Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Daily Bee
Entered at Omtbt postofflo econd
elas matter.
Pally R (without Sunday), on year..$4
Inlly Be and Sunday, on year 6 00
Sunday Be, on year J W
Saturday Km, one year
!lly Be (Including Sunday, pr wk..l6o
lMllv Hm (without Sundav), per week.. .100
Evening Be without Sunday), per wek. to
Evening Be (with Sunday), per week....lo
Addroaa complaint of Irregularities tn d
Kvery to City circulating Department.
Omaha Th Bm building.
South Omaha City Hall building.
Council Bluffs 1ft Pearl street. K)to fnity building.
New York 160i Home Ufa Ina. building.
Washington 601 Fourteenth afreet.
Communications relating to newa and edi
torial mntter ahould be addressed: Omaha
Be. Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, expreaa or postal order,
payable, to The Be Publishing Company.
Only 1-cent el am pa rerelved aa payment of
mall accounts. Personal checka, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
State of Nebraska. Douglai County,:
Charles C. RnwwtUr, general manager
of The Pee Publishing comt.any, being d.ilv
worn, say that the actual number of full
and complete rople of The Dally, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Pee printed during the
month or iNovemner, lairo, waa ae iuuu
1 S3.740
I 1,60
t 31,860
4 30,500
I M.070
......... 38.180
1...... .. 36,880
8 30,460
t 31.8110
I 33,030
11 30,560
It 31,550
II 31.040
U 31,330
It 31,130
J- 31,380
j 30,600
It 31,430
0 31,770
27 31,850
18 81,400
It 8150
1ft 31,33'
, 881,810
, 8,87
Leia unsold coplea.
Net total, sale 343,033
Laily average 31,401
General Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before me this let day of December, 1906.
(Seal.) M. B. H CNGATE,
Notary Public
subscribers leaving tba city tew,
norarlly ahonlil bar Tn Be
nailed to them. Addreaa Trill he
haageii aa oftea ret-
That Mississippi river accident
tomes in time to remind us that the
railroads have no monopoly of casual
Eighty cars or coal traveling on pas
senger train schedule to North Dakota,
prove that both cars and coal may be
made available under proper pressure
A state conlereuce ol charities and
corrections is being held In Omaha.
Omaha people have a wide reputation
for being charitable as well as hospita
So far the pure tood law has shown
that many persons have been enjoying
"mixed drinks" when they prided
themselves on taking their liquor
A Council bluffs man has been se
lected to represent the United States
as minister to Colombia. Some of
these plums may yet fall on this side
of the river.
When New York has ended its
posecutlon of the Ice trust a number
of its distlnquUhed citizens wi.ll have
data upon which to base an opinion of
states rights.
Since a "mall order" house has ap
pealed to the courts local retail deal
tra have an opportunity to offer legal
proofs of the advantage of patronizing
home industry.
Railroads which comply with the
new rate law when It suits them may
be surprised to learn that the law Is
to be made equally effective when It
does not suit them.
In deciding not to appeal to the
country 'on the educational bill the
British government evinces a selfish
doslre to hold office rather than to
"trounce the lords."
Of course there is much speculation
as to the routes for the new street car
lines, promised for Omaha. As soon
as the routes are known speculation tn
the real estate along the new lines will
begin, i
Juet- why a report is made of Arctic
weather, prevailing in Alaska in De
cember Is difficult to understand unless
Uncle 6am was testing a new tele
graph line and wanted to break the
news gently.
Secretary Wilson's statement that
he depended upon law clerks of the
Interior department to see that the
law was observed is an exhibition of
naivete to be expected only in the Ag
ricultural department.
The question now seoius to have
gotten down between consolidation
of Omaha and South Omaha by direct
legislative action and consolidation
after submitting the proposition t
the approval of the voters of the two
The report of the Isthmian Canal
commission was probably Indited be
fore th president's message on the
subject, -but the agreement between
the documents shows that the commis
sion had a fair Idea of what the presi
dent would fe.
