TTTE OMAHA DAILY REEt TTE8DAY, DECEMBER 25. 100G o CURRENT NEWS OF IOWA .pea I f X V: COUNCIL BLUFFS Office, 10 ferl St. Tc). 48. EVEREST NAMED RECEIVER i i - Liabllitia ' of Untoi Transfer Oompanj Greater Thau Suppose! SOUTHARD HOPES TO RESUME SHORTLY Arrangement Made to !' t'pper Stnry of qreat Western Freight depot for Wnrrroone for ' h Preeent. ap- Ftank K. Everest waa yeeterdsy pointed by Judge 8mlth McPheraon of the I"nlted Btate court receiver for the Union Tranrfer fompnny, against which creditors brought, bankruptcy proceedings, follow ing the flea, which destroyed the company! warehouse and atock on South Main street. Mr. i Bwrufi appointment. (lt la said, waa made at the request of a number of tha credltora. It waa announced yesterday that tha liabilities of the firm were found to be greater than 'at first reported and will exceed the assets, which consist of book accounts and he Insurance of $,0ca by about $2S,nno. V. A. fcouthard, manager and principal atockholder of tha I'nlww Transfer com pany, could hot be Been last evening, fol lowing (thi announcement of the appoint ment of F. F. Everest aa receiver, but It la understood that the company, despite the bankruptcy proceeding, hope to procure a satisfactory settlement of Ita present troubles and resume biiHincss in a short 'time. . In fact, ao aure la tha company of being able, to resume business within a short while, that negotiations are pending to- lease the upper floors of the large freight office and warehouse of the Great Western railroad on Ninth avenue. rattan saloon and restaurant, and asked him to do what he could to straighten out the entanglement In his business affairs. Mr. Larson Is authority for the statement tat all, Goldstein had when he left here was $J5. which he loaned him, and a val uable diamond atud. SAVE MONEY O.N SHOES. A BIO DIS COUNT ON EVERYTHING. MEN'S Mlt'CKLE ARCTICS, HOOD PRAND, rj.OO. MEN'S A!iL-Rt.'BBKH ARCTICS, SI. BO. LAHIK8' STORM RWUHEHS, 40c. LADIES' ALASKA8, HOOD BRAND. 76o. MEN'S SLIPPERS. FROM 75e CP. DUNCAN & DEANE. CLOSING OUT. CHRISTMAS DAT OBIERVAXrEJ Services at St. Pawl's rknrrh and Pablle Offices (lose At St. Paul'a Episcopal church Chrlstmaa services will be held this morning at 10 ii'glock. There will be special music and the rector, Rev. H. W. Starr, will preach. This will be the order of the aervlcea: Orirnn Prelude OfTertol re Batiste Processional Hymn N 61 Hark, the Herald Angela Ml tig Anthem Sing, O Heavena Venlte First Ijeeson. Te Deum In B-Flat Second Lesson. Jubilate ...J one. Burning brands were carried a long distance, which et fire to the roofs of a number of dwelling houses. Only by hard work waa the blase prevented from extend ing across the street to the yard of the Green Bay Lumber company. , N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. JTO. Night 6oX A. Mrlutr Jt Co. New Location of Wholesale Bakery, lit Myneter Street, Council Bluffe, la. Home-Made Bread a Specialty. Visitors Welcome. ' ' - t SSfe Stephah Bros, for the latest and best inverted burner. 629 West Broadway. Matters a ptatrlot fosrt. The petition in the divorce suit of Arthur B. Deuel agalnat Or a Anna Deuel waa filed In the district court yesterday. Following a recital of" the alleged Ill-treatment he had- received forseveral years at tha hands of lls wife, who, he says, on inore than one occasion threatened to "cut his hear out" wltfc ' tne- carving knife, the plaintiff charges his wife with deserting him and returning to her former home in Michigan. At. the tltjie ills wife left -him Deuel alleges aha took wlrh her the proceeds of the sale of their home. -' Mfltnii Campbell la another husband who (ailed to find, married life a paradise, according- to his petition for divorce filed yesterday. Ha alleges that hi wife, O. R. Carnpfcoll. to whom he was married In Pot tawattamie county in September, 1903, put hint1 In such fear of hla life by repeatedly .evghreatealng to kill- httn that hla health guve way and ho became almost a physical wreck. On ..June. 1 Campbell tsserta hla wife threatened' to ahoot and kill him with a ahotgun, but' compromised matters by