THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1W6. Tim Omaha Daily Dee, FOUNDED BT EDWARD ROSEWATER. . .. t . VICTOR, ROSEWATER, EDITOR. Fntr4 at Omaha postorTlc as socond clsss matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dally Bee (without Sunday), one year. .MOO lHliy Re ami Sunday, on year t.00 Sunday Bee, on year t-vQ Saturday Bee, una year 1.W DELIVERED BT CAKRIER. r ' w I i lies (Including Sunday, per week. .Mo Daliy Hee (without Bundayi, p'r wmk.-.l Ev.tilns without Sunday), pr wwk. : Evening Jlee (with Sunday). per week lto Address c i)trp!(nt of Irregularities In de livery tr City Circulating Department. OFFICII. fdiuih The Hee building. South Onihi-itv Hall b'Jlldlng. oun II Hiuffs 10 Pear street. fl,iaoli4 Unity building. New toik-l.VH Mom Life Ins. building. Waahinnton- 5CI Fourteenth aireet. .Oil R ES PO N D ENCE. Communications relating to new and edi torial mmter should be addressed: Omaha lleo, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or poMs'i order, payable, to Tim Ilee publishing Comrany. Only D-cent ntumps received at pnyment of nial, accounts. Parsunal check, except on On a!. a or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BKB PUBLISHING COM PAN T. STATEMENT OF C'l RCl l-ATION. Hta'.e .f NebrHtki, Douglas Count.v.: Charles C. Hosewnter, general manager of J'hf. ( PuUI-Oiliig company, nelng ii-ilv sworn, se r that the artiiHl nutuber of full an-1 iniiij i copies of The Dally, Morning, Jivulna; .ind Sunday l!ei printed during the inntiiii ol November, v.ju, was as luuuwa 1 33,743 2 31,600 i 31,1)60 4 30,600 6 3 1.070 35.160 7 33,530 8 33.4B0 9 3i.aao 10 33.03 11 30.E60 12 31,680 13 31.040 U 31,380 11 31,220 Total ........... Lees unsold copies.. ) 31.1BO j; 31,330 Jt 80,000 It 31,430 20 11,770 21 31.400 22 81,180 21 31,300 24 31.680 25 30,450 28 31,400 27 31,880 tg 31,480 29 31,680 It 31,630 . .B1,10 . . t,7S Net total &le. , 43,033 31,401 laily average. CHARLES C. ROrtE WATER, General Manager. Subscribed' In my presence and sworn to bef ire me thla let day of December, lWrt. tSeul.) SI. o- m.nufliw. Notary Public. WHEil OIT OF TOWN. Subscribers leaving the city tem porarily sfconld hare Ths Dee Mailed to (Kern. Addreaa will be (kaage as often as reuaeelcd. Only one more week for Christmas sh&uping. Don't wait till the last day. When MiHbourl attempts to conDscate the inopi'ity of th "Oil trust," the real tent of Btates'rlghtt. vi.l occur. ' La n '. las fraui, bt. atUch to tlv. nothing. .iy be responsible for .... .eul culpability muBt ulan after something for Give the departed revivalists one big credit mark; They did not this tlm., placard Omaha as the wickedest city In the .world. .1 . .; Old residents ot North Dakota may be compelled to teach the younger gen eration how hay bu.ners saved the day before coal stoves were, possible. Tobacco trust" cases are set for 1 thls week. For the general public the smoke from the chimney is more press ing just now than the smoke from the pipe. Some surprising feats will have to be accomplished If American naval of ficers ' are to show that admirals can tight more effectively than commo dores. . ' If the United States is to be called upon to determine judicially the dif ference between political reprisals and ordinary lawlessness In Poland, lex talonis may receive recognition In court. The j-eport that the Smoot case will be prolonged in the senate In order to delay legislation may be good news to the senator from Utah, but several other statesmen will be called on to ex plain at the proper time. Now that the United State supreme court has decided that the secretary of agriculture has no right to estab lish quarantine . lines within state, stale officials will have reason to watch live stock, shipments closer. Members of all political parties re gardless of previous affiliations are invited to join Mike Harrington's new Public Ownership league and. get In line to support Colonel Bryan as the democratic presidential nominee. Army officers who complain so loudly of deficiency in the personnel of the artillery may be depended upun . to make a good showing should occasion require the use of the guns. Com - plaints of this kind usually cease when action begins. The prospect of a 'vacancy In the Omaha Park board discloses the fact that the number of local democrats hungry for official honors without cutr.pensatlon is much smaller than the number hungry for official compensa tion without honor. '"flat" Maisieison, us a newspaper reporter, muy regret the "good stories" ho wasted on predecessors while strug gling for a' reputation, but as he has succeeded in having himself arrested he must have held his faculty for get ting free advertising. The suggestion that Kansas employ au. ofTUIal press agent marks the pass ing of the special correspondent, whose weird tales have made the Jayhawkers fctato famous: but will tba o.fiolal writer receive us g"uevou) treatment hen he has shorn the "color" from Us facts? Tnr. pntsiDKxrs pas am a xiEtsAOf- President Roosevelt's special rues