Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1906, Image 1

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    he Omaha . Daily ' Bee
1 t
4 '
Ytxbert of the Sacred Coileere Present
Chrlatmaa Greeting- to the Pontiff.
Hit Holineai Eaya Church Can Hike ho
More Conoeeiiocii
Ultimata Trinnph Will Come Oat of Per
loontien and Violence,
Kipertatloa that Kiw Un Will Be
Rejected and Priest Will Dis
continue Service In
RCTME, Dec 24. Th member of the
fiacrrd college went tn a body thi morn
ing to the pop to present their Christmas
gteotlnga. The pontiff r ved them In
his private library and )- -ed cordlaJly
with all the dlstlngu .' -lates, es
pecially with Cardinal O. . n of the
college. The chief topic 'V rsatlon
was the situation In Fran. ' pope
aid that the church will now -om
the attitude It has taken, no m V
slons being possible, but he h.
that the violence and persecution
eoon result In better times. .
Addressing- the cardinals tn answe
thrtir ronirratulatlons. the pope eald he w. .
sorry he had no good news for them, al
luding to the situation of church affaire In
France, ard said he wished they and the
whole sacred college were In France to
hare the persecution. He was consoled,
however, by the solidity of the French
episcopacy and also by the approbation
of the bishops throughout the world, and
trusted In the ultimate triumph of the
Referring to the antl-clertcal demonstra
tions In Italy, the pontiff expressed regret
that so many soldiers detailed to guard
the Vatican nlghf and day were exposed
to the Inclemency of the elements.
Attitude of Charch.
PARIS. Doc. 14. The Associated Press
learns from a high ecclesiastical source
here that It Is certain the pope will reject
the new religious law and at an opportune
time forbid the Parla priests to continue
aervlces In the churches, after which they
will organise private worship. The In
formant ot the Associated Press adds:
"The Vatican can pursue no other policy.
Having declined to retain the church
property under the conditions laid down
by the government. It can only logically
vindicate Ha action by proving to the
faithful that they are the objects of per-
.. The republican organs regard the order
of the bishop suppressing Christmas
masses tonight a being the formal In
auguration of the policy outlined above.
The Aurora says It la a scheme dictated
by the Jesuits and that the cry will be re
cj)0d by every beadle and verger In
- France. "Tet," eaya the Aurora, "there
' la not a' single thinking Cathollo who does
. not know that the suppression of the mid
night- masses la the work of the church
and not of the government."
An official note was lseued this after
noon announcing that the statements pub
lished abroad to the effect that the French
government sent a note to the powers in
anticipation of the protest ot the Vatican
against the expulsion of Mgr. Montagnlnl
was absolutely false.
R Formal Treaty, bat General fader.
ataadlngr Regarding Rela
tions with Germany.
PARIS, Doc. 24. Although the entente of
1901 between France and England has not
been supplemented by any military or naval
convention, mutual co-operation on sea and
land in the face of an aggressive move
against either Is regarded as assured both
at the Qua) d'Orsay and in Downing street.
No notes or drafts of conventiona have
been exchanged.
Nothing haa passed through tho only
channels recogniied by governments as
qualified to bind countries which
challenged by Oermany aa aimed at Its
Nevertheless, in subtler fuahlon through
the campaign of ever Increasing friend
ship, the combination against Oermany, so
far as France and England are concerned,
can be considered a "fait accompli."
British Monarch Will Have Roast Beef
Turkey, Peacock aad Swan.
I.ONPON. Dec. 24. King Edward, Queen
Alexandra and th prince and prlncee of
Wale will pass Christmas at Bandrlng
hani. From an enormous Christmas tree
occupying the center of the ball room the
queen and other members ot
th royal
family will personally distribute gift to
each member ot the household tomorrow
afternoon. The tenants and employes of
the royal farms will receive remembrances,
beef and coal being distributed to the
widows and poorer laborers.
The king's Christmas dinner, aa usual,
will Include a boar's head, the gift of
Emperor William, caviare and sturgeon
from Emperor Nicholas and roasted pea
cock and yourg swan ijoin Hampton
Court, besides the traditional baron' of
beef and turkey. The king haa sent a
number of specially tatted young swans
to many members of European families,
as most of the crowned heads will have
swans' meat for their Chrtatmas dinner.
The ceueral signs of prosierlty are mora
pleuttful here this Christmas than tor
many years. The stores hav been packed
for weeks and enjoyed an unprecedented
flood of buHlt-ev. all ranks apparently
sharing In' th abundance of wealth. The
f crouds of poverty-stricken unemployed so
painfully ODtrusive in uincun a streets a
year at .r. absent this year. Indicating
,t ... , . '" '"" P"
l!lipl..ll II, V titip'V.VU VUUU1L1U1II.
Tafcaa Inaargeat Plgkt.
