i TTTE OMAHA DAILY HEE: SATURDAY, DEmrBETl 22, 100G. Tlpphona Donirlaa CIS. A Great Convenience For Oar Many Patrons If yon desire to jriTS a present to a distant friend or relative, why not the trouble of packing and shipping by allowing us to do It for you? Express of mall charges niay bo paid at our store. We will be pleased to do this for you free of charge. best of our ability with good, clean merchandise and the lowest prices possible to quote. In the hurry and rush of these last two things quickly, get the best and pay the least, come to .Thompson, Belden & Co. 'a store. ' ' ' :' STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. Holiday Gifts for Men. j If you want to please a man, give him something" h can wear. " Bath Rob mad of Terry Cloth, Do mestic) and Imported" Blanket. . Stylei are as varied almost as Neckties. . They are one of the beat gifts for men a luxury at first, an everr-day necessity after he ha worn one. Some sort" of Robe for every porn or fancy H.oo to $13.60 each. Mufflers--Tvcry kind ia here. In a large assortment ."c to M.tO each. Nls-ht Rohi-s . md ryJamas-All sorts. Nlsht SlilrtK. i- to $1.60 each. Pyjamas, 11.00 up to if.'i ... at $4.00 and $6.00 a suit. Put up In nice. ready" for (iving. . 811k Suspem'.ei . An endless variety; beat I of mounting un.i webbing; each pair put ' up In pretty Xmas box. Prices start. at 60c. Neckties Neckties, 60c. j Scarfs By the' hundred yours amonir I them. Truly the aaaortment la great. Oome hare for your Xmfta Tie. Dollar Scarfs The latest' colorings and patterns await your choosing. Warm Olovea Tor Celd Weather Big va rienty, wall made, comfortable, good look ing gloves. Oiuvca with linings of silk, wool, goat sni equlrrti, $1.(0 to 6.00 a pair. Dreaa Kid QloVes-Well made, the kind that won t rip $1.0i. $1.60 and $2.00 a pair. Fancy Hose Single pairs or full boxes feiake fine gifts for men 3Tw- to $3.50 pair, j - Warm Underwear Don't you know some i lone to Whom a gift of some- warm under wear would appreciated. Prlcea are tOo to $3.60 a garment. Thia Season's Newest Shirts $1.00 and $1.60 each. Cuff Buttons, Scarf Plna, Watch Fobi. Garters, etc. Ail make dandy gifts for men. - . Our Men's Store la just Inside our Main Entrance.- Stop to the left. :'' Gloves. THB GIFT THAT PLEASES ALL WOMEN. j 'The holiday business on gloves began' early In the season. Aa a result there were many Inroads made Into our great stock. But express shipments lately ar rived have filled In all the broken lines, so that wa are well prepared for this last busy Saturday before Xmas. If you don't know the also buy a glove certificate. . Glace or Suede Kid Gloves 8, 12 and 10 button. In all desirable street and evening Shades, from "Valllor," "Trefousse" and "Perrln" makes. Prices, $1.60 to $i00 per , pair. fihort Kid Gloves For dress or street wear In all makea, "Valller."' "Trefousse," j "Dent,".,,Fowncs" and "P. tt L." 11.00 la . $3.00 per pair. I 'Misses' Two-Button Kid Gloves In tan, j brown, red and white $1.00 per pair. Fownes' Mannish Kid Glove for Infants or Misses $1.3 per' pair. . - , . Mafh Floor. . "' ' Fancy Boxes for Gifts. MARKED UNDER REGULAR, FOR SAT- . ; , "URDAT'S SELLING, ' . Burnt Wood Collar and Cuff Boxes for gifts. Pretty Ebony Finished Boxes for Cigars Neatly trimmed; will keep His cigars nice aad fresh-a. gift that will please. Attractive GleO Boxes made of pretty polished wood. Handkerchief Boxes Made of pretty pol ished woods, prettily trimmed; fine for gifts. Howard Cor. 16th K1NRA1D OFF FOR PANAMA Etbnikan Joint Fartr oroneresimei on Trip to Canal Zn. WILL" LOOK INTO THl LABOR QUESTION Esosdltloa Consists of Tea Repre sentatives and One Senator I nder '' tinldaaea of MeKlalajr of ;'' California. NEW TORIC Dec. O. Ten congressmen and one senator sailed on the stpamshlp Alllanca today for Colon for the purpose of making, at five-day ' Inspection of the Isthmus of Panama and learn for them selves , tna -existing comutlDns relative to the digging of the canal. The party "con sisted of Senator Flint and Congressmen Christmas, the Xmas Overcoats A dandy, new overcoat for his Xmas would it make hiku very gladt YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS- Prinee Chap and tourist styles, for youths up to 20 years; prices from $20.00 to .... .