aage, summing up the situation of the Panama canal In the light of his per sonal investigation on the Isthmus, will greatly strengthen public con fidence' In the outcome and should In many ways aid and stimulate the progress of the work. It Is replete with additional evidence. If any were needed, of the president's intense In terest in the undertaking and of his determination to exhaust every energy In carrying It forward. The message places in clearer light than has heretofore been available the magnitude of the results achieved since the government took over the canal from the French company. The" preparations In sanitation, In local ad ministration, in securing laborers and feeding, housing and caring for them, medically and otherwise, in assembling mnchinciy and materials, etc. a task cf vast scope and difficulty and requir ing time were as vital as actual ex ravation and construction of dams and locks, and the latter could be prose cuted effectually only after the former problems had been disposed of. But the preparatory work, although abso lutely Indispensable, would not ordi narily be popularly appreciated and gave opportunity for the misrepresen tation and carping criticism which it is the fate of all great enterprises to encounter. The president's detailed account of the visible results, however, will be generally accepted as a con clusive answer to malicious detract ors and obstructive pessimists. Not less gratifying and, to many, sur prising is that part of the president's exposition which deals with actual ex cavation and similar striking features of positive construction, showing verily that "the dirt Is flying." The work has already, for months, passed Into a stage of realization upon the prellnv inary labor and expenditure, and is go ing forward on a rapidly-enlarging scale that is highly encouraging. In short, as the president marshals the facts, seen with his own eyes, many of the great problems which had to be solved, and under which the French effort broke down, have now been conclusively disposed of and im mense progress made towards the goal. Other problems undeniably remain and the president does pot underestimate nor conceal the prodigious task to be performed. But he makes a fchowing that warrants his spirit of optimism and his profound conviction thnt this national undertaking can and will be complete! with the same success with which It has been so far carried on. Such assurance, aside from the bene ficial effect It should have upon con gress and all departments of the gov ernment, is especially opportune now, when the Importance of the speediest possible opening of "the Strait of Pan ama" is becoming every, day more ap parent. - . - : "RKFVHM SPELLIXO" rVCJfCVT ;. Unnecessary mystery is being made of the effect of the joint resolution of congress as to spelling in printed pub- ;,c documents. No question whatever exists or the right or congress to adopt a rule requiring the government print ing office to conform to the usage of the standard dictionaries, and the pres ident himself has been prompt to slg nlfy his acquiescence. Indeed, he dis tinctly explained, when it was issued that his executive order was merely tentative. On the other hand, the president's right is also indisputable to employ the so-called simplified spelling, if he chooses, in his own private and of ficial correspondence and In communl cations addressed to the various de partments, which are not Intended for printing under the laws of congriess. If any contingency should happen re quiring such communications to be printed, the printing office would, of course, follow the legal style. It may be that, a hostile spirit Inside and outside of congress towards the president has found expression In ex aggerating the "reformed spelling" In cident, but in point of fact the whole matter Is of trivial import and has been put by all parties concerned into definite and satisfactory state. 1 TRAySPUHTATlUX XMF.HOEXCV. The explanations of the insufficiency of our transportation system vary greatly in detail, but agree on the main point. The general Impression natur ally Is that of shortage of cars, and at many points actual shortage is ape ci&cally proved. But at other places i including important centers, it is bhown that great numbers of cars are unavailable for lark of motive power. Some of the foremost transportation authorities like J. J. Hill have ex- I pressed the deliberate opinion that motive power aud cars cannot be used to best advantage because of track shortage, going so far as to hold that mileage should be doubled to meet present requirements, while still others are disposed to locate the trouble In j terminal facilities. Since conclusive evidence is produced of the Insufficiency of the railroad ma chine In each of these vitel parts, tho cumulative effect is to bring out into clear light a serious transportation emergency. If it were mere temporary local embarrassment, which is not un usual during the season of crop move ment, the matter would not be vitally