10 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, lf0fl. Witcb m New Basement Opens Keit Week is for Opening New Basement I EXTRA SPECIALS Center M M To Be Cleared Away ia One Day! Right after Christmas we find many lots that we wish to clear before invoicing. We are willing to accept a loss on these small or broken lots in order to sell them in one day. Ladies' Black Sateen Petticoats That sold before Christmas at 75c spe- T cial on bargain square, old store, U f at ! Flannel Lined Dressing Sacques In dark colors sold before Christmas 7 up to 75c bargain square, old store, JpZP C at li&rg&ins Ot WJJallfj wvatwaa auraaaHweaw Various weights and sizes usually sell up to $1.00 pair in basement-each Outing Flannel Remnants Heavy and fine quality usually sells at luc yard at Sa Tvk i Omaha's Pore Food 25c 6ic I HANDKERCHIEFS Hundreds of ladies' and men's plain white and fancy colored embroidered and lace trimmed edge handkerchiefs also all silk initial Japa- nette and ladies' all linen J l g initials-on bargain J) 2 CilllC square at... La. dies DRESS SKIRTS In all new, styles for winter wear have Q cnlrl Yin tn U J $3.00 at Ladies' 50-Inch Novelty Cloth Coats In the new checks and plaids, well tail- p& OQ ored and lined, 0 worth up to fY) $8.00-at For Lovers of Pure Food and Rare Delicacies, Hippy New fo Year will corne. If their supplle of U Gopd Things Eatable are bought at M Courtney's. They have the reputation of scouring the markets of the world for the best possible. A reputation ifo they Intend to maintain during 1907. SJ Btart the New Tear right by opening 1 an account at Courtney's. w UXOLA 3 AY A AXJt KOOXA I) The Delicious Cup of Coffee that we M sell at our Be Lunch Counter Is made 'J from this beautiful blend. That its ( merits are recognized is neing testi fied by the hosts of friends it has made, who drink It dally. This can be had at 3&c per pound, or S pounds for a dollar, at Tea and CoCee Dept. TZAS ' y) The Teas we sell are different from M the Teas obtained at other stores. They have the distinctive flavor, sweet tt B nil mir HTTHTX.ET It PILMES'I EzrausK BISCUITS Just received, a fresh shlpanent of these Celebrated Biscuits, In beauti fully decorated tins, as follows: Lace Box, each .... Mahogany Box, each Pillar iini, each , "Marquetry" Swiss "Marauetry" Cinderella "Marquetry" Reception .......... BOc .25e .50c as BOc 0 .60c .a Hutu j w vv. . I 8 , i.oo M . . ODC $1.25 $ . .65o N $1.20 A personal Inspection of these beau- 1 1 tlful boxes Is necessary to appreciate g lates Jlobe Bookstand "Syrian" Society workbasket, small Wprkbasket, large 5 BRANDEISBOSTON STORE 5 HILL LINE TAPS COAL MINE JTw Bnrlliet.n Branoh Will Giv Omaha Greattr Fuel Beicnroei. TO RUN FROM WORLAND TO GEBO Official Aocement l Made of : This Extension sad Reports of Am la Cir- Others eolation. Before another winter Omaha will have another coal mine on the Burlington rail- road to help relieve the coal situation. It i Is officially announced that the Burlington will build a line twenty-live miles in length from Worland to Qebo, where a good qual ity of lignite coal, similar to the Sheridan ; coal, has been found in large Quantities, j Bids will soon be asked for the construe- ' tlon of the 11a. which will run southwest- I erly from "Worland to Gebo, a distance of twenty-flve miles. This line has no con nection whatever with the through exten sions which the Burlington is planning through Wyoming, but Is a spur run for the sole purpose of reaching the newly de veloped coal district. With the approach of the new year comes new rumors of extensive railroad building, especially en the Burlington