HIE OMAItA DAILY BEE: TIIUHSDAY. TjEOEMHER 20, 1006. riMVii ttuDUCED THE PRICES ON DEATH. IS DUE TO NEGLECT aga High grade Fu RARE CIIAIICE TO BUY A FUR JACKET BEFORE CHRISTMAS Goats jt Bach it Vetdict t Inquest frer the loij of Kicbtrl Ho eh et. CITY AND COUNTY DENY RESPONSIBILITY 8 Hi 3 , Each if if v, ,4. A VK-.V ' KiMnmaMMnMBBHMMnMnMH The prolonged tnlld weather leaves us with i. great number of fur coats which we wish to sell n one. We hare selected' a number that are speclalh ariantnrf fnr rkplilm.. .Iff. A t. . n, v v mkuiBD gins niiu iiLru vuui .,' V holftw nknt a K n , . 1 .4 K ! I.1 1 I. V. . . I J "u .-uui me; IUUUIU Uliufi. FUf H 1 1 1 11 , uruuu- ful gift nothing can compare with one of thesr J elegant fur jackets. Such an unusual chance as this .. rarely comes at any time. Rljcht before the holi days It Is a wonderful Inducement. One genuine Sealskin Coat, worth $200, at..$S9 One fine Persian Lamb Coat, chinchilla collar and reveres, worth $250,at $150 One Russian Pony Skin Coat, very swell, worth $9S, l $59 One dyed Hudson Bay Otter Coat, extra fine qual ity, worth 250, at.'. $109 One splendid quality Sealskin Coat, formerly $275, 8105 One extra fine Near Seal Novelty Coat, formerly $85, at 8G5 One fine Siberian Squirrel, 30-ln. box coat, formerly 98. t $60 Two Sable Blended Brook Mink Coats, formerly $69, at 845 One Russian Pony Skin Box Coat, formerly $85, at $59 : Mr i BUmn the Otkrr and CKII Donaaac Says It t&iuvaaalsee Need of Kafricir; Hospital. I One Siberian grey Squirrel 4 8-in. loose coat, worth at gii5 U One blended grey Squirrel, 48-In. loose coat, formerly 20. l 8135 U 2.50 3 That Michael Hughes cam to hli death du to luck of proper medical attention was the verdict of the Jury at the Inquest held Tuesday evening by Conner Bralley. The Jury also recommended thnt the cor oner make an Investigation to the rat ion for the refusal of the authorities at the county hoapltal to admit Hughes to that Institution when It was known he km sick and was sent to the hospital Monday afternoon. The evidence on which the verdict of the Jury was rendered was to the effect that Hughes received the best of treatment at the city 1i!l by Police 6uigeon Harris, who la n asiet.nt of the city physician. And that Ir. Morris saved Hushes' life Sunday morning after he had taken a quantity of laudanum. Hughes Improved and was placed In a cell for snfe keeping, but was so slrk It waa thought best to send him to the county hospital, although It was a question If he should nt have been sent to St. Joseph's hospital as an emergency case at the expense of the. city. County Physician Talks. County l'hyslclan Bwoboda in an inter view Wednesday declared very emphatically that if Hughes' death was due to neglect It should be laid up against the city authorities. "I knew nothing about the case," ho said, ' until they bundled him off to the county hospital after, giving him treatment and entering and petit larceny and waived I a preliminary examination. The father of young Richardson, fher man Richardson, who was arrested Just a few minutes before hs son on the charge of being drunk, was discharged by Judge Crawford Wednesday morning. rjet your Pure Sugar Candies at Courtney's. une illusion beai bKin coat, formerly $85, at $02.50 S Three Astrakhan 27-in. Jackets, formerly $45, at $25 Q One Russian Pony 50-ln. loose coat with lynx collar W and cuffs, formerly $250, at 8125 & l HURSDAY FUR COAT PRICES ARE REDUCED A f BRAN DEIS g r3BC:OaBC:raC at the city Jail. There were two other larnsrssstrsana 1 sun 11 . cases to go to the hospital from the city Jail and I Investigated them and had given lS one which should work In favor of con- orders that they be admitted to the county jolidotion. as he thought It now Improbable hospital. The police said nothing to me iliat South Omaha would And It nccest-ary about the Hughes cas. Instead they put to bulla Its own system, before long. j him Into the ambulance with the other Speaking of, terminal railroad taxation ; two and sent him out after some one ANY MINISTER AS CHAPLAIN Mike Lea Waata te Abnllsk Offlce and Make It Free to All. "I am In favor of a resolution that will abolish the office of chaplain of the house," F:ild Representative Mike lice, author of th Oreater Omaha bill. "I do not say we should have no chaplain, but the