Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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ow Holid.
1 tr.
9 to 51 inclusive, and Jan
North-Western Line Ticket Offices, 1401-1403 Far nam St.
Union Station and Webster Street Depot
Uinety-Six Yourm Hatitej Given Chano
' 1 ' for Fnblio Employment.
Fifth Annual Report of Director ot
laanlar Education Shows Prosj
res of School on ths
i - . . . .
. ' WASHINGTON. Dec. 24. Ninety-six of
the Filipino students now In this country
Will complete their fours years' course In
different ; colleges, technical and high
schools, next spring and all of these stu-
lents who pass the required civil service
examination will be given positions In the
public service In the Philippines. David
Kit,. wufiLowi OQTznro inn
has been used for ever SIXTY TEAKS b
CA 1 BUl.Lt.BB. 1 l BUUT11!I the CHILD
ROSTKNH the OITMH. AI.I.1V9 nil uatkt"
CURES WIND COLIC, and Is the beat
remedy for IDIARRHOEA. Bold by Drug,
glsta In every part, of the world. U sure
ana s inr
P. Barrows, director of education In the
Philippines, who left Washington today
for San Francisco, after conferring with
President Roosevelt and the officials of the
War department. Issued a circular for the
benefit of the students who will apply for
government posltlnnti at the conclusion of
their period of study In the United States.
Director Barrows says no student who
has the disposition to do his best need
fear that he will lack employment on the
return to the Islands. He sets forth the
needs of the various bureaus of the Jhll-
Ipplne government and declares the latest
Information shows that there Is a great
demand for clerks, and especially for those
who have a knowledge of stenography and
typewriting. The director of the bureau
of agriculture, he says, states that he will
need several hundred assltants. The bu
reau of public lands, he says, will be able
to provide for a number of the Filipino
graduates, and there is also a demand for
draftsmen, printers and lithographers.
Schools of Islands.
The fifth annual report of the director of
education for the Philippines, covering the
educational work In the Islands for the
year ended June 30, 1906, shows that there
are now 1,868 primary schools In th
Islands, with an average attendance ot
375.564 pupils. Seven hundred American and
6,224 Filipino teachers are employed. All
of the school divisions, the report says,
conducted teachers' Institutes, varying
from four to six weeks In the different
provinces. The Instruction given was di
vided between the common branches of
the Intermediate course and special topic"
of Instruction, such as gardening, do-
When your health Is concerned don't
plny'ut a game of chance. Don't experi
ment with uncertain, dangerous, hulf-way.
or free treatment schemes, or quick cur
delusion, or anything that savors In ths
least of experiment or chance, or thai
which Is calculated to deceive you Into
the fietlef that you are going to get some
thing for nothing. Always tu to responsl
ble, skillful specialists.
the announcements in The Bee
Mondays,- Thursdays and Sun
days of the-
..i.jpi . .mum.. . ,vt.
'' ""-".. ' 1
i - ' . . !
' V - . 4
- A' -, " t. .-'
', i'lv,
VvVv :;
STK for pjjEKl
1 Call and Be Examined Free.
1S0S Faraam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
IVnnaiicntly Established In Omaha, Nebraska.
mestlo science, primary Industrial work and
methods of teaching.
There are 2,454 primary school buildings
In the islands owned by the municipalities,
and In addition a number of buildings be
longing to the provinces, but not con
structed originally for school purposes, are
used. Private instruction, the report says,
plays a large part In the Intellectual life
of the Inlands. Many of the schools are
supported by the Catholic church, with a
history reaching back several decades.
Some of these lntnltutlons teach English,
although In practically all of them Spanish
Is the basis of Instruction. The Filipino
teachers. Dr. Barrows soys, continue to
gain In reliability, strength of character
and moral purpose.
. (7k
The latest and greatest treatment for cur
ing weak men. No matter lw old you are
or how long your weakness has existed, a few
treatments with this wonder-working rltallser
will Impart more strength, more power and
more ambition than a whole month's treat
ment wlthmediclue alone. Writ or call at
my office for particulars.
Office hours ail aay and to :30 p. m.
Bunduy, to 1. V
Cll or write. Box 764. Office 211 South
aTouile-iuin, street. Omaba, NU. .