road, In Wy oming. The matter of the line to Bait Lke City from Guernsey Is again being agitated and the people of Wyoming are now confi dent the Burlington will go ahead with the construction of that line in the spring. Surveyor have been all over Wyoming for soma time and every town thinks It seea it way clear to have some railroad. Exteasloa from Worland. An extension also la planned south from Worland, which will not Include Ther mopolla on Its route, but which will miss Thermo polls by about twelve miles. This line Is headed by a practically water-level route to Guernsey. With the building of this line a line from North Platte also will be built to Bridgeport. This line was started last spring, the right-of-way being bought and some of the grading done, but for some reason work was not continued. With the building of the line to North Platte comf 8 the old problem of where the Burlington will build from to get a Una to North Piatt i. Borne have figured a line will be built from North Platte across to a point on the Hill line, near Bavenna, and some think a line will be built along the Platte river to Kearney to meet with that line. With these connecting links built the Burlington would have a second line from Nebraska to the northwest to Join wltb the Hill lines on the north. The traffic on the northwest line I to heavy for on line and a state of congestion exists a great deal of the time, especially if any difficulty la encountered. The Northern Pacific already has a line branching south from the Main line at Laurel, west of Billings, to Bridger, and a few miles of rails would connect th branch with the Cody Una at or near Frannle, and thus make a second line from the south to the Northern Pacific. With the Billings line having all the business It can handle at present It Is crTIn a considerable ad ditional business will come to the Burling ton at Billings as soon as ths connection la built to the Great Northern. This work Is now under way, a line being built from BiUlngs to 0t Falls. !tew Barllaa-toa Dlvlaloas. Because of the enormous mileage of the Lincoln division of tbe Burlington railroad that division la to be subdivided and a new division formed, vrltb Omaha as Its head quarters. ' The Lincoln division now In cludes 9M miles of road and comprise the main lire from Omaha to Ksamey and all Una north of that line Including the north, west line from Lincoln to Ravenna. Among these other lines Included are the line from Ashland to Schuyler, from Central City to the northwest, from Lincoln to Columbus, from blastings to Aurora, from Ulnden to Stromsburg, front Ashland to Bloux City and several cross line. A new division, known a the Omaha division, ha been formed to Include the line front Omaha to i shin ad aud from Ashland to Bioux City. A superintendent will be appointed for the Omaha division, with offices In Omaha. Some Milwaukee Changes. Several Important changes have been made In several departments of the Mil waukee. W. H Prendergrast ha been ap pointed assistant general freight agent at Chicago, vice B. O. Wylle, resigned. George B. French Is appointed general agent of the freight department at Chicago, vie W. W. Hall, transferred. J. 8. Adsit is ap pointed general agent of the freight de partment, with headquarters at Kansas City, to succeed O. B. French, transferred. W. W. Hall Is appointed New England freight and passenger agent, with head quarters In Boston. In charge of the New England territory, vice G. L. William, transferred. G. A. Blair is appointed gen eral agent at Pittsburg, Pa., In charge of the PlttBburg district, to succeed C. A. Boyden, resigned. G. L. Williams