TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1906. ORIENTAL RUGS Our annual December pale now going on. Ke-ad these prices, com pare them with others, and then let us show you the pieces they represent. Each is a rare gem. We've a tremendous assortment all sizes, hut call at tention to our smaller rugs, bought especially 7.V- for Christmas selling, .a Their exquisite beauty tisCL AVWwf YtrtHK r and life-long durabil- t .:7?V V i J 1' rfr j ity make of them an Iji VJ ( i $..' J ideal gift A few prices 5x3 Kazack . 2-3x4-6 Kazack .$13.50 $14.25 4-0x3-4 Kazack . $18.00 3-2x4-9 Kazack .$20.00 3-7x4-7 Kazack $25.00 3-4x5 Kazack $26.00 3-3x5-2 Kazack $27.50 3-9x 6-10 Kazack $34.00 3-2x4 (Janja.... 3x4-1 Ganja . . $9.50 $11.00 3-8x4-8 (Janja $12.50 3x6-2 Ganja $16.00 3-9x5-2 (Janja $18.50 3-7x5-8 Ganja $29.00 3-10x4-7 Belouchistaii.$9.00 ofxh r rchard & Wilhclm Carpet Co. 4I4-I6I8 ScMth SixtMath StrMt. if i -- 1 1 1 iii OVER ALU Holiday shoes Every day seems like a holiday to the man who wears ONIMOD SHOES They are so easy, stylish and flood. Your Husband. Son or Brother will appreciate a pair Christmas. TKY ITI Band-built Bench-made Olbers at - $5 and $6 .... $4 $2.50 and $3.50 Men's Slippers for Christmas Comprising Cavaliers in red and tan, also Faust. Romeos, Operas, etc. Large lines, splendid values. 11.50 to t2.i. IF YOU ARE 111 DOUBT About a Suitable Present Sea Our Line of Umbrellas We klT them In all style kaadlra silver, sold. Ivory la fact artrftalag- ths eoaatry sella an ambrella for 9S.OO that eqaala oars. Remember, bo one caa bare too many ambrellas. Brown & Borshcim, 222 Sooth 16th SL Nicoll's System WE ATM to place our tailoring busi ness above the evils of high, fancy prices for credit nd Inferior garments su deceptive cheapness. Nicoll's immense tailoring business was built up on the plan of moderata cash prices for nrst-clss tailoring and ws mean to continue along ths iusi lines. Jrmirt 55 to J 12. Salts $20 tc 550 TAB (LOR KTIIXIAM sJEARCUS CONS, k too-u bo. ISO. at W3. A2 fJUCC I mm AS ) 2- 7x5-6 BelouchLstan .$10.00 4-1x3 Belouchistan ..$12.00 3- 8x4-8 Belouchistan $16.00 2- 11x3-10 Belouchistan. $17 3- 5x4-4 Belouchistan. 18.00 2-Ix4-8 Belouchistan $19.00 2-6x4 Belouchistan ..$21.00 rwrwos. FRENCH OFFICER DEGRADED Captain 8uffen for Refusing to Eslp Taki Chaich IoTentorj. RIOTING AT EPISCOPAL PALACE AT NANTES Farther Proaeentlon of Pariah Priests Will be Saapended Pending I'aaaaae of Amendment to Present La nr. LILLE, France. Dec. 19. A court-martial here today tried and degraded Captain Mag niese for refusing to obey orders In con nection with taking the inventory of the chapel of St. John. Magnlese before the court said: "I am a Christian and I prefer to he shot rather than commit a sacrilege. No one has the right to make me renounce the vows I took at my first communion." NANTES. France. Dec. '19. Considerable rioting attended the evacuation of the Episcopal palace and seminary here today. Crowds of Catholics overcame the poHc. who were compelled to draw their re volvers and under threats of opening fire kept back the mob until rescued by troops. Several women were arrested for striking or biting soldiers. Proaeentlona Anaprnded. PARIS. Dec. 19. The reports received by the minister of the interior show that thirty-four ecclesiastical residences occu pied by archbishops or bishops and forty larKe and thirteen small seminaries have thus f.ir been evacuated under the pro visions of the church and state separation law. Having established the attitude of the parish priests the government has ordered the discontinuance of any further prosecu tions for illegal services In the churches, pending the passage of the new law amend ing the law of 1W5. provldtng for the sep aration of church and state. Cardinal Richard has Issued Instructions suppressing the usual Christmas masses. Attttnde of Vatican. ROME, Dec. 19. No steps have been taken by the Vatican to entrust any power with the protection of the archives of the papal nunciature of Part The reports to the effect that some of the European coun tries were approsched on the subject sre groundless. The attitude of the Vatican toward the new French government bill covering the conduct of public worship is defined by the papal authorities at bclnr; "distrust ful." the latter being convinced of the ne cessity of continuing in the way they have already taken In order to obtain at least tolerable conditions for the church in France. RINGS Frenxer, ISth and Dodge. Bay Marderer Sentenced. CHICAGO. Dec. l.