work should be thrown open to any clergyman WHO w IhlirB lu in'lltfllll II. pnivauiPii in .ir. and the opportunity of Invoking divine . blessings on the lawmakers of Nebraska should be free. too. ' It isn't any secret and this need reflect ; on no man that the Idea of having one ; man to go there each morning, offer prayer j at the open'iig of the session and go away Is unpopular. It Is not an uplifting plan. I am confident It would prove far more j helpful and tar mors popular If this place i wero open to all. Say let the speaker re- I ci-lve application from various clergymen ' of ull denominations who enred to go there and ask Ood to guide and blea his serv ants as they deliberated upon the affairs of atnte. I believe It would be the means ot Infusing new life Into the proceedings; it would at least give a spice of variety. "I think this action should be taken In the ante-session caucus." , BREEN ON GREATER 0M111A Advocates Merrer of Two Cities by Direct Lseiilative Enactment SAYS POPULAR VOTE NOT NECESSARY Reaeat Inquiry In Soath Omaha Con vinces II I m of Widespread sentiment There ' for Consolidation. Former City Attorney John P. Breen was the speaker before the Real Estate exchange at the Commercial club rooms Wednesday noon. The attendance was large and the Interest In Mr. Breen'a paper nn consolidation of Omaha and South Omaha was keen. There was nothing of particular interest beside the consolida tion matter before the club. Members of the Douglas county legisla tive delegdtlon and several city and county officials were guests of the exchange. Mr. Breen advocated the consolidation of Omaha and South Omaha by direct legisla tive enactment, regardless of a popular e. He contended that the city la but arm of the state and that many precedents had been established throughout the United States where similar cities had been consolidated and the merger .declared constitutional. Sonth Omaha favors It. "Recent Inquiry in South Omaha con vlncea me that a widespread sentiment for consolidation exists there, and laying aside the possible and probable Interest ot poli ticians In either city, which ought not to count In such a matter at all, I firmly be lieve the desire for consolidation by the people of both cities Is more alert and fixed now than at any time In the past," said Mr. Breen. "I have given some thought to the method by which this con s' eoIldaiVm or merger should be accom 1 pushed, and In re-lew ot the action of th legislatures In various states I find th u the plan has been adopted and upheld 01 uniting cities situated as Omaha and Soutu Omaha .are, with contiguous boundaries, by direct legislation; that Is, without vote of the people of either city. Draft of the Bill. "In line with this Idea I suggest that the legislative bill should provide: "First, that wherever there now cxIstB. or may hereafter exist, a city of the ftrsi or second class, whose soundary lines arc contiguous to the boundary lines ot the metropolitan city, that such first or seconn class city should be and become consolida ted and meiged under the name of thr metropolitan city; and that within' a lim ited time, say ten days, after the merger, the council ot the metropolitan city should proceed to subdivide and redistrict the con solidated territory. After a limited periou an election should be held for the govern ment of the. consolidated city. "From an examination -of the legislation in various states, I find that It Is not at all uncommon for the legislature to pro vide for the consolidation or merger o. cities without a vote of the people o. either city, and an analyxatton ot somi fundamental principles shows there Is lit tle or nothing In the Idea that there should be a vote In either or both of such cities. "That consolidation of Omaha and Bouth Omaha must ultimately take place seems apparent to those who oppose it Just now, for It cannot be that two cities Joined together as Omaha and Bouth Omaha are, will continue to be governed by two sets of public officers. Mr. Breen said ho thought the New York system should obtain here. He explained that New York wrestled seventeen years against the unit system and finally adopted a system whereby the assessors went out down there had been treating him. Super intendent Ferrer called me up and told me there was an extra man In the