HAVANA, Dec 24. A dispatch from
Gulnnes. this province, thl afternoon an
nounced that a patrol ot rural guard has
had an encounter with five mounted In
surgents. The two parties exchanged .hots
with a result that two Insurgents were
killed and two captured. Th fifth man
Coal Steamer Ashore.
SYDNEY. N. B.. Dec. 24.-Th coal
fcttvmer Beatrice, which a a reported yes
terday off Plctou with Its propeller fouled,
went ashore on Cranberry Head today.
heuvy as waa runulug. but the crw
was--- t Vt -v
Heart Aetloa af Swedish Rslei
Stronger, According to the
Latest Rnllrtln.
STOCKHOLM. Dec. 24 The following
bulletin was Issued th's afternoon by the
physicians In attendance on King Oscar:
His mnV-sty continues free from fever.
Mis tetnpf rature last evening was 98 9 and
this morning it Is . The heart's action
Is stronger. There Is still some mucus In
the trnchea,
MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 24. While talking
of King Oscar of Sweden, who has' Just re
vived from another sinking spell, J. A.
Smith of the C. A, Smith Lumber com
pany, made the statement that It was not
England that prevented war between Nor
way and Sweden, but King Oscar himself.
"I saw King Oscar on my recent visit
t Sweden," said Mr. Smith, "and he told
me that he had set his foot down, saying:
'I will not have war.' That settled It.
The world haa generally given England
credit for preventing war between the two
countries, but It was not England."
Mr. Smith wae made "commander of the
Ortler of Vaaa" two years ago by King
Fear at Tangier that He Intends to
Attack the Saltan's
TANGIER, Dec, 24. It Is reported here
that Ralsull, the bandit leader who has
been In contnol of territory in the neigh
borhood of Tangier, Is actively engaged
in arming bands of men and there Is much
anxiety here aa to whether he will fight
e sultan's forces or not. The govern
mental troops under the command of Sid
Mohammed Oahbas, minister of war, are
In camp near here. They number over
2,000 men and are better equipped than is
usual with the sultan's soldiers. The
minister of war haa left a garrison of
2,000 men at Kasr el Kabir, about half
way between here and Fez, another garri
son of men at Ain Dell, while the main
garrison of 1,000 men Is awaiting instruc
tions at Fes. These forces together com
prise the greatest military movement
made by the Moroccan government In sev
eral years.
Commander of Eight-First Infantrr
Killed on His Estate by
LUKOW, Poland, Dee. 24. Colonel
Obroucheff, commander of the Eighty-first
Infantry, was killed on his estate near
here by a stranger,
RIOA. Dec. 24. A large store of explo
slvea for the manufacture of bombs. In
eluding a considerable quantity of pyroxl-
line and detonators, has been discovered at
the Aetna factory, of which many of the
employes are revolutionists. Seven Lettish
bandits have been tried by drumhead
court-martial and shot near Mltau.
Infanticide la Parla.
PARIS, Dec. 24. A midwife living In the
Vlvlenne quarter haa been arrested on tha
charge of the systematic murder of new
born Infanta. The attention of the police
waa attracted by the fact that no deaths
of children -were reported from the estab
llshmer.t, and an Investigation remitted In
the discovery that -the midwife, with the
complicity ot a servant, had cut up and
burned the bodies of tho children In a big
stove in the dining room of the wldewlfe'a
residence. The evidence obtained Indicates
that 120 children were murdered by the
two women. (
Engineer Dead at Post.
TORONTO, Ont, Dec. 24. With the en
gtneer dead at his post and his hand on the
throttle, the Canadian Pacific railroad
Hamilton express tore through Parkdale
station Saturday afternoon. The fireman,
alarmed at the increased speed, made for
the engineer's box and found the man
dead. He applied the emergency brakes
and the train came to a. standstill. The
engineer waa John Paul. It la supposed he
waa struck by a semaphore..
Natives Resist Dutch.
THE! HAGUE. Dec. 24. The Dutch troop
are still meeting with considerable resist'
ance by the rebellious chiefs In the recesses
of the Dutch East Indies. The former have
just captured the stronghold of the Rajah
of Goa, at Eldenreng. The rajah's son and
eighteen of their follower were killed,
many were wounded and the rajah's brother
wa made prisoner. The official telegram
doe not mention the losses of the Dutch
Rasalaae Follow American Plan.
ST. PETESBURG. Dec. 24.-The techni
cal commission of the general staff haa rec
ommended th adoption of an American
military web cartridge belt and haversack
for the Russian army. Tills equipment,
which la put on tn one piece, is far lighter
than the present Russian outfit, each piec
of which Is doned and doffed separately.
Th American equipment also cost 20 cent
less per man.
Spala Want Old Gaaa.
MADRID, Dec. 24. Th foreign mini.
! ter, replying to a question In the Cham
ber of Deputies todsy, said that Spain was
till trying to secure the restitution of the
artillery left In Cub when the treaty of
Paris was signed and was also continuing
th negotiations to secure recognition of
th Spanish debt of the Island.