is ap pointed commercial agent of the Cincinnati district to succeed G. A. Blair, transferred. C. J. Mlkesh Is appointed division freight and passenger agent. In charge of the line from Fairfax, la., to and Including Thorn ton, Mo., and also the line from Sudbury, la., to Ottumwa, with headquarter at Ot-tumwa. Entrance 3 3 Separata Rood MISSES' SHOES LIGHTNER BEGINS HIS TERM Enter Tpnn Five-Year Sentence for Killing Hanson in Grad ing Camp. Charles Llghtner, who was convicted of manslaughter by a jury In district court last month, was taken to Lincoln Wednes day to begin his five-year term In the penitentiary. He killed a man named Han. on tn a grading camp near Waterloo last summer during a souffle. A Skin of Beauty ia a Joy Forever. D R. T. Folix Oouraud'a Oriental Cream or Msgloal Beautlfler, frecfclM, Mots l-alcfce Saw, ul fekia Sitrur sua tfcrr Bluli( ob auty. sji4 il Sm detection. II ku itood l test of o7 ycut, sa4 ! to hrmlfO wc toatelt tobcsurcH IB proper!? mado A ccBpt bo countnr ftii of Biouia iim, r l a fe.rro Bold to t Wf of IhB Bui tuB (S SBllBOt ) "At you lialsi will bm thru 1 roeooinoBB ftearaad's Cress' b Iks lmot harmful of all tu akla praparaitont." W t aats if all draic'Ma and Faae? Oooda iKalara la to CmUb fcuttaa, Caaaoa and Europe rUHLT.HOPUnS. fat 37 Brat km S'rctt ImToi. si? Sk Prevents Freokloa Price 60c At All Dealer. BOTICLS. rhen in Chicago' Stop at The Lit 11 Ran:-- 11 rti43kw ivttftFi Stfaflord Hotel European Plan Keoned. Eiecant. Oulet. Located cof acr ot city's two finest boulevards, cosvenleiu to sncir busintas con tor. Close to beat theatres and (hopping district. Zi room a. 130 privet baths; laaarlons writing and rccerxioa roomn woodwork mahogany throughout; brass beds and all mod.ro comforts; telephone la every room: beaaiiful dining rooms the beat of everything at moderate praves. 1 BJi-hl am mm4 1- mi - - -mi mwm am.ihm WIHIV 1, iirTT-CT - amy f ir The girls and young women should have good shoes. Good wearing shoes. Good looking shoes. A trim, dainty foot should be properly fitted. Many a young girl's foot has been ill shaped by poor fitting tihoes. Fitting shoes Is an art and not every salesman knows how to fit the foot as It should be. We have made it a study for over 20 years and employ none but experienced salesmen, who know how to properly fit the foot. Misses' Shoes, $2.60 and Young Women's Shoes, $3.00 and Let us fit the girl's feet. $2.00 32.50! Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam SI. m UE Ingredients of Store Beer are the best obtainable. Barley malt made from the choicest grain grown in the west. Bohemian hop Imported direct at three times the cost of American hop. Arte sian water; a pure and sparkling, from a 1,400 foot well.; The high quality of these Ingre dient greatly Increases the cost of making btore Boer. Yet you pay no more for It than for common beer. Always order StoraBeer. Get quality ot your money's worth. Jstora Brewing Co -' Omaha, BS BAILEY a MACH, DENTISTS, Third Floor Paxton Dlk. Hijhctt Grade Dentistry. Ken&onnblo Irioos, TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Best Fane rsytr-issasrik Mow, OMAHA WEATHER FOKKCAST Thursday, Far. 20 Discount on Everything in Crockery! 0 TrTF7T mmn 11 M WE CLOSE SIX P, Mo Now, that We Have Figured Up AND, KNOWING JUST THE EXTRAORDINARY IN CREASE IN VOLUME OF CHRISTMAS SALES OVER CORRESPONDING TIMES A YEAR AGO- WE COFFER NO HAPHAZARD, THOUGHTLESS "THANK YOU," BUT GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE THE MAGNIFICENT SUPPORT YOU HAVE GIVEN US WE ALSO THANK OUR ARMY OF EMPLOYEES FOR THEIR SPLENDID SERVICE. . OUR PROMISE FOR 1907 1S- WE WILL MAINTAIN OUR REPUTATION AS OMA HAS MOST POPULAR TRADING CENTER. 