Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    fnm OMAIIA DAILY BEEt FttTDAY, DECEMTU1R 21, 190f.
Only Three More Days
i"1 I 1)
JUL 11 W
Several Hundred Fine
Suits for
Men aM Young Men
All Styles and Fabrics
Omaha Company Moves Cfitaei
Into lew Quarters.
Armour A Co. anil Swift anil Cojnpany
Also Busy with Extensive Iraprove
mrnli at Their Respective)
Oriental Rugs! Oriental Rugs!
Half Price! Half Price!
Friday, Saturday and Monday
Hamadan and Gang Hugs, size 2-6x3-11, Beautiful ioft colorings in
excellent designs, sell for $12.76, 7 7
special t f D
Bclom hlstan, Klilraa and Kazack Rugn, size 2-11x5-3, In exquisite color
ings and Intricate designs, sell for $28.75, " JJ"
special .....10 J
Princess Ilokhara Hug, 3-9x4-9, Bells for $58.00, special
Genuine Royal Wilton Ruga in true Oriental colorings and designs,
splendid assortment, 27x54 at, 93.75; 36x83, C 7 C
at O.i J
Utopia Axmlnntcr Rugs in ricb shadings to harmonise with 1 T C
all furnishings. 30x60 for $3.98; 24x48 for JL, i 3
BlsselVs Carpet Swwpers In all the leading brands, at $4.00, J 1 E
$3.00, $2.50 and iS.Zj
Bargain Friday Ad Outside Page
Admiring; Friends Present
with a Gold-Handled
There was somo discussion before the
opening- of the meeting of the Dahlman
Ijemoiracy Wednesday night as to the
meaning of a mystic design which appeared
on the wall of the hull back of the chair
man' dusk. Vpon a background of royal
purple appeared a picture of the mayor
draped in white and the mystlo letters,
"H. O." At least that wai what It looked
like. Mont of those present thought aome
decisive action was Impending regarding
the currying of the work Into South Omaha
and there was discussion along this line.
It turned out thut the supposed letters
were really no letters at all, but the fig
ures, "60." The mayor passed the half
century mark last Saturday and In honor
of the event the club presented him with
a gold-headed umbrella.
13. E. Howell made the presentation
speech, reviewing the course of the club
since its inception, refuting the statements
of those who had criticised the organisa
tion and predicting for it a bright future,
lie deplored the hostile attitude of the
Jacksonlan club.
The mayor, in his speech of acceptance,
predicted that the Dahlman Democracy
would come to be known as one of the
greatest organizations of its kind known
in any country, having not only a city
but a national scope.
The club will give a banquet some time
in the spring, probably on Jefferson's
birthday. In April. There was considerable
diversity of opinion as to whether a ban
quet, a tl dinner or i plcnlo should be
given. The matter was finally left In the
hands of the mayor, who will consult with
speaker of national reputation In an effort
to secure the presence of one of them.
Among those mentioned were W. J. Bryan,
"Tom" Johnson of Cleveland and Grover
Open evenings, Frenzer. lEth and Dodge.
111 Health Induces Frederick
Maerlcer to Cat His
Frederick Wllhelm Maerker, aged 77, com
mitted suicide some time last night by cut
ting Ms throat with a rasor. Ill health
Is supposed to have been the cause, as the
old man had been ill for a number of
years. He lived with tils step-son, F. H.
Krctzschmer, who conducts a bakery at
4020 Hamilton street The family lives In
the rear of the bakery. When Kretssch
mer arose shortly before 1 o'clock this
morning to light the fire in the bakery he
went Into the old man's room to see how
he was feeling, as was his custom, and
found him sitting In a chair dead with his
throat cut. The coroner took charge of
the body.
Movements of Ocean Vessels Dec. 19.
At New Tork Arrived: Koenlg Albert,
from Oenoa; Frledrtch der Groase, from
Bremen; Furnessla, from Glastcow. Sailed:
Ryndam. for Rotterdam: Baltic, for Liver
pool; Samlland, for Antwerp.
At Glasgow Arrived: Ontarlan, from
At Trieste Arrived: Sofia Hohenberg
from New York.
