12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE? WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, im w 9 i P STORE OPEN EVENINGS Buy Tour Cifti Now., The Biggest Chrislmas Display FROM CHICAGO TO TDE PACIFIC y Two Immense Modern Stores with Wide Aiales and God m VerttiUtion Filled with the Meet Desirable Christmas boo is at Extraordinary Bargaia Prices. H THE GREAT ulALi ILUUK Ur WtW slUKt Hit ULU alUKL MAW FLOOR - THE OLD STORE BASEMENT - THE EAST and i r.r-n j miirvr.i its rAiiwrrTrn M J 11L5I AK t AU L J aOU AllilLALa ALL lUilUEXl LV ,S C More Than a Block Square of Floor Space I wimoui a Mngie aiair aicp 10 uirau f m rSh? M 1 Week i a Omaha's Pure Food Center yM M U i Hit Drandcis Buys Entire Stock OF DOLE We are headquarters for the choic est assortment of Baked Goods In ths 55 H city, Including rlcn ana aen-yu U j Fruit and Fancy Cakes, Layer Cake, & I . 1 ..lain null M U h I ch Si grade pastiy and breadstuffs for par- ViiU'alllfaltfcliJtiK ties, receptions, balls and dinners. M Th fnllnwlne sneak for themselves: t.l ' i English purrs, per aoi io j, mm V4 S$fl Jelly Tarts, per doz Oo From a local jobber. This was a big spot cash purchase that included every doll on hand. All .4Jc 5 1-h.iiv niitfui, iiuikd . i n: i una., kv ' M riinpftn Straws. ner dos 15o 9. Apple Turnovers, per dps. ...... .350 $ J U Napoleon liars, per doz 35o v 1 Jfc S IXin't forget our Home-Made Pies, Jfc j ; ! I f j all kinds, each 18c VI V ' U White Mountain Cake, each 15o U klj ' ;4 to select from, per dor 10o V ?J Almond Spong-e Cakes, each. ..... ,15o l-ifrrN rwrnAm. ArxUe r ha cr!H t; Famous J-luyer Cakes, any flavor. 30o UlCSClllll giautuwiis Viiiiv,ouiu ! a MORE CHEAPLY THAN DOLLS B WERE EYER SOLD BEFORE S. W All the kid body dolls that usually sell for 23c ft 1 rr. 11 ' 1 1 i. i 1. ana .jyc &u new, BpicK ana Bjnui, just us mey left tho factory in Germany, at, each. 1 H 1 !5c 9: :3 H 25c 55 $1.25 Kid Body Dolh at 69c All the large eizo kid body dolls, with open and ehut eyes, that you would 3 expect to pay ft TK f $1.25 for, will OjJC S 7 ... At 25c Each Are all the jjinted, open and shut eyes, kid body dolls. These vt-V l n.--n1 rA of ttA o A rV on sale "Wednesday at, each . . $2.50 and $3 Kid Body Dolls at 98c Full pointed hip, knee and elbow, fine sowed wig, moving eyes and real eye lashes made from the finest kid, largo QQp CA sizes and worth up to $2.50 each, at OC-I.aJU Christmas Gilts Specially Priced FOR WEDNESDAY Men's All Linen Handkerchiefs S1?. .t!l.tr: . 15c-25c-49c Ladles' Pure Irish Linen Handker- Sr. 10c-15c-25c Children's Handkerchiefs 3 in a ture box, at. . . 7c-15c-25c Ladies' Fine Imported -Embroidered and Lace Edjred Handker chiefs of beautiful Bheer linen, aT.m.!.b.o.x:...50c75c-$l Ladles' Exquisite Real Lace Hand kerchiefs In Irish Crochet lace and real lace Princess, duchessa Potnraet2.50-$5-7.50-$10 Ladies' and Men's Fine SUk rmbrellas, with sterling silver handles worth up to 8, at . A Fsw fancy Cakes to Order. Butter Creams, per pound.,., Glaces. any shupe. per pound. Imperial Macaroons, per pound... 40o u Kisses, assorted, cherry, chocolate, R walnut, plain and cocoanut lb...40o H Bpeclals la Meat Department for PI Wednesdaj. Choice Berf Cuts, suitahlp tor TlrolReA 1$ 9 Beef, I'ot Rc iit, Sourbraten, per ec k f3 Ever tried our Kugar Cured Corn e ,.7o pound Beef, pickled in stone tanks? Boneless Corn Beef, per pound. , Special for This Week, Fine Old Forts and Sherries, per bot tle, 60o j per dozen, $3.00. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 647. Three Separate Entrances. Douglas Street, Seventeenth Street, u west Arcade to Boston Store. $5 B KID GLOVES When vou wish to present gloves to a lady give her one of our GLOVE BONDS. This is a certificate which uhe can preeeni and be fitted with gloves Just the size and shade she wishes. Ladles' Elbow Length Kid Gloves In tan, black, white and every cor rect street or evening shade 8, 12 and 16-button .f r gi fmtm lengths and all the most famous Parisian brands, I JXfo A I il specially Imported by Brandels, at WSW Handsome Glove Soxes free with each pair of gloves, if you wish It r aHW and ritsses' Short Kid Gloves p All the leading brands, lnc.udlng Perrln's. Reyiiler's, Dent's, Monarch, Trerousso, etc. white, Dlaoi, tan ana an aencaio v ry , (p'J evening shades highest qiality kid, ilC 10 at. a pair w w f"" GIFTS of JEVELRY You could not choose a prettier ncr a more welcome gift than a se lection from our lines of importod Jewelry, selected abroad expressly for our Chrlbtmaa trade. Scores of very dainty novelties Bhown exclusively at Brandels. Diamond Rings, Diamond Stick Pins, Diamond Cuff Buttons at HALF THE PHICK YOU PAY THE JEWELEK. Mounted Comb Pret tiest side and back combs ever shown at special bargain prices each 25c and 50c Ileautlful Import! Combs Elegantly mounted all newest effects, at Odd Pieces of Silver. ware The Oneida Community, Rogers Bros.' 1847 and Wal lace Bros., at, each $2.50to$15 25c GREAT HALF PRICE SALE OF SAMPLE LINENS This is a 16,000 lot of hemstitched and pattern table cloths, a great variety of dinner and hemstitched napkins, hemstitched and drawn work lunch cloths, dresser and sideboard scarfs, tray cloths, dollies, etc. I Christmas Suggestions SLIPPERS! SLIPPERS! We can suggest nothing better than Slippers for Chrlbtmaa. We selected "(his" Christmas Slippers sometime ago. Drop In and see them and we'll put them .iide until Christmas and say notiiing. Opera Slippers, Faust Slippers, Romeos and Everetts, S1.09, $1.50 to $3.00 FRY SHOE CO. 4 3 2 3 OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Wedm-adar, Warmer Only Five More Days iMWLJi 11 J Open Evenings 'till Chrislmas F mm Christmas Diniverwarc Sale I Sixty patterns of Ilaviland Cliina, Yr Ahrenfeldt China, German China, fc. English and American Porcelain Sets. Prices from $6.98, $8.50, $10, $12 on up to $125. Wednesday All Day 10 Off. Llbbey Cut Glass The perfection In glass cutting I Fancy Imported Glassware for the Table Goblets, winps. Sherries. I Cocktails, Tumb- j Wednesday only, a lers Wednesday at ' . . 20 discount. I "isconni ! bargains put on our special lOcS 25S 50, 75 r .00 tables-PLuVTES. CHOP DISHES, BERRY L SETS. VASES. CRACKER JA1?S. CHOCOLATE SETS,fc CUPS AND SAUCERS llundreds ot pieces at less tnan - tr at t.1 unPAtt1!? TT?Tr,T,, 2nd .rioor tz UiUJi X' VilJUJl X luvyiiw. atk More and $1 Picture Dept. Special WHAT TO GIVE THE MEN. For a Doctor or Dentist For Fath er's or Brother's office Artistic Turtle Sanitary Cuspidors, an orna ment for any office, our regular $1.59 sale price, Wednesday only for $1.29 See the thousands of Pictures on bar gain tables, from $5 down to. .10 Picture Framing Shop Early if Pos sible, for Good Service. Sporting Goods Roller Skates, a pair, from $7.50 down to . ..45 Basket Balls, Foot Balls, Striking Bags and Box ing Gloves for & the boys. School Pennants F and Class Pen- nants. upl? from 50 P GLOVES We Are Selling A Great Many Glove Certificates Enormous Sale of Christmas b Handkerchiefs The charm about a glove certificate Is you don't require to worry yourself about the matter of "flts." The recipient calls any time and has the gloves fitted to her hand. Just received a lot of 12-button Mocha Gloves, closed with 2 clasps, In black, brown and red, a pair . . .