Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 8, Image 18

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TiTE omatta Sunday bke: decembeb 2.1. 1m.
f pr acre for 120 acres 80. of Calhoun,
near main travelled road to Omaha; all In
cultivation, 36 acres In seeded pasture, tine
spring running water, balance corn land,
yielding about 60 bu. per acre; part cash,
balance 1 or t years at 6 per cent.
tV) per acre for 200 acres 9 miles N. W. of
Blntr, all lit cultivation, with fair Improve
ments, good wi ll, windmill and line spring
of water, all fenced and cross-fenced, one
mile from school; only $Ti.wO cash, balance
6 per cent. Possession March 1, 1907.
U' per arre fc.r 108 acres atmut 10 miles
N. W. of frmoha, nenr Irvlngton; 30 acres
In fall wheat, acres In I'lover and tim
othy. 3 acre alfalfa, balance In corn; new
house, two barns 20x40 and 3nxto and all
rercssary outbuildings: over t-.'( spent in
new Improvements recently; all fenced, 40
acres hog-tight. Possession March 1, 11)07.
?1i0 per acre for 0 acres In Benson north
of Military road; east slope. Easy term.
$4. Ron for 20 acres In Calhoun, only 4 blocks
from railway station, having; over RfjO bear
ing fruit trees of nil kinds, abundance of
berries, etc.; lo-ronnt house, well, line spring
of water, artificial lakes, small barn, nice
shade trees and very desirable for country
fl.KO to $2. Son fur choice. S to 10-acre tracts
In FLORENCE HEIGHTS, about 7 or 8
blocks northwest from end of car line in
: Florence; beiutlfully located, affording a
' magnificent view of the river, cities and
surrounding tountrv: only '4 ensh down,
balance reasonable time at 1 per cent. Very
desirable for suburban homes.
Dec. 23, 19W. II
ISO acres 12 miles from Lynch, Neb.; 5
room house; barn; 83 ncres in cultivation;
running water, orchard, good Fell. I'rlce
too; only $l..i0 cash, balance to suit
Iwi acres li miles from Lynch, Nib ; 110
ncres In cultlvntlon; tl-rooiu house; bnrn;
10-acre woven wire lot; orchard; spring
water and well; good soli. llice $4,0O; only
II.IXI cash, balance to suit.
Ml acres 2 miles from Lynch. Neb.; no
Improvements, but an excellent farm; run
ning water; 90 acres of the very best bottom
land, balance upland. Price $l,lllXi, with
II, 3 10 cash.
9tV acres Joining town of Halsey, Neb.. In
Thomas county. This is ono of the very
best rawh propositions In ttw west. Black
sandy loam; 400 acres of smooth land, re
mainder rolling: Improvement not so very
gorvd, but the land is (J K. Price $0 ler
3J0-scre farm, all In hay and pasture ex
cept 4o acres; very best klr.d of soil; a t'i.OeO
house, and barn with capacity of 4I0 head
cattle; other improvements In keeping;
seven miles from Atlantic, In.; rents fur
tl.-00 a year. 1'rlee ;-, per sere.
Haw lands in the Panjinnriln of Texas,
tin- country where they grow everything
and can work 300 dnvs in the year. Price
$15 per acre, with terms of $i an acre down,
balance long time.
$30 Board of Trade. Omaha. Neb.
II-79S 'a
fi miles from the main line
of the V. P. Hy., SOO ncres
smooth land, good black soil,
underlaid clay subsoil, bal
ance of the section rolling and
suitable for pasture. Price $.r.,iO
per acre, which la very cheap.
1st VI. N. Y. I,, Bldg.
Tel. Doug. 1781.
We are authorized to offer a well
.Improved farm of 305 acres, located
about 12 miles from the business
center of Omaha, for $65 per acre,
part terms, if you want a bargain in
land Investigate this. Apply to
ICO 4 Farnam St.
11, OX acres, 16 miles from
the '!(. M., about 11 miles
from the IT. p., mostly all
good, smooth land, good soil;
at present la used as a ranch;
outside land could be retailed
to good advantage. Price $5
per acre. A chance to make
1st VI. N. Y. L. Bldg.
Mage It work for you. Cheap lands are
eounted the safest of paying invest
ments. Buy at ono as the opportunity
will soon be gone.
The Union Pacific R. R. fast closing
out Its lands in Western Nebraska, Colo
rado and Wyoming at
$ J to $5 pe r acre Easy Terms
The land consists of flna farm and ranch
land Por description of lands and full
Information regmUltig special excursions,
apply to
Dept. H. 318 So. 15st
In Knox county, new set Improvements,
PRICK t-,m. 2-7bO-acre ranch In llar
tleld, well Improved, over 2i head of
Wock. 400 tons of hay and farming
Implement go to the purchaser. Price
Mostly cultivated, black soil, run nli
water, $bo ier acre. We have others.
Write for particulars.
H-746 23x
8TOCK FARM bargain, S20 acres, Custer
Co., Neb., ten miles Callaway; prospect
new railroad near; pan cultivated. All
can be fenced, frame house, stable, gran
ary, corn crib, wagon shed, chicken house,
good well and wind null; school house
half mile. Fur quick bale, $10 per acre;
one-half cah, balance three ears' time
at 6 per cent. Addresa 8. H. Graham,
Callaway, Neb. 11 M674 Ux
Orange groves In Cuba, fruits and vege.
tables, large and small tracts, easy
terms. Cuban Orange Co., 326 Neville
Block, city. H 662 22x
Cheap Western Lands
rnment homesteads 1c ted. Printed lUti
giving ley U description uud prices, also
mars, pictures, etc., free.
Jul Front St., Sterling. Colo.
486 acres of Irrigated land two mile from
tig Springs, ln Deuel county. Nebraska;
M acres alfalfa, 900 acre finest kind of
sugar beet land, and close to new factory.
Bold In tract or a whole. Average
price, $26 per acr. Will pay to Inquire.
Stewart-Leavenworth Co.,
lit New York Life Bldg,
U-7W a
CHOICE farm, t.T acres, bring t" cash
rent. Price, $l;.i.i0. Address Uoj I, Cor
dova, Nob. H M7 2f.x
1410 N. 17th. 3-roorn, city water, f.
:1T. 1 2 purd' ttc, 5-room, porcelain bath, closet,
only $12.
