Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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i '&
Five fast through daily trains to Chicago via the
Chicago 8 Worth -Western By.
the only double track railway between the Missouri river
and Chicago, the route of the Overland Limited, the Colo
rado Special and the Los Angeles Limited.
Two fast trains daily via The NorthrWestern Line to
St. PauI-MlnneapoIlG-DuIuiii
Four trains a day to Sioux City.
Daily service to northern Nebraska, Wyoming and the
Black Hills. Through sleeping cars daily to Deadwood
and Lead without change. ,
The 'Best of Everything
For tickets and full information apply at
M9M40S Fwmm Strart, Omaha, antf .
S22 Breatfway, Coml Bluffs,
(!.- '
Hospital Eecfption FUcned for Openinc
Taj of the Sew Isai.
111 Don Which Wa Aecempaay lac
Tw, Woraea Defeata a Hnldap
Mil ay Gettlna- late the
Tht flnal arrangement for th Ne
J'ear- reception In honor of the formal
penlng of the South Oman hospital hare
(win completed. The guests will be wel
f umed from I p. m. until !0 p. m. A re-
caption committee or the association will
ftiTjBfin io receive mo irinai ana mp
thine comfortable. It la suggeeted that
' lie guests dn, aa on former occasions,
donate something for the rood of the boa.
pltal. Any kind of fruit which are put
up or dainties are -most acceptable. Other
article of utIBty and ornament ran be
easily made use of.
I The building, which ha been In proeeaa
' construction since last August, Is now
nu-tlially finished. The furniture from
f ild hospital will be used as far aa It
W'll go toward furnishing the prasent
b.ilMtng. Much new furniture will be pro-vul.-a.
Good Baslaea at Jail.
Yesterday the Sooth Omaha etty Jail true
overstocked with Inmate of all kinds and
d sc-rlptlons. Most of them were In fo
indulgence in the cup that cheers. A long
Hot was tried before Judge King and given
rliort sentence or fined. Frank Grove.
Viola Wood. Anna Jenaen. Doc Elliott,
Oui Crcll and Hattlc Smith were fined for
VHgranoy. having been found occupying
moms over Mosher'a barn. Arthur Smith
was glveri ten tdaya on a petit larceny
charge. Four Greeks, P. N. Snyder, Sam
Guru. George Iall and Mike Arennakes,
fined for Rambling on Wet Q street.
Emll Dovel and Bonnie DlUrek were fined
ti and coats each for disturbing th peace.
Laat night the police arrested over a dosen
men for being drunk. Christmas ere was
the probable occasion of so much eelebra-''-"n.
One man was found with SS worth
f?t whisky under his belt. (1 worth In hi
pocket and Chrlstm present of I cent
worth of candy to be divided mong seven
children, lie pleaded with th officer to
lft hi in go bom so that th children might
rot be dlaappolnted.
rtro treat Christians Tree,
A brisk blase occurred at the Jones aov
d:y More lest evening. It started In the
;vtn 'itj and t'nsol of a Chrlstinm j
rc in the show window. Boon the whole 1
:rcrt of the store was ablaxe and the fire
men were called. Their prompt arrival
avcd a sever lose.
Dear Defeats Holdap.
Mrs. Wells of Fortiejh and N streets
imported to the police last night that two
men had attempted to hold up herself and
companion a they were returning homo
from a shopping trip down town. The
men wore masks snd it was plainly their
Intention to commit crime. The women
were, fortunately, accompanied by a large
dog, which disputed the progress of the
rough so well that they gave up the at
tempt and the women escaped to their
home and reported the matter to the po
lio. Maajke City Gossip.
Orrin Nixon of Clarinda, la.. Is visiting
his uncle. A. A. N'lxon.
J. P. Rlnrer and wife have gone to Lin
coln to spend the holidays.
The South Omaha poatnfflce wlllbe opT
oniu 11 a. m. lor ine delivery tr mail an
The estimated real estate transfer
the past yeitr In South Omaha will u
up to $61S.nuu,
Mra. I. N. Schevlln. Twenty-elnh.h
O streets, has returned from a week a
In St. Joseph, Mo.