$3.75 8-button Glace Gloves, a pair $2.50 12-button Glace Gloves, pair $3.00 16-button Glace Gloves, pair $3.75 16-button Mannish Gloves, pair $4.50 and $4.00 2-clasn Gloves, pair 2.00, $1.60, $1.25 $1.00 and 78c and yet our llne9 are stlU complete, rm - i n of fine handker chiefs almost every day. Just received 500 doz. Children's C plain and print ed border hand kerchiefs, with initial, put up 4 In a fancy box, g at. a box. . .15c Large lot Ladles' all linen cross bar hand ker chiefs, several different pat terns, ea. 12 He We are celling a great many fine Handkerchiefs in all linen cross bar and embroidered, hemstitch ed and embroidered and real lace, each from $10 down to 50c III IIOI1I, ICth and Douglas Streets At One-HaJf the Usual Prices Open mm Open Evenings Omaha evenings y DR. DRADBURY, Dentist L8..Vt8m- 160$ FAR NAM, OMAHA 'Phone Doula 1751 Try the new roofUae .. ., .swim Teoth extracted with plate, made to eraok I tr' 7S out pain e diHerent nut. with. 7V " X W7- W Vf . .. U Tr'J2 nd oySen. alao Vi- BaU lulbss VMJ W7'n J UxW air. IU i --iI 1 I J Verk Caaraate! It years. FIVE DAYS MORE to buy your Christmas gifts. We have a very hand some line this year of watches, diamonds, cut glass, sterling silver, silk umbrellas, hand painted China, clocks, toilet goods, carving seta, steak sets, nut sets, fruit knlvee and hundreds of other beautiful pieces suitable for Christmas gift. Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name. () i DULL SHOES FREE ALL THIS WEEK with every pair of Misses' and Children's Shoes Nothing nicer and so useful for Christmas . As a pair of Sh33S or Slip pers Ve have them at all prices Ladies' or Gent's Slippers At- $2.00, $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00. T. B. NORRIS 1517 Douglas St. Extra Holiday Offer- ings lor Wednesday Cloak Room-Second Floor Women's Saxony Flannel Waists, for ,. $4.95 Women's Eider down Dressing Sacques, at 49 Women's Fur Lined Coats at $18.75 Women's Fox Fur Scarfs for $4.95 Women's Tailored Taffeta Waists, at $2.95 Women's Fur Coats, 25fo Off Children's Coats, 4 to 14 yeara, 33y3 Per Cent Off. Wednesday 2nd Floor. Bennett's Big Grocery... Double Green Trading Stamps on all Groceries, & Sugars, Teas, Cof-K. r. n..,x , I" iee, cutter, uneesec. Fruits and Vege tables. Bennett's Big Candy Section Double Green Trad ing Stamps on - aU Candies, Fancy Boxes, Novelties. Bennett's Big Cigar Section. Double Green Trading Stamps on all Cigars, To-to bacco, Pipes, Cigar Cases and all Smoking Articles. Couch Covers and Rope Porlieres Tap.stiy Coach Cov.ra, 60 Inches wide. In floral pat terns, all colors, with extra long lattice fringe on all sldis, sell for 14 35, spe cial at 13.88 E.avy Mercerised Tsp.stry Couch Covers, 60 Inn. wlJe, In rich shadings to harmon ize with the best furninh Inrs, sell for 16.76 M cial at 4J-98 Bearj SUk Damask Couch Covers. 50 ins. wide In beautiful patterns and rich colorings, sell for J7.S0 special, at M-99 Complete Use Bop. Por tiere., In ull colors, for H sinirl. and double doors, at Id. CO, J6. 