TITE OMAHA DAILY REE: THITHSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1906. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Option i Continue to Ban the Down 1 wird Count, TRADE LIGHT AND NEWS VERY SCARCE Corn Firm Temporarily at Start, Bat Session Cloaca With Lower Prleea Mora Tara Woald Insure Bfllfr Movement. err, official price, S:1-; street rr'r BH! extra nearhy prints, .'VSc. EKS-8tf-ady; fair demand; nearby freh and western freph. Zc at mark. CHBHSE julet, but firm; New York full creams. i21J14VJ. OMAHA, Dec. 19. 1904. D.cmbcr was at on tlma Vc lower. Small receipts In the northwest were offered by I.," , . larger arrival- at southwestern market. ma.lrig the, total nearly equal to last year. Cui'l-i from Argentina said raina hnd fallen in some parts of the country and t lie qual- y vi new crop waa good. or Ira- trtant nature waa scMrre today. December corn waa firm early In the ses nlon, but otherwise the market waa very quiet, all months closing below yesterday, in-nvenes on December contracts were considerable, and the open Interest Is be ing reduced rapidly. ReceKU "ere not as large as expected, but ihlpments were much less than a year ago. If care could I secured there would be a better move ment of corn. Primary wheat receipts were 8n0,000 bush els and shipments 273,i0 bushels, against receipts last year of sd.OuO bushels arid shipments of 2H6.000 bushels. Corn receipts were 869.000 bushels and shipments 2OK.W0 bushels, against receipts last year of 1.121. UX) bushels and shipments of 6fl,(xO bushels. Clearances were Jsfi.out) bushels wheat, 114, suo bushels corn, 20,760 bushels oata and flour and wheat equal to 4i,ooo bushels. Liverpool closed Vsd lower on wheat and Unchanged on corn. The Liverpool Corn association today adopted a new contract. This will have the effect of considerably reducing Llver- fiool quotations, nominally, because the deal grade A will be abolished. Corn Trade News correspondnnt In Ham burg says In the Issue of December 4 the srrlval of some steamers of Kansas wheat In a very bad state has egnln caused nu merous protests against the certificates. The stuff could not be delivered to millers. Therefore they hnrl a good demand for Rus sian wheat and River Plata new crop. Ieask aaya: "Evidence given In the northwest yesterday was to the effect thst farmers were compelled to haul their grain bark to the farms, na elevator capacity waa filled and no menarff of getting cars." Liocal range of options: SEW lORK CiEJF.RAI. MARKET (taotatlons of the Day oa Varloaa Commoaltlea. NETW lORK, Dee. 19 FLOUR Receipts, 26.141 bhla : exports, 12,973 bbls.; sales. JooO pkgs. Market quiet and steady; winter pst ems, $3.7ya-4.uO; winter straights. $3.6&3.; Minnesota patents, $4.10'a4 4ii; winter extras, $2 fc43.10; Minnesota bakers, H'U'.., win ter low grades, $J ("iiiw. Jtya tlour, steady; fair to good, $3 6Vu80; choice to fancy, ll.tC34.ao. Buckwheat, flour, steady, 2 3". spot and to arrive. f'M)VUt JL f CI . - . I .. . M . - Y. t . mr.A fill. .-VI." -'I I . 1 J 1 , 1 ' 1 J iiu v. 11,1 v au'i ' low, n 2'"U1.26. course, l.iujl.l2; kiln dried. T Oulet: feeding. 45c c. I. L Buffalo; malting, 4!&69c r. i. f. Buffalo. W HriAT ltf( elpts, M.OuO hu.; exports, 1:8,743 bu.; sales. l.OTNi.fXiO bu. futures; Spot market easy: No. 2 red, 7Sc, elevator; No. 2 red, 81V. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth. MWc. c. I. f.. BufTalo. The wheat markfi was Irregular and somewhat weaker today, reflecting liquidation, Induced by more bearish Argentine weather news, de clines In the northwest and poor export de mand, closing VSHc lower. Bales Included No. 2 red. May, 64134 9-lrtc, closed M'ni:; July, 83 l-16c, closed tkic; December closed c. CORN Receipts. 55.9O0 bu.; exports, 13'5X bu. ; sales, 2S,W)0 bu. futures and 4o,0u0 bu. spot. Spot market steady; No. 2, 6oc. ele vator, and 61c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, iMHn; No. 2 white, 53c; option market waa steady at first, on continued light receipts, but eventually weakened with wheat and closed Ho net lower. January, 6114c; May, 50-VyuOSc. closd 6oc; December, P-Si b2c, closed 6:Hc. OATS Receipts, wyiot) nu; exports, bu.; spot market steady; mixed oats, 26 to 83 pounds, Sn 394c; Natural white, U0 to SI pounds, 394j;i9Hc FEED Hteady; spring bran, I22.8&S22.95, January New York shipments. 11AX lrm; snipping, fi.w&i.w, gooa to choice, Jl Oral is. HOI'S Steady ; state, common to choice, 190H, 19-jj Lc; 19"Ti, H'ollc. I'aclllc coast, 1SKW, lrilTc; 1106, 1iki14c. HIDKS Hteady; (lalveston, 20 to 25 IM., 20c; California, 21c. I .hVA TH KRi On let : ac d. ZT'EfWo. PROVISIONS Reef, firm; family, 114 Wi 1 Artlclea.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.l Yea y. Wheat ( IMC.... May... Corrs Deo.... May... Oats Dec.... May... I 87 B 71HA 87 VL 88HB 6711 7 67R 67H 71A 71HA V11A 71S 7H aeA 86' A I7B 8811 8U SiU 88VtA 81'tB 31B 36 B 3oA Omaha t'ash Prices. WHEAT No. i hard, (WHfiSc; No. 3 hard, 67'dHSc; No. 4 hard, fiugtioVac; No. 3 spring, UJHN-No. S, 85Hc; No. 4. 83Vi1M4Hc; no grade, 82U33Vo; No. 8. yellow, X,Kc; No. S white, 3644'ii3c. OATS No. 8 mixed, 8mfj31ic; No. 3 white, rfcrV; No. 4 white, Suc. RYEJNo. 2, 3Hc; No. 8, 62c. Carlot Receipts. WheaL Corn. Oats t incago Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha Duluth St. Louis Kg 121 274 18 49 46 175 48 62 170 v CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROYIHOHs Fea tares of the Trading; and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Dec. 19. Realising snles by small dealers caused weakness today In the local wheat market, the May delivery ung at a net aecune or sjvio. corn was m.c. (.wis were a shade lower. Fra. visions were 2460 to lOo higher. Sentiment In the wheat clt was bearish all day and the volume of trading was very small. The easier ton of the market was due more to the general dullness than to any new feature In the situation. Receipts In the northwest were again small, but this snortage was discounted by the fact that many cars are being used to earry coal to relieve the famine In tha northwest. There was a good demand for cash wheat at Min neapolis, but the flour trade was reported dull. Commission houses and local longs were the principal sellers, while the offer. lngs came chiefly from shorts. The market closed weak, with prices close to the lowest point. May opened unchanged at 7 tiwwi "Ho, sold between TNWtnBHc and closed at Tbo. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 473.MJO bu. Primary receipts were 00,(M nu.. against (ua.uuu du. tor tnc same day last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago re ported receipts of 413 cars, against 416 cars lust week and n62 cars a year ago. With the exception of a mild flurry In the December option, due to covering hy shorts. the corn market was steady and dull. May corn opened unchanged to a shade higher, fit 43t43c, sold between 43c and 437vcj 44c and closea at 4atutwo. Local receipts were 17S cars, with three cars of contract grade. Trading In the oats pit was fairly active. commlsuion houses buying freely of the May option. A message from New York, rlalm . Ing a considerable shortage in the French I i ron, caused some demand bv Investors. J M:iv opened unchanged to a shade lower, at J :iif3tf4c, aold between J6urJ6Sc and closed rat 3tVulc. Local receipts were 12 cars. Provisions were strong, with a decided In crease In the volume of trading. Shorts and local packers were the chief buyers, the de mand being stimulated by a small supply ot live hogs. Pork and libs showed the most activity. The market lost aome strength late In the day on profit-taking sales. At the close May pork was up lor. at fl&.42Uj. Lard waa up 2Wic, at SS.90. Rlba were lOo 1 . v. . . ,! OA Kt trusted receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 44 cars; corn, zsa cars; oats, iw cars; hogs, :' head. The leading futures ranged as follows Articles. I Open. I Hlgh. Ijow. Clos. Yea'r. Wheat I i j j Dec. I 74S 74S 74'4 74 74 May 78H1i'S ThS 78' 7878Hy Corn Dec. 42H 424 3 4It,l 4! May 4Sty 44 43 43Va'48H July 44L40AJ 44 44 44d44l 48), Oats Dec. 34 34V 34Hl34i'rT'4 S4H May i36W W, 3ti'i3ti' (j H July a37t S3S33Su44 S3 Pork Jan. Is 16 10 ?4 18 07W 1 074 15 96 May 16 46 16 62 'i ID U It 424 16 82H Lard Dhc. 890 880 8 73 8 76 8 72V4 Jan. 8 80 8 87 4 8 774 8 80 8 774 May 8 95 8 974 8 W 8 90 8 874 R ihs Jan. IDA R fi'Ma 8 P74 8 RO 8 624 May 8 774 'I 06 I 8 76 I 8 80 8 70 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Violent Sptim of Liqnidttioi Ipregdi Over Market rlj ii Eeiilon. DECLINE FOLLOWED ' BY RECOVERY Coafaslon In nt. Vmml C'ontlnnea and It Has Effect of taaettllnaj Entire List leae Is Strong;. 1-1,771. 430; gold coin and bullion. lloS.HV ttd, gold certincatcs. 8t5.3JR.Mu. NEW YriRK. Dec 19. A violent spasm of liquidation swept over the stork market today and caused a downward rush of prices thst looked threatening st one time. A substantial recovery occurred before the closing hour. The storm center was the group of stocks which In the customary ex pression of the stock market have "en joyed rights" recently, a phrase which operators In the stocks now use with an Ironical emphasis. The continued strin gency of the money market and the failure of any appreciable relief from the opera tion of the treasurers plan for assistance bad a discouraging effect on sentiment. The crumbling of the market at weak spots spread to pretty much the whole market, although there were a few promi nent stocks which maintained a show of re sistance to the flood of selling. The con fusion In the market for St. Paul con tinued and waa an unsettling Influence on the whole market. The subscription rights came oft both classes of the stock this morning. The "rights" were also admitted to quotation on the Stock exchange The opening price of St. Paul with the price quoted for the rights added showed a rise of 34 over yesterday's closing price. The hope thus engendered that the disturbance In the stock was over waa short lived and It soon began to recede again under heavy offerings. The admittance to quotation of the rights helped clear up one cause of confusion by providing a market valuation for purposes of fixing collateral In loans on St. Paul. The suddenness with which the books of the company were closed after the announcement of subscrip tions rights and the call for a SlC.00o.o00 Installment of subscriptions on December 31 on the eve of the yearly money settle- 4 60; mesa. 88.0n'a9.OO; beef hams, $J3.6tK(J ments was the subject of some bitter critl- 25.00; packet. 811.60; city, extra India , clam and professed fears of a hidden de- New Yerlt Money Market. NEW TORK. Dec. 1J.-MONEY On call, strong, at 61 2 per cent; ruling rate, 24 per cent; closing bid and asked, per cent; time loans, very strong; sixty days. 9o 10 per cent, nominal; ninety dsys, 841)9 per cent; six months. 71f per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAFER-A-364 OVERLING EXCHANGE Very weak, with actual business m bankers bills at t for demand and at 14 77V-'a4 77!) for stxty-der bills; posted rates, 4 7!4irf 4 M and 84 84464. WV; commercial hills, 14 774 PILVf'R Bar. 6)Sc: Mexican dollars, 6.V. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, weak. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows: V. 8. rr. 4i, reg ItMlt do coupon C. 8. . ri H io coupon V. S. old 4i. rt do coupon 10i C 8. n. 4a. rf lv( do COUpoB JlOty Am. Tobacco 4a 7T do U im Atrh. pn. 4a in Mo adj. 4a. Atlantic r. L. 4s.... TA BhI A Ohio 4 1004 do lt 34 B R. T. i. 4i Ms "i en. of Oa. ta 110 do 1st Inc to do 2d Inc 74 do 3d Inr 71 Chea. A Ohio 44i...irM4 Chicago A A. .. 7V C , B. A Q. a. 4a.... mv, C, R. I. A P. 4a... Tl do col. a rcc. A 8 U 4a. .1004 do lat 4a ctfa Colo. Ind. la. tar. A. 74 So. Railway 5a mess. lid. oojj 22.60. Cut meats, steady; pkk- sign to disturb the money market. The ed hams, 112.0O. 1-ard, nrm; continent, pursuit or this line or reasoning leu 10 some I'J 40; South America, $10 16; western 1 excited unloading of holdings on the part prime, $9.fy).15; refined, steady; compoi.n.i. of speculators who had been convinced 1248.374. Pork, steady; family, 18 50ffi that they were following the leadership In 19. on; short Clear, iw.bo'uiB.w; mesa, aii.n'rj. 1 trie maraei 01 ine mosi innumiui rninuu 180S. TALLOW Steady ; city, eo; country. 6c. HIiE Ouit; domestic, rair to extra, 3Uc; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Steaoy; street price, extra, creamery, 824'838c; official prices, creamery, common to extra, siiuajc; neia, common to extra. 22fr304c; state dairy, common to fancy, 2l!&80o; renovated, common to extra, 18a244c; western factory, common to firsts, lJi22c; western Imitation creamery, firsts, 231j?4c. CHEESB Firm; state, full cream, small and large, September fancy, 144c; state, October best, 134c; late made, 124'SlSc; state. Inferior, lltil2c. FXJG9 Steady; Pennsylvania andr nearby fancy selected white, 40c; cnoice, 3o'n3oc; state, mixed extra, 3IHj37c: western flrsta, 30c; official price. 29ft30r; seconds. 2vrf28c. POULTRY Live steady; cnlckens. 11c; fowls. 12c: turkeys, 16c. Dressed irregular; western chickens, I24(fi3c; turkeys, iw.-uc; fowls, 6fil2c. St. Loa la General Market. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 19 WHEAT Lower; ack, No. 2 red, cash, 75VB7tjc; No. 2 hard, 47440; May, 774c: July, 754c. c!ORN Lower; track, No. 2, cash, 4131 414c; No. 2 white, 414424c; May, 42c; July. 42e. OATS Steady; track. No. t cash, 8Sc; No. 2 white, r4: December, 34o; May, i4c. e-IJII'R Steadv: red winter patents. 13.66 63.75; extra fancy and straight, I3.lle3. 46; Clear, 82.6cVrr2.86. SEEl Timothy, steady, x3.HKjj3.70. CORNMFiAD Steady. $2.30. BRAN Weak; sacked, east track. PBfmc. HAY Steady; timothy, $14.0820.00; prairie, $10.00rSlS.OO. 1 kum Lvnun iirxs i.v BAOQINQ 940. HEMP TWINB-9C. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; jobbing, $16.00. Lard, higher; prime steam, $8.65. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra short, $9.00; clear Tibs, ' $.00; shore clear, W.2R. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra short, $.76; clear ribs, 9.7fi; short clear, $10.00. POULTKi Bteaay; cmeaens, 00; springs, 9c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 10c; geese, 84c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, wavwc; aairy, 22(iT!7c. EQOS weak at zc Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu .1 Oats, bu Receipts. Shipments. ... 