Senator Millard has come back to
Omaha once more to see If he can un
earth something encouraging for his
retention of the upholstered chair that
be has been uslim in the United States
senate chamber. Senator Millard
want it distinctly understood that he
is sUU in th sands of hU frlaadj
There would be little likelihood of
the adoption of the plan, now cham
pioned bjr Senator Culloni In the senate
and rauBtDK a flurry of newspaper agi
tation, to extend the presidential term
to lx years with a bar to re-election,
even If It were more strongly favored
by (topular sentiment. The difficulties
In the way of amending the constitu
tion are too great, and other changes
like that for direct popular election of
United States Senators are of so much
more Importance as to claim preced
ence. Though such extension of the term
of the chief executive has often been
mooted, even as far back as in the con
vention of 1787 which drafted the
national constitution, it has never
taken firm root in public conviction of
its necessity. The common sense has
rather been that six years Is not long
enough for a good president, but Is too
long for a poor one. The practice
which the constitution permits' haj
been, with rare exceptions, to accord to
a satisfactory president eight year", by
re-electing him for a second term of
four years.
This rule enables the country after
only four years to get rid of a president
who Is deemed unfit or an obstacle
to the will of the people. While there
is force in some objections to any
chance of re-election, the possibility of
It, on the other band, necessarily Im
plies restraint upon arbitrary or
wrongful exercise of executive power.
Civil service reform, too, has to an
important extent removed the old evils
of executive patronage, while unbroken
precedent has so far limited the presi
dent's tenure to eight years.
A calm retrospect will approve the
wisdom of the constitutional and cus
tomary system, which has not pre
vented the country from commanding
inestimable services for two terms of
Its Lincoln and Its McKlnley, but has
made it possible after four years to
dispense with a Buchanan or a John
son, and such alternatives will hardly
be surrendered until some methods
distinctly better than has yet been pro
posed shall have been Invented.
As one extreme Is said to follow an
other, It may happen that the extra
ordinary record of the last session of
congress for positive accomplishment
may stand out In more marked contrast
with the inertia of the present session.
Of course. It could not be expected In
reason that any such bulk of progres
sive legislation could be perfected In
the short as was perfected In the long
meeting, but the conviction is deepen
Ing that the work of the present session
to be restricted practically to pass
ing the appropriations. . - ,
Obviously, If some of the measures
of first Importance left over from the
last session and others which it could
not consider were to be expedited so
as to have any chance of enactment, it
would have to be done before the ad'
Journment for holidays, but it has been
Independently noted by numerous com
petent observers that every effort of
heir special advocates to forward such
measures has encountered Insuperable
obstacles. The committees, too, ' in
both houses are reported to have been
dilatory. The holiday adjournment
from the 20th instant to January 2
will be followed by two purely formal
sessions, as Is well understood, when
both houses will adjourn over to Mon
day, January 7, thus practically sub
tracting seventeen days from the work
ing time of the session.
The prospect, In short, Is that con
gress will not seriously get busy before
the middle of January, leaving alto
gether only about six weeks for real
work. This will produce a state of
affairs, with ' appropriations having
right of way, exactly to the hand of
opposition to any measure. While,
perhaps, not by design, yet things seem
to be drifting at Washington in the
same course they would take If steered
for a do-nothing session,
Evidences on all sides indicate a
growing sentiment for the union of
Cmaha and South Omaha under one
municipal government. The sentiment
has been pronounced In Omaha for
soma time, and it is becoming more
and more pronounced in South Omaha
as well.
. Every natural condition affecting
geographical location, business and
social Intercourse and communica
tion' mark these two cities as In fact,
although not In name, one and the
same community. The explanation to
outsiders that Omaha and South
Omaha maintain two separate nnd dis
tinct municipal governments and di
vide themselves from one another by
an Imaginary boundary line, which no
one can find except on the map, ap
pears to be the height of ridiculous
ness. Two years ago a bill drawn at the
Instance of the editor of The Bee was
Introduced Into the legislature to bring
about not an actual consolidation, but
an opportunity to secure the consolida
tion whenever the people of the two
cities should be ready for it. For some
Inscrutable reason many good people
of South Omaha under the lead of a
bunch of political bellwethers, who
foreaaw an invasion of their Bacred
precincts, constituted themselves into
what was dubbed a "petition in boots,"
that swooped down on the legislature
and overawed the members into dig
ging an unceremonious grave for the
measure. We are fully convinced that
if tha constituent members of the same
"petition in boots" were to be polled
again today on the question a large
number of them, and probably a ma
jority, would be recorded In favor' of
speedy consolidation.