1410 N. 3uth, 5-room, cltv water, only $12.
S. rpth. 5-room. modern except furn'u-e,
irod liarn, only $'-'
4.'A;-4.Y..s I lodge, 2 new 5 and 6-room cot.
tages, modern plumbing, polished floors,
everything new and up-to-date. Special
price on these.
8"l a. l.Mh St., B-room. all modern, two
blocks from court house, only $:ti).
10IO s. 27th, 7-room, all modern, open
plumbing, fine cellar, furnace, etc., re
duced from $1'5 to i.2 V).
fin N. 41st St., T-rootu, nice yaid, small
barn, $17.
4H'7 Izard, 8-tooni, all modern, $JTj. A bar,
816 S. STith Ave., S-room. all modern, close
to car, nice yard, only tSi .50.
W'l-2-3 N. Y. Life Bldg.
D 706 23
$1.'i PER month for S4oi Decntur St.. 6-room
cottage, city water, in good repair.
21 CO per month for 2.V Pierce St., new 5
rismi modern house, large slzo bathioom
and full basement.
27.r for l.;i.i South r7th St., 7 rooms, mod
ern except furnace, Imrn and fruit trees.
$:: ier month for N. V. corner of 21th and
Manderson Sts.. 7 rooms and bath, mod
ern In every way, hot water heat.
Tliri-e new houses, south front, n-r 2r,d and
Capitol Ave.. 7 rooms each, Ftrtctiy mod
ern in every way, will be completed altout
Jan. Jo; rental 42.tO and $t."i per month.
New apartments at ".th Ave. and Half
Howard. We have two lower Hpartments,
rental tl and $la per month; heat and
Janitor service furnished. These apart
meiiis are modern and strictly up-to-date
in every way.
UliOlUiK & CO., ltl FARNAM ST.
A strictly modern li-room steam heated
apartment In the Sherman; best of refer
1 rices must be furnished.
27u!l Webster St.. 7-room house, modern ex
cept furnace $.
2ili Indiana Ave., 8 rooms, modern exempt
f urn ace $.'0.
.To.'J N. i;th St., store room $10.
Ui N. 24Ui St., store room 512.
1215 Dewey Ave., s-room brick flat, modern
except furnace 2.50.
4209 Cuming St., 7-room house, modern ex
cept furnace, barn In connection onlv $18.
1st Floor N. Y. L. llldg. Tel. Doug. 1781.
6-room house, elegantly furnished, good lo
cation, with steam heating plant, J"i0 per
9 rooms, 4th nnd Fnrniim, $25.
8 rooms, 5olK CBllfotnla. $l!0.
8 rooms, 4!"M Chicago, $:.
8 riKinis, 41:-3 Webster, $22 50
3 rooms, 4!M0 Capitol Ave., $10.
L. L. Jolmson Co., '
R. 3 Barker Block.
'Phone Red 1246.
D 7uu 23
$Tj.oo sens Mason, 8 rooms, modern, choice.
$.'i2.5u 2552 Jones, 8 rooms, modern.
JSi'.oo 51 Seward, 9 rooms, modern.
$.v.0 2042 Hodge, 8 rooms, modern.
$J5. 103217 Pacific, " rooms, modern but fur
nace; excellent repair.
$20.001516 S. 2;ih, 6 rooms, modern.
$16.103322 Hoyd, 5-room cottage, brand new.
$16.00 3635 Charles, u rooms, excellent re
pair. $12.00 2m 9 Lake, 5-room flat, porcelain bath.
6EE us when shipping household goods to
large cities west; we can save you money.
lblh b'-. Tel. Doug. 11 K5. D 6S
storage and transfer. Best ntorage hoii5
In the city; immediate attention given.
1529-31-33 N. lbth St. Tel. Douglas 461!.
D iu
FOR RENT 8-room house, all modern ex
cept furnace $20.
9-room house, all modern, new furnace $25.
436 Paxton Block. D 432
WE DO expert piano moving at lowest
prices. Tel. Douglas 125. Schmoller dt
Mueller Piano Co., lill-1313 Farnam.
ITriTTQITQI parta ot the city. Th
UUUOIiO 0, F. Davis Co., Bee Bldg.
D iu4
c. ie;er, & Co., u;e Bldg
UOUGlkd, insurance. Rlnfiwalt, Barker Bik.
D (io5
OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, mov
store, II. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N.
liiui. Ofllce. 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. la'i.
D 60S
CENTRAL, steam, modern 7-room house.
Tlzard. 220 N. 23d. D JJ516
l-ROOM flat, modern, good repair, opposite
lianucom Park $33. 'Phone Douglas 6iL
STOTJ nE """hold goodT mer
31U1W1UL cbamllRrf, etc. Fred Bush
Transfer "Line, lio-0 Farnam St.
D-4S5 Jld
WA NTED Registered druggist with $500 t i
buy half or all interest in drug store and
take charge of same; M mlle west of
Omaha. Address i 170. Bee.
D M610 22x
FOR RENT Modern, 9-room, trick house
1126 S. 31st St.; 140 per month. Thomas
liiemian. room 1, N. Y. Life Bids.
FOR RENT 8-rnom brick house, basement
finished, all modern, new furnace, only
half block from car, good neighborhood;
rent $25 per month (worth $5o). C. AI
Bachtnann, 436 Paxton Block. D 338
VERY nice house, 7 rooms, strictly mod
ern, practically new, $;i5. 3t;i4 Leaven
worth. D 401 J14x
WE MOVE pianos. Magsard Van A Stor-
utr.o 10. A-'uufc. ihu, vjiuce, itxs Web
ster St.. D 67
7-ROOM cottage, modern except furnace.
$.v. i016 Elm St. Tel. Harney 1510.
D-5S7 22
6-ROOM new modern house, 1704 So. 15th
bi.. io. u Aililu 23.x
t-ROOM house. 7th and William. 'Phone
Douglas 4iilil. D 641 2CX
12 ROOMS, modern, close ln. southwest
corner 11 ml Jackson, being put in
thorough condition a-id will be painted
outside us soon as the weather permits,
Phone D. 5-5. Paxton Block.
