Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1906, Image 1
Omaha Daily Bee The OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, lWG-TWELTE PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. VOL. XXXVI-XO. 160. PROIITY fi FV I W LIBERALS H0L5THE 0FF1CES CiAL BEGINS TO ARRIVE free pcstagejor the blind lllUUll VJJ ilLtll LA Bttt 9f K0mnttttmml Blll u ,ot Senator Bnrkett I.tradnre. BIH in Ccmmsrct Commisiiouor f ? Bailroad Art Matt Bo Tited in Court. SAYS RATES ARE CI N EH ALLY TOO HIGH Predicts Xsauction of Fknctr Ms Ireiffbt Chare, HEARING BEGINS IN KANSAS CITY liquify Into Car Fhortams at Terminal at Month of Kaw. CATTLE MEN MAKE MVNY COMPLAINTS Cnra Am Svi Farniaued Promptly aad IMpmtnta Are Too Loss Km roit ta Xuktl-Hnrlif' la Chtoaa-a. KANSAS CTTT, Dec The Interstate CommwM wmmlnkin car shortage hear In, begun In St Louis, wu taken uk her. this morning by Commlsstoii-r C. A. Prouty. aided by P. J. Far-al, attorney for the commission. It la expected that the hearing will con tinue until Friday svenlng, when Commn aloner Prouty and Attorney Farrell will depart for Washington, D. C. "I Bald when the hilt was passed," Mr. Prouty said, "that the first effect 'would be to stop the rebates.- I believe they have been stopped." Mr. Prouty. recurring to the reaction of passenger rates, said there had been some reductions In freight rates, too, as well as a few advances. "While this amounts to a reduction In the published tariff," he said. "It amounts also to largely Increased reve nues for the railroads. It must be clear that if they cut oft all free transportation the railroads can afford to reduce passen ger and freight rates." Mr. Prouty continued: "The papers did not say too much when they said the pass Ing of the rate taw marked the greatest triumph of American progress, the triumph of the Roosevelt administration." He said that whatever might be the fate of the law finally, the people hereafter would con trol the- business of rate making, all ship pers would pay the same rites, the "square dual" would apply, business would be on a cash basis, men would pay for riding and the railrrtrtde would pay for services In tii'-tr interest Commissioner Prouty said today in. an Interview in speaking of the so-called rate law: "I hava no doubt that eventually all states earn of the Mississippi and north of the Ohio will be on a 2-cent basis, and by eventually I mean, of course, within a rea sonable time for such legislation to be nacted If legislation shall be required which I doubt. All these changes are and will be due to the agitation for the pas sage of the rate law. No mar. can tell what the final effoct of the rat law may be ntil It has keen worked out In the courts." . .JUT "Were Ta Bisk. Mr. Prouty continued; "The most Important effect of the law has been the reducing of passenger raxes east of nttsburg and north of the Ohio river and in other communities. These re ductions have bi?en widespread, not In the west. I admit, but east of Plltaburg and nurth of the Ohio, people are riding for 2 cents a mile. The commission has made no orders and expressed no opinions to ac- count for this change. The carriers have tactlly admitted that their ratea were too hirh." Mr. Prouty said it was too early now to estimate the real value of the rate law. Up to thin time the railroads, he said, had generally evinced a disposition not only to obey the law, but to accept any construc tion the commission put upon it. The commission has had no occasion, he said, to Issue any restraining orders, nor order that would cose the rallroadj much to obey. Till It does, so Mr. Prouty said. It would be It. possible to say what they will do. "The Stand i rd OM company," Mr. Prouty said, "maintains a presa bureau, buys space tn newspapers of a certain class, publishes wliat It wants to. and tha reading Followed by Appeal ta Country. LONDON. Pee. y.-There will he no dis solution of Pi -liment as the result of the action of the House of Lords in defeating the government's education bill. Al though the rejection of this, the main lib eral mens' r 'if the session. Is the mo' serious rebuff Sir Henry Campbell-p net-man's cabinet has yet suffered, not regarded as belr.g sufficiently ' 'v",v necessitate an nppral to the x. Whether at the present mom' 'V' ernmer.t could successfully . ne nation on the educational bill. ues tlon on which even many liberi. ire In great doubt. The only Immediate effect of the stn taken by the upper house, there fore, will be to give an enormous Impetus to the radical agitation In favor of curbing the veto power of the peers and to furnish I the nonconformists with a new gun an ammunition In their fight for the disestab lishment of the Church of England. There la today a widespread Impression that a purely secular educational bill will he Introduced luring the next session of Parliament, while no doubt the cabinet during recess will consider what means are possible to prevent the Lords from nul lifying prolonged labors of the Commons and to debar their veto of measures passed twice by the lower house. It la the general "lew of the por Melons that the peers, by lnt night's action, have entered upon a constitutional trti"sle. em bracing much more than rh.t educational bill. The lilierals promise that there shall he no cessation of the fight until the con stitutional issue Is settled whether the liberal party la to be forever checkmated hy the "standing committee of the tory peers." King Edward this morning received the premier at Buckingham palace. It ts un derstood that his majesty wished to be fully informed