leaving him and since refualng to live with, him. Mr. Mart B. Judon, wife of John E Judon. aa brought cult against the Mod ern Woodmen of America to recoTetti.aoo oir poltry 'of llfj Insurance issued to her husband In her Xavor. Judon recently died at St,. Bernard's hospital, where he had bean committed as an insane patient. . Tours , ... Woodman .Dudley Buck ... Thlekstun Introlt Hymn 3t1 O, Lamb of Grid Gloria. Tllil Woodward Hymn oH O, Little Town of Bethlehem.. Sermon. Offertory Solo Christmas Song Uastaldon Panctus Stalner Hymn 2X-Bread of the World Gloria In ICxcelsi Old Chant ProcesHlonal Hymn 69 It Came Upon a Mltlninht Clear Organ I'oHtlude There Were Shepherds in the Field Mailing The following hours will prevail today at the postofflcc: Stamp window, general de livery window and. money order and regis ter departments will be' open from 8 to 11 a. m. Carriers will make but one delivery, leaving the postofflce at ft a. m. There will be a business collection in the after noon, carrier leaving the postofflce at 1 o'clock, and In the evening at 7 o'clock. Rural free delivery carriers will make their regular delivery. The public library will be closed all day. and Mrs. Dalley, the librarian, and her as sistants will be enabled to enjoy the holi Your money'e worth and a little more if you buy your Shoes of S. A. Pierce & Co., corner Broadway and Main atreet. MarrlnKe Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Nttme and Residence. C. J. EiikcIh, Fort Dodge, In Stella K. Lewis. Council. Bluffs, la.. Henry Clotfelter, Plsxrah, la Nettle Clotfelter, Plsguh, la Samuel II. Dlvelblles, Omaha ; Elisabeth L, Dlvelbliss. Omaha M. M. McKeen, Council Bluffs, la.... Belle Ifarwood. .Council Bluffs, la... Henry Streeterm, Lincoln, Neb Pearl Scott, Lincoln, Neb Irma Hubbell, Weston, In.... Catherine Crtibill, Council Bluffs. Ia Age. ....2i ....2S ....S4 ...11 .... ....47 .... ....47 ....28 ....23 ....23 ....20 J. Frank Renfro, Huron, B. D M Mildred A. Bertram, Huron, S. D 28 Charles II. Johnston, Ottumwa, la.,.,' 23 Alma M. Thomas. South Omaha 18 Carl C, Johnson, Council Bluffs, la. fS Madge M. Maxwell, Council Bluffs, Ia....2n A. C. Hull, Nashville. Tenn 28 Ethel W. Henrluh, Council Bluffs, Ia 22 , Go for your holiday wlnea, liquors and cordials to L. Rosenfeldt, 619 Soath Main. Phone S3. - Combination gae and electrio chandeliers and the celebrated Welabach Incandescent gas-burners. Why not see us before you buy. We can certlnly please you on price and quality of goods. Btephan Bros., 629 Weat Broadway. " "'1 ' - -: 1 MANTLES, 10 CENTS. BEST MANTLE J TOWN. FOR THE PRICE. W. A. S3RER.X . Gnldsteln la tn Mexico. The report that Adolph Goldstein, former agent ' In Council Bluffs for the Miller Brewing company of Milwaukee, had gone to Mexico, proves to have been correct. Friends of the young roan are In receipt of letters from him dated In Mexico In which he eaya that he Intends to return here as soon aa he -can make arrangements te square up hi accounta with tha enmpany and hla other credltora. .It has been loarnad that on leaving hare Goldstein Hrat went to Kansaa City with tha hop tit - being able to aeoura money fom. relatives-with which t aottle his accounta here. Falling to do so, he went to Mexico, Before' leaving Council Bluffs Goldstein turned over everything he had to H. A. Larson, proprietor of tha Man- Day te Foralre and Forget. Council bluffs yesterday witnessed the romerrlage of two couples who had been divorced, but had decided to celebrate Christmas by making up and trying it again. They were Samuel II. Dlvolblss and Elisabeth L. Dlvelblss, both of Omaha, and .Henry Clotfelter and Nettle Clotfelter, both of Plsgah, Ia. Rev. Henry DeLong performed the ceremony for both couples in his office in the county court house. Rev, Henry DeLong also performed the marriage ceremony of J. Frank Renfro and Mildred A. Bertram, both of Huron, S. D. H. V. Battey, clerk of the district court, issued ten marriage licenses.. A year ago Chrlstmaa day ' happened on Monday and, tha Saturday beCore Mr. Battey broke tha record by issuing thirteen marriage license a. - Elevator