Importsnt. But the indisputabla facts seem to demonstrate that tho trans portation system has generally failed to keep pace with our enormous Indus trial expansion during recent ears." Notwithstanding the extensive prep o rat ions for new construction ar.d bet terments which the roads are making, and even though tha increase of freight and travel should not continue I at the present extraordinary rate, -ie prospect for the Immediate future ! one of extreme strain t meet the de mands of business. The supply of la bor and materials alone limits exten sion of transportation facilities and would barely suffice for new demands, even if the roaJs had to this time kept up with tho development of the country. Ay K.XAMl l.K FROM CHIVAHO- Reports from Chicago are to the effect that the tangle which had been precipitated by the proposed municipal ownership of the street railway lines there a tangle which long appeared to be as complicated and as intermina ble as that in which Omaha is in volved over the acquisition of its water works has been settled by compromise. After being in and out of the courts with varying degrees of success for both sides the question of purchase or readjustment with the Chicago street railways was finally sent to a conference of representatives of the city and of the companies, which just came to agreement last Saturday. The terms of the Chicago comprom ise boiled down in a nutshell are sub stantially these: An extension of the franchises for twenty years, reserving an option to the city to purchase at any time. Acceptance of an appraisement of $50,000,000 as the present, value of the properties, which amount the city, whenever it undertakes municipal ownership, must pay in addition to any sums invested from now on In the betterment of the roads. A partnership arrangement between the companies and the city by which the city is to have 55 per cent of the net earnings and the companies 4 5 per cent, with free access to and control of accounts for the city. Assurances on the part of the com panies of Immediate rehabilitation of the system and improved service all along the line. This example from Chicago should give at least a ray of hope to the long suffering people of Omaha groping In the dark for a settlement of the diffi culties and embarrassments brought on by the bungling job of wate. works purchase under "compulsory" legisla tion. Omaha is fast outgrowing the capacity of the present water works to supply Its needs and must soon have extensions and betterments, which seem impossible so long 8,8 the pur chase scheme is tied up In the courts. It is becoming more and more impera tive to find a way out without sacrific ing the city's interests and without the Jeopardy of dangerous delay. The railroad tax-bureaucrats are try ing hard to smuggle articles into the country weeklies designed to bolster them up for a continuance of immunity from paying city taxes on their ter minal properties. In this way they are attempting to follow up the play they made during' the late ' cam algn, through Chairman Allen of the demo cratic state committee, to enlist the democratic state papers on the railroad side under pretense of making it a political issue. The editors of Ne braska country papers know a thing or two themselves and not many of them will be likely to bite on the bait. Careful scrutiny of the report of the contributions to the last republican state campaign fund, and for that mat ter to the reports of the contributions to previous campaign funds, fails to disclose the name of the patriot who has Just been re-nominated for sur veyor of customs at the Port of Omaha, which lucrative job he has been hold ing for nearly four years. Perhaps he will do better next time. Congressman Klnkaid in a letter to one of his constituents expresses himself confident that the Judicial division bill will be passed be fore congress adjourns. With two sets of judicial officers in Nebraska they can easily arrange time between them so that one or the other can be on hunting trips continuously. Chancellor Andrews' reply to the Salvation Army solicitors threatens to stir up a hornet's nest. There is no question that a great deal of our public and private charity Is mis directed or wasted, but neither is there any question that on the whole much distress is relieved and many sad hearts made -happier.. , Every one connected with the Omaha revival meetings expresses him self as hlghl 'satisfied with their suc cess. The real test of success, how ever, will come later when the pastors of IochI churches try to figure out whether the attendance on their Sun day services has been Increased. The cry, "Down with the Vatican," raised over In Italy, will be tempered i by recollection that the. Vatican brings i thousands of tourists and millions of i dollars to Rome each year, which would follow the pope to' any new abode he might take up. The appeal of a local contemporary to make the figures In our official finance reports plain, or at least liainer, can be readily answered. But then some people will have to go to school again and learn arithmetic. The impoiiaut-if-true discovery that the real cause of traffic congestion is a dearth of locomotives and not a shortage of cars would indicate that the trouble is not due to the enforce ment of the law requiring the use ol safety devices Judge. B.