regarding the cabinet's views on the political situation as affucted by the education question. Birrell Hay Sneered Bryet. In well Informed parliamentary circles Augustln Blrrell. president of the Board of Education. Is now rrirarded s first fa vorite as candidate fur th" position of sec retary for Irel.i..d. which seat will become vacant whon James Bryce will be trans ferred to the British embassy at Washing ton. In this event Dr N. C. MacNamara probably will be th" new minlHter of edu cation. It appears that the contemplated appointment of Winston Spencer Churchill to the Irish secretaryship is receiving but a lukewarm reception from the nationalists, who d' "ire a man with a longer aarlia mentary record. Furthermc ro, there is ome doubt about the safety of Mr. Churchill's seat In the house from Man chester, where he has a formidable op ponent In A. J. Balfour. It Is believed that the nationalists would warmly wel come Mr. Blrrell. It was noticed during yesterday's debate In the House of Com mons that the references of John Redmond, the Irish leader, to Hi'. Blrrell were par ticularly effusive. The Morning Post, which advocated the appointment of a Canaulan as British am bnssador at Washington, today, editorially, congratulated the government upon the se lection of Mr. Bryce and says it thinks this choice will be regarded on both sides of tU. Atlantic aa a proof of friendly tee ling. Tlte paper considers also that Mr. Bryce fully appreciates the potations of Canada aiul Newfoundland. North Dakota Tool Taniue Will Ee Broken if Waatbar Continues Good. BUZZED WOULD TIE UP TRAFFIC the Senate for Psrpoa. That (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Dec. 30. (Special Teie gra.n.) Benstnr Furkett today Introduced a hill providing for carrying free of postage in the mails reading matter for use of the blind. The hilt provides tliut all reeling matter in Embest type, whether In Braille, New Tork point or Moon type, shall be carried In the malls free of postage to or fmn any blind person desiring to read tho MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 2f. Upon the mere same. Such matter shall be forwarded and C1XAL BUILDERS REPORT ! Nebraska weather forecast j .- -al Arriving? la Minneapolis j .if Hashed lato Afflleted Districts Helena With at Gaa, Iatimian CommiBsion T11 Eecretarj of War Wkat it Ha Cona, STEGOMEYIA IS COMPLETELY ROUTED Sea-roes Are Sot Satlstactnry Wrk si en, hat Spaniards Serm. ta Da tbe Wrlt la Better Sty la. WASHINGTON, Dec 20. The annual re- freakish whim of the weather uepends hu- exchanged free with Canada and other ; Prt of the Isthmian Canal commission to In northwstern villages ( countries where free postage for the blind i tllM secretary of war, under date oof Ds- is now or may ne granreo. i ne nil mr- 1 " v,c 11 ther provides that slates or tablets and j ln Part: louring uio year the flint stnge or canal man convert which have been feeling the menace of a fuel famine. Where reports of tardy ar rivals of coal and of hope Cor relief are coming ln today, tomorrow may renew th" menace If bllziards set ln. Meanwhile, the railroads ate bending every effort to rush ,j coal Into the Imperiled districts. In the me in ooidltlons seem better. Though there is still great difficulty In netting cars, ship pers are Inclined to credit the transporta tion companies with willingness to aid. Not enough cars are available to satisfy the demands, but loaded cars are moved without delay. It is believed, too. there Is a conrlderable amount of fuel in transit. Relief from one source Is afforded by re cent arrivals of Illinois cual. Much of it Is being rtiohlpped ln the same curs and blank paper with whl-h to emboss such matter should be e;,med as second class matter at the mte of four ounces or frac tions thereof for 1 cent. Senator Burkett this morning Introduced El R. Slzer. postmaster at Llnroln. and Sinclair McShone, also of Lincoln, to Fresl- i dent Roosevelt. The president greeted the I Nebrnekuns In his usual cordial manner ' and wished them a merry Christmas and I a prosperous New Tear. Postmaster E'.xer and Sinclair McShane left for home tonight Congressman Mondell of Wyoming won a victory today by reason of persistency. 1 For the lost two days he has endeavored to call up his bill extending the time which hurried Into the northwest. More of this : mK" "" muK' - cool is expected and as long as the north- ; dp"1'8 on ,h Shoshone reservation, which work, that of ureDtiratkm. has virtu!. y been piist, and llio commission tlnds Itself In position to enter upon the second stage, that of actual const, uotlori a iocs lanul at an el.-vai.un of sight-rive eet. auttiur Ixed by congress In June lust. Of these r o stages the nr. t was at once the more d.;'loult and the . ire Important. If not dune thorougtity a.- i .ntelugen.iy In every part the actual worn, of cens.ructlun would he handicapped from the sa. t. The work of ia:utatlin throughout the canal xone has h.-en continued with great enriiry during the year. The most serious prou.em tnat conirunted i he health UepAi't u nt w nen it wua organlze.1 two yea..