at Srolat Boras. The Cooper elevator, located on tha Mil waukee tracks at Neola, la., was de stroyed by fire yesterday morning. Tha cause of the fire Is unknown. The building waa completely destroyed, together with about 17,000 bushels of corn and oats. Tha lose on tha buildings- will be about SS.COO with about two-thirds Insurance. The Cooper elevator waa the largest In Neola and the blaxo was'a most spectacular iv j. j. r .... , Va. M fit ji t-uropean countries, eating cy I Chocolate is universally recog- .nized as a' food, not as a sweet-, meat Merchants eat it during the day to sustain their energy. It is given to school children as the most ideal food for their growing bodies. It is con sidered a splendid thing for soldiers in the field, where only the most sustaining edibles can possibly be of value. (NUd ia acconlaace wuh the National Put Food law.) is the most nutritious form of all chocolates. It is not only the finest .piece of chocolate ever blended, but when combined with the "pure cream of the milk, a good size cake ia equivalent to a luncheon. ' Sold in five- and ten-cent packages by everybody. HVMKIL BROTHERS, Imc. Mfra. 445 a 431 Wwet SOIh Jttrwot, Www Yarb I i otoi' , . a-v1" ' ' I J MISOR MKiTIOX. Davis, drugs. Stockert sell carpet, Fine engravings at Lefferf. Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer. Plumbing- and heating, Blxby A Son. Lewla cutler, funeral director, 'phone fl7. W of Hiring Undertaking company. Tel V. DIAMONDS AS AN INVESTMBNT. TALK TO LEFFER.T ABOUT IT. Particular people like our ahoes. 8. A. Pierce A Co., corner Broadway and Main atreet. Brldensteln & Smith, Fourteenth avenue and Sixth atreet, eoal, wood and feed. 'Phones 182. MANTLES, 10 CENT8. BEST MANTLE IN TOWN FOR THE PKICB. W. A. HACKER, All nixes of atorm dnors, storm sash, storm windows and weather strips at Oeo. Hoagland'a. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McDonald left yea terriay to spend Chrlstmaa with rslutlve) at Bonaparte, la. George F. Pltner and Louisa Anderson, both of Omaha, were married In this city Sunday by Justice Field. The engagemant of Miss Elizabeth Stew art of thh city and Captain Wtldman vt Fort Crook -has been announced. Shrewd buyers say Overshoes and Slip pers are the best. S. A. Pierce St Co., corner Broadway and Main street. Your money' worth and a little mora If you buy your Shoes of S. A. Pierce c Co., corner Broadway and Mali! street. A beautiful and ornamental gas burner, the Welslmoh chick lamp, complete, $1.26. Stephan Bros., 628 West Broadway. Miss Haxel Moore arrived from Chicago yesterday to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Moore, A. B. Carlson, sged 74, died Sunday at his home, 1C19 Avenue. Q. Besides his wife, he Is survived by five daughters and on son. John Balck arrived yesterday morning from Cotllla, Tex., to spend Chrlstmaa with his sons at Urinwold. He will return, to Texas Thursday. Miss Nora Brown arrived yesterday from New York to spend the holidays with he parents. CaptHln and Mr. J. J. Brown, WO South Seventh street. High grade granite work, from the best Barre Imported granites, lettering, carving and tracing. Fine monumental work a specialty, bheeley & Lane, 217 East Broad way. Before buying a suit or overcoat it will pay you to see E. S. Hicks. Oood aulta from SJ6 to 136. Pants, SW to $10. Every thing nrst-claas. E, S. Hicks, 13 Pearl atreet. Major O. H. Richmond, chief of pollco, presented each married member of his force with a ten-pound turkey and the single men with a boa of fragrant cigars yesterday. The young mon of the First Cona-rena tlonal church will hold a reception Thurs day evening at the parsonage compli mentary to Mlto o. Smith, son of the pas tor. Dr. O. O. Smith. William McMlcbael, colored, suspected of knowing something about the W. W. Carter holdup late Saturday night, waa taken Into custody last evening by tha police and will be held for Investigation. The children need School Rubbers. Beat atock at 8. A. Pierce & Co., corner Broad way and Main atreet, D. 8. Kerr haa merchandise for exchange, farms for sale, all kinds of city property for sale and on monthly payments. Houses for rent, bit Broadway. 