-ewt-r might save hlnueli ninth ptriurbcth n of mind by coa j verting four of his associates, auc. "mere technicalities"- would no longer prevent the collertlon of honest debts. The Rsail to Popularity. Baltimore American. The atatesman who will lurcessftilly ad vocate a movement for the aimpllilcation of government reports will be one of the most popular men In the country. Seelna Thloaa. rittsburg Dispatch. Honolulu Is seeing; things again. This time It Is two regiments of Japanese, com pletely orfieored, disguised as luborers. if Honolulu can be soared by two regiments of Japun-ee It ought to be ashan.ed to confess It. , fthlrtln the WelM. Washington Herald. Every time Mr. Rockefeller takes a bunch of money out of one pocket and put it In another, the report goes out that he has lost n few millions or so. He has nver yet been known, however, to lose anything where he couldn't find it when wanted. A Christmas "Box." Indianapolis News. And now the Sugar trust and the Brook lyn Cooperage company have pleaded guilty and have been Hned llSo.OW for accepting rebates. The previous, and, for a time. In sistently held theory that there were no such thlnga a rebate seems to be almost shattered. Oklnhoma'a l'erplely. Chicago Chronicle. Oklnhoma'a constitution convention is engaged n animated debate respecting the denlgnatlon that should be applied to the Deity. This will occasion some surprise In the cfTete east, where It la generally be lieved that the Oklahoma designation of omnipotence la usually Indicated by a thrre-em dHsh. Unientntlona of Millionaires. Baltimore American. The gloomy tendency of millionaires to look on money as a curse must be Inten sified by the Jeering refusal of the public to accep. their earnest warnings to bewtre of getting In love with Its accumulation. As a matter of fact, the world at lurge In sists on getting its experience of the dan ger of such matters at first hand. Protests Too Mark. Chicago Chronicle. Sometimes It reully appears as If Mr. Carnegie doth protest too much In the matter of reprehending great riches. He has given much money, to quasi-phllan-thropio causes, but he Is still one of the richest men In the country or In the world. Mlffht It not be advisable for Mr. Car negie to reduce himself to that state of poverty which he deems so honorable be fore preaching against swollen fortunes anS their owners? Onlennary of Poet Loasifellow. Cleveland Plain Dealer. The Dlfln Of the schrw,! nnthnritlAa (a nrft- vide for a celebration of the 100th birthday of Henry W. Longfellow Is eomethlng a bit out of the ordinary, but none the 4ess praiseworthy. The school children have been t H 1 1 Ch f nnaat.Hlu I. 1 ,. ...... . . ... .... . j r . im II i r. aiiu greatness of public men and patriots. There is no reason wny an equally Instructive and beneficial lesson could not he limhi fnin the life of Longfellow, the eminent Amer ican man or letters, a good and true gentle man whom memnrv will ilaava v To awaken In a child's mind an Interest in , I 1 . ... uuniiriiow is 10 open tne aoor to a knowl edge of good literature In later years. In no way can thla be done better than by ooserving me poet s birthday with stories of his exemplary life, of his love for chil dren and of his work as a poet.' Anomalies of Prosperity. Chicago Chronicle. National prosperity continues to show that it entails certain nennlttoa .h pleasures. The very force of the swelling nae tenas to react upon Itself. Thus busi ness activity Is so great that money com mands high prices It is not only the stock gamblers who suffer. Legitimate enter prises are halted by the difficulty of finan cing them. It Is well known that the pub lished rates for money do not by any means tell the story. Money, like any other com modity. Is worth what It will bring, and neither lender nor borrower Is likely to take the public Into confidence respecting transactions far above the nominal rates. The scarcity of money Is one disagreeable phase of prosper!.