9.0t lO.OnO ... 46,0(10 26.000 ...170,0n0 83,000 ... 67,000 40,000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS City. Dec. 19 WHEAT Decern- , -. . . . trtt, a, T . . 1 .. 7rv7. r r-a mil nJct uer, oic; mny, ' 7 , -t 2 hard. 69H'n72c: No. 3. 6871c; No. 2 red. 74c; No. 3, 68iT3c. . CORN May. 384c; July, 3W4C: Pepiemner. 404c; cash No. 2 mixed, 87&374c; No. 3, 364 fc4e: No. 2 white, SSc. OATS No. 2 white. 344c; No. 2 boxed. 33 334c , HAY Steady; timothy, 60c lower: choice timothy, $16 00; rholce prairie, $12.60. RYE-Steady, 61iii4c FXIOS Lower; firsts, 26c; seconds, 2V: BUTTER Creamery, Soc; packing, 19c. Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu 121.0U0 136,onO Corn, bu 48.000 ISO") Oats, bu 7.0O0 8,000 Board of Trade quotations for Kansas r-itu riiiv.rv The ranse of prices, as re ported by Ixigan & Bryan, 112 Board of Trade uuuaing, was: Articles. ! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat Dec May.... Corn Dec... May.... 74 . T!4ttSl I sr., 1 I 674 724'72'4B I 36V 34I 354 3 KUWB No, 8. Cash quotations were aa follows: FlAil'R Steady; winter patents, $3.809 8 5"; winter straights, $3.2oj3.40; spring pat. ents, $3i3 90; spring straights, eX2uS W; UHKels 2tlKliaO. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 78683c; No. 8. 719 82c; No. 2 red. 7444i74,c. CORN No. 2. 44Va444c: No. 2 yellow. l4"4e. OATS No. 2. 34t'ri34Vc: No. white. afiVn. No 1 white, 34riSo4c. it 1 1: iso. 3, esc. BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 49-J 660. SEEDB-No. 1 flax, $1.16; No. 1 north western, $1.22. Timothy, prime, $4.66, Clover, contract grade. $18.76. PROVISIONS Short rlba sides (loose). $8 r(ir..ri4. Mesa pork, per bhl.. $14. SS. I-ard. per 100 lbs., $8.8u. Short clear sides tboxed), $9.0wtr.2S. The receipts and shipments of flour and grain were: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 28.a) 4 Wheat, bu '...138.UOO H il trn, bu 467. 4.0 TsSo bU 383,'a( :fvl.7i1 t He, bu li on) 10 7o3 Barley, bu 168.Su) g.Suo On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa slttady; ri eamerlea, 22q lie; dairies. 2tu27c. hggs, steady; at mark, cases Included, StUjC.ic; firms. 24c; prima flrFia. 27c; extra. ac. Oi.eae. ateady: 131 Ho. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Dec. 18. CORN New higher; No. $ yellow and No. 3, 4cc; No. 4, Swu; no gruoe. t.vSd'. OATS r Irm ; No. 3 white, $540: No. 3 I wi ne. 344n34c; No. 4 w hite. W4tj'ja4c. Firm: No. 3. 6Tf7Jc WHISKY On basis of $128 for finished l'ili. Liverpool Grain Market. I.IVRRPOOI.. Dec. IS. WHEAT Soot firm; No. 2 red western winter, 6s; futures dull; December, nominal; March, s 64t; May. 6s 4V.d. CORN Spot quiet: America mixed new, 4s 3d; old, 4s 4d; futures dull; January, 4a 14d; March, 4s 4d. Dnlnth Grain Market. DULUTH. Dec. 19. WHEAT On track. No. I northern, 81V; No 2 northern, 784c: December, 784c; MV. 804c; July, 814c. OATS To arrive, 331c. RYE 81c. BARLEY-36i8H90. Milwaukee -Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Deo. 19. 'WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern, SKgK14e; No. 2 northern, 78iY74-: May. 7S'ic asked. RYK Lower; No. 1, 67Jit74c. CORN Finn; No. 3 cah, 41?t3434c; May, 43Sc bid. Ists In the country, who were banded to gether for mutual protection of the specu lative position from harm from tne money situation. Professional traders were loud In protestation of a suspicion that the course of events had been especially ar- ranaed to cause a break In prices. There was an extraordinary confusion and con tradiction also in the estimates of the real value of the rights which have been of fered so abundantly in the last few days. St. Paul, Northern Pacific and Great North ern preferred still suffered acutely, there fore, in the prevalent weakness. 1 ne high priced stocks generally were sufferers In sympathy. There was an enormous spec ulation In Reading and heavy seiung wnen rumors circulated that there was to be no change In the dividend rate, aa predictions had oeen confidently made or a b per cent dividend rale for that stock. The extent of the recovery from the ex- tremo declines pointed strongly also to extensive operations bj bears. 1 ne presence 01 tne secretary 01 tne treasury In the city gave rise to conjec tures of more substantial measures of re lief for the money market, which contin ued very stringent both for call and time loans, sterling exchange was very weak In response to the money ptrlngency and i.onuon snowed Keen apprehension ot a demand for gold on the part of New York. New York bankers were Inclined to the opinion that a demand In i.ondon for gold would be Injudicious, as It was believed beyond doubt, that the Bank of England would advance Its dlsionnt rate tomorrow should gold be taken from that market. The news of the presence of the secretary of the treasury in Wall street came at a time when the liquidation had srent most of Its force. The Increase in the dividend on Lehigh Valley also revived hopes which proven raiiacious ot an advance In the Reading rate. The coveting by the. shorts became quite precipitate and worked a material rally In the whole market. The closing was strong and showed a number of substantial net gains, after a level of prices at the low point ruling all the way from 1 to 7 points below last night. Bonds were weak. Total sales, par' value, $2.28,0t). United States bonds were un changed oh call. The following are the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: galea. High. Low. Cloa. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 1.WHEAT De cember, 76Tojc: May, 8fl8i4c; July, 8le; No. 1 northern. T..v; No. 2 northern, 774c; No. 2 spring. 7&&760. BRAN-I11 bulk, tlo.7fxtil7.00. Toledo rrd Market. TOLEDO. Dec 18.-S1CEI Clever, cash, $N 36, IwtiiiIkI. 8.V36; January. 3vS;4; M.trcli, $8 474. Alalke, $7.66. Timothy, $2.i. Philadelphia Prodnre Market. Pllll ADKIJHIA. De. IB. hl'TTKK "irui, good demand; enUra nniiro cream- J luj ere at $1.44,1.06. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 19. METAI.fi The London tin market waa lower, with apot quoted at 1K4 12s wl, while futures closed unchanged at 16 6s; locally the market was easy, with spot quoted at $42.?S(j42.50. Copper was lower In London, with spot quoted st 108 12a fid and futures at 107 17s tVi; locally, however, the market con tlnued strong, with lake quoted at $23.26i! 29 50: electrolytic. $22 8741 '2a. 134, and cast ing. t22 624.tiii.874. Iiead was unchanged at $6 0oti10 in the local market and at 1) 17s 6d in London. Spelter waa ta ad lower at '- In London: locally the market waa firm and unchanged at $6.60ii6 65. Iron was higher In the Etngllsh market, with standard foundry quoted at 6d and Cleveland warrants at 61a 14d; locally tha market was unchanged; No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted aa $25 2Mi Jsl 26 ; No. 2 foundry northern at $24 7?rX 75; No. 1 foundry southern at $25 .VKri27 t and No. 2 foundry southern at 126 u4i?7.0n. ST. LOUIS. lec. 19. M ETA LS Lead, steady at $6. 