Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1906, Page 8, Image 8
r Tin: omaiia daily bee; frtdav, December ct, iooc. 8 j! i COUNCIL Office, 10 Prarl NEW OPERA HOUSE PLANNED Kansas Citj Feepls Art Bald to Be Eshind tb Icttrpriie. f URNlbrl TWO-THirDS OF THE CAPITAL All flat FIT Thoneandl Dollar of tke Remainder Are Said to Hit Bf Subscribed and ( kincn Are Good for That. ,iere Is a move on foot to erect another fipcra house In Council Bluff". Kansas City people we said to he back of the project and It la understood they are pre pared to put :),() Into the enterprise. Lo ral capital to the amount of $15. WO Is asked, and It was stated last night that tJO.OCO of this had already been sutwicrlbed, With, every prospect of securing the balance. Tt Is staled that An option has been ob tained on the property Just south of Broad way on the east side of Sixth street, op posite the poatofllre, and that If the scheme coca through a building 140 feet deep will be erected on this site. The site In ques tion lies Just south of Brackett's store and extends to the alley. The names of tho Kansas City people back of the project or the local men who have subscribed to the stock have as yet not been made public. "TAKE MB TO IOWA," SAID THE "LITTLE BROWN JUG" DP WHISKT AT JARVIS'. Shrewd buyers say Overshoes and Slip pers are the beBt. 8. A. Pierce A Co., corner Broadway and Main street. THAT FREE BOTTLE AT JARVTS'. To Loreri of Art. V. P. Frlcch, the well known pastel artist, will give a public exhibition Friday even ing at o'clock sharp at W. 8. Hewltson's Art Store, Broadway, Council Bluffs, lis will Illustrate In color Mount Vesuvius In Its various evolutions from slumber to rage. The first scene presents the famous mountain with the Bay of Naples In the fnrsirrnund at sunrise: second scene, sun set; third scene, moonlight on the bay, and fourth and last scene the eruption. This . exhibition has been highly commended j wherever presented. You are cordially In vited to attend this unique and most Inter esting entertainment. CHRISTMAS MAIN. WINES. JARVIS. 225 This Is Rubber season and ws have cot the Rubbers all styles, for everybody. 8. A. Pierce & Co., Broadway and Main street. WHO SAY8 "OLD WHISKY?" JARVIS. A buffet or sideboard would make a beautiful Christmas present. Call and sea them at Petersen A Schoenlng's. LADY VIS'. waits on ladies at jar- Creche Gets the Money. The supervisors of Pottawattamie county, meeting In adjourned session yesterday morning as a county board before holding the Joint meeting with the Harrison county supervisors, took up the request of the Associated Charities for an appropriation for Its creche building fund. In the ab sence of County Attorney Hess, Assistant County Attorney Dillon, to whom the mat ter had been referred, rendered an opinion that the board would be acting within Its legal rights If It allowed such an appro priation. In view of the fact that the Associated Charities hsd undoubtedly saved th county considerable money In caring WSkx9 Store A 521 Broadway. Telephone 99. WILL GIVE YOU SUGGESTIONS in the line of new and pretty ar rangements in the use of Holly and Xmas Greens. Your plans are not complete until you have decided on your Xmas decorations. WREATHS Our own make, consisting of "Winter Berries, Boxwood and Holly. There is nothing more beautiful for a Xmas decoration. In addition to these we have Holly Wreaths, Holly and Green any size you want them also a nice lot of Evergreen Roping and Xmas Trees. CHRISTMAS BALLS Just the thing for suspending from chandeliers or the ceiling. FIBRE RIBBON Made in bows, each, 30c; per yard, 10c. PARISIAN BASKET This beautiful and artistic arrangement of both Foliage and Flowering Plants make Xmas Gifts that are sure to be appreciated. POINSETTIA That beautiful Xmas Plant, with its bright, red flowers, are juot the thing for Xmas. BEGONIA