-; the scarcity of labor is another. Here, too. great enterprises are hampered and delayed by the circum stance that men are not to be had to do the manual labor. They cannot be secured even by offering extravagantly high wages. There are simply not enough men in the country to do the work of the country. The tide reacts upon itself again,. LIMIT OK SAFli PROSPERITY. Danaer of Increasing- tbe Pressure Considered. Now York Bun. Replying to a question regarding the probable results of the present session of congress a distinguished senator said that he hoped that nothing would be done which would tend to lm-rcaae our national pros perity The atatement is a little startling until It Is carefully digested. It is a question whether this country is not Or day very much like a youngster who has eaten more jam than is at all good for him and ytl is hungry for more. Nothing is of real value unless it can be properly utilised and controlled. The t'nlted .btates may be said to be crippled by Its preovnt prosperity. We have not laborers enough to do the work; we have not cars encugn to move our crops and our, and there Is even a shortage of money lo. the proper conduct of buslenss. It Is true that ther are many, who have .ley than they want and some who have less than they nted. That is Inevitable under any circumstances. But never before In the history cf this country, and perhaps any other country, have the comforts, the con veniences and even the luxuries of lire been so widely distributed as they are amuri American people today. In 1S7C. a single generation ago. the total wealth of the I' nlted States, as represented by the uggrcuate value cf all real and per sonal pio-rty. wua ofllclully reioit.d us Jt).0bf,Gl$.uoi. The total of the present yesr is clliciuilv estlmaud as a little exceeding llL',ou),iH.,tioo. Tli population of the coun try in 170 was 3.S.5DS.3U. It is now approxi mately 8a,0n0,0ej. Within that generation wealth has traveled at a much swifter p-ice than has I pulalion. Within six years the value of our uifrlcultural products ha Increased from X3,;tU.177,7( to very ,Wi.(Mi,Ke. acccndli.g to the llguies of B c litary Wilson. Within live years the value of our manufactured products, uccording to figures given by the cmus bjieau. has rlfccn from about $13.0i.m,o-.4) for th ear lsHO to nearly I17,u:j,uw.(x') for the year lij. The o nditlon of the country is smaila. Our W.OuO.ow.'mo people actually engaged in gainful occupations nr:- unable to do all the work there Is to be done. neel both skilled and unskilled workmen. Our present aupjiy of mole than 2,t0.000 freight cars is inadequate for the transnrtat.on of our nn r handise. Nearly J3.(.:',ilmo 0 of m-ney In actuul rirculatU n Is lnsu.-fkiert fcr cur business nei-d. Aa a nation we are gorged with rro perlty. and it may be that we are near it the danger line. If n.Jt actually up;n I.. Wisdom muy lie in effort to ho d whu w have rather than In eff jrts t) obtain Imme l.:..ely a u eater abundance. PATRIOTIC HSLr-SACniriCB. Wbf rraanea Twraed Dews the alary Hals. That eminent vehicle of the melody of sHt?stnen, the Congressional Record, with admirable modi at y. refrains from editorial comment on the moving spectacle of con gressmen rejecting an advance In salary. The words of each commentator are rrlnted with the usual precision, a record of unblemished patriotism to edify future critics of salary grubs. The atmosphere which gives a fitting background to the picture nnd the tone which lent charm to the littered words are omllt"d. These fea tures officially overlooked are supplied by some Washington correspondents who wit imseil the awful struggle between fear and desire In the house of representatives on Friday. December 14. 19u. A few para graphs will brighten the picture. "It Is Impossible to maintain an average family In Washington, with all expenses considered, on IS.foO a year," said Repre sentative Clark of Florida, and every man who heard him agreed with him. The ghost of the salary grab of 1872-S stalked ominously through the hall, and scared the hungry SoIoiib stiff. They had before them the picture of the political cemetery that they was built after that bill passed, and while they looked longingly on the Llttauer resolution they voted It down. One after another got up with watering mouth and despairing voice and announced that he was Irrevocably against any such Iniquitous proposition, and that IS.OOO was enough for him "Where are you going?" asked one con gressman who had voted for the resolu tion, as another who hud voted against II went out. "To get my shoes half soled and stand off my landlady," responded the patriot in a hollow voice. "Most of the mer. who vote against this resolution Will do so hoping to God it will pass," said Clark In his speech and George Washington and the cherry tree in cident was on a plane with Clark when he said that. John Wesley Gaines, who was courageous enough to raise his voice In favor of the increase, heeded not the low chanting fry those scoffers who stood near him of this new version of an old refrain: John Wesley Gnines, John Wesley Gaines, Thou monumental pile of brains, Come In, John Wesley, for it rains, John Wesley Gaines, John Wesley Guinea. The Tennessee congressman did not place upon grounds of necessity and right and Justice his Insistence that his salary should be increased. . He based his argument upon the self-effacing policy that as George Washington once put $26,000 of government money into his own pocket after saying he did not want It no humble man like John Wesley Gaines had the right to refuse an Increase of salary and thus seem to place himself upon a higher plane than the first president. "Am I better than the father of our country?" cried Mr. Gaines, and not one of that listening