Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Mrs. Tbomas B. Gamine Becalli Her Tint
CkrUtmu in Omaha.
Utile Village Cootalaed bat Few
People aad Tkey Speot Time
Visiting Back am
Margaret Cuming, widow of Thomas B.
Cumins, who was noting governor of the
territory of Nebraska, Monday morning
glanced back over the last fifty year to
Christina day of IK in the little Tillage of
Omaha. Though the flight of years haa
dimmed the recollection of that Yuletlde
season. Mrs. Cuming had some remem
brance of that particular date, which wai
her first Christmas In Omaha.
"There was nothing particularly note
worthy about our observance of .Christmas
day In Omaha In ISM," Mrs. Cuming said.
"As I now recall It. we bad no place of
, publlo worship here then. W were Just a
Your Tongue is Coatedl
Watch for Symptoms!
LOOK In your pocket-mlrrorl
Or inside the ltd of your watch
casel Fur co it on your tongue? Bad
What you been Estlnr?
What were you drinking?
' What kind of Lazy Chair did you take
exercise in?
Now don't think it doesn't matter!
Because, it's your Bowels that talk now,
every tlmt you open your Mouth.
That doesn't help your Popularity, nor
your Earning capacity.
Besides, a person with bad Bowels is la
' bad way.
Co and tako a Tea Mile Walk. lor
Haven't time? Too Lazy?
Well, there Is another Way.
Take Artificial Exercise for your Bowels,
They rouse the Bowel Muscles, Just as
a Cold Bath freshen Athletio Muscles,
Waken them up. Strengthen them so they
Contract and Expand the Bowels and In
testines In healthy, active manner.
That's how these muscles work the
Food along, through your thirty feet of In
testines, to its Finish.
That's how they squeeze Gestrio Juice
Into the food, to Digest It.
That's how they make the millions of
little Suckers 14 the intestines draw the
Nutrition out of Food, and transferal It
Into Blood, Brawn, Brain and Bone.
One tablet taken whenever you euspee
you need It will insure yoa against W per
cent of all other ills likely to attack you.
Cascarets don't purge, don't weaken,
don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach, m
Tsn Cents, at all DruggUta. Be very,
careful to get the fenvilne, made only by
the Sterling Remedy Company, and never
sold In fc-'k. Every tablet ttariped "CCC .
mall settlement and visited back and forth
during the day. In the evening there was
a dance at the Douglas house aad I at
tended it."
Of the namee of some of thoe she re
membered seeing or calling on that day
she mentioned those of Hamilton, Popple
ton, Hanacom. Miller, Goodwills, Kellom,
Kountse, . Woolworth, Monell, Lehmer,
Richardson. Horbach, Meredith, Eetabrook',
Davis, Paddock, Armstrong, Thrall,
Patrick, Rogers, Salisbury, Clay, Morton,
Lacey, Crelghton. Doane, Wakeley, Ttedlck
and Bells. Many of these pioneers are In
Omaha today and on Tuesday their hearts
will go out to each other In silent expres
sions of good will. Others are In that land
where time la naught.
On Christmas day of lifts Mrs. Cuming
lived In a cottage then at the southwest
corner of Eighteenth and Dodge street a
Bhe said the family enjoyed a feast of tur
key and partridges. ,
Memorable New Tear.
Mrs. Cuming has a better recollection of
New Tear's day following that Christmas
day. TmVt New Tear's day was firmly fixed
lu her mind through the association of
three dosen eggs for which Governor Cum
ing paid $1 each, and with which
She made Virginia egg nog, Mrs. Cum
Ing being a Virginian. On New Tear's
morning 1857 Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Cuming's
mother, called and suggested the egg nogg
Mr. Cuming took a walk down the village
road and met a man from Council Bluffs
with a basket of eggs. , The beat dicker
Governor Cuming could make was t3t for
three doaen. Later In commenting on the
quality of the egg nog to Mrs. Murphy
the acting governor said the eggs were
extra fine. Mrs. Murphy said she thought
they seemed to be Just every-day eggs.
Then the governor quoted the price.
Mas with Masastt'i Haas Relieved
f Mosey by Colored
Da Basel.
For a long time Omaha haa been endeav
oring to get the ear and reach the heart
string of James J. Hill.
Saturday night Mr. Hill came to Omaha.
His arrival was not heralded by pomp or
power, bat he slipped so quietly Into town
that his presence did not become known, to
sny considerable number of eltlsens until
Judgs Crawford rapped for order In police
court Monday morning.
Mr. Hill had been robbed, niched of his
good purse which contained $30. And It
was neither In stocks nor bonds, but hard,
cold cash. Pearl Gray, a youthful descend
ant of Ham. had the coin and she was
neither a stock broker nor a manipulator
of tape, but she had the coin. Just the same.
"Five dollars and costs for . vagrancy,"
was the sentence of the court upon the
But Omaha haa another chance, for the
victim wee Mr. Hill of Gretna and not of
BL Paul and Wall street.
The deputy county attorney would not
file a complaint against the woman charg
ing her with larceny from the person on
the evidence submitted to him by Mr. HllL
Robert W 11 llama colored, who was ar
rested on suspicion of being Implicated In
the robbery of Hill, was discharged.
la Llae with the rare road Law.