I -671
FOR "RENT 210 S. 3oth St., 9 rooms, mod
ern, with furnace. Inquire next door.
D 7o 23
$30.00 8 rooms, all modern, 1317 S. 32.1 St..
one Muck from Haiiscom park, on
the car line.
$35.00 8 rooms, all modern. 31 7 Davenport
01 , opposite iienry tales residence.
N. P. DODO E & CO., .
1714 Farnani St.
D MTlil 25
IF YOU are looking for a house or flat, see
Hastings & Heyden, Lul Foinain St.
A strictly modern 8-room flat, nearly new,
oiuy s oiocks 1 rum posiomce. it is one
of the best flats in Omaha. lok It up.
1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 17S1.
10-ROOM house, modern, with fine furnace.
$37.50. Tel. Douglas 53i. D 778 23x
FOR RENT 6-room cottage and burn, to
careful tenant; 4 months, low rent Win.
Fleming, 211 S. lbth. D MM
ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing
5c per foot. 2t N. 17th St. Tel. Red i14.
DR. ROY, chiropodist; Alice Hail,
manhure. Room 2. l.r6 b'unnni. Tel.
IWMiglaa-Ms? --M:)
LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty.
li ii. l-ia kb '44, Puuklaa 1477.
European hotel and cafe.
In one tif the best large
towns in Nebraska. Fine
equipment and making money.
Good regular custom, both
trsnsient ami local.
For Information call n 417
N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha.
Y M669 23
A Business Proposition
An tip-to-date newspaper ln a thriving
town in southeast South I wknta, on t'.
i- N. W. railroad; a 5-coluinn 8-page
p.iper, wlt.h a good circulation and sev.
eial towns to uraw from; fully equipped
and plenty stock on hand; everything new
from f.otoiy. I'rlce, 11, WO. A sure
enough snap.
. S. FllANIv,
321 Neville Block.
Y-776 23
Do You Wish to Make a Change
If you have a farm, home, business or
property that you want to sell or cx
climife, write us.
Omaha, Neb., or Sioux City, la.
Y-1S2 J2
FOR SALE A stock of general merchan
dise in a good town of 5. it.), doing a good
business, about $3o,0uo ycarky; stock clean
and nice. This Is a good opportunity for
any one to step Into a good business.
Answer quick; no trade. Address C. O.
Olson. Holdrege, Neb. Y 73y lx
Drug stores for sale. F. V. Knlest, N. Y. Life
FOR SALE Blacksmith and wagon shop;
well located, with extra good business.
Townsend Really Co., Fremont, Neb.
Y M25 D25x
A. ONE Investment,
'Fhone Red 6372.
B. Bnlcombe.
Y-7S J-2x
GOOD location for general store ln Amer
ican and Swedish settlement in richest
part of eastern Nebraska; best building
in towr. ; brick. -Write to W. 9. Craig,
Craig. Neb. Y 1I5"J8 24
SALOON for sale; fixtures and stock. Ad
dress Joseph Slobodny, St. Paul, Neb.
Y-MU15 23x
CONFECTIONERY, cigars and tobacco;
good d. pot location; invoice between 4()
and $3iv; 70-acre farm. $K5 per acre; 121
acres, .0; 12 acres fruit and good 6-room
house, $3,000. Alvy Emlth Co., Co. Bluffs.
GOLDFIELD'S oldest brokerage house
W. F. Bond & Co., Box P, Coldfleld,
New Send your name and address and
receive free every week their market
letter, full information on nil mines and
stocks of every Nevada camp.
Y 675 23
FOR SALE Fine paying hnrdwnre and
Implement business for sale, cash. 9.0ii0
stock. Only one ln town of 5(0. Might
sell hardware alone. Inquire of Love &
Grimes, Woodbine, la. Y M672 28
OI'R fine general merchandise business for
sale, cash or part good land. Stock
about $14.0 0 annual cash sales $40,0u0.
bhecdy & Reed, Mankato, Kan.
Y M770 29
your money than you can get at a bank.
As safe as real estate, but quicker. An
exceptional opportunity for a few con
servative Investors'. Full details by re
turn mall. (i. W. Conover, S03 Merchants
loan and Trust Bldg., Chicago. Y
GUSHERS spouting; greatest oil field In
the world; company secured 3,0o0.n00
acres: stock, first allotment. 20c. Send
for prospectus, maps, etc. Bell & Haw
kins, 52 Broadway, New York.
Y-741 23x
FOR 8 A LB A stock of general merchan
dise in a splendid town of 500, the third
store In town, having been In business
three years; new stock; will io business
over $10,OHO this year; having other in
terests; if Interested unswer quick; no
trade. Address C. O. Olson, Holdrege,
Neh. Y 710 23x
INVEST IN OOLDThp standard of val
ues; here's your ooportunltv to make IliiO
per cent profit at par, with dividends;
surrounding properties produce $7,0O0,0")
yearly; shares 25c; act quickly before ad
vance: James Porteus, 'Frisco Bldg., St.
Irf.uis, Mo. Y 734 23x
MININO INVrcST.MENTS-Good, had and
Indifferent. The Copper Handbook de
scribes 4.626 mines, exposing miinv brazen
swindles. Address for particulars. Hand
book, 1 Montezumu St., Houghton. Mich.
Y 735 23x
STOCK In our electric air line railroad from
Chicago to New York has advanced 20
per cent in 90 days; all stock of the par
value of $100 per share anil all redeemable
at par by the road. $30 per month for 10
months buys 10 shares ot the par value of
$1.(a,); don't miss this chance: all our
stock will lie at r within one vear. Ad
dress W. F. -Porter, 8' 9 New York Lifa
Bldg., 'Phone Douglas 3565.
Y-714 23
BUSINESS man with good acquaintance
would Invest $",J0 to $10,0tO with services
In paying mercantile or manufacturing
business ln Omaha; state vhat line of
business In reply. Address F 73. Bee.
Y 6'j9 22x
FOR SALF. or exchange, for clear eastern
farm, 3.4io acres (jrass land and 1,4'O-scre
farm, central Kansas, char of encum
brance. J. B. Cramer, Kiowa, Kan.