In fact, consolidation sentiment has
t crjiUllliLvl to tudl that tha suggestion
Is received, not without favor, of merg
ing the two city governments by legis
lative mandate without going to the
apparently needless formality of an ex
pensive election to secure assent of the
people concerned. Whether this will
be the course pursued or not, the
Qreater Omaha to which we have long
been looking forward is sure to be a
reality within a reasonable time. We
must only make certain that we find
the best, quickest and most satisfac
tory way of reaching this goal.
Tiro ovrrLoxrixa moxet streams.
A single ocean liner carried out of
New York one day last week mall in
cluding postofflce money orders for
$905,000, and two others later in the
week almost as much, these three mail
ships alone thus taking remittances
In small several amounts aggregating
nearly $3,000,000. While at this
season such remittances are un
doubtedly unusual, being In part
Christmas gifts to friends and rela
tives in Europe, it is equally certain
that the flow of money to them con
tinues all the year round, and that al
together It amounts to a very large
sum, which becomes an important fig
ure when we settle international
When to these remittances, made
mainly by immigrants and newcomers,
are added the far vaster sums carried
abroad by tourists, the sum mounts up
to surprising magnitude. The latter
cannot be certainly known, but the
average of the best estimates of tour
ists' annual expenditures abroad Is
now close around $300,000,000, which
exceeds the average of our total annual
exports through the first half of our
national history.
Every dollar of these drafts has of
course to be paid by us either in gold
or In commodities, and upon the whole
they go a long way toward explaining
what becomes of the apparent balance
now of over a balf billion dollars In
our favor in International exchange of
commodities. The amount sent out of
the country by Immigrants and"" tour
ists is so large as often to cause seri
ous comment and protest, Jmt what
ever may be thought of the purpose
and the effect, no one has ever sug
gested a way in which, under our In
stitutions, anyone having money of his
own can be prevented If he chooses to
send It to his friends In Europe or
spend it In foreign travel.
The Park board now publicly con
fesses Its desire to have the charter
revised so as to give It more money to
spend. The Police board, the Library
board, the Health board, the Water
board and all the other boards that
find lodgement In the city hall would
be quite willing to have their respec
tive appropriations enlarged. To re
adjust the city finances and protect the
Interest of the taxpayers at the same
time will require some careful figur
ing. Mayor "Jim" has been showered
with a gold-headed umbrella by ad
miring friends whose presentation
spokesman happens to be one of the
partners involved with the democratic
city prosecutor in the guaranty bond
Insurance graft which The Bee ex
posed a little while ago, and also un
der Indictment as one of the local coal
barons. Mayor Jim's Santa Claus
friends should be a little more consid
erate of His Honor.
The dates have been a little mixed
as to the balloting for United States
senator at Lincoln next month, the
vote coming on January 16, instead
of January 22, but there is no mistake
about the date for the argument of the
Nebraska railway tax cases being the
same as for the balloting so as to make
sure that Norris Brown will be in
Washington instead of , at the state
capltol at that eventful moment.
Congressman Kennedy's resolution
for information about the operation of
postal savings banks In other countries
promises to bear fruit. The popular
demand for the establishment of pos
tal sayings banks In this country is
becoming Btronger and stronger.
One of the self-confessed public
land thieves is already asking the
president for a pardon. To a man up
a tree it would seem that he would be
more Judicious by waiting until after
the big land fraud cases now pending
were concluded.
The verdict that negro labor is not
efficient on canal work will scarcely
raise the tumult created by the order
discharging the negro troops, though
the one as well as the other will
doubtless deny that thev have had a
fair trial.
I't ThU Meant
Washington Post.
Christmas shopping, even at this late day,
would have fewer terror If those who
Merely go to rubber would stay at home.
On Grab at r. T'-roo.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Th railroads Insist th.t those western
coal consumer were larking In foreilght
In not placing their order earlier. But
they wer busy paying th Iceman then.
Between the Lines.
