TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. DECEMBER 22, 190(1 9 THIS STORE LENGTHENS TIIE CHRISTMAS PURSE CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN AND BOYS ..- r . r . A.. . - r 7 i TWO MOIR DAY 4 JiLf W sT V AST t W KM rzrt Arf T7si l t 4 li U. A ' hi in i i. i , . i i v. r . rr.:irv S4 life JUST a I i S jf t 4 v) For Christmas shopping, but those two days can be turned to good account by coming to this store and sharing in the great Christmas Economy Carnival the store where the best merchandise in the greatest variety is offered at the lowest prices Special Inducements Offered lis easy to quote seemingly low prices but it's the value behind the price that counts a visit to our furnishing department will con- vince you of the savings possible. Wool Lined Gloves regular nn I vv Special Prices On Smoking Jackets, Bath and Lounging Robes Our first "ad" regarding these vsefvl garments sold every one of those ti.SO coats before noon Jtemarkable bargain but at ill more remarkar ble are tlie pricfs (uoted now actual reductions to meet a popular demand and effect a ready clearance gtt ahead of your nimble neighbor. $4.50 Smoking Jackets 50 marked now $6.50 Smoking Jackets COO marked now J fcG Turkish and flannel Bath Z50 Robes reduced to $5.00 Lounging Robes T50 reduced to $10.00 Lounging Robes ele- 50 gant indeed reduced to. .. . A Fur Cap would surely please any man ours are bargains, too! 3.50 Electric 00 Seal Cap .... $5.00 Electric Z50 Seal Cap...-' Genuine Seal Cap, $6 J50 value, &t.. It Jir A. $1.60 grade at Dress Gloves the best makei $2.50, $2, $1.50 and New Fancy Vests easily worth $3.50 for $5.00 Fancy Vests In several patterns will go for $7.50 Umbrellas beautiful gun metal and horn handles, for I! 00 375-5 SET Hosiery A box of half hose makes a pres ent acceptable to any man. 35c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs of fine texture, for Regular $1.50 Stiff Bosom Shirts specially re duced to $1.50 Auto Mufflers black, white or gray astrakhan, for Silk Mufflers, In great variety, $4.50 down to Neckwear, the choicest the market affords, $3.50 down to 50 oa lo 50c 25c tl? 1 oeiif 7 C box vpt or IvJ "EVERVVE AR" L V Beautiful soft cotton hose- ' em of 3 $1.50 Clothes with an absolute guarantee for Bix months. SUIT CASE SPECIAL Regular $G.50 cow hide case- all leather and a C00 beauty, for When you buy Why not buy Wt' Where buying is easy where it requires one S big floor for suit and trousers and a second floor for overcoats where "Una prices" and "high qualities" are inseparably linked together and rcliere the salespeople in every departmnt I "J are courteous and painstaking. vfT li' i m I ()Amnnto ciili rt a t-i,1. IU would pay $12.50 to $15 for elsewhere. j VV. $ y for Suits and Overcoats equal to any $15 1m to $16.50 garments elsewhere. $1 C fr Suits and Overcoats equal to anything ID sold elsewhere at $18.00 and $20.00. $18 to $40 for Suits and $18 to $50 for Overcoats That can only be compared to the product of some high-class tailor at double our prices. CRAVENETTES if you want to make him a present worth while one that will protect him in inclement weather and dress him up in nice weather why one of our Cravenettes is the thing every correct style and color in sizes 33 to 50. S10 to $25 S W l lii ;V. T w ill f ; r; ; f 4 CHILDREN'S SUITS Vhy npt dress your boy up for Xmas? . Our big stock and moderate prices make It an easy and pleasing task. . . $1.75. 2.50, 3.50. $5, 7.50 Children's Overcoats, $1.50, $2.50. $3.50 and up to $10 Young Men's Clothes Snappy creations that appeal directly to good dressers suits 750 4n CC and overcoats lOIO A AAA A A A A A A A J r 0T 0tW "K , t. . gTllW BHtlim tMBB r1--"." ,ji,Ji Fur and Fur-Lined Overcoats "We especially invite ladies us ually good judges of furs to see what we offer in these luxurious garments nothing more elegant for a present and none better than the ones we sell. $18 -$150 Men's Trousers Trouser time is all the time, more especially at this time, when bar gains like these are thrown your way. $3.50 Trousers for 2.50 $5.00 Trousers for 3.50 Paragon Hand Tailored Trousers Equal to $10 made-to- meas- S C J ure trousers . A A A. 4L A -fV. A. A?V U. 4Jjt. 4M' L"- CK .. pjL. ftf , OmftsfO. BgJLuB B..Sif . t fe t"8?! 