Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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DECEMDEU 2.", 100(1.
Douglas CIS.
Bee, December 55. 1908.
''Redf ern Corsets
Fitted With Genuine Arctic VVhalebone
W arc conveniently equipped for fitting corsets and consider
it the proper course. Let us familiarize you with these -sterling
models," most fashionable shapes of the Reason.
Redfern models are the original hose supporter corsets. We
call your attention" to this particular corset feature for the reason
that on,e is not quite sure to' secure the perfect figure result with
out the hose 'supporters attached to the corset, as the designer in
tended they should be. Kedfern models are designed with the ex
act hose supporter in mind, resulting in perfect fitting and com
fort. "We have a large assortment offtyles and are, therefore, quali
fied to fit any figure.
$3.50 to $8.00 each. . ...
Second Floor.
work In on day as they used to do In
tnree. '. 1
One of th problem which the merchants
had to face waa the satisfactory d-llvery
of the foode ordered Monday. Their reg
ular deilverymen, doaens of extra dellvery
mn and hordea of messenger boya worked
up to 41 o'clock last night an w:;l be
at It again bright and early thla morning.
It will be noon before the laat loads are
delivered. Yesterday the ahop people were
very careful t6 aik customers when they
wlahed their purchases, and If they did not
wlah them at once, were very careful to
mark tii gooda for delivery Chrlatmaa
rooming Instead of Chrlatmaa eve. If
everyone who bought and Insisted on hav
ing hla thlnga by daybreak of Chrlatmaa,
the meaaengera and expressmen would,
without doubt, have been' compelled to
work all night.
Christmas trees were at a premium. The
usual atock waa bought early In the see
son, but. it waa exhausted, and many fam
lllea hava had to do without a Chrlat
maa tree. One dealer said he could have
disponed of 100 more than lie had.
The crowd Monday aeemed to ba almost
a large aa those which awarm the atreeta
of the city on the Qcoa.ilon f th9 annual
Ak-Sar-Ben festivities.' Kxtra street car
were put on and even then it was Impos
sible to run according to schedule, auoh
was the number o'f passengers to be car
ried. Sixteenth street looked like a street
of Mecca at the time of the holy pilgrim
age. At the depots the platforms were
crowded with people going and coming
and others who cams to say hello and bid
It was truly a remarkable s'ason.
preparing the baskets to be sent out to
Kindles Genial Flam f Charity In
- Hearts of People.
"Chrlatmaa Is Indeed the season of re
generated feeling the season for kindling
not merely the fire of hospitality In the
hall, but the genial flam of charity In the
These words of Washington Irving apply
a much to the present age a to the "good
old days" when Irving , lived. - The hospi
tality of the olden days, with all its ac
companiment of yula logs, big chimneys,
deep snow and the rest? was undoubtedly
very good, but the . modern Christma.
though of necessity celebrated In a differ,
ent day, has Just as much of the true
Christmas spirit. '
Reports from all over Omaha Indicate
that Christmas will be a glorious festival
and that fewer people will be without the
food cheer that belonga to the season than
ever before. Secretary Morris of the Asso
rlated Charities flnrta only three families
which will need help outside of those cared
for byv private charities. The Salvation
Army has been successful In Its solicitation
of funds from the people n the street cor
ners. Cttlsen have "kept the pot boiling"
In very earnest manner and all of the
pots on the , street corner have garnered
a goodly harvest, the fruits of which will
be realised In many homes at the time of
the Chrlstma dinner. Captain Storer,
with a large corps of assistants, waa busy
Monday at the hall on Davenport street
the needy families and between 1 and t
o'clock these well laden hampers were
carried away by thankful people, with
Whom fortune has not dealt a kindly as
with most people during the year.
Toys for Five llnndred.
The Chrlstmna tree celebration for poor
children will take place Thursday evening
In the hall at Seventeenth and Davenport
streets. Five hundred children are ex
pee'ed and each will reeelve a toy, an
orange, nuts and candy. Those who are
In need of clothing will also be provided
with what they require. The Volunteers
are doing a similar work, though on a
smaller scale, with funda collected on the
Down at the City mission, conducted by
Ml Magee, there will be a great time on
Thtiraday. Santa Claua finds himself so
rushed this year that he will not ba able
to arrive there until that time, but he will
find a rouslns welcome, for some of his
staunrheet friends live In the district sur
rounding the mission. Those persons let
the word be pronounced with hauteur and
contempt who would have you believe that
there I no Santa Claus would be In danger
of harm were they to enunciate their
dogma at the City mission. The children
at the mission will welcome the belated
but Jolly old saint on Thursday, the boys
In the morning at 10 and the girls In the
afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Seven strapping turkeys arrived at the
Rescue Home Monday and announced that
the Elks lodge had sent them to be present j
kit tho Christmas dinner.
