Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1906, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, lOOfi. VICTORY FOR TRAVELING MEN Two-Tbotiiand-Mils Fooki Bsdiced frsm Eiity to Fifty Dollars. MILE CREDENTIAL BASIS LOWERED Westers Railroads Separately C.raat Th Concession la Response Persistent Demands at Commercial 01 a b. charge of being a fugitive from Justice. Mitchell wit arreted by the detectives fnm the description Of mnn wnntcl at Nashville Term., for embeszlenu nt from the rearllne Washing Powder company. UNIVERSITY TITLE DISPUTED Challenge Made to Ownership of 'Tart Rite of By rae-llammer Company. Traellng men may put up J10 less for t..elr mileage books east of the Missouri nver after Jajiuary 1 than they have here- t.ifore. The recommendation to reduce the price of western 2,000-mile tickets from to r0, with a refund of $9.50, and to reduce i lie 4.(i(X-mile credential to a VXio-mllg cra ilcntlal has been Individually adopted by all the lines Interested tast of the river and will be made effective January i. These two decisions on tha part of the western lines mean a great deal to the traveling men, as the first compels them to put up- 10 lew for their mileage book and the second requires them to ride 1,000 miles less (efore taking; advantage of the benefits of the credential system. Travellrg men all over the country hava been making an active crusade against the railroads for demanding additional money for mileage books and some business firms with a large number of traveling men on the road have large suma on deposit through mean of the mileage book at all times. A demand was made that the roads sell the book at straight t cents per mils. The claim la made by passenger men that If a mileage book was sold at a flat rate of 2 cents a mile, which would require no re fund or extra expenditure on the part of the purchaser. It would result In wholesale scalping of these books, and few persons would purchase regular tickets, even for short Journeys, because of the comparative eiuw with which they could get mileage books from scalpers. There Is, however, a growing movement ot revolt on the part of the traveling men to this form of mileage book, and In all states the railroads ate beginning to hoar complaints. One of the results of this agitation Is a, demand for legislation for a straight 2-ccnt mileage, without reservation and on all tickets, which has taken definite form In several of the states, and Is spread ing throughout the middle west and the east. The railroad and warehouse com mission of Illinois has promised to take up the matter within a few months, when a full hearing upon the subject will be had. New Vnlon Parllle Branch. Right-of-way Is being bought by agents of the Union Pacific for the construction of a cut-off In Wyoming from a point near Curr station, on the Denver-Cheyenne branch, to Borle, on the muin line, ten miles west of Cheyenne. The new lint will be twenty miles In length. The Athol hill section of the Union Pa cific, lying directly south of Cheyenne, tins long been a stumbling block In the speedy handling of traffic between Denver and Cheyenne and the trip of 100 miles between the two cities now requires about four hours to make, when a two and a half-hour schedule should be maintained. As a result the passenger service is and has always been abominable. This objectionable pleco of track will be eliminated by the construc tion of the new cut-off, while not any shorter than the prescut route, will avo.Ti the sharp curves and heavy gradients which now have to be negotiated. A email trimeter station will be estab lished at Borle to avoid shipping Kansas City freight back to Cheyenne to be trans ferred. Contracts for grading will be let In a couple of weeks. Erery Kniploe lts Raise. Kvery employe of the Union Pacific win receive a raise In pay January 1. While this raise Is not very large, the aggregate amounts to considerable. The ralfe Is not permanent, but only for one month, and It la brought about because there is now more money In the hospital fund than Is needed, tto the regular CO cents which Is taken from the pay check of each em ploye for the month of December will not be deducted this month. An Impression prevails that the Union Pacific will grant a rdi.xa of some sort to Its employes gen erally that will be