GLORIE DE LORRAINE With its mass of beautiful pink flowers. In addition to the few things we have men tioned we will have a choice lot of other Flowering Plants, including some Cycla men, Primroses, Azaleas and other varie ties, also a choice lot of Palms and Ferns. Choice Cut Flowers and Plants are some thing that can be sent to anyone for a Xmas present and are. sure to be appreci ated. We express them to all parts of the United States. Let us send your friend a box of our Assorted Flowers or a nico Plant. We guarantee them to please. Visitors and Equally s BLUFFS St. Tel. S. for the poor, th board decided to grant It 1300 for the purpose expressed. rbrlatnir.s tJIfts. Carving sets from 6Sc to $4.00; 1847 Rogers' liver knives and forks, per set, $3.49; tea spoons, 22c set; scissors and shears, from 2Sc to 11.00; pocket knives from 10c to tl.BO; single shot air rifles. Me; repeater air rides, 70c; double roaster, 29c; savory seamless roaster, 8So; drip pans, all slses, up from 7c; universal food chopper, 69c; com pop pers. 7c, 15c end S6c. J. Zoller Mer. Co., 10Q-lu2-10t Broadway. 'Phone. 233. NONE BETTER-JARVI8 1S77 BRANDT. SAVE MONEY ON SHOE8. A BIO DI8- COUNT ON EVERYTHING. MEN'S 4-BUCKLB ARCTICS, HOOD BRAND, $100. MEN'S ALL, RUBBER ARCTICS. $1.60. LADIES' STORM RUBBERS. 40C. LADIES' ALASKA 8, HOOD BRAND, 15C. MEN'S SLIPPERS, FROM 73C UP. DUNCAN & DEANE. CLOSING OUT. Pick where you will and what you will. there Is nothing; so appropriate, nothing; so muoh appreciated for a Christmas present as a pair f nice Shoes. 8. A. Pierce A Co. sell them at corner of Broadway and Main street. If your boy Is a kicker, our Shoes will hold him. 8. A. Pierce & Co., corner Broadway and Main street. TRANSFER COMPANY SETTLES Manager Sonthard Arrives Horn from the East. W. A. Southard, manager of the Union Transfer company, which was burned out last week, and Attorney Emmet Tlnley ar rived home yesterday from Mlddletown, O., where they went to confer with the Deca tur Buggy company, one of the principal creditors of the Union Transfer company. They report that their trip resulted In a perfectly satisfactory adjustment, but be yond this they had no further announce ment to make. It Is understood that the settlement ar rived at by Manager Southard with the Decatur Buggy company will now remove any hindrance from the Union Transfer company resuming business as soon as the fire losses are adjusted by the Insurance companies. So far, but little progress, owing to the absence from the city of Mr. Southard, has been made In the adjustment or me loss insurance, but Indications are that matters will now be Bettled without litigation of any kind. SOME LIKE TURKEY GOOSE DUCK, BUT ALL LIKE JARVIS' LIQUORS. Don't fall to visit our toy department. Petersen A Schoenlng. Skating" Exceptionally flood. Boys' skates, up from 45c pair; nickel plated, $1.00 pair; hardened nickel plated and buffed, $1.75 per pair; ladies' skates, with patent to clamps, $1.26 per pair; ladles' nickel plated skates, with patent toe clamp, $1.75 per pair. J. Zoller Mer. Co.. 100-102-106 Broadway. GRANDMA BUYS OF JARVIS' STORE. Petersen A Schoenlng Co. have Just re ceived a large line of Kingston reading chairs. They come In many different de signs and are most reasonable In price. A more appropriate Christmas gift could not be found. Prices range up from $7. Revlvlasr Bar Association. A movement Is on foot to revive the Pottawattamie County Bar association, which has been In a stats of somnolence for several years. For years past meetings of the association have been held on the occasion of a death of a member and It Is now proposed to try to Instil new life Into it, with the idea of making the as- Purchasers Welcome. soclatlon an active and progressive social and business organisation. It is suggested that the association hold periodical meet ings with addresses