-Robert Gordon. 15 years of axe. was today sentenced to the reformat. ry for life, after pleading guilty to the charge of murdering Jorepn Reed, s years of age. Gordon pulled the Hwd ioy under a sidewalk, pounded him on the head with a brick until he was uncon scious and then dug a hole in the earth In which lie placed young Reed. Gordon then heaped the earth over Reed and al lowed him to suffoiale. Diamonds Copley, Jeweler, US S. 16th. atsngum aV BETTER SPECIALISTS, OPEN EVENINGS iMC 9 W&WJtftii mv -,m i its. i-.? l. i. 1513 OOOQI ST. Big Special Sale Dolls All ot our own Importation, bought direct from the makers for city trade, on sale at half asual prices. AT 2.V- EACH Kid Body Dolls. Jointed at the hips, with bUque head, curly wigs, moving eyes, 50c and 75c values. AT lOc Ijrge size Imitation kid body, bisque head, with curly wig, 39c value. AT 4Pc Kid body dolls, Jointed, bisque head, long curls, moving eyet f 1.00 value. AT 08c Kid dolls, worth up to $2.50, special value In Kestner and Florodora make. Don't fail to see our dolls before purchasing. Stock is all new, clean and freh at rock bottom prices. CALL FOR AN ACCUlNllS; Got. Mickey FxpmtM Opinion Univertitj Shou'd Chance Iti M.thodi. CHANCE TO SAVE ON PRINTING BILLS l.larola rrople "-tart to Draft m Primary Ijit ! PIrerf r TTjer Httf Kaottr Proklrra. From a Staff Correspondent.) " - . , ; cent of the state money should be ac- counted for accurately and the public j should know where every cent Is spent. I Any deception practiced In this matter by , the head of any institution will bring I down destruction on that institution.'1 The above declaration was made by Oov- ernor Mickey in discussing the figure Jug- g.ing practiced in the report or tne eiaie , Board of Regenta of money needed to main tain the State university and In estimating the resources. "Ecry dollar spent of the taxpayers money should be checked up and should be paid out on vouchers filed with the state auditor,'" said the governor. "The money expended for the maintenance of the Ptate university should be paid out exactly as nuiiey Is paid out for other institutions." The governor expressed the opinion that he next legislature would certainly change he present manner of conducting the unl ersity and he also expressed the opinion hat the legislature would conduct a thor ough Investigation of the management of the Institution. The mattT of printing for the university , will also be called to the attention of the legislatjre. The printing for the university is not let through the State Printing board. During the last few years the Printing i.oi h r.cnrt ahow. has saved the , Btate many thousands of dollars In printing. ! and it is likely an effort will be made to ! have the university printing done through this rlmnn'l v-r. i aa in th. rva-t n o-pt rJIUHB lldtr urrn .i.nu- . n a business j nve failed be-1 the university conducted on basis, but these efforts ha cause of the presence of a powerful uni versity lobby, which has had the assist ance of the Lincoln fake reform sheets. h i . . f . Ln w- r . , n r-m c! i i nt niiinv o' . when anything Is said about the university it is a knock on Lincoln, and it is doubtr.il ... If anvone ever had any suspicion mat the large sums of money paid for the university printing each year has anything to do with this loyalty to "higher edu cation." Drafting; Primary Lair. A numtjer oi uncoin tanen u.ci awssed H.OOO on a paternity charge, which night to discuss the provisions of a siate . he ,jPne(, He haa gpen, aImost tnre primary law in conformity with the pledge , ypars , Ja nthf.r than admlt a crlme of in the republican state platform. Primary I which he claims to be Innocent