Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13

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Wheat in Kan-ow Bancs tad Frioaa
Flare Cro at Fortr-Flve Million
Baahrl 0er Prevloa Estimate
.Prlcee Held to Prnr.l
lrel r Car Shortage.
OMAHA, Dec SI. 14.
The final rovfrnment report on when! o(- i
fercd about the name flgurea aa the previous i
4. re end the market whd unaffected. PrLe
ran within a narrow range and closed but
lull changed from yesterday, havelr
r consnlerahly lighter than a year mu I
tjaatatloao of Ik. Day aa Varla.a
NEW TORK, Dec. Sl.-FIjOCR-Rec.-lpt.
n 4li la ; tfmrto. .42T Mils; mi-. t0
kna Market o-ill rd shade lower: w ntr
pilTita. 8J.ft.ti 3,90; winter atraitthta. tl4.iT
4t. Minnex patent. It I winter
extra. $ljs,ix,, Minnesota Lexer, tl t
l wtn-tsr low (trail-e, $- 3 Pve floui ,
steady; fair t gd. 84 ;"J J : h'W to
fancy, OWitJl. fiiirkw hat flour, steady,
li9i:. st. and to arrive.
COKN MEAL Steady; fine wMte and yel
low. coarse, tl.lail.l2; kiln dried.
12 ""hi 75.
rlAHI.KT Vedy: fe-diri;. I.V. e. I f.
Buffalo; maltin. 4'tiic c. L f. Buffalo.
W 1 1 EAT iwrlpt. 1M nt lu : exports,
U.Mft hu.; sales, 2.i"i.rti bu future. .' bu.
st'd. Stt market Irreautnr: No. 2 red.
'.S"' elevat.n-. and V',c. f. o. b. afloat; No.
1 n irthtrn. Uuluth. mio. c. I. f. Huff lo. No.
2 rurd w intei. ;ic. c. I. f R jfflo. A
sharp break occurred In whet tndav owlne toaav. 1 nere was no preu;e of fnrce.1
to uciuJd.jtjon. im) iled by weakness In 'liquidation in Slocks. I ncnvercd oear
roan- grains. ltre Arzentlna shlfmerita tranrra. with no Droenect of hr,mdiate
fc , , , , .. . . w 7 . : ."" , t. r. j . n miller rrutiri. Irui - r , 1 1 1 nr rn.ui. lurni III IMr uui l niiia i
and Argentina shipments very much hear- ; recoveries followed and the market closed profits taught on a moderate a-ale to cover
k . aru-u.B vivii n ui sieuuy at ,c net decline. Sal-s men ei 1 their short contract There was no evi-
i-kL -- ! No- rpJ- Mv. 3 IS-lwum'.c. closed c; j denre of a large demand from ether
The government's figure on corn ware j July, cloeeU S3c; L.emur. s.-urce.
bearish and the market waa weak In conse. cluaed Tne pawned atrlngency In the money
Z" P, , V J V ort made t M l i c rop t,- i CUHN-Herelpta, 22.5 bu.; export. 2 market waa rearmed with lome doubt
T. .""f."w ira"!"' vu., wiiii, ki.i.fu ou. luturea, i. i rjj pot
than the previous eatiniate. t'leaj-nces The apot morknt waa eaey; N". 2. ele-
wrre ngni and Argentina shipment hever vator and We. f. o. b. afloat- No. 1 yellow,
Wall Etreet Karkat ia Fret from Diattirb
aoca and Oenerally Eaiy.
Raak atateaaeat Today la Emaeted
Heavy D.mii4i Arc 1 aaaae
dlately Akead.
NEW TORK, Pec. n The stock market
-a free irom olturbane raud by any
heavy wlthnraaal of credit In call liinna
M1.W1; r"ll ln "d bullion. U(H.7'i.:T3;
gold cert.ncatea, iM!04.
than a year ago lYIcea are being held to USc; No. 1 white,' ZUV". The otXion n;ar-fiacklng confidence that a renewal of speou
the present level bv car ahortdc. which
irevent a big nnivemenL
Primary wheat receipt were 664.U0 bu.
nd shipments Jfi4.i bu., Miinut receipts
lat year of l.on.yoo bu. and shipment of
Zll.'XM bu Corn receipt were noi.wu bu.
and shipments am.iW bu., aalnt receipt"
last year of tikS,( bu, and shipment of
.'jnO bu. Clearances wera 12.W0 bu. wheat,
14i.! bu. corn. bu. oats and flour and
wheat! to li .ouo bu.
liverpool cloned i,d higher on wheat and
Sm:hangd to Wd lower on corn.
Argentina wheat shipment were 1.3nO.O"0
bu., against 712.0U0 bu. the week before and
!Uf bu. last year. Corn receipt were
1.IW.Q bu., agalnat 1.9,UM bu. last week
and H.0"O bu. last year.
from the Modern Miller, out today:
"Moisture ha been plentiful and the con
dition of winter wheat crop la generally
r-ported an being satisfactory, oJy com
plaint ara In regard to the open winter."
Corn shipper y that the eastern buy
er are holding off because of their belief
that there would be a big rush of grain
to market aa soon a the car situation Is
relieved. Corn shipper assert there is lit
tle probability of any material Increase In
the car supply before spring and that t.'
eastern buyer might eaaily get hlrrutelf
into difficulty by holding oS two long.
Locai range ot option:
.Article. I Open. I High. I Low. Close. I taa'y.
of Its permanency. The part piay-d In
stock market liquidation in bringing it
Mbout wj also held In mlrtd. Tnt?re was
ev York Mnr Market.
NEW TORK. Pec. SI.-MONlCT-4tn call,
Va9 r cent; rullne; rate, a per cent; cloning
bid. 4V p-r cent, offered at & p r cent; trne
lonr.a. steady; sixty days. S'.U tv r cent;
ninety days, S er cent; six mtintha. per
per cent.
STtRl-lNQ FXCT! A NGE Rarely staly.
with actual business In banker bills at
4K&'&4I36 for d-mand and at 14 t
4 TT1 f"f sixty-day bills; post ml ralfs,
4 :m,4.M and 14 .Vu4 . commercial bills.
P1LVER Rar, tSc; Mexican dollsra.
HOSTS Government, firm; railroad,
Closing quotation on Bonds wera as follows:
lMH.J.psri a. t.1 series.. C4
Vheat I I I I I
Deo.... 7HA 7HB 7A 67HB
May... "lA. TIL, A 71A 71A
Dep.... ST4A XA TA.i
May... 38aA S5'A 38A 38BI
Pec nTA
May 4-A
31 B
A aaked. B bid.
Omaha Cash Prteea.
WHEAT No. S hard. WVWtto: No. t
hard. tvru!c; No. 3 spring. 67V(i14'
CORN No. , S&ifiX'ic; No. V S3H-!M4Ue;
no grade. KJ-gs'c; No. 3 yellow, StVitjSS'ic;
No. s white. 3tiW16'ic.
OATS No. S mixed. 311'i?X!e: No. S white.
ri'f-rc: No. 4 white.
RTE-No. 2, 63c; No. t. SIHc.
Carlot Raeelota.
Wheat. Com. Oats
Chicago 4 3i 11
Kansas City 96 47 iS
4 tnnenolia ?iia
Omaha 41 4 S
Iluluth 4
6t. Loula SO m 4
k t was weakened hv the aovernment re
port and closed partially c net lower. Jan
uary closed at Wv. Mnv cli-l at SoSc.
OATS-Reoelpts, ao.ntv bu.; expoits, 5i bu.
Spot market quiet; mixed r.t, to 32 lbs,
.e.j;",c; natural white, 3 to 33 Iba., ,iu-dc.
cllpfed white. i to i Itwi., 4.44o.
fcD Steady; spring bran. December
shiprrent. aJi.Zi; middling, r.a, LeeinOei
HAY Klrm; shipping, $7.J7.W; good to
MUJ'S Steady; state, common to choliv,
Ii4y23c; 16, 9uc. Pacific coaat, llOi,
li17e; la)o, l"vl4c.
HIDES steady; Galveston, 30 to 26 lb.,
20c; California, Ce.
