Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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A Dollar
or T wo
bl Week
Will Do
Unusual Offer in
High-Grade Umbrellas
Suitable for Holiday Gifts
The largest and completest stock, the broadest va
riety, the choicest and most exclusive handles, m usual,
will be found in MANDELBERG'S GIFT SHOP.
The Famous "Louise" Taffeta Silk Umbrellas, with
solid silver mountings and inlaid pearl handles, 2G
inch, regular $10 values; on sale for $5.00
Gentlemen's 28-inch Silk Umbrellas, of guaranteed
quality, choice of many natural wood handles, reg-
' tilar $7.50 values; on sale for $1.00
Special in Ladies' Umbrellas Your choice of 50 26
inch fine Bilk umbrellas with gold and silver
mountings, regular $6 values, on sale for. . .3.50
Gentleman's Cane and Umbrella Hot With gold and
silver trimmings to match also In genuine ivory,
from $25 per set down to $10
Gentlemen's 26-lnch Umbrellas Made of guaranteed
union Bilk with very attractive handles, from $4.0j
up to $15.00
What'i worth doing is worth doing well.
Give Diamonds for Christmas
I make It easy for you to give something worth
hll My Kay Tnynent I'lan gives you Immediate
l;obses9lon of any diamond, watch or piece of Jewelry
Tir a small sum down and the balance on easy payment.
Omaha's Gift Shop....
1522 Farnam Street
'1 V
i L
mi .
Advertising Aeent Goei From Railroad to
Chicae Concern, '
Vacates tlie Department Where C. S.
Youna, J. A. Boll and Himself
Went from the Jiews
pnper Work.
P. P. Fodrea has res.gned his position as
idvertlfrln; agent of the Burlington In Ohl
:ago and after January 1 will be connected
with the Mnhln Advertlalng company of
Chicago, a concern which handle all the
advertising for some of the big- packing.
p and other concerns.
Air. Fodrea has ben with the Burlington
for several years. lie went from the repnr
torlal staff of The Bee to the position of
if' - ir . m - m
X 1
1 rw.
Oood bser is truly our nation's
beverage. A food a tonic a
sedative a bavereg iar all
A product that has won
fame on its pronounced
character and honest
II Ay7
If you would enjoy the de
lights of a full-bodied, deli
cious beer, try any of the
Blatx brands whether on
draught or in bottles wher
ever you can.
Cor. ath
m nrrwiua n V I
assistant to Charles S. Young, when the
latter, also a former reporter for The Hoe,
waa advertiBliiR usent for the Burlington in
Omaha. When Mr. Young became ad- '
vertislng agent for the Milwaukee Sir.
Fodrea succeeded him with the Burlington.
Mr. Young und the department in the
meantime had been transferred to Chicago,
but before Mr. Young began his work for
the Burlington there he accepted the Mil
waukee position und Fodrea took up the
work In Chicago. John A. Ball, another
reporter for The flee, went to Chicago as
assistant to Fodrea und last January Ball
went to Mexico City as advertising agent
for the National Lines of Mexico. Hall waa
succeeded on the Li jrlln'-an 'y Carrol1
Reagan of the reportoriul stuff of the
Omaha News.
Rnllronds Fenr o Strike.
The demands of the freight brakemen
and conductors on all lines west of Chicago
are along the same lines as the demand
recently made by the engineers. The con
ductors and brikemen havo asked the
roads for a 15 per cent Increase in wage
and an eight-hour day. Kailroad utile als
la Omaha see nothing to wirrant the con
clusion thut a strike is inevitable. They'
suy It is more than likely matters will be
settled J.n conference., . ... .
A demand has been made on the road
and they will be given a month In which
to reply. After that a conference will be
held to try. to adjust matters. Many of the
loads have agreements with- their men
which run for some , time yet and the
unions boast that they stick by a contract.
Tne Union Pacific has a schedule which
waa adopted April 1, 1906, for two years,
so uny action would not affect that road
for Hume time.
Darlington Motor Success.
Superintendent Foryh of the Burlington
shops at Aurora Fays he now considers the
new steam motor car which has been built
for branch line service on the Burlington
a success. When asked If the new car had
proven successful. Superintendent Forsyth
replied, "Yes." Rumor has had the cir a
failure and ready to be thrown on the sciap
heap. This Is the first definite statement
from a shop official that It was not a fail
ure. '
Since Its first trip, made a number of
months ago, the car has been In the sfnp
a number of times and several change 1
havo been made. Over a dozen trips have
been made, the longest of which was to
Minneapolis. The car has always made the
return trip and there has not been a case
where It was necessary to bring It back ti
the chops attached to the end of a freight
The Burlington officials believe they have
solved the problem and that the new motor
car will serve for the branch lines. It takes
only one man to operate the car and this
will cut down the force on the branch
lines, which means quite a saving to the
Milwaukee Has New Rate.