Harry and Maude Nixon have returns 1
from their echools to be home during the
mia-wiruer vacation.
Two caeca of diphtheria were reported
yesterday from the borne of William F.
Stevens. 1M 8 street.
Miss Nelll Fallon of O'Neill, Neb., I
visiting tfcia week with Mir Alberta Bar
rett and Mia Nelll La VelL
The Ladies' Aid society of the Presby
luUn church will meet with Mrs. R. L.
Wheeler Wednesday afternoon.
Buy your liquors of J. Klein and get a
foi ty-two-plece dinner set free.
A settlement between the city and F. A.
Broad well, clerk of the district court, brings
into the city treasury above J.
The Packers' National bank paid Its taxei
yesterday, amounting to Thai li
one ot the larger Items fcT the year.
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Franclsteft last even
ing for Hutchinson, Kan., where tney will
be the guesia of Max Foot and fanuly
during the holidays.
Mrs. Addis Lowery gave a party to a
number of young people last Saturday n ght
She lives at Thlriy-hrst and V tUeels.
About thirty guoeta were present.
Mua Mariana Huthell haa aaked leave of
absence grom the South Omaha High c: Jl
for the baltutoe it me year that a: e may
attend ber mother, who la in ill health.
The city council voted the salariea of the
polke oeparlment. amounting to but
the nun have not been paid because tne
chief rt-tuai-d to turn in hia pay roll befure
the end of the nunth.
Jack (Mirrav hus been employed as Siles-
nutn and bookkeeper for the Iowa C 'lnmlt
mUm company. He comes here from Kansts
City. Ha was empioyd formerly by this
oonipany aud hi return la weicumed.
Frank Mtriarlty of the Packers' N
tloua; bank atalvd that the depoaiis f om
the local merchants were hoavier tb: yeir
than ever brror dui-ing the aame ee&ton.
Tt e past week haa showed a very large
holiday trade.
Several of the pavera who worked on Mis
souri avenue visited the city clerk's office
Inquiring anxloualy as to when they wouia
receive their pay. They may not receive It
at all if the case now in court la decided
against the city.
Now Is the time to make your wants
known through The Bee Want Ad page
Has Heea Ideatifled hy Captain
Dana aa a Well Knovra
Two arrests were made by the police
early Tuesday mo. nlng, which It Is believed
will prove to be Important In the work of
subduing criminals. Patrolman Herald
noticed a man tampering with the
door of the Karbach restaurant, 418 South
Fifteenth street, but when he spproached
'- fellcw started away'on arun. Herald
'"owed, the chase leading toward Howari
t, where, at the corner, the fugitive
t to hide In the doorway of the
".Tn Paper company. Herald overtook
. nd arrested him there, sending him to the
The man gave th name of Oeorge Peter
son, but when Captain Dunn looked, at him
in the cell room he was recognised as a
well known crook and thief, "Dad" Clark,
ilia Bill McElrath. Dunn had not seen
him for ten years, when he waa in Jail Ir
Kansas City. Sergeant Rentfrow also rec
(grilled him, and Identification was made
more complete from the record In th
rogue' gallery.
On the man's person when arretted was
found a chisel which Ren! f row said Is the
same else as the tool used In breaking open
the front doors of F. G. Trlau's com
mission house, 6PI South Thirteenth street,
and Barkalow Bros.' book store, 830 South
Sixteenth street, a few nights, ago, when
tii in caah was stolen. The polio are
certain the prisoner Is the man who com
mitted those burglaries and that he may
be guilty of other recent jobs.
The other arrest wa that of Dan Mull
qC'.n, who I charged with having taken
a tool kit from a blind piano tuner named
Wade of Council Bluff In the alley In the
rear of the Diamond saloon. 1311 Douglas
treet. Mullquln and Wade went out of
th back door of the saloon together, the
latter being on his way home and carrying
his case of toola. Just as they reached the
alley. It Is charged, Mullquln grubbed
Wade's case, and ran. Wade reported the
matter to Patrolman Wilson and a short
time afterward the officer picked Mullquln
up on Douglas street with the case hidden
in an overcoat under bis arm.