10. Spelter steady at $6.60. Evaporated Applea and Dried Fruits. NBW YORK, Dec. 19. EVAPORATED APPLES Market Is steadier on spot, par ticularly for the higher grades, which are not plentiful. Prices show no Improvement. Fancy apples are quoted at frOc; choice, 94J 9c, and prime at 84c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunes Continue In fair dVrr.aad, particularly for the larger siaes. with quotations for Cali fornia fruit ranging from Ju-. according to slxe. Apricots are unchanged with choice quoted at 1k: extra choice at KylSc, and fancy at I'iShv peaches are steady, with new crop choice quoted at l"c: extra rholce at 124c. and fancy at 13c Raisins are Job bing well, with Uh'M iuii a it.-1 omit-I at 74 i-v,c. Hiiiro raisuia at injure; IuAiuon Adatna Expraaa Amalf amatad Copper Am. C. A F Am. C. A F. pfd Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil pld Am. Expreas Am. H. A L. pfd Am. Ice, securltlaa Am. Llnaeed Oil Am. Unacad Oil ptd Am. LocomotlYs Am. Locomotive pfd Am. B. A R Am. 8. A R. pfd Am. sugar Refining Am. Tobaoco pfd ctfa Anaconda Mining Co Atrhlaon Atchison pfd Atlantic, C. L. Baltimore A Onlo Hal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Chea. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W Chicago A N. W C. U. A Bt. P., ei-rlghta.. Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd C, C, C. A 8t. L Colorado P. A I Colorado A 80 Colo. A 80. lat pfd Colo. A 80. Id pfd Conaolldated Gaa Corn Products Corn Products pfd DaUwars A Hudaon I)la., L. A W Denver A R. O D. A R. O. ptd Dlatlllera' Securities Erie Krte let pfd Erie 2d pfd Oentrat Electrlo HocXlng Valley, offered.... Illinois Central International Paper Int. Paper pfd International Pump int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kansaa City 80 K. C. 80. pfd LoulaTtllo A N Meilcan Central M , Kt. P. A 8. 8. U . M , St. P. A I. 8. M. Mlaaouri Paolfio ........ Mlaaourl. K A T M.. K A T. pfd National Lead N. R. R. of M. ptd N. Y. Central N. Y . O. A W Norfolk A W Norfolk A W. pfd No. American Pacific Mall Pennaylvanla People's Gaa P.. C , C. A St. L Praeeed a. C Preaaed 8. C. ptd Pullman Palace Car.... Reeding Keadlog let pfd Reeding td pfd Republlo Steel Republic. Steel pfd Rik-k laland Co Rock laland Co. pfd.... Bt. L. A S. r. ti pfd... 8t. Louie S. w St. U S. W. pfd Southera Paclflo ........ Bo. ParlSe pfd Southern Railway Bo. Hallway ptd Tenneeeea C. A I Teaaa A Factne Toledo, S. L. A W T . bt. L. A W. pfd.... Colon PaclAo Colon Pacific pfd V. S. Eipreea. C S. Heelly C S. Rubber C 8. Rubber pfd t'alted Slates Steel V. 8 Steel pfd Va.-Carol!na Cheentcal Va Carolina Caem. ptd Wabeih Webaak pfd Welle-Fargo Eipreea . Weetlughouee giecirta , Weetern t'nloa Wheeling A L. V. la. Central Wla. Central pfd Northern Paclfie Central Leather Centre! Leether pfd.... Sloes Bhrtneld Steel ... tit. Northers pfd Int. Metropolitan Int. Met. pfd 1,000 80 100 loO 800 2W .101.400 114 nn nt . 4.1H4 424 4fS 41 . 1,700 KIH, IOOV4, JOOi 400 1144 91 lin) to to to J35 "4 17 4,100 71 704 724 100 110, UOSt UOi X.4Q0 IMA 147 148 Vn M0 114- 1144 14 4,300 1334 1S14 1M 100 T 17 t4 t. 600 287 S4 23 2M, 44,700 101 lul 10344 1.400 10! 1004 100 1.400 1SH4 IM 1344 16. BOO 1H 800 824 8214 JO. 400 81 78 14,100 144 1804 1.800 M4 U 414) 174i 174 4.700 IO04 1I( 48.800 164 147 100 low IS 1 654 4 47 S7 400 100 18.400 1,000 100 too 1.000 131 l.&'iO 204 1.000 8) 3,700 121 t.800 200 1.MI0 13.600 1,300 41 844 434 7f V, wj.4 10 V, 26 04 (4 81 87 St 138 20 74 114 414 "4 (84 42V4 744 1.100 1(74 154 400 171 100 II 200 200 100 ioii i.o 884 "so" t4 I.K) 145 1.100 274 170 1744 88 7V4 28S4 ii" 584 143 24 pfd. . 8.200 14.800 1,000 1,100 SS 404 714 72 4,l"0 12I 600 474 600 II 1.100 18 i 8X4 7014 704 iii" 47 804 74 1IH 2 804 184 215 65 174 18 liO I 21 84 65 4 137 20 4 80 til 600 42 84 4 4U 744 W4 1674 126 1484 174 60 84 8(114 ts4 48 St 4 6 14 14414 '4 144 181 3 40 704 714 124 474 H4 64 874 aa Colo. Mid Colo. A Bo. 4a... Cuba 6a I). A R. O. 4a.. Dlatlllera' Bra. 6a Erie p. 1. 4a do gen. 4a. Japan 4. 2d aerleo... 14 do 4a ctfa a.04 do 44a ctfa tl do Id eerl-e II 14 L. A N. unl 4e....l"74 Men. c. g 4e ion Mei. Central 4a 4 do tat Inr 2"4 Minn. A St. L. 4a.. 84 M , K. A T. 4a... do to N. R. R. ot M e. s. y. r, g sv,e.... n. J. c. g. 6 No. Pacific 4a do 3a N. A W c. 4a O ft. L. rfda 4e... Penn. conr. 3Sa. needing gen. 4a loe It. L. A I. M. r. 6e . 11.14 . L, A 8 P. fx. 4a. 84 St L. 8 W. c. 4a ... 78 Seaboard A. L. 4.. 814 So. Pacific 4a 8 M4 118 . 17 . 8714 1. 84 . 84 .174 .M24 . 73-4 . !4 . 14 ... 8714 754 Texae A P. la 11H lie T., Bt. L. A W. 4a.. Il4 101 cnlon Pacific ta... l4 C 8. Steel Id 6a. 87 Wabaah la M4 do deb. R K84 Weatern Md. 4. Hocking Val. 44a....lo4W A L. K. 4a Japan 6a 17 iwi. Central 4a OMAHA LIVE STOCli MARKET 0ttl Fifty CcdU Lower Tti Tn Dayn A eo. NO GREAT CHANGE IN HOG VALUES Falllaar OtT In Sheep Receipts tilres the Market Seeded Relief and Prices Remain Jnat Aboal Steady. ll.'l 6.78rt J.iKiO 6,70) 15 70 lS.frv'i 23.48 S3.4S7 18.4U 24.1: 17.174 IttTM in.45 28.1121 80,7113 R13.1 illd. Offered. .10314 17 U!4 7514 83 81 0 Boston Stocks and Bonds. ROBTON, Dec. 19. Call loans. 12(8-15 per cent; time loans. 6fi8 per cent. Official quotations on stocks and bonds were: . 12 . I84 . 86 .102S .110" ...140 ...ml ...151 ...IIS 14 Atrh. adj. 4a.... do 4a Me. Central 4.. Atrhleon do pfd Boston A Albany Pnaton A Maine.. Norton Klerated , Kltchburg pfd .. Meitcah Central N. Y.. N. H. A H..181 Per Marquette .... 61 Cnlon Paclflo II14 Am. A. C. pfd 82 Am. Pneu. Tube 114t Amer. Hux&r do pfd Am. T. A T.. Am. Woolen do pfd Pom. I. A 8. Edleon Elec. Maea. Electric do pfd Maea. Oaa .... Cnlted Fruit . In I ted 8. M... do pfd V. 8. Steel. ... do pfd Adrentura Allouea Amalgamated . Atlantio 'JJid. Asked 132W 130 13.1 2V4 182 12 I1IU...2I0 . 114 . 68 Bingham Cal. A Hecla.. Centennlel .... Copper Range flaly Weet .... Franklin Oranby lala Royole .. Mesa. Mining Michigan Mohawk Mont. C. A C Old Dominion oeceola Parrot qulncy Shannon Tamarack .... Trinity Cnlted Copper . . . V. 8. Mining U. S. Oil Ctah Victoria 504 Winona 1074iWolrerlne 4314 Oraene Con 2VArlione Com 474 Tecumeeh 1034 Cal. A Aiiaona... 44 Nevada 6O14 Butte Coalition .. 112H North Butta 134' .... tt4 ....642 .... 36 .... 104 .... II .... tf4 .... 134 8414 .... 7V4 .... 18 .... 77V4 .... 14 .... 6SH ....188 .... 27 .... ! .... 11 108 14 .... US 11 404 4 II 84 10VI 1714 104 4 154 111 . 17 134 101 SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. 19, 1!. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 8 4.M 4. ".'". Official Tuesday 8.7:4 Official Wednesday 6.3"0 Three days I Ills week. .12, "2 Same days last week 2l."S Sxme days 2 weeks ago. .14, sod Same days 3 weeks ago..l7.iW0 flame days 4 weeks ngo.. 30.917 Same days last year. ...14 818 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: m 1906. Inc. Csttle l.OM.H". l.oll.fniS M.1H0 Hogs ; 2.334.403 2.:ty.4n) 1S.0H Sheep 2.139.501 l.62,2t9 1K7.2U2 CATTLE QCOTATIONS. Oood to rholce cornfed steers.. . ..$6 4rfil.40 fair to good cornfed steers 4 7dU5 40 Common to fair steers 4 Oci . 