$10.00 BOYS' XMAS OVERCOATS Just the coat the boy will i like best, whether he wants a Mannish coat Tourist coat or Iteefer $10.00 down to $5.00 W&tch the Shoe Dept. Grow 1 fie; , SMwfey Ms Us The last Saturday before Christmas will find this store crowded with busy buyers of Christmas presents. Truly this has been a great and! busy week; in fact, we are doing the largest business we ever knew, and through it all we have exercised that same Thompson, Belden & Co. system (the kind we have been giving for over twenty years), that of serving each and every one to the Special Clearing Sale of all Colored Dress Goods Rcmnails Saturday Instead. of waiting until after the first of the year, we are going to sell them Saturday. A most beautiful collection to choose from. Many a face can be brightened on Christmas morning at small cost. A gift not for a day alone, but a reminder, something useful for months to come. For wife, mother or daughter, waist lengths, children's and misses' dresses and full dress patterns. Hundreds to choose from. All to go on sale 9 a, m. Saturday. ALL THE FULL Pretty Mannlah Suiting, 74 yards in remnant, rich dark color, for 12.19.' ... Pyetty Bright Plaid, 6 yards, here and there bright threads forming broken checks, for 11.16. Panama Novelty, 49-inch, all wool, in the new mixtures, regular $1.00 quality, remnant for $2.76. Bilk and Wool Crepe de Chine, regular $1.00 quality, color, old rose, 1 yards, for $2,19. . . Silk and Vool Poplin, beautiful French gray, 47-lnch, regular $1.60 quality, nothing more beautiful at any price, soft and clinging, 8 yards In remne.pt, for $4.69. AH the Wool Panama, the new reseda green, 7 yards In remnant, lor $2.19. Brown Storm Serate, In the sew shade of brown, all wool, 9 yards, for $2.69. .Navy Blue Silk and Wool Poplin, regular $1.60 quality, more like all bilkh roods, 8 V yards, for $4.96. All Wool Cballis, dark red ground with tiny black figures, 6 yards, for $2.13. Silk and Wool Poplin, In the new champagne shade, 4 6-lnch, regular $1.50 quality, 8 yards, for $4.09. Pretty Jewel . Boxes Tapestry covered, lined with velvet; a gift that any young girl would appreciate. . These boxes sold regular at 76c up to fc.OO. ' SATURDAY'S PRICK RANG 13, BOO TO 11.26 EACH. . All our beautiful muds up Pin Cushions will be marked HALF PRICE, SATUR DAY. All the Hardanger Pieces, including Table Covers, Dresser Scarfs, Centerpieces, Laun dry. Bags and Dollies, at reduoed prlcea for 8ATURDAY SELLING. , Socond Floor. Great Holiday Umbrella Special Here's a chance to get a good Umbrella for little money. Never before at this sea son of the year have we been able to of for such a really good Umbrella at this price. Cue of these will fill in nicely on your gift list. 100 picce-dyed Taffeta Silk Umbrellas, selvage edge, 28-lneH sise, seven-ribbed, beat Paragon frames, elegant assortment of. fancy handles, Including pearl, gun metal, gold and natural sticks, always sold at $2. BO and fine value at that price ' SPECIAL PRICE SATURDAY, 12.00 EACH. THOMPSON, BELDEN & CO.8 SPE CIAL at $3.00 each, plain black taffeta or union twill, ' These are good, durable covers,- lock .frame natural wood handles, In either Prinoass or Shepherd's crook styles. AT (4 00 EACH-PlaJn black twllt-cr taf feta silk, natural sticks with silver