from prominent law yers and Jurists and otlwr forms of en tertainment. W. A. Mynster, president of the asso ciation, has been requested to call a meet ing for outlining a plan of -organisation, but as yet has not set the date. We are liable to have a big snowstorm one of these days. Better get one of our Cocoa fiber doormats, or we can sell you a steel doormat. Either are the best made and will be a pleasing ornament before your door. Btockert Carpet Co. Shrewd buyers- say Overehoes and Slip pers are the best. B. A. Pierce A Co., corner Broadway and Main street. Our Shoes are good Shoes. S. A. Plerc ft Co., corner Broadway and Main street. GORDON RYE, BEST SEE JARVIS. Tour Xmas Groceries. Layer raisins, Jello, Jelletlne, desserts of all kinds, sweet cider, candy, nuts, oranges, grape fruit, bananas, fancy bottled goods, celery, oysters, etc., etc. I,eave your order early. J. Zoller Mer. Co., 100-102-106 Broad way. 'Phone 320. Our Shoes ar good Shoes. 8. A. Pierc ft Co., corner Broadway and Main street. Pick where you will and what you will, there Is nothing so appropriate, nothing so much appreciated for a Christmas present as a pair of nice Shoes. 8. A. Pierce ft Co. sell them at corner of Broadway and Main street. A. Metesrar A Co. Nsw Location of Wholesale Baksry, Si Mynster Street. Council Bluffs, la. Home-made Bread a Specialty. Visitors Welcome. We have everything In Rubbers, from a foothold to a Rubber Boot. 8. A. Pierce ft Co., corner Broadway and Main street. MORE TIME KOR DITCH CONTRACTS Action la Taken on Recommendation of Knglneer. The supervisors of Harrison and Potta wattamie counties In Joint session yesterday as a drainage board decided on the recom mendation of Beth Dean, the engineer in charge of construction, to extend the time for completing the Allen creek, Willow creek and Boycr cut-off drainage ditches for two months. The time limit for the completion of the ditches under the con tracts with Pollard, Go ft & Co. and tho Western Drtdging company expired yes terady. Pollard, Ooff ft Co. have the con tract for the Allen creek ditch and the Western Dredging company the contracts for the Willow creek and the Boyer cut-off ditches. Engineer Dean's report submitted at the Joint session yesterday showed that Pol lard, Golt ft Co. commenced work on the Allen creek ditch June 16 and up to date have completed tl.8 miles, for which they have drawn $12,765. The work of this com pany is commended by the engineer as be ing according to the specifications and their contract. The Western Dredging company has met with a number of un foreseen obstacle and up to date has been unable to do any work on the Boyer cut off, owing to Its machinery not being adapted to th peculiar soil. The company has at a great expense constructed new machinery and expects to complete this contract without further serious trouble. It commenced work on the Willow creek ditch June 20, and up to date has com pleted 2.04 miles, for which it has 're ceived 15,475. Engineer Dean in his report refers to the work of the Western Dredg ing company as not being altogether satis factory. The Noi-thwestern railroad, which on ac count of the new ditches will have to con struct two double track steel bridges, was allowed $35,00 damages and the board or dered the auditor of Harrison county to draw a warrant In favor of the railroad company for $30,000 and the auditor of Pottawattamie county one for $IS,000. The board decided that so far there was no necessity for Issuing bonds for payment of the work and it looks as If the need will not arise. Payments of assessments for benefits by the abutting land owners have still kept ahead of the financial needs and this makes the Immediate demand for a bond Issue unnecessary. PCRE CALIFORNIA WINES SEB JAR VIS. FOR XMAS THE ENDER DOLLAR RAZOR; STARE SAFETY RAZOR. $1.60; OILLETT SAFETY RAZOR. $5. BEFORE BUYING