permanent. Car Tracing" Chanac. The change made at the Burlington head quarters In transferring the tracing of car load freight from the office of the general freight agent to the assistant superinten dent of transportation la larger In scope than was first anticipated, It also trans fer considerable cf the work now being done at the general offices In Chicago to Omaha. Three new men will be put on this work exclusively In Mr. IMckeson'a office and by this change the shipper will get much better and more expeditious service. HU Ml TP MM U 1 1)!,' L'T lvernl -ears Mr. ntch was his attorney. UJlnlLi nj A Villain JHnlUlLil When he died Mr. Martin was made sd- tMt'nsd to BeconiA 0ns of Greatsst in the Worid. SECRETARY M'VANN IN RAILWAY AGE Tha title of Crelghton university to a part of the property donated to It by Count John A. Crelghton last fall la attacked In a petition filed In district court by Thadeus J. Wren, A minor, who appears by his mother, Patty C. Wren. The prnperty In volved Is a pirt' of that upon which the Pyrne-Hammer Dry Ooods company build- i g mwAm Kai-.a, T. ' I . V, V. any, V nlh ' streets on Howard and consists of the east half of lot T In block II. Wren claims a fifth Interest In the half lot. The property formerly belonged to Wren's father. Thadeus J. Wren. sr. He died May I. lWfl, about a month before the birth of the plaintiff In the suit. By the will the property wag left to the widow, Patty C. Wren, no mention being made of the pos thumous aon. Mrs. Wren mortgaged the land and during the hard times It was sold to pay the mortgage. Blnce then It has been transferred- several times. Last fall It wag bought with the adjoining lota by Count Crelghton and given to the university. Mr. Wren contends that as he was born after the will was made his right to a share In the property could not be affected by the will or the administration of the estite under It. The retltlo'n was filed by J. W. Eller, who says there Is no dispute among the claimants as to his client's rights, the suit being necessary to fulfill certain legal requirements to hold the former owners, who have given warranty deeds for the property. Under the law the half lot will have to be sold and a fifth of the money awarded to the plaintiff. Tonchea on Campbell System ot Farm ing; and Hate Adjastment aad Predicts Erection of I,argte Railroad Elevators. Omaha's future as a grain market Is the ubject of an article written by Secretary J. McVann In the last number of the Railway Age, which Is publishing a series of articles dealing with the large primary markets of the country. Mr. McVann says mlnlstrntor of the estate and Mr. Fitch began suit for H.tTA At the first trial In district court Judge Bartlett Instructed the Jury for the defendant, but the supreme court reversed him and sent the ens? hack for trial. At the second trial Mr. Fitch was given a verdict for the amount and Interest. 5,23 25 In all. The last Jury was out over forty hours. DIRECTORS OF THE MEETING Committees In Charge of Men's Con ventloa Announced for First Time. SIX TO TEN NEW CAR LlXESl Big; yitera of Fxt'osion Plannsd for Company at Cue. MONEY TO COVER ALL IS LAID ASIDE Directors Decide to Bnlld All Inter nrbna Tracks Posslhle and Make Other Important Improve meats la Sjstem. From six to ten extensions In Omaha with a total of from ten to twenty miles Plans are rapidly taking shape for the ; of new rills and two new Intcrurbiui lines. one or which is to be twenty-five mtlej long, Is the work decided by the board of directors of the Omaha and Council national foreign missionary convention of the men of the Presbyterian church, which will open In Omaha February 19. The local committee In rhArge of the arrangements 1 Omaha's importance will be Increased by j ag foiows: Rev. Dr. Thomas K. Hunter, the adjustment of railway rates and th i ottnlrmnn: Rev. J. C. Wilson, secretary: development of the Campbell system of forming In the western part of the state; he says large railway elevators will be built and predicts that the local market will be come one of the world's greatest primary markets. Mr. McVann says: There can be little question In the mlr.d of anyone who is familiar with the history of the Omaha gralnmarket since tne. or ganization of the Omaha Oruln exchange In 1Do4, that Omaha Is destined to be one of the world's great primury markets. The receipts ot grain at Omaha have been as follow s; Bushels. February 1 to December 81. 