mount. Ing. beat 'of Paragon .dames. - 1 AT 15.00 EACH We always have a superb showing, including the latest e (Tec to In gold, silver, gun metal and pearl handles, best of taffeta eoverlcgs, with real Paragon frames. NOVELTY IMPORTED HANDLES -The manufacturers have outdone all pre vious efforts In this showing; finest of silk coverings. If you want to seo real beauty aak to sen these Imported handles, priced , at H.00. $7.60, $10.00, $12.00, up to $26.00 each, j McKlnlay and Newland of California; Fvl kerson of Missouri; Dickson, Rives, MC Klnney and Smith of Illinois; Howell of Utah; Klnkald of Nebraska, and Btenrer aon of Minnesota. A. C. McKlnlay, son of Congressman Mc Klnlay went with the party aa secretary. Speaking of the objects of the expedi tion, Congressman McKlnlay said: t was responsible for the getting together of the party, It having occurred to me that members of the senate and congress might like to see for themselves the condltlun of things under which the gigantic work of digging the canal is being carried out. My two colleagues and myself from Cali fornia are more or less authorities on the Asiatic labor question, which at the pres ent tirr.e has the west in ferment. The auestlon as to whether c-oolle labor shall 14 the canal is of iiarticulur Interest to the Pacific coast and 1 personally shall piy attention to the conditions of luhor In 1-anaira, as there Is an intense fee'.lng against Asiatic labor on the coast- I want to see fur myself whether the objections to the employment of coolie labor In Pan ama ar well founded or not. Senator Flint said that he was going in Gladdest Time of All How Would These Do for that Favorite BOY OR. GIRL? Mufflers, Gloves, Bathrobes, Sweaters, Leggings, (Box) Handkerchiefs, Pyjamas, Silk Hose, Suits, Dresses, Start-Right Shoes, Caps, Hats, Mittens, Educator Shoes, House Coats, Suspenders, Overcoats, Cloaks. ' A BENSON crTHORnES s . . np2:rby ...Ready, to :. Serve You DRESS LENGTHS. Special Sale of Men's. Shirts Saturday UASKMENT BARGAIN SQUARE. From the previous great special sale of men's shirts we have left just 233 shhts, In fcizes and quantities of sizes as follows: Size 14 i, 8; size 16, 100; size 15 Mi, 98; size 16, 17; size 16Vk, 7; size 17 H, 3. These shirts sold regularly at $1.00, $1.26, $1.50 and $2.00, all go on sale SATURDAY MORNING, 9 O'CLOCK, AT, EACH, 20s. Included in this sale are 47 boys' shirts, on sale SATURDAY MORNING, O O'CLOCK, AT, EACH, 15,. Tourist Umbrella Cases. A SENSIBLE PRESENT REDUCED FOR SATURDAY'S SELLING. Tourist's Umbrella Cases, made of genu ine pig skin, either tan or black, lined with velveteen. We have them for either men Or women, suitable for carrying one or two tmbrellas or Umbrella and cane; ideal for traveling. Regular prices, $6.00 and $8.50 each , SATURDAY'S PRICE, K.50 EACH. Umbrella Department, Main Floor. ' , , jSilk Hosiery 7 A GIFT THAT ALL 'WOMEN APPRE '''' " CIATE. Not only- style, buf value as will. - You get both when you buy Silk Hoae of us. Plain Black Silk Hose, 11.00, tl.W. $1.00 and $2.50 per pair, Plain Black Cause Silk Hoae, 12.50 and 13.00 per pair. Thread Silk Hose, in plain shade of pink, white, blue, gray and lavender, 12.60 per pair. Black Thread Silk, Drop-atltoh Hoso, 12.80 per pair. Black Silk Hose, hand embroidered, benu- tlf ul patterns, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $6.00 per pair Main Floor. Beautiful souvenir postal cards, showing interior views of our store, free upon request. order to find out for himself what Is actu ally being done on the canal. At present, he said, he was neither In favor of nor against the employment of Chinese at Puna ma, but when he came back he would have soma definite views on the subject. The party Is visiting the canal s s at the invitation of Secretary Tatt and the canal commisloners, and everything will ba dons to make their inspection as thorough aa possible while In the iBthmus. Piles Cares la O to 14 Days. Paso Ointment Is guaranteed to curs any rase of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles in to 14 days or money refunded. 