Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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22, 1000. 7
hre you ready for Christmas?
Have all your many qH thouahts
satislied? If not you'll never
a Detter place to supply your
wants than here. Everything and anything in holiday goods from the most inexpensive toy to
the most expensive gifts anyone would desire. Santa CI aus Omaha Headquarters is located in
our immense holiday bazar, main floor, and you'll find here the greatest of holiday goods dis
play. Our Saturday prices spell economy in big letters. Bring the children Saturday, let them
see this great display. Compare our prices with others you'll find them the lowest.
"! i ... I
I ml
1 i0m m-
Manufacturer's Stock of Furs at Half
A surplus stock of Furs, purchased from one of the largest eastern manufac
turers, will he placed on sale Saturday at
150 New Fur Scarfs, that would sell reg
ularly up to $4.00, in Saturday's sale at,
choice l.uu
:th Lornr Double Fox Scarfs "Worth rejx-
ularly up to $10.00; choice $5.00
$25.00 Double Isabella Fox Scarfs Very
special value, at $12.50
Handsome Coney Coats Sable dyed, that
would sell. regularly at $35.00; special
Saturday at $17.95
$45.00 Astrakhan Coats Remarkable
values, in Saturday's sale at. . .$29.90
Women's $50.00 Near Seal Coats Hand
some garments, elegantly lined and fin-
ished; at, choice.
Elegant feeaver Coats For which you
would pay elsewhere up to $90.00 Sat
urday at $59.00
$5.00 Waists In Messalines, nets and
taffetas, a great assortment of styles;
special Saturday at $2.98
A Magnificent Stock of Underskirts -Very
special values at $12.50, $10.00,
$7.50 and $5.00
Women's Cloth Coats Regular $10.00
values, in handsome fancy mixtures,
trimmed with combination colors; great
bargain at $5.00
mixed materials, satin lined throughout,
most remarkable values yet shown
at $10.00
One lot of 400v Coats, including friezes
and kerseys, in great assortment of
style, at $1.98
Children's Coats at Half
Mothers who have waited are certainly
fortunate, for not only have you a com
plete Btock here to select from, but our
sale prices offer you an opportunity to
save half and in some cases over half.
Over 4,500 Coats to Select From.
One lot (about 200 garments), in bear
skin, that sold up to $5.00, will go Sat
urday at $1.50 and , $1.00
Beautiful Cloth Coats In great assort
ment of style and material, that sold
regularly at $25.00 and $30.00 -special
.. $14.90
Children's Coats In curly bearskins,
finest kerseys and fancy mixed fabrics,
regular $6.00 values; on sale Saturday
at $2.98
$20.00 Coats In fine kerseys and fancy
Furnishing Goods Gift
Saturday Greatest Bargain Day ever known in our Furnishing
Goods dept. The enormous business during the last ten days has
left us with many broken lines of high class furnishings and we
will place them on sale Saturday at Just Half Regular Price.
' v. f w. i v r vi
fen's Taney SJnspenders Plain "ilk web nr
fsnry embroidered, all colors and style:
$2.00 qualities at 81.00
$1.60 qualities at 7o
$1.00 qualities at BOc
SOr. qualities t 8S
Mea's Mufflers In reefers, squares or
quilted, that sold up to $2.00; choice Sat
urday. $1.00. 75c and 50o
M.n'a BTeokties 50c to $1.50 values, made
of finest silk, put up In Individual boxes,
ail newest styles In three lots, at 75c,
Ertc and 85
Men's Bath Kobe that sold up to $10 00
made from heavy cotton and wool. aM
colors: spe. lal. $5 00 and 3.98
Mini and Boys' Sweaters Manufactured
to sell at $3.00 to $7.00; Saturday, $.' 50
and 81.50
Boys' Sweaters Regular $1.50 to $3.00
values, at $1 50 and 98c
Men's Fancy till, and Cashmere Hon
25c to 6oc values; special at X'oc and 13 Ho
Ken's Handkerchief Worth 25c to bn-:
Saturday sale, at Jfio, 15c. 1IWC and . . 10o
Ken's Fine I.lnen Initial manikerchiers
H doien In box; special at, box $1.00
Men' Initial Handerobiefs Vi dozen In
box; speclaj 8'
Ken's Fin Cambrto Handkerchiefs With
white or fancy borders, worth loc to lie;
cnolce -
Bay How Before A.ssortmeats Are Broken
$10 and $15 Children s Coats, very tmt
qualities, handsomely trimmed, haturd.iv,
$7.50 and 85.00
Take Advantage of Out Hoar Specials.