- ao was the elimination of yellow fever, w.,u h had been an important factor In llie failure of the French company and was regar ed as one of the most formidable obstacles to American ui-t--ss. This obstacle has been completely remove.1. Although there hue never been so large a numbt-r of iion-.m- Partl-r tlnady Friday and Satardayt Colder Friday In West Portloa. Temperature, nt Ihniiha Yesterday Hoar. Dear. Hoar. Dea. A a. sn 1 p. m t n a. nt XT a p. m T a. m scti .1 p. m it Ma. sn 27 4 p. m -U a. sn 27 n p. m ST to a. m 2i dp. tn Kd 11 . a vn r p. m 37 12 ra :h M p. m 2d p. m 2i western roads can make prompt returns I wa" Pned to ettlei:.ent on August 16 last TESTIMONY INJCHMITZ CASE Drtrrtlva Barns, Who Gathered Evi dence for State, aa stand nearly All Day. SAN FRANCISt'O. Cal.. Dec. 30. William J. Burns, the detective who has been gath ering evidence upon which the recent In dictments found by the grand Jury have been based, was a witness today In the case of Mayor Eugene E. Schmlts and Abraham Ruef. charged with extortion. In answer ti a question, the witness rftated that for "Ighteen years he had been em ployed us a special agent of the Depart ment of the Interior. An attempt was made by Attorney Ach, for the .It ;o show that Burns severed his connection with the government at the request of Speeia' PToeecutur Heney, but the evidence was not admitted. The court also sustained the obje. tlons of the prose cution to questions concerning when Bums arrived tn San Francisco, whether he knew of the empties, further help from fills source may be expected. Falling tempera tures are reported from most of the towns ln the northwest No sub-zero weather Is reported. Coal tsnrtace In Helena. HELENA, Mont., Dec 2l. Owing to the coal shortage, the Helena Light and Rail way company has announced that tonight it will close Its gas works, temporarily at least. For the last several davs gaa has been made frcn kerosene, but this Is no longer available. While the fuel supply Is limited, there has been no actual Buffer ing ln Montana. Railroad Short of Coal. EL PASO, Tex., Dec. 20. A Herald spe cial from Carlsbad. N. M.. says: The water works were shut down today for lack of cool. The eniire city wo without water 4fter noon. The Pecos Valley rall- .nunes on the lHtiimtib as uurtr.K luHt year, there has not been a smgie well-au- j James D. Phelan or Rudolph Spreckels, or ttienttcaied case of yellow fever during tnat i .hno... h. v,,,., -.r ...vl m.,r,..v from tlement should be made on February 15, i period. .... ,.. , ,., ,h.t ho hd CATTLE UN ARE GUILTY Four Conricted, Richards, Comitook, Jameson and Triplatt. CONSPIRED TO DEFRAUD GOVERNMENT Subornation of Ferjnry Another Clara in the Indictment. VERDICT IS ON THIRTY-S1X COUNTS F. If. Waloottii Izaisrated from ChareM Ersuffht Against Him. TWO HOURS TO REACH AN AGREEMENT Maxtinnia Penalty aa Each Separata Coaat la Twa Tears' In prison snant and Ten Thoasaad Dollars Fine. The blll as passed pro-ided that final set- 1 i 1 threat nroitreas has neen mane during tne . J-"v " - last year In provluing for the welfare ami j rr-.-elved no money from Heney. rrom .-NenrasKa, lowa. janjms ana o. ier cl,m(ort t the emp.oyes. The commlswl'.ii to ftirther questions, he stated until uy Biiaitfs mi i wo pcLn. hi. iHLHniunpj i uuw una ruiii"ieui uuuuuin iu iiu o tiers that It would he ImnoMtble tn sk. Quarters for all us buclielur emplo-es. way has but he had i known Ru"f for about three years. He '1 hj. h.,11.1.. u unrt r.rf.vld.l I P1Teil he dill Kit ItnilW f.rfin.1 JllTOrS Gh.1- up final reside ice during the worst part j almost unlvei Haily with running water anil ' iagher Dwyer or Young In 'act he stated, of winter that an extension was aaked. Mr. with modern plumbing, and are comiortaoly ( hft k f mmh,ra of th jrand Mondell fought this bill through to a finish. t. " MBn,"i- , ln addition t,. ih.,se buildings. . .-., , . vrrv .....j wav tI ... , , . J.t separate houses and thirteen ia.ger jury except in a very i asuiu aay. He had two comp!te kno-kouts by reason i buildings have been constructed for mar. led "la it not a fact that your sole reason or oDjeouons to consideration wnirn dis placed It for the day. On one occasion the objection came from Mr. Fitzgerald of New Tork; on another from Mr. Mann of Illinois, who seemed to have been banded together for the purpose of "raUHng" the lone congressman from Wyoming. In no wise discouraged, Mr. Mondell culled up his bill this morning, having seen the opposing . quarters, provlcuag accommouatlons tor . foP Mnw ln 8an Francisco Is to aid pa : families. There are still many married men, ...... . however, for whom no quarters ais avail- j prosecut.on ln securing lndlctmentsr asked ible, but upon the oomple'H n of the hou.-es now authorized these win be proviue-j i-r. There are now approxima'.ely i.Mj Ameri can women and children on liie Isthmu. ln November, 1. the commission's em ployes numbered approximately li,t', and In November, 1M!,", tne number was practi cally tne same. Of these, 12.612 were unlr the department or construction ana enm- tnterests In tho meantime, and his bill to . r-ering, l.llSi under the divlsiun of mat nal extend the time for final residence to May ;ew tons of .-oal to run i 1, 19"7, was passed. trains. There probably will be no return trains from north or south unless they can get coal at Pecos or Amarillo, Tex. i CHURCH DISLIKES NEW BILL Proposed French Law Said to Com bine Hatlnani Oppression with Mliilmam Appraraac. ROME, Dec. 20. A semi-official note. Is sued by the Vatican today, declares that the text of the new French govrnment bill amending the church and state separa tion bill of 19116 Is aa bad aa the former regulations, "being a maximum of oppres sion with a minimum appearanc- ' and aggravates the position of the church ln everything without tMs being "l.parent to the general public. PARIS. Dec 20. The teachers and stu dents of the famous St Culphic's sem inary here were expelled to;ay. Among the atudonis were .a number of British NEW YORK FIGHTS ICE TRUST Attorney General Flies Bill ta Dis solve