At Genoa Arrived: Florida, from New
ao Somewhere
Reduced rates from Omaha and Nebraska points for the
To many points in Indiana, Ohio, New York, Michigan,
Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Ontario and West
Virginia. n,
DATES OF SALE-Deccmber 20, 21, 22.
RETURN LIMIT-Thirty days.
OTHER EASTERN POINTS-Chicago, Peoria, St Louis
and intermediate points.
SOUTH Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Kansas City, St.
Louis, etc.
WEST Denver, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Nebraska
NORTHWEST Nebraska, Black Ilills, Wyoming, Mon
tana, Big Horn Basin..
DATES OF SALE December 20 to 25, inclusive; Decern
ber 29 to January 1, inclusive. Return limit, Jan
uary 7.
Florida, the southeast and to the Gulf country.
Jif-rVrv Excellent trains to Chicago, EL Louis,
l(l(t!:i Kansas City. Denver and the Northwest
Call early for rates, tickets, berths, Information,
CITY TICKET CFFICE.1502 Farnara Street,
Omaha, Neb.
With the transfer of the general offices
of the Omaha Packing company to their
new quarters tho plant Is now about es
tablished In the new location. The beef
killing has been going on for about two
months and the hog and sheep slaughter
began about three weeks ago. The only
operations now being conducted In the old
establishment are the sweet pickling and
i the refining. These will be transferred In
the near future and after that time the old
building will be used for cold storage pur-
i poses for cured meats. Some of the stor
age will be offered to other packing plants
I of the city If desired. The refrigerating
machinery la left to furnish the Ice neces
sary to supply the old plant.
The new offices are still In an unfinished
condition and It will require some time to
complete the work. The work of renova
tion in the main part of the plant is still
Incomplete and it will be three months
probably before the plant will be pro
nounced finished. Three entirely new build
ings have been erected besides the large
sheds which have been constructed. Many
of the final details have not yet been ar
ranged, but will be now that the office force
has moved down.
Armour & Co. has progressed far enough
with Its oleo department to allow the car
penters to enclose the roof. The walls
have been raised. The interior work will
continue rapidly after the roof Is on. The
plant has been running about to the full
capacity during the last month.
Bwlft and Company has the foundations
completed for the new beef house, but it
Is probable that the work will be slow
during the winter months because the walls
are to be of concrete and cannot be erected
during severe weather.
Brakeman ITaa a Close Call.
N. W. Lawson, living at 1409 South F.lev
enth street, Omaha, met with a severe ac
cident in the railroad yards last night.
The engines take on water at the foot of
N street, and during the recent cold
weather the hose which has been utilized
has not been so handled as to prevent the
accumulation of considerable Ice at this
point. As one of the Union Pacific engines
ran up to the place to take water, lawson,
who is a brakeman, was busy with the at
tachments In front of the moving train.
Just as it was opposite him he slipped on
the Ice and would have fallen under the
engine had he not thrown himself violently
backward with a lucky push against the
foot board. As It was, he fell to the
ground and fractured his right shoulder,
bruised his right leg seriously and hurt
his head. The injury to his shoulder was
most severe. He was taken to the South
Omaha hospital and his family in Omaha
notified. Dr. Davis attended him in the
first instance.
- Man's Actions Suspicions.
It is reported from several sources there
Is a man operating in South Omaha with
a gas meter tester. He visited several
houses yesterday, among them being that
of K. P. Roggen, deputy city clerk. Though
no complaints have been uttered by any
or the residents whose houses he has
visited. It is, nevertheless, true that the
South Omaha offices of the Omaha Gaa
company did not know that any person
had the right to Inspect their meters. They
did not know that anyone had been sent
down from Omaha. It was, therefore.
feared that the man might be an imposter
and was working the ruse of examining the
gas pressure for the purpose of gaining
entrance Into people's houses with ulterior
Intent. No complaints, however, were filed
with the police of any such misconduct.
Bla- Tax Payments.