throng dared to answer with the truth. "Why did you vote against this resolu tion?" said Sherley to Underwood in the corridor. ' "Because $5,000 Is enough for any con gressman," replied Underwood. It would be if you kept It, but how is it enough when It Is taken sway from you?" Inquired Bherley. But it was a great debate. It restored the traditions of American oratory. Not since Daniel Webster spoke his piece sbout liberty and union, one and inseparable, has anything like it been heard at the foot of Pennsylvania avenue. Lamar of Florida carried off the honors cf the day. "The people of my district," cried Lamar In thunder tones, planting one foot far before the other and advancing his chest a couple of Inches, "are being robbed of their earnings by the railroads and this congress will not relieve them. While they are suffering shall I accept an Increase In my salary? No!" "We haven't all of us married rich wives," said 8ulllvan of Massachusetts, with a glance of painful severity that paused at Intervals In Its sweep around the house. 'Mediocrity," he continued, "Is safe while the salary remains at Its present figure. If you raise It the cheap men are likely to be displaced by better ones, for It will be then an object to them to come here. "There are some men In this house who, Judged by the value of their services, are worth not $5,000. but 125,000." Here there was wild cheering "And there are others," he added, "who are not worth tl.OoO." A deathly silence followed. "Either the sal aries will be raised." continued Sullivan "or else two classes of men will come to Washington ths Idle rich and the shifty ward politician with no visible means of support. The idle rich will barricade them- selves behind their pocketbooks and the professional politician-! live by their wits. Sims of Tennessee wanted to have the salaries raised at once. Instead of hiving ; public In regard to their conditions and It put off to some future congress. "We i methods. Investigations which are aome know that prices are high In Washington times called "attacks" have borne enough now," said Sims, "but we don't know what i fruit to enlist popular sentiment on the1 they will be then. By 1909 the democratic ' side of the investigating government party will have destroyed all the trusts j rather than to develop any sympathy for and living will be cheap." . j the accused. The loss of favor which Com- The cost of living in Washington was the j mlssioner Garfield notes In his annual re burning question with Sims. "I hare a ' port. Is a striking feature of the change letter here from Senator Tlllmar,". he ' which has come over the minds of millions cried, 'in which he says he will starve to ! of people who believe with him that to re death unless his salary Is raised. Who ' move this distrust it is , necessary to wants to see Senator Tillman starve?" ' "restore Individual responsibility and pre- Then the rising vote was taken nnd the vent the corporations from being the hld proposltlon beaten by twenty-six majority. ! ins" place of the Irresponsible, dishonest or On the roll call, where a congressman has ' corrupt manager." When the corporations to go on record and his eagle-eyed constlt- j have adopted fairly and comprehensively uents con see how he voted, the majority ,he Principle of publicity they cm then do- rose to eighty-one. After It was all over ' P"d absolutely uiwin the sympathetic sup one of the most leather-lunged of the pa- I port of'l!,p public In any socialistic attack trlots who had voted against the resolution ' upc'n corporate wealth. on the ground that 15,000 was enough for I any man, went out and bought himself a I safety raxor and a box of shoe blacking and bade farewell to his barber and his bootblack. "The landlord km in.f n... . he said, "and th- l-Vt-rT TZ. .. price of shaves to 23 cents, fearful winter " Twill be a THE LAST IMHAN WAR St ARK A Knock on tho Snot lor Writers Correspondents. j Judicial appropriation bill that no money Leslie's Weekly ' ' alTroprlatrd by that act shall be used in Another "Indian war" has been peace- ! connection with printing documents au ably concluded. The "ferocious" Utes have hor,!1d bj' ,aw or "rd-ed by congretm or subniltt-d to the arguments of the s-.ldlers I "'h,r branrh thereof unless the same sent to subdue tlirm, and have given up!8"9" e"ntor to tm? orthography recng. the hunting trip on which they hid stirted j nll"rt nd U'M", by Kenerally accepted die when the western correspondents seized the tionarles cf the Emyllsh language, opportunity to telegraph alarmist "spao Hlld t,l!" ar,lun ,akpn th" - stories" to tbe .ff.t. nnd rredul-iii;: eastern I lght have been attributed to seno- prei'S. One cf our own correspondents 11 lus'rates the baselessness of the scare by tals little story of a prominent ranch owner In the territory "Infested" by tho Utes. Hi had come into the nearest town, Sheridan. Wyo., forty miles from his ranch. When he told his friends thnt he had left his family nt home, they asked if ho ivns not afraid to do so. "Afraid?" he echoed. "The Utes are as peaceable as relations with our transatlantic friends. A any ef my neighbors. One of the 3.iM "od deal has- been heard of late In is helping my wife wash nnd another is lrd and In tills country about an incre.ia pitchinj hay on the ranch." The sensation i l"B coolness between the two nation-. This orders umon urn and thit!" " ascribed to caues-Von cectlon of the western people In who.! eyea "the only good Indian is a dead In- dim" are lespor.slble for thes stories ouibreuks," and eastern publishers should l.v this time have hd experience enousa to refuse to be mad- tae victims iw'.tn their readers') of such silly sod mischievous , hoaxes. Improved rlw J M, .