Y 694 23x
IiAVH A $6,000 nice, clean stock of general
merchandise; I will sell at CO cents on the
dollar; bo quick. C. Stock, Dewitt, Neb.
Y 693 23x
TURNED Illustrated guide book and list
of Inventions wanted, free to any ad
dress. Patents secured by us advertised
free in World's lYoifress. Sample copy
free. Evans, Wilkens & Co., 5-SS F St.
Washington, D. C. Y
YOU can never profit by business chances
unless you have some money; small sav
ings are the foundation of large fortunes;
start a savings cccount with J L. Bran
dels & Sons, Bankers. 16th and Douglas
Sts. Assets over $4o0,0u0. Y
A GRAND opportunity for a good business
man to take Interest In a larjre, growing
installment furniture business f big suc
cess; must have ability and come well
recommended to take nctiv part In man
agement; ft a to fully your experience and
what interest utile to take. Loc k Box 411,
Kansas City, Mo. Y 7SS L3x
Fi iR SALE Tw-ive-room lodging house.
filled with roomers; going south on ac
count of business. 16 S. 8th St.. Council
Bluffs, la. Y So2 23
FUR NIT! " HE of twenty-two room flat.
central. Denver. Colo., for sale rhean or
exchange for Omaha property. Address
J 76, Bee Y M?.; Hx
WETMORE Detective Service. 'Phone Red
33M. Hooins 11 and 12, Union Blk.. 15th
and Farnam. M2ftj!9
500 TO S5.000
to loan at lowest rates on Omaha Im
proved real estute, with privilege of
paying part or all of principal Lefore
maturity and stopping Interest. Money
on hand.
OARV1N BROS., 1IM Farnam. 6 and 5V
per cent loans on real estate; no delay.
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Fat nam tJmith Co., U20 Farnam St.
LOWEST RATES Beiiils. Paxton Block.
PRIVATE MONET F. 1. Wead, 16-0 Doug.
V ;
$1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi
dence property In Oinulia; Wwest rati;
no UeUy. The mas Breunan, It. 1, N. Y.
Life, W &
W JN-li-D-Cay kxuif. ft. U Peters On
City & farm loans. O. F. Csrson Co., N. Y. L
LOANS on Improved city property. W. 11
Thomas. 606 First National Bank Bldg.
IX)W rates
Private motiM. $500 and up.
$1,00 private money. Bclby, 440 Roard of
Trade Bldg. W-M220
The good old Christmas time Is close
upon us; everyone Is looking for a snitablo
pie.-K'nt. While talking ulsiut presents,
what Is the matter with a typewriter? No
need lo buy a new one; we can sell you a
machine that looks and works as well us a
new one nt about one-third to one-half of
t lie manufacturers' price.
Remington No. 8, new $5i 00
Remington No. ti, rebuilt $47.60
Remington No. 6. rebuilt. .$.37.50
Smith I'lemPr No. 2 .!7.50
Smith Premier No. 2, almost
new $45.00
Smith Premier No. 4, pew $46. 00
Oliver No. 3 $10.50
Oliver No. 3, almost new $52.50
Oliver No. 3 $37.50
Underwood No. 4 $55.00
Underwood No. 4 $'
Fox No. 3, rebuilt $16.00
Densmore No. 1, line condition.. $1.1. 60
Detismore No. 1 $15 no
Remington No. 2, rebuilt. $19 60 to $:
Bllckensderfer No. 6, $10.0) to. .$15. no
Postal, new $I2.6i)
Wellington, new $37.50
Sun. new $-'5
Manhattan $lH.5o
All machines guaranteed to be ln
perfect condition.
Machines Rented, All Makes,
$2.50 Per Month.
Fox Typewriter & Supply Co.
1820-22-24 Farnam.
Tel. Douglas 3X74.
Q 7t 23
Last call for Christmas. Only
one more day to pet a
STEARNS as a Christmas
present. The STEARNS Is
the finest writing machine yet
produced. Price $100
Rebuilt typewriters, all
makes, some exactly same as
as new, at n fraction of new
price, $10 tip. Wo rent all
all kinds. Remington, Under
wood, Oliver. Smith-Premier,
Densmore, Bllckensderfer, etc.
Central Typewriter
1G03 Leavenworth St.
'Phone Red 0590.
Q-777 23
FOR SALE Numbering; stamp, ln good
condition. Inquire George R. Wright, Bee
ofllce. y M221
BEND us ycu mall orders for drugs;
freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon
Drug Co., Omaha. Q 647
6HEKWIN-W1LLIAMS CO.. best mixed
paint. Sherman & McCnnnell Drug Co.
. U 650
HALL'S safes, new, Zd-hand, 1818 Farnam.
U H75
A FEW BARGAINS ln second-hand soda
fountains; monthly payments. Deright,
Ibis Farnam. Q 623
ONE 6-inch Jenkins' valve for sale. Apply
W. II. Bridges, engineer. Bee Bldg.
Will sell my white steam touring car
cheap If taken at once. J. Fred Kerr,
1614 Farnam. Q MC27
GASOLINE ENGINE and wood-working
machinery for sale cheap. Apply Anchor
Fence Mfg. Co., 207 N. 17th St.
COAL $5.25 ton; burr egg, big size, good;
try it; 2 'phones. Harmon & Wceth.
Q-4H3 J10
BARGAINS ln unredeemed Jewelry. 418 No.
lilth. Q-M527 J12
FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire of
J. R. Ciwlpbeli. Bee mail room. Q 51$
FOR SALE Remington typewriter No. 6,
In guod condition. $57. Inquire liee busi
ness oflice. Q 3iS 22x
FOR SALE A handsome bookcase, ma
hogany finish, ut a bargain. Telephone
Harney Ii23. Q 556 x
FOR SALE One 1905 Oldsmoblle runabout.
In good running order, with lamps, horn
and set of tools. Extra seat for four.
Charles W. Ahlmann, Norfolk, Neb.
Q-MtXJl 24x
ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6, ln good
condltlun, tor sale cheap. Call at Bee
ollico. J M629x
A PAIR of steel-wheel, ball-bearing skates
for sale cheap; almost new. Also two
small typewriters, cheap. Call at 210 8.
2oth St., Omaha, Neb. Q 036 22x
LAKE OAK and hickory, 3.0rt0,i00 feet, near
mill (Missouri) for practically nothing.