'tn'f' flMf WmBmmlm MiiMV MHUf ' WmKUV vmmmIHF vHttWlP HUfiHV OFFICIAL FIGURES DENIED UnWewlty Lobby and Iti Mouthpiic Padee Cash Fund Statement. Legislators inclined to know facts tio Dlspoaltlo o Hamper Cnlverallr or Pot It on Short nation., bat BLjiplr Demand. Dnalaeti Method.. (From a Staff Correepondent.) UNCOLN. rec. 21. (Special. ) With characteristic Insolenca the university lobby, with the fuke reform Journal as Its mouthpiece, denies the concealment of some $208,000 by the secretary to the Board of Regents In reporting to the state auditor on its estimated resources. The figures published in this column several days ago (u-e on file with the state auditor and plg-ned by the secretary, and the endeavor to deceive the members of the leglsla lure U too apparent to be denied. The deception practiced In the matter ef the university finances Is exactly like the deception practiced by the registrar In THE VALUE OF CIIAUCOAL. tew People Know How Useful It U In Preserving Health and licauty. Costs Nothing To Try. Nearly everybody knows that charcoal a the mfent and most efficient disinfect ant and purifier In nature, but few realist lta value wben taken Into the human sys tem for the same cleansing purpose. Charcoal is a remedy that the more you take of It the better; It Is not a drug at all, but simply absorbs tbe gases and Im purities always present in the stomach and Intestines and carries them out of the ystem. Charcoal sweetens the breath after smok ing, drinking or after eating onions or other odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually clears and Improves the complexion, It whitens the teeth and further acts as a natural and eminently safe cathartic. It absorbs the injurious gases which col lect In the stomach and bowels; It disin fects the mouth and throat from the poi son of catarrh. All druggists sell charcoal In one form or another, but probably the best char coal and the most for the money Is la Stuart's Charcoal Loxenges; they are com posed of the finest powdered Willow char coal, and other harmless antiseptics In tab let form or rather in the form of large, pleasant tasting loxenges. the charcoal being mixed with huney. The dally use of these loxengts will soon tell In a much Improved condition of the general health, better complexion, sweeter breath and purer blood, and the beauty of it U, that no possible harm can result from their continued use, but. on the contrary great benefit. A Buffalo physician. In speaking of the benefits of charcoal, says: "i .dvU Btuarts Charcoal Loxiiijjes to all patients suffering from gas In stomach and bowels, and to clear up the complexion and purify the breath, mouth and throat; I ,BO lleve the liver is greatly benefited with ths dally use of thmi they cost but twenty Ave cents a box at drug stores, and al though In some sense a patent preparation. t l believe net more and better cnar- ooal in Bturrt s Charcoal Loseuges than in anv of luc ordinary chsrcoal tabU-te." Bend you.' name and address today for a free trial package and see for yourself. K A 8tuart Co. M Stuart Bldg ., Marshall Mica. giving out an official statement of the attendance at the university. In attempt ing to show ths attendance Is rapidly in creasing the registrar included In his statement of students some BOO who are reg istered at the University School of Music, which Is not maintained by the state. The table of attendance Is published this morn ing In a quarter page display advertise ment in the Journal. According to members of the legislature who have visited Lincoln there Is no dis position to hamper the university In its funds, but there Is a growing sentiment for an open accounting with the state. These legislators say the university cash must be checked up through the state audi tors office and that all vouchers must be filed with him and all warrants Issued upon his approval, as the constltutfon pro vides. The fact that the university au thorities have so long and so successfully fought this proposition