1904 16.4S3.-S5 Calendar year of 19o6 M,i:3.i'0 BOY MAYOR COMES TO OMAHA Sherburne Merrill Becker of Mil waukee Will Address Me Klnley t lob. ' 8herburne Merrill Becker, mayor of Mil waukee, will be the principal speaker at the Omaha McKlnley club annual banquet January 29. Word was received to this effect Monday morning. Members of the. committee arranging for the banquet are elated over the prospects of securing Mayor Becker. It was through the offices of Colonel Jack Ryder, a personal acquaint ance of "The Boy Mayor," that tha Badger state executive was secured. Mayor Becker Is 30 years of age and the youngest mayor of any metropolitan city in the United States. He ran on the re publican ticket as a young men's candidate and against the regular republican nominee and David Rose, a leading democrat and several times mayor of Milwaukee. Mayor Becker's kindly feeling toward Omaha was shown lost August at the time .l.miiiirv 1 lr Octoher STL 1906 3j.4tZlOO Assuming that we will not receive less 1 -nanes Mwin ur-iui, cnsirman. during November and December this year Brown, secretary and treasurer; Rev. Dr. Edwin Hart Jenks, place of meet ing; Rev. Dr. Walter H. Reynolds, assign ment; Rev. R. I Purdy. registration; Rev. R. T. Bell, reception; Rev. Dr. A. 8. C. Clarke, educational and hook room; Rev. Dr. J. B. Cherry, decoration; Rev. J. C. Wilson, postofllce; Rev. Newman H. Bur dlck, publicity; Rev. Dr. Charles Hrron. student representation and entertainment; Robert Dempster, finance. The advisory committee consists of Dr. A. W. Halsey, Robert Sneer, Dr. Arthur J. Brown. Dwlght H. Day, Dr. T. H. P. Sailer, David McCotiaughy and J. M. Patterson. The executive committee Is as follows: B. M. W. S. than we received during the corresponding Marquis, Intersynodlcal representative; two months of last year (and we have re- . , T , .. , ,,,.,. eeived more grain every month this year Edwin Hart Jenks. Omaha representative. than last), our total receipts for tne year i Tne memoers ot tne anvisory committee 1 will reach 46.0O0.000 bushels. The nat ural growth of the market Is so clearly shown by these figures that It does not seem necessary to make any comment upon mem. Omaha Is a receiving and shipping mar ket only. We have not yet established any Industries here which consume main, but our elevator storage capacity has already reached d.WiO.OOO bushels and we reel tnat It is only a question of a short time when the great stocks of grain brought here. and our capacity for taking care of them. and the executive committee are nearly all eastern men. The Intersynodlcal committee is as fol lows: W. 8. Marquis. Illinois; J. W. Laughlin, Wisconsin; W. C. Atwood. Mis souri; B. M. Long, Nebraska; Edwin Mc Nutt, Texas; Edward Baech, Indiana; Charles F. Hubbard, Minnesota; R H. Myers. North Dakota: 8. 8. Estey, Kan- gas; C. R. Brodhead, New Mexico; F. W, fl tlons, More Elevators Demanded. In addition to the present storage rapa city of 6,10,000 bushels It Is certain that a number of large railway elevators must be built in Omaha In the near future, if the decision of the Interstate Commerce com misalnn In the Peavey case should be such as to make It Impossible for the railroads to continue paying elevation and loading cut allowances to the private elevato.s. The traffic managers of a number of the large railways testified before the com mission in the Peavey case that they had recommended to the management of their companies the building of such elevators at Omaha. Close study of the conditions of grain production shows clearly that, while tho territory tributary to Omaha does not rank first In production of grain, it comeg very near ranking first in surplus production, and this latter fact Is most significant when the future of a market Is being consid ered. Chicago and St. Louts have a terri tory directly tributary to them which Is the greatest grain producing territory- In u w.trM V, . . t nr.. nnfr nHl of the annual Eagle convention, at which I advuntuge of this fact, because far time he took his automobile and became the greater portion of the grain produced the central figure In n parade to work up I In that territory Is also consumed In It and !..