I.F.ATH EH Quiet; acid. 27B2Rc.
Pk(JVlSlo.!4 beef, steady; tamlly, tl4.nn
6 14.oO; mess, t"ii500; beef hams, $a.a"a
26; packet, $11. ); city, extra India
mesa. fc.!u j. Cut meats, steady; pick
led hams. J125-J. Lard, firm: continent.
19 4"i; South America,; western prim.
IPO.'; refined, quiet: compound. I .l.lo
i-ur. sreany; lainliy. nn.;i7i.oii;
hort clear, ftl dVuIS.ijO: meae. 117 o"'a IK .'6.
TALLOW 8u-dy; city. 6-c, country, IS
KICI Hteadv: domestip. fair to extra SV
$ti'c. Japan, nominal.
tiLTTKK Dull. street Dree. extr
cranmery, SH'3-; offivial prices, creamary.
cooimuii ro exira, Aitfc; neia, common to
extra. 2130'c; state dairy, common to
fancy, 2lii:r; renovated, common to -xtra.
l24Hjc; western factory, common to first.
lv22c; western Imitation creamery, firsts,
2Sa ir.
CHEESE Firm: state, full cream, small
and large, September fancy, 14c; state,
October best, 13K;c; lat made, 12Vgi3c;
tate, Inferior, UiilZc.
MuQS Easy: Pennsylvania and ncarbv
fancy selected white, 3!a0c: choice. aftfiStci
tate, mixed extra. 36'ij;c: western firHt.
J0c; official price. 29'a30c: neconds. 2af?c.
rui LTKT-uvf, steady: wistern chick
ens, 11c: fowls, 12c: turkeys. 15c. Pressed,
irresniiar; western chicken. U'UMrc;
turkey. liiilSc; fowls. !4ii:fc.
dairy. 22(rJ'2Sc.
KtlGS Lvwer; 23c.
Corn, bu.
Oat, bu.
Feat area of the Trading: aad CIoaloK
Prleea oa Board of Trod.
CHICAGO, Dec. 21. A statement con
tained In tha government crop report that
the total yield of oat In till country will
be bu. laraer than the previou
estimate caused weakness today In all the.
grain pits. At the close wheat for May de
livery wa off ic. Corn was down V.C
Oats showed a loss of V4c. while pro
vision were SHc lower to UlkUSc higher.
I'nder the Influence of active selling In
cat the whaat market opened easy, but
ino volume or trading waa noi mmr. i n- .,.., v.v.1,
principal selling was by a prominent bull, I 5.1?".V Di',,
who was credited with disposing of 6).0ii0 I ,,JlZx L,.
bu. of tho Muy option. The news or tha
day Inclined to the dull side, but the da
dine In the price of oat outwelsched there
advice. Cable were firm, receipt In the
northwest were small snd early reporti
from Argentina told of delayed harvesting
because of wet weather. Later advlcea.
however, contradicted these statement
from South America. Commission house
nd shorts absorbed the moat part of -tho
offerings. There waa lesa selling pressure
durlnc the last hour and the market cloned
teady. Mav opened unchanged to S I
lower, at 7V((7SHc. sold off to 77c and
cloaed at TSc. Clearance of wheat and
flour were equal to 13X.iO bu. Exports for
the week, a shown by Bradstraet . vrtre
euual to I.2im.0iio bu. Primary receipt were
&44.0 bu.. compared with UKS.OUu bu. for
the corresixtndlng day one year aro. Min
neapolis. Iuluth and Chicago reported re.
ceipts of 414 cars, against &28 cars last week
and 79 cars a year ago.
Trading in the corn pit wn quiet and the
market wa Influenced chiefly by the weak
ness of oat. There a some pressure
f rem lonrs on the December option be
cause of the government crop report, which
declared an Increase of 46.t.00l bu. la the
total yteld. The buying late In the day waa
tf a more Influential character and caused
a steady close, with prices slightly under
the level of veaterdav. Mav opened "sic to
MlVdC lower, at 43fff4SSc to 48SC, sold off
to 43' and closed at 4HjC Local receipt
were SiS cars, with three cars of contract
Intense excitement prevailed In tha oat
Bit earlv In the dny In consequence of a
elilng slump, caused by tha government's
eetlirate of the crop. Commission houses
and local longs eem to have unlimited
quantities of oat for sale, and during the
first few minute trade were made at n
variance of fully Ho. For a time It seemed
aa though a sensational decline wouin or.
cur, but tendy buying by commislon
house around 354c checked tht slump. Tho
selling was lee feverish after the first hair
hour and the market became more steady.
A portion of the early los wai regained
la-fore the close, which wa steady. May
opened VV to tlc lower, at SSMjfcase.
oli up to PaaSso and rloeed at S37t)C. Lo
cal rMeita were 13d tars.
Provisions were easy early In the day be.
rnuse of a oUrTs" decline In the price of live
hoj:s. Later the market bt-cama firmer on
good buying by local packers. At the cloa--Mav
pork was unchanged, M Lard
wa ":..fifc higher, at fo.Hci. Klbs wera off
t",r. at t n.
Estimated receipt for toraon nw : Wheat,
rars; corn, 3SJ car; oata, 100 car; hogs,
t2 ' bead.
The leading gutures ranged as follow?:
St. l.oais ararral Market.
ST. IOils, Dec 21.-WHEAT-Lower;
track. No. 2 red, cash, 7&V7ic; No. 2 hard,
72fi;r.c: May. 77'a77,c: July. 75c.
CORN-Lower; track. No. X cash. 4fic;
No, 2 white. lt3Hc; May, 4iia41'c; July,
OATS Lower: track. No. t cash, KSc;
No. 2 white. 3ic; December. S4c: May, 30S
FLOCR Steady; red winter patents, W to
5 3 75; extra fancy and straight, t3.luuS.45:
clear. $io.Vii2.S.
PEET) Timothy, steadv. t3.I6e3.75.
CORN MEAL Lower. 12 X).
BRAN Dull; sacked tast track. 98fl?c.
HAY Quiet; timothy, 14.0g on; prairie,
J10 ts'iU.'!.
PROVISIONS Pork. steady: Jobbing,
t!5W. Lard, higher; prime steamed. IK.lo.
Drv salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts
t9.on; clear rib. WOO; short clears, ts.a.
Bacon, steady; boxed extra short, t.7S;
clear ribs. Iu.75: short clear. Sl'lOO.
POULTRY Weak: chickens, TSc: spring,
9c: turkey?, L'Sc: ducks. 9Hc; geeae. Re.
m ttek steady; creamery,;
latlve commitments In stocks would leave
the montjr rrarket exempt from a renewal
of stringency. Indication olnted to a
decided Improvement In the showing of the
tanks in tomorrow bank tatement. Most
of the casu gain Is due to the ubtrpury
operations, which had bern In favor of
the banks up to Thursday night to the
extent of t").4Jfi.O0. In addition to this the
Interior movement has been in favor of this
center, but the balance of the movement
shall be a small one. The gain in cash
I thu indicated In Itself sufficient to re
store a considerable margin of surplus in
the resfrve of the banks. The action ot
the lock market during the week points
to a considerable loan contraction having
been effected. In view of the heavy re
qnlrements confronting the market. It la
not believed that the reaourcf In hand by
the banks will be more tnen sufficient t-
meet the demands without any compli
cating factors, such as a renewed specu
lation. Advices from London pointed to a
netable recuperation of reserve also, by the
Bank of England by the receipt of over
.!. from Paris and over se
cured in the open market in LonJon. Ad
ditional gold Is expected to go from Paris
to London this week. London credits fts
exemption from a demand for g.ld from
New York to the compliance of New Tork
bankers with the neds of the London mar
ket. It Is believed also, that some ac
commodation may have been given for the
extension of credits to New York, falling
due on the first of the yesr. It ia to be
remembered also, that the railroad com
panies which are making large new stock
Issues are among those having the largest
number of foreign stockholder. Subacrip
tion to new stock by these foreign stock
holders will establish credits for this mar
ket abrosd which will Increase the supply
of exchange.
The day market offTed few features.