has cdused ugly rumors to arise regarding the university cash and the legislators interviewed seem to think it strange the university officials themselves are not In favor of a change. In this connection a statement by A. E. Sheldon of the university, on file in the state house and used extensively before the legislature two years ago, will be of Interest. Mr. Sheldon said: The annual Income of the university Is now one-tenth of all the rest of the pub lic school system and the ratio of uni versity students .to all school children Is about 1 to 100. This is too wide a gap and it ought to be closed by moving the column"! up from below. It it understood the university officials will have a giant lobby on hand this winter to prevent the legislature from en- 1 acting a law whereby the university cash will be handled the same as other state money and the big stick will be wielded fiercely. In fact, there Is no doubt In the minds, of those who know that the big university stick has already been stuck up In the face of state officials, but whether the lobby will succeed remains to be seen. Captata Chase In City. Captain Wilson Chase, former command ant of cadets at the' State university, stopped off In Lincoln yesterday to shake hands with old friends. Captain Chase has Just returned from the Philippines, where his regiment, the Twenty-first infantry, has been stationed for fifteen months. Captain Chase last night declared that he had no personal knowledge of the charges against Oeneral Pershing and expressed the hope that a complete Investigation would expose the error in the charges. State llon.e Briefs. W. It. Kose has filed with the governor his bond fur $10,000 as deputy attorney general. John M. Stewart and T. C. Mon ger are his bondsmen. Lieutenant gov ernor M. R. Hopewell has filed a bond for JCO.OoO with J. P. Latta, E. C. Huston and 11. M. Hopewell as bondsmen. Articles of Incorporation of the Gross & Dixon Uold Mining company of Hooper have been filed with the secretary of state. The Incorporators are H. B. Mauser, W. O. McKay, John Edelinaner, Merman Water man and H. H. F. Waterman. Thq com pany has capital stock paid up to the amount of $15. (h. Governor Mickey has honored the requl sltlon of the governor of Colorado for the return of J. U. Flora to Fort Collins on the charge of having obtained money under false pretenses. Flora Is now under ar rest at Oinaha. It is charged that he bor rowed a horse for an hour and secured $. under a chattel mortgage from Howard Kusaeil. Island Grove township. It was discovered that the bridge had been paid for twice and Mr. Sparks explained the matter by stating that he and his clerk had filed duplicate bills which were allowed by the board some time after the bridge was finlxhed. arrived and the prospective bride was pre pared. Then the ceremony had to be abandoned because the groom was not yet arrived. A telegram to Rapid City de veloped a reply stating that he , had left on December 8 for Valentine. The distance is but a few hours' ride. The mystery of his disappearance has not been explained. Bryan's Gift to Y. W. C. A. LINCOLN, Dec. 21. (Special.) W. J. Bryan today gave $1,000 toward the Lin coln Young Women's Christian association building fund as a memorial to his de ceased sister, who was a prominent associ ation worker. Brldrirroom Cometh Not. NORFOLK, Neb.. Dec. 21. (Speclal.)- Mlss Sara Simpson of Valentine, Neb., knows how It Is to be left waiting at the church, for behold, the bridegroom Cometh not D. E. Bentson from Rupid City, S. D., was due on the scene yesterday to change the name of Miss Simpson; the guests L 1MB ECZEMA Brldse Maa (.Itts Rebate. BEATRICE. Neb.. Dec. (Special Tel egrum.) Today John Sparks, the bridge contractor, at a meeting of the county board allowed the county $(30 SO from his tUlm ui $l,lo for building a bridge in Obliged to Lie With Limbs Higher Than Head Suffered Untold Agonies and Could Not Walk Doctor Said It Was the Worst Case he Ever Saw. ANOTHER WONDERFUL1 CURE BY CUTICURA I received your letter asking fot Information about using the Cuticura Itemediea. I used them for ecsenia. The doctor said it was the worst case he ever saw. It was on both limbs, from the leneea to the ankles. We tried everything the doctors knew of, but the Uuticura Kennedies aid the most good. 1 was obliged to lie with my limbs higher than my head, for the rin was so terrible I oould not walk, suffered untold agonies. One limb ' wasted away a great deal smaller than the other, there was so much discharge from it. I found the Cuticura Rem edies very soothing, and I still keep them in the bouse. 