6uc. i Five Deaths In Mine. PITT6BVRQ. Kan.. Dec. 21 I." W. Ed, wards, Dorn Rats and Matt Tucca, three of the miners Injured in the explosion yes. terday at the Fidelity Coal oompany's mine near Stone City, Kan., died early today, making a total of five deaths to date.. lira lop Dorman and Frank Brenner, two more of the Injured, cannot live. In all four teen men were Injured. the Year Demonstration Saturday.... Those Arnold Goods Infants' Knitted Bands, Vests, Ger trude 8uits, Diapers, Bibs, Nightgowns, Wrappers, Bath Aprons, etc.; also many things you'd Dot expect to find at the Boys' and Girls' 8tore Women's Lounging Robes, Night Robes, Bed room Slippers and many other desir able things. "Arnold's" knit bed 6Y bed room slip pers, washable, pliable, comfortable, serviceable; price....... ,:...25 Mrs Oaaaea will hers several Aays . aaa cordially laritas yeas attaBaaaon. - Many New Nursery Novelties LENGTHS FDR MISSES' AXD CniLDRK.VS DRESSES LARGE QUAN TITY TO CHOOSE FROM. 8 yards, bright pretty plaid, for $1.34. 5 yards, nary blue plaid, for $1.49. yards, gray check novelty, for $1.39. 5 yards, dark rich plaid, for $2.39. 4 4 yards, all wool nary bine batiste, for $1.59. REMNANTS OF WAIST LENGTHS NOTHING MORE PRACTICAL FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING. Silk and Wool Poplin, Nile green, regular $1.60 quality, 46-lnch, Zhi yaids for $1.31. Bright Plaid, would delight any youngster, 2 yards for 84c Light Blue Silk and Wool, regular $1.60 quality, 2 yards for $1.60. Satin Stripe C hall is, Si yards In remnant, for $1.06. Cream Novelty BrillianUne, regular $1.26 quality, 2 yards for $1.98. 'Cream Henrietta, 2 yards, handsome, rich luster, for $1.71. Cream Bedford Cord, regular $1.00 quality, 2Vs yards In remnant, for $1.29. . Main floor. Great Holiday Sale of Dolls. RIGHT WHEN MOST WANTED COMES THIS GREAT SPECIAL SALE. SATUR DAY WE WILL OFFER EVERY DOLL IN THE HOUSE AT HALF PRICE! Select your sift for the little one from these. You have no doubt read about and seen them displayed in our Howard street window. They are not the cheap, hur riedly put together sort that are Usually found at the toy shops, but good, high grade dolls, made with the .best of care. Thin' Sale Is not hld as o rule until after Xmas,' but this year we kre eong to give you the behefit right bcjfbre Xmas, when most needed ait gifts; you can purchase them at HALF PRICE. All the Duchess Kid Dolls, with bisque head, closing eyes, beautiful natural curls, well made kid body. Jointed hips and knees, bisque hands, fancy shoes and stockings, in 20, 22, 24 and 26-Inch sties, regularly priced at $1.00. $1.60, $2.00 and $2.60 each. SATURDAY THEY WILL BE OFFERED AT ONE-HAIJT -THESE PltlCE Dressed Dolla, In 23, 24 and 26-Inch sizes, beautiful assortment, extra One kid body, handsome buby faces, surmounted by long SPORTS OF A BAY. t'AMi'BELL WINS l.N T1IK FOII1TH Sherman Is Clever, bat Lacks the - Stalna" I'onrti. Tommy Campbell of Omaha won a fat four-round boxing context before the Gt liorf Athletic club at Oathofl's hail Friday night from Kid Sherman of Winnipeg In what was scheduled to be s six-round go. Campbell was credited by the referee with havuiK scored a knockout, but little glory for tue ariair can be given the vic tor, as the vanquished furnished all the naming and moat of the amusement for tne large crowd. Nhermarl came to Omaha without a fol lowing and was practically a stranger In puglllbtlc circles here, although he had won borne clever exhibitions in Canada. His