That Many and One More Given
License in Dona-la County
Monday. "This Is certainly fierce," said Marriage
Llcease Clerk Harry Morrill yesterday
afternoon at 5 o'clock, as he sat at his
desk In the court house and wiped per
spiration from his brow.
In reply to a natural Inquiry he pointed
to the marriage license record.
"Twenty-one Christmas brides, all to
day," he said weakly. "It's the worst
I ever law."
The Christmas bride Is trying to crowd
the June bride and the Ak-Sar-Een biirio
from the fore, and from the record made
yesterday she deserves the palm. All day
happy couples thronged the county Judge's
office and other business was practleully
suspended A number of them had the
ceremony performed Immediately by the
judge and the others went away rejoicing
tn the possession of the precious docu
ment. The brides were of all ages and condi
tions and from all parts of the country.
The oldest was Mrs. Louisa Wolf of South
Omaha, who confessed to the age of 47.
Miss Sibyl Baker of Omaha and Miss Ava
Patterson of South Omaha will have to
divide honors as the youngest, each being
18 years old. Among the states, Iowa,
Colorado, South Dakota and Missouri are
represented. It was one of the largest
day's business ever transacted by the
license clerk In Douglas county.
Rod and Gun Club Is Making; Bla
Plan. The Omaha Rod and Gun club Intends to
get an early start on skating this winter,
and to that end has arranged for a skating
carnival at the lake surrounding the club
house for Friday night. The club house
will be heated, the lake Illuminated and
everything put In readiness for tho fun.
Sunday saw thousands out trying their
BkatL for the first time this year. Skating
fiarUes are being lormcd and ll begins to
ook as though the ice skaters would vie
with the rollerlsts In turning out In the
largest numbers.
Charles Comiskey, Herman Schaefer of
the Detroit Tigers and Joe Cantlllon, man
ager of the Washington Americans, who
recently returned from a trip down the
Mississippi on the good ship White Sox,
are entertaining their Chicago friends with
stories of some pf their experiences while
on the trip. It "seems that Joe is an ex
cellent cook. His friends say, none better.
One day, while watching "Doug," the
colored cook of the houseboat, preparing
dinner Joe suddenly said: "Guess I'll
nviko a couple of pies."
This was meat and drink for "Doug,"
who laughed in a happy way and said:
"Go light ahead. Here are plenty of ap
ples, and there's the rest of the stuff,"
pointing at the place where the Hour, etc..
was kept. So Joe, rolling up his sleeves,
sailed in. His preliminary work was so
good that "Doug" opened his eyes and
started to get Jealous. This Increased, and
so did his wrath when the pies were placed
upon the stove and came along nicely.
Ills eyes blazed, but be said nothing.
The worst was yet to come, it was
enough for "Doug" to find that there was
another cook on me xoat wno Knew the
ropes, but when Comiskey said, "Hurry
up, Joe, I want to make a sponge cake,
the real cook's dander rose sky-high. He
began to, fear for hls joh. To think that
"Csminy" was also a cook In disguise was
too much for him. The climax came,
however, when Comiskey ordered "Doug"
to put on his coat and go up to the
grocery store for some goods. The boat at
that time was lied at the wharf at Helena,
Ark. "What do you want me to get. Mr.
Comiskey?" said the dlegusted cook.
"t ommy ' laughed as no wtnKea at Joe.
and then remarked in a careless way: "A
couple ot sponges tor the i-ake. This set
tled "Doug," but he secured ample re
venge by serving supper an hour late.
It developed during the conversation that
Comltkey had a knack of seamanship that
has not heretofore been divulged, lie has
solved the method of doing away with
untying hard knots by the simple process
Dr. Archer Bay Gey 81111k of
Detention Hone DntsU ot
Burgeon Archer of the government vet
erinary service was an Omaha visitor Mon
day from Salt "Lake City. The Idea oc
curred to him to make some boy happy,
so he made an Inquiry at the Child Saving
institute for a boy, the most forlorn In the
school. Mr. Archer wa referred to the
Detention home a possibly the place for
finding the boy he desired. He went there
and 8-year-old Ouy 81111k was pointed out
to him as a good subject. Dr. Archer took
the boy up town and dressed him com
pletely with new togs, down to under
clothes, hat and shoes, and brought the re
habilitated youngster back to the home In
hi new finery. Both were happy over the
result. Dr. Archer In explaining hi motive
"Oh, I was alone in the city and did not
know of any better way of making a good
Christmas of It than by helping some un
fortunate child. It didn't cost much, but
there 1 lota of pleasure In It,"
A. I. Root. Inc. Announcements, wedding
stationery and calling cards,' blank book
and magasln binding. Howard
jtrecU '1'buM Doug. 14
I ... i .
e )
P00T SCttUUe "MAlOVrTU."