'NuT Sed! $15 Women's Fa.icy Mixture Coais at $7.45 New Coats that were bought for Holi day selling and arrived too late we will place them on sale THURSDAY MORNING selling will be fast-so come early $15 Women's Coats for f045 Women's Suits Less Than Half Thursday $19.50 SUITS FOR. $8.75 85 Women's Suits, made of Broad cloth, Cheviot and Fancy Mixtures, all are up-to-date garments and this season's best sellers; all col ors and all sizes in the lot $19.50 Women's Suits for THURSDAY FridaLy WeJst Bargain Fifty Dozen Women's Waists REGULAR 75c AND $1.00 vaijux. wave or bkilliantine ajsjj sekue; some are plain tucked, o tiiers nave tucks and trimmings, at , :v 2Sc On sale, Bargain Circle, Main Floor, Friday, 8 o'clock. Your year's reading at one-half price Our ra4r ajr It 1 th for th farmer and (took grower bcau It is Issued Weekly (62 time a year) It Feeds and Feeding Uepart ment la the best Its Dairy and Creamery, Poultry. Live Stock, Veteri nary and Farm Topic Iepartments cannot be excelled It Department for the Women and Children are moat Interesting; and entertaining- It has more and better Illustrations, and more and better special arti cles by practical writer than other similar publications. Mf bar 68,000 satisfied aabsorlbsr bow and w want you to read THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Publisher; Price , Our Prlc. Publisher Price Our Prlc $2.25 . $1.13 .$4.25 . $2.13 pacial 1-B rat combination "0" Twentieth Century Farmer 11.00 Mure Mag-axlne $1.00 i neator , $1.00 I rids Work $3.00 inlng-s In Bee Culture $100 I ltry Gaiette 25o ' Publishers' Price Our Price. TH TWZbTTZBTX CSSTTTTatT TAJtMXX, IToa Tarnam BV, Omaha, sTsb Special 14 rat combination "A" Th Twentieth Century Farmer $1.00 Our Country 60c Poultry Gazette 26c And your choice f any one fit the following; Gleanings In Bee Culture Kimball Dairy Farmer ( ......60c Western swine Breeder Apple Specialist Special 1-a rat combination "J The Twentieth Century Farmer $1.00 Breeders' Gazette $2.00 Home Magazine $1 00 Poultry Uasette 26o Special 1-a rat combination "0" The Twentieth Century Farmer $1.00 Mct-iun Dellnea World Glea Poultry The offer food till January 31, 1907. Each publication Included lh these offer are reliable, clean. Interesting- and the l eat In their particular line. You cannot obtain so much reading- at so low a cost fnpm any other source. Don't miss this opportunity. Send In your order today. (If you don't find what you want here, send in your list and let us auota you our special clubbing- rates. We can save you from 15 to 60 per cent on every publication Issued. Address v T cent on $7.25 $3.63 NO MATTER Jt win svo IDE BEE WHAT youtlmannd V A N T YOU WANT wiiiuso.... ADS vni rrs QUALITY THE BEST ALWAlB UllolOl R. lUc UercJUiUl Clar C, UaauXacturers, tit, Loula, Semi-Annual Hall Price Sale Women's Coats liilMY ygils THE RKLJA8LK STRI v Children's Coats Now Just Half Price Thousands attended this great sale Wednesday, Thurs day more salespeople to wait upon you. Hundreds of new gar ments added to the stock. Omaha's Cloak Selling Sensation. Come in and see the bargains whether you wish to buy or not.(, .Women's $10 coats in groat assortment of plain and fancy mixed fabrics, in this sale Jj5 $15 coats in kerseys and fancy mixed fabrics, in cluding plaids, choice $7.50 All $20, in loose semi or tight-fitting styles many fine satin lined gannants, sale price $10 $25 satin lined cloth coats at, choice . . . .$12.50 Greatest Stock of Children's and Infants Coats ever shown in Omaha included in this half price sate Hundreds of Children's Coats, In tbls sale, at. .