1 am very thankful to say that I am cured, and you can pub lish this statement if you wUh. I found the Cuticura Remedies all that you say they are. I hope that you may be spared many years to make the Cuticura llemediea for the benefit of persons suf fering from the torture of skin diseases, such as I had. I remain, yours re spectfully, Mrs. Golding, Box 8, Ayr, Canada, June , 1905." CORED OF CHAPPED HANDS " I have used the Cuticura Soap for chapped hands, which I had been troubled with for about three years. I suffered intense pain and itching. I i used nearly two cakes of the Cuticura 8oap. and my hands were comlotely cured and have never troubled nte since. 1 also took the Cuticura Resol vent for the blood at the same time. I ran recommend the Cuticura Rem edies to others suffering the same. Chas. Young, llattsville, Ontario, Can ada, Sept. 29, 1905." CoplM listen) ftiid lofvnMl TrMtvMnl tor mry Hiuiur. lnA lliup.a tu Sclotiu. frufa latency la iMiunal of Cuucw fcf. ttc . otmijitut, uc.( Ru4. ft I tow. i U tutm M C1i.atM Ctl f U.S. tec. ftr wMl f mfy CM fckd iM kit ilrwf A ufl m oAni (H r'arr lru Cbm lur , -vjm frupj.. feus. Mm ssr aiiixUios uw w Can ltvi.i.. ivw imina' Tschudy for resisting an officer and he was brought before Justice O'Brien and given thirty days in Jail. Itall.ROAD Ht.MOJtS AT FREMONT Double Track on In Ion Pacific and Depot on Northwestern. FREMONT, Neb., Dec. 21. (Special.) From present Indications the work of double tracking the Union Pacific between Valley and Kearney will be rapidly pushed at this end of the line this winter. A. H. Norrls will have charge of the civil en gineering work for the company In this vicinity, and has secured offices In the Com mercial National bank building and will move his family here. It Is expected that about thirty-five mles will be completed this winter. The engineering outfit Is al ready on the ground. An Inspection trip by President Hughltt of the Northwestern and a number of other officials of that road to the Fremont yards 'yesterday, is stirring up a great deal of Interest In railroad circles. The plans for the new freight depot, which Is to be lo cated near ths corner of C and First streets. provide for a fine two-story building with a large freight shed attached: a much better building than that of either of the other roads. The facilities of the Union depot are proving too small, and It Is generally believed among railroad men that a new Northwestern passenger depot on the site of the old one Is among the proba bilities of the near future. Diamonds Found In I.anndry. FREMONT. Neb.. Dec. 21. (Special. One of the girls in the employ of the Fi delity was surprised yterday while Iron ing a union suit to And a diamond brooch and three diamond rln;s attached to It near the waist. The suit had gone through the washing machine and the wringer and dryer without the grems being discovered and the settlnss were but little worse for wear on account of their rough usage. They belonged to the wife of a wealthy business man here and their value Is estimated at 11.500. The woman had fastened thorn ti her underclothes for safe keeping and had forgotten them until the proprietor of the laundry told her that he had them. Switchman Loses Leg. M'COOK, Neb., Dec. 21. (Special Tele gramsSwitchman Mose 8. Jennings at the McCook yard lost a leg In an accident here while switching cars early this morn ing. A freight car fell on the leg, mash-. tug It bndly. The member was amputated below the knee. He will recover. Kevrs of Nebraska. COLUMBUS Joe Tiffany Is recovering from an attack of apoplexy. COLUMBU-Harrv Kaufmann was fined $"J5 and costs for beating W. 