TAKE A PEEP IN OUR SHOW WINDOW. SWAINE ft MAUER, S3 AND $S8 B'WAY. JARVIS SELLS PURE FOOD LIQUORS. The children r.eed School Rubbers. Best stock at S. A. Pierce & Co., corner Broad way and Main street. WINE DRINKERS ARE NOT DRUNK ARDS BUY THE PUREST AND BEST. SEE JARVIS. Did you give "Modoc" coal a trial? If not call the Council Bluffs Coal and Ice. com pany. Telephone, either lino, 72, and they will tell you all about It. ITS EtASY TO MAKE STATEMENTS. but when Investigation disapproves wild claims you are not so likely to believe further statements. I court Investigation. I have nothing to hide. When I state a value and say my prices are the lowest j In the city on the following Xmni goods i In the city you can depend upon It In every way. Fountain pens, watches, chains, ! fobs, charms, brooches, necklaces, rings, ' cuff links," scarf pins, bracelets, clocks, cut glass, china hand-painted plates, umbrel las, toilet sets, jewel boxes and silverware. I O. MAUT11E, 228 West Eroadway. JARVIS 1877 BRANDI PUREST. BEST. A choice line of odors, all prices. Broadway. bottled perfumes, Dell G. Morgan, all 142 IiOok over our large line of Morris chairs. Continental Furniture and Carpet company. Ar "ITT." 8. A. Pierce & Co.'s ahoea and slippers. Corner Broadway and Main streets. Matters In Dtstrtet Conrt. In the district court yesterday the Jury in the suit of Oscar Turner against H. H. Vau Brunt returned a verdict fur the de fendant. Turner sued for $SrJ6, tho balanc of a year's salary ' under an alleged con tract for employment as traveling as-lea-man. Turner worked for little over a month and hla aervicea not being satisfac tory, it waa alleged, was let out. This waa the last Jury caae fur this term and the Jury was dismissed. Today Judge Green will hear arguments in the matter of the application of County Attorney Heaa for an order requiring the Portland Gold Mining company to produce its stock record books and other records for uae by Pottawattamie county in It suits to aaaess the hold:nga of ihe vtrloua stockholders for taxation In this county. Mrs. Mlna Zents began ault for divorce from William A. Zents. to whom ahe was married la thla city, December 1. 1903. They hav five ch'ldrrn, but Mr. Zents asks for th custody of th daughur only, they at preaent being in his custody. T. J. Hatch commenced ault for divorce from Rom U. Hatch, to wbuiu La was Hunter's Closing Out Sale Only three days left In which to round out your Christmas putrhasos to not only dx-lle on what you want, but to find it and to buy It. ln't lose night of the price In the rnsh at the last moment. It's gutnl lojrlc to save money on Christmas) purrhaao as at any other time and Hunter's Clos ing Out Hale furnlnhes the timely opportunity of sating money on everything you buy. In addition you get the newest stock of up-to-date merchandise from which to select. ' 1 Closing Out Prices on HANDKERCHIEFS Always acceptable and appropriate for holiday gifts. An Immense as sortment of dainty designs, patterns which you will find nowhere else. A closing out price on every handker chief In the house. Bee the great values In ladles' hand kerchiefs we ar closing out at Bo each. Hundreds of them worth double the price. See the great 10c closing put values regular 15c and 20c values. Pea the delicate designs In special 25c handkerchiefs being closed out at 20c each thousands of them. See the dainty elegant 60c handker chiefs they are truly bargains. Men's Handkerchiefs See the values we are closing out at 4c each a fine white cotton hand kerchief 19 Inches square. See the men's fine white 10c hand kerchiefs closing them out at 8o each. Men's silk handkerchiefs and muf flers every one of them at a closing out p.