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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1906)
TTTn OMATLV DAILY Ttt: FRIDAY, DKCEMBEIt 21," 1900. 12 THIS STORE OPEN EVENINGS 1 Open r 's. r nv u run II r Cpcn Brandcis' Low Prices Give Double Buying Power to Your Christmas Money RJsrht now. more than any time in all the year, you want f . 1 . . T. t .f A D it zf your money to do tne oest service. ir nere mat crauacis j tnen and women of Omaha. Our tremendous stocks of ! I Christmas goods, bought direct from factories in Immense quantities, are priced far below the usual figure. il No store in America can offer better oar- 2 5? gains than we are offering right now. Dollar for dollar, your Christmas money buvs more gifts and bet ter gifts at Brandcis1 than any where else in the wist. Store Open Evenings I ?1"' Ill upeu I Eveninas I o ' "SB i , 0IAILVS riHE rOOD CENTER. Christmas Delicacies Tvvo Extra Specials for Friday m Gents' Sterling Silver Hat Brushes and 50 Clothes Crushes, Worth $5, at 5 : 5 1 3 J i 3 it 2 50 Pairs of Heavy Sterling Silver MlUTAlu ) RRIISnFS- Worth $fi. Onlv 1 Pair to Customer. Pair Look for Them on Bargain Square, New Store Ilcrc Arc Some Pretty and Acceptable Gilts At Genuine Bargains 15c 81 Xut Picks and Cracker at Boys' and men's Jack Knives, 2, 8 and 4 blade, g-ond steel .. 19c Rbony bark Hand Mir rors, silver mounted or plain, square, round or oval . . . , . 19c Imported 811k Handker chiefs and Glove Perfume Cwl 25c New sample Una ladles' Mounted Combi, worth tip to (1, each. of ISc Iris and L.a Mare Op era Glasses, written guarantee with each, at.. S1-S5 Imported Pin with medal lion cantors, at Tray", 50c Ink Wells, Calendars, Paper Holders, Neck tie Boxes, Handker chief Boxes, worth up to 11.60, ai ... 50c Sterling Silver Manicure Pieces, special. 25c Our line of delectable products form a prominent feature of the new stocks which we are receiving; dally, and because of their purity and flavor should have a place In your table sup piles. BAKERY DEPARTMENT. If there Is one department In this busy establishment that we are more M proud of than any other, It Is our tj bakery department. Here you rind tne PJ tastiest, daintiest and prettiest assort- city. Mince Pies, each J5c 1..1J r I 1 1 tM. V, ICn Three-layer Cakes, all flavors, each.KOu j3 '. Patty Shells, per dozen 40c J uiazea squares, per aozen jw u Cream Puffs, with whlPDed cream, 53 per 81 M J ! 1 7 - C. i . .1 ... iinann r,An ; ' ft Peanut Cookies, p-r dosen lc it : t".i Nnpolian Bars, per pound 4"c ffi Almond Macarooois, per pound c imperial macaroons, per w.uu w. a Kises, per pound v ft C'ocoanut Sticks, very fine, per lb... 40c K ( Butter Wafers, per pound 40c S? U FRUIT DEPARTMENT. . Y In our fruit department you will find fl M for your Christmas dinner everything j'i A (Town In this country and many l f' others. We have: R N Hot Houro Urapes from Fngland. f t Maiaira orapee rrom epain. iwites from Tunis. P! FIks from Arabia. tj Paradise Nuts from South America, g Chestnuts from Italy. C5 IMnlons from Mexico. StulTed Pi-unes from Germany. U Then from all parts of our ' own M country we have everything, lnoluding t Kumquots and Orape Fruit. U OrmiKes, Tangerines. M Persimmons. K Caullllowi r and Cucumbers. t Pareley and Mint. Water Cress. Head Lettuce and Green Onions. ft Pomegranates. , BtulTed Dates. Pulled Fins. ft Jumbo Cranberries. 