13.75, !., Bo 3 Carpet Section 1 r.ralaa Tapestry Brussel axviiKs one jftxDi in., in bi variety of patterns; H for J2.25. special at...l l r John Bromley Sons' Kuk, slza SOiGO Ins., sells for 13, kpeclal at 1 69 J Complete Una Tat Iu(i, la 9 sii sizes and styles, rroin Hj tll.76 dowa to 11.83 mA Oriental Burs la small - mi owr ion, mail oirir rrrtl votua Bissau. Carpet Sweepers In all the lettdinK brands Parlor Queen at ...94.00 M Medal at t J OO irand Kapid at , . . 50 Standard at a.35 Wednesday in Hardware p Barney & Berry's Skates, known to every boy and girl, up from 48 Aud fifty green trading stamps. Carvers, regular $2.25 set of 3 pieces, for...l.G5 And 30 green trading stamps. Chafing Dish For young or married ladies, each, from $12 down Lisk Roaster- unristmas turkey, up from 1.G5 And fifty green trading stamps. Famous Seamless Savory Iloaster, for 98 And thirty green trading stamps ito to.3.25 r For your j la- Men's and Young Men's Suits ......$5 Worth near double Sizes 32 to 42 v This Store Open Evenings 'Till Christmas M THE RELIABLE 6IRB This Stor Evenings 'Till Christmas Visit Omaha's Greatest Toy Department Splendid Bargmifis lip in Holiday Goods TOYS, DOLLS, BOOKS, GAMES, FANCY LEATHER GOODS, CELLULOID GOODS, ALBUMS, ETC. Articles worth from 10c to 2oc, special Wednesday for 5 Articles worth from 20c to 50c, special Wednesday for Articles worth from 50c to $1.25, special Wednes day, at, choice 25$ Furs for Christmas Gifts These always acceptable, and you'll find the largest stock and best bargains here. Coney Muffs at $1.98 and SI. 50 Squirrel Muffs at $7.50 and $3.98 V Fox Muffs from $10.00 down to $3.08 Fox Scarfs from $30.00 down to $2.98 Mink Scarfs from $55.00 down to $7.50 Coney Scarfs from $2.98 down to 50 Rat Scarfs from $2.95 down to $1.08 Coney Scarfs at $25.00 Beaver Coats at $59.00 Krlmmer Coats at $35.00 Seal Skin Coats $350.00 down to $150.00 Astrakhan Coats at $50.00 down to $20.00 Children Bear Skin Coats $1.39 Curley Bear Skin Coats $2.75 Women's Satin Lined Cloth Coats, special Wednesday at $8.95 THOUSANDS OF OTHER BARGAINS WEDNESDAY. Extraordinary Book Bargains Investigation will convince you that here you find the largest assortment and lowest prices. We quote a few prices. Some have Just been published, but we will sell them and many others titles, while the stock lasts at 95. Princess Maritaza, Social Secretary, Sam Steels, Anna bel, Aunt Jane's Niece, House of Mirth, Conquest ot Canan, Round the World With Joslah Allen's Wife, Re becca of Sunnybrook Farm, Ayesha. When Patty Went to College, My Lady of the North, Gambler, etc. mm iff ms These Late $1.60 Books at 950. Hundreds of titles, In popular copyright reprints will be sold at, per copy, 390. Among the many titles you will find The Deluge, Rose of Old St. Louis, Hearts and Masks, Dri and I, Lightning Conductor, Man of the Hour, Common Lot, Dorothy South. Durrell of the Blessed Isles, etc. Classic Series, tasteful little volumes iui ejuui, ooc values, ai IOC Library of Popular Fiction, by noted authors, regular 60c values, at 210 Riiey Books, illustrated, $1.25 edition, each g9 Story of Bible Land, by Dr. Talmage, regular $2.60 volume, special .. 