A new tariff has bten Iraued by the Mil
waukee, which shows thut all South D
kiUt common points have been g.vcu a
through rate In connection with the Great
Northern from Omaha. The rate api lit s
to all classes of goods and Is effective both
ays. The rate heretofore has been the
combination of the lucal. Stations affected
are Garrison, Sherman, Sioux Falls. Cran
io Fulls and Intermediate stations. The
rates will be effective January 20.
"iasion that, Brian t Omaha Crie af First
Japanese Christiana,
rrsp Company Formed.
The Pierre Viuu' Maple company, formed
fir the purpose of manufacturing, refining
nd dealing In maple and other syrups, has
ilej articles of Ineo: ivorxtion with tiie
ounty clirk. It Is capitalised at t"i.iiO an 1
'raig D. Cannon of Chicago, Holert A.
.ici-rison and Peter Carlson are the Incorporators.
A Great Chance for
Christmas Beyers
Our Urge stock of manufacturer"! ieraple watches
ring aal U klndg of Jewelry will be closed out at
sacrifice prices.
Regular flT.OO W ate lira for 8.75
1 tegular 3ft.00 Watches for $12.00
Bcaatlful Gold Ring from $1.33 and up
Snarlal bargain tale of unre
deemed diamonds, set In rings,
brooches, bracelets and tie pins
everything in diamond mounted
goods will be closed out at a great
savins; in money to you.
While ther last prices below
maker's cost. ,
1 ,410 rraam,ntil t World-Herald
TWO Stores ) UQl Douglas Street.
! 11 11 an 1 1 1 I"
I rill 1 1
Sells Carlos to liaise bis Thousand
Ilollura for Krectlon of llulld
Inii In Her Nutive
One of the first of Japanese Christians Is
Mr. Chlka Sakural of T;IViio, who la selling
curios at the Young Women's. Christian as
sociation rooms for the benefit of a girls'
Lome In her native city. She Is h'i years of
ug und for thirty-two years has been en
gaged In Christian work, having been con
verted at the ge of UO by Dr. Thompson,
u Presbyterian niiBMionary. She is founder
und manager of the Sakural Girls' home at
Her mission In America Is to raise $6,003
with which to errct a building for her
work. She has stopped at many cities and,
has arranged with her friends for a sale
of edzumo ware, lacquer ware and other
Japanese pretty things, all of which she
brought with her from Japan. She Is now
on her way heme, but expects to stay in
Omaha until offer Christmas and deliver
addresses In two or three of the local
"I founded the home In' 1895," she said.
"It has had accommodations for only
twenty girls and we must make It larger.
You sec there are 50,000 Christians in Japan
now. Many of them send their daughters
to Toklo. the center of learning and busi
ness, for a hlghe education, and the gov
ernment schools are Indeed no fit place for
any young Christian girl, for they allow no
Christian teaching there at all. So we
have made a pluce where they mny have
the benefit of Christian Influence while they
are going to school or learning some kind
of work. "
Tift) Million In Toklo.
"Toklo Is a city of 2,000,000 people, and
the only place for homeless girls are the
Sakural home and one Young Woman's
Christian association. More such places
are needed, for the number of girls coming
to the city Is lncreusing.
"One of the sad results of the late war
is the large number of young widows,
whose husbands gave up their lives In
their country's defense. Many of these are
anxious to come to Toklo for the purpose
of learning something by which they may
be useful to the country as their husbands
have been. Many come to me for consulta
tion as to what they should study and
what they should do. For a great part of
my time of lte, I have been kept busy
listening to their sad stories and trying to
comfort them. During th- last few months
I received many more applications for resi
dence In our home than we could possibly
Mrs. Srikurnl bears credentials from Rev.
Frank N. White of fnlon Park church.
Chlcngo, formerly missionary In Japan, and
S. Shlmliu, Japanese consul In Chicago.
Fellow Mayor Dnlilman Tried to Par
Hon Plenil Guilty to
Mickey I'nwrhn. charged with assault tf
commit great bodily Injury, was allowed to
plead guilty to plain assault and battery
before Judge Sutton Thursday afternoon
nnd was sentenced to ninety days in the
county Jail. Vaughn Is the mnn whom
Mayor Daalman tried to pardon out of the
county Jail. The Jul I authorities refused to
recognise the pardon because Vaughn was
eharged wlih a felony.