Pox 4'i2, Sibley, la. Q MilTO 24x
NEARLY NEW SINGER Sewing machine
and Globe- Wernicke bookcase cheap.
1S19 Davenport st. Q M752 26x
FOR SALE Hunting ferrets. Write to R,
A. Bennett, David City, Neb. y-732 23x
TELEPHONE poles, posts nnd ties; I have
5ti,0ti poles, 75,110 posts. 25,(io railroad tl-s;
I produce my own stock; do not belong
to the trust and can save the consumer 5
per tent. S. E. Thompson, Tenstrlke,
Minn. Q 75ii 23x
FOR SALE-Beautiful long-haired Angora
cati and kittens. Angora Farmer Co.,
2"51 Winter Ave., Indianapolis. Ind.
J OIKi 23X
FOR SALE Up-to-date furniture and rugs
for 4 rooms, almost new, cheap for cash.
Address E 72, Bee. y G92 :A
WANTED To sell, a line seal skin ape,
sl.e 120 Inches by 36 Inches, collar 21
Inches by 5 Inches; Rice Imdon dyed,
Skinner satin lined; practicnllv new;
would make over Into a beautiful lacket,
1 tc. Address I! 73, Bee. y 785 23x
A RARE Christmas present; no other ta
ble like it in this country; enptur-d In
the Philippine war; Is 52 Inches In dlame
1er; one piece solid mahogany top; heavy
carved hgs. Call and see It. Price,
$l50."i. T. II. W iiich, I5nj California St.
Q-!04 24x
Wiien You Write to
remember It takes only an extra stroke or
two of the pen to mention the fact that
you saw the aa. In The Bee.
Alonio P. Tiilicy and wife to Paul S.
Oillette and wife, lot 15, A. P. Tuk-y's
re-plat of block 2, Beinis Park $ 1
The New York Life Insurance Com
pany to Edward L. Spencer, block 5,
LjttAvnlield 1
Theodore A. Spratlen to Charles M
Garvcy, lot 14, block 5, Boggs &
Hill s 1
Edward V. Human to Mary Groa
lot 1, blin k 3, Kendall's 1
Same to same, lu-t 1, block 2, Ken
dall's 1
William D. Baucker et al. to Theodore
A. Sprath n, lot 14, block 5. Boggs &
Hills 1
Alia V. Cowles to Charles 8. Hoff
man. e3o feet v.ii feet lot U. Mil
lard & Caldwell s 1.250
Charles Harrier to William R. Burke,
lot It and 10, block 2. Harriers 3d
add. to Village of Valley 260
Clinrles II. Pierce and wife to Molll
K. Davis. w.a f-et lot 5. block 48,
Valley fcOO
David K- d and wife to Lor a Powt r.
ni-i, niv', i-15-12 15,000
IIukIi McCaffrey and wile to Iira
Power, lots it. IS. 23. 24. 25, 26, 31 and
32. Mavtield lO.OOu
Jt'trt i). Fink to Churh-a Lull
Tlionias, lots 2. 3. 4 and 20, block 111,
and lots 10 aiul 15, block 116. Florence
Office of Iee-Ola.-Andieusen Hardware
Company, Omaha, Neb., D' cemher P. I t.
Nollre is hei-eby given to the stockholders
of the I e-Olass-Andreesen Hardware
Company that the annual meeting of the
stockholders of the company will be held
at the nfllees of the said company, corner
of Ninth and Harney streets. In the city of
Omaha. In the state of Nebraska, on Tues
day, January' K A. D , l'7. at 3 o'clock p.
m., for the purpose nf electing a boaid of
directors for the company to serve during
the ensuing year, and to transact such
otlirr business as may be presented at
such meeting. Attest;
Secretary. Iresident.
D d 31t
Notice Is hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the Union
Land company for the election of live di
rectors and th transaction of such other
business as may lawfully come before the
meeting will lie held at the ofllce of the
general solicitor. Union Pacific Hulldlng,
9th and Farnam 8ts., Omaha, Nebraska,
on Monday, the I4th day of January, l!m7,
at lo o'clock a. m.
The stock transfer books will be closed
ten dnvs previous to the meeting.
ALEX MI l.I.K It. Secretary.
Dated. New York, December 2nth. l'.mi.
D-3d 2"x
OMAHA. Dec. 14. lfv,.-Notlce H hereby
given that the annual meeting of the
stockholder1 of the Omaha Gas Company
will be held at the office of the company,
Merchants National Hank building, at 10
a. m., Monday, January 7, P.i7, for the
election of directors for the ensuing year,
and for the transaction of such other busi
ness as may come before the meeting.
GEO. W. CUlUl'tlH.
Dec. 15d 10t E-3
Leave. Arrive.
Overland Umlted a 9:56 am a 8:18 pm
The China and Japan
Fast Mail a 4:15 pm a 5:10 pm
Colo. & Calif. Ex a 4:15 pm a 9:30 pm
California & Ore. Ex. ..a 4:25 pm a 5:10 pm.
Los Angeles Limited. . .al2:0i pm alO:45 pm
l"at Mall a 1:65 urn a 5: no pm
Colorado Special a 7:45 am a 7 4 an)
North Platte Local a 8:10 am a 4:50 pm
Beatrice lxcal b 3:00 pm bl2:4l pm
ChlcHfto, Rock Island & Pacific.
Chicago Limited ....
3:15 am
a 7
a 4
a S
b 9
:10 am
:30 pm
:45 pin
:55 pin
:35 pm
25 nm
lowa Local a
7:no am
Chicago Mall
lowa Local bl
12:ti6 pm
5:i'5 pm
Chicago (Eastern Ex.).. a
a 1:
a 4
a 3:
a 4
Chicago (lowa I.mtd.)..a
o:.;i pm
Des Moines Local
15 pm
;05 am
50 pm
;05 pm
Rocky Mountain Limit.. a
Colo. & Cal. Express... a
7:20 am
1 1 :50 pm
Okl. & Texas Express..!
l.incfiln Vnlronrv nnd
, 4:40 pm
Bellevue a 8:50 pm a 9:30 am
Illinois Central.