The Chrlstmaa tree at the Creche waa
lighted up Monday evening and the chil
dren sang songs and spoke ' pieces.
Then, at the very lata hour of o'clock,
each little one hung hia stocking up
and retired to Dreamland, while old Santa
stealthily made his round. The Chrtetmos
dinner will be a big affair. Churches,
children and lodges have asslued In pro
viding the good things to eat at the Child
Saving Institute and the dinner there will
be given Christmas day.
Men si at the Jails.
The Chrlstmaa menu at the county and
city Jalla Includes turkey, cranberry sauce,
eecallnped oyttera and the accompanying
trimmings. The Women's Christian Tem
perance Union will present each prisoner
with a handkarohlef and a piece of holly
tied with a white ribbon and attached to
which will be a card with a Bible verae.
Chrlstmaa morning will be ushered in at
4 o'clock In the morning at the Omaha Gen
eral hospital by the singing of a Christ
mas carol by the nurses. This la an an
cient but beautiful custom. Th nurses
will proceed slowly through the corridors
singing the carols so that the patients may
hear them.
Midnight mass will be celebrated at St.
Joseph' hospital, aa at other Catholic in
stitutions. Several other masses will be
said on Chrlstmaa day and In the evening
all the patients who are able to move or
be moved will attond the big Christmas
entertainment to be given in the hall of
the hospital. v
All the churches of the city have special
arrangemenla for Chrlstmaa services. Some
will be held Tusaday, some Wednesday and
others later. At St. Harnsbss' church the
Chrlatmaa services will be st 1:30 and 10.30
In the morning, fit. Paul Eplsoopal
church, Thirty-second and California
treats, will have the holy eucharlst at ?
and the holy eucharlst with address at 10:10
Chrlstma morning.
Feast ! Lord's nativity
The beautiful fe'set of th Lord s Nativity
will be celebrated with fitting solemnity at
St. Phllomenes cathedral Christmas day.
At o'clock solemn pontlflclal mass will be
celebrated by the Right Rev. Bishop Scan-
nail, who will be attended by the cathedral
clergy and some fathers from Crtighton
university. The bishop will preach a hort
sermon at this celebration, and at Ita con
clusion will Impart the papal blessing. Low
masses will be celebrated at 7, 7:30, t,
1:30 and o'clock. At 10:30 o'clock a
solemn high mass will be sung by Rev.
James Stenson, who will be attended by
Monslgnor Colaneii, V. O., as daaon, and
by Rev. Patrick A. McOwsrn as sub-
deacon. Father McUovern mill deliver the
sermon at this mass. The music at the S
o'clock mass will be rendered by th -members
of the Junior choir, and at the laat
solemn function of the dsy the full senior
choir will render a beautiful mass.
Service at St. Patrick's chu,reh on Christ
mas day will be at 6. 7, and 10:30 a. m.
The 7 o'clock mass will be a solemn high
maaa. Rev. J. Smith, pastor, celebrant. A
choir of twenty voices, under the direction
of Rev. E. Oleason, will render Morits
Broslg'a mass for four voices (Gregorian).
The "Adeate Fldeles, Vlncenf . Novello's
arrangement, will be sung at the. "offer
tory." The soloists will be: Sopranos,
Mrs. F. Bongardt, Mrs. P, Haegen, Misses
Rush and Oene McCormlck? altos. Miss
Prennan and Miss Banker; tenors; Messrs.
P. McMillan and 3. V. Brennnh; bassos,
Rev. E. Oleason and J. P. Rush. Organist,
Mrs. R. E. Tocum. ' :' 1
Services at the o'clock mass will be
for the children. A boys1 choir of fifteen
voices will sing Christmas hymns during
the service. Rev. E. Oleason directing.
Vesper services it I p. hi.
Htw Ambassador from Grt Britain Prt
. pirioite t to ;WiMuiUo. .. .'