$1.00 Children's $10.00 Coats, In fine Imported mate-' rials, your choice, at $5.00 Children's $3.00 Coals in bearskins and other materials, your choice, at $1.50 Children's $5.00 Coats, In curly bearskins, ker seys and fancy mixtures, at $2.50 Many Other Special Bargains Hn Women's $1.50 Satin Underskirts, special Women's $2.00 Eiderdown Dressing Sacques, Bpeclal Thursday .... Women's Waists worth up to $1.60 special for Thursday, at .... Women's Brook Mink and Coney Scarf, $4 and $5 values, Thursday. Women'B $4.00 Beaver Shawls, at . ..s Women's Silk Underskirts, great bargain, at Women'B $1.60 Wrappers, will go at Women's $2.00 Coney Scarfs, at Children's $1.50 Bonnets, choice 59 .!) 390 fl.95 1.25 $1.98 G90 49 49 Great Pre-lnventory Grocery Sale All broken stocks to be closed out before January 1. 21 pounds Best Pure Cane Granulated Sua-ar for 11.00 Regular 12V4o Jar Pure Fresh Preserve, this sale 8 1-3 Regular 12o Bottle Worcester Sauce, this sale THc Regular 10c Cans Breakfast Cocoa, this sale TVtc Regular 25o Bottle Fancy Queen Olives, this sale 18c Regular 6c and 7o can Potted Meats, this sale 2Vo Regular So. cans OH or Mustard Sar dines, this sale 3o Regular 124c can Fancy Alaska Sal mon, this sale 9o Regular 10c package Bromangelon, Jelly con of Jello, this sale 7 He Regular 7Vic package Corn Starch, this salt- ., ., 4o Regular 60c package Bull Durham Smok ing Tobacco, this sale 49c Regular 12Hc cans Golden Table Syrup, this sale 9o Regular 10c cans Fancy Wax, String or Lima Beans, this sal TAc Regular 10c can Assorted Soups, this sale , 7,1 And hundreds of other surh bargains to be closed out before Invoicing. TEA AND COFFKK 8AL.K, BEFORQ INVENTORY. Fanev Santos Coffee, ner iinund . t-i Fancy Marlcaho Blend Coffee, per lb. .i7V r Hncy x-ono xuco iiienn i orree, in auo Fancy Ankola Java and Mocha Coffee, per pound 23a Fancy O. Q. Mocha and Java Coffee, per pound 2So The very finest . Arabian Mocha and Manduhllng Java, an elegant drink 3 pounds for $1.00 Single pound Rn Fancy Bundrled Japan Tea, pound ....5o fancy u. r-. japan i ea, pound 25c English Breakfast la, pound ....331-30 Fancy Tea, Sifting, from finest teas, per pound 12H FRE8H FRUIT DEPT. BPECIAIA Fancy Turnips. Rutabagas or carrots, j per pound lo Large heads Fresh Cabbage, each Ro I Fancy Highland Naval Oranges, doi...lia MM, JV Mm .Homeseekers9 v!raP5?nP3 Excursions VIA Chicago, Milwaukee (Si St. Paul Railway ROUND TRIP One fare plus $2.00 to points In North and South Dakota every Tuesday in December, and first and third Tuesdays in January, February, March and April, 1907, return limit 21 days. To points in Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi on December 18, 1906, January 1 and 15, February 5 and 19, March 5 and 19, April 2 and 16, 1907; return limit 30 days. Low One Way Rates HALF FARE plus $2.00 to many points in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana on December 18, January 1 and 15, February 5 and 19, March 5 and 19. Fer Information and Folders Inquire at City Ticket Office, 1524 Farnam St. or write to F. A. NASH. Gen'l Western Agt. OMAIIA, NEB. MEGHAHO VITAL VIBRATION Th latest and greatest treatment for cur. tng weak men. No matter lisow old you ar or how long your weakness has existed, a few treatments with this wonder-working vltallser will Impart more strength, more power and more ambition than a whole month' treat mnt with medicine aWn. Write or call at toy office for partlculara DP. YlcGREW Office hour all day and to 1:19 p, na, Sunday, I to 1. Call or write. Bos T6. Offle tH SwaUt aToauriaauiUa street. Uiuaiuk KeJ,