Vaughn has a wooden leg, and Judge But
ton had him walk up and down In front
of the bench to prove his misfortune to the
court before sentence was pronounced. He
was one of the party that was celebrating
during Ak-Sar-Ben curnlval week. They
nil got drunk and the assault was com
mitted while they weis under the influence
of liquor.
In Line with (be Pur Food Lan.
The National Food and Drug act which
takes effect Jajiuary 1, 107, does not af
fect Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In any
manner. No special labels are required on
this remedy under that Act, as It Is freo
from opiates and narcotics of every char
acter, making it a safe remedy for mother
t us with their children. This remedy
ha been in use for so many years, and
Its good qualities are so well known, that
no one need hesitate to us It whin
troubled with a cough or cold.
MAMCl'RU Bi.TB-rYer.ier. lbih Is Dodge
A. B. Huberniunn, only w atera direct
diamond Importer, corner 13th and Douglas,
which are retailed at wholesale pricSi.
Diamonds Cupley, Jeweler, St 8. 16th
Ciunt At tortiey-Ilict Fail sh Till Con
tinue Frostcution of Allstsd Trust.
Present County Attorney Will Turn
OTer Evidence He Haa Worked
' l In Sunderland and
Other Cases.
"I will be ready to begin the trial of ths
rest of the coal cases January 7, or very
soon thereafter," said County Attorney
elect English Thursday morning after a
conference with County Attorney Slabaugh
In which the evidence In the cases was dis
cussed. This Is the first Indication ,Mr.
English has given of his course after he
takes charge of the office. He said he
would prosecute the cases one by one as
they onmi up.
"I will not take charge of the office until
January S, nnd four days is rather a short
time In which to prepare for an Important
case, but I shall try to be ready by that
time, and If I am not ready then, I will be
shortly after."
At the conference with County Attorney
Slabaugh held Wednesday Judge Slabaugh
went over the evidence against the coal
men In detail snd explained the status of
the case. , Hs will be able to turn over to
Mr. English practically all of the evidence
needed In the case, as he had prepared to
go , to trial In the Sunderland case this
week. Judge Sutton set the Sunderland
case for trial January 7, when the new Jury
panel will report.
In case Jay O'Hearn, convicted of the
murder of Nels Lausten, secures ajiew
trial In the' supreme court, the case will
have to be tried for the county by nn at
torney appointed by the court or the county
authorities. Mr. English waa one of the
attorneys for the defense In the case and
la n6t In a position to handle the prosecu
tion In case a new trial is secured.. He
said yesterday he would not appear fur
ther in the case on either side. In the
supreme court the state will be repre
sented by the attorney general, but If the
case Is remanded It would ordinarily be
handled by the county attorney.
"fire demon." When Orlswold reached the
remnants of bl h ne late Mondty nlcht
with wife snd daughter from a party, he
viewed the grim embers of whst hid been
his happy home. The ashes of the horse
blankets seemed to stare at Mm like a
ghost of other days. Griswold said. The
man did not even have the satisfaction pf
hearing the "wild, weird crlr of 'flret
fire! fire!' " when neighbor woke neighbor
with such exclamations.
Orlswold Immediately began to build on
the ashes of the past He borrowed 'J)
from his boss, bought some furniture at
an Installment house and took a new grip
on the futurey
" 'Taln't no use worryln' 'bout a It'll
Ihlrig like that. What Is the use? The
fire finished Its work an" the bes' thing
to do Is to Jes' start In ag in," was the
sage remark of Orlswold as he left the car
at a north side crossing.
Special Detail of Officers Patrol Shop
ping; District for Ileat of
As a protection to the many Christmas
shoppers, as well as to the stores which
have large lines of goods displayed to Ad
vantage for tho operations of snesk thieves
nnd pickpockets, five members of the police
force have been detailed to make the
rounds of stores until closing time, at !0
p. m. Officers Bloom. Iahey, Jackson,
Goodrich and Rlnn are the men selected for
the tash and will work In full uniform, tn
I addition to the officers, several of the do
j tectlves have been ordered to pay particular
attention to the shopping district, and It Is
: believed the presence of the officers will
: materially decrease the loss which mer
chants always suffer by theft when Urge
crowds nro In the stores.
"The detail of officers Is merely a pre
ventive measure," said Captain Mostvti.
"It has not been requf'sted by the mer
chants, who usually have their own de
tective force at such a time, but the pres
ence of several officers In uniform, as well
a detectives, will have a good effect 011
those Inclined toward theft or pocket pick
ing. Tho men will remain on duty until tho
stores close at night. The officer were
placed on this special duty Thursday and
will continue until next Monday."