Promotloa for Aadry.
PARIS, Dec. 24. Among the Christmas
army promotions la that of Colonel Andry,
who was a member of the court-martial
which retired Colonel (now General)
Picquart, the war minister. Andry Is pro
moted from general of brigade to general
of division.
Wattcraon at Bareeloaa.
BARCELONA, - Spain, Dec. 24. Henry
Watterson and Mr. Watterson of Louis
ville, Ky., have arrived here and will re-
niain In this city a month,
they will go to Egypt.
aftr which
Sixteen Person Drowned.
KINGSTON. Jamaica, Dec. 24. A aall-
J Knai uvitK la.Antv.f1vd Its run n in fcw
, WM overturned thl. mornln, lw M
u.o bay. Sixteen of th. passenger, were
tego bay.
mt ct Army Onleer at
Rea Ha Nat Bits Ap
prehended. Fart
EL RENO. Okl.. Dec. 24 At the fort
hospital this morning It was stated that
Captain Edgar A. Macklin. who waa shot
at his home tier on Friday night by a
negro, had paused a good night. The physi
cians reported him slightly improved.
Captain Macklln's assailant has not yet
ben apprehended, although officer, are ful
loalng up a nuuibr ot clues.
Russian Admiral Condemned to Death for
Bnrreiiderine Hit Chip.
tsar is Asked to Commate Sentence
to Tea Year' Imprisonment
Three Commander Also
Found Gallty.
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 24 The tscwrt
martial which haa been trying Rear Ad
miral Nebogatoff and aeventy-elght officers
of his squadron for surrendering to the Jap
anese at the battle of the Boa of Japan on
May 2S. 16, handed in Its decisions tonight.
Vice Admiral Nebogatoff, Commander Lich
lno of the coast defense ironclad General
Admiral Apralne, Rear Admiral Oregorleff
of the coast defense ship Admiral Senlavln
and Lieutenant Smirnoff, who succeeded to
the command of the battleship Nlcolaie I.,
were sentenced to death, but In view of ex
tenuating olreumstanres and the long and
otherwise blameless careers of these offi
cers, the court will petition to the emperor
to commute their sentence to ten years'
Imprisonment In a fortress. Four other of
ficers are sentenced to short terms of Im
prisonment In a fortress, while the re
mainder are acquitted of the charges
brought against them.
Sentences Are Passed.
The sentence passed on Vice Admiral
Nebogatoff and the three commander are
similar to those handed down In the case
of the naval officer who were condemned
by court martial foY surrendering the tor
pedo boat destroyer Bedivl to the Japanese.
These sentences were coupled with a sim
ilar recommendation to the emperor for
mercy and euch Intercession generally has
proven successful.
The lawyers for the defense In the Ne
hosatoff trial, a majority of whom are
active politicians, devoted most of their at
tention to the political aspects of the case.
Tffe governor prosecutor in his closing
address declared that the Infliction of the
death penalty under these circumstances
was out of harmony with the spirit of the
times, but he declared that the guilt of
the officer In question found no example
In history. Vice Admiral Nebogatoff, he
declared, should have at least transferred
all his commands to one battleship, and
then sunk the rest of hla squadron.
The admiral made an emotional reply In
which he dwelt on the Ignorance of the
prosecutor, whom, he said, haa worn the
uniform of the navy for only one year.
The trial of Rear Admiral Nebagatoff and
the officer of hi squadron began In St.
Petersburg on December 5. The accused
were divided into threo categories:
First, Rear Admiral Nebogatoff and the
commander of the battleship.
Second, the officers who advocated the
Third, the officers who did not endeavor to
orevent the surrender.
The first group of officers waa tried under
that paragraph of the navy regulations
which provide for the punishment by death
of any commander of a squadron or ship
who urrender without a fight when he
could save his crew or Indict daman upon
the enemy. t .
Attoraay for Teamster ' Insist No
Conspiracy Haa Been Proven
In Caae.
CHICAGO. Dec. 24. At today's session
of the Shea teamster strike trial defend
ant's counsel offered a motion that the
case be taken from the Jury and the de
fendants discharged on the ground that
the state had not made out a caae of con
Arguments on the motion continued the
greater part of the day.
The motion waa overruled and Attorney
Daniel Crulce then opened for the defense.
He declared the defense would prove that
the employe were In a conspiracy to wreck
the teamsters' union and would show that
the teamster were willing to submit their
case to arbitration. The attorney denounced
Albert Young, Joseph Schultx, William
Kelley and Michael Murphy, who turned
state's evidence In the caae.
Mr. Crulce declared it would be shown
that the only Instructions Issued to pickets
during the strike were to report the move
ment of strike breaker. He asserted that
President Shea had offered to arbitrate the
difficulties. He said It would be shown that
a private detective agency had furnished
men with guns and billies and ordered them
to go out and beat up somebody and that
while the defense would admit that there
were treet blockades during the strike It
would be shown that the men on trial were
not responsible for them.