Chicago Tribune.
Poultney Blgelow- nam Is not men
tioned In PreHldent Koosevelt's Panama
canal menage, but he will find himself
accurately described and classified therein.
National Onntnhlp In Mexico.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Bather than to permit the railroads of
Mexico to fall Into th hand of frvnsted
American capitalists the government pro
pose to buy them up. President Dlas haa
a keen eye for business.
Minneapolis Journal.
Ir:h manufact iirer recently adopted a
trade murk by which Its products at here
after to he recosnlied. It w cubled to
tl' l"nlt-fl ttatc and telegraphed around
In U vrs. After th tclfgrayfe di-
tor and the proofreader got through their
work on It. It appeared In various papers
In the following disguise:
"Dknta Melrinn." 'Dtan'a y Merum."
"Dlanta e Elrlnn," "Shlanta Mran." and
Wonder what It really waa?
rew la the Hill, Bat O, Myt
Indianapolis Newa.
It now seems that the en'lr Japanese
row wa precipitated by ninety-three Japa
nese youngsters. And we were about to
get Into a war because California Insisted
upon It being twenty-three for tha ninety
three. Make-1 of the Supreme Ceart.
Wall Btreet Journal.
Attorney General Moody haa now he
come Juatlce Moody. The supreme court j
consists of nine member Since 1S94, when
th Income tax was declared unconstitu
tional by a majority of one, five new
Justices have been appointed in place of
five who have died or retired In that time.
Of theee Ave now a majority of th court
three have been appointed by President
Query: How would an Income tax stand
before the supreme court now?
Smoothest of the rlnncti.
- Chicago Chronicle.
People may like him and hi method or
they may not, but they can hardly demur
,to the proposition that E. II. Karri man
I th moat astute manipulator of great
Interests high financier If you like that
this country ha produced. All contem
porary "captain" gink Into Insignificance
beside him. The power of such a man for
good I tremendous. It I encouraging to
note In certain of Mr. Harrlman's recent
utterances a sense of responsibility toward,
the public which ought to be significant
of benefit to the country In general.
Pat la a Few Meka with the Con
atltatlnn Maker of Oklahoma.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
The Oklahoma constitutional convention
paused long enough In Its Important work
recently to listen to the reading of a com
munication from William J. Bryan giving
advice as to what should He done. Mr.
Bryan Is not a cltlxen of Oklahoma, but
that I no restraint on his scheme of unl- I
versa! Interference and redemption. It In '
not remarkable that ho should Inject him- 1
self In the council of Oklahoma. The
wonder would have been had he overlooked '
the budding state. One of his suggestion :
was in creation or a ooara or corporation.
Possibly that would be wise. Anyhow, It I
would make office. He urged the conven. J
tlon to adopt the Initiative and referendum ,
and to provide for the nomination of all
officers by the primary system. Many dem- j
ocral are said to Bt.ll 1 entertain the notion
that Mr. Bryan will be. their standard ,
bearer again In the next national campaign; !
but they will hardly fail to notice that the j
reforms he suggest have generally eprur.g ,
from the platforms of the various form of
the third party to which he has belonged.
Mr. Bryan I an eloquent man of fine
ability. Btill, It would be well enough to
keep an eye on him and to remember the
disastrous advice he gave the democrats of
the senate in the matter of the ratification
of the treaty of Pari, through which we
paid a large sum of money to Spain for
something we had won In battle.
Fat Salaries Go the Managers (
( the Game.
Clevelnnd Leader.
Th annual meetings of the two foremost
base ball organizations in the oountry th
American league and the National leftgue
were marked by addition of $5,000 a year
nnd M.ono to the salaries of their respec
tive presidents. There whs no objection
to mining "Ban" Johnson's pay from
$10,000 annually to $15,000. The National
league club owner were equally ready to
give Harry Pulliam $10,000 Instead of $1,X).
These two Incidents how how great an
Institution base ball has become, simply a
a business. In that respect they count
more than any possible sums paid to favor
ite players. A famous athlete may get a
small fortune every year without belong
ing to any organisation, though not In bnse
ball. Public favor may make his time a
valuable as that of a bank president. But
Johnson and Pulllnm nre not popular idol.