1 5 Oood to choice fed cows S.iFVM.w Oood to choice cowa and heifers.... i.60(&4 08 Fair to good cows and heifers ... 2ou,ii3w Common to fair cows and heifers., l.OKgJ.W Oood to choice stockers and fdrs.. 4.20'ir4.7o Fair to good stockers and feeders.. 3 4Ofl4.20 Common to fair stockers 2.76ff3.40 Bulls, stags, etc X.0OJT4.00 Veal calve. 4.00ca.2S The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 1XH. 1V. 11904. lW8.lC.l01.iiklO. It rows Ti f 50 2" cowa A J an 37 f-cdrs. lniH 8 Oft 11 feeders.. 1o?n 4 15 ?S steers. ...peii 1 75 17 cows a 14 cows ! .W feeders. .Im7 80 helferw. 11 feeders i cows IS cows. . . 4 feedera. 12 feeders. 7 steers. . 25 feerlei a 5 cowa. , . 28 rows . I4 I n . S 3" . U 8 ' .lix'.t S ' . ttl .1 80 . 4 DS . 9I8 5 70 ,. I8 .lfttK 10 feeders.. ! .1 17 helfrrs... W7 S X 24 heifers... 944 7 cows 1148 3 18 8 90 London Closing; Stocks. LONDON. Dec. 19. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were: Cona., money do account Anaconda A hiaon' do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific . Cbea. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W ... C, M. A St. P... PeBeera D. A R. 0 do pfd Erls do Jt pfd do 2d Pfd Illlnola Central Loulavllla A N. ... 14 M.. K. A T .. 14 N. Y. Central..... .. 14H Norfolk A W ..IMS I do pfd ..10SS Ontario A W ..1244 Penneylvanla .... ..(cos Rand Mlnea , .. 68 Reading .. 17 Southern Railway ..114 1 do pfd 21 Houtnern Paclflo . . 44 . 81 . 46 . 71 . 70 .171 ..160 Cnlon Paclflo do pfd . . . U. B. Btael. do pfd ... Wabeih .... do pfd ... Spanlah 4a ... 414 ...135 ... M4 ... 1 ... 44 ... 70S ... I ... 76 ... 14 ... 17 ... MI4 ...1884 ... tt ... 484 ...1078, ... t04 ... 48 IS SILVER Bar. steady. 81 3-18d rjer ox. MONEY 4 66 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 6it4 per cent; for three months' bills, 6 per cent. Boston Copper Market. Closing quotations on Boston copper mar ket, reported by Logan & Bryan, 113 Board of Trade building, Omaha: Adventure 44 Mohawk Allouea 60'4 Nevada Cona Atlantio 14 North Butta Bingham IMiOld Dominion .... Black Mountain' 10 Oeceola Boaton Cona 10 Penu. Service .... Butta Coalition W4 Pneu. Service, pfd Calumet A Arlaona. .1824 Qulnoy Calumet A Hecla 160 Shannon Centennial ... Copper Range Pally Waat Kaat Butta Pranklln Greene Copper .... Granby Helvetia lale Royal L. 8. A Plttaburg. Maaaachuaetta Michigan . 774 . ITS, .108 . 624 .138' . II .13! . 81 . 1U v lamaracs 101 104 Trinity ltTfc IIS Cnlted Prult 108 114 Cnlted 8tatea, com..4""4 2? Cnlted Butee, pfd... 444 11 CUh Conaolldated.... 41 I tab Copper . 14S Victoria 21V4 Winona 214 Wolverine 74Nlplaalng IIS Cananea II IS 104 171 11 to New York Mlnlnsi Storks. NBW YORK. Dec. 19 Closing quotations On nvlnlag stocks were: Adema Con Alice Breece Brunewlck Con. . Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va... Horn Silver Iron Sliver Leedvllle Con. ... Ei-dlvldend. ..111 .. 80 .. 61 .. II ..101 ,.10 ..426 .. 8 Little Chief ... Ontario Ophlr Potoel Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hupea . Standard .. I . .4..0 ..280 .. It ..100 .. TO .. 10 ..ti. Dec. 10... Dec. 11.. Deo. 12.. Dec. 13.., Dec. 14.. Dec. 15.. Dec. 1.. Dec. 18.. Dec. 14. . 6 214 6 144 6 024 8 05 8 07 6 10 e 17 19 j 6 88' 41 T9 I 4 831 4 43 4 881 4 41 4 Kb 4 81 4 7H, 4 81 4 84 4 4R 4 471 4 49 4-451 4 .t? 4 891 4 40 4 42 4 281 6 13! 6 141 4 88 6 08 lo 4 82 S 98! 8 18 4 71 4 1 4 88 4 84 6 99 6 09 6 lti e I 4 271 6 14 6 22 22 a 8 27 4 i3 4 60 4 31 01 6 12l 4 76 S 35 t 7" 4 80 t ?e 4 70 2 70 8 heifers... 678 3 no NF.KRABK A. heifers .. 813 2 Co t feeders. .I" 4 3 10 steers... 1i5 4 15 IKXIS The market was late In opening, but when the trmle whs once umlcrwiv. It was fully steady on- the general run of hogs, with some of the best grades posslhly stronger. The fact was thst buyers seemed to want the prmt hogs especially thl morning, both light and butcher welghls and good heavy weights. The trnde was not active at any time, but when once underway a large proportion of the curly arrivals soon changed bands. The later market did not show very much change, lielng posiby h little bit espler In spots. The quality of the hnga tudnv wss very good, and tbst fact helped tin sales to show up well on paper. Representative sales: Sunday., RANGE OF PRICKS. Cattle. Hogs Omaha .$2.3uj.00 $5.5ii! 26 Chicago l.Wu.lO 6.ti"i'y8.4i!4 Kansas City t.vmit.m h ft lul. 37 4 St. Louis 1.7&V7.M) .8tVtj.40 Sioux City 2.Doy.00 6.06S.20 The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: t-ame. nogs, oneep.n r e. C. M. A Bt. P... Wabash 8 Missouri Pacific 1 V. P. System 120 C. & N. W east 10 C. & N. VV west 27 C. St. P., M. & O.. 4 C, R. A Q., east 3 C, H: & O , west.... 80 C. R. I. AP.. east.... 3 C, R. I. ft P., west.. .. Illinois Central 1 Chicago Gt. Western 2 10 23 17 32 9 7 16 6 1 4 4 132 21 4 20 Total receipts 213 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot head indicated: (battle, nogs. neer. Omaha Packing Co 49 Swift and Company 1.515 Cudahy Packing Co 1.4'rl Armour A. Co 6o6 Vansan & Co 11 Carey & Benton 154 Lobman &Co 92 McCreary ft Carey. 44 W. I. Stephen 88 Hill ft 8on 181 F. P. Iwis 35 Huston & Co 102 Hamilton & Rothschild.. 51 L. F. Huss 13 Wolf 434 J. H. Bulla 1 Mike Haggerty ... 78 J. B. Root ft Co 168 Z. H. Clark 71 T. B. Inghram 2 Sullivan Bros, ; Zt V. A. Britten 32 Lehmer Bros 18 Agor Pkg. Co 26 Other buyers 677 Totals l,3h 1,917 3,41 2.5S5 608 2,8tVt 2f8 90S ..6,334 8,948 2,049 "i437 61.700 1874 1W4 17i4 1.700 16 b:4 144 I'nj eir eo l.luO 614 114 74 63 61 ii i"0 181 161 10 .477.700 1444 74 14 Foreign Financial. LONDON. Dec. 19. Supplies of money were scarce and there was a good deinana In the market today. Discounts were firmly maintained. There was no disposition to operate below the bank rate and the bulk of business therefore went to the Bank of England. Trading on the Stock ex change showed signs ot gradually lessening with the approach of the holidays and In addition the monetary situation caused a depression In British securities, which were again fractionally weaker. Consols, how ever, advanced during the afternon on ru mors that gold was coming from Paris. Foreigners were Inclined to steadiness ow ing to more favorable Paris advices. Amer icans opened heavy. In sympathy with Wall street. Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. Paul was especially weak, but during the fore noon the market strengthened and prices picked up to about parity In most in stances, under the lead of Canadian Pa cific, but the latter declined during the aft ernoon. The New York advices generally wera more favorable later. Thla helped the market, which closed steady after mod erate fluctuations. Japanese Imperial 6a of 1H04 closed at 10174. PARIS, Deo. 1 The tone on the Bourse today was unchanged. Russian lmnerlal 4s closed at 76.36 and Russian bonds of liol at im. BERLIN, Dec. 19. Tha ton on the Bourse today waa undecided. ' CATTLU-The country is Indulging in its annual clearing sale and is flooding the market not only here but at other selling points with a great lot of half-fat steers at a time when, as usual before the holi days, the consuming demand calls for the best grades and only a limited number of them. Just why feeders are so anxious to unload at this seaaon of the year is a diffi cult question to answer. Nevertheless the cattle keep corning and prices keep going lower. It Is no easy matter to find any two sales men who will exactly agree as to the amount of decline on any one day. The cattle come in so late In the morning and are not all disposed of until night, that It Is very difficult to quote the market with exactness on any single day. There was no one, however, but what thought the market today was all of 6oc lower than It was ten days ago. Some of the very best cattle possibly did not show that much off, but the great big bulk of all the cattle have suffered that much decline. It la Impossible for the country to fully realise just how bad it Is, but the market Is not only lower here, but at every other point as well. It Is also impossible to make quotations whteh will fully show the decline that has taken place, partly for the reason that the cattle are getting better all the time, so that while the range of prices may be very nearly the same It takes much better cattle to bring them than was the case a short time ago. The market on cows and heifers opened extremely slow this morning, the same as It has every morning of late. With a good many of the trains back buyers were In clined to wait until they knew more about the character of the receipts and hence the forenoon was well advanced before any thing of consequence was done. The mar ket on cows has suffered in about the same way aa have steers. The trade has been dull and lower almost every day, and while sellers may differ very materially as to the transactions for any one dav no one dis putes but what a decline of 4 feooc has taken place on the general run or fair to pretty decent cows. The feeder trade is very slow and dull. The break In beef cattle has naturally made buyers rather weak-kneed and the tendency of the market has been lower, al though feeders have not suffered quite aa much of a decline as have fat cattle. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Bank Clearings. 0f AHA, Dec. 19-Bank clearings for to day were $1.8(6.672.70 and for the corre sponding dale last year 1,680.787.68. 1.300 t.0 li.ioo loo "ioo mo 41.000 'i.tuO too 18 14 24 46 ii" 61 M 'ii" H4 t4 44 -4 14 674 U4 34 14 1844 44 414 14 67 164 61 ... 1.600 lit, tuO 24 ... 6u0 634k . . M7.J.O Itlk 11844 18114 100 SIS), 81 81 Ill II ... 1.100 tv4 414 iou 4' 104 in 14 1064 ... 81 100 47 4 4k 47. Wool Market. BOSTON. Dec. 18. WOOL The wool mar- it 1 set. ia airuui emu ovewve, mougn leaalng o arades are not acarce. All Inrlii-utiime 374 1844 I point to the maintenance of present values. accuruiiia w conservative opinion, un washed fleeces, under a future diminution of stocks, have grown stronger; territory wools are active, with transfers la both combing and clothing grades. In pulled wiiiila. arrades from "R" annera im I with ready sale. Foreign grades sre firm. -, . I .... ... , u . iveii- 1" lucky, Indiana and Mlsaourl combing, three US 1 eighths blood, iiia4c; combing, quarter Wu ' blood, 814f32c. Texas (scoured basis), fine. u 13 months, 7f'73c; fine, 6 to 8 months, 7'f. 68 j 00c, one, .an tiwewi, uuoc California (scoured basis), nortnern choice, evgMc; northern good, 65(t6c; middle country, tifd be; southern. 81ijo3c; fall free, frcijuoo. Oregon (scoured basis), eastern No. 1 staple, TWiSc; western No. 1 clothing, fe-oOc; val ley, No. 1. eu'i2c; territory staple (scoured V.aaaial Ansa ?l afri"?9 ' A nasi rr elli, l'u. . . wnaioi, 4iii , v . , aiiau iliruiuilt. gO,(i' I 'J8J i4.io 104 io?:e iv , . ,"ii!ir...i,;r 1 600 a4 bau. tail , lllwllul,,i w , iuuwii, u'uuieiy (acoured 4- 107 t0 184 O 41 100 HI 100 100 17 144 44. TOO 0t o 4 ko re i.ioo 744 . 18.e.r 1014 lew MS 6O0 714 Na. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pt. 1 844 I 70 II 1200 4 60 1 101 4 20 13 1182 4 66 14 1271 4 26 II 1021 4 40 II 1187 4 30 24 1186 4 76 17 Ill 4 10 II 1601 I 20 1 102 4 46 80 1274 I U JS 174 4 60 cowa 1 121 I 16 IT KS IW I 824 I 26 7 110 I 00 It 121 I 21 24.. 124 8 00 I Ill t 40 IS 10U 8 00 II 840 I 40 11 Kl IM 4 KOI I 48 81 868 I 10 1 1020 I 70 80 1101 I 10 28 671 I 71 II 1004 I 10 I Ill 1 76 I , 1010 I 18 1 1040 I 71 II 1011 t 10 14 lula I 80 I HJJ I 10 14 I 80 20 1074 I 20 80 I 86 II HU I to ll ino I 86 II 1011 I 10 4 130 1 84 18 1041 I 11 8l I 10 II 1011 I 46 II 840 I 80 10 1041 I 60 11 171 I 10 8 1184 I 14 1 1031 I 80 I leol I 0 I 44 18 1 1410 4 00 14 161 I 00 HEIFERS. 6 481 I lo 17 Ill I 1 I Til i 40 I 460 I 10 4 M l 1 16 I 10 ISO I 16 4 44 I M IM I TO I KJ St II M IN 18 Ill I H 1 440 I 00 BULLS. 1 1400 t 60 1 1440 I 441 1 1310 I 76 1 1670 I 40 1 161 I 10 1. 1740 I 46 1 ITS 8 26 t U70 I 60 CALVES. Total aalea for tha day, 1.711. na) (hares. I 734 182 4 724 Treaaarr Statement. WASHINGTON. Dec. lS-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen ernl fund. ex. li'H of the 15o,(m)'ji gn reaui-ve, sUws. AtallabW caaU LiUauti, 40J Ico spring (scoured basis), No. 1, 6oVUoc; o 1 pulled wools (scoured basis), extra, o,j i Tic; tine "A." 63a6c; "A" supers, 66469c; B 6 supers, 47'&S3c. lit 1 ST. LOl'IS. Dec 1 WOOL Steady: me. dlum grades, combing and clothing, 21 2T4c; light fine, lfewii4c; heavy fine, 14Vw lt4c; tub washed, 8J874c. Oils and Roala. OIL CITY, Pa., Dec. 1 OIL-Credlt bI ancea, 81. 5a Runs. 124. Va bbls.; average 87 2"1 bbla. Shipment, 162,652 bbls.; average. lSK.tlPM bhlS. SAVANNAH. Dec. 19 OIL Turpentine, quiet; n4c; sales, 306 bbls.; receipts, 648 bbls.: iHpnients, 4 bbls. ROSIN Firm. Quote: A. B. C. D K Hi: F. I4.0T44p4.1U; G. 841U(H1?4- H. HIS; t&iW VV. W ., 14.86, "4 T64 184 4 M "4 8 ... I.. 1.. I.. I.. 1.. 11.. I . 44 . I . 20.. I . I . 40 . 4 . 10f rows. 60 cows.. 1' cows.. 177 tius. 864 I 71 141 4 00 110 I 0 t o I Oft 120 I 16 K4 i 71 .41 I 40 . aaa I ee .lout I 0 .117 I SO .638 I SO . 120 I 26 . IM I 40 .682 I 10 . 186 I 46 FCKDER& 11 is , 11 , 87.'.'".'.',! .... 160 4 00 .... 160 I OS ....10 4 0 .... IIS 4 10 120 4 04 .... JVO 4 M .... I TS .... 101 I 16 .... 146 8 t .... 46 I 86 ... low I It .... 868 I 10 ....120 I 80 .... 4J 4 00 880 4 OO WESTERNS. W. Moncreiffe Wyo. . 2l 3 75 M0 cowa K6 175 . iMO 2 80 60 cows 871 t 80 WYOMING. ,.1087 t 80 6 cows K 1 80 . .84 IN 183 COWS Wi I N No 6... 38... 31... 16... 64 .. 61... 48 ... 61... 12... 64. .. 64... 68... 48... ST... 81... 46... 84. .. 66... ... 7:,... 68 . .. . .. 71... 66... ... Av. 8h. Pr. n ... 4 10 i0 180 4 114 S2I ... 4 124 378 . . 4 124 142 10 I 124 21 110 4 124 S2S 40 I 114 116 ... I II 177 oo 4 16 276 Inn I u 278 8fl I IB tM 40 I 16 20 ISO I II 821 ... I 16 146 10 4 174 40 I 174 80 I 174 ISO 4 174 40 4 1" 40 4 Ml ... 4 20 . . . 4 10 170 Iro 4 to 171 40 4 tO 234 ... I 20 ... JH ....8.10 344 ...22 ...114 116 ...211 No. t . 78 . 77.. 6. . 78.. 8.. 48. . an. . 78.. 72 . 71.. 62.. 81 . 61.. 81.. 4 . 0.. 8. . 86. . 6.. 63. . . 81.. 42. . 76. Av 1S 214 .131 8h Pr 8- I 70 o I 10 80 I 0 l4 lm 6 20 170 ... 6 JO 142 40 2o f.'3 ... I 0 278 . . 1 to 241 2' I 20 261 80 I 224 220 240 I 224 14 ... I 124 108 10 I IB 10 I 16 ... I SS ... I 26 . . I to ISO I 26 ... I Ttl ... I 2:. ... 8 274 ... 