-.. i r.ul'. v,.v,if i ,h -Mo, e never moves to any market. will bring milling and manufacturing In- MchlgBn: 8. W. MeFadden. Iowa; dustriee to take advantage of these condl- ! ' . . J, . if. 1. ivunn, oouin uunuui , tv. c. remain, Oklahoma, and O. 8. Baum, Colorado. Intereat In Omaha's behalf in the matter of securing the 1907 convention. During the Milwaukee mayoralty cam paign David Rose said: "Becker waa born with a silver spoon in his mouth." "That is true," replied the "kid mayor," "but I was not born with a tin horn In my mouth." Efforts to Secure Senators Beverldge or Clapp for the banquet failed on account of pressure of business at this time at Wash ington. In a letter Just received by Colonel Ryder, Senator Clapp wrote that consider able legislation Is on the tapis at this session, .which Is the "short session." DIAMONDS Frenzer, 16th and Dodge. aspect Vnder Arrest. Detectives Ferris and Dunn arrested Ben T. Mitchell earlv Monday morning at his room at 123:1 South Thirteenth street on the NOT THE MAN WHO STOLE MEAT J. V. Dixon Released, as He Police of His Inao- I.lke Billy Boggs of old. J. F. Dixon, a big. muscular man. Is looking for "the fellow that looks like me." Mr. Dixon was accused of stealing 35 cents' worth of meat from E. P. Trultt and the police arrested him, but released him when they found they had the wrong man. Chief of Detectives Savage says the thief's name was Dixon and they thought they had the right man, but they discov ered they were wrong. Mr. Dixon Insists he Is not, as a rule, hungry; he stands over six feet and weighs 200 pounds, and If he were, he would not stoop to steal 85 cents' worth, of the best meit In the country. He has resided In Omaha for many years and Is keenly sensi tive to any such aspersion on his good name, such aa his wrongful arrest was. The meat waa atolen from the Trultt shop, near Twenty-fourth and Vinton streets, the night of December 1. - jIamap thniil the wifidom of vouri OH 1Y1CIU ready for colds, couth5, croup, bronchitis. If r a w. y ' ,t,t aU right then tet a botti, of it once, wliy nv v- a Need It Fri trettmert. early cure, ; ;.;; w.i..? tsitm& Territory Will Be Enlarged. The territory tributary to Omaha as a grain market will be very largely increased In the next decade. Facilities are being: rapidly created for the storage and utlllra- I Hon of the watte waters In western Ne. braska and eastern Colorado and Wyoming. The Campbell system of dry farming Is being utilized for the growing of grains In a vast stretch of territory which has here tofore been considered arid land. South Dakota west of the Missouri river, western Nebraska and all of Wyoming are being covered with new railroad lines and the result will be the breaking up of large tracts of land and the production of grain In. a very large territory used hitherto solely for grazing. All of this territory Is directly tributary to Omaha and Its growth will develop the Omaha market. If Omaha is to have the full advantage to which It Is entitled, based on Its posi tion with reference to grain production, we must havo fair treatment from the rail roads that serve us. After one of the worst grain rate wars that the country has ever seen, Omaha obtained a fair adjustment of some Nebraska rates as against the Mississippi river and Chicago. We have been negotiating for many months for fair rates for the rest of Nebraska and from South Dakota points, but have not yet suc ceeded In convincing the railroads of the Justice of our demands. We will, therefore. although very regretrully, bo compelled to seek lor a proper adjustment of tnese flg ures through legal channels. 8hould w succeed In getting a fair adjustment as against Minneapolis and Chicago from the north, and as against Kansas City from the south and southwest, we are confident that the natural advantages of our position will raise the receipts of the Omaha grain market to a point second only to the re ceipts at Chicago. Distributing: Facilities Necessary. No matter how well Omaha may be sit uated with reference to receipts of grain. It will avail It little if it has not dis tributing facilities equally as good. In this respect we are very fortunate and we feel that our future Is assured. We have at Omaha the western and northern ter mini o( five great railway systems. This assures us free outlets to Minneapolis and Duluth on