'Phones 417 and 406 Red. I am in the market to buy 600 ton of ma chinery iron, , 300 tons tove iron, 20 tons of rubber and 20 ton copper and brass. Write for prices before you sell. J. Katel man, A03 8. Main St. Both 'phones 650. Ivanhoe cotnmandery, Knights Templar, will meet this evening In regular con clave, when the newly elected officer will be Installed. Hafer, the Council Bluffs lumberman, has best assortment of building material In the middle west. Get his prices before you ouy eisewnere. - , Joppa council, Royal and Select Masters, will meet In xpeclal assembly this even ing for election and Installation of officers for the enduing year. The hearing of the saloon men charged with lifting the lid Sunday was continued In police court yesterdav at the request or tne defendants until Thursday. If your boy Is a kicker, our Shoes will hold him. 8. A. Pierce & Co., corner urouuway ana Main street. Oak camp, Royal Neighbors of America, will meet In regular sexslon this evening In Woodmnn hall, in the Merrlam Mock. Following the business meeting en tertainment will be provided by the spe cial commtttee. Carl, the Infant son of Mr. and Mnr." f). M. Applequlst. 1017 West Broadway, died yesterday. The funeral will bo held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Swedish Lutheran church and burial will be in Fair view cemetery. ' J. Carl Pryor Is home from Simpson col lege. Indlanola. He will leave today for Birmingham, Ala., having been appointed delepate from Simpson college to the Na tional Fraternity congress which will con vene In that city next week. FOR ADVICE AND JUDGMENT ON OOOU CIGARS OO TO MALONBY, SO PEARL ST. HIS STOCK OF CIOARS 13 COMPLETE. TELL HIM WHAT YOIT WANT AND YOU'LL GET JUST THE CIGAR TO SUIT THE TASTE. The hearing of Attorney W. H. Schurs and Mnhlon Brown, attache of the city engineer's office, charged with violating aa ordinance of the city by expectorating on the public sidewalk, waa continued In po lice court yesterday until Thursday. The county officers "who were re-elected yesterday presented Elmer E. Smith, chair man of the republican county central com mittee, with a handsome Knight Templar charm in recognition of the good-work ho did In securing a victory for the entire re publican county ticket. Bob Williams, a negro with a propensity for using a knife, waa arrested by the police lust night. It waa aald he asked some boys for some Christmas money, and being refused, drew a knife. He recently served a short sentence in the county Jull for unlng a knife on a white man. H. V. Battey, clerk of the district court, received notice yemerday from the warden of the Fort Madl on penitentiary that Wil liam Hall of this city, who was sent up for eleven months for burglary last Jan uary, had been .discharged, having served the full sentence without any good time allowance. Mrs. Kate Vencll, wife of Michael Venolt. BU18 Suuth Fourteenth street, died Sunday at the Slate Aaylum at Clarlnda. The re mains were brought here yesterday and the funeral will be held Wednesday morn ing at 8 o'clock from St. Franc-la Xavler'a church and interment will be in St. Jo seph's cemetery. She leaves beside liar husband two son. The preliminary hearing of Harvey Nee ley. the negro char tied with slugging and robbing W. W. Carter, an elderly white man Horn Bentley, Ia., was continued in police court yesterday morning until Thursday. Neelev waa released on a bond In the sum of fJOO and his alleged victim, who had been huld over Sunday In the city Jull aa a witness, was also released. The remains of Charles R. Lelchsenring, who died suddenly at the home of D. N. Martinson, 214 West Broadway, Sunday, are at Woodring'a undertaking rooms. Ut ile is known here about the deceased, but papers show that he was a veteran of the civil war and In receipt of a pension. Pend ing an effort to communicate with rela tives no arrangements have been made for the funeral. C. B Roblnaon, ton of Mra. Kllxa J. Robinson, 7X4 South Twenty-fourth street, wua Mil -d in the railroad yards In Denvci last Saturday, but beyond notice of hla death no particulars of tha accident have been received here. He was a member of Council Bluffs lodge. Ancient Order ot United Workmen. Word was received that the widow would start from Denver yes terday morning with' the body. Burial (Services will be held in Omaha and will be under tn auspices ot the lodge. f -V r'.