-lce. Don't Forget to come In and see our interior decorations. Come and bring your friends. A. This Store Is Open Evenings Until Christmas. married In Oakland, la., February 22, 1893. He says Mrs. Hatch deserted him in Sep tember, 1901. Combination gas and electric chandelier and the celebrated Welsbach Incandescent gas burners. Why not see us before you buy. Wa can certainly please yon on prlca and quality of goods. Btepiian Bros.. 63 West Broadway. Tour money's worth and a little more If you buy your Shoes of 8. A. Pierce St Co., corner Broadway and Main street. STREET CARS TO SCHOOL FOIl DEAF One '' of Resident Directors Say Present Company Will Hnlld. C. R. Tyler, one of the members of the committee of local directors of the street railway company which went to New York to confer with the eastern directors relative to the proposed Improvements and extensions of the system, arrived home yes terday niorning. Mr. Tyler in an interview yesterday gave assurance of the extension of the street car ltne to the School for the Deaf. He Baid: "It is the desire of the directors to get at least one interurbun extension to their lines on this side of the river, and after studying the situation carefully they arrived at the conclusion that the line to the School for the Deaf would be the most feasible and best proposition of those offered." The company, Mr. Tyler stated further, planned a number of improvements v hlch would entail a large expenditure of nv-ney and Council Bluffs would get a goodly share of the contemplated Improvements. The proposition of a stub line on Harrison street, Mr. Tyler said, had not been dis cussed at the meeting In New York for the reason the local directors did not believe it feasible and consequently would not con sider It. THE WHITEST JAIIVI3. TRADING J'LACE KXCEPTIONAL VIS' STORE. BARGAINS AT JAR- Keep t'p Flaht for Five-Cent Fare. At the meeting of the West End Improve ment club last night it was decided not to drop the matter of a 6-cent fare between Council Bluffs and Omaha, but to carry on the campaign If anything more actively than before. The Interstate Commerce commission Is to be appealed to and the A genuine patent colt shoe, welt soles, rock oak bottoma and every thing that goes to make a good shoe. For eight yeara we have bean aelling the beat V M ahoca tlmt were avar i.fTered In thla city or Omaha and w are going to continue doing It. W will aava you money and g ve you tba nloeat ahoea you have ever had. HAMILTON'S SHOE STORE Alway Reliable 412 Broadway Council Bluffs E3B Pocketbooks and Hand Bags POCKETBOOKS A closing out price pn every f.ooket book and hand bag In the house. A fine assortment splendid Xmas pres ents a saving of money to you. You can buy your pursn and have money left from the regular price to put In It. Strictly Appropriate for Xmas Gifts. A Hig Variety From Which to Choose. Center pieces, sofa cushions, pin cushions, cushion tops, dollies, drawn work, Battenberg, etc. A closing out price on every piece In the house. Why not come and look over our splendid assortment of Xmas art goods It's money saved t you on any article which strikes your fancy. All 25c cushion tops at 19o All 60c cushion tops at 35o The Boys' Clothing at half price; tho Men's Mats at half price; the big specials in books and toys; the splendid line of holiday goods; the great linen bargains; the matchless values tn dress goods and silks; the remarkable closing out prices on tailor made suits, cloaks and furs. Even if you have supplied vour Christmas needs, it is worth vnur ulll E. Hunter Company, 33 35 Pearl, 32 34 Main. services of an able attorney secured to in vestigate the charter under which the street railway company is supposed to be oper ating in this city with the idea of attack ing its validity, If any flaws can be discov ered in It The meeting was well attended and the sentiment seemed to be unanimous In favor of a straight 5-cent fare between the two cities despite the assertions of the company that such a proposition is out of the