Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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Buy "Him" a Suit or Overcoat
Suits and Overcoats for Men
$12-$15-$18-$20 A most im
pressive offering in Mens high-
grade clothes. Maintaining at
highest pitch sterling
quality original styling
integrity of wool mater
ials and faultless modes.
Styles and patterns in
Men's highest type
, Suits and Overcoats
that leave
nothing to
be desired.
the best
Suit and
values are
here tomor
illi hmm
2- US-18- 20
Buy "Him" House Coats
or Bath ILobes
;-.vf. sT- rCsav
$6.00 Hons Coats. M.7S Mn"( heavy fancy plaid faced
Melton Coat. uk trimmi-d pockets, fronts and cuffs;
lignt and dark combinations; sizes 36 A
to 44 16.00 values T. I .
$10.00 Hons Coats, $6.75 Men's fine, qualtty fancy plaid
faced Melton Cloth and Kmcaded Silk M italosa. tn
blue, brown, black and oxford itray all silk L C
trimmed sixes 36 to 44 111) values W.S
$13.50 Hons Coats $7.90 Men's extra fine quality of im
ported silk Maialosa and brocaded velvets with heavy
satin linings, silk cord trimminKS on front, pockets
and cuffs with large silk fnogs. cut round or squnre
corners, solid Kreen, navy, brown, blacks and fancy
combinations sizes 35 to 44 regular 7 Jfl
112. BO values for
$6.50 Bath Robes $4.50 Men's fine quality double faced
brocade cotton eiderdown robes, light and dark A CQ
colors, also light striped long cloth 16 values...
$13.60 Dressing; downs $7.90 Men's extra heavy all
wool double-faced eiderdown dressing gowns, beauti
ful new and swell patterns new and fresh from the
largest eastern Importer tans, reds, grays J OA
many exclusive designs 112.50 value
Duy "Him" Neckwear. Muf
flers, Gloves, Suspenders
RCKWZAl Men's new fancy colored or plain black
silk tecks and four-in-hands hundreds of 1?f
light pretty colors, at Jl
Men s fine quality, extra wide silk lined fr French shape
four-in-hands tlnest Imported silks every deslr- Cp
able color also solid black or white tj.
Men's extra fine, rich Imported silks most beautiful
holiday styles light and dark 75fi-Xl
color. at p 1
GLOVES MVn's fine quality Imported golf en- 7S
gloves solid and fancy colors wt ,,,s
Men's good quality holiday kid gloves pretty shades
rf tans and browns silk lined, fleece lined fin
and unllned s.vw
Men's fine cape, kid and Mocha dress or street gloves
tans grays and black lined or unllned a perfect efl
fit and satisfaction guaranteed
KUTTLEBS Men's fine worsted "Way" Muffler plain
black, white, fancy patterns greatest neck 45c
protection ,,
Men's new. stylish scarfs Oxford or silk squares all
colors also plain white and black 60c and 75o
Men's swell style and quilted Oxfords hemstitched
scarfs and brocaded allk squares heavy stylish pat
terns all colors $1.00
Give the Boy a Suit or Overcoat
That boy of yours is too old for toys
buy him something practical
Boys' Suits Reduced Suits sold up to
$4.00, at $2.39 No occasion this year
for waiting till Christmas is over for
boys' suit prices to drop. They have
dropped already. C00 of the most
stylish boys' suits that you ever laid
your eyes on have been reduced. They
sold all season
, up to $4-W; on
sale now
Boys Suits
$7.50, now
Frnm that New
York purchase of high grade Boys' Suits
and Overcoats. This is the balance of
several hundred high grade Suits and
Overcoats that we purchased at nearly
"half off." To fit boys 6 to 16, in either
suit or overcoat, you will find these val
ues very exceptional as the above prices
bear strong Testimony.
make are and Waists
sensible much are very
Christmas appreciated desirable
presents. for Xmas. for Xmas.
Atlantic City Lad Wtlkf la on Tad and
New Family.
'Ba;s Bor to Keep Sim, Makes
Eataceaicat to Meet Him.
but Palls to Carry
It Oat.