After laws of other states have been secured and belng M out of Ja by thp Kovernor Cam. from these a bill will be prepared. Consid- I j,lon wag arreRted on a charge of deser rable difference of opinion was developed , tion. judge Good ha-, written Governor though no one present doubted the proper bill would be prepared satisfactory to all. A section which stumped the commit' ee was one to compel voters to vote for candidates of the party to which they belong, or In other words to keep one party from making nominations in another. Some of those at the meeting suggested that the party names be left oft of the ballots and the men selected without regard to part" politics. Supreme 1'onrt Still in Session. Supreme court is still in session and will not adjourn probubly before tomorrow nlghii The court has given no intimation in w4iat cases a decision will be handed down. I.ealalators Are Independent. Lincoln politicians have about come to the conclusion the legislature is going to be organized by the members without very great assistance from outside influences. Those who are candidates for places admit .i l .. .1 . 1 -,lA,lMa hut In efT-v ' , . , ' . ., , k Instance almost the legislator addressed has written back that he Is for a man who will carry out the platform pledges. Inasmuch as there are few legislator, pledged It is taken to mean the matter Is up In the air snd nothing will be settled before ths caucus. fu, i. i, .Mid. the race for sneaker and president pro tem of the senate is perfectly friendly and no matter who Is chosen for the places there will be few sore spots. Some of the members of the Lancaster delegation visited the asylum for the Insane at Lincoln this morning and looked It over thoroughly to see what Is needed there In the way of Improvements. Reports received here sre to the effect many of the legislators- elect have been spending some time look ing over state Institutions and will come to Lincoln pretty well posfd on their needs. Representative Harrison from Otoe and Cass counties visited the Institute for the Blind at Nebraska City before coming to Lincoln and familiarized himself with Its needs. Mr. Harrison has decided to be a candidate for speaker. Date of Senatorial Election. Contrary U ths general impression the United States senator will be elected Tuesday. January 15, Instead of January 2!. That Is, the senate and house will vote separately on that day and on the day following In Joint session the Journals of the two houses will be read and the result formally declared. The date of the election is fixed by the national statute, which reads as follows: Section 14. The legislature of each state which Is chosen next preceding the expiration of the term for which any sen ator was elected to represent such state In congress shall on the second Tuesday after the meeting and organization thereof proceed to elect a senator In con gress. The section following then provides for the vote to be taken In each house on that date and the day following the Journals to be read In Joint session. This legislature will meet on Tuesday, January 1, consequently the secmnd Tues day after the meeting and organization will be January 15. However. Attorney General Brown will not be present when the legislature votes, provldtng the supreme court of the I'nlted States agrees to the stipulation of (he attorneys in the railroad tax suit. The tit. ulatlon. which was sent U the clerk of the court today by the attorney gen- n arcivs EVENINGS CENT STOfil- rl. not January 14 as Ihr tim for ar a:utnt lh ran- ShouM thla l BKre iMf to th court Mr. Hronn will not be her to adilre the lrjrulature. though thin can he lone later. Haattaaa Aarlam Report. W. It. Kern, uperlr.tenilent of the Hos pital for the Incurable lnanne at Hasting. sis la his biennial report to tin overiiui that the Institution Is much In need of an otlur bulMIng fcr the care of female pt ttent anl In ndilitlon ( this n modern Isolation coitase of the capac ity of seventy to ls) beds for the care of tubercular and I ..it... . . , .. . .1 other contalous and Infectlou. dise.ss , Additional coal bins are (rreatly ne.