ques tion. Special Waajon Sale. Boys' Iron wagons, $1.19, $1.37, $1.58 and $1.79; Wabash coaster wagons, the fastest and strongest coaster made, $3.60. J. Zol ler Mer. Oo., 100-102-lfl Broadway. Three 'phones, ring 320. We have everything In Rubbers, from a foothold to a Rubber Boot. S. A. Pierce & Co., corner Broadway and Main street. Complete your X'mas dinner with a dish nf our ice cream, sherbets, punch or ices, put up in fancy Individual molds. Try our pure home-made candy. It Is delicious, especially our peanut nut. I. Mucci, 218 West Broadway. Tel. 34. GOODS VIS. DELIVERED FRED BY JAR- School shoes, the best kind. Pierce & Co., corner Broadway street at S. A. and Main WHEN FROM JARVIS- IT IS PURE. Petersen & Schoenlng have Just received an elegant line of reed and rush rockers. Just the thing for Christmas. If your boy is a kicker, our Shoes will hold him. S. A. Pierce & Co., corner Broadway and Main street. JARVIS STORE BOTH 'PHONES 136. Mrs. Herman Grot, Mrs. Herman Grote, one of the pioneer residents of Council Bluffs, died yesterday at the family home, 903 Pierce street. Mrs. Grote was 76 years of age and death was due to a complication of umuases. Besides her husband, Mrs. Grote is sur vived by live duughters, Mrs. M. Bartel, Mrs. Oscar Younkemian, Mrs. Louise Kost, Miss Minnie Grote, all of this city, and Mrs. Preske of Omaha and three sons, Herman, Jr., A. S. and W. C. Grote, all of this city. Mrs. Grote, with her husband, came to Council Bluffs direct from Germany in 1S66, and they have occupied ever since, the same residence, on East Pierce street. In 1SS2 Mrs. Grote became a member of the German Evangelical church, of which she was a prominent and active member until her death. While arrangements have not been com pleted for the funeral, it will likely be held Sunday afternoon from the German Evangelical church. Go for you holiday wines, liquors and cordials to L. Rosenfeldt, til S. Main. 'Phone $23. Art Novelties. Don't fall to see our water color novel ties. Dainty calendars,, blotters, sachets, guest books, etc. Alexander's Art Store. YOU NEVER TRADI3 WITH OTHERS AFTER SEEING OCR STORE-JARV1S. 220 MAIN 8TREET. MANTLES, 10 CENTS. IN TOWN FOR THE HAURER. BEST MANTLE PRICE. W. A. Be Stephan Bros, for the lateat and best Inverted burners. 529 West Broadway. WHISKY FOR COLDS. COI'GHS, ETC. JARVIS. pads! Sandal Spndal Choice early Ohio potatoea at 55c de livered In five-bushel lota or more. Both 'phones 182. Biidenstlna & Smith. 14 S. 6th street BRANDY. SHERRY, JARVIS. MINCE PIES SEE Green In Tronltle Again. Roy Green, who made a aomewhat fen aational getaway after he had been de tected wandering around the corrldora of the Grand I ' ' lust r i, waa In police court yeateiuty charged with the theft of a watch belonging to a railroad man atopplng at the Goodrich hotel on Broad way. i. With tlreen waa larence tt. Bpry. ureen and Bpry engaged a room at Ihe Goodrich howl Wdaelay oiht and during the NECKTIES Unquestionably the largest nnd fin est stock of men's nerkwear In Coun cil Bluffs. Neckties of every concelv shle. color In most popular styles Tecks, ruffs, bows, strings, four-ln-hands, squares, etc. The best values In America at regular prices, a clos ing out price Is on every tie. 26c ties at 1 60c ties at 39o Men's Gloves and Mittens We show a splendid line of men's gloves the best values In America at our regular prices, doubly sp at our closing out prices. Finest of Xmas presents for the men: 65c driving gloves at 490 $1.26 fine dress kid gloves at Bo $1.25 Mocha kid gloves at t8o $1.60 kid gloves at 91.1B $1.76 fine kid walking gloves $2.25 extra fine gloves at 31.78 Mon's special 50c golf gloves closing out at 45o Men's work gloves, the best values In America at regular prices, a closing out price on every pair, 4 6c to. 31.38 night one of the two Is alleged to have entered the room of the