am bulance and I said I knew nothing about the case, I told him to examine the. man and "taxed railroad property for city and and If he was sick and a proper subject county purposes the same as they would ansess a man with a house, cow, horse, etc. Mr. Breen -was tendered a vote of thanks. Old-fashioned Home Made Butter Scotch and Taffies at Courtney's. Delay Causes Difficulty. "It seems to me that the longer con solidation Is postponed the more difficult it will become to Justly and equitably adjust matters ot bonded Indebtedness, taxation and municipal properties. Fortunately Just now an equation exlBts between Omaha and South Omaha In this respect." Mr. Breen referred to the water situation Toys at Half Price All sample toys that have been on show and are slight ly soiled, have been gatherer together and put on tables in basement at Half Price. These are not broken and much damaged toys, but mussed and soiled great bargains toys cf all kinds, and dolls, too, in great variety. Closing out all the Imported doll dresses that sold from 50c to $1.00 at doll counter at J5c. Block and Pit, popular games at game counter at, each 19c. Just received Beautiful horse show stables real hair horses fancy show rigs. TOY FURNITURE The greatest lot of toy furniture Is to be found here. Pretty golden oak Dressers, $3.98 to 2 5c. Sideboards, In golden and weathered oak, $3.75 to $1.35. Chiffonier!, refrigerators and furniture sets, large assortment. Doll Beds, In Iron and brass, $10 to 50c. Toy mlaeloB Furniture. Tables of various kinds, $3. 75 to 50c. Chairs and Rockers, $3.36 to $1.90. Hobby Horses, Irish Malls. Automobiles, Express Wagons, Desks, Etc., large assortment, all prices. Big line of Pianos for the little girls. Tool Chests for little boys. Come and see the largest toy display. . r EN KVENINGS n PJOrchard& Wilhclm Carpet Go. 4I4-II Snath SUtoearh SrrMi. BRUTE KICKS WIFE ON FLOOR Bl-, Brawny Man Knocks Woman Down and Then Boots Her Body. "You are the worst brute I've ever Been since I've been on this bench and I've 3en some bad ones, too," was the ar raignment by Judge Crawford In police court Wednesday morning of Frank Kagor, who runs a second-hand store at 2107 South Twenty-ninth street, and who was arrested on the charge of beating his wife last Monday. In sentencing Kagor to ninety days in the county Jail Judge Crawford remarked: . "I don't know how your family la going to live while you're in Jail, but I'm going to give you the limit, ninety days, and I hope It will do you good, for If I ever saw a brute walking on two legs, you're It." Mrs. Kagor and two small children were In . police court ' and the wife testified, through an Interpreter, that Kagor had beaten her shamefully, but had taken care to not hit her In the face, where the bruises would show. Mrs. Kagor said her husband had knocked her to the floor and then kicked her prostrate body again and again with his heavy boots until her body was one mass of black and blue Injuries. Collaretts. Copley, Jeweier. 215 S. lGth. JOHNSON IN NEW QUARTERS Oc- Open evenings. Frenzer, 15th and Dodge. TRIAL IN FEDERAL" COURT Case Sent from Justice of Peace I Not Remanded on the Motion. 3JBJJJ 5 CHICAGO WESTERN Railway Holiday Rates One and one-third fare for the round trip to points in Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota. Tickets on sale Dtcember 20 to 25, 29 to 31, 190G, and January 1, 1907. Return limit January 7, 1907. Equally low rates to points in Indiana, Ohio, also Pittsburg and Buffalo. For full information apply to t 1 W. 0. Davidson, City Pass. Agt., 1512 Farnam St., Omaha. The first case ever transferred from t Justice court In Nebraska to the Unlt( States court must be tried before the la. ter tribunal. This Is the decision of Judg Trleber In the case of Samuel Kats agalns the R. Herschel Manufacturing company. The ruling was made on a motion- to re mand the case to the court of Justice of the Peace Foster. It Involves the posses sion of some property estimated to be worth t2,tt. When It was sent directly from the Justice to the United States circuit court lawyers noted it as a matter of spe cial Interest and awaited the outcome with much concern. Huntley Palmer's Celebrated Biscuit, in fancy Christmas boxes, on sale today at Courtney's. REUNION AFTER HALF CENTURY Relatives Meet