Combine tlon Alleged to Ba Illegal. A LB A NT, N. T., Dee. 20. Attorney Gen eral J'tllus Mayor ln the name of the peo ple of the state of New York today began an action agalntt the American Ice com prny in the supreme court of New York county for the dloBolution of the so-called 'Ice trust" The complaint alleges as a principal fea ture of the "scheme and arrangement" by which, the onrrrpatiir sauumd a praatlcal monopoly of the natural and artificial lea output and distribution, especially ta Greater New York and tile communities tn that vicinity, that It secured control of the Maine lea field and caused a reduction there last y?ar of ths usual harvest frum LaOO.OW tons to one-third of that amount The sutircea of supply are altered to be similarly controlled. The key to the Ice situation ln New York City Is pointed out aa lying In .his com pany's control of Uio "Ice 'nidges," or I;ind depots, by which means it is alleged the company Is enabled to fix t'.ie price of ice, resulting last summer ln an Increase from II. JO a ton at the bridges to Ji and 16 a ton ! to tne Independent dealers who are alleged ; to be controlled by the company. Senator Mll' ird's pension bills for the re lief of C. F. M. Morgan, tt"; .mella Hat $15; Jarf' Ayr. 120. all of Omnha, have been pulsed by the senate. C. T. Austin of Lawrence, Neb., W. T. Evans of Parkershurg, la., and C. H. Englesby of Watertown, S. D., have been admitted to practice before the Interior de partment. Dr. A. L. Alleson Iras been appointed pen sion examining surgeon at Onawa, Io., vice Dr. E. E. Fisher, resigned and supplies; 2.191 under the department of government and sanitation and 137 ln the auditing and diHbursins offices. Of the 17,001' men. about ;i.7 were on the sold rolls, virtually all white Americans, and 1 J..i on tile silver roils, mainly aliens. This nifmber does not Include l.oAl poople employed on the Panama railroad. negroes ot Satisfactory. Another year's experience with negro laborers from uearby tropical Islands and countries has convinced the commiss.on of the impossibility of doing sariHfa:iury work with them. Not only do they sem to be disqualified by lack of actual vitai- Ach. Tl'.o question was objected to and the obleetlon sustained. Burns stated that he had been Introduced to Grand Juror Sontag, but had never dis cussed with him any of the matters under Investigation by the grand Jury. He had. he said, talked perhaps three or four times with Foreman G iver. Nothing waa satd about Ruef. Sch -.Itz. Nicholas, Dtiffy or any of the witnesses. "Did you talk about a conspiracy to 1n d'.'t Mr. Ruef and Mayor Schmltz, or about a meeting between Fremont Older, Mr. Phelan. Mr. Heney and Mr. Hearst?" "I never spoke to Mr. Phelan 'n New York ln my life." spoke up Heney. "Well," said Ach, "we'll leave your name out of It." Burns told of a conversation he had with Jean Loupe, a restaurant man. at which carrier; Otto George W. VanBunkirk Kuchenbacker, substitute. Congressman Kinkald today recommended W. O. Hesllng for postmaster at Kirk, Banner county, vice. C. W. Johnson, re signed. HARRIMAN MUST RX DAM Soathern Pacllle Held Responsible tor Hrealt in Banlc of Colo rado River. WASHINGTON. Dec. 20 President Roosevelt will ask F.. H., head of the California Development company, to have repaired at onc the break In the left ! bank of the Colorado river, across the Mexican boundary Una. the overflow of which 1 'auslng such great damage ln tho Imperial .nd Colorado valleys ln south- Burns was on court adjourned. the witness stand when ltv. but Llieir dlsDuxitton to labor seems to be as trail aa tueir oouuy srreng'.n. , tlme Loppe denied hsvlng paid Ruef for Rural carriers appointed: Iowa, Anthon, Jonty of them work Just lung enougn to i i"""- i""-i".u. r,.t v.rr.. f TnA TOh-i'g-t money to supply their actual bodily "I told him." said Mr. Bums, "that I route 2, erna M. Dodd. carrier. EJthy! , . le wllh t'luf mull that whilr the I dld not beieve hm t ,,,, knew the Lo.1,1. substitute: Imogene, route 2. Richard commission is quartering and caring for I ?. " Delleve n,m- 1 ala- xnew 109 II It 11 t t- - 1.1 . . 1 . W ' I. .t rnun lha .iullu SkfTlM'tlVA fntfw td, l' tuts. South Dakota, Marion, route 4. i . "" k. ;.t,-, i7,t- raising enough to keep them alive, and working only a day or iwo occasionally, aa they sea lit. In this way, by getting fa-way toom - the commission s quarters, i practical control over taem la lust, ami it becomes very difficult for foremen to calculate on keeping their gangs tilled. The most serious question ln regard tn this class of laborers is that of feeding them, ordinary methods having failed to Induce them to take sufficient nourishment to give them the physical strength neces sary to enable them to work efficiently. To such an extent is this true that the commission is seriously donating whether to make the basts of employment a curtain i rate per hour and board, or a certain rata per hour and deduct a fixed amount ,- r day for board. PERKINS BEFORE GRAND JURY Sew Yorlx Inejalattarx f.ockiaar lata Affairs at Life liisarana Company. NEW YORK. Dec. . George W. Per kins was the first witness before the grand Jury today when the Investigation Into the affairs of the New York Life Insurance company was resumed. Darwin P. Kingsley, vice president of the Tho experiment with laborers from north- ! New York Lite Insurance company, was em Spain has proved very satisfactory. examined at length regarding the so-called Prussian deal. The company aa the price It Is said that by the time the Ice reaches , firn ralltl)rril Tilia comoanv 1. said to