mingling with the legislators, though he
will not propose any legislation covering
the duties of the railway commlsslon.
"I wrote to Mr. Cowell nnd Mr. Wil
liams," said Mr. Wlnnett, "und suggested
that we meet and formulate a measure to
propose to tho legislature, but Mr. Cowell
did not seem to think we should make
such a recommendation, so I dropped the
matter." Dr. Wlnnett thinks the com
mission will get together shortly and or
ganize. The corporations so far have the members
here guessing. None of the old familiar
fuces were seen around tho hotels today,
and It Is ftgurd out by at least one member
that the corporations will work through
men who have not lierome so well known
as have some of the old battle-scarred
veterans of the special Interests. This man .
ngurid It would take some time to get
tha new lobbyists placed and properly
tagged, but he was of the opinion that no
matter how Bmooth the corporations worked
they would be unable to prevent the legis
lature from carrying out the pledge of the
republican party.
I-ast night things began to look a little
familiar when "Hob" McOinnlss, the North
western lobbyist, ndxed In with the legis
lators In he IJndell. McGinnisH has done
this sort ofr oil room work for a number
of years and Is personally acquainted with
many of the legislators.
No Free Talk.
It was told on good authority today tht
the Nebraska Telephone company would
not maintain Its free talking bureau at
the Llnnell, a It ha done In the past. This
company during the lat legislature and
the one preceding maintained a switchboard
In It headquarter and furnUlied long dis
tance connection without trouble and
without expense to the legislator and
Commandant Askwith of the Soldier anil
Bailor' homo at Grand Island, who came
In a day ahedd of time to attend the meet
ing of the Stale Board of 1'uriiiaso and
Supplies, met ome of the h fcislators and
lmprebsed upon them the mcrc-lty of morn
room for the u- of the old soldiers. Mr
Askwlth said a building kliould he erected
to house from U to ''. 11 his place un4
the home at Mllford are overci owded. 11
did Hot whore the new tuliun,, is
- a