Few base ball enthusiast know either of
them by sight. They are not paid their
fat salaries to please crowd, but purely
for their work as business men at the head
of great business organisations.
Base hall has become a buslnrB In which
millions of dollars are invested nnd from
which large profit are obtained. Its reve
nue and expense are both on a great
scale. It I growing bigger and more Im
portant every year, In the financial and
commercial sense. It I a national sport
which has developed Into a vast business
It pay to amuse the American people.
Base ball magnates have learned how to
make th most of that fact. Hence big
salaries in the base ball world.
PlaelBST th Responsibility Where It
Baltimore New.
It is difficult for people living In thl
part of th country to Imagine what it
means to undergo a fuel famine on the
western pin Ins. Regions rich in yield of
wheat and other farm crop may, be sn
bare of tree that one may not be ien
tn an expanse of mile. When bllEaards
come they sweep the country with a vlo
lenc of which we can form no Idea in
the east. To be without fuel means death.
D"iHpntches from North Dnkota ay that
already several persons have been frozen
to death; not from being caught out In
exposed places, but simply because there
was no material with which to make a flro
to keep warm. There are plnces In which
farmer have already burned their fences
and nre now sacrificing their outbuildings.
A tantalizing glow,' rather than rpAl
warmth, Is obtained by burning hay, straw
and any other farm stuff that Is combusti
ble. Lark of fuel for warmth at the same
tlmo means lack of cooked food to kep
up the bodily power. In spite of all make
shift expedients, entire femilles are re
ported to have perished In Isolated farm
In the little settlement the situation,
while bad, is not 'quite so appalling.
People can huddle together In the larger
houses and keep warm In themselves by
using other houses for fuel. But account
agree that acute distress Is widespread.
The situation Is aggravated by the fact
that there have been heavy snow, and at
some points In North Dakota It is reported
that there la now more snow on the ground
than at any time since lfe6. And this Is
the t'me of year when a raging blixxarj
is liable to come at any time.
The occurrence of such a fuel famine In
a country where supplies o coal are un
limited, and among a people with ahundmt
mean to pay for supplies, puts a heavy
responsibility upon th rallroe.da. The
whole rouse of the trouble is the break
down of transportation facilities, and It
comes at a tlme when the public mind Is
excited by disclosures of unlawful com
binations among railrouda to monopolise
coal production. K.xcusea are being put
farth for the railroad failure that may
diminish the amjurt of blame that It
placed upon them, but the fict of the
failure I the crushing fuct of the situa
tion, and it may hav very serious coit-
Miser "rear and Incident Pketehea
oa the Spot.
A question of lively Interest waa raised
' at the rapltol Monday when th lawmaker
discovered that the president's message on
the Panama canal abounded with speci
mens of reformed spelling. "It had been
understood," aaya the Washington Herald,
"that the president hsd accepted the situa
tion gracefully when the house bill In
structed the publlo printer to use only the
old established method of epdllng. The
explanation Is vouchsafed that President
Roosevelt had written hit Panama message
before the house passed the law against
! simplified spelling, and that he did not car
to put the government to the extra expense
that would have been Incurred had he
ordered a reprint of his paper In order
that Its orthography might comply with
the requirements of the house's dictum.
"Thru," "thoroly," "thruout," "lookt," etc.,
Is the way In which the president has
spelled these common words. A goodly num
ber of house members listened to the read
ing of the message, hut not over a half
dosen senators were In their seats at any
time while the document was being read In
their chamber. Everybody declared that
th picture with which the president ha
Illustrated tho messsge twenty-six of them
In ail were fin specimen ta of the photog
rapher's art, a his well known features
are brought out excellently In two of them.
Private John Allen blew Into the lobby
of the house of representatives and met
Speaker Cannon.
'How-do, Joe?" he (aid.
"How-dy, John?"
"You are not a young a you used to be,
Joe, but you are well preserved."
"Not a well preserved as you are, John,
but I'm not complaining."
"I should think not," said th private,
looking the speaker over; "even a man in
your affluent circumstance ha no right
to complain when he ha Just had his
salary raised tt.COO a year."