Several months ago a man named Hall
disappeared from his home at Atlantic, la..
leaving a wife and family, and for a while
It was thought he bad committed suicide
or wandered away during a lit of temporary
Insanity. A son. of the family did not
place much reliance in the suicide theory.
nor did he become a very devout convert to
the Insanity dodge. Being a philosophical
sort of lad, he thought his sire may have
gone away with another woman, and so he
went quietly to work to prove up on a
theory of his own. lie got onto a line that
the truant parent might have come to
A few days ago the son came to Omaha
and started on a little quiet Investigation
of his own and through the means of a
neatly worded letter he got his father to
go to the Omaha postofflce. The son saw
him, but the wily parent managed to elude
the boy. The boy managed later to locate
his father In the north part of the city.
Thursday night the boy went out to the
house where he suspected dad was in hid
ing and looking through a window saw
the "old gentleman" snugly ensconsed at
the supper table, surrounded by a small
family, of which none was the boy's
brother, sister or mother. Then the boy
quietly knocked at the door and was ad
mitted. The father was -astounded, but
managed to control his surprise sufficiently
to lr.vlte his son to dine with them, which
he did. The formalities of an Introduction
to bis new relatives was omitted and after
a very quiet meal, the father called hJs
son out the door and Implored him to keep
quiet about the matter and promised to
meet him at the postofflce promptly at
o'clock Friday morning. The boy was there
on time, but up to noon the father had not
The boy made another call at the new
home of his parent, but was informed that
he had left the city.
Open evenings. Frenier. 1Mb, and Dodge.
Former Omaha Bor Elected Val
erstty Debater Has Record
Behiad Him.
Arthur Jorgensen, who won a place In
the university debating squad at Lincoln
Thursday, Is well known In Omaha, where
he was for some years engaged In Toung
Men's Christian association work. He Is
now president of the Young Men's Chris
tian association In connection with the
University of Nebraska. He was graduated
from the Omaha High school and was then
office secretary of the Omaha Toung Men's
Christian association for a year. After at
tending the De Paw university for a year
he returaed to Omaha and was membership
secretary for a year. He headed the young
men's canvassing committee for the new
building fund. Last year he was secretary
of the university Toung Men's Christian
association at Lincoln, and this year Is
Diamonds Copley, jeweler, 21S 8. 16th.
Approves Appropriation Ordinaire,
Exeept Bill for Treaairy
Mayor Dahlmaa Friday morning passed
the general appropriation ordlnanoe, with a
statement he would not approve two items
for stationery for the treasury department,
the amount being The point has been
raised that the county should bear all ex
penses for the consolidated treasury de
partment, the city legal department holding
that the city charter Is plain on that propo
sition. The city pays 1 per cent of taxes
collected and $1,000 per year to the county
as its share of the expense.
As the city now owes the county about
$6,700 for collection of taxes, the 11.700 al
lowed the county since May 1 for treasury
office expenses will le deducted from the
next payment to the county.
Two I.aondrlee Consolidate with
Capital of Thirty Thous
and Dollars.
The consolidation of the Hub Hand Laun
dry and the Puritan laundry has been
effected In a new corporation, the articles
being filed with the county clerk Friday.
The new concern la the Puritan-Hub laun
dry and the Incorporators are Charles M.
Oarvey of the Hub and Theodore A. Sprat-
len of the Puritan. The capital stock is
130. 0.
The Andrews Dental company has been
Incorporated to manufacture proprietary
and dental supply articles. The incorpora
tors are Edward F. Andrews, J. B. Andrews
and Walter H. Rogers. The capital stock Is
In Line with the fare Food Law.
The National Food and Drug act which
takes effect January 1, 1907, does not af
fect Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In any
manner. No special labels are required on
this remedy under that Act, as It Is free
from opiates and narcotics of every char
acter, making it a safe remedy for mothers
U use with their children. This remedy
has been tn use for so many years, and
Its good qualities are so well known, that
no one need hesitate to use it when
troubled with a cough (it cold.
Personally Conducted Toor of
Old Mealeo.
A special party for a thirty-day tour of
Old Mexico, embracing prar!c!ly all the
Important cities and principal points of lr
tereet, will leave Omaha January, li
Rate covering transportation, berth and
meals only taou.OO.
For further information call or address
Rock Island City Ticket Office, 111 Far
nam St.
Memorial to Late Jnrlst. .