-ekev exWaV ak V "raV
Cleaixaex S V
ssarsrCT) I
a A
OM Dutch Cleanser has supplanted soap,
soap powder and scouring bricks in the
modern household because it does the work of
all these old fashioned cleansers cleans,
K-ours, scrubs and polishes dot .it better
and quicker and with half the labor. .
There is no acid, caustic or alkali in Old
Putch Cleanser to roughen or redden the
hands. Its action is mechanical, not chemical.
Old Dutch Cleanser does not. scratch or in
jure the surface cleaned in any way. It pene
trates every crack and crevice, gets under
the dirt, grime and grease, loosen it and car
ries it away, leaving behind spot
less cleanliness. Sold in large
sifting top cans at all grocers.
Free on request, our valuable
booklet, "Hints for Housewives"
Ccdahy Packing Co, 0. D. C Dept.
Mr. H. M. Buahnell of Lincoln, chair
man of the reciprocity committee of the
General Federation of Woman's clubs, haa
announced the following committee mem
bers: Mra Stella Marie Stuttenworth,
Watertown, 8. D.; Mrs. Samuel White.
Baker City, Oregon; Mrs. Alln Sanford, j
Salt Lake City, ftah; Mra. William Hamp- j
ton Scheen, Coushatta, La.; Mra Prlscllla S. ;
Ketcham, Montana; Mrs. Elisabeth B. j
Compton, San Francisco; ilrs. Harrln i
Robert. Jr., Danville, Va. Mrs. Bushnell !
Is planning to assign certain states to each I
woman over which she eliall have super- j
vision and for which she shall serve as
corresponding member with the general
federation secretary of each state. By this
system each state will be in touch and feel
an Interest In the reciprocity bureau of the
general federation.
December SO haa been definitely announced
as the date for Miss Marie Brehm's lecture
in Omaha. Miss Brehm will spend two
weeks In Nebraska Under the dire tlcn of
the Nebraska Woman'n Christian Temper
ance union, coining to be one of the speak
er at the meet'ng of the Nebraska S'.ate
Teachers' association. She will spesk In
Omaha next Sunday under the aupplces of
the local Woman's Christian Temperance
union In one of the chun haa. but the place
haa not yet been announced. Mias Brehm
is one of the most prominent women In the
Woman' Chriatisa, Temperance union work
of the country, having recently served her
fifth year a president of the Illinois or
ganization. She Is now a temperance lec
turer in the Presbyterian church. During
her stay In Omaha she will be the guest
of Mr. Fred Patterson, recording secre
tary of the state union.
Considerable disappointment resulted
Monday afternoon from seme misunder
standing regarding the meeting of the
Omaha Woman's club. The regular meet
ing day, Monday, was skipped owing to the
holidays and the next regular meeting will
be held January 7, when the program will
be presented by the art department. It was
voted In the club a few weeks aito to hold
a New Tear's reception thla year, the de
tail to be announced later.
The household economic ecinmlttee of
the Iowa Federation of Women' clubs It
calling the attention of club women to the
short course In domestic science to be given
at the Iowa State college, A me, January I
to n. Inc1uive. Th work will Include lec
ture by Mr. Alice Dyne cf th faculty of
Bradley Institute, Dr. Masret Jonee, Prof.
L. S. Ro and Prof. Michael. Demonstra
tions In cooking win be riven each day by
Mir Vary Rausch, whe Is widely known
over the state. Full Information may be
had by writing to Bliss Georgia Dltter, do
mestic acienc department. Iowa Btate Col
lege. Amea, la.
The seven ages of women afforded the
ualque theme for th auual baxaur of th
Denver Woman's' club thla year, which
closed last week and proved very successful
from every tandrinf. Seven bocth rep
resented the seven age and everything wa
old from th Infant's thlnx thrruga the
school girl, bride and matron stages to the
grandmother age The baaaar waa largely
"The Mountain Climber" at tne Boyd.