-d"l ! land for the purpose of erecting such build- ilng an appropriation of t'.O") Is asked. The offices in the administration building are mauequate and It Is recommended that a ,utHh) coUage erectd to M R ITMd,.nr, by thp gu,)erlntei.dent and his famiy am, ,he roomg a( pwMlt uj for thls pllrp),e converted Into offices. A detached building of suitable sixe to be used as a night-watch cottage Is also rec- ommended. At thf. beginning of this biennial period. December 1. VH. tl there were 97 patients In the institution, of whom 607 were men and S30 era. - r,.,-!.,., , v,. k,.,, ,uo j ... j . " . .u. were admitted, of whom 1S3 were men and thlrty-five were women. Of these six were discharged as recovered, seventeen Im proved, two unimproved, thirty-three pa roled and 171 died. During this period two patients have been transferred to the Lin coln asylum. v The per capita cost for the biennial period was IS7..io. or an average dally per capita of 39 cents. Capital Rrlefa. Henry Seymour of the auditor's office Is er.dlng out blanks to be used by th county treasurers to make their annual re ports to the auditor. These reports will be sent back to Lincoln by February 1. the yeir closing January 1. Attorney General Brown Is wrestling with a severe cold, which this morning became strong enough to compel him to give up anl g home. This afternoon, however, he ' sluing along mi right and expects to "way from his ofilce only a short time. "eorge n. Hennett. secretary to the Ftate woard or Fxiualixation, has returned from iveamfy, wnere ne attended the lavin of i . . " . ,he cornerstone of the Kearney Military ao',cmy. under the auspices of the Tand i lodge of Ma-sons. J. J. Thomas, who ran Rg-iinst Congress i man Hlnshnw this fall, was married this afternoon to Miss Gertrude Kerrihand of . o . , .... I - '"J " occurrea at tne rest- j ot h - 8eton. formerly of Seward, but now Of 1 Jnr,. n . J. J. Thomas and Judge Holland of Seward called upon Governor Mickey this afternoon to protest against a pardon to j William Campion, who was some time ago j pardoned by the governor and later sent back to Jail by Judge Good. Campion was Mickey that he has not yet passed upon the executive's right 'to pardon in such cases. It la also said .the lawyers for the woman have a claim of J500 against the tl.ono Judgment. The woman In the case married after Camnlon wus con- , victed. C1, Attomey Strode has declared the Mellck livery barn a nuisance, and steps make be taken to have it removed from Its present locatloti on N street. The owner of the barn. Prank Rawlins, was arrested because the odor from the barn operated to the detriment of numerous stores on O street, but when it was dis covered that Rawlins did. not occupy the building the case went over. Wears of Nebraska. NORTH PLATTE Martin H. McDer mott and Mrs. Mary M. McGuire, both of Somerset precinct, were united in mar. rlage by Judge Elder last evening. McCOOL Yesterdav. for th first t(m linw year, it snowed. Snow commenced s fttnjn(f n the morning, but soon quit. Very little snpw now remains on the ground, BEATRICE The funeral service for the ,Vonf eTomTo'f mi..s south of Beatrice, conducted by Rev. T. L.. Swan of the I'nlted Brethren church. 1 ''rmeru was in evergreen Home ceme tery BEATRICE Motor car No. 8 failed to make the regular trip between Beatrice and Lincoln yesterday lecause of a break down at Lincoln Monday afternoon. The car is still at Lincoln, undergoing repairs. Bnri win be put into commission as soon' as possible. NORTH PLATTE Rev. John K. Seibert. on S'inday evening, announced that he had decided to withdraw his res.'iiauon, which he had previously submitted to the coun cil. Tins announcement caused much Joy among the congregation and it is equally pleasing to the citizens of North Platte. BLl'E HILL Last night at s o'clock the dam went out ut Sweezy lake, on the Blue, and it is now doubtful whether it will be possible to put up ice to supply the people of Blue Hill. The Ice put up here wag ulso shipped to different towns near by. Men were put to work at once to repair the dam. BEEMER Beemer Is to have a rare treat In a blue rock contest Januaiy 1. between ten men from town and ten men from the country north of town. The farmer boys are good shots and will no doubt give the Beemerttes a little more than tney bargained fur. Prizes will also be given In other events. BEEMER Mr. Earl Kirk and Miss Lena Hubenthal. two of Beemer s most popular young people, were united in marriage at the home of the bride, at 7 p. m. Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk will make their home, after January 1, near Plain view, Neb., on a farm recently purchased by Mr. Kirk. BEATRICE Ths Beatrice Commercial club visited the postottice yesterday to in spect the matter of additional room to re. Ileve the present cramped Quarters. An appeal will be made to Congressman Hin- snaw at once tor me purpose ot securing an appropriation for the erection of an ad dition to the government building. BENEDICT The report Is. that the elec tric railway from Omaha, to run in a southwesterly direction to Arborville, has the right-of-way purchaser out and has purchased considerable right-of-way. It looks very much as if the electric railway will be built. York, on the south, hopes to have the company build to York. BEATRICE Rev. J. R. Lewis, pastor of I "; ","v".r 7., i , nounclng the death of his brother. A. R Lewis, which occurred at Chihuahua. Mex. ico, of tphold fever. Ieceased was a former resident of Beatrice and worked as stenographer for the Burlington at l.in. coin for several years before I'M-atlng In Mexico. He leaves a widow, together with his father, three brothers and three sis ters The remains will be Interred at Sallna. Kan. BEATRICE Prof. E. F. Fulmer. brother of Superintendent Fulmer of this city and state ciiemiet of the state of Washington, Kave an instructive talk yesterd.iy to the high si hoo on ;he subject. "How Chem istry Has Revolutionized the Industries. " The speaker dwelt upon the newness of the m ience of chemistry and the advance which haa been made in late years. Mr. Fulmei is or.e of the five members of the pure food commission appointed by the presi dent to Investigate th food offered for sale In this country. YORK The Nebraska-Iowa Grain com pany compromised Its suit In district court here against the Lushton Farmers UralrrT and block company of this county and Nel son Bros., grain dealers of York. At the time the Lushton Farmers Grain company was organized and purchased the Lunhton elevator building of the Nebraska-low Grain company, it la claimed that should the company ever wish to dispose of the elevator purchased that the agreement was that they should sell back to the Nebraska Iowa Grain company. When Ih Lushton Farmers Or In company sold this elevator to Nelson Bros, of York, suit was com menced and ths defendants paid the pialiitirf f-MU In settlement of same. NORTH PLATTE A rather serious col lision occurred In the Sidney yards a few days l; eleven trainmen were more or less severely injured and five rabteises damaged. Ths cabots were occupied fcy the trainmen and were being switched In ths weal end of the yard. The air on train No. refused to work and the train ran past the depot and tit the cabooses on the side cauaiLa- lita of tfccia u tiro vcr. and iamarlriK the ohcrs Thoe jTured re fi-n.lu. ton pi K Wllll.ims and Arch M ward and lirakcmcn 1-e Itot. Morrl. NHnn. Harm. I.ciih Mur".' Kit no 'e. Alilrl. h and ;rrion William and Howard were the nvst everely in)ure1. hut will ! able to report fr w.rk acaln sin. NORTH PLATTK A hmiw WlontrinK Mr. Hr..ks on West Pluth street was al most totally destroyed liy tire on Saturdiiy morning. Will Kwipirl. the harlwr. ocu. r'd tile houe. Tl.o fire wjis canscd by the explosion of a lamp, which Mr Swi irnrt hud refilled, and sftrr ll(thtin it. , M'pp-d Into another rnnm for n nir of scissor with whic h to trim the wick. Im ' 'urnln. he found the oil In the lump had caciKl.t fire and a few seconds Inter r,,H.,. ,tir,e firp t rntirf. H,m Mr. Swidart's wife and children were still ,n ,H'', an,l Mr. PwigArt had Just time enounh to (ret ihem out of the houe when the Whrilo tntrlitr mam In . V . 