The prominent place held by St. Paul In
the recovery was not strange. In view of
the violence of Its fall, preceding. The
Hill stocks continued unsettled to some
extent and were slow to respond to the
general upward movement. There wss
further weaknes alno. In Reading. The
speculation waa. on the whole, restrained,
and the volume of dealings small. The
strong showing of the. Southern Pacific an
nual report seemed to have more effe-t on
I'nion Pacific than on the stock of the
subsidiary company. Minor Incidents f
the diy were the threatened strike of rail
road yard men In the neighborhood of New
York, and reports of damage suits against
railroads In Texas for delayed traffic. There
was some concessions from the best prices
of the day befere the market closea.
Bonds wera eteidv. rotai aaies par v.iur. fnlted State new 4 advanced
4 per cent on call.
The following are ths quotation on the
New Tork Stock exchange:
Bale. Bisa. Low. Close.
r rf 4a. ri .
4 eoapon
C a . rsj
so coupon
V. . ols 4a re...
do coupes
t. S. new 4a, r
so coupon
Am. Tobacco . .
do s
Atchison fen. 4s..
do adj 4
Allsanr C U 4.
B.I. A Ohio 4a....
do I us
Pr R. T. e. 4..
s-en. of Oa. ia...
do 1st Ine
do id Inc
do 14 Inc
Che. Ohio 4Hs.
rhmro A.
C. B A Q n 4s.
C . R. I. t. 4.
do col. 6a
pa do 4s ctfs si".
. !" do 4Hs ctfi
. .int do Id .erica 1
..lesiL, A N onl. 4S l?
..lo-M'ia. n.' s i lie
..m"sj'jex. CVntrsI 4s r,n
..19H do 1st Inc TTi
.. 77 sssiinn. St. L. 4s.. iw
..iaSlM . K T. 4s 7
,.imii, do f "H
Cattl Bsceipti Litht and No Creat
Chanea in Frices.
aly a Few (keep aad l-owibs ('oanlaaT
Killer Slow, bat Akssl Steady
Feeder la Aetlse De
ans ad aad Steady.
POUTH OMAHA. Dec. 'A. !.
Receipts Were:
Official Tuesday
( Wednesday
Offrial Thursday ..
Official Friday
Cattle. Hoes. Sheep.
... t 4:- 4 :. ll'-4
... S.7'4 .71
... S6"S 9.7
... 3 41 9.402
. .. 1.0Cs 9.'
1 t t I (04, H
Ti n so l r i, : , ..!i:
. " 1'4 IS
4 J7 4 d- 71 t.'.l
t r.t 1M I Ml 15
7 rT 4 "Sj !
77 IJ yt t 7i .1 inn
7 r-o ... ir. I, s .14
74 f.7 4 OTv, 77 r.t
240 ... a ST-i ! 171
f ". 3 11 4 7V, 40 ta
tt I 7'Sj t 1'4
i- ; lf m M
74 1M ... f "7 , S I t
JM tn 07', u r
J . ?1 4 "71, 3 !JS
si 11
... H!1
i ;s
u 4 14
... (II
... 4 IS
... (II
... 4 '5
Five days this week... 26. XI
Same days last week... .31.20a
Sinie two weoks an... W
Same three weeks aro.. 1S.SI1
TV R. It. of M e. 4. . Rame four week ago... .27 4T
I. I B
.iniVM. S f I s
.. M,.No. Pacltc 4 ...
.. 8V a
..llfsi N. W c. 4a .
. . 5 o g u rfd 4s
..TTitj Pesn. cons. JHs.
.. 71 'Readme a-n. 4a.
..WH ?, L. 1 W c Bs..ii3Vi 1 Sheep
. . 7.1, l. a m. r. 1. s t
... as 1st l. a. w. 4s 7
.. 77 s.!oar1 A. L. 4s
... toit'so Psclflc 4s
... T3,
... ",
Same days last year 1S.141
The following table show the receipt ot
rattle, hog and step at South Omaha for
the year to date, compa'-ed with last year:
1IMI 1- I"1
Cattle I.e." 917 1 .Wo.SIJ 61.5v
Hogs 222 ravaw ln.aa
1.142.64S l.K.9.965 lSZ.bU
, ... . ao
1114 tKiocl to choice cornfed steer o r-uo
en 1 rair to good cornted teer s " z;
Colorado Mil
Colo. 80. 4a
Cuba is
D A H. O 4s
P rillsrs' 8c. H ..
Bii p. 1. 4s
do gea 4s
Hock. Val. 4ln...
Jspsn 4a
Bid. Offered
I Common to fair steers
I)'n1 to choice fed cons
S'rc. a. L. a 4s..Hi' so 1st s stfm S
Colo T. 4s sr A . ?4Sl S ftillwsv &s ltd
74 sTeias A P is 114 flood to choice cowl and heifer.... I wXt4 ob
an ST.. a I 4 w. ta .Fair to rood cows and heifer.... 2iij.
i. 1 nion r innc w
V 8 Steel t ts
MV Si's! la
. I"! do deb. B . .. . .
. IC114 Wcstsrn Md. 4a .
. W. A L E. 4s.
. 74j Wis. Central 4s ..
Boataa Stoeka oad Bonds.
BOSTON, Pec. 21. -Call loops. nfllO per
cent; time loans. fifiS per cent. Official
Quotation on tocks and bonds were:
4 '
I S t 1".
... 4 15
... 4 II
... I to
SHEEP Fieoeiits of sheep t'-is morning
Were very lirht and of the few r:irs re
ported In six were Montana wethes, the
same as have be n coming during the l ist
lew 1rb. They sold very readily at tl 1 .
the same as yesterday and diy bef ire. The
fact Is there Is a very active demand st
this point for both feeder sheen and lambs
and anything desirable In that line has met
with very ready sale at prices i-ntinly
nitsf actory to owners. No erne re's be
at mid to ship In desirable weslern feeder
at the present time.
The supply of killer was very limited.
Thsrs mere a few little bunches carried
2,5 over from yesterday, but th freh arrivals
1 i wocm vrv mukiffur The demand, however.
31. 71 t m;s also small and Is likely to continue so
:f7.T7 untii after the first of the year. It Is
31.7Si vnry evident that packer at -h" present
I .v3 time do not need very many of either sheep
3S.9 or lambs, and the best thing shippers c m d 1
17.113 , to sil down and take life easy until the
coming of the new year. This Is true not
only of this market, but ot other markets
as well. Advices from Chicago Indicate
that the market there has been overloaded
and prices are at the lowest point "f the
sensing, owing to the combination of large
receipts and small demand.
Quotations on killers: flood to choice
lambs, S7."ii7.o0: fair to rood lambr.. I "5
4J7.4W; good to choice yearlings, Vi.7rrtra.16;
fair to rood yearlings. ti.6i"li6.75j good to
chnlcs wethers. au.'lfi6.(sj : fair to good
3 TSfl 4 5 I wet hers, ta lMiw K; good to choice ewei.
t4.7iu615; fair to god ewes, 4.&nu4..i.
Uuotatlons on feeders- flood to choice
lambs, t.2f''&'.6": medium lamba. tn-Soiiai
light lambs. t4.26'u6J; yearlings. 6.1.Vui i';
4". '11 9
31 ..VS
3 !i9
4.0o''i4 75
Common to fair cows and heifers.. i.&'iTIW
.... 'S , Hood In ehnlc itnrVan a nd fdrS) .. 4"'?4 i
Fair to good stockers and feeders.. 3 4"M wethers. 4.7b'ie a: e
Common to fle .to.-kra 173Vr3 49 ing ewes. t4 bti'ai.OO.
Pulls, stags, etc omnM j representative sale
veal calves
The following table ehow the avera-
price of hog at South Omaha for the
several days, with comrarison:
I -
... ? iBlntham
... S ''al A Hecla..
... M Ccnt-nnlsl ...
...1'2 Copper Rsntra
ltr ""Dslr West
Ai.h. adj. 4s.
do 4s
Vi r-stcsl
do ptd
A A'
Bonon A Mains 14J Icrsnbr
Bnstoa RlsTsled l'l lists Rnysl .