A memorial to the late Judges Ferrunon,
Bouma and Lytle will be held in district
court room No. 1 at :30 Saturday mornln
by the Omaha Bar association. This time
was fixed by the committee appointed some
time ago for the purpose. Judge Wakeley
was chairman of the committee.
Lack of Transportation Faoilities Uonreiti
All Elevators.
One Grain Man Says Several Thous
and More Tars Conld Be
Ised All Over the
Three weeks ago the elevator people
were Impatient because the Nebraska
farmers wouldn't deliver corn. Now the
elevators all over the state are full, and
must stay full, because cars cannot be
obtained to move the grain. At present the
farmers want to haul corn and can't do It.
"There are few elevators on our line
that can hold another bushel," said a rep
resentative of a large line elevator house.
"The farmers got a late start In hauling,
but after they started they brought the
corn fast. Owing to the car shortage, the
movement from Nebraska is later than I
have ever seen it before. It will work a
hardship on some dealers those who have
corn nought In the country, but cannot
deliver It at market points In time to nil
their contracts.
"Several thousand more cars could be
used tn Nebraska at once to haul corn and
merchandise, and still we couldn't get them
too fast. The elevators would be filled up
again as fast as they were emptied. The
farmers have not been backward about
selling their corn lately; we have bought
lots of It and are buying It now, and they
stand ready to deliver it at any time; in
fact, they are anxious to deliver It while
the weather is good, but we have to put
them olt from day to day.
"A large percentage of the com arriving
In Omaha now Is grading No. X With
another week of dry weather, I should
say that 75 per cent of It will grade No. 3.
All but a very small part of the crop will
eventually grade No. 2."
Fireman Who Leads In Burglar
Capture Receives Gold Watch '
from Sonnenbersj,
Tiie evidence so far brought out In the
trial of Ed Elliott, charged with holding up
and robbing the store of Joe Sonnenberg
on Douglas street December 14 after bind
ing the proprietor and his clerk, had added
nothing new to the story of the sensational
crime. The greater part of the time has
been devoted to the examination and cross
examination of Mr. Sonnenberg. He de
tailed the story of the holdup and testified
as to the value of the property taken and
recovered from Elliott. The defense In the
cross-examination nought to show that
some of the Jewelry Mr. Sonnenberg loaned
money on and bought might have been
stolen property. The witness indignantly
denied this and said he made a very care
ful investigation of persons who pawned
goods at his store.
Detective Henry Heltfeld told of the
arrest of Elliott under a bed In the Cam
bridge hotel and said Elliott had admitted
the crime to him and given him a descrip
tion of his partner, who got away. Elliott
told him he had all the jewelry, as his
partner searched for the money drawer
while he filled up with Jewelry. Fireman
Gross, who led the pursuit for Elliott, will
be one of the witnesses for the state.
Mr. Sonnenberg has made a present of a
fine gold watch and a valuable ring to Mr.
Gross as a reward for his services.
A Me meal for 2bi at the Karbaea rs
BRACELETS Frenxer, 15th and Dodge.
Food to work on is food to live on.
A man works to live. He must live
to work.
He does both better on
OJneeda Biscuit
the soda cracker that contains in the
most properly balanced proportions a
greater amount of nutriment than any
food made from flour.
yJoneedla Biscuit
p- JHL. ir--.. rJSr
J edge Sntton Discharges the Jnry
Panel for the
Judge Button of the district court Friday
morning discharged the Jury panel from
further service. Only those Jurors who are
serving In cases now on trial will be held.
The next panel will report January 7 and
the discharge of the present panel prac
tically marks the close of business In the
criminal and law courts until after the
holidays. Judge Sutton thanked the Jurors
for their services and said he was espe
cially proud of the work done by the Jurors
who served in his court.
3 ,
Says He Told Her He Would Get
Work or Never Rctora
When starting out in search nt work
la. Monday morning. N. H. Martley, lfr.1
North Twenty-second street, told his wife
that if be was not successful she would
nevir see hlra again. He had not returned
Thursday evening and Mrs. Martlry noti
fied the police, with the request that sn
Investigation be made, as she Is fearful
that her bueband may have committed suicide.
Bracelets Copley, Jeweler. J1S B. 161 h.