tight of Friday night made him manr friends, however, and he was constantly cheered by the crowd for his clever and game qualities as a boxer. Sherman Went at Campbell at the tap of the gong and forced the righting at all times. Sherman was not in the best of condition and the honors were even at the end of the first. Some clever boxing was furnished In both rounds, Campbell displaying his usual agiluy in footwork, while Uherman landed a blow on Campbell's face in a clinch, reaching clear around behind his body to land on Campbell's head, which was under hie arm. The third round was a whirl wind of blows by both boxers, with Camp bell holding Sherman's hand repeatedly In the clinches, bherman was plainly wary of his antagonist, but forced the lighting, and would have made a better showing If he had not si continually exposed his body. The fourth and llnal round was Campbell's, as he had Bherman completely winded and unable to land a forceful blow. Campbell struck several blows that landed low and Sherman s seconds claimed a foul, but It was not allowed. Campbell finally forced Bherman lnio a corner and administered punishment at will, Bherman finally slip ping to the floor and taking the count. Ouy Buckles and Kid Strupplth fough a laughable four-round preliminary. Buckles toyed with his opponent, who was plainly a novice In the ring, and Seemed to think it was a huge joke Instead of being afraid of the consequences. Before the contests Kid Jensen, who foukht Paddy McMuhon a few days ago with a broken right torearm for five rounds, was inlroauceo ana was given a iiru.ijr reception by the fight fana He and Camp bell are niaicneo. lor a bout In February. WKSTICR LKAGI E AXMI AL MEETISO W. A. Rosrks NotlBed It Will Be In Cblraao December 28. W. A. Rourke. owner of the Omaha fran- J cHe in the Western league, received a telegiam laxt evening announcing that the annual meeting of the league would be h Id at Chicago. December at. The meet. In (T of the American association is to be held at the tune place the next day, but whether there la any relution between Ihesa two facts or whether it la simply a coinci dence does not appear at present. WITH THK BOWLERS. Last night, on the Metropolitan alleys, the Life Malts took three games from tha liUck Kats, with t&a greatest ease. TU ClkSsfiiias days of Christmas buying, for comfort, for satisfaction, to get natural curls. These Vlolls were dressed expressly for ns, thnlr costumes are of the latest styles and can be easily chaaged. Regularly priced at $3.00, $3.60, $4.00 and $4.50 each. SATURDAY THTET WILL BE OFFERED AT ONE-HALF THESE PRICES. This sals does not Include the "Baby land"' rag dolla. We advise you to attend early, as there will be a rapid cleartng.al these low prices. ) Sals commences at I a. m. j Silk Shawls for Gifts. In white or black, In Sixes fur the head nr shoulders. A present that will please. Prices $1.00 to $7.80 each. See our handsome hand-run black Span ish Lace Scarfs at $12.00 and $1160 each. 'A choice assortment of Fancy Veilings of all kinds. A veil makes a useful gift. Selact a gift for mother from this popular Xmas department, . ' Main Boor. " Printed Dress Patterns. Neatly dona up with bands and labels, 10 yards In pattern, at 65c to $1.00 each. Cliolca Flannelettes tor kimonas and Dressing Sacquea at 10c and 12ttc. Eobe Blankets. , ' . For children, the, For men or women. $1.10, $1.75, $2.00,' $2.25, $2.60, $3.00, $4.00, $6.60. $6.60 and $C.7S each. Down Quilts. These dainty bed covers are always ap preciated as a gift. Sizes. 