-olid f l While you f bread alone, the useof would tarve If life and health i u WHEAT FLAKE rail I Y If thers g Make i and yoi 1 . feeling! was not another article of diet obtainable, meal of this food, with cream and stiRar, will find that you can fro looser without the of hutiRer than by any other article of diet n ; nown. Maiie unaer mo nd chemist whose name .1.. U 1 f Mnliirtr le-Nutritious Mred Hot. rt 1 1 sot t - ay pacnagi Uraeerl J for nea nsjssBBSjSsasjsjsswflSBJMUISil IS PERSONAL, XOTKH, Governor-elect James H. Hiffglns of Rhode Island announced his personal staff and all the members are, like himself, un married. Nearly hslf of the Indians of the United States live in Oklahoma. The new state has 106.700 Indians as compared to 284,000 In the United Btntes. Under the new automobile language in Germany the kaiser's chief chauffeur must motor through life under the imposing title of "obcrhofwagonfuehrer." John D. Rockefeller, Jr., at the tenth an nual banquet of his JUible class on Wednesday, told the members that he never drank, and that his father and his grandfather were both abstainers. George F. Pride, the last survivor of General l 8. Grant's staff, has just died at Huntington, lnd. He was born in New York in lti-ii. and his father was a qtia.nt character told of in "The Last Days of the Knlckei bockers." Some Teniitssee statesmen show lively ap preciation of the "proverb about the early worm. Governor Benton McMlllm and Sen ator Carmack have announced themselves candidates for the seat of Sonator Fraser though his term does not expire until Uli. Chief Justice Fuller Is having his por trait dona in oil. The picture Is under way at the Washington home of the chief Justice, where sittings are given the artist every morning for an hour or more. The portrait represents the chief Justice in a sitting posture, somewhat as he appears when presiding on the bench. John Wesley Gaines of Tennessee agrees with the Idea elaborated In the president's message that the courts are not above criticism and does not hesitate to carry out his views. In the course of the debate in the house the legal status of a game was In question and In a colloquy with Mr. Mondell of Wyoming Mr. Gaines gave his opinion: "The only difficulty about that proposition Is that the gentleman and the supreme court do not agree," observed the gentleman from Wyoming. "Oh, well, that Is the cas' frequently, because the su preme court Is wrong," retorted Mr. Gaines airily. DISTRUST OF THE PUBLIC. Publicity 'Forrlnsr Reform In Corpora tion Methods , Wall Street Journal. Persistent hammering away at criticis able methods of doing business whether by industrial corporations, transportation or Insurance companies must ultimately result In an entire change In the attitude of the public towards them. Whatever the outcome may be In the form of law, there can be no doubt that millions and millions of dollars have been turned from Investment In the classes of corporations now under fire, to other forms which have appealed to the public as giv ing them a better chance than they may And In companies whose officers care little for what the Investors as a class think of their administration. The Investing publlo may be wrong In changing Its course to real estate and mining stocks. Nevertheless money is going as never be fore Into these projects to the neglect of the older forms of investment which ap- I pealed strongly to the average man or ' woman only a few years ago. The year now closing will be remarkable ! for the persistency with which the public has kept its hands off the securities mar ket. One cause of this estranging attitude, is the obstinacy of some of the large com- panles in refusing to deal fairly with the KD OF HAD SPELL. I CoBrelonal Documents Relieved of Bolitlllrd Orthography. Pittsburg Despatch. I ! r"f"" of ,he Presidential and depart- ' in." I n 1 iiriimfintfl in rpfArmml nalllna will i goon become cf value chiefly aa curl ius I mementoes of an amusing episode In American history. The house, by the over whelming vote of 142 to 25, voted a pro- I v,"lu" " ' c """"" n;la I toriul reaotionlsm or hostility to all le : forms bearing the Roosevelt brand, but :i the house it can only be taken as repre- fii-ntlnn popular opinions. While, as a m-t- ter t.f fart, the action of tl.e houit- w.ll have us little effr-ct on spelling ref rm us I the president's endorsement, outside cf tho advertise mont he gave It, It may, never- 1 theltss, have en important effect on our Sternberg's friendship with the president thH personality of the British ambassador, the Anglo-Japanese treaty and other t j serious matters. As a matter of fact, this I I coolness can oe reanuy irarea Daca to the president's kltempt to bobtail the sicred ' English language. John Bull haa never ' fell tbe same toward us since. 