Francis Wilson and company In "The
Mountain Climber," a farce in three acta,
hv C. Kratz and M. Neal. under direc
tion of Charles Krohman. The cast:
Montague Bibsey Francis Wilson
Hamuel Midirham Joseph Allen
Dr. Charles MitUhani Frank Goldsmith
Arthur Lydbrook George Irving
Sidney Ketton
Watson Fiimley
Oscar Rheint haler
Sepp Rhelnthalcr
Otto Jones
First Deputy
Mrs. Montague Blbsey
Hetty Mine Kllen Mortimer
Iona Miss Jane Gordon
Mary Mii? Kla Garrett
"The Mountain Climber" Is enjoyable for
three reasons. First, it doesn't offer any-
pected. but It waa very enthusiastic, and
at the close of the second act Mr. Wilson
made a witty and appropriate talk, ac
knowledfrlng the reception he and the com
pany were given and wishing a Merry
Christmas so all. A special matinee will
be given this afternoon and the play will
be repeated tonight and tomorrow night.
la Mae with the firt Foe4 Law.
Th National Food and Drug act which
take effect January 1. 17. does not af
fect Chamberlain' Cough Remedy In any
mnnr No sDeclal labels are reaulred on
Sidney Rice : ,4- nAar that Act. aa It Is free
X " 1 .... uAn..i
i''.h i from oolates and narcotics of every char
".'.'...Ernest Baxter j acter, making it a safe remedy Vor motheie
Herbert Marlon to UB m-tn tbelr children. This remedy
::i"f.UrU..S. ' ha. been In us. for so many years, and
..Mlas May Robson ! Its good qualities are so well known, that
one need hesitate to use it When
...Miss Edna bruns
troubled with a cough or cold.
Wife Cets Haikaai Oat ef Jail.
Christmas e-re was not the time cf J
nd rood will that It should have txen for
thing new; same old story of doting wife the famllv of A. J. Smith, 3131 Burt st eet.
deceived by husband, with a garnishment The father spent the Hr '"r.thf'fhi,tS
. . j. . i. evening Bleeping off a drunk on the hard
of rich humor and genuine wit. The other ,,,, flo r o a oeii at the city Jail. whil
two reasons are Francis Wilson and May the family aat at home alone wondering If
Robson. It 1. too bad the linotype ma- wj
chine will not allow these names to be (ri the afternoon by Patrolman Nfiln
bracketed, for they deserve to go side by charred with being drunk and mlsusin- hi
family, iaie in me evening wue mor i
Xaaie Cfcoeea by Cessaalrtea far the
Steecker Play bowse am
Doaarlas Street.
The "Parlor theater" waa the name
!ected yesterday afternoon by a committee
of newspaper representatives for W. F.
Stoecker's "No Name" theater at 1
Douglas street. The winner of the C0 prise
!s Mra. R. J. Scheer of SOS Twelfth street.
Milwaukee, her post card being stamped at
the Omaha post office at 10 a, m. November
18. while a card from T. Roy Barnes of
Cincinnati, bearing the aame namea, waa
stamped at I p. m. of the aame date.
The committee, comprising Miles Green
leaf. Miss Dewey and Ed Black, of the
World-Herald, News and Bee, respectively,
had to select from nearly l,5ot) cards offered.
The name "Parlor" was thought particu
larly appropriate in view of the size and
interior appearances of the Stoecker play
house. The new name, with prize winner,
will be announced from the stage today.
8,-k Yt 'ing King. Edholin, Jaweler.
side. Nor is It a case of "the rest no
. where," for the others In the company fit
j in remarkably well to make each character
essential to the action and each to stand
; alone ak a fine specimen of the actor's art.
J Mr. Montague Sibsey goes over to Pari
to have a time in "Bohemia." and while
i there gets hold of a book of mountain
J climbing adventure. He conceive the
I brilliant Idea of writing tetter to bis wife
j In London, describing his experience and
' hairbreadth escapes In the Alps. She con-
r.k.i the enuallr brilliant Idea nf nub-
lishlng these letters In book form, -to sur.
prise him on his return. 'He la surprised
all right, and Is forced to go to the Alp
to undertake a particularly difficult climb.