Chicago Express a 3:00 am
Chicago Limited a 6:o0 pm
a 3
a 7
5o pm
30 am
St. Louis Express a
St. Louis Ixical (from
.a 6:30 pm
a 8:30 am
al0:30 pm
bll:30 am
a 6:05 pm
ulu:oo pm
all :15 pm
a 3:45 pm
a 9:25 am
a 9:50 am
a 3:46 pm
Council Bluffs) a 9:15 am
Slanberry Local (from
Council Bluffs) b 5:00 pm
C hicaRO A ortliTvetcrn.
Cedar Rapids Pass.
Twin City Express.
Chicago Daylight .
Chicago Local
Sioux City Local...
Carroll Local
Sioux City Local...
Chicago Express ...
Fast Mail
Fast Mail
Twin City Limited.
Overland Limited ..
..a 7:o5 am
..a. 7 :5o am
..a s:oo am
..all.. in am
..a 3:5o pm
..a 4:32 pm
.a 5:50 pm a
:30 am
a 2:(X) pm
a S:30 am
,.a 8 25 pm
.a 8:1:5 pm
a 7:05 am
a 9:31 am
all:51 am
a 10:35 ain
al0:35 am
a 6:05 pm
u 6:05 pm
b 5:06 pm
b 12:40 pm
a t:;:s pm
Chicago Limited all:00 pm
Norfoik-Bonesteel a 7:40 am
Llncoln-Chadron b 7:4o am
Lieadwood-Llncoln a 3:00 pm
Casper-Slioshonl a 3:00 pm
Hastings-Superior b 3:00 pm
Fremont-Albion b 6:02 pra
Missouri Pacific.
K. C. & St. L. Express.. a 9:00 am a 6:30 am
K. C. & St. L. Express.. all :15 pm a 6:25 pm
Nebraska Local a 2:05 pm all:40 am
bii-UKO, Milwaukee & St. Paul.
Chi. and Colo. Special. .a 7:55 am a 7
California and Ore. Ex.. a 5:45 pm a 3
Overland Limited a 8:35 pm a 9
Marion 6c Cedar R. Loc.b 6:46 am bll
:30 am
:10 pm
:20 am
.00 pm
Chicago Great Western.
St. Paul & Minneapolis. 8:30 pm
St. Paul & Minneapolis. 7:45 am
Chicago Limited 6 45 pm
Chicago Express 7:46 am
Chicago Express 3:30 pm
: io iitn
:50 pm
:00 am
:60 pm
:30 pm
L Burlington.
.a 4:11) pm
.a 4:10 pm
.a 4:10 pm
.all:lu pin
a 9:10 am
.11 8:n0 am
.1. 2:00 pm
.b 2:50 pm
.a 7:50 am
a 3:30 pm
a 6:30 pm
a 9:05 am
a 6:M pm
a 7:40 pm
a 9:05 am
a 12:01 pm
b10:25 am
a 8:30 am
a 7:10 am
ft :'W am
a 7:25 am
a 3:io pm
a 7:25 am
al0:53 pm
all :3o am
a :45 am
a 6.10 pm
Denver California...
Black Hills
Northwest Special
Northwest Express ....
Nebraska Expiess
Nebraska Local
Lincoln Loca:
Lincoln Fast Mall
Ft. Crook A Plattsm'th
Bellevue & Plattsm'th.
Denver ljmlted
Bellevue & Pac. June
Chicago Special
Chicago Expiess
Chicago Flyer
Iowa Local
St. Louis Express
Kansas City-St. Joe....
Kansas Clty-St. Joe....
Kansas Clty-St. Joe
Chlcnaro, St. Paul, Minneapolis A
Twin City Passenger... b 6:30 am b 9:10 pm
Floux City Passenger... a 2:m) pm nil :80 am
Kmersnn Local d b:ji pm n h:iv am
Emerson Local C 8:45 am c 5:50 pm
Missouri Pacific.
Local via Weeping
Water a 8:05 am a 6:50 pm
Falls City Ixical a 3:50 pm all:20 am
a Imilv. h Daily except minaay. a I'any
except Saturday, c Sunday only, e Daily
except Monday.
Frequent Spring PartlM
FlPbt-clBfc llirouu nout, :B.
rt Tour to
sr70 dd.i
Orient ( rulM Kb. 7, by 6. 8. Artlc. V.V0 toni)
Tour around the world Jan. 6th.
FRANK C. L'LAHK. Brodwy. New York.
The Kearless Clork.
C. H. Brigden, a Los Angeles watch
maker, has Invented the first timepiece
ever made to run and to keep time with a
single wheel, and the wheel Is nut a gear
wheel but only a perforated disk, so that
the clock might be called a gearless clock.
A quarter-inch steel ball rolling on two
Inclined plates takes the place of pendulum
and gearing. This steel ball rolls over
the two inclined plates In Just a minute
and rolls off the lower plate Into the lower
hole of the dli-k, at the same time releasing
the disk, which ia always under tension
Imparted to It by two ball weight sus
pended ln towers.
The disk carries thirty balls on one side,
and when released by the rolling of the
ball from the lower plates ugalnst a lock
ing device, the disk turns the space of one
hole, or one minute, and brings the upper
most ball into position to roll on the top
plate and begin Its ilgzag course down the
two inclined plates, as did the preceding
ball. Each ball rolls over the plates once
every thirty minutes. Pacific Outlook.
sent Down for I onsnltation.
The magnate fated St. Peter.
"What sort of life have you led?" In
quired the keeper of the gates.
The face of the magnate grew d'jll and
'By advice of counsel," he replied, "I
refuse to answer."
Tho gatekeeper slowly nodded.
"In that case," he said, "you had lietter
consult your counsel before this goes any
further. He is walling for ou In t lie ante
room below."
Whereupon the saint pressed the button
and the elevator piriform upon which tha
magnate was standing dropped Into the
ulptwruus' dvpttu. Cleveland, PUlQ Dtalor.
.a 3:30 am
.a 7:25 am
.a 3:45 pm
.a 8'i5 )nn
.a 9:15 am
.a 4:45 pm
.alO:45 pm
.a 9:15 am
a 4:45 pm
Uadiaon fqnare to Ea cene of a
Macmfirsnt Pieplij.