for First Time In Forty-live Years, Thoagh He siding; Near By, R. J. Root, a pioneer of Nemaha county, Is visiting his niece, Mrs. E. Black, oa his way home to Auburn from Onawa, la. While at Onawa Mr. Root visited his rela tives. Edward. Fred and M. Wlnegar, whom he. had not seen for forty-five years. Mr. Root drove from Illinois to Omaha In 1861 and lived near Onawa sixteen months be fore deciding that Nemaha county, was one of the garden spots of Nebraska. He settled on a homestead near Auburn I' 18tl, and to this day has preserved the Uttl log house In which he and his wlfo live. In the day when Abraham Lincoln wa president. Mr Root Is related to J. C. Root, sovereign commander of the Wood men of the World. for the hospital to admit him, and if not to send him back, lie said the . man had the appearance of being a dope fiend. "Now, If they had wanted to do the right thing they would have called me up about the case and allowed me to examine It be fore It was sent to the hospital. We can't allow every policeman on his beat to be sending people to the hospital without noti fying us. Hughes had been treated at the police station. I had no way of knowing what they had been giving him. They had given htm something to counteract the ef fect of the laudanum and we could not have treated him anyway until we had learned what troatment they had given him. Case for the City. "I am alone in this office and the city physician has several assistants. ' It is not right to ask me to do all of this emergency work that properly belongs to the city and Is taken care of by the city In every other metropolitan city. Ordinarily they send emergency, cases to- some private hospital, especially where the party has a little money, but because this fellow was poor and without friends they tried to shove bun .oft onto the county. Then beoauHe he died under their treatment they try to lay the blame on the county authorities." Chairman' Ure of th county board said he did not hear of the case until lie read of it in fie papers. "It is the same old controversy between the county and the city health departments. The county pays tl,8C0 a year In salaries tor Its county physician's office and the olty pays $2,000 or 3,000 for Its physician and gives him four or five assistants. Yet the city physician tries to push all the work off on the county authorities. It Is a matter that ought to be taken up by the legislature In order that the duties and re sponslbllltles of each office might be fixed." Need of Kmeraeney Hospital. Chief Donahue says the unfortunate oc uirence only emphasizes the need for an mergency hospital, where similar cases an be given proper treatment. "I don't know if the authorities at the ounty hospital are to blame or not," said iilef Donahue. "It seems to me that in i case ot that kind, everyone knows the .lty Jail is not a proper place for sick men. However, no one In authority ever evinces any disposition to take care of strangers that become sick In Omaha, but In any uvent we haven't the facilities to take care of sick people at the Jail. In fact, we haven't the faclltles to take care of all the well people of Omaha. There ought to be an emergency hospital to take such cases to. "Hughes' case is a repetition of many others. In fact, we have similar cases every week. When we telephone the city physician to take charge of them we are told to call up the county physician. Then we call lip that physician and we are told by him to call up the city physician, and there you are. Something ought to bo done, so we can tell where to send a patient The Jail, when inhabited, as It Invariably Is, by drunks and shouting hobos, is no place for a sick man." Omaha Printing: Company Will copy Daily News nnd Nrop. son Buildings. Arrangements are being made by which the Omaha. Printing company will have , new quarters as soon as the buildings can j be vacated. . The present quarters have become Inadequate for the handling of the ' increased business of this firm, so a deal is being made by Frank B. Johnson, man- ager of the company, with 'A. J. Simpson, for a long-time lease on the building now Occupied by the Daily News and that oc cupied by the Simpson Carriage company. The Simpson company bullulng Is on Dodge street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets and the