-':-V- "'' rTH'aYsTs'esssiis i a s ' "i" "" "" " ....... tV 'F J-J.'JWtVu!.. 5t..'A'f.'v ii'-Vit'-s Sv-'C'cvV There is no other train over any Southern Route that can compare with this depend upon it CARRIES SLEEPING CAR PASSENGERS ONLY. mm mm Daily from Chicago, St. Lonis and Kansaa City to Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and San Francisco, Commencing December 16, 1906. Fifth season of service. New features a brand new train throughout. Run8 over lowest altitude and most southerly route. v '' .v-'-a v-t- - .; Drawing-room and Compartment Pullmans, Mission-style Rock Island Diner, and unique Mission-style Buffet-Library -Observation Car. Drawing-room and Compartment may be occupied en suite a par ticularly desirable arrangement for family use. feSBl : Entire Observation Car given over to pleasure and entertainment. is-V'.-.irA'i '.''.V.'.v 'IrfrLV il-V-.'S 1 mm A second fast daily train, over same low altitude route, carries Pullman Drawing-room and Tourist Sleeping Cars. Numerous important details of the journey and interesting scenes en route are contained in a dainty booklet that is yours for the asking and you need it if you are going to California. For reservations write or wire V P. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. 1323 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. m ktatfAavfab I Kwa Cltr .iiv."-t'.iVi t 1-.;. , ' DOCTORS MAKE, A BIG WAGER Fit Up $10,000 aa Earnast of Faith is Ability to Cora CosBnmption. - &' , 1 ness and alao by his care and brotherly at tention to hla two motherless sisters. Oray will contest the suit and claims that there was a mutual agreement to broek the en casement.. Helps Nebraskan Home. In order that J. A. Ix-e, held aa a prisoner in the Polk county Jail, might eat Chript- LIFE CONVICT PARDONf-D FOR CHRISTMAS ma dinner with hie mother In Kejrney, N b. . ' s : Judere James A. Howe contributed the 18 I cent lacking for hla fare. The cmirt re--, colved a letter from Ijee' mother inclosing OlTldeel Report of In sa ranee Contmla sloa Is 1,1k el y. to Defeat Any Legislation at Coaila Session. From a Ptaff ! Correspondent.) DBS MOINES, tiec. 24 (Bpectal.) AJl doctor of Iowa are -watching the results of a 20,000 bet on the results of two methods of treatlrrg tuberculosis patients. Dr. J. W. Klme of Fort Dodge, who su perintends the sanitarium for the treat ment of tuberculosis patients by tha sun shine and open air treatment, put up $10,000 that he could cure a tubercular patient by that method, and Dr. T. H. Lln'd ley of Cedar Rapids has put up a like amount aa an Indication of his faith in be ing able to cure a patient by the drug method. lie does not specify what the drug is and there is considerable mystery surrounding the nature of the drug, which la known only to Dr. I.lndley. The terms $10 and asking that her boy be released and sent home. The money waa 20 cents short of enough to buy the ticket. The court con tributed the 30 cents arid sent the prisoner to the train in the custody of a bailiff. An agry mother of Nichols, Ia., atopped a Christmas wedding by writing to County Clerk Coffin ordering him not to give a li cense to allow her son Clayton to marry Miss Josephine Ames, The license was re fused. etioor" TeerPT "Tomorrow The first meeting of the teachers Jhir weak will be tomorrow eyening when the eu i tional council of the Btate Teachers' asso ciation will meet tn parlor. A of the Cham berlain hotel. It la expected that the con vention of the BtaU Teachers' association this week will be the largest and most Im portant the association has ever held. The convention opens Wednesday evening for a two day program. The educational coun cil will be In aeaslon Tueaday evening and Wednesday. But two papers will be read before the educational council, They will city closed a deal with Miguel Molinoro. a capitalist of Buenoa Ay res, Argentine Republic, for the delivery of tOO Hart Purr gasoline engines to go to that coun try aa soon aa manufactured. They are to be uaed in plpwlng with gang plows, that being a great wheat country. of the wager are that if either doctor cure hi patient he 1 to be paid the 110.000 by (he p, &f tw committee-, one on a the other doctor. It la poasible that both mrv,, . ,ha .v.tems of Tows patients may die, in which event neither an(J other Btateg and the other be are doctor will get arlything.