1; 1 i HANDKERCHIEF SPECIAIS Men's stlk em broidered Initial Japanese Hand kerchiefs, also la dles' and men's plain white and fancy colored bor ders, 3c Ladles' all lin en Handkerchiefs lace trimmed or beautifully em broidered, on bar gain square, I) TELEPHONE DOTTGLA3 647. Three Separate Entrances. Douglas btreet, Seventeenth Street, West Arcade to Boston Store. 10c and 5c GlOVe -:lve one these In place . o( the g-lores. Then she oan DCnflS be properly fitted. and 15c LADIES' SHORT KID GLOVES 39c In black, white and colors, tin kid, mocha or the roansvieh street glove?, at ..... Men's and Ladies Fancy Silk Muf Hers, in all colors, worth $1, at w v hoods : Holiday We are showing some presents for everybody. ery useful A hl&r line nf Sweaters, which we will close out this ( ween tor boys at $L00 and L-I-our own make. Jackets for men, the very best that can ne mnae, j.ou, stvi) and H-00. A big line for ladies, in Handker chiefs. Fancy 'Joods, Work Boxes, 1 Shawls. All kinds of Neckwear, Sus penders and Jewelry at prices that ' will surprise you. 25c Oriental Pillow Top and Back ready made, with tae el, aisle 0, new ICn tore I Uw $2 Battenbiirg Doil ies, round or square cornere new etore, 1 AP aieleO I-4" Beads 3 i , OMAHA 3 ! s I Bargains in Toys The biggest, most up-to-date Toy Department In the west Our toys are selected and Imported direct by us at a great saving of expense. You should share the benefits. The only complete lines of Teddy Bears In Omaha $1.98 $10 Toy Phonographs will play any cylinder rec ord 91.25 DOLLS of all kinds at big reductions. EXTRA SPECIAL SALE Boys' $5, $6 and $7.50 Overcoats and Suits at $3.45 Bight In the nick of time comes this splen did bargain offer. Wl t bettor present ceroid there be for your boy than a koch! suit or over coat. Something UuU bo wiU get some good from every day. We have takeu odds aod ende from our regular lines of Buster Brown, eallon and double breasted suits with straight or knickerbotker pants also little Russian orsreoats; box. reefer orjfull length coats M3 reglarly werth 5, $6 ) and $7.60 Extraordinary Offer Boys Overcoats and Reefers Ages 8 to 12 years and worth td.00 and 14.00 each, at wbich are all the rafre. We have the ( larfrtst lino In the went to select from in Pcads, also a full line of Bead 1 Chains. CKASPS at Be, 10c, 15c. 20c, 25c. A ' full line: also ull kinds of jewels for fancy work. 1 Agency lor Pictorial Review Pat terns. Jos. F. Bilz, 1322 S. 16th St.. Omaha, f S6e WaJet Addirtf! Machino Is the latest, most modern, up-to-date Adding and Listing Machine on tba market. It must be seen to be appreciated. Correspondence Solicited. Trial Examination Free. A. L. McCreary Nebraska Agent, P. O. I'.OX 301, LLNCXL-1. Food tor rh"S Ner 38 PR f- r;o tiATrm rMT YCU WATJT It Will Suva you tlmaand xnonoy it you will us .... TOE DEE WANT ADS nfl nervous men who find their power t VftJi work and youthful vtfor UO tfona mm m result of Avar. work or mental exertion should take GRAY'S NERVE FOOD PlIXB They will BiMke ynu eat end sleep end be a man asala SI Boat a boxes t3JM by Mall. Sherman ft McCoruiel! Drug Co lliih and IJoone 8t . Omaha. Neb. Wait a ServaLit A Beo Want Ac rfl get y one quickly at small eost i VWjS Dellclons of Orange Is obtained Lvux the fine fruit. OMAHA W1CATHKH rOHKCAt Frldar, Fair. ONLY THREE DAYS MORE psi EW1!1 Raging Snaps lor Bar gain Friday Women's Dainty Neckwear Stock Jabot Effect, lace trim med, worth 25c each, at lSVaO Maline Ruffs, ribbon