The National Food and Drug act which
takes effect January 1. Iter, does not af
fect Chamberlaln'e Cough Remedy In any
manner. No special labels are required ea
this remedy under that Act. aa It la free
from opiates and narcotics of every char
acter, making tt a safe remedy for mothers
tp use with their children. This remedy
baa been tn -use for so many years, and
tts good qualities ere so well knowa. that
no one nsed hesitate to use sj kea
rutied wifc. a cough r sold,
I ,.,.... J
1 7 Five fast through daily trains to Chicago via the
Chicago G North -Western By.
the only double track railway between the Missouri river
and Chicago, the route of the Overland Limited, the Colo
rado Special and the Los Angeles Limited.
Two fast trains daily via The North-Western Line to
St. Paul-Minneapolis -Duluth
Four trains a day to Sioux City.
Daily service to northern Nebraska, Wyoming and the
Black Hills. Through sleeping cars daily to Deadwood
and Lead without ohange.
The Best of Everything
"tpsratiois Number One to Every Three
and a Half Ifarriacea.
Over Fifteen Hoadred Marriages aad
Over Four Handred Divorces
t'p to First of
One divorce suit tor every three and a
half marriages Is the startling record dis
closed by a compilation of statistics at the
court house for the first eleven months of
1606. Up to December 1, 1.548 marriage li
censes had been issued in 19C6, and In the
same period 434 divorce suits had been filed
In the district court.
The figures Indicate the growing Impor
tance of Omaha, with several other west
ern cities, as a divorce center. Startling as
they are, however, the statistics do not
Indicate that of the marriages performed
In Douglas county one out of every three
or four Is a failure. A closer examination
of the divorce records will show that a
very large percentage of the applicants
for legal separation are in reality residents
of other states, though for the purpose of
securing the divorce they have temporarily
established a residence In Omaha. The lax
ity of the law which permits a legal resi
dence to be established In six months Is in
a great measure responslblble for this. An
other reason why Omaha attracts persons
seeking divorce Is that It Is large enough
to furnish employment for wives whose
husbands have deserted them and whohave
to rely on their own resources. In numer
ous cases women who are required by
profligate husbands to earn their own liv
ing come to Omaha because it Is easy to
get work. After they have been here the
required six months they start suit for
divorce. Partly to offset this factor In the
comparison Is the fact that Omaha la also
to a certain extent a marriage center. A
considerable percentage of the marriage
licenses are issued to couples both of whom
live outside the county. They come to
Omaha as a substitute for the wedding trip.
Moro Rigid Law Comlag.
The increase of divorce suits In the last
few years has attracted the attention of
persons who are Interested in a more rigid
law on the subject and It la raid an effort
will be made before the legislature at the
coming session to secure a revision of the
law on the basis of the model law recom
mended by the divorce congress which
met In Philadelphia last fall.
An evil very prevalent In Omaha which
Is condemned by the divorce experts is
the custom of withdrawing from the pub
llo (Ilea the records in divorce cases. Many
courts fotbld this practice, but In Omaha It
is very common. The model law recom
mended by the divorce congress contains
a clause forbidding It and requiring all
S have rem sates that enable xae
to ftll aad erewa teeth without
pela. Of osarse IS year teetk are
aet sensitive yoa doat feel the
aaed of palaleasaess Ja year aeatal
work. Bat tt they are aeanUve
yoall appreciate it, ae doabt.
My ekargea are very teseoaable.
DR. FICKEO, Dentist.
Fa. Bong. 837.
3I Bee Bid.
For tickets and full information apply at
14311403 Fanum Stmt, Omaha, ana"
622 Broadpray, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
files aa well aa
at all times.
hearings shall , be publlo
It Is said a number of lawyers' In Omaha
who make a practice of divorce cases hold
out aa an Inducement to prospective clients
that they can secure j the decree without
publicity. In order to accomplish this as
soon as the petition is filed it is withdrawn
and taken to the office of the lawyer where
It reposes In a pigeon hole until it is time
for the case to be heard.
Shippers Brine: Artlon to Compel
Facilities from the Darllas;
ton Railroad.
James E. Woodard and Forest Richard
son, doing business as partners under the
Arm name of J. E. Woodard & Co., dealers
in coal,' have brought suit In the United
States circuit court against the Burlington
railroad to compel the latter company to
furnish the plaintiffs with cars to haul Ha
coal and to desist from the further appro
priation of the coal of the plaintiffs for the
defendants' use.' A temporary Injunction
has been granted against the defendants
and the hearing has been set for January
2, 1907, before Judge Munger.
The plaintiffs enttrel Into a contract with
the Burlington to haul Its-coal from Diets,
Wyoming, to Billings, Montana, but none
of this coal was to be company coal of the
Burlington, the cml being the product of
the Sheridan mines. The petition asks
that the Burlington company be enjoined
from further Interference with the plain
tiff's business and that it be required to
pay for the coal thus far appropriated.
A. B. Hubermann. only western direct
diamond Importer, corner 13th and Douglas,
which are retailed at wholesale prices.