1 ma ami n.inm j of their clothing or furniture could be savei, REATRICR The Peatrlce Hoard of Edu cation, by Its attorney, I,. M. Pemherton, hag filed a claim with the county clerk for the sum of l.n. this sum being the In terest on delinquent school taxes alleged to have leen erroneously apportioned by former County Treasurer Wright, with In. terest from the date of collection. The. matter was presented to the Board of Sir pervlsors and argued at length, and the lonrd will examine Into the merits of the case bfore allowing or dillow1ng the I r,'n" of the district. The village board of ' Adams nied a petition with the t petition with the board ask K lhat thf. eighty acres loinlng that vll- las:e on the south be annexed to the vll- ig' The petition was reoelved and placed on file. Get your Pure Sugar Candles at Court ney's. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Today aad Tomorrow In Xe. braaka. South Dakota, Kaaaaa and Wyomlaa. WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 Forecast of the weather for Thursday and Friday: For Nebraska, Colorado, Montana. North and South Dakjta. Wyoming and Kansas Fair Thursday and Friday. For Iowa and Missouri Partly cloudy Thursday and Friday. Loral Hecord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA. Iwc. 1 S Official record of temper- ; ature and iceoipitation compared with the correpDondirn day of the laxt three years: 1 K.-i 1U.U l(-rt Maximum temperature.... 37 40 to 3 Minimum temperature. ... vt 3 12 Mt&n temperature So Lii 31 Piei ipltaii..n m .lift (O .Oft Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March i. and comparison with the last two years: Normal temperature 25 Excess for the day I I Total excess since March 1 Normal preexcitation 01 Inch Deficiency for the day 03 Inch Total rainfall sinoe March 1 26 2" Inches IieHclency since March 1 4 65 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, lS't 146 inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1!sj4 5 i Inches Reports front Stations at 7 I". M. Station and State Temp. Max. P-aln- of Weather. at 7 p. m. Temp, fall Bismarck, clear 36 34 36 C heyenne, clear Chicago, clear 30 Davenport, ciear 2H Denver, ciear 38 Havre, part cloudy 30 Helena, cloudy 34 34 46 36 28 3 40 60 37 44 34 32 42 42 30 Huron, clear X i Ka.nsas City, cloudy"'."!! 3 North Platte, cloudy 40 Omaha, cloudy 3 Rapid City, cloudy SS St. Louis, clear 30 St. Paul, cloudy 32 Salt Lake City, cloudy 40 valentine, cloudy 3s Wllliston. clear 20 "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH Local Forecaster, Charcoal Kills Bad Drcath Disagreeable Odor Arising From Indi gestion or Front Any Habit or In dulgence, Cm Re Instantly Stopped. Sample Parkage Mailed Free. Other people notice your bad breath w here you would not notice it at all. It is nauseating to other people to stand before them and while you are talking, give them a wniff or two of your bad breath. It usually comes from food fermenting on your stom ach. Sometimes you have It In the morn ingthat awful sour, bilious, bad breath. You can stop that at once by swallowing one or two Stuart Charcoal Lozenges, ths most powerf Jl gas and odor absorbers ever prepared. Sometimes your meals will reveal them selves In your breath to those who talk with you. "You'vs hsd onions," or "Tou've been eating cabbage," and all of a sudden you belch In the face of your friend. Charcoal Is a wondeful absorber ot oders, as every one knows. That Is why Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges are so quick to stop all gases and odors or odorous foods, or gas from Indi gestion. Don't use breath perfumes. They never conceal the odor, and never absorb the gas that causes the odor. Besides, the very fact of using them reveals the reason for their use. Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges in the first place stop for good all sour brash and belching of gas, snd makes your breath pure, fresh and sweet. Just aXter you've eaten. Then no one will turn his face away from you when you breathe or talk; your breath will be purs and fresh, and besides your food will tasts so much better to you at your next meal. Just try It. Charcoal does other wonderful things, too. It carries away from your stomach snd intestines, all the impurities there massed together and which causes the bad breath. Charcoal is a purifier as well as an absorber. Charcoal Is now by far the best, most easy and mild laxative known. A whole boxful will do no harm: In fact, the mors you take the better. Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges srs made of pure willow char coal and mixed with Just a faint flavor of honey to make them palatable for you, but not too sweet. You Just chew them like candy. They are absolutely harmless Get a new, pure, sweet breath, fri s.'.e your stomach for your next meal, and k.jp the Intestines In good working order. The.-, two things are the sceret of good health and long life. You can get all the char coal necessary to do these wonderful but sii.'.ple things by getting Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges. We want you to test these little wonder workers yourself before you buy them. So send us your full name and address for a free sample of Stuart's Char cola Lozenges. Then ater you have tried the sample, and been convinced, go to your druggist and get a 25c box of them. You 11 feel better all over, mors comfortable, and "cleaner" inside. Send us your name and address today and we will at once send you by mail a sample package, free. Address F. A. 8tuaxt Co., U Stuart Bldg., Marshall. Mich. THERE IS tlO QUIKIHE HI 11 Oni el thf Ritsons Why Lafa OOMTAUtt HO QUUUMS rv Has Become so Popular. It Break up Coldi and Prevent! "Grip" Quickly, Safely Leaving no Bad After-Effect like QU1X1XE PREPARATIONS In the Orange Colored Bo. All Dm j Storei 25 cent!. Or by Mail. ROHO CHCMIOAL 00 01.1000 ZZ3 CZZJ HZD CZU L- nrnnrn'o nnrnT r UUiUtLli O Uitu.l Ante-Christmas Sale A $50,(K0 slock of 'stylish now merchandise placet! on sale below cost, in an effort to reduce our stock as much as possible before Christmas. CLOAKS, SUITS, FURS, SKIRTS, WAISTS, OPERA WRAPS, GOWNS. CRAVENETTES, RIDING HABITS and PETTICOATS, Selling Regardless of Cost THURSDAY'S BIG BARGAINS: $5.00 Ladies' Fur Neck Scarfs 9St $6.50 Ladies' Fur Neck Scarfs $1.98 $10.00 Value Sable Fox Boas $3.98 $30.00 Value Sable Coney Fur Jackets $14.9S $5.00 Silk Waists, special values $1.50 $6.50 Silk Waists tailored effects $2.98 $8.00 Silk Waists, plaids, the latest $3.98 $8.00 Silk Petticoats, all shades $3.98 $8.00 Dress Skirts, all materials and colors $3.98 $12.50 and $15.00 Ladies' Coats, 2EnlM $3.98 $20.00 Ladies' Coats, special values $9.98 $20.00 Ladies' Suits, all styles $8.98 $30.00 Ladies' Suits, tailored $14.98 CRAVENETTES, OPERA WRAPS AND PARTY GOWNS 50 PER CENT OFF. Q D u S. FREDRICK 1517 Farnam St. Authorities on Style CLOAKS, SUITS, FURS, SKIRTS AND WAISTS. -m IX set Department Children's All customers buying SEWING MACHINES on Our Special Club Sale Plan this week may have second payment deferred un til UtweekJnJanuary. THE JEWELER'S Stock contains the most acceptable Christmas gifts Gold Bracelets, Brooches, Beads, Neck Chain and Lockets, Ringi, Manicure Pieces, Ster ling Silver Table Ware, Silk Umbrellas, Hand Painted China, Watches and Diamonds. Spend a fe minutes In our store. Look for the name. "'VeTe' S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler. 1516 Douglas Street. HOLIDAY ATE TMT To all Points on ROCK ISLAND LINES: On sale December 20 to 25, 29 to 31 and Jan uary 1. Return limit January 7, 1907. To Eastern points including Detroit, Toronto, Buffalo and Pittsburg. On sale December 20, 21, 22. Return limit thirty days. Rate: Fare and one-third round trip For further particulars Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1323 Farnam St.. or Union Station. 0 a o D o BERGER & CO., Coats at Half M POMS Children's y THE RELIABLE TRE J jyar Fine Crushed Velvets, Plain and Curly Bear Skins, Broadcloths and Fancy Mixed materials. In all about 5,000 garments, now on sale at Half Regular Prices. You'll never have a better opportu nity to Bave on high class garments. Come early. 335 Discount on Fine Furs ar"' VIA 0