the north; to Chicago. Milwau kee and Peoria on the east; to Kansas City, New Orleans and Oalteston on the south; to St. I-ouls. Memphis and all the south east. Through these lines we are able to reach, upon favorable terms, not only every market that can be reached by any com petitor, but every market that can be reached by every competitor, and there Is not another primary market In the United States, receiving an thing like the volume of business that la being received ut Omaha, which can truthfully make the same boast. For the period ending September 80 Omaha shipped out &.331.4O0 bushels of grain. Only five cities In the United States exceeded this. During the same period Kansas City Flipped o.ily 31,000,000 bushels; Duluth, about the same amount; Minne apolis. M.CM'.yuO bushels; Pt. IyOuls. 46.0C0.00V bushels. When this market, after having been in existence only three years, has at tained sixth place us a shipping point and fifth place as . a receiving point, we can nuraiy ne uiamea ror reeling very op timistic as to the position that we will have when our tributary territory has had the bejietit of the development It mutt get duiluic the next ten years und when we have cured the discriminations In rates that bar us from reaping the full advantage of the development of that territory. Open evenings, Frenzer, 15th and Dodge. GATE CITY FIHST IN GAIN Omaha Leads Others of Class In Per centage of Increase In Rnlldlnar. While the total amount of money repre sented by building operations In Omaha In 1906 Is not as large as In several other cities of similar size, yet the percentage of Increase In the last few years has been greatest In Omaha. So says C. F. Harrison, who has secured data from the offices of the building Inspector of the va rious cities. To date this year, permits aggregating considerably above $4,000,000 and represent ing 1.070 structures, have been taken out In Omaha, while In 1903 permits for less than half that many buildings aggregated $1.0S'!,867. Omnha's building operations doubled In 1904, and again In 1906, while this year will equal. If It does not ex peed 1908. Minneapolis Issued 4.147 permits, aggre gating 17.732.779. In 198. and S.RM permits, aggregating 8H.667.3S2. In 1906 to date; Seat tle, 8,914 permits in 1903. aggregating 86,495. 7R1. nnd 8,931 permits In 1906. aggregating 89.622,182; BufTalo Issued 2.011 permits In 1903. aggregating $6,263,402, and 2.4S9 permits to October 31 of 1906, aggregating $7,686,630; Los Angeles issued 6.395 permits In 1908, aggregating $13,046,338, nnd 8.529 permits to date In 1906, aggregating $17,053,575; Cleve land issued 6,226 permits In 1903, aggrega ting $5,259,981, and' 5.488 permits In 1906, ag gregating $11,675,563; Kansas City issued 8,669 permits In the fiscal year of 1903-04, aggregating $6,906,640, and 4,222 permits In the fiscal year of 1905-08, aggregating $10,472,089. Bluffs 8treet Railway company at Its an nual meeting. This announcement was made by C. W. Wattles, vice president of the company, upon his return from New York Monday morning. In company with General Man ager Smith, W. V. Morse, Frank Hamilton and Mr. Tyler, Mr. Wattle went to New York last week to meet with tho eastern directors of tho street railway company At this meeting tliu directors decided to lay aside enough money for the content plated work, Which will also Include $260,000 for the Increase In the power plant and the building of the four substations, one hi Benson one at Florence, one at Hellevu and a portable one at Lake Mauawa. "The matter of deciding these routes Is left to a committee of the local directors who, with engineers, will go to work Tuesa day morning and go over the ground, afttr which a meeting will be held and a decision reached ag to where these extensions will be built.", said Mr. Watllaa. "We are going Into the Interurban busi ness and will build lines out from Omaha wherever we think the business will pay the Interest on the money invested. The directors In the east agreed with us that the time had come to build out of Omaha and during the next two years we will build all the lines we can secure rails and ma terial for. The money has been set aside and work will begin at once. The Omaha extensions also will be pushed as fast as possible." Enough Money Is Set Aside. While Mr. Wattlea did not state the exact amount which had been set aside, he said: 'It Is not because the amount Is nig gardly that I do not care to state It, for I will say that a sufficient amount has been appropriated to do all the work which can be done for the next two years. "We also will enlarge our car shops so that wo will In time be able to build all our cars, but we expect to expand so fast during the next two years that we will not try to rely on the output of our shops ex cept as auxiliary to the cars we buy. 