building occupied by the News is on Fourteenth street, next to the alley between Dodge and Douglas streets. A new building Is being erected for the News and as soon as that company move the Omaha Printing company will be ready to move in. In Line with the Pare Food Law. The National Food and Drug act which ' takes effect January 1, 1(07. does not af fect Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In any I manner. No special labels are required on this remedy under that Act, as It is free from opiates and narcotics of every char- , acter, making it a safe remedy for mothers U use with their children. This remedy . has been, in use- for so many years, and its good qualities are so well known, that no one need hesitate to use It when troubled with a cough or cold. Holiday Kxcnrslon Rates. To accommodate holiday travelers a. rate of one fare and one-third for the round trip to many points on the Union Paclflo and Its connecting lines- has been placed In effect by the Union Pacific. Tickets on sale Dec. 10. 21. 22, 23. '24. 26, 29, JO, 31, 106. tid Jan. f, 1907. Inquire at City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St. 'Pltons Douglas 834. Owned by t . . Government. The Hot Springs of Arkansas, the na tion's euro and pleasurs resort. Fine win ter climate; 200 hotels at all prices. Write Bureau of Information for book. Pirates of Pensanee. Thurston Rifles uniform benertt, Boyd's. Wednesday night, Dec. 19. Open evenings, Frenset. Htn and Dodge. CUPID CALLS PAIR BACK nnd Funeral of Mrs. McKenna. The funeral of Mrs. Margaret McKenna.' afed 67, who died Monday night from the effect of the Inhalation of gap fumes from a stove about a month ago, will be held Thuredav at 9 a. m., from the Holy Family church. Eighteenth and Izard streets, where holy mass will be celebrated. The body will then be laid at rest at the Holy Bepulcher cemetery beside that of her hus band, who died about nine years ago. A Skin of Beauty a ioy rorevsr T. Follx Oouriud's Oriental Cream or Magloal Boautlflor lUmnTM Tta, Plnptsa Wk, u4 kkls D ifwn ana rry situUM on toauif. Md Jt In Hwd lit U o( 7 ymn, kmi U o htrmlrtt i tMtU lfeuril I propnly mmi Aeecpi Meousirr IrU ( vclll) tuil. Dr. L. A. Inn w4 la i U4y ef U knit U (S Unt "Ai y ltd la U1 m thea I rtavencil mrmmA'm Tresm' M t) t-rt birmful ft tt kla prapsrw tsim." r'risltlyslKlnwM 4 FMrr ttoodt Dvtitre Is th C buM, l'uit sua Europe lERD.T.HOTnP--... f'"V'.l-nn rr-rt ImTor! D W omens Fine Furs Make Ideal Xmas Presents Tomorrow will b thn best of all dayn to make your selection stocks will bo freh an4 now. 3.000 PIECES AT SPECIAL PRICES A Very Handsome Isabella Fox Scarf, i"" Extra Iiong Made of two full sums, 3s, -Jr finished with two large, nurry tans a scarf we are willing to compare with any 115.00 scarf on the market our special price 810.00 Ilea ut i fill Isabella Pox Scarf Made of the finest selected skins, two large tails and four small ones, as Rood as any $22.60 scarf in the market our special rrlce $15.00 Women's Electric Seal Coat New and correct shape, high storm collar, lined with the best satin special price $27.50 Women's Sable Coney Coat New blouse style, made of good svlected eMiis. $35 values, special price $29.75 A Swell Neck JMece Of the bent qual ity of Jap mink, price $2.00 Women's Stylish Neck Rcarf Of the very best quality of natural gray squirrel, at $4.90 Women's Double Scarf Mado of the very best quality of Arabian fox fur, a regular $12.00 scarf, for. . . .$7.90 Tanlwll Vnx Krnrf Of n verv Rood Quality of fox fur, two large tails and four small ones extra special value, at $5.90 A Woman's Stylish Double Scarf Of the very best quality of Isabella wolf, two large tails, finished with cord and talis price. .. .