the poorer customers it costs at the hub reMp,inHlrjle fr the damage, as the break ! lias not been a sinKle case of yellow lever Their efficiency Is not only more than double that of the neirroes, but they stand the climate much better, since January 1 there have been about 9t of these at work on tho canal, and of this number not one has died from diBease. They have miliaria ln about the same degree as the white Americans, hut not at all to the extent Unit the negroes have It. and there Bartlett Richards, Will G. Comstock. Charles C. Jameson and Aqullla Trlplett were found guilty Thursday on thlrty-slx of the thirty-eight counts In the Indict ment r iiln by the government against them. They were charged with conspiracy to defraud the United Ptau-s out of title, usa and pome.sslon of vast tracts of public land, and with subornation of perjury In procuring entrymen to file on these land ln Sheridan and Cherry counties, Nebraska, In the years 1H end 15. Richards, Comstock and Jameson are president vice president and secretary treasurer, respectively, of the Nebraska L n 1 and Feeding company. Aqullla Triple H who lives at Alliance, Neb., acted aa repre sentative of these men. The Jury left the court room at 13:06 Thursday noon and reached a vrdlct at 2:! p. m., after a deliberation of but two hours; about an hour being for dinner. The penalty prescribed In cases of this character Ib not more than two years Im prisonment and a fine not to exceed H0.OM on each count. The Jury consisted of the following meni O. M. Hall, farmer, of Ulysses; Rudolph 3as, merchant of Aurora; Elmer Kay, hotel keeper, of MeCook; C. E. Boden. farmer, of Sterling; E. B. Benton, srocer, of Crete; W. E. Chittenden, farmer, of Cla tonia; L. K. Meyers, farmer, of Borlbner; W. S. Martin, farmer, of Red Cloud; George Heady, retired farmer, of Wayne, and J. R. Parsons, farmer, of Ruskin, with the last named aa foreman. Oa Trial a Month. The trial of the case began Monday, No vember 19, when the attorneys for tha de fendants argued a motion to abate the In dictment because of the alleged Ineligibility of Dr. George Tllden, Jury commissioner, who was one of the men to draw the grand Jury that brought the Indictment. This mo tion was overruled and an he--dUtlis4ng day tha attorneys for the defense, argued a motion to ttuaah , tho Indictment which, was also overruled. The Jury was em paneled and sworn on Wednesday, Novem ber H, ami the trial has continued sine with but four days' Interruption. Including Sundays, thus making twenty-four daya of actual trial and taking of evidence. In that time 132 witnesses have been examined of the M35 summoned. The Indictment was tho largest ever re turned In the United States r urts for this district, and was found J . : 1, 1908. It comprised over WW typewr - i pages, waa of forty c.i ints, and lncluuud ln Its flnd- of continuing to do business in Prussia was compelled to charge off three blocks ! ln"" information against Bartlett Richards, of from 110 to 14 a ton. i occurred at the company's works, erected ong them. w:l The president's declsloa was reached after 1 engineer is convinced by this experiment . " auegea i thlr 1 . ,..,,- .,, a cu . . , ,. I that "any white man. so-called, under sale, the 1 in ir , a ..onference with S-nator Flint of Call- tn ,ame eonditlonB, wUl itand the dlmate tt, Htn, energetic protest. He claimed they were under in agreement with the French gov-ernrt.-Tt. The foreign students ol an nounced their Intention of calling the at tention of their emba.'1aa to the matter. TWO RULERS ARE EETTER Shi public, or a part of It, beilevea what It ) .ubjects and one American, who read reads. That stuff should be signet', 'Standard Oil company.' But. notwith standing that press bureau, the Standard Oil cotrpany is at K y and the public la getting an accounting." flora: Island Kasplaya laralsred. At the hearing, J. R, Crow, president of the J. R. Crow Coal and Mining company of Kansas City, the first witness, testified ln reply to a question that S. T. Fulton of Chicago, oasis'. tnt to President Wlncheil cf the Rock Island railroad, holds 10.m) stock In the Crow company. Ha admitted that Mr. Fulton had received this stock without paying for It but said ha ob tained tha stock before , ha became em pluyeti l.y the Rock Island. Munit- MacKsnale, president of the American Live Slew, association and man ager of .he Matador Lnd and Cattle com pany, testified that ha had received many a Stuns Issportaat Vate Papers and Kins; Oscar Paasra Goad light. , rMouiiueiice ut um company wim n undeP a concession from the Mexican gov ; agents and others Is quoted to show that -mment at the very time when the company was I urging Its customers ta be careful in i purchases and consun.ptlon of Ice, owing to I the shortage of supply. It was Informing its agents that the ice situation from the com pany's standpoint was satisfactory and that offers were being received from vatitua sources, especially from Maine independent producers, of ample supplies, and the cc ra ti., ny was at that time refusing to accept , these offers on any terms It is continued that the efforts of the company were de i signed to create a popular Impression that ' an lea famine was Impending in order io f irenta'l public clamor against the enor mous Increase ln the price to consumers. It is declared by the n-torney general that on the Hudson liver : . American Ice company owns all but -venteen of th- ice houses and that it contracted with, ti.o Their gent ral condition Is of stock which were not acceptable to the Prussian officials. The report sheet