'When the Omaha contingent was able to go to New York and assure the eastern directors that no unreasonable hindrances was expected from the city council or the people we had no difficulty In getting the money necessary to make the extensions." 'The pass on the street railways of Omaha Is a thing of the past and after the first of the year every person who rides must pay. Since the passage of the ElklnB law there Is a great feeling against the Issuance of passes and because of the In terstate nature of our Council Bluffs line we will discontinue passes." Mr. Wattles did not say where the six to ten extensions of the Omaha lines would be made, but he said the engineer and the committee would go over the routes and these would be soon announced. A boe meal for Zc at the Karbach res taurant. IGNORANT OF NAME AND HOME Insane Mnn Says He Doea Not Live Anywhere and Objects to Lids. An Insane man who doesn't know his own name or where he lives was taken to the county Jail from Millard by Deputy Sheriffs Allan and Stryker at 1:30 Monday morning. He was found by the marshal In Millard wandering about the streets and threatening all kinds of trouble be cause the lid was on Sunday and he could get nothing to drink. He became so violent he had to be handcuffed ,and the sheriff's office was called on to get him. He la about 20 years old and from papers found in his pockets It Is believed his name la Harvey Schaffstall and his home Kansas City. How he got to Millard Is a mystery. He declares he doesn't know his name and he doesn't live anywhere. He said something about coming from Pennsyl vania, but the officers believe he Is front Missouri. When he woke up Monday morn ing he demanded a drink. When he was told drinks were not sold at the Hotel Mo Donald he declared it waa the funniest hotel he was ever In. His case will be taken before the Insanity commission. TOILET SETS Frenzer. 15th and Dodge. The ladles of Hanscom Park Methodist Episcopal church will hold a Xmas sale In the church parlors Monday and Tuesday, December 17 and 18. A free entertainment will be given on Monday evening. The bazar will close with a chicken-pie supper Tuesday evening. ' Supper served at 6:80 p. m. Bracelets. Copley, Jeweler, 215 S. 16th. Two very desirable suites ol ollices for rent January 1st On the third floor la a combination of waiting room and two private offices, with a good north and west light, In The Bee Building Particularly well suited for physician or specialist. At present this 6iilte Is occupied by an eye, ear, nose and throat specialist. These rooms can be rented at 150 per month a very reasonable figure when It is taken in con sideration that there is a total of 640 square feet of floor space and Includes heat, light, water and janitor service. On the fourth Hoor. right in front ot the elevator facing Farnam street. Is a fine office, with privilege of reception room. At present this office is occupied by a dentist, but owing to a change of business be is leaving the city the first of the yea r .A practicing physician occupies one-half of this suite. : We would ue pleased to show these offices, and In case there Isn't any vacant room available to your liking we can let you know when a suitable j had brought It to her. Mr. Guild heaved HONEST B0YSN0T ALL DEAD One Bobs In as Rebuke to Him of tbe "U001I Old Ua)t" Sonar. Mangum it t. :.BTTER SPECIALIST Hot Springs, Arkansas. Owned and controlled by United States government. Leads all cures and pleasure resorts. Fine winter climate; 200 hotels at all prices. Write Bureau of Information for b-jok. Births and Deaths. The following blrthg and deaths wero re ported to the Hoard of Health during the forty-eight hours ending Monday noon: Births Richard Keenan, Omaha General hospital, girl; A. K. Keith, 947 North Twentv-seventh avenue, girl; John Steln art, MS South Twenty-first, boy; John Hanchett, 2011 Clark, boy; Lnnce Sands, Sixteenth and Madison, girl; K. Meyer, 2319 South Thirteenth, girl; W. H. Norton, Jr.. 3iQ North Eleventh, girl. Deaths Mrs. J. H. Crowder. Twentieth and Capitol avenue. 