The Schllts Brewing company yesterday
contributed its share to the support of
the South Omaha city government. Its
taxes amounted to $1,962. The South
Omaha Savings bank, the first of the bank
lng institutions to pay, also paid up In
the sum of JJOO. Large collections will be
looked for during the remaining days of
this year.
Natural Gaa In Prospect.
A former foreman of the company oper
ating the natural gaa wells at Chanute,
Kan., which supply a great proportion of
the gas used In Kansas City and St. Jo
seph by means of an extensive system of
ya mains. Is visiting friends In South
Omaha. He declared that plans had been
submitted to the board of directors for
the extension of the gaa mains to Omaha
and other Intervening Nebraska points,
He said that gas was furnished at St.
Joseph at 26 cents per 1,000 cubic feet
and at Kansas City at 30 cents. If the
extension should be made to Omaha the
estimated price here would be In the
neighborhood of 60 cents per 1.000 cubic
Basket Ball at T. M. C. A.
The South Orsaha Leaders played a
lively game of basket ball with a team
represent'ng Xioyles business college of
Omaha. The Leaders are one of the fastest
teams at the South Omaha Young Men's
Christian association gymnasium. They suc
ceeded In outplaying their opponents with
ease. The final score was 42 to 17. The
winning team excelled In team work and
was more than usually lucky in throwing
goals. Numerous penalties were adminis
tered on both teams.
Magic City Gossip.
Bridal Roee Silver. Godfrey's.
Miss Florence E. Whlttler and William
E. Chambers were married yesterday by
Kev. George Van Winkle. The young
couple left at onco for Los Angeles, Cal.
William E. Davis of the Omaha Uaa com
pany. Is seriously ill.
The Alpha dancing club will give a dance
at the Odd Fellows' hall, Friday night.
Success lodge. No. 3o, iloyal Achates, give
a dance at Odd Fellows hall thi evening.
South Omaha Country Club Spoons. God
frey's. An important meeting of St. Mary's
court. Catholic Order of Foresters, will be
held tonight.
l. C. Garratt, chief of the fire depart
ment, has gone to New York, ills father
is seriously 111.
Standard Loan Co.. C'OH N. St. Special
rates during holiday season.
Miss Zelma Hahn and her mother, Mrs.
C. Ilahn of Audubon, la., are the guests
of V. J. Freltag.
George Hassmusaen Is visiting In the city
with a number of his old friends. He Is
now a resident of Sioux City.
Buy your liquors of J. K lein and get a
forty-two-piece dinner net free.
Charles Price was given thirty days In
the county jull for habitual drunkenness.
Alvln Fecetto was fined 1 and costs.
Mary T. McDonald, aged 7, died at 1611
North Twenty-fourth street yesterday. The
body was sent to Avoca, la., for burial.
.letter's Gold Top Heer delivered to all
parts of the city. Telephone No. H.
The marriage of Mlsa I.orte Van Ness and
Harry McUwlera was celebrated at I p. in.
yesterday, at the home of the bride s par
ents. Dr. K. L. Wheeler performed the
ceremony. The young couple received many
gift. A reception was tendered to friends
at 7 p. to. and a large number were
DIAMONDS-Frenaer. litn and Dodge
plrlt ef Christmas Seen In Novel
and Beaatlfnl Decora
tions. Persons who are afflicted with the
tnmible so prevalent during the Yuletldo,
absolute paucity of Ideas as to the selec
tlnn of gifts, can heave a deep sigh of re
lief and feel that their troubles are o'er
by a casual inspection of the show win
dows of the Bennett company, Sixteenth
and Harney streets, who, with its accus
tomed forethought for the needs of its
many customers, has provided a variety of
articles for exhibition at prices which will
fit any purse, large or small.
The fact that the spirit of Christmas is ,
in the air Is forcibly brought to one's at
tention by the huge wreath of holly sus
pended over the ent entrance to the store,
m-hlch Is surmounted by a large red paper
bell so popular as a decoration in many
homes. Everywhere the Christmas idea is
rampant and each window is profusely
decorated with holly.