Eauvetatloa that He anal President
Will Agrree I pen Common Pro
' graaa toe Tk tisane '
Convention- -
LONDON, Dee. 24. James Bryce, chief
secretary for Ireland,- who la to saceeed
Sir Mortimer Dttrand .s Brrllsh --ambaa-
rertalnlng a design of automatic pistol or
revolver best adapted to fulfill the require
ments of the military service.
Ftamar of Attempts to' tnelte Antl-Kea-ra
Riots Caaae Mayor
to Art. '
. ATLANTA, i Oa., Dec. X4.-To avoid a
porerbllltjr of any Repetition t recent race
rioting la this city, Mayor Woodward to
day issued a pre-emptory order closing all
salotins In the city at- 4 o'clock this after
noon to remain Closed until Wednesiay
morning. For several weeks indefinite ru
mors have been heard that Christmas waa
to be made the orraaUwi of aa attack upon
fhe negroes In Atlanta. No such rumors
sadnr at Washington, is'arraritflng to leave ,'eould be traced to an authoritative source,
for the United State In about three or
four weeks. lr the ; meantime he has
started on a tcuc for the purpose of clos
ing UD his business affairs, first arolna to
Dublin, where h Is nowionferrlng with the "'deration has been given
Pletore of the BenchyEn Bene.
The bailiffs and court reporters' at the
court house played Santa Claus Monday
and presented to each of the district Judges
a beautiful framed picture of the seven
Judges on the bench In court room No. 1.
The picture was taken about two weeks
ago and give a good likeness of each of
the Judge. ,
The Knights of Columbus are the good
patrons who will Impersonate Santa Claus
at St. James Orphanage. Chrlstmaa day
they will see that all the fatherless and
motherless young folks at this institution
do not pine or ponder for the goodies and
pleasures of the Yuletlde.
Inelo Sam Will Observe Rlabts of
Saatn Clans.
Christmas will be observed aa a holiday
at the federal building In all the depart
ments except the nostofflce.
The postolflce general delivery will be
open until 10 a. m. and will close after
that hour for the day. Two carrier de
liveries will be made in the business dis
trict during the forenoon and one in the
residence district only.
All of the publlo offices will be closed
for the dsy. ' '
The same rule will apply at. army -head
quarters and at all the naval, army and
marine recruiting stations.
To Core a Colt! u One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money u It falls to cure.
B, W. Grove's signature Is on each box. liSo.
Month Dakota TravellnsT Men Reject
Offer Made by Railroad Aarents.
MITCHELL. S. D.. ec M.(SDectal Tele
gram.) A meeting of the executive 'com
mittee of the South Dakota Traveling
Men's association was held here last night
and received the report of the Western
Passenger Agents' association in response
to the request made of the railroads of
this state for a S-cent flat rate at a con
ference held a month ago with the repre
sentatives of the railroads.
The association agreed to make a flat
rate of 330 for a 1,000-mile book and a refund
of 39.50. The executive committee declined
to accept the offer and arrangementa were
niado at the meeting to go before the state
legislature requesting the passage of a law
requiring tho t-cent flat rate.
The New Year's
Is approaching with its many oppotunities and
matter how small, which may be withdrawn at
; . : "savings" account, which you have long been
: putting off. Our facilities just meet your re
quirements We accept deposits of any size, no
. mater how small, which may be withdrawn at
any time. Deposits draw 4fo interest.
We respectfully urge our advantages to
you. Oldest, largest and strongest Savaings
bank in Nebraska.
City avli laifc,
Three Drown In River.'
LAKE ANDES, 8. D., Dec. 24. Last
night H. Csshman, Charles flalght and
Dan Slalght drove Into an air hole In the
Missouri river opposite Fort Randall and
were drowned. Nothing was left on the
Ice but a quilt, which was found by a
searching party today.
lord lieutenant, 'the earl of Aberdeen, con
cernlrig the transfer of Irish affairs. Then
Mr. Bryce will visit his constituents at
Aberdeen, returning later' to London In
order to close up hla residence and hold a
final conference with ' Foreign Becretary
Orey .concerning Anglo-American questions
beforo sailing for New York.
' It Is hardly probable that Mr. Bryce will
again enter the Irish office, aa hi desk Is
Cleared and papers are being adjusted for
his successor. These preparation for Mr.