During the afternoon session Charles
Dold president fit the Chicago Federation
of Labor In 1906, was called to testify,
Mr. Dold's testimony wa almost entirely
of a preliminary character and before he
concluded court adjourned until tomorrow
when a half-day session will be held.
Almost the entire afternpon waa marked
with clashes and arguments between coun
sel, the reading of authorities and many
objections on both sides.
Agitation Against Christmas Celebra
ttoa Decrease Attendaaee la
New York School.
NEW TORK. Dec. 24. The agitation
gainst Christmas celebrations In the pub'
Ho school that haa been gathering force
for the last ten days In Hebrew circle
found Its climax today, when parents,
mardlan and other protector of Jewish
chlldren-Btrongly urged and supported by
certain East Side newspapersv-kept their
charge, from attending the pre-Chrlstmaa
session to such an extent that schools on
the East Side reported a decrease In num
ber, ranging from S3H per cent to 80 per
cent of the pupils registered. One Hebrew
principal of an East 81de school said that
the school exercises were not at all of a
religious nature, but consisted of an en-
tertalnment In Which the children took
part and a distribution of small presents
from the teachers and principals.
Kehraskaa Radorae Ueverldg BUI a
Efficient Mean at Sapprcsatag
It Evil.
ATLANTA, Ga.. Dec 24. A. J. McKel
way, secretary ot the national child labor
committee, today received from William
J. Bryan a letter, in which the latter ex
pressed hla thanks for a copy of the Bev
ridge bill, of which he says:
The plan which Bevertdge adopts for
the prevention of child latxir is lileutk-al
with the plan I have urged for the sup
pression of the trust. I believe the cun
trol which cungra ha over iuterstate
commerce enables It to apply a vary sim
ple ud effective remedy-
Nearly a Then sand Peraoaa Saceored
at the Different Sta
tion. i ;
WASHINGTON". Dec. 24.-Impor.tant work
wa accomplished during the last year by
the llfe-aavlng service ot the government,
thousands of Imperiled lives and millions of
dollar worth of property being saved
through the heroism and unremitting vig
ilance of the life savers.
General Superintendent Kimball of the
life-saving service nhow In bis annual re
port that the number of marine disaster
waa 849 In the water of the United States.
In these forty-nine veraels and twenty
nine lives were lost and 811 person were
succored at the various stations. The total
value of property aaved was $12,2GCino,
while that lost waa 12,775.040. In the disas
ter S.&0 lives were Imperiled.
At the clone of the last fiscal year the
llfe-aavlng establishment comprised 279
station, of which 200 were on the Atlantlo
coast, sixty on the Great lakes, sixteen on
the Paclflc coast rnoper and one each at
the fall of the Ohio river and Nome,
The llfe-aavlng crew rendered assistance
of more or less Importance to 897 vessels In
addition to those which were lost. Patrol
men and station lookouts also warned
ninety-seven steamers and seventy-seven
sailing vessel, which were running Into
danger, the warnings undoubtedly averting
disasters which would have caused loss of
both life and property.
Particularly valuable assistance, It 1
noted, waa rendered by the life-saving
crews at San Francisco during the earth
quake and conflagration last April In flght-
lng the fire, transrsi'
terlng the homeless
ting supplies and shel-
Superintendent Kl
iball says that during
the year seven of
the largest sized llfe-
boats have been equl
Ipped with gasoline en
gines. They constitute a most Important
addition to the llfe-aavlng equipment and
materially enlarge the radius of the ef
fective work of the crews.
Superintendent Kimball point out that
the great service rendered has cot the
government only $1,132,466. He urges
strongly that the benefit of retirement
be extended to officers and men of the
service who became disabled through In
jury or disease or Incapacitated by age.
Instrnmcnt In California Find Seis
mic Disturbance at Great Dis
tance from Recorder.
BERKELEY. Cal., Dec. 24. The Omorl
seismograph at the student' observatory
of the University of California reoorded
earthquake waves yesterday at 9 hour.
26 minutes X seconds, Pacific standard time,
which Indicate that a severe earthquake
has occurred at a distant point. Prof. A,
O. Leuschner. in charge, said:
Careful measurements of the seismo
graph made by A. J. Champelux give the
following: Time of commencement, 9
hours 20 minute 35 seconds. Pacific stand
ard time; duration of preliminary tremor.
1 minute 29 seconds; duration second stage
of preliminary tremor, 6 minutes 16 sec
onds; duration strong motion, 11 minutes
seconds. The motion la shown In the
east and west component only. The ave'
rage period of the w waa tt aeconda."