A novel feature never before displayed
in Omaha Is that In the south window on
the Sixteenth street side of the building
The attention pf the passerby is first at
tracted by the sight of a beautifully
gowned lay figure i tapping In what ap
pears to be .the vestibule of a palatial ca
thedral to hand a $1 bill to a poor raga
muffin with several copies of The Bee
under his arm for sale. The attitude of
the lay figures are most realistic,, the boy's
denoting that he is almost frosen from
cold, while charity and the Christmas
spirit of giving seem to beam from the
wax countenance of the woman.
Handerkerchlefs are the constituent ele
ments of the church structure, the walls
and vestibule of the entranoe being com
posed entirely of handkerchiefs of the
finest texture carefully arranged to give
the effect of the stone walls of a church.
The windows are of tapestry and when
augmented by the subdued glow of eloetric
lamps the whole presents a most reallstlo
and fairy-like picture which dallv and
nightly attracts the attention of thousands
of Christmas shoppers.
Pictures of pleasing variety and of more
than usual merit occupy the entire window
next to the church scene and the display
of furs and velvet gowns In tho next win
dow Is a constant delight to the eternal
feminine. An ever growing crowd of
wide-eyed, and even Wide-mouthed, chil
dren gather at the corner wlndpw Where
Santa Claus reigns supreme for the benefit
of the young persons for whom Christmas
was really Invented. Toys of a thousand
varieties are scattered In the window with
heart-breaking prodigality to many of the
penniless waifs who feast their eyes on
the things which they know can never be
theirs. The miniature automobile Is a
feature of the toys of the Christmas of
1806 and several which look as If they
would really run are tastefully displayed.
The china department of the store has
fine display of hand-painted china, as
well as tho more staple grade, such as
Havlland, Sevres, etc., and amid the
shower of colors of the decorated china
can be seen the scintillations of heavy
pieces of cut glass.
Balled Oat by Friends After Getting?
Limit for Ills Brutal
After being sentencea to ninety days In
the county Jail by Judge Crawford In po
lice court Wednesday morning Frank
Kagor, who runs a second-hand store at
2107 South Twenty-ninth street, speedily re.
gained his liberty about 11 a. m. Wednes
day through the efforts of sympathizing
friends, who signed an appeal bond to ap
peal the case to the superior court. Kagor
was convicted of having brutally beaten
his wife and kicking her prostrate body
with his heavy boots after he had knocked
her to the floor. In imposing the sentence
the ponce judge arraigned Kagor as tho
worst brute he had ever seen since he had
been on tae bench.
Man Behind Gun Stopped.
While In a hilarious state of Intoxication
Inst Tuesday night Arthur Birmingham, a
tiartencier wno resides at the Thurston
hotel, conceived the Idea of wiping the fam
ily of H. Wasmer. S13 South Nineteenth
street, off the face of the earth with the
assistance of a huge revolver of ancient
lineage. He was stopped before any dam
age had been done and was arrested
Wednesday afternoon on complaint of Mr.
Wasmer and fined $:'5 and costs In police
court inursuay morning.
Why Take
Business Home?
Are Your Nerves Constantly Strained
With Groundless Worries?
The cause of this tense condition is
In your stomach. Your food does not digest
properly. Nine-tenths of all dyspepsia and
Indigestion is of the nervous type and the
only certain cure is to right the cause.
ionics. Drain ioous, Diners, etc., are mero
temporary stimulants. Your stomach and
mall Intestines have become deranged by
Improper Selection of foods. Imperfect mas
tlcatlon and Irregularity both as to time
and amount of eating.
j Fill it
pliers 1
oliday Wines-'Liquors
Call and see our display of special Christmas Boxes, containing HUler's Brands of Wines and Whiskies.
Also Sideboard Decanters, Wine Setc, Imported German Steins, Traveling; Flasks, etc KKMEMBEB VOl'R
PHONE 1241
Open Evenings
1309 Farnam Street
Next Door to Schmoller & Mueller.
Se Our Windows
York Life Man Thus
nates Fight for Control.
Word has Just been received at the local
agency of the New York Life Insurance
company from Thomas A. Buckner, vice
president, confirming the Associated Press
dispatch regarding the election Tuesday and
In which he says: ''Administration ticket
overwhelmingly successful. Majority will
probably exceed 100,000." In speaking of tho
campaign which has Just closed Frank L.