"John," replied the speaker. Impressively,
a he placed his hand on the private's
shoulder "John, the true Christian soldior
takes what Is coming to him without
murmur or regret."
The historic Long bridge will soon pas
Into memory. Workmen will begin tomor
row to tear down the old structure. Since
tho Pennsylvania railroad constructed the
steel brldgo across th Potomac and the
government built the Potomac highway
bridge there Is no longer any us for the
oId brldge and th ra),road now t .
erty t0 teRr lt down
,.ola., ,irlge dftte8 from the
administration of Thoma Jefferson. In th
Wnter of 1807-1SO8 congress passed an act
authorizing the construction. The "new
bridge." a it was then called, cost $100,000.
It was well built, a little over a mile In
length, with a broad carriage way and
passages for pedestrian on either side,
General Roes and the British Invaded the
capital during the War of 1812, burned tho
capltol, scared children and drank up all
the good Madeira they could find, but for
some reason, not explained by historians,
fulled to molest the Long bridge. v
An event of Importance to the old struct
ure waa a flood, but not of waiter. It was
a flood of human beings, wild with, con
sternation, that flowed over the old
bridge, when, on July 23, lftU, the panic
stricken union army hastened from the
field of Bull Run back to the capital. From
that day the bridge has, by reason of this
connection, formed part of a great histori
cal fact, and for year past strsngnr have
visited the Long bridge aa they would the
old home of the first president or the
Washington monument,
A prominent senator of th foreign af
fair committee of th senate was discuss
ing Cuban conditions with a Cuban state
man, who Is here representing tha liberal
party on th Island.
"What you fellow need In Cuba," said
the senator, "1 conservatism."
"My dear senator," said the Cuban, "our
politic! parties In Cub, are conservative.
In order to hold office they promise one
thing and after election do another."
"Yes," admitted the senator, "that's con
servatism." Though Ellhu Root, secretary of state. Is
a great lawyer and a successful diplomat,
the verbiage of the diplomatic papers that
bear hi name 1 not hla As a lawyer of
large practice he acquired the habit of
directness and tnclslveness, which Is Illy
suited to the waya and custom of diplo
macy. Realising this fully, it waa not
long after Mr. Root assumed the duties of
recretary of state that he discovered that
the safest course for him to pursue would
be to have one of his assistant clothe In
the formal and stilted language of diplo
macy every communication of impor
tance he had to make to a foreign power.
Accordingly he haa Assistant Becretary
Adee, who has been longer In the State de
partment than any other high official there,
compose these communication.
Senator Spooner and LaFollette of Wis
consin are not aa friendly toward each
other a they might be. They sat In ad
Joining eat for a good few minute to
day. "Look like the Hon and the lamb," Sen
ator Tillman aald In a loud whisper to
Senator Teller.
"Yes, but notice that the lamb ha both
hands In hi hip pockets," Senator Teller
said, and. sure enough, both of Senator
LaFullette's hands were thrust in his hip
Boon after the senate had goie Into ac
tion the other morning William A. Peffer
slipped Into the chamber and took a vacant
eat near that occupied by Senator Long of
KansaB. Tbls is believed to be the first
time ex-Senator Peffer ha been on the
tceno of his former oratorical efforts since
Kansas populism gave way to republican
ism. He had come to confer with Mr.
Long in reference to ume matter of spe
cial Interest to the Bunflower state. Mr.
Peffer, whose looks show no marked change
since the clays of yore, Is now an employe
of the senate, hla work contesting of pre
paring an Index of debates for ready refer
ence. While the child labor bill waa under dis
cussion In the senate Mi. Piles said he did
not approve of some provisions In the
measure, adding: "Under the bill aa It now
tanda I would not be permitted to em
ploy my own son In my law office If he
wer under 14 jear of age." "Would you,"
Sonitor Beverldge Interrupted qjfckly, "put
a son under 14 year of age at work In
our office If you desired to train him to
be a lawyer?" "I went Into my father'
office." said Senator Piles, with dignity,
"at the age of 13." "Did It help?" queried
the Indiana senator. "Yes. I am her."
Then tho sedate senate chuckled.