Ptlchburx p(d 134 Mass. Mining
34-iicaa Centra! .;VMichl(aa
N T.. N. H A H..1I" Mohawk
Date. I -ao. lllC6.!-J04.llit.19(-l.:i9ni.19(.
I Pec. 10.. .1 6 21V ! 5 SSI 4 4"i 1-1 a 14' 4 J
t -e n .. ui-,' isji s 1 4 471 a or 1 a if -
No. Av.
PI Montana ewes, feeders
l"-:.2 Montana wethers, feeders.. l'JI
1.S western lambs 70
"n western lambs "2
73 western ewes 111
2"it western ewe
7 western ewe
7,3 western yearlings
Pec. 12 '.'. t 0-7, 4 xj, 4 4.S.1 4 491 6 9' l'l 4 71 1 1711 western yearlings
: T'i c. 13. ..I - oft I 4 kSI 4 41 I 5 9S. 6 T!1 4 M -' western lsmbs
Pec. 14... 07
1 :
4 sa
4 S4
Pers Marnuetui
t'nlon Ptciflc
Am. Pnen. Tuba...
Amr. Susar .....
do ptd
Am. T A T ,
Am. Woolea
do pfd
Dominion 1. A .
Edison Rise. Ilia
Mass. Electric ..
do pfd
Mass Oaa
t'nited rnm ....
fnlted S. M
do pfd
V. 8. Steal
do pfd
Advent urs)
Atlantic .
Bid. Asked.
it Mont C. A C ,.
. ..tsi r:d Dominion
... 11H Osceola
...Uii, Psrrot iQuincr
...IS Shannon
... 1114 Tamsrsck
...101 iTrtnlty
. .. KVi I'nlted Copper
...tJO jC. S. Mlnln
... lV,f. B. Oil
... ;Vta
...41 ; Victoria
...Its! Winona
...47 Wolrertns
... KVNorth Butte
... 44 Butte Coalition
... 41, Cal. A Anions....
...IS jTecumseh
...11314'Artrona Com
IS iOreen Con
4 Wi 4 39 4 4B
14 t'ec. 15. ..I 6 10 4 41' 4 l 4 401 lsji
! Dec. 1 I 4- 4 2SI s mi 77
" 17T! 4 91' 1 4 3i' is' a -1 s '
it 1 4 4' 4 501 4 si' m1 is: 7
6 1!V 4 90' 4 Sol I 6C7I 4 79
I 4 S8 4 44 4 SS 6 0 4 81
Ji i LleC. IS... I , 1 l 4 cl
7n 1 tec. 19...
1SS Pc. 20...
TKvtj j l)eC 21...
! I :
M I 'Sund.iv
US wetern lambs
4 JS
6 10
7 u
7 rsi
4 fts:
4 30
fi mi
7 15
. 2S14
. it-a
.. T"4
. 1H
.. 41
.. Tt
.. SI",
.. It
. .Ilia
.. '4
.. tl"
Laidoa Closing Stoeka
LONDON. Dec. 23. Closing quotations on
th Stock exchange were:
Receipts. Shipments.
.... a.oao 1S.A
31,000 47.OI0
,...172.14)0 7.
48.0110 60.0UU
Kansas City Grata aad Provision.
cember. 4id7ac; May. 72c: July, Toc. Caah:
No. 2 hard. (foVv72c; No. 3, V71c; No. t
red. 73(i"Hc; No. t, 74j72c.
CORN May. Tc; July, aec; Beptemoer,
40Sc Cash: No. 2 mixed. 37c; No. 3. SbVi
ic; iso. z white. asv-sc.
OATS-No. 2 white. 34'c; No. 8 mixed.
EJ4t Steady; nrst. 23c: secono. isc.
HAY Steady; prairie. 6uc lower; choice
timothy. 11600; choice prairie, il-Oofi 12.50.
it 1 E c-teady ; bi-4o.
BI TTER Creamery. V; packing. 19c.
Receipts. Shipments
Wheat, bu 7S.(mr)
Corn, bu 47.0O 34. (V
Oat, bu. 23,000 1,U4)
Board of Trade quotation for Kansaa
City delivery. The range of prices, aa re
ported by Logan ft uryan, 11-' uoara or
Trade building-, was:
Article. I Open. High.) Low. Close.
Pec... May...
Pec... May...
1 atr
I rA,B
SKHI So 7, A
A asked. B bid.
Article. I Open. I High. Tjw Close. ;To'y.
Wheat I I I
Pec... 74VI 74J 74 74 74;
May... 78 tj'V Td1 77H H 7s',
Iw.... 41V Ti 4m 41 42
May...'43bS 43S' 43S' '
July. ..I 44 44 I ViiTvfidl 44',
flats- I I I I
Pec....'S3syni rl SSv,'J3Nfil 34
Mav... T.'fffWI SSl 's SfiSWi
Purk- 1
Jan....! W 11,1 18 17X, 1 10 In 10 18 40
Mir... 14 30 14 ii i 16 JO 18 4a 16 46
Pec... aH t6 IW i 45 690
Jan.... 77V IM t 77H 6 96 8 Ht,
May... 190 VJ 190 16 t M-i
Jan.... tan 8 70 9 90 t 87V, I
May... 176 186 ITS SttC4
Minneapolis Gr.lla Market.
December. 7c; May, 7Sc; July. 9ir;s!vc:
No. 1 hard. cX-S4lSc; No. 1 N-irthern, 79s&
71Sc; No. 2 northern, TTVaUnHc; No. 2
spring. 74'g75c.
r I OL n r irt patents, M f at t": eeona
patents. 4 KSys 26: first clears, t3.26'o3.3I;
second clears. 8?.40frJ 8i.
BRAN LN hulk, 817.25.
mo 41
100 It
Liverpool Grata Market.
firm: No. 2 westrn winter. s; futures.
quiet; March. 6 4V1; May, b 4d; Dvcem-
ber. nominal.
CORN Spot. quiet; American mixed,
new, 4 3d; old. 4s 4d: futures, dull: Janu
ary. 4s md; March, 4a Vd.
HOPS At London (Pacific coost). dull.
1 64(144 tta.
No. X.
Cash quotation were aa follow:
FLOCK-Kasy; winter pat'jrita. $3 JfsgiJ 60;
lnter etraights. t3.2--teJ 4: spring patent.
Uis'iil : spring slra'ghia, S3 av&S.BO;
baker. 12 4ta;-s u.
WHEAT No. t snring. T7J-Oo; No. t, 71
fjlc: No. 2 red. 74i74So.
tRN No. S, 44V,tvs4'sjc; Ko. S yellow. 48
lt)AT8-Vo. S. SSKrrS3,c; No. S white, t7c
a No 8 Whit. S4t4it!-i.-
RYE No. X fct'6c; fair to choice malt-
ll.g. 4-eufAC.
SFFr-TJ No. 1 flax. tll4t; No. 1 north
western. tl.211,. Prime timothy, H 46 Clover,
contract grade. t3 .76.
PROVISIONS Short ribs, side (loose),
tx JUsiS 76. Me prk. per hbl., I luft lard,
per l-s . V -9U. Short clear aidva (boxed).
V, Sw.l2yS9.i.
1 j The rei-elpt and ahlpmenta of flour and
I 1 fruiD were: Keceitxs. Shipment
L i F-l-.ur. bhl
T sa. T Wheat bu 4." 2 J
CorrT bu .
W ca!a, bu 1 Hli
Rve bu
trley. bu .4aO 86 U
On the Produce exchange today the but.
er market waa steady Creaiiieriea, JUT
lie: dairies. aiTTc. rg. teauy: at mark,
raaes Included. rf:c; flrata. 3o; nriu.e
first . fee; eatraa, iwu. Ches auady; U
tlwa. . . .
t Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Dec. SI CORN T.iwer: No. S
vello w and No t, 40c; No. 4. J c; no grade,
OATS Lower; No. I while. SEc; No. S
white. S4-4C: No. 4 white S3VC
RYE-Flrro: No. t 6709c.
WH18KT On the basla of tl 29 for fin
ished good.
Flftn. oal demand: extra weatern cream
ery, official price. street price, SStjC;
extra nearby prints. 36c.