for tlui year filed with the Insurance depart ment of this state showed that this stock had been sold to the New York Security fornlo. Director Wolcott of the geological survey, and F. H. Newell of the reclama tion sen-ice, and ln view of the Impossibil ity of obtaining an appropriation from con gress to do the work before the holiday recess. Copies of the letter to Mr. Hartimon also .it as g tid as it was in their homes and Trust company, a subsidiary ctmcern In Spain, and they stand the climate very i f th lri.uranP4, oompanyfor t3.5u0.000. It I mut'ii better than the negroes. The chief , ,, 1 . . ... Lm ... . Uld " ' ' - WU.IBM.UU usr trance oompany taking; notes for the stock, George W. Perkins waa recalled this aft ernoon and remained with the grand Jury two hours an I a half, had not been completed Joumed for tho day. on the t'thmus very much better than ti e Macks, who are supposed to be Immune t. im practically everything, but who, as a matter of fact are subject to almost everything." Wirk and Supplies. The report then deals with the engineer ing u 1, art. I th. rollrnuil ruu.-hltiu, will be sent by the president to the gov- j tor given, and continues: ernor of California and the chambers of Th, tabllBn,.d ln tlle rt t co" merce of the various cities of the state. I 1505 u( calling for Lids on materials anti S.BI.J kind of memorandum also will be supplies on the basts of the price cover- ti sofcmjtted' to tho Mexican government on t' h subject The estimated amount of mjney re mil red to repair the break Is put at &0O.O110, and the expectation is that the president will use his efforts with congress to reimburse Mr Hurrtman for at least 1 of prir-s and rates, tug delivery on tiie Isthmus has been con tinued, which gives each section of the country equal opportunity for bidding un the materials needed, to that the manu facturers, railroads and steamship lines ln each section and through eacn port may figure or. the business on a combination v ill O. Comstock. Charles C. Jameson. F. M. Walcott. Thomas M. Huntington, Fred Hoyt James Baird, Aqullla Trlplett and Anil B. Todd, ail charged with the soma conspiracy and subornation of perjury. When the trial of the cases began tho several attorneys for ths defense, repre senting different clients, insisted on a " arate trial for each defendant It w:i finally decided that the defendants should be divided Into two groups. In the first group wers Pirtlett Richards, Will a. His examination Comstock, Charles C. Jameson, F. M. Wat ben ths Jury ad- ! crtt and A,lu"a Trlplett. In tha second group wer Tho.paa M. Hunting. Fred Hoyt, i James Biilrd and Ami B. Todd. The at torneys for the first group were: R, g. Hall and H. C. Brome of Omaha, and Judga A. W. Crites of Chadron. Tho attorneya for tha second group wera Ourley A Wood rough of Omaha, Two Conata Rllsslaatcd. It was agreed to proceed to trial with BUTLER, Pa., Deo. 20. Max ILaftle. a the first group, and agreed that the thirty- Russian, killed his wife tonight by strik- ninth and fortieth counts of tha lndlt tmanta lng her on the head with an Iron and also siiould be eliminated In this trial. RUSSIAN KILLS HIS WIFE Man, from Tsar's Domain Tells Pnllaa It In Xobody'a Business Bat His Own. maintained hla stieigth fairly well daring Ji UJla Pennsylvania, to restrict us the last twnty.four hi.urs and was able ales ln Brooklyn, whereby the free par te sign some of the more Important orders I ,alt ths lce DU8ln,'M lI at borough a part of the outlay. The settlement of j The general purchasing officer ts located ; ln.'ur-d a young daughUtr. The verdict rendered by the Jury Thtirs- TEREHAN. Persia. Cec .-The shah 1 Muunu,lu Ice co,nPny. "PraUng ln New damages to property owners will be a mat- aml "hipning agents fek oomplalnts from the southwest of flnanoial losses from shortage of stock earn. "What la tho reason for this shortage r" asked Commissioner Prouty. "Ths railroads usa tha cattle car for otiier commodities," replied Mr. MacXsn-ia Mr. MacKsnale aald ha had known of 1 referring to state business. STOCKHOLM. Sweden. Dee. 30. King Osoar oontlnuea to make good progress toward recovery. The physicians' bullstln tills morair g readat Ths king pas"i a good night. His tem perature was KH.l iat night and ts s i this memlng. His appetite is gtxid and his was prevented; that it had like agreements ! with various independent concerns along tha Hudson river and elsewhere to prevent their entering the fluid cf competition la ter of diplomatic nigotla tlons with the Mexican government Tho president made public the following telegram sent to Governor Pardee of Cali fornia, dated today: Telegram receive,! osing New Orleans. Son Francisco and In addition to having the circulars of the eumii. lesion inviting bl.i on materials dl3 trlhuted from the offices named, an ar- I- r... .1 )t..v,.,..y ,i, i, .u Uttaaia lnfcj met! tha police that he la When aaked by tl.e polico why ha had 1 day afternoon was that each of the dn killed his wi: Koftlo sa.,1: "I have a right j fondant". Richards, Comstock, Jameson to kill my wifs; It's nouody's business but and Trlplett mere guilty on all tho counts except the twenty-third and twenty-eighth, and that P. M. Walcott waa not guilty oa my own. Fellow countrymen who knew Kaftla In ln my power ,n mutter. Breaa ia on Mexl- M. . nr th ninrtM-inH.4t.m of t 'i . armv dt Am drHng esrery thlng , r, j. Inils. Jefrersonvllle. Ind. 