"Let us pray," said the chaplain of th
When h had finished the prayer a dem
ocratic member leaned over to his neigh
bor with:
"And now let u prey on the national
treaury, for we're going to corr dor an ap
propriation bill today."
A Wise Precaution,
Baltimore American.
It Is not too early in the season to sug
gest that fireproof suit for th amateur
Santa Claus of the family circle b put
uiwn th market with all ped. and that
every family oppofed to cremation will
have one or more rehearsal! with the
bucket brigade befor celebrating the
Oil HeaSer
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
And, best f all, it is clean, odorless, light, easily carried about,
and operated as easily as a lamp. Equipped wuu
smokeless device, wick cannot be turned too high
or too low. Will quickly heat a cold room or hall
way, and will keep it warm and cory. Two finishes
nickel and japan. Every heater warranted.
If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency
for descriptive circular.
i?av Lamp
v ' the
all-round lioustuolil use. Unexcelled
power; absolutely safe; an. ornament to any room.
Made of brass throughout and nickel-plated. Every
lump warranted.
If not at your
our nearest agency
Notwithstanding complaint of too much
prosperity, there are Individuals whom It
hs not greatly troubled yet.
They have a hew way of pronouncing
Bellamy Stnrer's name In Washington.
Since the recent sensational publication he
has come to be known as "Blame-Me"
What the Dikotus need Is not Christmas
boxe9 so much as Just ordinary box cars.
"The Income tax would make liars," says
Andrew Carnegie. In other words, "ask
me no questions.."
A reminder of the Spanish war Is tha
dynnmitlnK off Montauk Point of the first
prize steamer taken In that contest. The
Japanese would have raised It and con
verted It Into an ocean liner.
The cornerstone of the new public llbrory
which Morris K. Jessup of New York Is
building at West port. Conn., at a cost of
J5O.O0O, which he will present to the town
a a memorial to his parents, was laid on
Saturday last.
King Edward' chef, M. Mennger, he a
alary of $9,000 a year, besides free lodging
near the palace. He does nothing in con
nection with breakfast, but devote his
attention to preparing dinner, which I
served at 9 o'clock. Menu are furnished
by the official known as master of the
household, and after dinner M. Manager
present his bill, which I alway paid on
th spot-
E. H. Oarthwalte, tha well known mining
engineer, ha arrived In New York after
an absence of twelve year In South Africa.
Hi was sent by the late Cecil Rhode to
Rhodesia several years ago to examine and
report on the mining Industry of that
country- Mr. Oarthwalte Is enthusiastic
over the harnessing of the Vlctorln Falls,
which he believe will revolutionize the
mining Industry of South Africa. In re
ducing the working expenses 40 per cent.
Consider the Fla-sre nnd Se How
Well Off We Are.
Buffalo ICxpreea.
At thl time of the year when we are
getting ready to buy all our relative and
friend Just th nicest kind of Christmas
present It la well to stop a moment and
count up how rich w are and see whether
we can really afford to do all we have
planned to do. To learn Just how well off
we are at the present time, here are a few
figure from the annual report of the United
States comptroller of the treasury.
For Instance, he say there wa an in
crease In deposits In all reporting banks
from $4,915,124,42 In 18S to $7.i3S,36."rt In
1900, or over 49 per cent. During the f ur
years from 1900 to 1904 deposits Increased
over 3S per cent; for the year ended on June
30, 1906. the Increase was 13.6 per oent; the
Increase In the current year over 1906 was
$xi5,000,000, or about 7.6 per cent. The ratio
of Increase In Individual deposit from 1896
to 1906 wa nearly 147 per cent. The average
Individual deposit In the United State p?r
capita of population ha risen from $'5 In
im to $93 In 19110, $123 in 19o4. $1 In 1905 and
$144 in 190(5. The stock of money In the
United States on June 30, 1908, amounted to
$3.OK9.900,OU0. cf which $2.1ii2,OOO,0'jO waa In
coin (Including bullion In the treasury) and
$:tC7,00C,0(0 In United States notes and na
tional bank note. The coin, bullion and
paper currency In the treasury aa as ets
amounted to $325,400,000, the remainder, $3,-
Piano, up
I'lunoH, up
Piam s. up
Pianos, up
$460 to $750
Pianos, up
Planus, l!p
Pianos, up
Pi"- up
1'lHiu.s. up
piano, up
Pluno. up
eTrm-$10 rush,
cash If you like.
f 4
$10 Sends One Home
When you buy from Hospe'a you know' your money Is not wast. d.
and yi.u ai not deceive! by a commission taker. Vou could cnd
your own child down to choose the P.anu, because there I no d.
cepllon or chomes of any kind practiced her.