TOILET SETS-Frenser, 15th and Dodge.
City by the Day Ilooralngr la Its Re
covery from the Grent
"San Francisco Is the liveliest city on tho
map at present," said Albert Paulson of
the Jewelry supply house of Henry Paulson
& Co. of Chicago, who la at the Paxtoil.
Mr. PaulHon has Just returned from the
San Francisco branch of his house and
says (5an Francisco is all business.
"We did not have a branch house at
San Francisco until after the fire last
spring, when we opened up In the resi
dence district In the second story of a resi
dence. Most of the wholesale houres ari
transacting business from residences, While
the fire was a great setback, most of the
houset; are now doing more business than
ever and the city Is having a big boom."
"Omaba is not so slow, cither. I like to
get to this city to see the greatly Increased
business, especially in our line. When
people have money to buy the luxuries like
Jewelry It Is a sure sign of prosperity.
Seattle Is In the midst of a big building
boom snd the face of the city Is bring
changed. 6treets are all being graded and
soliio expensive buildings are being left
sixty feet In the air.
"It Is the opinion at San Francisco that
the business will eventually go back to
Market street, where It was before the fire.
While many of the new buildings are of
a temporary nature, still there are numer
ous permanent ones blng constructed. Py
comparison with the enormity of the dis
aster, I think the growth at this time Is
more than marvelous."
Cross-Town Car Tracks May Be
Laid on Thirty-Third
While various street car extensions are
being considered, there Is one line which
the company has been called upon several
times to consider, but which for some
reason has not been built. This Is a line
on Thirty-third street from Burt to Far
nam and on to Leavenworth, a Jog east
on Leavenworth to Thirty-second stret
and then south on Thirty-second to Pa
cific, where the Twenty-fourth street lino
would be met. Cars could then be run
around that loop and back throttch the
city. This lino would furnish a cross-town
line, which is so badly needed, and would
give the Leavenworth, Farnam, Harney
nnd Walnut Hill lines good connections.
In connection with the street railway
extensions the people of Council Bluffs
have evolved the Idea that the Union Pa
cific will establish a motor car system be
tween Council Bluffs and South Omaha to
replace the old dummy service which was
established between Council Bluffs and
Omaha about the time the bridge was built.
The fare at thut time was 50 cents.
The people of Council Bluff maintain
the I.'nlon Pacific will become a competitor
of the street railway company for passen
ger business. The McKeen motor Is an ac
knowledged uccss and by establishing a
quick, cheap service between Council Bluffs
and South Omaha It Is thought many people
who work at the packing houses would
live In Council Bluffs and use the dummy
l nvrrltten nnd Self-Defenae Plena
Futile In Jfearo Murder
Hugh Gray, colored, who shot and killed
Harvey Williams, also colored, In South
Omaha, November 19, was found guilty of
murder In the second degree by a Jury In
ctlmlnal court Thursday morning. The
shooting was the result of trouble over a
woman named Lllllnn Taylor. The penalty
Is from ten years to a life term In tho
Gray had been living with the Taylor
woman for several weeks and cl Mined her
as his common law wire. A week or two
hefore the shooting Williams Induced her
to leave Gray. Gray bought a gun, went
to Williams' house and shot Williams. In
Ms defense his attorneys appealed to the
unwritten law, asserting the Taylor
womnn was his wife nnd Williams had
broken up his home. The court ruled this
evidence out, holding a common law mar
riage wai not established. Self-defense
was also appenled to, but witnesses for
the state testified Gray had said before
the tragedy he was going to kill Williams
and had fired the first shot while Williams
was seated In a chair.
The 'Most Startling Fur Sale
dnuinmai mwmwMini'iumim mm mm '- iii'in .witu. !.'. '.," m ipi ihi.iuj
of the Season
2,800 pieces purchased at half price
We purchased from
Edward Ruben & Bro.,
New York their entire
surplus stock of fur
scarfs "half off" is
what we closed them
out at this will permit
us to give the greatest
fur scarf values of the
season. You will find
these scarfs the most
desirable Xmas presents
for women they are
practical they are a sensible gift and
when you can buy them at such low
prices as are quoted here below, there is
no reason why you should not purchase
them now and here for this is a most ex
ceptional opportunity.
$2 Scarfs
$3? Scarfs,
$6 Scarfs.
$10 Scarfs,
S12 Scarfs,
$14 Scarfs,
$16 Scarfs,
$20 Scarfs,
, 95c
a-rr-rrr , ...jisjsi "
.n.m 1 m. . 1 a..'--.- 4 t - . .aJ
Thlrd-IIanded Rnmor Give Two De
tective Chase for n
Wild Goose.