Outline of Scheme Klcerds Any that
Has Kirr Been Held In Ha
Scope and tienerst
An utterly new precedent for superb dec
orative schemes will In- set when 1 1 1 0 '
doors of Miullson Scpinrfl Harden opi-:i
for tho seventh national automobile show
that is to be held there during the week
of January 12 to 19. Not even at the Au
tomobile Salon of Paris, or ln any foreign
capital, has thee ever been attempted
anything like such an elaborate and artis
tic creation for a show.
When It Is said that more than $5O.fi0
Is being stient simply ln iscpnrlng the set
ting for the exhibits and that the Interior
of the garden will present a scene of daz
rllng beauty, only a vague Idea Is con
veyed of what Is to be presented. Those
who have .been privileged to see some de
tails of the preparations have been ns
toutided at their scope, even though fore
warned by tho general statement about
grandeur and expense. It Is .tlmost un
believable that so much clalmratlon ever
would lie entered upon for an automobile
show; It Is more on the scale of prepara
tions for the reception of some national
hero, such as that K'ven In New York
to Admiral LK-wcy on his return from the
Philippines. At least tho regality of the
cars will find an adequate setting nnd
tho whole will be worthy of the atten
tion of President Roosevelt' and the for
eign ambassadors, who have been Invited.
Tho motor cars will attract their usual
following of the public, but apart from
them the scenic surroundings will b9
worth a long trip to every lover of a t'or
Ecous spectacle.
Riot of Vivid Color.
The coloring will be ho vivid, varied and
harmoniously distributed as to elude de
scription In black and white, hut some Idea
of the ensemble may be had by those who
can picture In mind a Swiss gar
den lu the late fall, or early winter be
neath an amber sky, spangled with pale,
silvery stars that blink a good-night to
tho sinking sun; all the mellow and flaming
glories of, autumnal foliage are playing
hide and seek about rustic arbors, anil
the coloring Is reflected uihjii pure white
statuary and in splashing fountains; the
green sward of the garden Is delicately
flecked ln white by the Hist desultory
flakes of a snow flurry, sent to tell of
the approach of winter; ln the perspective,
on all sides. Is Alpine scenery, with ham
lets, snuggling between snowy peaks, and
mountain lakes gleaming in the lingering,
refracted rays of the sunset hour.
Iist year the decorative plan was to
represent an Italian garden ln summer
time, with classic cortijees iJiout and a
color scheme of white and gold. It was
fine, but very cheap compared with what
Is being prepared for next month. This
winter more than $50,000 are being ex
pended on the decorating and It Is being
stient judiciously. According to 9. R- Ball,
the otlicial decorator, his llrst Idea after
obtaining the commission was to create
something as different ns possible from the
last show and to carry out to the utter
most whatever scheme was adopted. To
this end he made, a tour of Europe, gath
ering Ideas and models from prominent
artists for tho creation of the Swiss gar
den. Starry Sky nnd Snowy Enrtta.
Overhead the Iron girders of the big
show house will be concealed by a canopy
of amber hue, studded with 37,'iO silver
stars. The whole floor will bo covered
with a specially woven green carpet, with
white streaks and dots here and theie to
carry out the snow motif. The side walls
of the main flo r and platform will be
coia-euled by paintings designed to per
fect the Illusion of an Alpine perspective,
and at the Fourth avenue end will be a
huge canvas painted by well-known
creators of theatrical scenes and curtains.
In front of the pillars that support the
galleries will be heroic statues on pedestals,
eight on each side. One figure represents
the "Goddess of the Show," and was de
signed by a German sculptor; another Is
a winged Mercury, designed ln Paris. These
two figures are to be posed alternately
along the sides. At either end of the
bandstand will be unother heroic figure
representing "Triumph." Near the Miull
son avenue entrance will be a great foun
tain, twenty feet across the base and eight
fe-t in height. It will have three basins
and its several Jets will be illumined by
various colored lights. The spirit of the
fountain Is a nymph holding a dolphin.
and on the rim of the bowl will be sea
children, pouring libations from water
vessels held ln their hands. On each side
of the fountain will be allegorical statues
of heroic size and It will have a back
ground of natural plants and foliage. This
fountain Is a piece of work worthy of
permanency, for It contains some of the
best thought of the artist who designed it.
Forest Effect Indoors.
Stretching down through the center of
the garden, over tho Bnow-flecked verdure,
will be a rustic arbor made of white birch.
This will be Intertwined with autumn foil
age, with varl-colored electric bulbs scintil
lating among It. The stairways from the
floor to the elevated platform also will be
of rustic work. Several carloads of while
birch were brought from the Adirondack
especially for this work and It, too, will be
worthy of permanency. The central rustic
bower Is a masterpiece ln that It combines
the maximum of attractiveness with the
minimum exaction upon the valuable floor
space. The arlior has a sloping roof that
la supported solely by pillars rising to the
peak and at the ground pillars are the
stanchions of rustic scats. These seats are
not double, or dos-a-dos, but alternately
face each way, so that each exhibitor gives
up the seating room for only half the
length pf his space.
The general picture will not be marred
by any visible railings. Those of the ele
vated platform will be concealed by art
novcau pointings, Introduced so as not to
have too much mountain scenery, and thla
portion of the work will be further en
riched by drapejies of wine-colored silk.
In all, more than 20,000 yards of draperies
will be employed. The demarcation of the
spaces of exhibitors will be by mean: of
narrow strips of wooden moulding, finished
in forest green. The desks and chairs and
all the furniture of the exhibitors, also,
will have this tone of forest green.
In the restaurant, off the foyer, the same
general scheme will be carried out, but In
the concert hall, there will t a complete
departure, and in the basement and the
rathskeller will be other totally diffetent
schemes, so that the visitors may roam
about gllmislng new beauties. In the con
cert hall, the scheme will be Persian, with
columns, draperies, rugs and panels of
oriental design. In the basement, the
scheme will be delft and bite, the walL
being covered wltn delft burlap and the
brick pillars with Dutch paintings, while
the celling will he draied In white. The
rathskeller and grotto will lie decorated
with English paintings and panels of Span
ish leather, hand tooled and depleting vari
ous scenes. Everywhere the id4 of autumn
merging Into winter will be tarried out, but
without coldness. The old garden will lose
Its Identity completely In ft wealth of wantl
concealing ruler.