62; Gus Bloomb, For. tieth and Poppleton, 62. A Skin of Beauty i a woy Forever, T. Follx Gouraud'a Orlontal Oroam or Msgloal Boautlflor Bmiotsi Tm, rlmpits frtcklM, Moth P.lcb. sss, tog bkla DivesMs ssa trerr siesiui DM UM 1st IM! of 67 y& sa4 ll to kinulrwl wi tatlt tobettmtt l rcprl7 mads Aootpt so counter ftlt of slaiila u. Dr. L A 6ro Ml U Is4y of (ho hint tg ( psUeon "Ao you Udlf WU1 uh tbcu I roeuBsieM flearsxl's Cresm' ot tho 1sot sorraful of sii u tklD propomi lout." r""r salt by oil dniiu 4 Fsncf Ooodo rWtra la tho C-.ioa 6uio,Caig and Kurou RntLT.KOP.IIIS, trt, ?7 Br:il J. S'rart. RewTaf D What to Give Men Christmas IWt jrou know what wonhl ph ase "him?" Take a walk through our several times rnlargrd Men's Furnishing IVpnrtmont on the main floor Fresh and bright with Christmas stocks and you'll so no end of dHlnty thing that will prove "Just what he wanted" and the prices will be right. Our prices are always right (by right we mean from ten to twenty per rent less than other stores). HOMK OK TOMOKKOW'S lUNNKIl OFFERINGS: House Coats, Dressing Gowns, Bath Robes 96.00 Hons Coata, 94.TS Men's heavy fancy plaid fared Mellon Coats, silk trimmed pockets, fronts ami cuffs; light and dark combinations, slses M It ai to M -16 values ' 10.00 House Coats, SS.75 Men's tine o,ua!!ty fancy plaid fared Meltn Cloth nnd Brocaded Snk Mala- josa In blue, brown, Mark "v ana oxmhii gray n Kiin,Mrw ..1 1 .1.... nc m k'"-'- to 44 $10 values ..'', t 918.80 Souse Coata, 97.90 TO, Men's extra tine l'al"y of Imported silk, matalsra tl.fn, and bnpcacl -1 velvets, with heavy satin linings, silk cord trimmings 011 front, " fiorkets anil cuffs, with arge silk frogs Cut wno round or square corners, ; solid green, navy, brown, blacks and fancy combi nation slses ii to 44 regular 1 1 2. SO 7 53 values, for .v 96.60 Bath Botes, M-SO Men's line iiuallty double faced bioende cotton eider down robes. light end dark colors, also light striped long cloth, pretty patterns, IS. 00 values 913.E0 Dressing Oowss, 97.90 Men's extra heavy all wool double-faced elder down dressing gowns, beautiful new and swell patterns, new and fresh from the largest eastern Importer tans reds, grays Many exclu- 7.90 slve designs, (12.60 value VECXWEAB Men's new, fancy colored or plain black silk tecks and four-in-hands hundreds of 2?e light, pretty colors, at aW Men's tine quality, extra wide silk lined or French shape four-ln-hands finest Imported silks every desirable color also solid Ala black or T,c Men's extra fine, rich Imported silks most beau tiful holiday styles imln ami uark 7C. CI in. - 50c-75c 85c, 60c and 7 So oplors OLOTXS Men's fine quality Imported golf gloves solid and fancy colors. Men's good quality holiday kid gloves pretty shades of tans and hrpwns silk lined, flfl fleeced lined and unllned I.vU Men's fine cape, kid and Mocha dress or street gloves tans, grays and black lined or un lined a perfect lit and satisfaction Cl guaranteed , I.JU BU8PESSZB8 Men's f:incy susnenders single boxes, at Men's fine holiday silk suspenders beautiful light and dark colors also plain black or white satin for embroidering 91-00, 91.96, 91.60 and 9.00 Boys' fancy web suspenders pretty separate boxes 860 MT7TFX.EKS Men's fine worsted "Way" muffler flaln black, white, fancy patterns, greatest neck protection 1 45o Men's new stylish scarfs, Oxford or silk squares all colors, also plain white and black 660 and T60 Men's swell style and quilted Oxfords hemstitched scarfs and brocaded silk squares heavy stylish patterns all colors 91,00 Men's extra fine full dress shirt protectors and Oxfords most beautiful qualities plain black, gros grain, Barathea or satin 93.60, 93 and 93.50 OPEN EVENINGS 'TILL CHRISTMAS To California No travel In the world Is so luxurious as (bat from Omaha to California. Doth as to scenery and train equipment no route Is so attractive. The Overland Limited Leaves Omaha daily, electric lights in every berth all the latest books and papers news of the world bulletined twice daily and In extras 1 when occasion warrants. Vis Union Pacific For California Booklata Inquira