From 8 Till 8 A. M. W omen s Coney
From 8:30 Till 9:30 A. M. Women's Waists,
worth $1 00. at 38o
From 9 Till 10 A. M. Women's Eiderdown
liregsinK Sacques 00
From 8:30 Till 10:30 A. M. Women's Silit
Underskirts $1.88
Buy Xmas Books Saturday
Our stock is bo large and varied that to chooso
hurriedly would be a great mistake. A better and more
complete stock you'll not find, and our prices are cer
tainly the most attractive ever.
$1.54 Xew Oupyrluht Fiction
$1.08 and 0."c An un
equalled list of the newest
titles to select from. You cer
tainly will be delighted with
the completeness of our line
$1.08 and 95
Immense Line of Children's
IkMiks Select your gifts here
-prices up from.
851.50 Copyright Fiction 89c
These are reprints. In a sur
prisingly large list of titles,
handsomely bound. You'll
find them here only at..39
Gift Ilooka of All Descriptions
If there Is anything partic
ular you are looking for,
come here. We have It at
lowest price.
Home of the Griffon Shirt
T l.l.kl f.ll II 1 II 1 1
i mm i
1 B&& 11 HI
I K'.r.atrjt I! I HI I
II 1
As a gift to father, brother or
husband. Shirts are always accept
able; can't get too many. In fact.
We're proud of our excellent
showing. If you buy the Griffon
hranrl vou're sure of the best, in
quality, fit and style. All colors
nd patterns, all styles, at
Men's Heavy Woolen Overshirts
I A most complete assortment at
$1.00 up to $3.00.
The most up-to-date Shirt De
partment in Omaha.
Handsome Umbrellas
What Hetter for Gift? The latest im-
ported novelties and the Tery best quali
ties In domestic goods. More Umbrellas
shown here than In any two stores In
Omaha, and no store anywhere can lay
claim to a choicer or richer line. The
low priced kind very low In fact, but of
serviceable quality, and the beautiful gift
goods, with handsomely carved bone,
pearl, wood, gold and silver handles.
' Prices range from $15, $12.50, $10,
$7.60, $5 down to 080
As Saturday Special we offer an Immense
sample line of Umbrellas, worth regu
larly up to $5, in four lots, at $2.50,
$1.98, $1.60 and. Q8e?
Children's Umbrellas, with fancy handles,
98c and ' , 49
Ladles' Bilk Shawls All colors, special values
at $5.00 down to $1.60, 8c and 69o
Boys' BUrklnf Caps, at 60c and 85c
Ladles' Bilk and Wool and All Wool Shawls
Black, white or' colors at $1.50, 98c, T5o
and 60e
Fancy Linen Sale
About 250 pieces of High Art and Fancy
Linens Jukt received from China, Japan,
Ireland and Germany too late for Christ
mas and we wtU cut prices In two.
Fancy Embroidered and Prawn Work, in
Mexican, Japanese, Cluny and Chinese, in
round or squares, all sizes from 36x36 to
12x12. at $12, $10. $5.98. $5.75, $4.98.
$2.60. $1.50 and $1.00
Full Jlne of Embroidered, Hemstitched
and Fancy Drawn Work Lunch Cloths.
7-4, 6-4 and 5-4 sizes, in damask and
round thread linen, at $12.50, $10.00.
$7.60, $6.60. $4 98. $3.98. $2.60
and S2.25
Pattern Tablecloths, in round, scallop,
and square, double satin finish Imported
Irish linen, In 12-4, 10-4, 8-4 and ii
2tt yards and 2x2 yards square, big as
sortment of patterns, at $19.50, $12.50,
$9.95, $8.60, $6.50, $5.50, $4.50. $3.75
and 93.25
Table Linen by the yard, imported Ger
man, Scotch and Irish Linen. 72 inches
wide, all new patterns, at, yard, $3.98,
$2.60. $1.75. $1.49, $1.25 and Qg
Kapklns to match all table linens, in 4.
23-lnch and sizes, at, dozen, $12.50,
$8.60, $6.50, $5.50, $4.60, $3.75, $3.50.
$3.25. $1.98 and 81.49
Why ? give Gloves
v You can be best satisfied here, be
cause our stock is by far the largest.