I He succeeds in bribing a guide to make the
' climb and let Dim get the credit, and be
lives a hero to his wife. But the man who
: wrote the book isn't so easily deceived
i and makes a lot of trouble. The youngest
! of two step-daughter of Sibsey happen
' to be the atiple of this young man' eye,
1 and hi mouth 1 finally closed, aa are
1 also those of th other who know of th
I deception, and the eluding scene witnesses
! the renunciation by Montague Blbsey, at
i the earnest entreaty of wife and daugn-
tera. of his paaslon for mountain climbing,
j Mr. Wilson is tn his element in this
' sort of farce. He bus a drollery that la
up Captain Dunn at the station and b nds
were allowed him so fl at he might Join hli
circle ere Chrltma dawned, aa he had be
come thoroughly sober.
Police Board Adjonraa Meetlns.
The Board of Fire and Pollc Cmmi;s on
ers met at the usual time on Chrletmis eve
and dcloed the ocensic n rather Inappropri
ate for the transaction of such buairK-aa a
waa expected to arl. Adjournment was
therefore taken until Wednesday evening.
Feraaaall caalit Tear af
Old Meat.
A anacial tarty for a thirty-day tour ef
Old Msxloo. embracing p--ttt.Uy all the
urportaot cltte and principal point of la
erest, will leave Omaha January. li.
Rate covorlr.g transportation, berth and
n.eal only tOW.
For further Snfermatlon rail er adjrea
ttock Island Clt Ticket Office. HI Far
nam U
unique and a fund of humor that eema
lnexhautlb. Hi effort to extricate
himself from the predicament into which
be ha been plunged by his deception and.
at the same time to escape from mailing
an effort to climb a mountain, ar lu
dicrous at all time and now and then
screamingly funny, and hi final adventure
with a London cabby ia recounted In so
dolorous a way tbat it would convulse a
graven Image
Not one whit behind Mr. Wilson la th
work of Mis Robson. A the ambitiou
woman w ho dotes on her husband and who
ha auaoiut conadencs In his courage and
daring skill, ah almost dominate th
cctlon of the play. A fond niotber, a de
voted wife and a thorough woman, she is
consumed with th idea that her bus band
la a hero and never knows blra far a plain
liar. She enters upon the part with a
seat tliat la a reai delight. Her entrance
in the third act Is almost the funniest
feature of the whole evening. Mlas burn
I good in th rol of a rather silly girt
Mia Mortimer 1 sweet aud encaging aa
Betty and Miia Goidju is charmlrg as a
Bwltaer machen. breeches aflJ ail. Th
concur,)- 1 an excellent one and the piece
la well (taged.
It waa not a very large at the
Boyd last nlht, aa waa U bav been es
Mevemeats ef Ocean Veela Dee. S4.
At New York Arrived : Kroonland, from
Antwerp; Dora, from Naples.
At Halifax Arrived: Sardinian, from
At Hamburg Arrived: Pretoria, from
New York, via Plymouth.
At Manchester Arrived: Caledonia, from
At Havre Sailed: Pomeranian, for New
At Liverpool Arrived: Cymric, from
At BremereArrlved . Kron Prtns WIU
helm, from New York. Sailed: Maine, for
New York.
! I Jr
scad not
t a coU
room ia la
bona if you owa
Heater. Thla It aa oil
fccater (aat give utui action
wiicrcvcr ttscd, Produces Intense
Wat without smoke or smell bcciuac it is
equipped with smokeless ccvice xj trouble,
no danger. Easily carried around from room
to room. Yoa cannot turn the wick loo bign
or too low. A easy and simple to care lot
as a lamp. Tht
(Eqolpped wtUs Smokeless Device.)
I a oroamanl to (he home. It is made in two firhea nickel
and (span. Eras oil iount bcauliiuUy crnrxaacd. Holds
4 quarts oi oil and bums 9 houri. tvet-y beater wamnUd.
Do oot be satuiied with anything but a PERFECTION Oil Heater.
If you cannot grt Healer or information trots your dealer wnt
to nearest agency for dcacriptiv ctrcuLu.
aaaa 1 and beat U:
i the i Um
lirr.c lor
all -round household su. Gives a cu-tr, steady light. Kitted
wt'h laisst improved burner. Mad of brass thtovghout and
nickel plated. Every lamp warranted. Suiukle tor library,
dtaing room or parlor. 11 not at your dealer's write to BcircU