Bryee's departure for Washington are pro
ceeding, although hla appointment a am.
bassador has not yet been officially announced.
Bryce Popular In t'nlted States,
The early departure of Sir Mortimer Du
rand's succrssor Is designed to give the
latter several weeks in Washington prior
to the adjournment of congress, thus per
mitting a renewnl of the. . acquaintance
made on the occasion of his last vlclt, when
he was given the privilege of the floor,
of. the house of representatives and was
Invited to occupy a seat at the speaker'
desk, ' .
.The personal appearance of Mr. Bryce
has considerably changed since then, his
Iron gray hair and close-cropped beard
having turned white. However, this has
not aged him perceptibly, as he continue
to display those striking characteristics of
Intellectual vigor and engaging personality
which have given him the reputation of
being one of the most agreeable conversa
tionalists in Crgland. -' '
The closing of Mr., Bryce' London, homo
points to the probability that Mr. Bryce
will accompany her husband to Washing.
ton. Mrs. .Bryce' grandmother waa- an
American and she preserves many Ameri
can characteristics. Up to the present time
tho Bryces havg moved 'rather more among
Intellectual than fashionable society. They
have not entertained extensively, although
since Mr. Bryce has been a member of
the cabinet Mrs. Bryce' cabinet recep
tions have been notable for their gen
iality. . :
Brree Will Go to The Haaroe.
The opinion Is growing stronger In of
ficial and diplomatic circles here that Mr.
Bryce will be named head of the British
delegation to the next llaguo peace con
ference, and It Is pointed out that thla
will be another evidence 'of Great Britain's
desire to co-ojjeran-lth tne.-VrllUil States,
as Mr. -Brjrce's 'pnt'ne'e 'In aschlngton
prior to going to ?the' Hague, will per
mit of an- arrangement for the pursuance
of a Joint policy there. It is expected
that-Frarjf e wUl Jpin In the same move),
mont as a result of the Anglo-American
Intent permitting the United States. Orett
Britain and . France,,. together to exercise
an Important. Influence oa the final, results
to be achieved by The Hague.
Reports, reeently;"ria've .been In circula
tion In. certnln capatals of fcttrdpe to the
effect that fclreat LflUln was opposed to
the American plan of submitting the Drago
j doctrine to Th Hague' tribunal, but the
einoim exonanifes going on nere pave not
disclosed the slightest- opposition on the
part ' of ;Orettt Britain to this step. On
the contrary, the indleatlnns are that Oreat
Britain Is ready to submit 'the question
of the Drago doctrine (which provides
that ho "power can "collect a debt of Its
cttlsens from another power by force of
arms) to the conference, but reserving
final action thereon until It haa been dis
cussed. No dertnjte arrangement, how.
ever, regarding the questions to be sub
mltted at The Hague have yet been made
and Mr. Bryce's presence in Washington
and hla probable appointment to head the
British delegation to The Hague or ex
pected to contribute to an arrangement
whereby Oreat Britain and the United
States may act along parallel lines.
out me errect na been to drive manv
pegroes from the city. Several 'K. K. K."
notices were posted about the streets 8at
urdiy morning, last. While no serious con-
to these, a re-
1 ward f. i30n r,tfrA hv Uai',.r WaaH.
ward, for evidence to convict any perstm
of posting these or In any way Inciting to
rioting. . The law requires that all sa
loon be .closed on Christmas day, bet
never before has the law been put In fores
on Chrlstma eve. The move Is precautionary.
Order Plosion- Producers oa Osare
Nation la Temporarily Sas
nended by Government.
MVSKOGF.E, I. T Dec. M.-Indlan In
spector J. a. Wright yesterday received
notice from the Interior department re
scinding the recrnt order to shut down nil
oil and gas wells In the Osage nation. The
wells, with the exception of three. Were
closed by deputy marshals a few days ago.
The first order followed an Investigation
by the government. It being charged that
over I. IP j acres naa oeen leased to one
company or operator. ,
- WASHINGTON. Dec. 24. It- was stated
at the Interior department today that the
notice sent to the Indian Inspector at
Muskogee rescinding a previous order for
the suiting down of all oil and gas wells
In the Osage nation was of a temporary
character only, and that the department
Is waiting for further Information from
Inspector Wright. The matter haa no con
nectlon whatever. It is stated, with tho
report of Special Commissioner Foulke on
land frauds in the territory.