75 Elsie Books, the regular $1.25 edition, at G90 $1.50 Popular Copy. right Fiction, 390. Alcott's Little Woman Series on sale ftt 980 Henty and Alger Books, different bind ings, In 3 lots, at . .250- 150- 80 Roosevelt Bears, the regular $1.60 edl- Uon- at $1.08 John Dough, the regular $1.25 edition. at 950 Paint Books, shown in 3 sizes, at 63c, 48c and 250 L. J. Mead Girl Books at 250 BIBLES AND ALL CHTRCH GOODS AT LOWEST FR ICES SPECIAL DW. COUNT ON ALL BOOK SETS AND GIFT BOOKS. A Great Stock of Samples at Just Half Price A complete line of high grade Noveltiea secured by our buyer at 50c nn th dollar is now on sale at proportionately low prices. Toilet Sets, Cloth, Hair aud nat urutuics, t,omn ana iiruhii ncis, ningio aurrors, etc- lust the thine TT-ll J m,H .11 - - - 1 . . - 1 i 1 . o xiuuuuy uu.u). aii Buwoieo, nu iu untie. 60c Hair Brushes . , 76c Hair Brushes . , $1.00 Hair Brushes $1.50 Hair Brushes . $2.00 Hair Brushes . $2.50 Hair Brushes . 30c Separate Mirrors 20c Separate Mirrors 60c Separate Mirrors $1.00 Spearate Mirrors ........ 500 $2.00 Spearate Mirrors $1.00 250 35? 500 750 $1.00 $1.25 150 100 250 s for $1.25 .50 ouc toniD ana urusu seta. ..... .2o0 $1.00 Comb and Brush Sets 500 $2.00 Comb and Brush Sets. . .$1,00 a.uu joiiio and brush Sets. $3.00 Comb and Brush Sets. $5.00 Comb and Brush Sets. $6.00 Comb and Brush Sets. $2.00 MilUry Brush bets .. $3.00 Military Brush Sets .. $4.00 Military Brush Sets .. $5.00 Military Brush Sets .. $1. $2.50 $3.00 91.00 $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 Holiday Ribbon Specials Fancy Print Warp Ribbons, in Wednes-1 The regular, narrow No. 1 satin baby day's sale, at, yd., 19c, 15c and 100 I Ribbons, in all colors, at, yd...i Grocery Department OBABOXS, HUTS, 011510 GOODS ABB BBIZD MUTTS TOB XM1S. . BHOr I1SLT TO IB8UBS I1KLT DEUVEBT. Our famous Brand Tancj BUfhlasd Ravels for Xmas Regular 20c size, per do-n Regular 25o size, for this sale, per dozen Regular 80c size, for this sale, per dozen Quart boxes funcy FU)rida Kumquats Fancy Jonathan or Roman Beauty Apples, per dcjzeii New York Catawba Grapes, per basket Italian Chestnuts, per pound Holly for Xmas decoration, per in und Mistletoe for Xnias decoration, per pound Fancy Wreaths for decoration, each Funcy Hallowe'en bates, per pound Fancy Fard Uatas, per pound Black Walnuts, per peck Beeta, Carrots, Parsnips, Turnips or Rutabagas, p-r pound Fancy 4-Crown Figs, per pound Fancy t-Cnpwn Figs, per pound The bsst fanoy Mixed Bats, per pound bbied rmurrs, cabbed ooods, etc tl pounds best Pure Cane Granulated bugar Fancy S-Crown Ra.lins, per pound Fancy 4-Crown Raisins, per pound Fancy Cleaned Currants, per pound Fancy Cullfornla Heedless Raisins, per pound Fancy California Seeded Raisins, per pacaage Lemon, Orange or Citron Feel, per pound 1-pound package Macaroni Brornangelon. Jell-O or Jellycon, per package 1-pound package Corn Starch 1- pound package Condensed Mincemeat 2- 0und fancy June I-ua 2-pound can fancy Hweet Sugar Corn.. 2-pound can fancy Wax or Htrlng Hcans Stuffed or Plain Olives, per bottle Triir.nrt.i1 KHrilint.. nnr run 8-pound can fancy California I'eachcs. Apricots or Qrecngage Flume, p- The t.e.t Caa. or Dyaier iracaera, per puuuu.... 4 packages l.'needa Biscuits ' Fancy Assorted Cookies, per pound We have everything you need for Xmas at one-third to one-half lee buy It for elsewhere.. for this sale. 15 ..BOO a so BOO aso SOo iauo iato aoo io JOf) 30O 14 laHo l&o M ....!. 00 100 ,.12 '40 loo lOo 10s as eo 7H 4o ey,o 8H0 ..so TVio . .So ,.o r can. , . .ido i . i ...ISO than yo'i m io)fo)fn) mm S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler. 1516 Douglaj Street. WANT DESIRABLE TENANTS? .TrtUo la Tk liNJ 1