ends, whito, pink and light blue, worth $1.25, at 49 Holly Red and Green Ribbon, , y2 and inch wide, 10 yards to piece, worth 35c a piece, at 15 Fancy Work Boxes, worth $1.50 each, at "...49 A China Special for Domain Friday 250 Haviland Plates, 7M-inch coupe shape, limit of box to a customer, Bargain Friday, each 25 Pictures Honvrsro rzozAx - 10 a. m. 9 S p. n. 1,600 cute lit tle pictures in oval metal frames, a 2 Be value ordinar ily, only 10c on Paintings IS Bale Price OU ralntlara, Astl heads and figures In hand some sold frames, ebony boxes, $12 DOLLS DOLL SUNDRIES (rWjt Doll Fur Sets Muff and Boa, eale price 10 Stationery tor dolly, per box...., 109 Poll Kimonos .....15 Doll Kimonos 15 Doll Nursing Bottles 5 Doll Sundries Doll Bath Robes, Comb Sets, Side Combs, Fans, Parasols, etc Buy a Doll get it now another day will break the assortment Games! Games! 15c Tiddeldy Winks 10 Backgumon Boards 10 Sectional Animals, United States cut up in separate states, Sewing Outfits. Mounted Soldiers, 58c kind for 39 Lotto a big bargain 10 Bagatelle Games, Cue Alleys, Fish Pond, Pretty Village. ABC Blocks, from 85c down to 50 Musical Toys Pianos, Trombones, Coronets, Flutes, Horns, Tube phones, Accordions, Violins. Celluloid Goods Musical Albums, Photo Albums, Glove and 'Kerchief Boxes, Work Boxes, Jewel If) Doll Dresses, China Closets, U Boxes, Manicure Sets. La salsMilsr. Chiffonieres. See them! Bargain Friday in LINENS Battenliert I. ace Corers, 45 In. round, worth a, at S3-00 Battenbnrg- I. ace OoTers, 64 In. round, worth J10 at S8.00 Battenbers; Lace Covers, 72 in. rrmnil, worth 15 at S8.00 Battenberg Lace Dollies, 9 In., round and square, worth 18o, each at X8Ho Battenberg- Laoe Centers, 20 In., round and square, worth ?6c, each, at..60o Battenberg; Lace Scarfs, 18x64, worth 12.26 each, at $l.7a Tenerlffe Laos Dollies, worth lOo each, at . . Bo TenerlSs Laoe DoUloS, worth 85o tach. at fl5 Tenerlffe Laoe SolUes worth tl.00 each, at ., Bargain Friday in Drsss Gosds, Silks, Wash Goods and Domestics ThousandH of renmants of Dres Goods Milks, of wash Goods and of Domestics at ONE- HALF OFF MAKKED PK1CE8. FOR INSTANCE: $1.60 Dress Ooods at TSo 11.26 Dress Ooods, at 69io 11.00 Dress Ooods, at 60o 76c Dress Oopds, at ...37Ho 60o Dress Goods, at..., S6o 16o Bllkollne, at TVio lOo Percale, at 6c 10c Outing Flannel, at Bo 6c Prints, at .......SHo so Qlng-hams at 4a This great sale consists of the newest and best goods only. Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! Women's Telt or Leather ole Telt Slippers, 65c to 76o values, all fclzes, 4 to . at o Women's felt fur trimmed, leather sole Juliets, dainty red, brown and thick lud; hand turned Boudoir Bllppers with Pompon, and extra heavy woven fpot-warnier BllrPerB. pair 98o Women's extra quality Felt Juliets in maroon, brown and black, soft, easy and warm, pair 11.33 Men's relt Sole, Telt Slippers, pr.7Bo Men's Felt, leather sole, Nulllferw, at S1.60 Warm lined Overshoes for men, women and children. rrom T to 10 P. M. 600 pairs Hen's $3.5" and $4.00 Viol Kid Box -alf and i ntent Colt Shoes, at 82.9 Fur Sale Bargain Circle First Floor 1,000 Fur Scarfs at Half Price. $1.00 36 in. Coney Fur Scarfs for 49 $1.98 45 in. Sable Coney Scarfs for 98 $3.50 45 in. Sable Coney Scarfs for $ 1.98 $4.00 27 in. Nut Squirrel Scarfs at $2.48 Bargain Friday. Dtrgain Friday in Hardware Barney fc Berry's Skates, known to every boy and girl, up from.... 