4 274 ... 4 274 40 I 30 I 30 ...IW ...1(8 ...1(3 ...IC2 ...201 ...14 ...227 ...204 ...111 ..814 ...m .in SHEEP Receipts of sheep during the nrst two days this week were about the same as last week, but more than doub'e the receipts of a year ago. This morning, fortunately, there whs a lighter run. which gave the market a little rest. The nrrlvals were also partly made up of feeders which was a still on killers. further relief to the market The market on fat sheep and lambs opened Just about ateady with yesterday, but the trade was none too active. The packers seemed to want a few good sheep and lambs, but the demand was by no means urgent, besides being limited. Pack ers paid as high as $o,60 for a string of Colorado wethers, with ewes at 5.t. the same that broght 14.90 yesterday. Some good lambs sold Up to 17.26. Sellers who naa medium grades of fat sheep or lambs such as were not good enough for the packers, but a little too good for feeders. complained that It was very hard to unload at anything like satisfactory nrlces. The demand for f?eders continues very gooa. J nere are, in fact, orders stiftlcient to take everything coming or that Is like v to come. A big string of Montana wethers sold this morning at 85.10. Quotations on killers: Oood to choice Iambs, i.UK(i7.60; fair to good lambs. $4.71 !i7.00; good to choice yearlings. $5.7Mii.15 fair to good yearlings, o.6oyjiS.76; good to choice wethers, lo. 31. (16 60; fair to good wethers, la.l6tiv.3Si good to choice ewes t4.T54t6.15: fair to god ewes. ll.SX'fit.TS. Quotations on feeders: Good to choice lambs. 86.26'h.60; medium lambs. t5.2tVati.2f light lambs, I4.25ii6.26; yearlings. 6.16'i5 50; wethers. 4..sno j; ewes, j.i.txuM.au; Drede Ing ewes, RbOUfj.OO. Representative sales: No. 6'J4 Wyoming wethers, feeders.. 357 Wyoming yearlings 17 fed lambs, culls 817 Idaho feeders 248 native lambs 12IV0 Idaho lambs 201 fed lambs 201 western ewes 88 western ewes 3!45 western ewes 67 native ewes 69r Colorado wethers 44 western ewes 607 Idaho lambs 385 western lambs 252 western lambs 264 western lambs 2 native lambs 43 native lambs A v. Pr. , W 5 2B .72 5 50 , fit 6 00 , 8N 6 50 ,77 6 55 .75 7 (tt , 79 7 124 . US 4 90 .116 6 00 . 118 6 00 .152 5 25 . 1 6 60 . 1(2 4 75 .78 7 00 .77 7 25 . 79 7 25 .75 7 2o . 110 7 25 .87 7 60 MAHKKT CHICAGO LIVE STOCK Cattle and Sheep Steady Hogs Strong, ,, to Higher. CHICAGO, ' Dec. 19. CATTLE Receipts, 81,009 head; -market steady; common to prime ateers, It.tXxa'T W; cows, $2.76134.75; heifers, 82.60(66.00; bulls, I2.40i84.60; calves, 2.75m 50; stockers and feeders, 2.40g-4.5o. HOG8 Receipts,- 80,000 head; market strong to 6c higher; good to choice heavy, Sti 40fj.45; butcher weights, 16.406.45; light, $.355 40; packing, $ S(f8.40. ' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 20.C00 head; market steady to strong; sheep, $3.75 tl0U; yearllnga, $4.80il6.2&; lambs, $5.76(tf 7.75. New York Lira Stock Market. NBW YORK. Dec. 19 BEFVK8 Re ceipts, 1,GD0 head; steers alow and 10jl5c lower: bulls, steady; bologna cows, steady, others slow to U)c lower. Steers, $3. r fa 6. 76; stags and oxen, $2.50(34.06; bulls. $3. 26ft I 2j; cows, $1.40'b3.76; Liverpool and London cables quoted live cattle slow at liUU4c per pound; dressed weight, refrigerator beeves, 4i 4c per pound; exports, 903 cattle, llu sheep and 7,800 quartets of beef. CALVKS Receipts, 1,(8.3 head; veals. Blow to 26c lower, llarnyurd calves, dull; west ern, 26c. lower. Veals, $6.0tiOJ; city dressed veals, 8'13o per pound: few fancy, same. 134c; country dressed, 6oll4 BHEKP AND WMB8- Receipts. 3.4S3 head. Sheep dull and ISc lower ; prime lamb) barely steady; medium grades, 2.11, 5oc lower; sheep, $:i.0Of(5.D0; choice, wetheis $5.76; ciiIIh, $Me'ii2.u0, lambs. $b.6tu.00; one deck choice, I6.1-".; Canada lamoH, Ii.J,; culls, $4.5t4i6.0O. H(JS Receipts. Z.300 head: state and Pennsylvania hogs, $6.70(iS.ti6, pigs, $7.(0. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Dec. 19. CATTLE Receipts. 10,0u0 head, including 6u) head soutnems; mantel Bteaay; cnoice export and dressed beef steers, $5.406.60; fair to good, $4.00646.35; western steers, $3.6(hu6.6o; Stockers and feeders, $3.0(ii 4.6o; southern steers, J3.0Og4.90; southern cows, $2.0i4U.2j; native cows, $2.0"4i4.26; native helfera, $3.00 tjomi; bulls, $2.7fo4.16; calves, 3.004)(U6. HOGS Receipts, 10.O4) head, market opened strong and closed weak to 6c lower; top, IoSzh; ouik or aaies, an.zrydu.do; neavy, in.i j(u6.3i4; packers, $-j.20'tj.3;4; pigs and llarht. 16 ttiniHi 30. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 11,000 head; market l(Kfltic lower; Imuba, tA.Urii 7.4o; ewea and yearlings, $4.75ii6.W; western fed yearlings, $6.61x96.40: Western fed sheep, Ks&Go.iO; slockera and feeders, i.&ouS.O. took la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal westttn markets yesteroay ied; market steady; rmtl mutton. $3 "0 vi'; limbs, $4i"'i7 5": culls and bucks, $.1 ((i3.fx; stockers. $J.7i.'"3 .6. 4M 411 WIHH.K.S I.N M4HKF.T. Condition of Trade and Qaotatloaa on Staple and Fancy ProHnre. EOflS Per dos . I7c L1VK piirl.TRV-Hens. T'iiTWc; roosters. 4c; turkevs. 2'(1.V; ilucRS. f i:-c " . chlikeiie. 74c; Roexe, Mit'c. .... BITTKH- Packing sloes. !;(-: i-m,..v. w fancy dairy. I'lii :'.v. creamery, .hi.mc. HAY-Choice upm.,,.. w: j... CO i me. v (io-(i8W ma an aw, o. w... BRAN- 1'er ton. I1&.UU VKlETAHiES. TI RN'll'P- Per bu . 50c FWKET POTATOES Kansas, per bb!.. 2 ... .. .. .. TOM A TOES caiuornia, per uri u m. -'".... WAX HKAM l ei on. mn, .i.'"ii.i .. ItKKTS and ' A H K TS-I'er bu . 76c. . LEAF LKTTL'CE Hothouse, per ufaV- b mis. 4i c. CFI.EIiT-rfr oat, Jiyiw. CI'Cl'MHF.RS Hothouse. T'T dos.. $1.7N7J e 2 . . (l.MO.NS-llolnc grown, vt per uu. , cym.' Ish, $:' Ki per crate; Colorado, 7bc. HCHSEKADIt?!! Case of 8 del.. $1 90. RADISH KS Per. dos bunches, southern. Idige bunches. 4oc. NAVY RKA.NS Per P., i 1 ; io. i, i. , LIMA HKVNS - Per In. 6 4c. (iHKK.N I'EITERS -Per hamper. 83.00. PARSLEY Hothouse, per dot. bunches. CA HB AO E Holland seed, nome aTown, .!!! J- r.(K) I lain 1-1 pr on. - . PltTATOKS - Per lul., 40'uc. RI TA BAi AF About ItO lbs. to sack, II HK'il) LETTLCE Southern, per do 1 1 (.Oli 125 , . . SHALLOTS Southern, per dos. bunches, 60c. " A I'LIFLOWF.R Ter crate of about twf . dot. heads, $4.2ufjj 4.50 FRITITf. ' ('RAN PURR I ES- Ter bhl., ISIW.OO. APPLE?-' Wen Davis, choice $1 00. fsncf per bbl., $;.;.".; Joniithnns, $3.60; New York apples. $3.2f; (irltucs Golden, $3.26. 1'KAI'S- Wlriler Nells, per box, 83.00. GRA1 ES-Malnga. per bbl., $i.0(Ktf7.! New Yo-k Catawbas. 4 lb. banket. 21o. TROPICAL FRUI1. ORANGES-Florida oranges. $2.90; Call-, fornla novels. $.(.25. LEMONS-l.lmonlerit. extra fancy, !4t pine. $4.50; 3ii and 3tU) site. $6. to; othaf brnnds, 60c less. BAN A NAS Per medlum-slsed buncta, $2.Ua2.26: Jumbos. $2.5iri3.fiO DATES KbiIh way, ; savers, 6c: Hal lowls new stiiflej walnut dates, 9-11). bs $1.10; California, bulk. 64c; b-crown, l&o,' 6-crown, 14c; 3-crown, 12c. GRAPii; ERL'IT Kite 54 to 84 and 80 U 96, $4. .so. , COCOANVTS Per sack of 100, $4.Jfi. MISCELLANEOUS.. CHEEPF. Swiss, new. 16c; Wlacosal) brick. 