Exertion of Lighthouse Keeper's Wife
Results In Rescue of Amer
ican Sailors.
May your purse be always heavy,
May your heart be light with cheer,
May you spend a merry Xmas
And a very happy New Year.
a trail and tne neavy weainer mo nmu.
It very wet. A man wno wfni over u a
dsy or two later describes It as little better
than a bog and said he wore out a pair
of shoes in inukmg the trip ana tore ms
c.othes badly.
Fdlter Klopseh Aids Stnrvlnu-.
WASHINGTON, Dc 24.-L. Klopseh. the
editor of the t nristian iieram, was in
first to subscribe funds for the relief ni
starving Chinese, In response to the presi
dent's message. Mr. Bacon, the asslstx-
secretary of state and a member of the
executive council of the American Red
Cross society, received 15,000 today from
Mr. Klopseh, to be expended In China by
the Red Cross.
Spec ialisf g
every branch
business from
-k Wedding Utnga, Hdtiolm. Jeweler.
North Carolina Law I pheld.
WASHINGTON, Dec. !4.-In deciding the
case, of Gatewood against the state of
North Carolina, in which Gatewood waa
prosecuted for keeping a bucket shop In
Durham, the supreme court of the United
States In effect held the state law prohibit
ing the dealing in futures to be not repug
nant to the federal constitution. Justice
White delivered the opinion affirming the
decision of the suprome court of North
Alleared Frond Taken.
NEW YORK. Dec. 24 Anthony Jo! of
Chicago war arrested today on complaint
of Joseph IesscaynMltl, a Chicago drugsNt.
Jols Is charred with the larceny of tl.&(U
snd with passing forged mall orders upon
the druggist. Jols was emehyH In
-Lesicxynaki's drug store and, according to
statemcr'r of the drug-glut, got away with
about TS.bOO.
WASHINGTON, Dec. S4.-The American
consul at Victoria, In reporting to the State
department the loss of the American
barkentlne Coloma of 8an Francisco, which
occurred off Vancouver Island on Decem
ber 7. saysi
rttirr nits view iiau wrn bi rusjFj Sj ' r
the water for twelve houra thir signaiyl
oi aisiress were seen in tne esriy morning
by the lighthouse keeper at Cape Beale,
Vancouver Island, snd the keeper's wife,
Mrs. Minnie Patterson, started for Ram-
field. Ave miles away, where the British
steajne- Qutdra fortunately had Steam up
and put out at once to rescue th men of
the l:oinm.i. Tne sea waa very rougn,
but all tn of the shipwrecked men were
finally rescued by volunteers of the Quadra.
Special praise Is due to Mrs. Patterson,
whose trip to Banineld was one of most
heroic exertion. . Jt took, her four hours
of hard struggle to make the trip, which
completely exhausted her, The path over
which she had to go waa nothing more than
" D Graves
Tooth Powder
and use it twice every day. It
preserves, brightens nd whitens
good teeth, and keeps the bad onet
from getting any worse." That's
what the dentist! say.
la handy metal can or bottle, a So.
H'. Graves' Tool h Powdr Co
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Poutfor
Cleanses and beautifies the
teeth the Dreatn,
TTsed by people of refinement
for over a quarter of a century.
Convenient for tourists.
of the Tailoring
weaver to wearer.
We are Specialists, in thei
Tailor's Craft.
We have Ideas that are helpful to those
who come to us. Wc supply a knowledge
which the public cannot poeses.
Tromn S5 to SI 2, Suits S20 ta $50
200-11 So. 15th HL '
AjrcroTox mm oobxpaitt.'
B07 Horth ma Osaana.
It Break up Colds Quick!yrIt Stopg
Headacheg InstantlyIt leve fia Bad
After-Effecti like Quinine Preparation
In the Orange Colored Box 25 centi
at all Drug Stores, or by Mail.
Mmkma tho Skin SunA mntl
Wind Proof
Price I0e.-At All Dsslsrt. k
Jewel theater, continuous moving pictures
and Illustrated songs. Noon until 11 p. m.
NEW YORK, Dec. 14. The coldest
weathe- of Oils winter came today, when
the thermometer went down to 8 degrees.
A fcren northweu wind, Slewing twenty
miles an hour, added to the discomfort.