480 And 60 Green Trading- Stamps. Llk Seamless Enameled Saultary and Belf-BasUng- Boaster saves 20 per cent of your roaet wbioh g-oes np in steam la otaers roasters special S2.2&, $1.76 and ?l.e5 And 60 Green Trading Stamps -with each. The Bamona Seamless Savory Boaster S8o And 30 Oroen Trading 6tamj.s. Gillette's Safety Baaor, needs no hone lng pr stropping, fg.uO and.,.. $6.00 Fine assortment Basors, from $3.09 down to , ...88o Mail Boaeo, $1.26 and eOo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. SBOBTXBO CtOODS. Basket Balls, root Balls, runobtag Bags and Boxing' Qiovee for tae Boys. All Siloes, ctaool Peaaaats and Class reanaats nice pres ents. $1.00 60c and S6o . Air Rifles for the boys. $1.24, c and ..........too See the Many Bargains In Holiday Goods Don't Miss . Bargain Friday THB RELIABLE BTfRB VISIT OUR Christmas Bazar Friday Toys, Dolls, Books, Leather Goods, "Wagons, Sleds, Skates, China Ware, Jewelry, Fancy Goods, (ionics, Blocks, Pictures, Furs, Musical instruments nil in on great room. Twenty-six immense booths piled high with all kinds of gift suggestions. All at lowest prices found anywhere. The largest toy depart ment in Omaha. $2.50 Toilet Sets at $1.25 As a special for Friday we will offer 500 Toilet Sets, consisting of comb, brush and mirror, that sold regularly at $2.50 4 C the best bargains shown at. choice les&eV Fancy Drawn Work, Including squares, center pieces and scarfs. A new line Just received. Special Friday bar gains, at 11.00, 75c and 59 A great line of Children's Printed Handkerchiefs on sale, each..lHg) Children's plain and fancy Handker chiefs, special at 24 Big sample line of Toilet Articles at half price. Er Furnishing Goods Houf Specials From 10:30 Till 11:30 A. M. Men'a fine Silk Ties in all shapes, newest patterns and colors, worth up to 50o, unmatched bargains at, choloe. . .104 From 11:80 A. M. Till 12:80 P. M. Boys and Misses Sweaters, high grade all wool garments in strictly up-to date styles, nearly all of them sam pies, worth up to $3.00 for one hour choion ......69o L1M Bennett's Big Grocery FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS. Call Friday if Possible to Avoid Delay in Delivery. Double Green Trading Stamps on Kv.-ry thing In Groceries, Hugar, Teas, Coffees, Hatter and Cheese, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Big supply California Naval -l tr Oranges, dot 1UL And Ten Green Trading Stamps. BENNETT'S CANDIES Double Green Trading Htanps on everything in Candies, Novelties, Etc. Salted Peanuts, lb........ ,10c Mixed Candy, lb So Chocolate Creams, lb......,lSo Chocolate Chips, lb SOe Packages Oiled with car.dy. 6o Packages filled with candy. lOo Candy Chain, yard $H Big Una Cspdy Novelties. Bargains that will prove intense interest to the economical buyer. Don't miss one of these special sales Friday. From 8:80 Till 0:30 A. M. We will sell Ladles' and Misses Golf Gloves and Mittens, made of fine Saxony, in all colors and worth up to 60c pair all at one price choice, pair... ,15c From 0:30 Till 10:30 A. M. Men's Silk Suspenders, with calf skin fast eners, put up one pair in fancy box for gifts, worth up to 60c pair limit of two pair to a customer at, pair ...15c Furs Make Beautiful Gifts And the immense variety and low prices here make selection very easy. Those who are waiting till after the holidays to buy should do so now before the stock is picked over and assortments broken, for, on account of warm season and immense stock, we have arranged for gigantio sales by sweeping price reductions. Coney Muffs $1.50 and $1.98 Squirrel Muffs $3.98 to $7.50 Fox Muffs... $3.98 to $10.00 Fox Scarfs .....