- It la possible port on gpertHi aid to high schools. The that both doctors will cure their patients, flri(t renort wtJ1 made by George B. Far In which event they will exchange checka rell of cilnton and the other by F. C. En for f10,000. If one doctor falla and tha ,gn pf Iowa City. It la understood that the other aucceeds the successful doctor Is to .dres of Btate Superintendent Riggs will get $10,000 of the other doctor' money. ,jeal largely with a discussion of the new The patients , have been elected and tha ,,ate teachers' certificate law. treatment is now under way. It Is tha t'attlo Poisoned by Lye. SIDNEY, Ia., Dec. 24.-Speclal.) Dick Porter, a well known farmer and stock man, living- northwest of Sidney, had a dozen head of catUa poisoned by licking Ice most novel wager that haa ever been made in tha state of Iowa. The Iowa Medical Journal k-sued today tells of the wager, which is attracting the attention of tha entire medical fraternity of the state. . Pardon for Chrlstmaa Gift. Governor Cummin this afternoon gave a Christmas gift In the form of a pardon to Thomas Smith of Albla, who is serving a sentence' for shooting a man while doing duty a an oflieer. Smith arrested a drunken man and was assaulted by hood lums, one of whom he shot fatally. Smith was a life convict. More strict on Baby Farms. More stringent lawa In regard to baby farm a may be enacted at tha coming ses sion of the legislature. Senator C. C. Dow ell of i'olk county said today that he be lieved tha baby farms should be under the jurisdiction of the slate and that the in fanta born In them should be the wards of the state. He favors an Investigation and charged that auftlcient is known of their operations to warrant an Investigation, and If the traffic that Is reported to be going pn la found to exist in fact, he favored placing every institution under direct Juris diction of the state. No Insurance Legislation. A a result of the division of the In surance commission In its report on de ferred dividends It la being predicted that the coming legislature will not pass any Insurance legislation. If it doea turn down the entire commission n port It Will be doing what former legislature bava al ways done with all commission reports. The report of the commission was filed with Auditor Carroll today with the res ervation made that aupplemental state ments will be filed by Kendall nd Jones. Wants aifl,OUO na Balm. Claiming $10, 000 aa a balm to her wounded Iowa Firm fiets Illg Contract. CHARLES CITT, Ia., Dec. 22. tSpe cjal.) The HMrt-Parr company ft thla '; . Bnay Year nt Atlantic. ATLANTIC, Ia Dec. 24. Speclal.)-The year just paBsed haa been one of importance to Atlantic. After the setback to business caused by the removal of ten saloons tha first of the year, the business Interests have arranged themselves to the new con dition and are rapidly pushing a'-'-xd. Tne new government building, costi.. $"0,A00, has been completed; two fine residence, costing $10,000 and $,000, respectively, have been erected; six mile of sewers have been laid, eight miles of permanent . Jdewalka, brick crossings put in all over town and much Improvement made to the electric light plant. A new wholesale grocery house haa located here; the Atlantic m brella factory has been established; a new cement post factory erected, and numerous smaller buildings built. The - Atlantlo Northern & Southern Railroad company, with a capital of $600,000, has been formed to build a road out of here north to Man ning and south to Vjlllsca. An effort Is being mad to establish a