AU Dealers
of cutting the rope with a knife. "But it
is tough on the rope," say Cantlllon. " v e
had to lay In a fresh, supply at every town
we struck." , ,
"ConiiBkey has a peculiar way of making
the boat fast for the night, too, con
tinued Joe. "At that time the river was
high and much of the land was flooded.
When It was time to tie the craft up for
the night "Commy" would get hold of a
small willow and tie the cord around It.
Then he would sing out: 'All set, boys!
and Schaefer would echo him with the ex
clamation, 'Aye. aye. sir.' Then they wou d
dive into the cabin. The least Jerk would
pull the tree up, yet they thought every
thing was, sound. What do you think of
that?" Globe-Democrat.
At the annual meeting of the directors
of the Omaha Country club for the election
of officers, held Saturday noon, J. C. Brady
was re-elected president, Z. T. Lindsay
was elected vice president, E. M. Faliiield
treasurer and Sam Burns secretary. Z. T.
Lindsay wa elected chairman of the golf
greens committee. The positions' of chair
man of the house committee and of the
golf tcurnament committee were not filled,
action being postponed until the next meet
ing. Riders who have been faithful to the
wheel for the last ten years or so are
having much amusement as well as satis
faction In welcoming back their former
comrades who are taking up the sport
again. Thai the ranks are filling up rap
lily and the coming season will see more
riders than have been witnessed in any
year since 1897 cannot be doubted. One Indi
cation of the renewed Interest in the wheel
Is to be found In the large number of bicy
cling clubs that have taken on new leases
of life and the formation of new clubs In
every part of the country- The club or
ganisations, in many cases, have been
continued, because the organizations were
easily adapted to winter treasures, es
pecially where club houses and room were
retained that possessed dancing floors. Hut
careful readers of ihe dally press must be
struck with the number of new clubs that
are being organises in inum ui
cities, according to the notices which are ,
appearing on the various sporting pages.
Jockey Uwli Killed by Fall During
Steeplechase at Ascot Park.
LOS ANGELK8. Dec 24.-Today' racing
at Ascol was marred by a fatal accident in
the Arm race, a sieeplechaae. Jockey K.
Lewis, riding E J. Baldwin s Potrero Chlco,
was thrown at the first Jump and died an
hour later from a fracture of the skull.
Casador was the good thing In the first face
and he won easily. Weather clear, track
fast. Results:
First, race, steeplechase, short course.
Cazador won. Dr. Logan second, lldmn 11.
third. Time: S:(2. .
Second race, 5 furlongs: Flancera won,
Phil lgo second. Ijppa third. Time: 1W
Third race, mile and one-eighth: Baron
Either won. Comlllon second. Preservation
third. Time: l:KAi.
Fourth race, mile: J. F. Donohue won.
Niblick second. Colonel Bronaon third.
Time: 1:42. , , .
Fifth race, futurity course: J. R. Laugh
rey won, iJidy Kitty second, St. Edgar
third. Time: 1:10.
Sixth race, mile: Line of Ufe won. Mar
lingo second, George B. MUner third. Time:
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. U. Results:
First race, 4Va furlongs: Toy Boy won,
Bolder Web second, Gargantua third.
Time: :E6. .. M
' Second race, t furlongs: Pallxlay won,
Frontenac second, Tyrollan third. Time:
Third race, mile and seventy yards: Mis
souri Id won. Jaconio second, Debar
third. Time: 1:44 S-S.
Fourth race, furlongs: Columbia t.lrl
won. Belle Stroma second, Hannibal Bey
third. Time: 1:20 1-5.