Pablle Schools Vacation.
for the winter holiday. The reopening will
he on January 7. Superintendent lwvldson
will tf'id las holidiy at home, with the
exception of a few Uys at the state teach
ers' meeting utxl i-c at Uncolo,
C-k VtdlUi, tdnoUu, jeweler. j
But two Toy selling days remain for these two days
we've prepared great sales
Dolls, In all sizes. Rubber Dolls,. Sleeping Dolls, Kid
Dolls, Jointed Dolls, Celluloid Dolls. Dolls with natu
ra eyo-lashes. We've prepared a fresh line of sam
ples; these, together, with new, clean stock, com
mencing Saturday, go at 4 OFF.
Doll Counter, Main Floor.
TOYS AT . HALF PRICE Sample toys of all kinds
that have been soiled and mussed, placed on tables
in the basement and go at Vfc price. This is a toy
department In Itself; contains -most every kind of
mechanical toys, iron toys, horns, printing presses,
books, games, dolls, etc., etc. In the bast-ment Vt
GAME SPEClALi The great game of Sherlock
Holmes, Block, Zum and Pit, 48c, ,50c and 58c
games, go at, each 19
Game Counter, Main Floor.
DOLL DRESSES All Imported Doll Dresses, selling
from 50c to f 1.00 each, all styles, all colors, go at,
each 25
Doll Connter, Main Floor.
NEW FRESH TOYS Main Floor Our stock is as
clean and fresh as it was the day we opened. AH soiled
samples have been sent to the basement bargain coun
ters. In this main floor toy shop you'll find all kinds
of instructive and practical toys and novelties, tempt
ingly priced. ,
New Buster Brown Tea Sets $3.75
New Buster Brown Toilet Sets 81.25 to 20
New style Dinner Set, complete, with nickel plated
cream, sugar and coffee percolator. 5.75 to 2.98
New Novel Set, 14 pieces, cereal, spice and 6ugar
Jars ...G5
PRINTING PRESSES, for Roys Exclusive selling
agents for the Automatic Rotary Printer, these are
practical printing presses 37.50 to 08
TYPEWRITERS, for Girls Complete Jine. ail sUes.
The Simples typewriter, very . instructive and use
ful -..$5.00 to $1.00
HORSES AND WAGONS Carts, drags, ambulances,
mill wagons, hansom, cabs, traps, all with natural
hair horses, these 'come all sites and styles, J6.98
to 484
BOATS Fire boats, torpedo boats, . race " boats ' an3
battleships $30.00 to 50
MECHANICAL TOYS Automobiles, all slzes and col
ors 10 UP
Some very choice French ones ........... .$8.08
STEAM ENGINES Instructive and practical, engines
for all purposes, complete line $9.08 to 50
HORSE SHOW BARNS Something new, $15.00
to ..: $0.75
PARLOR RASE It ALL GAME Entirely new. Inter
esting and amusing to old and young. Played under
rules of the national game $2.50
Fl'RNITl'RE, for Children Complete assortment
of tables that fold and tables that do not fold, mission
tables and chairs, bureaus, chiffoniers, sideboards, re
frigerators, iron beds, brass beds, in fact, everything
in Toy Furniture to delight the little ones.
Gl'NS, for Boys Columbian 1,000 shot air rifles.
Bayonets and Small Air Guns.
TOOL CHESTS, for Hoys Large Hue, all sizes. $3.98
to 504
PIANOS, for little girls All sixes, all styles and
DOLL HOI'S ES Stores of all kinds, meat mar
kets, grocery stores, castles, school house, stables,
etc., in great variety.
This may give you an Idea of a few of the toy nov
elties. Our. stork is complete, and comprises all lines
of Toys, from the cheap to the best.
But two more days to purchase Toys. You'll find
this the desirable stock to choose from.
Saturday Special
On account of the great and unsatisfied demand, we have decided to repeat our last Saturday's special,
and place on sale tomorrow only a large new line of Knives and Forks, the very best 12 and 16-penny weight
silver, fully guaranteed by us.
For set. six knives and six forks, guaranteed best 12 pwt. silver, sells regularly at $4 25
per set, Saturday only, set $2.85
For set, six knives and six forks, guaranteed best 16 pwt. silver, slli regularly at $5.00
per set, for Saturday only $3.10
Open Saturday Evenings
gffg)0rchard'& Wilhelm ehrpet Co.
4 414-16-18 South Sixteenth Street.