Gloves bought for gifts we will
gladly exchange and fit after the
holidays. No matter what your
glove wants, they can be supplied
8, 12 and 16-hutton length Gloves, in all
styles and colors prices, $3.60, $3.00,
$2.50 and $1.50
Ladles' fine Mocha Gloves, silk lined, fleece
lined or unllned, $2.00 values, at. 81.50
Ladles' Short Gloves, made of fine French
kid, all colors prices, $2.00, $1.50. $1.25
and 81.00
Ladles' and children's Woolen Gloves and
Mittens, worth to 76c, at 49c, 25c. .15
Hos'ry Gift Suggestions
Rousing Bargains in This Depart
ment Saturday.
Ladies' Pure Silk Hose Hand em
broidered, worth up to $6. a pair,
at $2.08 and. 2.50
Ladies' Plain Silk Hose that would
sell regularly up to $4.00 pair;
special Saturday, at $2.00, $1.50
and ". 1.00
Ladies' Hand Embroidered Lisle
Hose In all colors, at, pair $1.50,
98c, 75c and 50
Children's wool, fleece lined and
fine ribbed hose at, pair, 35c,
25c and 12x2
Christmas in Our
Hardware Dept.
Special cut on all kinds of Girls' and Boys'
Sleds and Coasters up ItT
from f C
Barney A Berry Skates, all kinds jr
and all sizes, up from &)C
Stag Handled Carving Sets, r
up from IsaaD
Chafing Dishes and Five O'clock Teas
We carry the Stern an goods O J C
up from ,JLD
Copper Mckel-PIated Tea and Coffee I'oU
Engraved and plain up ftZt
from IDC
Solid Nickel Metal Knives and O CC
Forks last forever per set. . . .asOO
Razors We carry a full line of Plain and
Safety Razors Ender's Safety -f flf
Razor, 12 Blades J 11
rocket Knives We carry a full line of
guaranteed Pocket Knives up 25C
Special cut on all kinds of HEATING
day and Monday.
Saturday Shoe
Old ladies' nice flexible sole Fleece
Lined Shoes $1.50
Men's beaver foxed high cut felt lined
Motorman's Shoes at 82.50
Men's All Felt Motorman's Lace or
Congress Shoes at 82.00
Men's beaver foxed felt and rubber
soles, very warm and damp-proof.
at 82.50
Men's felt and leather sole Slippers
t G9
41 styles men's nice Xld and Calf
Slippers, all color, at $2.00 down
to 50?
Xmas Bargains sheAuse
X.atst Fopnlai Vocal and Instrumental
Kits So Far Copy. Any thrss coplss, a So.
Add on cent par copy postafa is ordering
by mall.
"Evening; Shadows" (beautiful reverie).
"Breath of th Rpse" new waits).
"How'd You Like to Be My Beau?"
"Tho" Vou're Gone Vou're Not Forg-otten."
"I'm Patient Jane" (new two-step).
"My Marlucrla" (big N. Y. hit).
"Deacon Jones" (new coon apngt.
"DlKle Blossome" (new two-step).
"1)111 Plrkles" (two-step).
"When the Girl You Love Loves You."
"Sylvia" (new waltz).
"Snap Suds" (new rag).
"What Would You Take for Mo Mamma "
(new song).
Folio containing all latest hits, "Keep on
Bunny Side ", "Crocodile Isle," "Gyd Old U. S.
A.", etc. Special Saturday only, at 17 cents,
regular price SO cents.
Thousands of Pounds Dressed Poultry Xmas
If you are looking for the finest quality and lowest prices in
meats and poultry for your Christmas dinner, you'll ssurely find
Martin Kulakofsky are now man
aging this department and all our custo
mers are assured of freshest meats and
very beet service.
Turkeys at, per pound 17H
Geese at, per pound HHt
Ducks at, per pound 12 H
Chickens at, per pound
Special Clearance Sale of
Holiday Gifts
All kinds of Fancy Goods at greatly reduced
prices. The assortment will delight you.
A Complete Phonograph, using
Ladles' Silk Mufflers, in all
colors, at $2 down to 75c, 69c
and . . -50
Ladles' Fancy Hand Hags, special
at S3 down to 11, 60c and . . . .85o
either Edison or Columbia
records, on sale in Notion
Department at Sl35
All kind? of Printed Warp Ribbons on sale at 19c, loc and-10
Wide Taffeta Ribbons, In all colors, at. yard 10
Dig assortment of Plain and Ha tin Taffeta lUbbons on special sale
Saturday at, yard 5J
Sample Toilet Sets, Cloth Hair and
Hat Brushes, Comb and Brush Sets, Single f.irror, Etc.