railroad man. In reply to a query from the railroad man as to the purport of his visit, the fellow said ha was looking for an extra pillow. When the railroad man awoke yesterday morning he discovered that his watch was mlneing from the bureau on which he placed it on retiring for the night. Green and Spry, who had arisen early, were found taking a "morning bracer" in a nearby saloon and were taken into custody. In police court they denied knowledge of the missing tlmoplece and their caBe was con tinued for further investigation. The children need School Rubbers. Best stock at S. A. Plorc A Co.,- corner Broad way and Main street. Torkeya, Dneka, Geeae, Ete. . We ship all our poultry alive, no cold storage stock. Leave your order early. J. Zoller Mer. Co., "Phone 320, 100-102-106 Broadway. OLD LIQUORS, ALL KINDS, AT JAR VIS'. Notice All photos taken before Decem ber 22 will be finished befors Xmas. Con.c any kind of weather. Open Sundays. Schmidt, Photographer. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night, 603. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS VIS. JAR- This Is Rubber season and we have got the Rubbers all styles, for everybody. 8. A. Pierce & Co., Broadway and Main street. AFTER HEARTY JARVIS WINE. DINNER. LITTLE Candy Read a. Four different colora, three yards for Rc. Candy canes, all el bos, fine box candy chocolate creams and bonbons. Purity Candy Kitchen, 546 Broadway. SKATING WINES. GOOD. ALSO JARVIS' Real Eatate Transfera. These transfers were reported to The Bee December 20 by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: Henry Luera and wife to Ura B. Slaughter, ne1 3-77-40, w. d $13,290 Melissa H. Gleiser and husband to W. Hamilton, one-fourth Interest In sei, 7-7f-;i w. rt C. fX Price, trustee, to Mary F'ilen, lot 13, In block a. In Beer's subdi vision In Council Bluffs, la. w. d C. G. Saunders and wife to C. R. I P. Ry. Co. and N. W. Ry. Co., lot 2, in block 3, In Fleming Davis addi tion to Council Bluffs, la, w. d 2,000 125 Four transfers, total $15,4i6 Turkeys, Dncka, Geese, We ahlp all our poultry alive, no cold storage stock. Leave your order early. J. Zoller Mer. Co., 'Phone 320, 100-103-KKS Broadway. THAT FREE BOTTLE FROM JARVIS', Pletnreat Pictures! Plctoreat Unframed pictures and framed pictures for X'mas. The U ..est prices on pictures In the city. Council llljffa Paint, Oil nnd Glass Co., Merrlam block. Xmas t;lft tint I.aat. Gladden the hearts of your friends by giving them framed pictures this Christ mas. Such gifts provide pleasure the year throng n. We have them In till styles and prices. Come In and look around. Alex ander's Art Store, UJ3 B'way. China closets for Christmas presents Peteraen & Schoenlng's. Your money's worth and a little more if you buy your Shoes of 8. A. Pierce & Co., corner Broadway and Main atreet. The beat shoes are the cheap-st. Pferce & Co. Mil that kind. At Broadway and Main street. S. A. comer JARVIS SELLS EVERYTHING CHEAP. Two Jobs by Iluralara. Burglars were busy in Council Bluffs Wednesday r.lght and two store on Broad way received vlflts from them. At the grocery store of Rrowder & Daniels at 220 West Broadway, the thieves forced a rear window and aecured $1 in small change from the cash register. As far as Is known nothing elee wis tuken from the store. The thieves made their exit by the rear door, wlih-h they forgot , to close. j Th other atore vlalted waa that of Ole I Rasmusaen, dealer la wall paper, etc.. In J Women's Gloves A li i- ,, JU . dilf 0. $1.00 kid gloves at 7o $1.60 kid gloves at 91.99 $2.25 kid gloves at 91.98 $3.00 long mousquetalre kid gloves at 93.48 Ladles' silk gloves, long, for evening wear, pink and blues, regular $1.25, closing out at , 98o Ladles' lisle thread gloves 60o gloves at ,..39o 16c gloves at i0 Ladles' driving gloves Oauntlet $1.00 gloves at 890 $1.60 driving gloves at 91.99 Ladies' golf