Campbell of the local office haa this to say:
"I am not a politician and have no aspir
ations to meddle In politics, but If I had
ever entertained such an Idea Is certainly
would have been knocked out of me after
going through what we have have gone
through the past few months. I have seen
a number of political fights in the twenty
odd years I have lived in Nebraska and we
all know there have been some pretty hot
ones, but never have 1 seen anything any
where that would compare with what we
have gone through In. the past two,.years.
Men of the highest type of American citi
zenship have had their character and honor
assailed by a band of Wall street pirates
and their paid attorneys. Nothing has been
too terrlblo for them to charge our officers
with, no deed too cruel for them to commit,
but we have been vindicated and vindi
cated not only by an overwhelming vote of
confidence, but these votes were cast by the
best people, by men of affairs all over thla
and foreign lands.
'The men who are most prominent in
business .and professionally are the ones
who have endorsed the administration, In
the strongest terms. For Instance, If you
will permit me, I wish to say that as a
campaign document I solicited the endorse
ment to a letter from a few of our most
prominent and Influential business and pro
fessional men In this city, bankers, lawyers,
newspapermen, railroad officials, whole
salers, etc., and secure the signature of
every man whom I saw. And to this fact
not only here, but being carried out all over
the country, do I attribute the success of
the campaign. I
'Of course the agents had something to
do toward accomplishing these results. The
agent should be and I have no doubt Is
better posted on the past investigation
than almost any one else. He has studied
every word of evidence produced In the
Armstrong Inquisition, as he was more
vitally interested than any one else, and In
this connection it mlghtfbe well to state
that the agents of the New York Life stood
shoulder to shoulder and fought as a man,
not only giving tholr time, but money as
well. A great majority of the policyhold
ers, as has been demonstrated, believe the
New York Life Is honestly and efficiently
Milwaukee (Si St. Paul
and many points in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois,
Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi,
New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South
Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, in fact
most anywhere you want to go east or southeast.
Tickets on salts various dates, according to destina
tion, from December 20th to January 1st, inclusive.
Dberal return limits. ..
Further information on application.
Three Daily Trains
From Omaha, Union Station, at 7:55 A. IL
5:45 P. M. and 8:35 P. M.
City Ticket Office, 1524 Farnam St
F. A. Nash, General Western Agent.
Rrtlrtent of Teetoteller State Creates
Riot In Making I'p Lost
After suffering from the effects of a pro
tracted drouth in the prohibition state
made famous by the production of Carrie
Nation, John Palmer came to Omaha from
Topeka Wednesday afternoon and pro
ceeded to take aboard large quantities of
the beverages that were denied him in hU
home state. In attempting to make up for
lost time and painting the town a brilliant
crimson hue Palmer roused the ire of Anna
Frank and Florence Willie In a house at
93Hs Capitol avenue and a free-for-all tight
ensued. Palmer broke the glass In the
front door and also stole a picture of the
Frank woman from the wall. Florence i
Willie then "butted In" by snatching Pal- I
mer's hat and putting It In a convenient
stove, where It was consumed. The sociable
was broken up by Detectives Mitchell and
Bulllvan, who arrested the trio about 3:16
Thursday morning. Their cases were set
for trial on Friday.
All goods sold at liubertnann's Jewelry
Store Guaranteed a to Price and Quality.
BJca Cut Glim Cptty. jeweler Hi B. U.
The mucous coating of the stomach and
intestines has lost Its power of secreting
the gastric Juice an Important factor in
digestion) tho muscles of the middle coat
ing are correspondingly lifeless In grinding
up the food, and as a result, the food Ilea
In your stomach fermenting, poisoning the
blood. Irritating the nervea and breaking
down the system.