knitting factory; the Ulrlck patent seed tester will be incor porated into a company, more Improvements made In the light plant and 1W7 made a banner year for Atlantic. Gore-Eaton Knptlala Today. SIDNEY, Ia Dec. 24. (Special. )The crowning aoclal event' ot the yuletlde In our city la the marriage of Dr. Frank A. Gore and Miss Lillian Enton, which takes place at 7:30 Chrlstmaa evening at the home pf the brlde'a parents, former Slut Senator William Eaton and wife. The con tracting parties are two of Sidney's best and most popular young people and their prominence renders the event one of un usual Interest. After their bridal tour they will be at home to their friends In Sidney, February 1, 1W7. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH It makes the toilet something to be en joyed. It removes all stains and roughness, prevents prickly heat and chafing, and leaves the skin white, soft, healthy. In the bath it brings a glow and exhilaration which no common soap can equal, imparting tha vigor and life sensation of a mild Turkish bath. All Gsocers and Druggists. On vay ia to pay no attention to it; at m least, II Ul Ulllll II UBTCivpn imv puvuiuvuia, xDLL or bronchitis, or pleurisy. Another vay is to asa your ooctor aooui atct a fucrry Pectoral. If he says, "The pest thine for sys.snywty. O.arerOe., Lswsil. Mm. WhenY y ft Pectoral, ir he says, "The I s i colds," then take it. Doss be f lKf' VI ill J Wekavaneaaereul We pub 1 tan A VaV M saTVaVaM thar9rmalMrHonrpTprtlaTa. HOTELS. HOTEL VICTORIA Broadway. Fifth Ave. and 27th St. NEW YORK feelings for a broken vow of marriage Dr. Impregnated with lye. Nelgltbora living Georgia Stewart haa ' tiled suit agaliut nearby, after doing the family waahlng, liarry S. Uray of this city. Mia Stewart bad thrown out the water, and the rattle claims that Gray broke the promise of mar- were atracted by the alkali or briny tasta rlage. That he la Indebted to bar fur $fs in I and were well doaed before being dlsoov- laundry bllla and other billa which be aent ered. They were made very alck, but up to her to pay tn addition to the $10,ouO. She to date none have died from tha effect of claims to have been won to love and adore the polrion. him while ana nursed hlin through a alk- I IN THE CENTER CF THE SK0PPIH3 DISTRICT I VERY drop of water Aid used In brewing Ston Beer la drawn irum our wrtesiaji wen (1,400 feet deep). This water la Ideal for brew ing purpose, being pure and sparkling, and pos sessing In Itself health riving properties. Tha absolute purity of our water eupply la one e aentlat feature In add ing to . lb tons I lee sparkling clearness and healthful . quality, that is found only In our beer.l yAslt for Ston Beer down town." Order a caaef oryqu reborn c today.' fctora BrewlngCo., Omaha,' Bl iTTfiffiflrfttBl Every Voman u uurala afl utoolit snow stxui tii woonarnu MARVEL whirling Sorav I Toe BW Vaflwl Syrtarc Jf live .na ,tw lion. liMt i ham in, xut no Llw a-t. a aranW tor M. ti',t,itutnt7 the a l, -xuf ua eilirr. itui lend ain for lili-alrao-d biK.k .1.4. ri n. lull irtleulvt snd llre.tioi lu. tiui u, niHtti i fx. For date ly IHHMAN A M OON NELL DBUO CO. 16th and Doda Sta. HOTELS A aladern rtrat-Claa HetL Complete laj all 11 appointments Furnlshlnsa and do oratlona entirely aS throuahout. Accom -rj metlona for - loe f guests. IIS suites) with baths. Room. 11. i day up: witk baths, 12. IS up. Hot and celd water and telephone In avert room. Cuisine un Celled. . . ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF Tsm ady hnta U JaUnnatisa freatlag Bnalwiy aai Fifth Avaaoa. run-lAJifkAsV CIOROH W. CWUNIY, Treprlatef j When ii Chicago' Stop at The 1 '1" , Strimord Hotel European Plan JtflBd, Elerant, OulH. Located cor Bur ai city two tiDeftt boulevards, convvDieot to cntir tuKlncfc) teiintr. ( los to be?&t ttinatm nd hoptli-j dlsirlc-. Z-5 rouiu. 1j0 private bth; luxurious writiatr and receptioa roru wood oik uisiL)ttiiy thioynhuut; bral bti and all mock-i a cotufcrts; teirvbona In every root?, beautiful dinin? rootnt-w Uia bt of avcryuiicLjf at moaorata priceM. t-.-L. snl.,. V.t ... rir-Xn. smsssT- :. l ... y r K -