11. Webb. NORFOLK Mr. Andrew Teal died to day. The funeral will be held Sunday aft ernoon In Norfolk. A1NSWORTH Fireman Huffman. In jured In a wreck near here, has recovered sufficiently to travel. BRAD8HAW R. W. Taylor of Daven port purchased the restaurant of V. P. Hudson and la now In possession. . GENEVA The new library and reading room Is Hearing completion and will be formally opened on New Year's day. COLUMBUS Thieves stole a cart from Louis Tutyeharms and one from the Colum bus Buggy and Implement company. COLUMBUS The Deforest Telearaoh company offers to establish a station at (joiumoiis li o.ti"U or stock b sold there. PLATTSMOUTIt Judge H. D. Travis united In marriage Emil R. Carlson and Miss Maud Loberg, and Anton Hedln and Miss Jedo L.orerg, all or Ioulsvllle. BEATRICE W. 11. Ruyle, a stockman living east of Beatrice, returned yesterday from Marysvllle, Kan., where he purchased a number of finely bred Shorthorn cattle. BRA PSHAW There was a large attend ance at the Colonial supper given by the Christian Endeavor society held at the town hall. BEATRICE Walt Mason has gone to Lincoln to take the position of night editor on the Journal to succeed Hugh McVlcker, who Is temporarily disabled on account of a broken leg. BEATRICE A Christmas program, which consisted of music and addresses, was renderd at the high school today. Sohoola closed In Beatrice for the holiday vacation of two weeks. WEST POINT-Mrs. William Pagels of Logan township died at her home on Thurs day after an illness of one day's duration. She was In the prime of life. She leaves a husband and seven children. BRADSH A W O. A. Mason, owner of the confectionery and eating house of this place, loaded his effects Into a car this weeK ana snipped tnem to Mlnanl, Net)., where he will engage In the same business. BEATRICE1-H. E. Tweedy, editor of the Team Without an Owner. FREMONT, Neb., Dec. 21. (Special.) Wednesday noon a team consisting of tw black mares attached to a buggy was taken up near the corner of Thirteenth and Plutte avenue and placed In a livery barn until called for. No one has called for them and the officers hero have heard of no missing rig answering their description and the only thing to Indicate their Iden tity were the letters A. O. U. W. on the head stalls, which mlpht indicate that the owner was a member of that order. The marcs were both blanketed, the blankets being under the harness Thry were walk ing up Platte avenue when found, and are a tine driving team. Knalneer Teal Drops Dead. NORFOLK, Neb.. Deo. i;. (Special Tele gram.) Andrew Teal, one of the oldest and best known Northwestern engineers, who had been In the service for many yean here, dropped dead today from heart fail ure. He was an uncle of Dr. Teal of Omaha, former superintendent here of the Insane hospfial. C'olumbna Hollerman Lost Ont COLUMBUS. Neb.. Dee. 21. (Speclal.)- Ed Tschudy and Frank Taylor undertook to 'make a rough house In one, of the saloons of Columbus the other night, and mii officer started with them to the cala boose. Ischudy a as too much for the officer. C'uniplttlnt was nld asalust Cortland Sun, who has been confined to his home with the smallpox for the last few weeks was released from quarantine today. This Is the only case of smallpox in Cortland. BEATRICE A preliminary meeting will be held here January 8 to select a team to debate .with the Humboldt High school. The first debate will be held, with Lincoln at this place, and the other with Humboldt at Humboldt. COLUMBUS-Judge Ratterman has Issued marriage licenses in the last few days to Byron 8. Miller and Lillian Drummond; Mathias E. German and Anna J. Braun; Fred E. Westcott and Esther Oleson; J. L. Stlckley and Aggie Lahoff. COLUMBUS For about twenty years Sam Anderson has had a case pending In the district court to establish his right to a certain quarter-section of Plutte county Innd. Judge Reeder has now de cided the case In Anderson s favor. BEATRICE Word was received here yes terday from Inavule, Neb., stating that Andrew Arnold, a former resident of Gage county, hud probably been fatally Injured by 'a horse falling upon him. His shoulder was broken