1513 Douglas Street.
Remember! you do not hav to Bay mort than $209 (or th l&Jt
(yiunl Pla PUno,
.. X I
the ther-
ni o met e r
drops away
down and you just
ran'i keep the house
warm with the other
stoves or furnace, it need
not worry you one bit if there' a
Perfection Oil Heater in the house.
Let the weather conditions be what
they will, there need not be one cold
room or hallway if you have a
perfectly con
structed, and is
best lamp lor
Unexcelled in light-gtving
dealer's, write to
744,500,000, being in circulation. The esti
mated population of the country' on that
date wo S4,6i2,000, giving an average circu
lation per capita of fS-'.42, against a per
capita of $31.08 for 19i5, and $21.10 In 18:.
It appear, therefore, that we have money
enough to pay for our Christmas presents,
so let's go Hhead nnd be merry!
"Boy," called out the driver of the eight
horso team, reining up with a flourish In
front of the oounfry roadhouse, "come out
and hold toy horses a iniiiuto, will you?''
"Hold 'em yourself," answered the Iwiy
on the porch. "1 ain't no octopus." Chi
cago Tribune.
"Wasn't he something of a grafter?"
"No," answered the cold, hHrd schemer.
"He never got ay with enough to be
worth mentioning, lie was a 'piker,' not a
'grafter.' "Washington Star.
"I suppose," said the rubber agent to th
cannibal Congo chief, "that Just at present
missionaries are a tender subject with your
majesty." .
"Not that last one." returned tho chief,
with a grunt. "He was so tough the
whole roval family had an attack ol ner
vou Indigestion." Baltimore American.
Rivers ("nn there be uch a thing as a
"crlng need?"
Brooke Why not! Everybody know
there Is such a th'ng as a "howling suo
cess."C'hlcago Tribune.
"I guess the new minister down at Zlon
church 1 likely to be a fixture there for
"Why, th members of the congregation
claim they can't make head nor tall out of
his sermons."
"Exactly. So, he Isn't likely to be ac
cused of heresy." Philadelphia Ledger.
Mrs. Jawback What time was It 'when
you came home last night? Answer me!
Mr. Jawbaen Well er how . late would
you stand for? Cleveland Leader.
"Can any of you mention the greatest
gastronomic feat on record?" asked the
teacher of the history class.
"Yes, air," fnld the young man with the
wicked eve. "It was when meum et
tuum." Chicago Tribune.
Patient Doctor, I can't pay that little
bill you sent me Just yet awhile Christ
mas presents, you know. By the way,
now I'm here, will you Jut look In my
mouth and see what ails that tooth on
the upper left side?
Dentist (looking) My ! but you've got a
nerve! Baltimore American.
"Any big guns around here?" asked th
stranger who was taking up subscriptions
for a high toned magnzlne.
"No. neighbor," replied the postmaster of
Bacon Ridge, "but we have plenty of old
"Old guns?"
"Yes, you will Arid them behind the stove
talking politics. They are out of data,
rustv. and always kicking." Philadelphia,
Baltimore American.
A crush and a rusii,
A dashing and mashing,
A cram and a Jam,
With everyone crashing,
A bolt and a. Jolt, ,
A marring and Jarring,
A mob and a Job,
A general barring.
A bluff and hot stuff.
A trying and buying,
A showing and going.
A gn.aning und sighing,
A crowd and talk loud,
A rustling and bustling,
A noise with toys.
A haate and a hustling.
A sift of ech gift,
A hurry nnd worry,
A moan and a groan,
A general scurry,
A fig for fatlfi-ue,
A stream without stopping.
Clerks mild driven wild
That's Christmas shopping.
to $750
a. i(t
V IVtf
$6 month, up to all