gloves 15c gloves at 19o 36c gloves at BSo 60c and 0e glpves at 45o Closing Out Prices on Toilet Preparations All 10c toilet preparations at So All 25c toilet proiaratlons at 19o All 60c toilet preparations nt 39o These are perfumeries In f.inry bot tles, snrhet powders, fuce lotions, tooth powders, etc. This Store Is Open I'venliius Until Christ mas. the Masonic block. Here entrance was effected by forcing a rear window and exit by the buck door, which, however, the thieves clos,l after them. Tho safe hud been left unlocked with a notice to that efTect posted on it. Tiie thieves went through the safe In their evident search for money, which they failed to find, and scattered the papers and books all over the lloor. Csndr tunes. All prices, from 1 (-nt to $1. Candy beads for Christmas tree decoration, three yards for Be. Mixed candy, l()c per ll. Fine homemade candy. Purity Candy Kitchen, 646 Broadway. JARVIS GOODS. PAIS FREIGHT ON ALL Sled Specials. Boys' sleds, 25c, 6Bc, 7fc. 85c, $1.25, J1.M and $1.90; girls' sleds, 25c, 45c. 75c, $1.V. $1.25 and $1.50. J. Zoller Mer. Co., 100-102-106 Broadway. Three 'phones, ring 320. Bnrnt I.enther Goods. Address books, shaving pads, bags, stninp cases, photo books, etc., In the attractive burnt leather work. Alexander's Art Stoi'o. The path to your economical pl.inn pur chase leads dlri-ctly to the A. Ilospo Oo. store, 26 South Main St., Cnum-ll Bluffs. Triplicate drug store. mirrors nt Dell 112 Broadway. G. Morgan's PURE TO BE Sl.'RE-FROM JARVIS'. Marrlaae Llcensra. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Agn. Gustav H. Tretzer. Clitnnlo, Neb Vii Lulu A. Stmckmeyer, Clatonln, Neb IS Earl W. Dillon. Lincoln. Nob 2:1 Esther Pearle Hess, Dorchester, Neb 2 William Slzcmore, Kansas City, Mo ...30 Ida Thompson, St. Joseph, Mr 27 Roy Robertson, Council Bliiffs 21 Stella Harmon, Council Bluffs 19 M1XOH MESTIOJf. Davis, drugs. ' . Stockert sells carpet Fine engravings ai i.efTert'a Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer. See Borwlck for Xmas goods. Plumbing and heating, Blxby & fton. NO PLACE LIKE JARVIS' TO THADFL Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 97. Woodring Undertaking company. Tel. 339. Toys, toys, toys, nt Petersen & Schoenlng. PANTA CLAL'S BCVS WINES OF JAR VIS. Hand mirrors Dell O. Morgan's drug store, 152 Broadway. Pictures for Xmas gifts. Alexander's Art Store. 3S3 B'way. DIAMONDS AS AN INVESTMENT, TALK TO I.KFKKRT ABOI'T IT. Our Shoes are good Shoes. H. A. Plerc A Co., corner Broad wsv and Main street. Pl'RE MALT WHISKY AT JARVid' STOKE. Particular people like our shoes B. A. Plercu & Co., corner Broudv.-ay and Main atreet. IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKY AT J. ': VIS. MANTLES, 10 CENTS. BEST MANTLO IN TOWN FOR THE PRICE. W. A. MAUKElt All sites of storm doors, storm sash, storm Windows and wouiner atrlpa at Gvu. Hougluml a. OLD CROW, OrCKFNMEIMER, BOND WHISKY AT JARMS' SToUB, 2:5 MAIN BTREET. If your pocketbook la your guld It will take you to 8. A. Pierce A C'o.'h shoe atoie, corner Broadway and Main atreet. Hhrewd buyers say Overshoes and Slip pers ur- the hest. 8 A. Pierce & Co., corner Broadway and Main street. GORDON RYE, BOTTLED IN BOND, JARVIS. A beautiful and ornamental gas burner, tho Welfcbach chick lamp, cuniilete, $1.25. Biephan Bros., 529 West Broadway. The postottlce department lias relet to J. W. and K. E. Mltiulck the cmitra. t for (Continued on Ninth Page.) -"It Talks! A Oreat F'hyklilan nays: " Your Perfect ' iraniein Horn ula talkt tn everyone with any medical fcaill ur intuitul tenia'." Orangeine Ftrau!i bine. 18V2 i'tun 14 .. in fe d. H Vb . . t rf).M I " H 'tn' ! b f Trilurs, li' n f I' .inlislii, kt. F g. i.4 tint t UoC .1 Ttl ft on acts promptly and thorouvhly (.r Cold. Grip, Hadiht, Nei rali, Intiiffcatioaa Uraio F., Off Chill 4 po. ura. AT ALL DRUGGISTS rn st o ' I I 3 A