at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM ST. I'hone Douglas 334. The Purchasing Power of Thousands of nplf nf TMC flCET Prosperous Western Families is Found UflbHUI I1IL Ui.1. "WW f LAWS OF MARRIAGE IGNORED Ms Induces Mother to Put Children la Asylum ss Jola His. One Tionest boy named Boyd, first name unknown to the man who benefited by honesty, lives In South Omaha. John 1 M. Guild, commission r of the Omaha Com mercial club, lost his diamond watch fob 011 Twenty-fourth street In South Omaha as he was on his way to his office Monday inurning. An hour later his wife tele, phoned him that the boy, having found the lorket and read Mr. Guild's name on it. office is vacated. Apply to R. W. Baker, Sop!M Room 418. Bee Building huge slgli of relief and thanked her for having given the boy 1. The fob was presented to him by the South Omaha Live Slock exchange, of which he formerly was secretary. Berberotts for Your Blood Berberatta are tha beat Hood tonle and purlner you can use. Brbj-etts rnntiLin nn .,..l nr km,f,il imrr.lisnta but are a blood builder tOal dOaS tha work, miring Scrofula, blook i'alnt, clearing the sltln and restoring nurnial roy health. . V K,,M n.t m r nt .4 . tha fallowing stores, wno win reiunu ine ou are not more than pisasoa wnn run. m i.u ui . if vim I f rlri.r please buy and try a package of Beiberetts at money free good blowtl Omaha; N. V4,.., :th and N Bis-. ouia oiusba; tr. gin sua uw ota. IOKIlfl CfJT rmJCm DM BT0E. Cor. 1IU sod Chicago 8a. SOU MOIST, 34 K lth Bt FITCH FAILSJTO GET CLAIM Jury Disagrees lu the Third Salt for Fees Aaaiast Euclid Marlia. The third trial of the rase of r. W. Fttch Hunlnst Euclid Martin for attorney fees, alleged to be due from the estate of C. P. Bertelsen, Skirt Burt street, was ar rested early Monday morning on the charge ot living with Effle Stoughton, aged 30 years, without going through the formality i ot procuring a marriage license Tne ar- j rest wag made after P. T. Van Winkle, 1617 i Casa street, father of the woman In the 1 case, had sworn out a complaint against Bertelsen beftire the county attorney. It is alleged In the complaint that ttertel gen deserted his wife and three children i September 25, 1903, for which offense he was arrested und sentenced to nine month in the county Jail. After being released it g alleged Bertelsen Induced Mrs. Stough ton, who is a widow, to live with him, ! since which time the father of tha woman I haa constantly endeavored to arrest Ber- i telsen. but could never locate him before. Mr. VanWinkle eald hlg daughter hud four ' children by her marrUge to Mr. Stoughton and placed the children In a public asylum In order to go with Bertelsen. On account of her action the children were taken ! from her custody by legal action and she hag since had one child. OLDM n?wnnni m ILLINOIS J c AN OLD and WELtVTIUEO REMEDY. FOR OVER 8IXTT TEARS mss. wmwri aoor xiao btmvp has been used for ever tsi.Vl lEAhU by Council bluff f Ifiao, 4ih and Kern am Sta gr r-f,, wO CO, 141 Karnsrn flt. I . L - saCMAMT, a'or. ltih and CkvM. i rmxav. unsoa. WA1.1VT hill raiiMsot, ttth sin i d Oimlug big aasara . aiA smaot, Cor. Ave. aud I'acino bu ! the late Robert Majors, resulted In a d:s- I MIIXK'NS of alOTHKRS for their CHIL- j i.greement, the Jury being discharged by 'Fajr"7 r?.?J" KL.JT1 fER' . . ' , , 7 ... " . FEi "1 SLCCKaS. 1 r SOOTHES the CHILD Judge gears Mondiy m unlng without hav- goKTKNii the DIMS. ALLAYS all hAlN" Parle Ing reached a verdict. I tl.'KKa WIND CoLIC. aud is the Urit Majors was un .1J soldier and for gome reniedy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by Drag. gists hi wi to wuiiu. os sure tr i iu'iviNstows bcoTmxa tnt if time w;i a f-inltor ut the roMorrloc. JSHJi!Jfrjrawiflii sjh, - into cousidcraule property and VIA OTTML RAILROAD To manay points in Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Ontario, Penn sylvania and 'est Virginia. On sale December 20th, 2l6t, and 22d. Return limit thirty days. To Chicago and all points on the Illinois Central north of the Ohio river; also to all point3 in North Dakota and Minnesota including Minneapolis and St. Paul. On sale December 20th, 21st, 22d, 23d, 24th, 25th, 29th, 30th, 31st and Januarv 1st. Return limit January 7th. Tickets and detailed information at City Ticket Office 1402 Fairna.m Street, Omaha. li