A telephone message sent by an excited
c!tlsen was received about 7:30 a. m.
Thursday at the police station, stating
that a chicken thief of dusky hue had 'list
been captured red-handed by cltlsen near
Nineteenth and Manderson streets, who
were holding; their prisoner to await the
arrival of an officer. Detectives Ferrlf and
Dunn hurried to the appointed place with
all possible speed, but the neighborhood
was basking; In Its usual condition of com
plete calm. No one had heard of any
chickens being; stolen or of any colored
mnn being; captured, and after several
hours of futile search the detectives re
turned to the station, tired and sore, at
heart. It was later ascertained that some
one had seen some one on a street car. who
snld that some one had told him that he
heard that a chicken thief had been captured.
Open Every Evening Till Christmas.
Weak Men, Frail Men,
All know the wonderful building-up power of
DR. McGREWS treatment. HIS SJ YKAKS of
experience of treating; diseases of men has taught
him Just what will cure and cure quick and per
manently. KVEKV DAT brings the most tiattor
lnt reports of the gyd he is doing and th
relief he has given. HE CAN DO THE SAME
THING FOll YOU, and his charges are little
more than half of the charges elsewhere. Ho
UKAU . , , j M ,
I or men can ar.a snouin ds ourra lur
at would correspond with the nature
3 a x rice that
i. of the dlseai
I hare remedial thai suable ms
to fill and crows teeth wlthpnt
pain. Of eonrss If 70ns Uath are
not ssnsltiTe yon don't fl the
D.ed of palnlassnsss In yonr dental
work. But if thy are sensitlT
you'll appreciate it, no doubt.
My ehaig are vary reasonable.
DR. FICKES, Dentist.
Ph. Dona;. 637.
338 Bes Bid;.
In all curable diseases of men for the lowest charges possible with good service.
is one of the oldest and most reliable specialists of JO
YEARS' EXPERIENCE In the treatment of all dis
eases and disorders of men. 21 YEARH IN OMAHA.
His remarkable success, fair dealing and clean record
entitles him to the confidence of all men.
Symptom blank, valuable book for men. It tells all. Write to me all about your
Lllmcni. 11 B nice I rriiin-iii 4
Olllce hours all day and to 8:30 p. m Sunday, 9 to 1. w.k
Call or wrlto. Box 766. Office 215 South Fourteenth Street. Omaha. Nee.
Shook Manufacturing Co. 4ii,hT
Jewelry. Diamonds, Watches. Cut Class. Hand Painted China, Sil
verware and Optical Goods. Ey es Tested Free.
Note Change in Location 15th Near Howard St.
epMtfssr w 'i-wev vr'ST
Now. U the luiio tu make your wants
kiwau through The but Want Ad aga.
Colored Mnn Smile Whea Hooae
Ilnrna Pown and Grimly
Starts Over.
"Gimme a match," said the colored man
with a corncob pipe on the platform of a
North Twenty-fourth street car yesterday
"Ever have any trouble?" h continued,
with an evident desire to unburden his
"Yes; my cow choked to death and I lost
my meal ticket the same day," was the
" 'Pear like you din't know what trouble
is, bos. I've had real trouble, but I don't
let that worry me so any one kin notice
!t on my fa-e," ho continued.
Asked (or name and address, he said his
name was Martin Griswold and his address
S5:s farnam street until Monday night,
when his home at that number was com
pletely destroyed by fire during the ab
sence of himself and family. He did not
own the house, but said he did own all
the contents, among which was a stock of
Christmas present for a long lin of rela
tives. Including hi wife and daughter.
The present had been hid around the
house and Griswuld's breast would awell
with pride when he thought of tb sui
prises he would give on Christmas morn
ing, lis bought a pair of hues blankets
snd toilet set for mother-in-law, toilet set
snd rocking chair tor i(e, toy for daugh
ter, photograph album for slster-ln-law,
pound of chewing tobicou for father-in-law
and other present for other relative.
Ob the day of the nr Orlswold brought
home a new overru&t. which hs iniendvi
to don for th first time on C',
oiurtiii.g. V er thlnj as consumed t lu
To manay points in Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Ontario, Penn
sylvania and AVest Virginia.
On Bale December 20th, 21st, and 22d. Return limit thirty days.
To Chicago and all points on the Illinois Central north of the Ohio river; also to all
points in North Dakota and Minnesota including Minneapolis and St. Paul.
On sale December 20th, 21et, 22d, 23d, 24th, 25th, 29th, 30th, 31st and January
let. Return limit January 7th.
Tickets and detailed information at
City Ticket Office
1402 Fjxrnm Street, Omah