8 feet wide. 7 feet long, at $5.00. $6.00, $8-50, $7.00. $9.00, $12.60, $15.00 and $18.00. Wool Comforts, with beautiful covers, at (1.76. $5.00, $6.60, $6.50; all silk covers at $12.50 each. Sheets and Pillow Cases, with fancy em broidery and hemstitched Insertion, at $3.00 and $4j00 per set, neatly boxed. Kats have the distinction of bowling the lowest team score of the season. As there was a case of Peorlss up for the loweat team snore for the month, Mike Coffey trtod his best to help them win It. Btapen horst and Seair.sn tried hard to capture all the prises on the board for the month, and while they bowled a very good game, with a -whole lot of luck thrown in, thev Just manages to let all the prises slip through, be ore: BLACK KATS. 12S Tot. Baehr 141 10 ' 171 4H Camp m 148 1K6 ftol ( . Hies US 135 Ul -.21 u uvens 1.S7 164 Ui 474 Cutfey '. lot 135 1(6 Mi Totals 726 H3 740 2. Us LIFE MALTS. 1 ! S Tot. Sutton 154 m ir2 4H7 Rush 139 Ml 151 471 Waltns ...lu l'K) 1!7 ft Stapenhorst 173 lii hlO Seaman .v ...W7 204 lea 673 Totals ...1...8M M S43 t37 Fatal KlaM Between Sheepmea. ROCK SPRINGS. Wyo.. Dec. U.-(6pe-clal.-Word from Rlfe's ranch, fifty miles out on the range, tells of the murder yes terday of a aian named Camlleon by a herder named Yans Rodrlquex. The men became Involved in a quarrel over aome sheep, which Camlleon claimed belonged to him, but which the herder refused to re- AMI'IEMEHTS. BOYD'S 'VTooOward fc Burgess. Mgrs. BASQAX atATXJTH TOSAT, 8&O-6O0 The County Chairman Tpnlght tOO seats lower floor fl.00. L'NDAT MATINEE! AND NIGHT FWst Time Here. Henry W, Savage Offers The College Widow Metroiolltan cast. OI. ID AY ATTKACTIO. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday CHARLES FROHMAN OFFERS FRANCIS WILSON In his great cornea? success, THE MOUNTAIN CUMBER, BUE3VIOOD THIS AFTERNOON TONIGHT I Camille Sunday matinee all week MADAMS SABS OEM. Pee, December 21, 1906. Christmas Shopping Is hard work, especially the last two days before the sreat holiday. We realise this fully as much as you, but we shall try and make It as pleasant as we know how. Ex tra salespeople have been en gaged in order to meet the rush which is always sure to come. When tired out from shopping visit our cozy reRt room and re cline In cne of the easy chairs. Third floor. Leather Goods. Always make lasting and appreciative gifts. Our leather goods department la noted for showing that which is unique and exceptional In bags. This season the showing is larger than ever. These for Saturday: Carriage baga, made of black or brown seal leather, filled with coin purse, leather lined, pla.Ln strap handle Prioes $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, up to $5-00 each. Carriage baga, of black or brown seal leather, fitted with coin purse, pocket on either side, leather lined, double strap handle. These srs beauties and make good sensible presents Prices $6.60, $.0O, up to $12.00 each. Women's vanity bags, made of plain calf or alligator leather, strap handle on back Prices $4.60, $6.60, up to $8.00 each. Black seal purses, strsp handle on back 11.76 and $3.60 each. Main floor. I Special Value in Toilet Sets. Ebonold toliet sets, consisting of comb and brush or comb, brush and mirror. Tlisss are sensible presents. SPECIAL VALUE FOR SATURDAY 5C. 76C. $1.00, $1.26 AND $1.60 PER SET. French Stag Ware for Xmas Gifts. French stag toilet seta, containing brush and comb; aino sets containing brash, comb and mirror. French stag and ebony military brushes. French stag; shaving S"ta. Fr.inch stag smoking seta. With ash tray, cigar holder and match safe. All modestly priced. Mala floor.. Handkerchiefs. THE SAFEST OF GIFTS. These every day needfuls never fall to make acceptable gifts and they are so cuay to send by mall that It Is no wondur so nvtny thousands of them are being bough.. IM out west or back east frlnd. Embroidered all linen handkerchiefs 50u, 764, $110, ' up to $8J0 each. Rival lace handkerchiafs, exclusive novel ties $3.60 to $50.00 each. All liken Initial handkerchiefs 6c, lCc, 15c, 