Eiit4 Steady, fair demsnd: nearby freh
and western fresh, !9c at mark
CHFE-rQulet. unchanged; New Tork
full cream. U4ilfVrc.
Mllwaakee Grain Market.
ket steady; No. 1 northern, 81jBlsc; No.
t 7TMVe: May. TSc bid.
RYE-Hirher, No 1. 7&7Hc.
BARLEY Dull; No. 1 4frV; aarople, 46
CORN Lower; No. S new, 4tA,fi41c; May.
tBV? asked.
Dalatk Grata Market.
DVLITH. Dec SI Wl I EA T On track.
No. I northern. 7r; No. S northern, 771,0;
December. 7c: May. tss-; July, c.
OATS To arrive. SSSc
RYE le.
Aaama fJspresa
Aatalaamated Copper .
Ara. C. A T
km C. A r. ptd......
Am. Cotton Oil
Am. Cosine OH pfd
Am. Express
Am. H. A L. Did
Am. Ice. serarltlra
Am. Linseed oil
Am. Linseed Oil pfd...
Abi, Locomotive
Am. locomotive pfd...
Am. S A n
Ars 9. A R pfd
Am. Surar Rsflnlns ..
Am. Tobaoco pfd ctta. ,
Anaconda Mining Co...
Atchison pfd
Atlsade C. L.. el-dls
Baltlmora A Ohio
Baltlmor A Ohio pfd
Brooklyn R. T
Cacsdlaa Paolflc
Caatral of S J
Chssapaaks A Ohio...
Chlcaso 04. W.
(Tilrsao A N. W
r . m a at. r
Chtcaro T A T
Chicago T. A T. pfd I1
a. C. C A St. t. JOS
Colorad T. A I t.i"
Colorado A Bo 49
Colo. A 80. 1st pfd ..
Cola. A So td pfd...
Cnasolldated Oaa
Cora rroduct. pfd 1. 100
Cora Products pfd. rfa
Ulawara A Hudson
Del.. L. A W
Osnssr A It. O
D. A It. 0. pfd
Distiller Securities
Kris lot prd
Brio td pfd
Oeasrsl Electric
Hoiking Vsller. offered
Illinois Central
International Paper
Int. Papar prd....
Int. Pump
Int. F-ump pfd
Iowa Central
Iowa Central pfd
Kanaaa Cltr 80
K. C. Bo. pfd
Loulsslils A S
Mexican Central
Minn. A St. L
M , 8t. P. A 8. B. M
34 . at. p a a. a. u. pj
Missouri Pacific
Missouri. K A T
M . K. A T. pfd
Natioaal Load
N. R. R. ot M. pfd
N. T. Central
N. T . O. A W
Norfolk A W . t-rthta .
!4. A W pfd.. ct-rlaU...
North Amoiicaa
Ps.ltW Mali
People a iimm
P . C . C. A at. L
Prssoed 8. C
Prssssd 8 C pfd
Pullman Palace Car
Rsading lat pfd
Rsadlns id pfd
Riubllc Stool
Rsputille Btsel ptd
Hoik Island Co
Rock Island Co pfd
at. L. A 8. P. 94 pfd
Bt Louis 8. W
at. Louia a. w. pia
Bowtaora PaclBa
Bo. Pactac pfd
Bouthsrn Railway
a. Rsllwsr pfd
Tonuses C. A I
Texas A PaclBc t. .
Toledo, t L A W
T . St. L. A W. pfd
4"nlon Pscflc
t o U.n PaMBr pfd
V. 8 Kiprsaa
r a Rsaitr
I'. 9. Rahbrr
t 8 Rsbbsw pfd
r. a stssi..
r. a atosi pfd
Va.-aroaaa Chemical
Va -Caro. Cksm. pfd
W sbask ptd
Wslis-raxta Exprsaa
W'csttnbouss Eis-trie ...
Wrstara Vatoa
WhMlla A L.
Wiscoasla Central
'. Central pfd
Northern PsciBc
Csnlral Leather
Central Leather pfd
8ioso-hsfBsid atssl
Oraat Nonhsrn pfd
int. Mstrpoliuui
Int. Mst. pfd
Total aaloa for ths ear. r:i
101) too See
44 r 113 113 1UH
l.ano 41 41 1, 4t
l.aro 79 T4S T7
soft 17 4
loft 17 n 4
KS) 1J T214 Tt4
lJ.snn 1I1H 149S 1M
are 114 114V, 114-s,
dot 133 131 lttV
100 tf! t t
9x00 i Wt t74,
It.ltKl lllit, 101 U,
pro iot 101 1M
tea 111 in lx?s
7.000 1:014 n n
10 n ti 1014 004
9.M0 17 S 1M
is-ie wo, be
rm 171 i7t,
1st 17
t.iOt 151 151
Consols, money
do account
do pfd
Baltimore A Ohio.
Canadlaa Pacific .
Che. A Ohio Ot. W ....
C. M. A St. P ..
D A R. 0
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do 94 pfd
Illinois Central ..
Loulsrlllr A N
n m
TOO Id7, M
100 tso-dj no n
43 41
7S 74
t 44
a34 M . K. A T
at i-l N. Y. Central
. . 1471 Norfolk A W 1 do pfd
. .! Ontario A W
..ttt Ponnsrlsanla
..ati- Raad Minss
.. Rssdlsa
. . 14 Southern Railway
..13 do pfd
. . 23 ijonthern Pacific .
.. 44 jfntoe Pacific
.. V do pfd
. . evt. 8 Steal
.. 4774
.. 94
.. 91
.. 49
.. Tl
Cattle. Hogs
Omaha t2.lnl"0 t6.9Va2B
Chicago 1 fl-sfilS" o.ufni-IS
Kansaa City 2.'o5) 5 "h6 30
P. Louis 1 7F(57 00 6 7nfi6 30
Sioux City S.B-sff-S.25 l.WuiVi
The official number of cars of stock
brought in today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H'r's.
C. M. A St. P 12
Missouri Pacific 3
Cnlon Pacific 6 19 6
C. & N. W., east 1
C. & N. W., west a 2 ..
C, 3t- P.. M. O.... S 8
C B. & Q.. east 11
C, B. & Q.. west.... 8 34 4 1
C R. A P.. east S 8
C . R. A P.. west 1
Illinois Centrtl 4
Chicago Gt. Western. .. 3
Total receipts 3
The disposition of the day's receipts wa
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated;
Cattle. Hors. Sheep.
gujOmaha Packing Co.
. 71
. 4
. 97
. t
. M
. 4
. 4J
T7 do ptd
.. W abash ..
..177 I do pfd .
. 149VEianlsh 4s
SILVER Bar. steady, 32 3-lod per ounce.
MONEY 6 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills la rVfifi1 per cent; for three
month' bill, 6 per eenu
Bostoa Copper Market.
Closing quotation on Boston copper mar
ket, reported by Logan & Bryan, U3 Board
of Trade Pudding, umana:
A 1 1 owes
Atlantic ..
Black fefonntaln
4 Mohawk
64 Nsrada Cona...
14 North Butts .
19 014 Dominion
10 Ooronla
Boston Cons 90 Keweenaw
Butts Coalition
94 Qui soy
Calumat A Arliona..l Phsnnon
Calumet A Hcla....l70 Tamarack
Copper Rangs ....
Daily West
E East Butte
Grsen Copper ....
Isle Royal
Massachusetts Gas.
L. 8. A Pttskarg.
... 79
... 17
... 68
... 1J
, ...Il
.... 14
1.24 4t"S
275 2.41st
272 3.1137 53
127 2,730 626
230 1.288
!Tsna Copper 34
94 Trinity 1
19 United Fruit 10s
ll('nltrd 81s tea. cool . 41
16 fnlted Sistos. ptd... 46
11 t tah Cons 4o
11 t'tsh Copper li
14 Victoria 4
& Winona 702
41 Wolssrtna 17t
! Nlp.aslng It
7 Cananra II
I 7' 144 149 144
1.700 17 ZC 97
147 147
91 91
41 41
71 71
7t 71
4t 141
'ileVsi 'it "
4.7n 41
1,009 Tl
94 Tt
1 OHO tt
L 11" 1 llo
t 47 47 47
Wool Market.