All kinds of high
- -i
. ; ;.Ml"M i:':1 :lliWl!ill'!n WMf
grade Novelties.
All samples and no
two alike; now on
j ak mtm w mmm
v ! sale AT JUST
f - 1 .
60c Hair Brushes
76c Hair Brushes .....
11.00 Hair Brushes ...
$150 Hair Brushes ..
$2 00 Hair Brushes . . .
12.50 Hair Brushes . . .
30c Separate Mirrors
20c Si parate Mirrors .
60c Separate Mirrors .
11.00 Separate Mirrors
12.00 Separate Mirrors
. . .950
. .360
. . . 60o
. . .750
. .81.00
. .$1.25
. . .160
. . .100
. . 85o
. . SOo
60c Comb and Brush Sets . ...B5o
$1.00 Comb and Brush Sets ...600
$2.00 Comb and HTUBh Sets.. 81.00
$2.50 Comb and Brush Sets ..(ICS
$.1.00 Comb and Brush Sets t. 81.63
$"i.00 Comb and Brush Sets ..88.60
$ .00 Comb ami Uruxh Sets ..83.00
t'J.OO Military Brush Sets . ..81.00
13.00 Military BtuhIi Sets ...81.63
14 00 Military Brush Sets ...88.00
China Department
You'll find in our new and enlarged
China Department a magnificent display of
finest China and Glassware. Not only will
you appreciate the display, but the excep
tional low prices. For Saturday we offer:
Decorated Japanese Sugar and Creamers,
regular $1 values. In this sale at. . .49
Bohemian Satin Finish Glass Vases, spe
cial at 152
Decorated Schlegemelch (Germany) Salad
Dishes, a large Importation Just received,
regular $2.50 values, Saturday .. 81.25
Real Japanese Toklo After-Dinner Cups
and Saucers and Bread Plates, special.
each 15
The Most Handsome Line We Have Ever
All New Copyright Fiction,
1.50 values. fuU line of
titles, at
All Iteprlnt Copyright Fiction, )1.50
values, full line of titles,
Grocery Dept.
Omaha's Xsadqnarters for ths rrjshart
Goods, Klfasst Quality and Lowsst Frlcss.
The best fancy Mixed Nuts, nothing- liner
per pound 15c
Oranges Fancy Highland Xavcl Oranges,
regular price 20c per dozen, this sale.... 15c
Regular I'oc per dozen, this sale, fiOo
Hegijlar 30c per dozen, this sale 86o
The Highland Navels excel! all others tli
highest flavored, sweetest and juiciest orange
that grows.
II pounds best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar. 81
1-pouhd pkg. bent Condensed Mince Meat. .SVjo
Bi-omangW.,n. Jellycon or Jell-O. pkg....7o
Fancy stuffed or plain Olives, per bottle... 100
1- pound package Imported Macaroni ,..,t,e
2- pound can best Swi-et Sugar Corn 6a
2-Ivund can fancy Early June Peas 8,o
2-pound can Lima or String Beans 7Vio
Ripe Olives, per can SOo
Peanut Butter, per Jar So
Table Sauce, per bottle 8 So
Fruit Jams, per pound 8 So
Imported Sardines, per can Jo
Enyder's Catsup, per bottla 83o
Boo our fulll line of the asest Dried Traits
la tbe city. -
Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, pound.. 88o
1-ancy Full Cream Cheese, pound X5o
Fancy Full Cream New York While Cheese
per j.ound 17Ho
Fancy Full Cream Domestic Swiss Cheese
per pound goo
l.ates Fancy Hallowe'en Dates for Xmas
per pound , .
Etixrleri Taie Idvantate of Tact Street
LUcbts Are Turned Oat.
lor Accidentally Bhoote Himself lu
the Foot While lladlle a. Re
elverlalea Paelae Reae
Pays Its Taxes.