50, 85c and 60c each. All linen embroidered handkerchlnfs, half doaen In pretty gift box, at $1.60 and $3.00 per box. Children's handkerchiefs, three In a box, at 2So a box. . Fancy Aprons. , Crisp, whits aprons, daintily trimmed, make, elf ts that are easy to buy and sgy to send and sure to be appreciated by any woman. Pretty assortment of bib aprons, with embroidery breteilea, or with hemHtltchlr.g and Insertion, also pretty plain effects In nratelles. PRICES SBC, 6QC, 7EC, UP TD $1J50 EACH. Dainty round aprons, with . hemstitched rutlle. or with tucks and lace edging. . Pretty square shapes, with tucks, rac edging and insertion to match. PRICES 2aC, JSC, 60C, 76C, UP TO $2 EACH. Second floor. Howard Cor. 16th lease. Both men drew their guns, but Rodrtquez was the quicker and the bullet entered Camlleon's head, kilting him in stantly. Rodrtquez mounted a horse and was last seen at Bitter Creek. A posse Is now In search of him, but thus far no trace has been found since he left that point. Bargain matinee at the Boyd theater this afternoon. Beats 23c, 50c; no higher. "The County Chairman." HYMENEAL Bobbltt-W alters LOGAN, la., Dec. 21. (Special.) The mar rlage of W. Herbert Bobbltt and Rena J. Walters occurred Wednesday night at the home of the bride's father, Frank Walters, southeast of Logan. They are both well known Harrison county young people and will reside at their new farm home near Logan. Now Is the time to make your wants known through The Bee Want Ad page. AMISEME.NT8. AUDITORIUM Saturday, Night, Dsc. 22, '06 GRAND CONCERT Miss Ellen Deach Yaw Tha World Tamows Coloratura Soprano suaget Assisted by uixnm.ua sick, rioumst Hlba aOAOILI.A UT, flaaisl MX. A BATTLM.B, rintlst. Bos Offlse Bale Begins Wednesday, Bsc 18, at the Auditorium. Fries tmngs from too to 91.60. ( CrtKIBHTOM 'Phone Douglas 414. MODERN VAUDEVILLE MATINEE TODAY 2:15 NOTE-CURTAIN AT : SHAW. TONIGHT PRICES loo. 26c, too. KRUG THEATER Tonlsht 1:1a. Matinee Today Hilda Thomas and toa Kali, Ia Their Merry Musliul Comedy, TIB SHOW OISL. Sunday The Smart Set. FREE INTERCHANGE OF CARS! Comra uiotirr TroatT Thinks This Wtuiy KtlifTs CoDpeHion of Tttfuo. MORE TESTIMONY UKtN AT KANSAS CITY tars of Western I.lnea While Itrfnalna to Allow t'se of Their Owa to Othern. KANSAS CITY. M'V, Doc. 21. At the c n. rluMon of the Inquiry Into the qucHtlon of the frolght car shortage In the wpit before C. A. Frouty, Interstate Commerce commis sioner, which bcxau In St, lxuils and ended here tonlaht, the commissioner, shipper and the representative of the railroad agreed that all parties concerned would be greatly benefited and present conditions relieved if a free interchange of cars among railroad companies cruld be broujtht about. This solution war fl t suqrseMed by tha shippers, was approved by Commissioner Prout? and was endorsed by thp railroad represent nt Ives when today they were given an opportunity to state their side of the case. It Is understood that western railway lines generally favor a free interehiuiKe of freight oars but that eastern roads have refused to enter into such an agreement. The rea son for this difference, it Is si Id, Is that eiistern romla are profit big by present con ditions and are' using many thousand chtS belonging to western roads, and their own equipment as well, causing a inrlous short age to exist in the west and south. Western lines have been forced to Issue an order that such cars as they have left are not to leave their own respective tracks. Prontj Favors Interchange. After the hearing had adjourned Commis sioner Prouty said: An Interchange of ears by all the rail roads would do awny with much of the shipping trouble. And then, this country Is a long way from New York. Owners of railways are not thoroughly fnml.lar wl;h conditions here. They are