WASHINGTON. DecVM.-A special but
letin issued by th weather bureau today
The seismographs of the weather bureau
recorded two earthquakes of considerable
magnitude, the first shortly after noon i.f
Decrmber Zl and the second atxiut twenty-
three hours later namely, afternoon of
December 23. From the appearance of the
records we are led to conclude that tha
earthquakes originated at widely separated
localities, but this cannot be definitely
to d.
The first tremors were recorded at 1:61:50
p. m. of December 22 and the maximum mo
tlon. of very short duration, occurred at
2 : 22 : 40 ' d. m. The record ended about
o'clock. The strongest action was recorded
n a north-south direction and amounted
to 1:7 millimeters' displacement of the
ground. The displacement In the east-west
direction was onlv .3 millimeters.
The second disturbance was recorded Just
after 12 o clock, Decemher 23. ana tne mo
tion In both north-south and east-west dl
rectlons was greater In both components
and lasted longer than In the first earth
The first nrellmlnarv tremor bean at
12:37:33 p. m., the strong motion beginning
at 12:49 and lasting from three to four
minutes. The maximum displacement In
the east-west direction was 1:7 mlflmeters.
and 1:9 ni'llllmetirs for the north-south
component. The end of the record oc
rlirrd at 1:11:21 D. m.
As far aa I can Judge from the records
the second disturbance waa not so great
t rilatmire as the first one. but both di
turbunces must have been several thousand
miles from Washington.
Sidney Sloane, Who Killed HI
Father, a Spokane .Merchant,
I Acoaltted.
SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 24. "Not guilty,
by reason of Insanity," was the verdict
returned today by the Jury In the case of
Sidney Sloane, the 18-year-old boy charged
with the murder of his father, James F.
Sloane. a pioneer merchant of Spokane,
Robbery waa the motive for the crime.
After the verdict had been rendered
Sloane arose aa If to leave the court room.
but was stopped. His attorney desires that
the boy be aent to the Insane asylum and
this doubtlesa will be done.
His mother, as the Import of the verdict
was brought home to her, gave a sigh of
relief. Her face changed color and then
she bent over and hid her face In her
The verdict haa been received with evi
dent disfavor.
The trial wa the most sensational ever
held In Spokare. It was clearly proved
that on the night of August 29 last the
boy came up behind his father in their
home here and struck him blow on the
I head with an axe; then, after robbing the
! dead man pockets, carried out the body
and dumped It Into an alley two blocks
.way. Returning, he made clumsy efforts
to wash the blood stains from the carpet,
ate an apple and went to bed.
When the body wa. found next morning
the son confessed and said he became en
raged at things hla father had said about
his mother.
The defense claimed the boy had shown
I sln" cf lnBanltlr from 'n'ncy
Fir Destroy Hoes la Virginia aad
Only Two Mea Eacape
NORFOLK. Va, Dec. 24 -The wife and
child o( Samuel Perlner and the wife and
child of William Grlmstead were last night
burned to death at the house on
Morris Neck, Princess Anne county.
Messrs. Perlner and Grlnist'ad meanwhile
slept in another part of the house until
the flames spread to the room In which they
were. It woke them barely In time to
permit them to escape. t
The charred bodies of th women and
children were removed from th debris by
their husbands and father
Threat to Call Ont Brotherheed Men on
All Harriman Line.
Fael Supply at Point Along t alon
raria,f Low Mea Have Con
tract with Road aad Have
- No Grievance.
A statement was sent out from the
Texas headquarters of the striking fire
men on the Southern Paclflc to the effect
that If necessary to win the firemen on all
of the Harriman lines would be called out.
Speaking of this, a high official of the
Union Paclflc said last night:
The Union Pacific ha a contract with
both the Firemen's and Engineer's brother
hoods which was made during the past
summer and Is to continue for two years.
At the time It waa made the agreement waa
said by the men to be entirely satisfactory
and sine that time nothing has trans
pired to Indicate that either organisa
tion had any grievance. From a personal
knowledge of the men I think 1 can safely
say that I know there Is the best of
feeling between the firemen employed on
the Union Paclflc and the officials of the
company, and if a strike should come It
would be purely one of sympathy.
'In view of the conditions now prevail
ing I am loath to believe that the firemen
on the Union Paclflo would desert their
poets at thl time. It would simply mean
freezing for the people along the line of
the road. The company has made It a point
to keep In touch with the fuel suppl) at
all polnta on the system, and no matter at
what cost to see to it there waa no suf
fering. In order to do this the company
baa depicted Its own supply until now It
haa on the average only three days' sup
ply ahead, whereas It Is the aim of the
company to keep thirty days' at all times.
In spite of these efforts to keep up the
supply It hio been Just aa Impossible to
accumulate any reserve In the towns along
the road aa It haa for the company Itself
to accumulate one. A tleup of the com
pany's llnea would therefore mean untold
suffering along the road. This taken In
conjunction with the fact the men have no
grievance against the company convinces
me that they will not Join In any strike
movement at this time Just as real winter
weather Is to be anticipated."