'Whoa. ft cblifred to live on white could be supported by supeiviiuu m . has been a household word Easy ol Digestion and Reedy to Eat for ff minute li or ceo la soflhn atliK .tlMafan y ls A every csf LAIGIII.NU GAS. "Do you expect to make a hit In your new imrt?" a.-ked tho friend. "How shall 1 say?" answered Mr. Ptorm Ington Harnes. "Who shall venture to pie llct whether the cureless public will duly appreciate what is placed before It?" Wash tusiun Slur. The earl of Warwick heaved a deep sigh. "They call me the king maker," he said. "I'd rather be a peacemaker, but there's no money in It." For, as he reflected with bitterness of soul, the Nobel fund had not been estab lished yet. Chicago Tribune. "Aw, really, know, you're tne belle of the ball," chattered the silly nudes who surrounded ber; "aw, pawsUively chawm InK. perfect" "Nonsense!" protested the lovely girl, wearily; "there are suine thliiKs nhnut me that are utterly stupid." Philadelphia iTess. "I wonder why typewriters stem to get positions easier than other Rlrls?" "Because, as a rule, t.iey have their bus iness at their fingers' cnds."-.tlaltlmor9 American. Knlckcr Why did you tic that etrlntt around your tinner? RM-ker To remind me to forget tho waiter. New York Sun. "This circular gives every fraction of the sum It quotes." "Is there unVtlilnSr pecullnr In that?" "Perhaps not, but one would expect a circular to give statements in round num bers." Baltimore American. "Are you giulty?" the lawyer usked his1 burglar client. "Sure." replied the prisoner. "I cracked the crib all right, but I thought from the size of your fee you uiiKht dig tip a little of this unwritten law for me." -Philadelphia Ledger. "I went to see a performance of 'Romeo and Juliet' last n'Kht and I don't believe I have a tear left In my system." "Well! well! docs a tragedy usually make, you cry?" "Thi one did. It was an amateur show and 1 laughed myself into hysterics." Philadelphia Press. "Mr. Hybrow," asked the reporter, "didn't you once till the chair of professor of an cient languages and Biblical literature In an eastern college?" "No, my young friend." said the slender, scholarly locking man. "I cannot say I filled It, but I I occupied it." Chicigo Tribune. "I've been mailing you quite a lot of my' writings from time to time," said the woulil-oe author, "but it seems I never send you anything acceptable." "Oh, yes, you do," replied the editor; "the stamps Hre always acceptable." Phil adelphia Ledger. "Don't you get nny Christmas presents unless you are good?" asked one small boy. "I'm 'sposed to be good," answered thrf other, "but father an' mother are too busy shopping this time of year to take much notice. Washington Star. Solomon gasped faintly. "Chiisiiuas is coming," he muttered; "Just think of the number of neckties i II get from my wives." So does polygamy rebound with terrible effect. New York Sun. BEST SK.ASOS OF ALU New York Times. Let others sing of summer with Its airy, fairy maze And the blue waves idly lapping on the shore, But give me old December with its bluff and hearty ways, When the winter comes to meet you with A roar. When the. turkey bird Invites you and the wonderful mince pie Your gastronomic gl.ulsomencsa divides With the buckwheat cakes and butter that' are piled before your eyes And the maple sirup running down the. sides. There may be some fun in frying oa strip of sandy beach, But give to me the blessings of the fall. When the kinds of food I'm fond of are In season and in reach And their odors come to meet me In the hull. There's the smell of turkey stuffing avM the cabbage, strong and true, .-. , And I greet the good old steak and onions tried, But best of all the griddle cake -with butter oozing through. And the maple sirup running down Its side. Don't give me Jams and Jellies or the health promoting food I want the good old filler mighty quick: The stuff that keeps you healthy Itm't likely to be good. And ho I think I m willing to be sick. No evanescent fodder but a good square liral for me. A solid, simple something that abides, Like the good old-fashioned griddle cake with butter llowlng free And the maple sirup running down its sides. Christmas Week THE HOLIDAY SHOPPER'S lit SI EST TIME IS AT HAND AND T H E SHOPS ARE CROWDED. A MAN'S STORE FOR -Mi:."S THINGS SIMPLIFIES THE PROBLEM OF SHOPI'I.W'J roR MEN. TlTV WOMEN WILL KIND HERB JUST WJIAl THE MEN WANT. A GLANCE THROUGH OCR SPLENDID DI.-il'LAV OK Kt UNISH INGS WILL I't'RNlSH PLENTY OP FUiICiEST IONS. W57&roWrir2 V Kiri2--( . WIXCOZ, Manager. CELERY J 4 pn Mr