Something must be done to arouse tho
digestive organs to action. Stuart's Vyu
ppsla, Tablets alone have been found capa
ble of digesting the food for the unhealthy
stomach. They contain diastase, pepsin
and other digestive agents which the stom
ach Itself posses when In health. Them
agents digest the food for the stomach
and give the stomach a chance to rest
and regain 1U normal powers.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are cot a
patent medicine, the formula for their
preparation having been made public and
known to 40.000 physician In the United
States and great Britain. By government
teats. Stuart's Dyspepala Tablets have been
shown Dot only to contain no harmful
Ingredients, but to poases digestives of
higher purity than found In any other pre
paration. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are recom
mended by phyrlclana everywhere and can
be bought of any drug-gust or direct from
the manufacturers at SO cents per box.
If preferred, a free trial package will be
sent you Immediately upon L'ecetpt of name
and address. F. A. Stuart Co, n Stuart
IUg, UaxkhaU, Micb,
The Board of Lducutlon met Thursday
noon and passed the teachers' payroll, thut
the teachers may receive their r"y Friday
und go on their holiday vacatl-ji: without
any delay. The payroll for judt'es and
clerks of the recent election was ulso ap
proved. Judgment by consent has been entered
In district court against the Chicago Ureal
Western In favor or batnuel Mancuso, ad
ministrator of the estate of Uulseppe Fo
lino. Folino was klll-d by the cars in Fort
Dodge, la., while crossing the trucks. The
road consented to pay -SU and the cae
was sc-tiled on that basis.
A verdict for the defense was returned
in Judge Esielle's court In the casa of
John llennlng against Martin Dahlquist
for injuries received by llennlng In a fall
from a scaffold while working on Dahl
quist's house. He asserted Duhlquist put
up the scaffolding, but Duhlqulst declares
llennlng constructed It. He sued for fj.uuo.
Deputy County Attorney Foster filed a
complaint In police court 'lhursday morning
charging Joe Meets, Fourth and Woolworth
streets, with forging the name of Bum
Krleties to a check for 110 on the City Hav
ings bank on November 4. Merts refused
to waive the preliminary examination und
the case was set for hearing on December
81, a the cashier of the bank Is out of
the city.
Leroy Martin, a young negro from South
Omaha, ple.idtd guilty to asxault aud but
tery before Judge Button Thursday morn
ing and was seuiemea to n:nriy ottya in
the county Jail. He aataulted Oscar Brown,
another colored man, striking him with a
brick during a quarrel. Brown's Jaw was
fractured and Martin was originally
charged with assault with Intent to do
great bodily Injury.
Alleging her $mu pluno was misused while
11 was oeina irmijti i rrcu irv.u ill, iukk
Island depot to her tome at S41 North
Twenty-fourth street, r'earl Purdy has
brought suit In county coartf or J..6 daiu
agta. (me of her allegation la negllgem
in "carelessly knocking, tipping and tnrow.
' lng" the umo from the cepot platform to
! the mlroe-4 Uwk Th'.s treatment, site
1 aays, was very bard en the "tuscT works '
j of the kuatrv
If I
We Promise Nothing but What We
Can Fulfill. We are Kklllful Worker
and Honorable Helpers. Our Practice
is Founded on Twenty-four Yearn of
Actual Kxpeiience In Special Work
Not a Dollar Need Be Paid UNT,L.u..D
If you are conservative In business you will trade with reliable firms. If
you are suffering with any disease peculiar to men you will consult us.. We
have the most thorough and the best equipped offices for treating diseaae of
men that money and Ingenuity can produce. We are not a cure-all. We treat
those cases that we accept with the most modern methods. We give you good,
honest, sincere work. We Invite you try our methods at our expense. We
certainly have a professional bargain to offer to every sufferer, as our terra
and fees are so reasonable that no honest person need suffer. If you are sick,
you have nothing to lose by consulting us.
If you are unable to call, write to us for our special self-diagnosis blank
and get our honest opinion. a
N. W. Cor. 13th and Farnara HU., Omaha, Neb.
If you need special medical attention
you should exercise Judgment to the
extent you value your future happiness
and success in life. Don't make a mis
take at the beginning.
the announcements in The Bee
Mondays, Tliurstlays and Sun
days of the
L... .AV.U - ll j
Call and Be Examined Free.
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Permanently Established la Cm alia, Nebraska.