and his skull fractured. WEST POINT Married, at the Congre gational parsonage In West Point yester day. Rev. Dr. Crofts performing the cere mony, William Patterson of l'llger and MIfs Margaret Peterson of Avoca, la. The couple will reside In Pllger, where the groom is In business. PLATT8MOUTH Judge Paul Jessen or dered the Missouri Pacific Railway com pany to pay to the clerk of the district fmirf the sum nf SfrflO an dHniares for rtl- criminating against the Farmers' Elevator uumpa HJ III wanit-j, ill hub luuiii;, A iir caae may be appealed. BEATRICE The assembly meeting of the Church of God convened In Beatrice yester. duy and will remain In session until Janu ary 1. The meetings are held In West Heat rice, ana ure attenaea uy members from Kansas, Iowa and other states, as well as points in Nebraska. BRAINARD By a unanimous vote of the stockholders, the Bruno State bank voted to Increase Its capital stuck to tlo.OO, to build a modern brick hulldTng with all the very latest Improvements. This bank is one of the 'old banks of the county and Its record has been very successful. HARVARD At 2 this afternoon was held from the Methodist church In this city the funeral of J. C. Wlllson, who met a tragic death at Lead, 8. 1., early last Tuesday morning by being electrocuted In the transformer house of the Mogul mill while trying to adjust some of the ma chinery. BENEDICT The business men and farm ers met at the opera house In Benedict yesterday and completed their organisation for a lumber company. About 1U0 were present. The ertnanent officers are H. Nettleton president, and A. Schneider sec retary. Seven trustees were elected and will procure the grounds at once. The ar ticles of Incorporation are being prepared and will be filed with the secretary of state by January 1. About ISO farmers ars Interested. GENEVA Last-night was opening night of the Brotherhood of St. Paul at ths Methodist Episcopal church, a society com posed of youns men and boys. Governor Mickey and State Superintendent Mcllrlen were present and spoke. A comfortable room In the busement of the church has been given the boys for their meetings and the brotherhood already numbers about fifty. WEST POINT-The harness shop of A. J. Romig at Beemer was closed on attach ment by hh creditors on Tuesday. Upon a consultation, the attachment proceedings were withdrawn .and the stock was placed In the hands of W. A. Smith, cashier of the First National nank of Beemer, to he disposed of for the benefit of his creditors. It Is expected that the assets will realise sufficient to pay the creditors In full. BLUE HILL Wednesday evening Blue Hill lodge No. - Hi, Knights of Pythias, elected the following officers for the en suing year: . P. J. Mertin, chsncellor com mander; A. FUmore, vice chancellor; D. W. Fay, prelate; W. 8. Ashby, master of work; A. D. Ranney, mnater of exchequer; Frank' Baker, keeper of records and seal; T. W. McClure, master of arms; L. C. Perslger, Inner guard; K. V. Morety, outer guard. AUBURN The Auburn poultry'shoir has been In progress for the. last three days and Is being held m .the Keedy convention hall. The exhibition Is the best that ha ever been given In this city. At least 200 birds representing fourteen different kinds of poultry, have been entered. There are some notable birds In display. Mrs. Frank Dally of Auburn shows an aged black I.angshan hen which has a national repu tation as a nearly perfect bird, scoring, as It has, above the hen that won first In the International show held at Madison Square garden some years ago. The scor ing for the show Is being dune by Judge Todd of Atlantic, la. Today Only 29c f0c Smart Set Chocolates, pound . . . - The last chance to buy for Xmas. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. 1Gth Cl Farnam 8ts. Exquisite Vest (advance next spring styles) Xmas Suspenders -Men's Fine Mufflers - $5.00 to $2.50 $2.50 to 50c $4.00 to $1.00 ALL IN SPECIAL FINE BOXES, NO EXTRA CHARGES DUN LAP HATS Felt Silk and operas. If you give a hat as gift it ought to be a Dunla'p. We are sole agents. EL EiTO?B SO 1504 Farnam St. Omaha. ' Mall Orders Solicited i; I ' C, 4 ;;; fi,