'nnd or manufactured lea. The methods alleged to have been pur- heart s action is unchanged, soma mucus In the trachea. stock and other devices to restrict oufDut CHAM3ERLAIN LCSES MEMORY j' 00111 klnd k umitatum of du- tributlon and sine. heep being held for six or Sevan week. I " Aaaa aa Result waiting for cais. and finally thsy warn driven from Albuquerque to Kansas In or- der to get ihrra to market Tha snippers had xparienred more or less delay vary I fall, but tills year the delay waa tha most ' srvara yet. In one case it took four daya j to ship esttla from Texas to Kansas City, j and in another Instance cattle shipped from ' Txaa to Kansas City had been sidetracked. ' ln Oklahoma for twanty-ona hours. Ursvrias; at rhlenga. . I CHICAGO, Dec . Com miss loners Hor- ; laa and Lane of tha Interstate Commerce corrm.ssion today ountlauod ths Investiga tion Into tha shortage of car oa railroads which waa begun tn Minneapolis two wesks i ago. af CslrbraHon at geroa- tleth Birthday. LONnON. Dec. sn The Chronlcla states th" Jt.srph Casmberlaln greatly over tt .-: his strength a( the celebiaMon la hnnrr of his bevu..t!rth birthday st Fir- production or distribution of either natural CAn "- 1 we lul8 absolutely no power a.t ....... in un.., j. "biiiii in g. ..i.ct by Mexico. We are hurrying forward In every way the negotiation fur per mission. I IUU it u granted cutis, -n can not act. In a note to Director Walcott the presi dent says: ' Mexico hs behaved adrr. irahlv ajid has I expressed willingness to do anything ' , within ntison that we desire in the Colo- MCTLIrtnC ' ra.lo river br"a.: matter, t rt course, Mex Ml HIS k .k. ..,nu r.n n.,l,lr. n. .!.... There Is stiU ' ' " ' . t luasa, iramc iMfrnmBiiia, control or capi :ii STANDARD OIL The immetlli Geaeral Maaagror at Casspaay Says i at at hods Adapted Ara Krven- i tlal ta Trade. NEW TOBJC Dec. 20. -Tha haarlngs tha aase of ths stale of Missouri aglnbt r""-r'ifc lco is not to do the work. work .uust be company, as to htm. But definite request before congress Atlanta. Ga. The advertisements of ilie commission show where Its clreulani In viting bids mav be obtained, and 'he ar ransement mntlt for distributing them en ables all persons de1rlng to hid to obtain them within a short time after they are Ireued. . . The total amount of purchases made for the year ended June 30, liUsi, was (8,743. Division af Wurk. The report then recited the plans ap proved by congress and work done under them; the decision to nulla canal oy con wonted there, anserting that he killed sev eral wtves and that there Is a standing reward for hia arrest HITCHCOCK SEES PRESIDENT Secretary af Interior Canfera With Chief Executive Ors-r Indian Timber Rasrrvatloa. WASHINGTON. Dec JX eT tary Hltch-eo.-u m'av consulted the president with re- ?."I-J:! r 'Z" .a.V o thra'd i aard to 'th. order of withdrawing from we should be oreoared to out .t,.a h tit. nutalilnnt during hla recent allotment nearly 4..0U acres or lana i of the live civiuzea triun m i'" " judge Munirer tnanked the Jurors for their among the establish a forest reserve, about, which ' pat'ence and faithful attntlon to thelF The department of gretary Hitchcock and Secretary Wilson . aMtles during the long and tedious trial any of ths counts. Mt-ssrs. Hall, Crites snd Bmme gar Im mediate notice thst they would file a mo tion for a new trial and they wera gives until February 4, 1907. to file It. While the Jury had agreed upon a tst dlct at 2:50 o'clock Thursday afternoon. It was not until 4 o'clock that It waa for mally announced In tho court room. This was owing to the absence of the defendants from the court room. It not being thought that a verdict would be rsched before o'clock at the earliest. The defendants) were sent for. but It took an hour and a half to get all of them. After receiving the verdict from the 1ury Imme- laiu,l I.- TV, ,t.. .J.... VISIT TO ion I I unm't. cf course Wo.iw mt -h..t .uin.ta The work la now divided ln or tolnt reetKinnblllf.M there t.nulrt tv u following departments: this country and the California , enifineeriiig ai.u cuui ... . .um. ...i - nMM0ned by a senate commutes t . ... . - . , luw anrt government tne tlensrr- i mingham. with tl,. result that h. lost hi. ; th. OH company, th. W.ters- Tsian at threaTiieit po7, momrVt i mint of .anltatlo... the auditing depat-T. yesterday. tremorv completely; Uiat tha past there- Pierce .l company and tha RepuWia Oil s'lpmoting It to the ate department i meet, the ptirehasing depart .netit the dis- j TnQiaii Commission.!' Laupp and Iirtoni alter was a blank to aim and that h. company, which began here Tuesiay, ended Meideo fan be fully laformed. ' j bursing department and Uiadeparmnt of ; npt jf the Forestry department also could not remember what had taken plsca suddenly today. Tha haartag waa opened I NEW YORK. Dec. Z). At the office of E. ! Jei.'d'epartme'nt Is 'rendered dlrctlv i wr. present. Nothing could be learned as even a few hours before, and, although his here at the request of tha defendant com- 1 H. Harrlmaa It was said that the reported j respt nsible for 'he work earned on under j tl) tiie result of t'.a eonferenra. other faculties were and are uninjured, hla , Pules to allow them to test!- action of the president ln asking Mr. Ham- rectum. i Vy,a iaT.-! . 