A Greeting From the
Daylight Store
Thanking yon for your generous patronage and ivith an
earnest desire jor its continuance, we sincerely wish you
11 A Very Merrv Christmas'
. -
0'Donahoe-Redmoid-Normile Co.
Sixteenth md Howard.
- flobert L. M. Kroat.
TKCUM8EH, Neb.. Dec. M.-(Spe!al Tel
egram.) Robert I. M. Frost, one of the
earliest settler of Tecumseh, died here
this evening after a sickness of but a few
days. His passing was due to disease In
cidental to age. Mr. FYost was aged "Si
years. Bob Frost drove a stage coach be
tween1 Nebraska City -and Tecumseh fifty
years ago, before a railroad had ponetra'ed
thla section of the country. Lter, with
the coming of the railroad,, he located In
Tecumseh and opened the town's first sa
loon. . He had been 1n tho saloon business
hra most of the time since and bad ei
perienced hla. up and downs. .Mr. Frost
had handled thousands of dollars In his
trade during the -many years engaged), and
yet he saved nothing. He was married
twice, his first wife dying here many yeara
ago, and his second wife now living In
Omaha. For the laat few years he had not
been financially able to operate a saloon
himself and had been a bartender.
Commnnder Alfred B. Cnnaarn.
BOSTON, Dec. 14. Commander Alfred B.
Canaga, In charge of steam englne-r ng
department of the Clrarleston Navy yjrd.
died suddenly toilay of apporltxy. Ha en
tered the service In 1872, being appointed
from Ohio, hla native atste. He leaves a
widow and two children. The body will re
lent to Washington fcr Interment In the
National cemetery at Arlington.
Harare It. Moore.
DULUTH. Minn., lec. H-Horace B.
Moore, bT"ri old, secretary and treasurer
of the Duluth Board of Trade, mayor of
Duiuth In 183 and customs officer for Du
luth during Cleveland's first term, dropped
dead at his horro In this city tonight.
Piles trarea In it to 14 Days.
Paao Ointment la guaranteed te cure anv
ease of Itching, Blind, bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles In to 14 days or money refunded,
Henry E. Manley and Mlas Ida M. Bte't
were married at the home of Mrs. C'U'nt
Jcrdon cn Cuming atreet Monday sft'r
noon by Rev. John F. Poucher. Mr. Manley
Is a commercial traveler fcr the Uyrne
Hammer Dry OofKli company.
Dtelter-lrbrse ajer,
Michael Decker and Mies Martha Schraw.
ger were married Monduy afturnuon at the
home of Mrs. Green on North Seventeenth
street In the presence of a few of their
fr1nds. Rev. John T. Poucher performed
the ceremony.
Araar Pistols Mar Be lkss(d.
WASHINGTON. Dec. .-Secretary Taft
haa appointed a board of officers to meet
January It at the Springfield armuiy,
&Viligtnld, Mass., fur the purpose at a.
Christmas Table D'Holc Dinner
50 Cents
Queen Olives
Half Pint Wine Free with Every Dinnei
Cocktail de'Huitrea
Celery in Branch
Canapes, a l'lndienne
Cream of Tomataux Croutons Consomme Royal
Fillets of Flounder a la Hongroise
Pommes de Terre, Juilienne
Young Turkey with Chestnut Dressing, Cranberry Sauce
Mashed or Steamed Potatoes
Southern Succotash
English Plum Pudding, Hard or Brandy Sauce
, Vanilla Ice Cream
Cafe Noir.
The Laughing Xmas Show
The Smart Sot
The . Black Politician
S. D. DUDLEY and 40 Others
Just the Place to Enjoy a Good Meal
Finest Culaine
-T Courteous Berrlce
I 11(80 a. m. to 8:00 p. in.
or Family Group
. . . .Private Dining Rooms
pedal Attention to After- . . , .aftrtXO . . .
Theater rartls fiOo p as. te MiOO p.
V -
Oraad Danolnr Contest Wednesday
Blfht dnrtaf the Performanoe. Prises
In fold. Applicants will apply at
sos eSoe.
doyd'q Mgr.
This Afternoon. Tonight, Wednesd
Chsrles Friihmnn Presents
In Ills Orentst rmncdy Burress
Friday, Saturday Matinee and Night The
Kings of Laughter
Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday. Bat. Matinees.
Contest Christmas Night.
Admission, 10 cents.
'Phone Douglas 404.
mcea. 10a. Ha. too.