Inclined to make money llrst and consider the public servlca later. M. A. Low, attorney for the Rock Island, In making the closing statement for tha rill roads, said that his road did not lack motive power to move freight and that it could care for all the business offered If it could get possession of all the cars It owns. He said that penalising the railroads for failure to supply cars when ordered by ship pers will have no good effect. He said that any legislation should be along remedial lines and should not Impose a penalty upon the railroads for something they cannot avoid under present conditions. Commissioner Prouty left for Washington tonight. The report of his Investigations in the west will be Incorporated In a gen eral report of freight conditions in the United States to be submitted to Presi dent Roosevelt and congress. , W. R. Wright, an agent for the Inter state Commerce commission, who had In vestigated the -freight congestion at Gal veston, testified that he believed the trouble.there was to some extent the fault of the railroads In not making sufficient preparation for a rush of business of which. they had warning. Defense of 'Frisco 1,1 ne. ' Commissioner Prouty invited the reprs- scnatlves of the railroads to present their defense to the charges which had bee made by the shippers snd W. T. Tyl general western and southern manager of the "Frisco, took the stand. Mr. Tyler said, that his road was not to biume for the hardships which shippers had suffered bar cause of a shortage Of cars. . He Bald that 3,000 or 4,000 cars belonging to the 'Frlsoo were in the possession of other roads. He- denied that the 'Frisco discriminated In favor of certain shippers. He said that thp practice of grain men in Kansas City of holding loaded wheat cars until the wheat was Inspected, sold and reconBlgned should, cbase. Commissioner Prouty bIbo con demned this practice. Mr. Tyler said that the recent order Issued by the 'Frisco that cars loaded with lump and nut coal could not be transferred to other lines was caused by the Inability of this road to get pos session of all Its cars. He said that slack coal was not Included in the order because this character of coal could not be disposed of at points along the 'Frisco. F. 8. Rawlins, traffic manager of the Kansas City Southern, advocuted the In terchange of curs among the railroads. He said his road had lost 3,5"iO freight cars In four months and that 2,000 of theie cars, belonged to other lines. Santa Fe I'nder Fire. WASHINGTON, Dec. a. Miller Bros.; ptock raisers and shippers of Bliss, OkU filed complaints against the Atchison, To peka & Santa Fe Railroad company 91th the Interstate Commerce commission to day, alleging discrimination by that road on shipments to Mississippi river markets. CURTIS JETT IS CONVICTED Seateaeed for Life After Coafesalag; He Alone Was Responsible ' foe Crime. , i LOUISVILLE, Dec O. Cutis Jett was to day found guilty of the assaaslnailon of James Cockrlll at Jackson, Ky., four years ago, and sentenced to life Imprisonment. Jett confsatd yesterday during the progress of his trial at Cynthi arua that he alone had killed Mr. Cockrlll. He Is now serving a life sen tence for complicity In the murder of At torney Marcus several years ago. To Care a Cold la Oae Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Drurglsts refund money if It falls to cure. X W. Drove e signature li on each boa. Jfeo. -f I r"a- '-SB . 1 JohnM.Fixa's Cafo and Restaurant 1516 Dodge St Kverytlilng Nvr, lkst of KvcrythiiiK Thoroughly l'p-to-Iat , First Class In All IUiets .THE NEWW ....CHESAPEAKE CAFE.... THIS NEW CAKE, THE FINEST IN THE CITY IS NOW OPEN PRIVATE DIM-NO IIOOMS. Special Preparations for After-Theatet Parties. 1508 and 1510 Howard St. TAB,E D'HOTE DINNER bunds J s. 11 130 to 8.