Two more burglaries were committed In
Bouth Omaha Wednesday night durln th.
early hours of the evening. The Intruders
appear to chooee the earlier hours be
cause the street lights are turned off and
there la less danger of detection.
of the places visited v. a that or
John Wright, between O and N streets, on
Twenty-sixth. The door was opened by
a pass key and twenty-eiz gold filled
watches taken. There were a number of
leaser articles secured aa well. The rob
bery Is thought to have been committed
about 8 p. m., Juat before the arc lights
are turned on. Two negroes were arrested
by the police suspected of having com
mitted the burglary, but It Is doubtful If
a caee can be made against them.
Another robbery was In the residence of
J. J. Dore. Twenty-eighth and F. The
man gained admission through the pantry
window, which la thought to have been
left unfastened. The thief secured a gold
watch valued at too. It la' not thought
likely there Is any connection between the
two caaes. as they are in widely separated
parts of the city.
The r'lc fPct trouble of this nature
as long as the lights shall continue turned
, The arraignment of Frank Myler and
The Cough of
Your doctor wui tcil you that fresh
air and good food are the real cures
for consumption. But often the
cough is very bard. Hence, vc
suggest that you ask your doctor
about Aver's Cherry Pectoral.
WspabMsatasrorvalae C litrO,
f U cur prprklion. M"m.
. 0
FOR $7.50
Ey the C!d Reliable Dr. Searles & Searles
Ettabll.hed In Omaha, for IS years- The many thou
sands of cases curat by us makes us the most expert
enrvd specialists In the Weal, lu all dt.eajtaa and dis
orders of mea. We know Just what wui ours ou
and cure quickly.
s examination and consultation. Write for
rr"8lti(ii blank for tome treatment.
113 S. U'X Cor. Ut & I'l, Cn!i; til
Elmer Johnson for holding up Olaf Elan
ner at Twenty-sixth and O streets was
postponed from yesterday afternoon until
today at 2 p. m.
Boy Accidentally Shot.
A boy by the name of Herbert Abel, who
lives at V6 North Twenty-ninth street, shot
himself through the foot at 8 a. m. yes
terday. He was handling a 32-caliber re
volver In a careless manner when It was
discharged and the bullet penetrated the
I Instep. Dr. Kelly was called and treated
the wound and took the boy home In his
carriage. The accident occurred In a small
shack, which a number of boys have
erected In John Sexton's yard, at Twenty
sixth and H streets. This place Is said to
be a rendesvous for about fifteen boys who
have given the police some trouble by their
Nick Carter propensities. They use the
shack as an arsenal and have a startling
collection of artillery. Cards and dice
re nightly resorted to, It Is asserted, until
the attention of the police has been di
rected to the matter. Officer Ringer ex
amined the place yesterday after the ac
cidental shooting took place. It Is likely
that Mr. Bexton will be asked to prevent
the boys from putting the shack to such
uses as they have made of it in the past.
Barn Entirely Conannted.
The barn of C. P. Wilson at Thirty-sixth
and E streets burned yesterday evening
The fire department went to the scene, but
was unable to check the flames for the
reason that there are no fire hydrants
In the vicinity. The barn contained a load
of hay, but no live stock was lost. The
lo la between taut and tl.Oou. There maa
an Insurance of l&jO.
Creeks Deny Stery.
Several of the members of the Greek
colony of South Omaha deny the recently
published report that John Iiallnh, one of
the prominent colonists, bad absconded
with moneys not rtghifully hie. The In
formation was volunteered by the Justice
before whom the writ of attachment has
been sworn covering tbe personal effects
of John Ballsh. The record of attachment
Ues a the reoota ot th JusUce, au it
was accepted without question, that the
reason for the procedure was the one as
given out In connection with the writ.
The Greeks resent the publicity and enter
a general denial.
Pavlas; Cnao on Trial.
Most of the city officers were In Omaha
yesterday, having been summoned as wit
nesses In the Missouri avenue Injunction
cases. City Clerk J. J. Glllln was sub
poenaed, together with hla records com
prising nearly thirty volumes. It required
a second trip to get all of the records de
sired. The case Is likely to last several '
days, and the Idea of paving has been
entirely abandoned for the rest of the year
at least. It Is rumored that some
tlonal testimony will be Introduced before
the case Is concluded.
Railroad Pays Taxes.
Almost every day witnesses a large col
lection of taxes. Yesterday the Union Pa
cific paid Its taxes, amounting to $2,453 C
Heretofore there has been some objection
on the' part of the big company and the
payments have been made under protest.
This time all appeared to be satisfactory.
Maale City Gossip.