Train Are Running;.
NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 24. General Su
perlntendent Cushlng and other officials
of the Southern Paclflo when seen today
refused to discuss the strike of the
firemen on that system. It is estimated,
however, that 400 men on thla section of the
lines are Involved. Call boys who en
deavored to have firemen go out early today
were compelled to report that employe re
fused to respond.
In consequence of notification that no
more freight would be accepted . by the
Southern Paclflo -many railroad llnea can
tering here are dlvertlnng freight to other
HOUSTON, Tex., Dec. 24. The following
official statement waa Issued today from th
office of Vice President Fay of th South
ern Paclflo railway:
All our trains are being operated on
scheduled time. There Is no delay wnat
ever and the only trains laid out since the
beginning of the firemen's strike were
half a dozen switcn engines last nigni.
No statement has been issued as yet from
the headquarter of the striking firemen.
Development Company Must Control
Colorado River or Lose It
WASHINGTON. Dec. 24. Th 8tate de
partment bas been advised by Mr. Thomp
son, the American ambassador to Mexico,
that the president of the Mexican republic
haa taken prompt action looking to the
remedying of the damage to property In the
Imperial valley, aa the result of the over
flow of the Colorado river into the Salton
sink. President Dlas, through the De
partment of Colonisation and Industry, has
advised the Companle de Riegos y Terrenos
de la Baju of California that In view of
the Irreparable damage which property Is
liable to suffer In the Imperial valley In
case the overflow of the Colorado river
continues towards the Salton sea the pres
ent conditions must have a prompt and
efficient remedy. Peremptory orders have
been Issued to the company by President
Dlas that It initiate the work of repairs
within ten days and that within three
months It must control the situation of the
Colorado river, close the open gap on Its
borders and definitely retvrn the waters to
their old bed. In case the company doe
not comply action will be taken to annul
tho concession to divert the water of the
Colorado river. This action waa taken
the result of negotiations conducted by
this government with the Mexican govern
I'nltcd State Sapreme Coart Make
Preliminary Ruling la Case
from Teaaece.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 24. -The supreme
court today decided adversely to the de
fendant the preliminary question. Involved
In the case of Sheriff Shlpp and twenty-six
others of Knoxvllle, Tenn., charged with
contempt of the supreme court in lynching
a negro named Johnson after the court
had tasen cognisance ot the case.
The opinion waa handed down by Justice
Holmes, who announced that with tha
preliminary disposed of, the court would
proceed with the prosecution. He did not
say when the next step would be taken,
Justice Holmes, In announcing the con
elusion of the court that the lynching con
stituted a contempt, said:
The acts charged constitute a contempt
and their character does not depend upon
a rice inquiry, w.ether after the order
made by this court, the sheriff was to be
regarded as bailee of the United States or
still held a prisoner In the name of the
state alone. Either way the order sus
pended further proceedings by the state
against the prisoner and required that he
should be forthcoming to abide tha further
order of this court. It may be found
that what created the mob and led to the
crime was the unwillingness of Its mem
ber to submit to the delay required for
the trial of the appeal. From that to the
Intent to prevent that delay and the hear
ing of an appeal Is a short step. If that
step Is taken the contempt Is proved. Thse
preliminaries bring settled, the trial of
the case may proceed.
Fatal Wreck In Sew lark.
ROCHESTER. N. Y., Dec. M.-A light
locomotive collided with a passenger train
on the buffalo, Rochester ar Pl'tsliurg rail
road near fciagle early today. Michael Lynn
of Rochester, engineer, and Henry tialli
of Warsaw, fireman, of the passenger en
gine, ere killed; George McNally, engi
neer of tli light engine waa badly Injured,
and E. V. Palmer, fireman of the light en
gine, is reported to have been killed. Th
smoker and bkgguge car were .mashed
and th paMtiifcor coachr were hurl -d
from th track, tut no paBngi wr In
jured. .
Fair Tuesday aad Wednesday.
at Omaha Yeaterd
n a
1 p. m a
" m. in. , , ,
T a. m ..... .
a. m
It p. m . . . . ,
4 p. tn
(I p. m
fl p. m
f a
10 a.
11 a.
VJ m.
T p. m
M p. m
p. m .
Joha W. Gordon a a Result Is Recom
mended to Handle Mnll at
Presho, S. D.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 24. (Special Tele
gram.) Representative Burke today recom
mended John W. Jordan to be postmaster
at Presho, S. D. There were several candl-
late for the position and It was Anally
decided to submit tho names of various
candidates to a test of a popular vote, tho
result of which was, received today. Indi
cating that Mr. Jordan had received a ma
jority vote of the patrons of the office, and
thereupon Mr. Burke recommended the ap
pointment of Jordan.