BOSTON. Majw , Dec. 21. WOOL The
Commercial Bulletin of this city, basing its
report upon statistic gathered for the gov
ernment, will say tomorrow: TS wool
market continues quite active, consluering
the holiday season, ard considering the
available supply of desirable wools left
thre Is a very satisfactory business belnaj
done. The strength of the situation I due
to the high bails of all foreign market aa
wen a to the comparative and local scarc
ity ot actively demanded stocks. Half and
three-eighth territory are in very limited
upply. while the same grades of fleece
wool are wen nigh unobtainable. The cur
rent sale vary from W isO to rO'.tO) lb ,
with a few of larger quantities, and the
movement Include Montana, Idaho, Wy
oming, Oregon, I'tah scoured. New Mex
ican medium unwashed fleeces. Texad, Cal
ifornia, Oregon pulled and Auatrallan wools.
Fine staple Montana I selling quite freely
at 2T)JiA,c, while fine and fine medium
clothing Montana. Idaho and elmllar wool
are having a (teady demand at or
as) 91 t 90 iwMjTftR Clean. A still further movement of
m fregnn stanle, aggregating more than SOOO
ire., at zq ic, or .Jy ,lc scoured, Is reported
Quarter-blood territory 1 very scarce and
readily brinr 2J4j3uc. Scoured Mexican
morn steadily at r-c for No. 1 and at alout
4oc for No. 4. guarter'iblocl flieie have
steadily been rrowinar stronger and recent
aale of Ohio have been- made at 33c, 33;
and even S4c for choice lot. A Phl'adelt h'a
mill haa taken quite a line at I'tiCSS--. lUlf
snd three-eighths Ohio Hell moderately at
SiSsUSfic. (me hundred and eighty bags of
the latter grade were bought In Ohio a few
days agr at 34c. delivered In Bostrn.
Washed delaine la strong at 87g37ic; XX la
rather quiet at Sti34Sc. Bales of Michigan
quarters are being made at 326S3c. while
three-eighths bring 3333 and half-blood
KSjttiSSc. The shipment of wool from Bos
ton to date from December 27, 1. accord
ing to the same authortlle. are 2t.0C7 4fi
iiu , asrainsr jo.s.?. si io. at the ame time
lnat year. The recelm to date are 98'. 018
844 lb against M7,197,E7 lba for the same
period last year.
ST. LOCIS. Dee. 21 WOOLc-Stesdy ; me
dium grades, combing and clothing, 2?'r
rv llrht fine. BiiilV: heavy fine. 14W
16Sc: tub washed. X2iiS7.e.
LONDON. Iec 21 -WCX1L-A sale of 83.
6a Cape of Good Hope and Natal she-t-klna
waa held here today. Quod clean
skin were firm and sold at an advance t.f
d while coarse wooled were steady and
Swift and Company.
Curtahy Pack I -147 Cp
Armour ft Co
Vanrant ft Co
Carey ft Benton..
Hill ft Son
F. P. Lewis
H-jton ft Co
Hamilton ft Rothschild.
Mike Haggerty
J. B. Root & Co
T. B. Inghram
Sullivan Bros
Iehmer Bros
Other buyers
Totals 1.257 9.517 2.44
CATTLE Receipt of cattle this morning
were very light, there being about fifty cars
reported in. Some of theie did not arrive
until late, so that there waa at no time
enough on sale to make very much of a
showing. The general situation in the
market haa not changed, but remains prac
tically the same aa was detailed yesterday.
As usual during the holiday Season, th"
demand is light and is not likely to be very
brisk until the coming of the new year.
This Is the case not only here, but at every
nients for the next wk or two The mar
ket at Crdcigo, especially, has been demoral
ized and prices everywhere are oeclde-1'7
lower. The decline is anywhere from iaii
5oc from the hiuh time.
The few cattle here this morning sold
about the way they did yesterday, cer
tainly no hlrlier. and the trade was slow
and generally featureless. Thia would apply
to both steers and cow stuff.
There were very few feeders here this
morning, but aa usual toward the last of
the week, no great number wa wanted.
Such aa there were sold very little dlfftsrcnt
from yesterday.
Representative sales:
No. As. er No. Av. Ft.
II 1M I 70 11 1130 4 41
4 940 4 10 !1 1101 4 75
Cattle Steady, bat Poll H Tea
Cent Lower Sheep Weak.
CHICAGO. Dec. 21. CATTLE Receipt.
4.5 head; market steady but dull; common
to prime steers, 84 ''a'7 40; cows.' i.,.((is. .0.
heifers, t2.tfi6.': bulls, t- 4iii4 1V1, calves,
SS.TSvft 50; stocker and feeders. t2-4iH.fAi.
HUGS-Receipts. 32.00" head; market lOo
lower; choice to prime heavy, t L'7tytit..T-'V, :
medium to good heavy, tfi 3.27vs; butcher
weights, 86.27Jii .UH; good to prime mixed,
fi ..M(uo,27V,; packing, 16. -'041 6.25; pigs, tb.uosj1
8 30
head; market weak; sheep. t:i.75'flo.75; year
lings, 84 6CKU6.X; good to choice Uunbs, 87.00
47 7.75.
St. Loali Live Stook Market.
ST. LOCIS. Mo.. Dec. 21 -CATTLE Re
ceipts. 2.0110 head, including S60 Texan; mar
ket strong: native shipping and export
steers, t6.537.of; dressed beef and butcher
steers, tt.7o.uo.36: steers und-r 1.000 pounds.
IS it4 SO; stockers and feeders, K 40tc4 60,
cowa and heifers. t2.4"o5.26. earners. II 7E.1i
12.35; bulls. S2.ii4O0; calves. t3. -uli'7.75; Texas
and Indian steers, l2.5u-ij5.5o; cows and
heifers. Sl.75frjfl.60.
I uruia n.,.lnii 7 Rod head- market Ta
10c lower; pigs and iights, S5.76u J6, pack
ers. f li3.i6; butcher and best heavy,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. r head;
market strong: native muttons, COO-ijii .'';
lambs, t4.0o-ti7.2S; culls and bucks, lsro
3.50; atockers, S3.50ilj3.85.
Kanaaa City Live rtock Market.
Receipts, 3,fi) head. Including 5"S) south
erns; market steady to 5c higher; choice
export and dressed beef steers, S6.25'!ii 0;
fair to good. M.ocijS.S: western steers, 13 59
t00: southern cows. 82. Of fa 3 JS: native cows.
S.ints-i-4.25, native heifers. 83.006. Ou; bulls,
$2.2518.76: calves, $3.OtSii7.0O.
HO9 Receipts. 9.000 head; market 7tf
7Mtc lower; top, 8.27H: bulk of sales. t lfVn
H25; heavy, Sn.22Vo6.27H: packers. S6.17Hfj
tru- nles and lirhts. Si.75Ji.l7V4.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. l.ono
head; market strong; lamba, to 0tvir7. 46 ; ewes
and yearlings, $4.5i(i'n.0O: western fed year
lings. t55fV(ift.40: western fed nheep. S4.0tti
5.50; atockers and feeders, S3.Wa4.i6.
Cnndltlnn nt Trade and qeotatlnna oa
Staple and laser I'rnilscf.
Ei i ;5 l'er d x . 2.V.
LIVE pt H'LTH V 1 let, t. 7(I7Hc; rooster.
4c: turkey. l.'1i:'c; din-kl, HtisK"; spring
chickens. 7c; reese. Utile.
HI r I'KH -P: king st h k. i:'t,c. cnotre to
fa-, da try. 2.ti..;; crest titery. 27.c.
HAY 4. h il-e upis.iu. nud jin. ISO,
eoi ImA'(jho. ne ttw, o.rrii.usk
U RAN Par tun. 8 5 0W
Tl'TtNIVP-rer bu . T'c
SWEET POTATOES Kansas, per bbL.
$: a
TOMATOES California, per basket of SI
lbs . S ...
WAX HE A NS-Per bu. bcx. $3. "5 ? o0.
1'i l.lS and f AKKOTP-lr bu , 7ic.
LEAF LETTUCE- Hothouse, per uc.
ttn.:. 4."c.