$8.75 Sensible and Practical Xmas Presents tor Women LADIES' GLOVES Ladies' New Golf Gloves Beautiful patterns, with knitted or clasped wrists.. All colors, at 45 Ladies' Long Saxon Yarn Golf Gloves 16-button length, In white and black a most comfortable dress glove, at $1.00 Ladles' fine quality mocha and kid gloves. In tans and grays, with silk, fleece or unlined, at $1.00 n(1 .SO LADIES' KELTS Ladles' new styles leather belts, moBt fashionable and serviceable belt material used. Comes in beautiful colorings with gilt, pearl and gun metal buckles hundreds of Btrlklng styles to select from 50 Ladies' imported novelties, direct from foreign markets, large massive buckles In bronze, gilt and oxidized, set with stones and pearl effects, on black or white kid $1. $1.50. $2. $2.50 $3.50 HAND BAGS Ladles' all leather and leather lined Hand Bags, with gilt or gunmetal trimmings, black or brown the small vanity shape or large shop ping bag style, at $1.00 Ladles' fine quality latest styles of real seal and walrus bags leather covered frames, trimmed In gold oxidized or gunmetal gray, tan or black large or small shape $1.50' $2.00. $2.50 Ladles' fine Imported bags, very swell styles, new striking shapes and colors, at , $4.90 to $15.00 . ...... ,i' Open Evenings 'til Christmas. HOLIDAY EXCURSION RATES NOW IN EFFECT To accommodate holiday travel ers a rate of a fare and one-third for the round trip to many points on the Union Pacific nnd ita con necting lines, haa been placed in effect by the UNION PACIFIC . Tickets on sale Dec. $0. 21. 22, 23. 14. 26, 28. 30, 31. 1906, and Jan. 1, 1907. Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1824 FARNAM ST. Thon Douglas 834. Shook Manufacturing Co. IT Jewelry Diamonds, Watches. Cut Class, Haod Painted China, Sil verware and Optical Goods. Eyes Tested Free. NoteChange in Location 15th Near Howard St. A 0c meal for at th Karbaca r. '.aurant. lis Aboil Indians ao4 Outdoor LKr Iu a Uttl book that costs nothing-. Th book describes th northwest, the land of the future. If Is printed on the best of papr, Is Inteiestinc, profusely Illustrated and full of information. It is suitable for your own home, fur schools, or libraries. It describes the wonderful Yellowstone park, the wild Bltterroot mountains In Montana, the Quenlut Indians almost un knownon the north Pacific coast, the grand Columbia river scenery, the mar velous Puget sound region, and Alaska. It costs but the postage required to mall It. It will be sent to any sddreas for t cents. The book Is "Wonderland 1M," pub lished by the Norlh'rn Pacinc railway, and ts for general distribution. Send i cents to A. M. Clelnnd, general passenger agent, 8t. Paul, Minn., or as many times cents s you wish copies, with proper eddresea. j and th little volume will be promptly forwarded by that gentleman. Don t wait: j The bouk hns on object-to olucste and In form the puMlj n'uout the northwest, the j region thnt I ewls and t'htrk, the Astorinnv. I f'rt-miiit a ml oil'nrs esplorrl on'l ir.ad" Little Cherafe Hreonelles Man " Wife After Foar Years of Separatloa. After being divorced for four years Hum phrey Lynoh and Minnie Lynch have secured a license to remarry and the c re- mony will take place before Father Me- Oovern. They were married the first time February 24, 1W9. but did not get along well j together. Mrs. Lynch secured a divorce 1 trom Judge Read December 21, 1902. on grounds of cruelty after a two diya hear ing. Bhe was olio give the custody of their children. After living apa-t four years they have made up their differences The marriage license was Issued Wednesday morning. CUT GLASS Krci.i.-r. 15th and Eodi;e. Buy your Christmas Wines snd Liquors at a reputable house. Courtney sells pure wines and liquors. YOUTHS ARE HELD FOR THEFT Twa YoanaT Mea are Roan Over on Charge of Stealloa Copper. Charged with breaking; and entering th hnrn of Jess Dauterman. 191 Lake street Tuesday n'rht snd stenllnai a copper tank from a s.x; fountiln. John D. Richard n. T'A L-ecatur street, and Harry Myers who Is an Itinerant pugilist, were bound over for trial In the rtimrlet court ui.der honds of J.VO earn In police court Wednes day morning. The young men were ar rested on suspl'-on by Officer Crow when he saw them trying tu sell the copper to m.k deiler at Fifteenth md Woh.i.r tUeets. TLcy -Te charged with brtasiutf j jthw LL Ml MMLDM VIA CEMML RAILROAD To manay points in Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Ontario, Penn sylvania and West Virginia. . v On eale December 20th, 21st, and 22d. Return limit thirty days. To Cliicago and all points ou the Illinois Central north of the Ohio river; also to all point3 in North Dakota and Minnesota including Minneapolis and St. Paul. On sale December 20th, 21 Bt, 22d, 23d, 24th, 25th, 29th, 30th, 31et and J&ary 1st. Return limit January 7th. Tickets and detailed information at City Ticket Office 1402 Ftrnae,m Street, Omaha. i