Nearly Oae Handred and Thirty-Five
Thoasaad Dollars of Per
wilts Issaed.
Building Inspector Wlthnell's office Issued
nearly 1135,000 In permits Monday morning.
The largest permit Issued was for the con
struction of brick and steel paint and wheel
shops by the Union Pacific Railroad com
pany, the cost being placed at tsS.OOO. The
other permits Issued were: Charles Foster,
Fortieth and Harney streets, $.3,000 brick
sextette flats; Mueller & Johnson, 1514 Cass,
t'i.O&O brick shop; Anna H. Partridge. Twenty-sixth
and Dewey avenue, f9.0n0 brick
triple dwelling; O. R. May, 111 South Thirty-third,
ti.OuO dwelling; Anna June, 1421
South Fifteenth, J1,000. I
ladlctraeat for Stabbing of Al Me
Vlttle Dismissed oa Rela
tives' Request.
The Indictment against Frank Hamilton,
who stabbed Al McVlttle fatally in the
Merchants hotel bar on the evening of the
city election last spring, was dismissed
Monday afternoon at the request of Deputy
County Attorney Fitch. Fitch said the
sister and other relatives of McVlttle had
requested that this be done. His own in
vestigation, he said, convinced him it was a
case of self-defense.
McVlttle did not die for a month after
the trouble with Hamilton.
Personally roadacted Toar of
Old Mealeo.
A special party for a thirty-day tour of
Old Mexico, embracing prarl?e!ly all the
Important cities snd principal points of In
tereet, will leave Omaha January. Ik
Rate covering transportation, berth and
meals only taw 00.
For further Information call or address
Rock Island City Ticket Office. Ill
Volome of Business at Postefflee
Fifteen Per Ceat Heavlor
Than Last Tear.
The Christmas rush at the Omaha post
office has been about 15 per cent heavier
than during the Christmas season of 1905.
The clerks have successfully handled the
big rush of mail, though working on the
average of fourteen hours per day. Dur
ing the last four days over 7,000 pieces of
mall have been handled In the registry de
partment by the twenty-two men em
ployed In that room. In addition to the
handling of the regular mall coming to the
Omaha office, the Omaha clerks have
handled three cars of mall that should
have been handled at Council Bluffs. The
delivery of the mall haa continued without
Interruption by the Omaha carrier force
and substitutes.
The transactions of the poetofflce during
the year 1906 to date have been I8.216.346.4S,
as against t7,376.183.g4 for the corresponding
period in 1906, showing an excess of S831,
162.84 for the current year.
.In the railway mall service the work
has been heavier than ever before. A car
of registered mall has been handled every
I If- f tr
l i
; i
t !
day. Eight extra men are employed on the
Work, with two extra men at the depots
There has been some delay In the malls
from the west, but the emergency of de
layed mails baa been promptly met at
Omaha with the additional force.
City Mast Oatllae What Improve
ments tt Expects fresa Cos
Cross for Kennedy.
Congressman John L. Kennedy's sugges
tion) that the commercial interests of
Omaha furnish him with a definite outline
of what they would like from congress In
the way of Missouri river Improvement,
Will, In all probability, be acted on this
Though on account of Christmas the ex
ecutive committee of the Commercial club
will not hold Its regular meeting Tuesday,
It plans to hold a special meeting later
In the week, perhaps Wednesday. Mr.
Kennedy will be invited to meet with the
A publlo meeting at the Commercisl club
some evening before Mr. Kennedy returns
to Washington is proposed, and If decided
on the Grain exchange will be invited to
After a public discussion of the river
U i ii
Made in the
Golden Sunlight
It it conceded by the highest authorities that the
toda cracker contain the life-jxivin; elements of wheat
in the best proportions.
This being so, then UnCCdfl DlsCUft must tt
once take first place as the food of the world soda
cracker, but such a soda cracker I Made by exact
science in sunny bakeries so light, bright and clean,
thai they are a revelation. The flour is tested; the
purity of the water is absolutely assured ; the very air
is filtered why even the temperature and moisture of
the atmosphere is accurately regulated. The sponge is
kneaded by polished paddles, not by hand. Indeed,
Unccda QfSCUit arc only touched once, and then
by a pretty girl, from the time the flour leaves the bag
until the beautiful package is placed on your table.
Improvement matter, the Commercial clut
and Grain exchange will be better pre
pared to frame formal demands on con
Writes f rosa Virginia, Homo to Let
Friends Know He ts
Still Alive.
Spud Farrlsh writes from his home In
Grlfflnsburg, Va., near the old Culpepper
court house, that he Is still In the land of
the living and happy. He sends Christmas
greetings to all his old Omaha friends on a
postal card, with a huge potato in one cor
ner. Few people know where Spud derived
his name. When he first struck Omaha he
worked for a commission house snd had
special charge of the potato department
and from that derived his name of Spud.
Hot Springe, Arkansas.
Owned and controlled by United States
government. Leads all cures and pleasure
resorts. Fins winter climate; too hotels
et all prices. Write Bureau of Information
for book.
Ruy your liquors of J. Klein end get a
forty-two-piece dinner set free.
1 5
1 1