164c; Wisconsin hmuerger, 124o; twins. 16c; Young Americana, 164c FISH Trout, 12c; halibut. Uc: catfish, 15c; buffalo, 8c; bullheads, 12c; black base, lino stock. 25c; salmon, U'c; pike. ISc; red snapper, fresh froten, 13c: whlteflsh, fresrj froten, 13c; yellow perch, aressed anal scaled. 8c; pickerel, ftesh frosan, 8o( frog legs, 40c per dot. saddles. HIDES AND TALLOW Green salteej, No. 1, 124c; No. I, lle; bull hides, 410o; green bides. No. 1, 11c, No. 2, loc; horse, ll&(."(3 7&; sheep pelts, 60ci)$1.25. Tallow, No. 1. 44c: No. t lac. NI'TS French Wilntite. ISV.c; Callfcrnlg walnuts. No. 2. hard shell, 13c; No. 1, soft shell, 104c; HtHzJls, Uiiiliic; pecans, 19fl22c; lilbcrts, 114 14c; peanuts, raw, 64V! roasted. 84c; California almonds, hard shell. 16c; soft shell, 17c. HONEY Per 24 frames, $3.60. CIDER New York, half barrel, $2.76; bar rel. $5.00. COFFEE Roasted, No. t 3o Mf Ib.$ No. 80, 21a pet- lb.; No. 26, 19c per It. I New 2o. lbc per lb.: No. 21. 13o per lb. 6YRIP tn bins.. 27c per gal.: In oasetL. ( )0-lb cans. $1.70; cases. U 6-lb cans. $L8vt asea, 24 m-iu. cans, II. se. SL'OAR Oranulated cane. In sacks. $5.11: . granulated oeet. 't aacka. $5.11. CUT BEEF PRICES. Ribs: No. 1. 144c: No. t. 94c: No. J. CMjO. Loin: No. 1, 1K-; No. 2, 124c; No. . 90. Chuck: No. 1. 64c; No. 2, Sc; No. 8. 4a. Round: No. 1, 6c; No. 2, 7c; No. 8. f4o. Plate: No. 1. 44c; No. 2. 4o; No. I, to. canned ouuos-wirri, standard weat ern, 6o4tCi ; Maine, 11 lu. Tomatoes, 8-lb. cans, $1.10: 3-lb. cans, 974c'u1.00 Pine spples, grated, 2-lb., J2.0:.2 30; sliced, $1.M 82.20; gallon apples, fancy, $2.65: California apricots, II. Co 2. 25; pears. $l.7u'w2.6i): p.-ai'hea, fancy, Jl.7(-'(i2.4o; n. c peaihes, 2.00ta6a. Alaska saltron, red, $1.25; tancir Chinook, F., $2.10; fancy sockeye, F. $1.95: sardines, quarter oil, $2.75; three-quarter mustirtl, $3 00. Sweet potatoes. $1.10(1.26: sauerkraut, U K); pumpkins, 80c'n$1.00; wax neana, l-lb 6-;t(j80c; lima beans, 2-lb , 7iciaJl 36; splnaoh, $1.35; cheap peas, 2-lb., 60o; extras, 96c4)1.10; lancy, $1.3ottl.76. CURED FISH Family whlteflsh, per quarter bbl., 100 lbs., $4.00; Norway rnnok eral. No. 1, $36.00: No. 2. $28.00; herring Itt bbls., 200 lbs. each, Norway. 4k. $9.00; Nor way, 3k, $9.00; Holland herring, in kegs, milkers, 80c; kegs, mixed, 70c Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. l-COFFEE-Market for futures opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 6 points, owing to slightly disappointing French cables. There wu some local buying on small primary receipts and recent bullish talk regarding the progress of valorisation purchases, however, and the market recovered the Initial loss during the middle session. Tha close whs steady, net unchanged to 5 polnfs higher; sales were reported of 48.260 nagM. Including January at 6 5(W6oc; March, 5.7(K!i5.75c; May, 6 9"fi6.!5c; July, 6.08 ?i6.1(ic; September, 6.2wf(6.30. Spot, steady! No. 7 Rio, Invoice, 7c. South Omaha Ploux City ... Kansas City . Bt. Joseph .... St. Ixmis Chicago Totals .... 6.300 .... 1.(84) ....10,r0 .... 2.476 .... 4,(Al0 ....21,1AM) ....43.775 Hogs. Sheep. 9.000 6,7(10 6.5(10 200 10.6HO 11.0 41 9.251 1,412 9,000 6uu 30,000 20.UU0 72,867 39,812 Slonx City Live Stock Market BIOL'X CITY, Deo. 1 (Special Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts, i.taju neaa; market ateadv: beeves, $4.iKij 8.0O; cows, bulls ajl mixed, $2. oofs. 00; stockers And feeders, $3.(Kj (04 10; calves ana yearungs, aomua. 10. HOOS Receipts, 6.600 head; market steady: selling at $6.0606.20; bulk of sales, $c.l"tfU6. SHEEP AMU UAHKs- KeCOipiS, 28 ksttd; market steady. t. Joaenh Live Stoeb Market. ST. JOSEPH, Ma, Deo. 19. CATTLE Receipts, 2.475 head; market 10c lower; na tives, $4.5ofl7.0u; cows and heifers. 22.00(8 4.60; stockers and feeders, !3.Wa4 HOGS Receipts. 97 head; market slow; top, $i26; bulk, $4.2&o6 30. 6HEEP AND iJlMBSRecelpts. 1,412 bead; market steady. St. LonlS Live Stok Market. T LOUI8, Dec. 19. CATTLE Receipts, 4 0u0 head. Including &11O bead Tetana; mar ket stroneT; native shipping and export steers, $6.4u'u-7.0o; dressed beef and butcher steers $4 ltti6 60; steers under l.O" KundH, $3 2to4 60; Blockers and feeders. $2.10(4 6n; cows and heifers, $2 404(6.25; cannere, $1.50 ti-2 86; bulls, 11 .34j4.uo; calves. $J iViOM; Texas and Indian steers, $2 606.60; cowa And helfera. $1 76i(i60. ... HOGS Receipta. 8.000 head: market 5c higher; pigs and lights. $5 K.i ; pack er" $6K36; butchers and best heavy, 16 SO414I.40. SHEEP Cotton Market. N'EW YORK. Dec. 19 -COTTON-Spot closed steady; middling uplands, 10.40c; mid dling gulf. lo.7oc; sales, none. ST. LOI IS. Dec. 1!). COTTON Dull; mid dling, luSe; miles, none; receipts, 1,029 bales; shipments, 96 bules, stock, 2o.2tn bales. LIVERPOOL, Deo. 19. COTTON Spot In fair demand, prices 9 points lower; Amer ican middling, fair, 6l; good middling, 5.78d; low middling, 6.441; middling, 6 8' id; good ordlnury. 6o:.l; ordinary, 4.78d. Tha salt of the day were Jb.Oio bales, of whlcli 500 were for simulation and exxrt and In cluded 9.800 AmerlcHii. Rwelpls, IJ.uOo, In cluding Jl.iUU American. AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 GOLD BRICK CROOK IS NERVY Shocks Police Court Clerk by Offer Inar Check for Payment of Fine. The bunco artist, J. A. Angerman, who beat Ressle Wear out of $28 with the as sistance of his partner, Lillian Holt, a few days ago by Inducing the Wear woman to pay that amount aa C. O. D. charges on a trunk which waa afterwards found to be filled with bricks and rubbish after Lillian Hoff had disappeared, was fined $50 and costs In police court Wednesday morning. Lillian Hoff was discharged, as she had agreed to turn state's evidence and testify against Angerman. Angerman, the police say, has proven tt be one of the most Impudent prisoners they have been called upon to deal with for many months. He even shocked Po lice Clerk Mahnney by offering to pay hit fine with a check for $166 and tried to In duce Mahoney to accept the check and give him the balance due. Mahoney didn't bite, although the check may be all right, bat told Angerman he would have to see the cold hard cash. CHILD RESCUEDFROM SHAME SIxteen-lear-Old Girl la Takes Oat of Heaort In Lower Knd. A girl only 18 years of age, who gars her name as Madeline Brown, waa taken from the house of !il-rer,mte of Minnie Fair child, 120 8outh Ninth street and placed for safe-keeping In the matron's department at the city Jail. The girl's real name U known and her father Is empl.ved ()ha and Is highly respected. He has been communicated with and Is expected t4 take charge of his erring daughter. The girl's mother lives In the western part Of the state and has been separated from lies husband for aome time. - . . - - - J WE OFFER AT PAR FOR A LIMITED PERIOD. TH GOLD HONDH- 0 G LA HAM LED bTOCX with bonus of stock In three subsidiary compalnlee. TSBT VIS CXsTT riB AM HUM OOABABTEED BT fOUB BAB7K on stock we are now offering at lo cents a share in a dividend paying pro ject. Write ua for full details. AMERICAN FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CO.. (Repreaantativea Wanted) LOS aSOILII, CAL.