Postmasters appointed: Iowa, Corley,
Shelby county, I-esllo A. Campbell, vice
W. H. Nelson, resigned; Fertile, Worth
county, Henry O. Rhell, vice J. H. Kirk,
resigned; Stilson, Hancock county, Robert
I. Carlson, vice H. A. Hamilton, resigned.
South Dakota, Slsseton agency, Robert
county, Annie Anderson, vice M. L. Peter
son, removed.
Rural routes ordered established March 1
In Kingsbury county, South Dakota: De-
smet, route S, population 600, families !00;
Esmond, route 1, population 445, families 89;
Hetland, route 1, population 415, families 83;
Iroquois, route 1, population 4G0, fam
ilies, 92.
(Rural carriers appointed for Nebraska
routes: Blwood, route 1. Carl A. Medalen.
carrier; Arthur C. Anderson, substitute.
Benson, route 2, Burt L. Chllds, carrier;
LUUe Childs, substitute. Miller, mute 1.
Roscoe C. Abel, carrier; Laurence R. Abel,
substitute. Palmer, route 2, Charles B.
Peck, carrier; Clement Lambert, substitute;
route 4, William A. Nicholas, carrier; Cur
tis B. McCormlck, substitute. Pleasanton,
route 1, Levi W. Lewis, carrier; William
S. Lewis, substitute.
Immlgratloa Commissioner Return
from Honolulu, Where He Saw
Portuguese Laborer Land.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 24. Immigration
Commissioner Sargent was at his desk to
day after a trip of several weeks, during
which he visited the Immigration stations
t Honolulu and San Francisco. While he
wa at Honolulu 1,379 Portuguese Immi
grants from Funchal and Madeira arrived.
Commissioner Sargent superintended their
landing and before he left many of them
already had secured employment.
Mr. Sargent, who went to Honolulu at
the special request of President Roosevelt
to be present at the landing of the Portu
guese Immigrants, called on the president
during the day, . .
"There are probably 80,000 Japanese In
the Hawaiian Islands," said Mr. Sargent,
"and they are arriving there at th rate
of from 800 to 1,000 a month. The new ar
rival do not remain long on the Islands,
however, and oon go to the Pacific coast.
They are leaving In large numbers by each
steamer. In the last twelve month 12,000
Japanese have gone from the Hawaiian
Islands to the mainland of this country."
Mr. Sargent waa asked why the Japanese
go to Hawaii. He explained It by saying
that as he understood the case the Japa
nese government does not Issue passports
to the United States proper, as It Is un
aware whether it cltixens could get work
here, but the fact that there la a demand
for laborer. In Hawaii Induces the Issue
of passports to the islands.
Mr. Sargent admitted there was consid
erable feeling against the Japanese In
many portions of the islands, as their labor
Is cheaper and their merchants are under
selling the American merchants In the
Islands and taking away the trade previ
ously held by the latter with the Jupanese.
Light Weight Cause Change In Rate
for Good to Far Paclne
y Coast.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 24. An agreement
has been reached by the Interstate Com
merce commission with the railroads in
terested in regard to the complaint of the
North Carolina Case Worker' association
filed with the commission several weeks
ago. The complaint was that on shlpmnets
of furniture from North Carolina and Vir
ginia points to the Pacific coast the rail
roads demanded a minimum weight of
furniture In thirty-six foot cars of 20,000
pounds. This weight the association as
sertcd was excessive, aa It was Impossible
to load a thlrty-slx foot car with more than
16,000 pounds of furniture.
Today It wa agreed by representative
of the railroads to carry the furniture to
Pacific coast points at the present low rate
with a minimum weight of 16,000 pounds to
a car. The agreement contemplates a
readjustment of the rates on furniture.
Northers Texas Feel 51a Effect of
Cessation of Work by
DALLAS, Tex., Dec. 24. Apparently the
strike of firemen on the Southern Paclflc
Is of but slight effect In northern Texas.
The Houston & Texas Central Is hot se
riously affected and the Texas & New Or
leans railroad has but few men located In
Dallas. These two roads form part of the
Atlantic division of the Bout hern Pacific
Today's Texas & New Orleans through
I train wa reported four hour late. It was
said that the train carried nothing but
mull cars. Railway men declare that on
Friday about forty men were brought to
Dallas for the purpose of breaking the
strike. These men have already been
given employment.
Northern Pacific Maa Goe ta Electric
IJnea of the Sew Haven
. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Dec. 24 Arthur
R. Smith, assistant general passenircr
agfnt of the Northern Pacific rallrond, was
t'Hluv appointed traffic manager of the
Consolidated Railway company, the elec
tric railway system controlled by the Niw
York, New Haven c Hartford Railroad
con. puny.
8moi Juit Closed is the Best in CnaWa
Entire Eintorj.
Christmas Tar This Tear Tiidi Local
Uerchanta tatiified.
larse Crowd af Eager Buyara Thronra tha
Etreata Monday.