CFl F.RT-rer doa . S'saaric
( TCI MBEKS Hothouse, per doa 81.759
t -
ONION'S Heme grown. 80c per ou.; Span
ish I.' " r crate, Colorado, 7&C.
IlCRPEHADISH Case of I drB.. 81 90.
RADiSH ES Per. do bunchea, aoutherth
Uiee hunche. 4nc
NAVY hK.tNS- Ter bu.. 41 Tt ; No. t SI 66.
LIMA BEANS Per in. 5c.
URKKN I'EiTERS Per hamper. $3.00. per do, bunchsa,
CABBAGE Holland eed. home grow,
per lh., 1to.
Kt'.G I LA NT-Fee dot . V 3.
POTATOES' Per bu , 4vr;ic.
RUTABAGAS About 1 55 lbs. to sack, fl-6a.
HEAD LETTL'CE Southern, per doa
Si 01i 1.2R.
SHALLOTS Southern, per doa. bunchea,
t'AfLin.OWER-Per crate ot about twa
tlux. head. 4.&4.5u
cnANi.i-aiRiE8-rer bbi., s 0045.00.
Al'I'l.LS Htn Davis, choice H 00, fancy
rer bbl.. tLX: Jonathan. t3.S; New
York apple. $.126: Grimes Golden, S3 Jo.
PEAPS-Winter Nelis, pee box, tS.O.
GRAi ES Malaga, per bbL, Sj.tvd7.08-,
New York Catawba. 4 lb. basket, Jle.
ORANGES Florida orange, S2.90; Call
forma n ivels, $3.26.
LEMONHI Imoniera. extra fancy, 248
r re. H.M; 3") and 800 ute. tu.oti; othel
brunds, ui)c less.
BANANAS Per medlum-1ad bunco,
Cuoiui'i. jumbos. tS.6tiii.j0
I'ATES Kadaway. 6c, eayera, 6c: Hal
owl new stuffed walnut dates. 9-lb. boa.
li 10: California, bulk. Cc; b-crown, l&oi
5-crown. 14c: s-crown, 12c
GKAPS FRL'iT-blx 64 to 44 and $ t
ilti. 14 ,'sl.
COfXiANrTS Per sack of 100, $4.16.
CHEESE Bui, new, lc; WIconl
brick, lfcc; W.conain lunuerger, iij;
twine. 15c; Young Americana, I6H0.
FISH Trout. 12c; halibut, lac: catfish,
T,c; buffalo, be; bullhead. 12c; black baaav
lino stock. 2c; salmon, l-o; pike, lac; rea
snapper, fresh froxen, 13c; whueAah, fresh
troxen. 13c; yellow perch, aresawd and
Mie,l. 8c; pickerel, flesh (rosea, so;
frog legs, 40c per dox. saddle.
No. 1, Uc; No. 2, lle; bull hide. 93l0o;
green hide, No. 1. lie. No 1, 10c; horeo.
li 5tii3 .75; sheep pelts, 60c4j4L2e. Tallow,
No. L 4c: No. t ic.
NCTS-French av.lnuta. 13V.c; Callfcmla
walnuts. No. 2. hard shell, 13c; No. L ooft
shell. 15Vc: Brazils, liiijloo; pecana, l;Uc;
filberts. LVul4c: i.eunuis. raw, 6:
roa.oted, 6Ac, Cjxllfornla almond, hard
hell. 1-ic; soft shell, 17c.
HONEY Per 24 frarnoa. S2.6A '
CIDER New York, half barrel, $2. 78; bar
rel. $6.00.
COFFEE Roasted, No Sf 26c per lb.;
No. 80. 21 o pel- lb.; No. 26. 13o per 10. j Na
2u, Inc per lb.: No. 21. ISc per lb.
SYRUP tn bbia., 2ic per gaL; In cane.
8 10-!b rana. $1.70; cases. U 6-la can. $!;
Cases, 24 t--iu. can. $L8i.
SUGAR Oranulated cane, in aacka $3.21;
granulated Deet. t sack a. 86.11
Rlba: No. L 14-c; No. i, 9Sc; No. S, Hc,
Loin: No. L lsc. No. 2, Llc; No. $. 90.
Chuck: No. 1, bc; No. 2, 60; No. 8, 4c.
Round: No. 1. tc. No. 2, 7c; No. $. (Uc.
Plate: No. 1. 4c; No. S. 4c; No. $. Sc. "
CANNED GOODS tjsjrn, standard west
ern, 66430t.-; Maine, $1 15. Tomatoea, I-lb.
cans, $1.10; 2-lb. cans. S7i,c ul ou Pine
apple, grated. 2-lb.. $3.0o4T2.30; sUced, $1.99
I12.UI; gallon apples, fancy, l-.uo. California
apricots, II 90(62.26, pear. 31.75u2.60: peach -,
fancy. Sl 7i2.40; H. C t eat he. 82.0043i.5o.
Alaska aalrron, red, $1.26; tancy Chlnooa, '
F., 1110; fancy aockeye. F, $1.96: aardine.
quarter oil, $2.76. three-quarter muaitrd.
$3.00. Sweet potaioea, $1.101 1.X: aauerkraut,
11. (u: pumpkins, k0cti$1.00; wax Deans, 8-lb,
6-ififOc; lima beans, 2-lb., 7ic6$l 3u; spinach.
Si. 36; cheap pea, 2-lb., 60c; extra. 9&cio$1.10;
iancy. $l.o6al.75
CURED FISH Family whltflsh, per
quarter bbl., 109 iba. $4.0U' Norway miick
eral. No. 1, $36.00: No. 2, JA.Ot'. herrlOK la
bbls., 200 lbs. each, Norway. 4k. $9.00; Nor
way, sk, 13.00: Holland herring, lo keg,
milkera. Sue; keg, mixed, 70c
Stock la Slatht.
Recelpta trf live stock at the sir principal
western markela yesterday:
Cattle, Hosts. Sheep.
South fhnaha l.ouo .noo 2.5O0
Sioux City .il 65i
Kar.saa City S.O'i c.i l.(
St. Joseph S.345 2P1
St. Ixiuia 2.(i 7.5- E0
Chicago 4.5-a) S2.yi0 8.01s)
Total 14.045 6S..X3 12.291
Fore Is n Financial.
LONDON. Dec. 21. Money was dear and
In strong demand in the market today.
The fact that bunker were calling In loan
caueed higher rales for accommodation
growing out of the as-tt lemer.t. Discount
were firm In view of the uncertainty re
garding the gold movement. On the Stock
exchange trading was liuht. Operator
were enraged in arranging the mining
carry-over, lor which 7 to lo per cent wus
Metal Market.
NEW TORK. Dec. 21 . it ETA I JJ The
txindua tin market wa higher today, with
pot closing at A. 14, future. 4.1s 13s 4d.
Locally the market waa quiet, with spot
quoted at $4i tVu 42 90. Copper was lower
In lite EngUsk market, w it a spot quoted
at 1 Uni; future. !) 6a. Locally th
market waa strong, with lake quoted at
$.3 5iu".'S 52S: ele- trolyuc, $ 12,ir.$7H;
caating. UIH.ti3.13 Lead waa un
changed at 9719 17 ad in London Locally
tne market la report-d strong, with quota
tion ranging from 80 tastisj 2a. Spelter was
flrm and higher locally, at SCnosja 70. In
London the market wa unchanged at 3L
Iron wa higher In the English markela,
with standard foundry quotad at 81 4.1. and
Cleveland warrant at b2 lvl. Locally
the market waa unchanged; No. 1 foundry
northern. $3 'Irv'Jb 36, No. S foundry north
ern. J4 7;-a'.'7 76, No. 1 foundry aouthern.
t Sf).7.ta, No. 1 touaJrj aoutbera, $AJ
10 99 94 t
11 to 117 llr. 117
, 12.700 9k K 9t
114 R S 79
. 1.400 64 U 61
10 111 iu 11
.mini) 140 1T7 l7j
luO 90 9 st
. 1. IS 1S14 U tsi,
60 97 M M
. 13u9 W 1 fc- j
4 j
47 j
l'l 94 (4
to 90 l t
. 9.109 99 11 N
400 IS 114$ U
an 94 X 94
li 14 14 U
. 1.KS) M M M
i 14 34 13
SOS 63 tl U
. Tt s-S 147 ir iti
lie ti 91 11
. 1.0O9 11 61 U
. 41 404 t 47 44
. IK 104 104 1H1-,
. l.Sv 17 It 17
lot 11 11 1
100 K. 96 at
. lt M 1M
M Si M H
tsO M 99 t
. t ee im im
f 14 U U
909 74 71 11
14 . .