I.ealslntlnn for the Anto.
"Is the winter of I'.Ml-O to witness an.
other outpouring of that stream of legisla.
tion whh h rises to floodtldo annually and
Is only dammed by tho adjournment of thrt
various state legislatures In U10 spring?''
asks the Motor World. "The most char
itable thing that can be said of It as a
whole Is that It Is misguided, and liko
charity itself this term represents a veil
that covers a multitude of sins. It covers
those backhanded attacks on one section
of the community at the bock of another,
because that other was responsible for the
election to ofllce of the attacking force;
It covers that blind prejudice that docs not
want to see or deal fairly with both sides
of a case, and last, but not least, It covers
the awful disregard of tho Interests of a
growing Industry to serve political ends.
"thi top of all this Is the petty spirit ot
biased prejudice with which the legislation
brought to light under such unfavorable;
circumstances Is enforced and Interpreted.
Abolition of speed r sti ictlons or a reason
able limit consistent with the drcnmstancnsi
where one is Imposed; one state license
and number, if any, that shall be uni
versally recognized In all other states, and
the lighting of every vehicle that uses tha
road after nightfall constitute three essen
tial points that should lie strenuously
fought for nt every state legislature during
the approaching sessions. It has been the
policy of various organizations In years)
past to lie low to be content with what
they had rather than fly In the face of
evils they rocked not of In an attempt to
Improve things.
"But the decision to let well enough alone
did not serve to leave them In that ob
scurity that seenwd so desirable. They
were draggi-l forth Into the limelight any
way by being forced to fight pet-niclnua
measures that might never have seen tha
light had they been forestalled hy a de
termined attempt to pass , reasonable bill.
I'ndoulitedly tho majority of motorists
would lie content to let well enough alone
where legislation Is concerned, hut tho leg
islatures will not permit them to do so.
I)n niter of the I,n.
"Experience has demonstrated that a set
speed limit Is but tin opening to tho cupid
ity of rural enforcers nnd Interpreters of
the law, nnd experience has also Bhown that
until time has considerably softened this
bucolic prejudice the Motorist will bo re
garded as le;;ltimute prey. Hence there
should be either a total abolition of speed
limits, with full power to nrrest and flna
for driving to the common danger, which
exists outside vof any legislation and al
ways has, or the limit Imposed should be
consistent with the circumstances, not so
low that its proper observance is next to
Impossible nor so high as to invite reckless
ness. "In accordance with the constitution
each state must give full fori and effect
to the public acts of nil the others, and
comity has extended this principle to acts
and regulations not technically Included
within Its provisions, so there are two ex
cellent reasons why every state should reo
ognlze the licenses Issued by others. Iast.
but not least, there Is that hugnhoo of
every rural legislator a universal light
ing 1)111. An automobile Is compelled to
carry three lights a wagon none. Certainly
these are reasonable things to ask for, and
not alone reasonable, but a matter of ab
solute right. It accordingly behooves every
organization not to await attack, but to
carry the light Into the enemy's camp by
demanding those rlghtB which shall place
the automobllist on tho same piano of right
and privilege as other users of the high
They Have More Courage Than Men,
Says a Veteran of tho
"Unless you know where you're at and
Just what stuff you're going to get and
have It all doped out In advance as to
how you're going to get Into the phtce, tha
game Is no good any more," explained a
professional house burglar ln a Wubuslt
avenue saloon the other night.
"Why, Ned, what's the trouble?" he was
"Well, tho women have got so suspicious
of us fellows." he replied, "that they hava
made It almost impossible for us to get
Into a house unawares. The women are tha
"1 have not been active lately, but my pals
greatest Inventors that I know. It Is mar
velous to me that there haj not been aa
Edison among thuni."
Ned's last name Is Cady, and his picture
Is In the rogue's gallery because he has
served one term in tho penitentiary for
burglary, and he is not a man who U
ashamed of his vocation. He was talking
about home-made burglar alarms when ha
praised women as being greit inventors.
"You see," said Cady, "when a man wiuiti
to go into a house In the night time ho
don't want to tumble over a cnriet or bear
a tin pan fall. As soon aa anything Ilka
that happens he Is going to run, for ha
knows mighty well that there is a womaa
ln the house laying fur him."
"How about the huhand?" ho was asked.
"Shucks with the men. I am not afraid'
of any of 'em, but I could never tackle a
woman. They are a timid lot, but let ma
tell you they have more courage than all
the men put together. Every burglar
knows that to be a fact."
"The women are afriild of us and they
have Invented more things to warn them
selves when we arrive Uian any man could
ever think of." continued the c-x-convlct.
have told me. The other night ono of them
got into a house and fell down a half dozen
times because tho rugs were all crumpled
up. When he left he heard the woman whu
had set the trap screaming, and If there is
anything that will frighten a burglar It is a
woman's scream.
"Another one of my pals went to the
trouble of opening a door with a Jinuny
and found after the lock had been con
quered that the back of a chair was placed
under the door knob. It Is an easy matter
always to get rid of that chair, but ha
knew, that a woman was waiting for hlir
and be lied.
"I tell you every burglar Is afraid of
"Now, if I must confess It, I was at a
back window where I was not acquainted
a few nights ago and after I had swelled
the catch, as we cull It, und lifted the
window I heard a crash of tin pans Insldu
and It didn't take much time for me to be
a few blocks away."
"Then you say the women are the ter
ror of burglars'."'
"Absolutely," said Cady. "No burglar is
afraid of a man. He expects to be shot ut
and that does not frighten him, but a
woman's scream Is so harruwiug to him
that he will run at once. And I want to tell
you that women have things now so tlia-t
their husband's latchkeys use useless. They
hear him coming, and so what chance haj
a burglar?"
High -illce officials agree with this talk
ative burglar that women are tlie real pro
tectors of the home. They have Invented
burglar alarms thut have made the patent
devices needless. Some crumple the rusf
to trip uny Intruder that com.- to prowl
In the darkness, while otheis n.ake use ut
the kitchen ware to alarm them when a
door or window Is opened Chicago Trib
une. Now Is the time to make your wanU
known throng; The lit Want Ad
x- m