$2.98 to $30.00 Mink Scarfs $7.50 to $55.00 Coney Scarfs .....50c to $2.98 Rat Scarfs $1.08 to $2.95 Coney Coat., at $25.00 Beaver Coats, at...... $59.00 Erimmer Coats, at, $35.00 Sealskin Coats, at... .$150.00 to $350.00 A Astrakhan Coats, at. .. .$20.00 to $50.00 Women's Satin Lined Coats, in variety, special, at $8.95 CHILDREN'S COATS AT HALF PRICE Crushed Velvets, . plain and curly Bearskins, Broadcloths and fancy mixed materlas, all sizes' and styles about 600 In all during the next few days at Just half regular prices. China Department Specials You'll find in our new and enlarged China Department a magnificent display of finest China and Glass "Ware. Not only will you appreciate the display, but the exceptional low prices. For Friday we offer: ' Decorated Japanese Sugar and Creamers, regular $1.00 values, in this sale mm l?l ll"l -W,b-i at ,40o i Bohemian Satin Finish Glass Vases, special at IBo Decorated Schlegemelch (Germany) Salad Dishes a largo importation Just received, regular (2.60 values, Friday, each 91.25 Real Japanese Tokio After Dinner Cups and Saucers and Bread Plates, special, each 15o The tnoBt handsome line we have ever shown. All New Copyright Fiction, regular S 1.60 values, full line m f f 2.uur?: I. Uo AU Reprint Copyright S 1.50 values, full line of titles, at I ml Friday Shoe Sale Most beautiful assortment of Xmas Slippers ever shown in this city. Ladies' Felt Fur Trimmed Juliets, black, blue, brown, green, grey, cream or rod, per pair, $2.00 down to $1.00 Men's Faust Hand Sewed, Kid Lined, chocolate or black $3.00 Slippers, at $2.25 Men's Black or Tan Komeos, at $1.50 and $1.25 Men's Black or Brown Everetts or Opera Slippers, $1.50 down 59 49 to All Felt Slippers, men's and ladies', at. t5c Grocery Department ORANGES AND NUTS FOR XMAS. Omaha's Headquarters for the Ieshet Goods, Highest Quality and Lowest Prices. Tiie best fancy Mixed Nuts, nothing finer, per pound Oranges Fancy Highland Navel OraDges. regular price 20c Plt dozen, A r this sale ...JC Rogular 25c per dozen, this 00f Regular 80c per dozen, 11 lu sale eC7C The Highland Navels excell all others the richest flavored, sweetest and Juiciest orange that grows. GROCERIES FOR XMAS. 21 pounds best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for. 1 pound package best Condensed Mince meat.... iiromangelon, Jellycon or Jell-O, per package. . . . Fancy stuffed or plain Olives, per Dome 1- pound package imported Macaroni 2- pound ran best Sweet Sugar Corn 2-pound can fancy Early June Peas , 2-pound can Lima or String Beans Ripe Olives, per can i . Peanut Butter, pet Jar Table Sauce, per bottle '. Fruit Jams, per pound Imported Sardines, per can Snyder's Catsup, per bottle See our full line of the, finest Dried Fruit in the city. CHEESE AND BUTTER FOR XMAS. Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, per pound Faucy Full Cream Cheese, per pound . . . . - . r iirLii. . L. ....... . .. rancy run L ream iNew iors. mm wuecw, jjji ijuuu. ........ . Fancy Full Cream Domestic Swiss Cheese, per pound Dates Fancy Hallowe'en Dates for Xmas, per pound .1.00 .. ..Ho ....7H I Oe ... .Htto 5c ...,He ....7Ho UOo Oo ....fUc ..;.h Oo 230 I a i i a i , ...8o . . . .150 .17He . . . .200 74- 7 i rj r V' X 1