Expressmen and Messenger Roy
Work Hard at Might and Ar lp
Bright and F.arly In th
It has been the best Christmas season
for business In the history of the city, say
men In all lines of retail trade In Omaha.
From early morning until lata at night
Monday the eager crowds of shoppera
thronged the streets and surged In and out
of the stores. Some had forgotten some
little present they intended to give and
were rushing madly to find it at the last
moment; others, with habitual habits of
procrastination, had not been to buy any
thing at all and had doxens of presents
to select on the last day. The crowds In
the stores were so large that the shoppera
could not and did not expect to receive
tho beat attention, even though the hun
dreds of extra shop girls and men did
their very best. All waa hurry and bustle
down the aisles of the big department
stores and tho same condition prevailed In
the little one-room shops.
The day was an admirable one for shop
ping, not too warm and not too cool, and
many a woman who had really finished her
Christmas buying a week or so before could
not resist the temptation to come down
town for one last hour or two. Had the
day not been so pleasant the trade might
not have been so large. As It wA the
merchants say It was as good as It usually
Is when Christmas eve cornea on Baturday.
This rush of trade had continued for ten
days and some declare that for vn a
longer time than that their stores con
tained absolutely as many people aa they
could accommodate. Last Saturday was
one of tho very biggest days In the history
of local trade. (Two or three other day
last week showed up a wonderfully large
volume of trade. There have been really
no poor days since tho dealers first placed
their Christmas stocks on sale.
Some Early Shopping: Dona.
The campaign for early Christmas snoo
ping ha been In a great measure suc
cessful. Men In all lines of th retail
business testified to the truth of thl state
ment when asked for their onlnlon as the
season was drawing to a close.
'There waa more shnnnlnor Ann arlv
In the season this year than formerly,"
said one. "From the time we placed our
goods on . display we had an excellent
business every ' day, and I have no doubt
tni tendency to come earlv nrevnntA a
complete congestion In' the store at the
very last." The volume of business has
been so much greater this year than ever
before that the people actually could not
nave Dought what they wanted, many of
them. If a large DroDortlon nf th h
not come a week or two before the sea
son s close.
"Last year's holiday season was an .
oellent one In this store, and yet there
is no comparison between It and this year.
I have talked with some of the other mer
chants and I find this expression to be
universal. If the local retailer cannot
And In this Christmas a happy culmina
tion of a remarkably prosperous twelve
month, they are. Indeed, an ungrateful
class of people.
"Speaking of the early shopping, I trust
and believe the merchants will keep the
agitation going. It takes years to educate
people along any line, and they have been
buying at the last chance so long they
will not be won away from that custom
for several year. We have a good atart
this year, though, and we can da still
better another year. Each one who haa
come early thla season finds herself so
pleased that she becomes a living advocate
of the Idea and put In a few word for
It every time her friends tell what a terri
ble, time they had buying their Christmas
Stocks Mach Depleted.
Seasonable stocks were very adly de
pleted when the light were put out in the
stores Monday night. In fact, they were
sadly depleted, some of them, several days
ago, and when Monday night came there
was absolutely nothing left in some lines.
In the fall the merchants laid in what
they considered a sufficient supply, but
even their greatest experience were ex
ceeded by the sales and their supplies
hardly lasted to the end.
An estimate of the increase over last
year would be difficult to make. Some
merchants say 20 per cent and some nm
as high a 60 per cent, but at any rate the
Increase was Indeed generous. Perhap the
greatest Increase la reportd by the jewelry
stores, some of which have almost doubled
their sales of a year ago. Said one of
the jewelers:
"The way people are buying jewelry
these days would have been a riddle a few
years ago. Why, they think no more of
paying M for a necklace now than they
thought five years ago of paying 15 for a
watch with a silver caxe. Diamonds, pearls
and all sorts of costly ornaments have
gone at a great rate this season. Jf this
high tide of prosperity lasts, everybody
will be rich In a few years."
It waa the same way In other lines; the
shoppers spent readily and they bought the
best of articles. Perhap never before
was the call for high grade goods more
universal. It was a certain evidence of
general prosperity that a great portion of
poorer goods Is still laying on the shelves,
whlla the high class stuff Is gone. Rut
then, the dealers were wise and didn't buy
very much of the cheap grades,
Delivery of the Good.
The shop people were not the only tired
ones Monday. To say nothing of the
the shoppers themselves, tha street car
men, the mull man, the expressman and
the messenger boys, were all but worn
out. The poor messenger boys were on
the hop from morning until midnight, many
of them working sixteen hour Instead of
their usual ten. They had to do It, for
messenger Iniys were scarce and calls on
them for servlre were as the sitnd of
the sea. First one went to tak a package
to one part of the town from ,a jeweler's,
then he went to another purl of the city
with something from a drug store, then
he wnt to still another district with a
package sent by a yourg man to hla swet
ert. Tne expnssinen did about a mucb