Fifth race, 6 furlongs: Splon won, Anna
Rukkln . second, Lucy Marie third. Tune:
1 Sixh race. 6V, furlongs: Florlsel won,
Bitter Brown second, Lumpadnrtiie third,
thlid. Time: 1:4s 3-5.
species, raised In Kansas, were liberated by
M. D. Baker, game warden of Benton
county, at Prosser, west of Bpokane. yes
terday in the hope they will propagate.
They will be protected until September 15,
1908, the penalty for shooting them before
that date being 130 for each bird.
Carman's Colts won three games from
the Dally News team last night on the
Metropolitan alleys. The Colts bowled
three consistent games, all going over Win.
The old reliable Ben Hull had high single
score with 211, also high three games with
684. Dudley was close behind with 670.
Captain Carman says the Colts are gnlne
to make the Life Malts go some to hold
second place. The score:
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Hull 1X0 211 KM 64
Voss m 1M 187 m
Carman 17 IfiO 171
Dudlev -...1X1 203 191 B7
Drlnkwnter 1W lt 162 62(1
Totals 934 901 914 2,749
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Patterson ISO 156 1t 46
Davis 175 145 157 477
Peterson 178 154 127 46
Polcar HI 170 177 4s
Baker 155 16 161 60S
Totals 799 810 815 2,394
Fine Double the Theft.
Charles E. White, a young "coke fiend,"
who was employed as a messenger boy by
a local company, was fined $14 and coots
In police court Monday morning for steal
ing $7 from the O. M. E. company. White
was charged with larceny as bailee, having
collected the money and then falling to re
turn it to the office. As Is his custom In
many larceny cases Judge Crawford fined
the defendant Just twice the amount that
had been stolen.
Time for Merchants' Gatherlus;i lu
Omaha Will Be Set in
Dates for the spring merchants' meeting
at Omaha will be set soon after the holi
days are over. A meeting of the Job
bers and Manufacturers' association wns
held at the Commercial club rooms Mon
day, but no dates were decided on owing
U tho fact that some of the largest Job
bing houses of the city had no representa
tives at tho meeting Because, there has
been some doubt In the minds of country
merchants as to whether the meetings
could be continued after certain recent rul
ings by tfie Interstate Commerce com
mission the Jobbers wish to send out their
announcements as soon after New Ytars
as possible.
Thirty Thousand Wanted.
Suit for $.'10,000 against the Union Pacific,
and the crew of a switch engine In the
yards was begun In district court Mo'nd.iy
by Charles A. Anderson for Injuries ha re
ceived January 15, when he was run down
during a blinding snowstorm and badly In
jured. He was employed to sweep off w hat
Is known as the "puzzle switch," which con
nects thirty or forty tracks In the South
Omaha vards. He. says the switch eru;ln
crew did not ling the bell or blow the
whistle and as he was busy keeping the
snow off the tracks he did not see ths
engine until It had struck him.
Nebraska Speed Association Mill
Hold Merlins; In January.
Notice has been Issued of the annual
meeting of the Nrbraka Speed assixla
tlon. to be held In Lincoln on the evening
of January 10. The meeting will tie for
ths purpose of electing otttrers and ar
ranging a circuit for lo7. The towns of
the circuit are: Auburn, Wymore, Heat
rice, Fremont. Tekainah. Wayne, Kan.
dolph. Hasting and Lincoln.
Bob Whit Goes to Washlnarton.
SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 14. (Special'
Twelve duseu -quail of Ui Vut .VVUl
Oood Bser is s Predigssted Food
a Liquid Bread.
There's a World of Good
to be derived from the judicious daily use
of a beverage possessed of the nourishing
and tonic properties of
1 ."3 J
3ii h
Try any of these brands -r- whether on
draught or in bottles wherever you cao-
BfttMisa co
Omaha Dranrh 802-10 Douglas St., Cor. 8th Mil WIHf FT.
UK.... T 1 inol m '
a uuiw iAiutiSf lint, w. Wit
FOR $7.50
By the Old Reliable Dr. Searles & Searles
established in Omaha for 25 year. The many thou
sand of cases cured by ui make us ths most experi
enced Specialists In the West, In all diseases and dis
order of men. W know Just what will cure you
and eure quickly.
Pfsiak examination end consultation. Writ tor
S 8 W J faymutoiu Hlank fnr t. n . i - lrj-il ni.nL
1 119 J.Ull, Cor. Utb & Douglas Str, OnSl, el