7A of ths memory Is gons. ; mony ln rebuttal. The next hearing pro ha- man to make repr-s ln th break In tha . t,'",ii,,n who. ln turn, is to 1 WCOL EN toloraoo river comtt not ba understoutl tv - nresident thr'Ttigti tne secreiary or there. Inasmuch as Mr. Harrlman is not war. for the conduct of the enterprise as a in any way connected with tha California ; whole- tcnooi on the Zona. Development company. It wa. said that inoi,uied as exhibits Is the report of th. i of the chief engineer. The former, signed and then discharged them fur tha remainder I of th. term. Kdaoattanal Bill Withdrawn. LONDON, Deo. JO. Ths educational hill The first witness waa W. B. Btddle, rice burled by Premlar Campbell-Pi. iner- bly will be held ln St Louis. Tha method employed by th. Standard Oil company and its sub.ldlary com panies ln Missouri wis described "th. block system appUod to prwifw t tun ntt-an, norm, island at "" " '-" " i'is as tnt niocg system appoint to in. Dttutnera rocino r-II mad already is; rnor of tre canal zone and tho report I TclTla railroad. He declared fht .w,ni noon. After a speech of considerable em- trade" hv a witness who tt lt.,i tn,ii t nn-nof-rattn? with th. viw.rnmsn. in ,.u sv . . . , ! - - M - - - , ,t,tt chief engineer. l ne lormer, signeu tlons In th. south at the praam. t Umw ars Ph-ais, defen.TTng th. course at th, Uiwer t.'.j hearing of the case instituted against lng necessary repairs, although that ebm- L" tr v.,w,n tj.ll of reia lona worse than those tn the north. This was House In rejecting the Housa ef Lord's the Standard Oil company, the Wuters- pany has no connection with the Calif wnia, ! y , ,.t i. ,mo thm 1.... .u- n , anil tin . cauaed, ba said, by tha Inadequate terminal ameadmatkis oa a whols and repudlailng th. Plen-e Oil company and the Republic Oil Devel pmt-nt company faclllriea In tha south. At Galveston, b. claim uf ths pers tnat tliey hav. th. tight company by th. stats. Th. wiuiess was said, traffln on ail of th. roads ceated throughout tha year. laclatxl to witnuraw ins measure. said Mr. Bid dis. "that tn. railrnada sr. doing .vari'tbing ta thair power ta rellave xlsCneT conilltiuna Th. fault Ilea mainly nrun .hlppera, who. having Inadequate storag. facilities at thatr place of bisln. usa cars for the purpose. In soma caaea the ears st&od fur wsnfcs at a time at ths dm la eon- to lecture ths commons on Ui. subjsct th. P. C. Oraiumaw. general manager of the 'MASKED BANDIT SHOOTS VfAM -I believe,- premier announced that the govern ment had anJas department af the Standard OH com- i pany. He declared, hi his opinion, th. plan I adopted by th. Standard Oil company was A.xrt.a Pascal Essplaya. Strlkr. ' an ao,lut. necessity tc the Mrtherance uf Vlh'NA. I eo. .-rhs pitomca em- trada. Hs said ha knew of no ag-eemertt b ployea of Austria, numbering 2.ont nun and twern ths Waters-Pierce Oil company and wnmsn, hav. voted to strike Dwctmbr- i the Standard Oil eomnanv of Indlatu oth.r a. a protest against conditions under . than those already uncovered. H never tenrtnsis tvrosa af th. failure of nhlo- ' wn"-' thr are forced to laour. The gov- knew of any rebates allowed by any of tha para to handle thata quick' My O,lnloo ICwtaluUad, sss tsrtOMVd Pa,s. ernmwnt haa attrmpted to avert trouble ' ogenta. by offering Increased wage but IJjla boa 'Tha giving of rehataa waa SJt''jTt our mil aeciiaeo. puUcj Cash Drtsir af tamdvtlla Depat Hahhad aad liint la r a tally Waaaded. IJT AD VILLA Colo.. Dec. 2S.-A maskdd bandit here early (Aday. after shooting and iatally wounding J.a Dale, ticket agent at the Denver i llio Grande depot, robbed the caah rtrmwtrj of its contents f nd ea caved. A fivsaa 14 la Dura-jit of tii. baodit. atth tha govern: tlon of lmn,lirra:ii.n. internal affairs, quar antine, sanitation revenues and Judiciary. On the subject of schools, after giving the enrolled pupils at last report as LTM, with average attendance uf 1..27, be says: Of tbe thirty-four teachers employed on September 3". fuurtern were American, one and nineteen Jama It an i colored I. 'f ti.e tiiirty schools, four were fur while children only, and the oil, era mixed, with a large majority of he chil dren negroes. Of ths Law children luea enrui'.-d. a. out IS ;er cant only wore Anicr u nn jid white Tha pubac school system of ths zona la It'uuUnusd ,a TUlrd Jr'aps- Statement af Attorneys. Mr. Hall was asked regarding tha rer diet and trial. He said: 'The trial waa really a far-e. I ex pected such a verdict We had no show from tha start, with the mass of circum stantial evidence ths government piled up against us. I felt what was coming, and before the Jury had reached an agree ment I was ready to (lie a motion for a new trial. I want to say ln addition that I of the leading woolen mills of the south, i T"'l nswspaper. nsv ,r,.lel, us very '. .... ........ it'imii i... I fairly" Involving i-ajinu iiwuwii 'i -- , - . k .ewterf Th. new o-Knoany will be I United States Attorney Goss, when asked . . Tt.,i. Txr,.i . for a statement, said: company. It will lnclud. the following concern! MILLS IN MERGER Gaorala, Kentacky aad Tanna.sra Caaerrna Get Together aad Form Larger Company. NASHVILLE. Tenn., Dec. 30 A merger Park Woolen mills. Rossvllla, Ga.; IMiis- vllle W-silen mills. Louisville. n.y.; rweet ter W oolen nulls. dw-twatr. Tenn.; Athens Woolen Athens Tenn.; At lanta Wooten mills, Atlanta. Go. Headquarters of the concern will ba tn Cha'tanooga, Tenn. Orardna ataaatrr tn Part. 8A FRAN' TBt T). Dec. 20. Tha Ver chants' exciians lias re. elved a rtlsuaicR staling tlu.t tlm ovrd-n steamer Pei nst l- i taua aa arnsed at aaalua Iruua Vaina. "The verdict of ths Jury completely oon flrms our Judgment In presenting the evi dence to ths grand Jurv; Justifies th. In dictment round last June by tha grand Jury, and reoiids to the Indictment and the evidence which supported the Indict ment, Una upon lino and prscpt upon pre cept. Tha defendants had a fair trial by a Jury of their paers and were ably defended by most astute oounseL The facta and the law oonvlcted them." JuUs A, W. Cities I "I wu s tau,s