Bridal Rose Silver. Godfrey's.
Mlfs Jennie Ralston will pass her Christ
mas at Maywood, Neb.
Jetter'n Hold Top r.eer delivered to a'l
parts of the city. Telephone No. 8.
John FltXKerald, 182 Twenty-second street,
reports the birth of a son.
Standard Loan Co.. ;oH N. St Special
rates during holiday season.
Clarence Bronson has run In from Fre
mont for a few days' visit.
George Johnson R. Riley and Jerry Cal
lahan recruited the rock pile yesterday.
Mrs. N. M. Graham has recovered al
most completely from her recent Indupoai
t.on. South Omaha Country Club Bpoous. God
frey a.
Miss Maris na Hubbell will spend her
Christmas vacation in southwestern Mis
souri. Mrs. Sarah Huff Is visiting with her
brother, John Lmles, Thirteenth and O
James Hssuka. the special street officer.
Is charing bv-cauae two short time men ran
ana ttwui iaiu wtus be had. Utu out
working. One of them. It appears, was still
wanted for a new charge.
Miss Eva O'Sullivao will pass the week
of Intermission in the high school at West
Point. Neb.
It la reported that R. B. Montgomery Is
now slowly recovering at the Omaha Gen
eral hospital.
Mrs. A. Holllngsworth of Ogalalla and
Mrs. A. L Bearle of Lincoln are file guests
of H. B. Fleharty.
Today Is the general pay day for the
South Omaha teachers. The pay wiU
amount to over 8s,uu0.
Miss Marie Schibmby will pay a visit to
Minneapolis and spend the Ctrrlstmas sea
son with friends and
Mrs. W. J. Dearth and son. Stanly, are
at Grand Ridge. 111., on account of the seri
ous illness of Mrs. Dearth s mother.
Phil Kearney post. Grand Army of the
Republic, nlll meet Saturday at s p. m. at
Woodmen hall for the purpose of electing
The luncheon at the Omaha Commercial
club rooms tendered by Mrs. A. L. 8 J t tun
and Mrs. Oliver was enjoyed to the highest
argiee uy miy-iwo gue&ts.
WiUUun O'Brien. 2D)1 Q, who deserted his
.niuy over a week aao. nas i
terday by Officer L. E. Pierce
was arretted ves
ierce. He is now
In the city Jail. His grieititricken wife is
now more than bowed down because her
baby, born Wednesday night, died on the
threshold of life, it is one of the most
pitiful cases ever chronicled In the history
of the city.
DIAMONDS Frenser, 14 to and Dodge.
Gray Hnlrs Nor Marriage Ties
Can Dampen Ardor of
That axe doea not always dampen the
ardor of lovers Is shown by copies of let
ters alleged to have passed between Lewis
C. Ducker. a 80-year-old farmer living near
Florence, and Mrs. Annie L. Ritchie, in
years old. who 'lives with h-r husband near
Florence. The loners are a part of a petl
tlon In which Mra. Esther T. Ducker de
mands from Mrs. Ritchie Ut.Ofi damages
for alleged alienation of her husband's
Mrs. Pucker has also begun suit for a di
vorce from her husband and has secured
restraining order from Judge Troup to
prevent him selling his properly. She
charged In her request far the order that
under the Influence of Mra Ritchie he was
turning all his personal property into cash.
She charges the secret correspondence
has been going on between the pair for
two years, though she just discovered It
by accidentally finding some of the letters.
She says the notes were exchanged by
leaving them at a designated place and by
sending them under assumed names through
Station B of ihe Omaha postotTice.
Mr. and Mrs. Ducker were married Janu
ary 1, lata, and have four children, all of
CUT GLASS Frei.xer, lmi. and Dodge.
Movements of Oeenn Vessels Dee.
At New York Sailed: La Touralne, for
Havre; Hellig Olav. for Copenhagen. Ar
rived: Majestic, from Liverpool.
At London Arrived: .Montezuma, from
St. Johns. N. B.
At Palermo Sailed: I'ltonia, for New
At Llbau Arrived: Smolensk. fr)m New
At Liverpool Soiled: Occunlr, for New
Tork. Arrived: Haxonla. from Boston.
Christmas Suggestions
t$T" See Sherman 0 McConnell Drug Co., Cor. 1 6th and Dodge
1 ' 1
....Perfumes for Everybody
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Coraer Sixteenth and Dodge Street Omaha