14 ..
1 ..
Hew York Mlalatt ttoeka.
NEW TORK. Dec. SI. Closing quotation
on wining tocka we':
Adaasa Coa. I" Jtlte Chlof I
Alue 959 I "tsrt u
BrMte ss cshir ISS
Brunswick Cob 44 I Polo v It
Coustoi-k Tunnel 11 jSairsa
Con Csl. A Va I aisrr Nssaa SI
Hora Sllsar ISiaall Mops at
Iroa Silisr tat :itaa4ar4 lat
Lssdsilis l is I 1
. ai'4ividsad.
Baak f loarlaa.
OMAHA. Dec. tt. Bank clearing for to.
dny were $1,644,421.98 and for th crr
ponding date last year $1, 807.936.51.
Treaaery Itateaaeat.
WASIUNOTON. Dec 31. Today tat.
annt of th treaaury balanoe In tha general
fund, exclusive of tha Miluuul guld re--.
aiiuws. AvaUa'sl cwaa ttuaAce, $
Evaporated Apple aad TJrled Frwlto.
APPLES Market continue asy; fancy are
nuoled at 9nWc: choice B',ii.i ,,.1...-
$c. " "
are a little eaaler In tone, apparently aa a
reult of th recent light demand, and
oma dealer aee aald to be shading price
on ,the Intermediate slxea. Quotation for
California fruit allil range from Se ac
cording to grade. Apricots are unchanged
choice, lc: extra choli. ir-Sjlac; fancy. liy
4c. Peaches are au-et. but steady; choice
Ijc; extra choice. 12i,c; fancy. 15c. Raisin
ar unchanged; loose muscatel. Tgtiw-..
seeded raisina, 74jloc; London Layers $146
ilciax City Live toek Market.
SIOCX CITT. Dec a.-fpecia! Telegram )
CATTLE Receipt. 8to bead. market
teady: tockerm. slow; beeves. $4 2bsia36:
cow a bull and mixed. $2 6-4.S6: (tocker
and feeder. Si.0ou4.00; calvea and year
ling. S2.5oa3.75.
HOGS Receipt. S.609 head: market Yv
lower: sailing- at $5 sva lo, bulk ot aloa.
In I 1 14 m I 90
4 1 15 17 I4 1 5
m I 40 47 1041 I 00
tS 1 46 11 1118 I 00
971 I 46 I lost) 1 IO
m I 60 2 M I It
7U I tO 19 9X7 I 10
tsO I 45 7. lf'St I It
1020 I 71 11 1159 I 10
tit t 71 I luso I 96
SM I U 4 1077 I 96
634 I 90 14 lutl I 96
saw I to 4 luaa I at I
nt t 90
705 1 90 !
4S1 t 00 11 930 I 90 1
131 I It 4 906 1 10 ,
111 t 16 4 964 9 X4
1:0 1 40
1430 I 90 1 1360 8 40
171 4 60 1 167 I 78
116 I 00 1 140 4 00
win 1 iso 1 00
17 I to 1 160 4 09
171 6 75
M 2 34 to S4 9 70
747 I 46 I too 1 70
416 I It 1 914 I 90
I 6 II 961 4 90
IS feedero.. 726 56 lt calve... $21 $ 10
S steer.. ..1"25 4 10 W ster....102 $ 10
27 steer. ...1176 4 10 7 teer. ... 907 4 10
22 heifer... S2S S 76 7 heifer... 444 3 00
39 cow Ti 2 .V) 13 calve... 3K6 $75
9 feeders.. S7i2 $ 10 tl cows 925 S 00
25 cows le-a 2 TO feeders.. OS 190
l li.-lf.TS .. 079 2 Vi
3 feeder..luf-3 3 75 8 heifers... fiH3 2 45
10 cows Iii77 S fl 4 cows S.6 2 90
3 cow luoO 2 H5 4 cow 9-5 2 06
11 teer....1214 4 i 3 feeders.. 1 90
J. J. Sisraroos Mont.
$ steer.. .1233 4 A 2S feeders. . H6 4
H'JtlS Hogs opened 10c lower, in fact, a
big luc lower than yesterday market. The
cause for the decline waa easily discovered.
In the first place, Chicago with So ) fresh
receipt and f.'tts carried over from the day
before, reported a break at lO-giic. Other
market all reported lower price and this
market was carried down along with the
other, trailer made a hard strujrr'w to
hold up values, but It waa impoeaible In
the face of the overwhelming bear newt
A usual with a lower market, the tra1e
wa not very active, uni the most of the
forenoon wa consumed In making a clear
ance. Lter train came In heavily loaded. -.
that the total receipts turned out to be 13f
cars, wl-tch wa much larger than th early
estimate. In spite of that fact the demiinl
aa so good that the market did nut clu
much different from the opening. It will
be noted that the bulk cf the hoi; aold at
t, uiti) 15. aa aalnt $ti 15HH.25 yesterday.
If anything the decline was the moot se
vere on the li-ht hog, big heavy kind
(howlng the least drop.
Representative aaloa:
tv laarph Live Block Market.
Receipts. 2.446 head: market siw: natives.
$4 6oxj. Oc; cow and heifer. $I.ivg4.i, stack
er and feedeea, $J i.J6.
HOGS Receipt. 6 J&i head: market fcglOc
tower: top. i; fuik. an usrtt, a.
tbarkei a lead.
liid fcevsopla, 291 head;
K. as. Ba. IT K. As 8k. r
la.., 94 ... 8 94 17 II ... 4 7
II 119 ... I 94 92 1st ... 4 II
44 42 ... 4 00 44 947 00 1 1
f7 17 ... 4 14 14 nt lat 4 1
44 13 13 4 47 S.7 40 4 1
tt K 4 06 43 14 ... 4 1
71 941 tiM 4 ut 71 tl 94 4 14
64 Ill ... 4 44 71 140 at 4 I
41. ...... 104 . . 4 I II 141 ... 4 19
l'l 44 4 04 7s Ma 11 4 1
41 Ml ... 4 01 11 1st ... 4 14
M Is 1X I SI 77 la ... 4 19
S4 Dsl ... 4 4 Tt. 14 ... 8 11
17 Ir ... 05 l 1st ... 4 1)
74 1J4 l 4 06 7 Ill ... 4 11 a
II Ml 4 4 47 94 fts ... 4 1
99 M top 8 8 41 9 ... 9 Lea
Milwaukee St. Paul
One fare plus $2.00 to points in North and South
Dakota every Tuesday in Dectmber, and first and third
Tuesdays in January, February, March and April, 1907,
return limit 21 days. ,
To points in Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, Florida,
Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi on December 18, 1906,
January 1 and 15, February 5 and 19, March 5 and 19,
April 2 and 16, 1907; return limit 30 days.
Low One Way Rates
plus $2.00 to many points in Alabama, Mississippi and
Louisiana on December 18, January 1 and 15, February
5 and 19, March 5 and 19.
Fr Information tnd Folders Inquire at
City Ticket Office. 1524 Far nam St.
or write to
F. A. NASI!. Gen'I Western Agt.
WE OI'I'EK AT PAP. VOL A L1M!I:-..j H.i'.MiU.
trth bore of s-u.-a In three eiihal l ary comr at' :
tis i-i. a tm n. ajxstvM oaiauiuQ 3jt rouat Bajnrs
on sioca we are row t-Ser.i.aT at $9 cauls a llt la a c. '. iaisd. L-7 ',r
fect Wme tii for t i!i ai ia.
r.:i:.z::i n::r::E in ceyelcf.vest co,.
(Eef;re9tia::rea t-. US ASGILIS. Cif.