TIIE "OMAHA" DAILY HEE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1906. TELEriJONE DOTJOLA8 61. Christmas! Christmas! Just Six Days to Do Your Holiday Shopping Nearer and nearer ve are approaching that great day, arid busier and busier we continue to grow. There were many inroads made into our holiday stocks, but these have all been strength ened by the addition of new goods for this last week of Christmas shopping. There is splendid choosing now. Furs and Waists for Xmas. Our Clonk Department suggests Itself at an opportune time. -Right now, when all are pondering over the perplexing question of what to give, we suggest two' things that would be moat welcome and apprecia tive at gifts: Handsome Net Waists, at J5.00. $3.60, $7.00, $7 5C, up to $l.00 each. The Elepnnt Black Silk Waists, at $6.00. S.0O .and $7.00 each. Whut woman wouldn't welcome a pretty plere of fur on Xmas morning?. Many new and styllish scarfs nre here, such as Genuine Minks, Ermines, Martens, Fox, Squirrel, Astrakhans, etc., all modestly priced for this great holiday season. Gifts for Men. BE SKN8IBJ.E TH13 YEAR-GIVE PltAC TICAI. THINGS. Tn our men's store you will find Just now not only the broadest and finest collection of holiday furnishings we ever had; not only many thing! that are entirely exclu sive, but many values that are out of the ordinary.' Just now there are hundreds of wearables that appeal to men's vanity and fancy, such as pretty mufflers, fancy hose, NAVAL LAWS ARE ARCHAIC Fresident Sends Wosasa to Conajreii Urg ing Nw personnel Bill. OFFICERS TOO LONG IN LOWER RANKS Alaioat to tlie Retiring Ace When They Heach Kliiit Hank Inder Existluir Law tirade of Vice I - .. Admiral Unattested. WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. The president sent to congress today the following mes sage, accompanying a draft of u new naval personnel bill; To the Senate and House of Representa ' tives: In my last three annual messages I have invited the attention of the congress to lots urgent, necessity of sueu ligimaliun as will came ultiteis of the line ui the navy to reach the grades or captain and rear admiral at less advanced ages and will give them more experience and training in me Important uutie of muse giades. Under the picfcent urcnaic svsie.r of itromuiio.i, wuhuui pa raj, I in the navy of any other lirnl-cws power, captains are commis sioned ai the average age of oti and rear admirals at the average of bO. This sys tem la the result ol a long continued piejuu.ee in favor ol a method of promo tion oy which all lieutenants. In order of seniority, puss through the several grades als, a method whicti sacrifices the good oi , the service to the Interest of Individual mHllinriP.IV Ah i. Himii.I luiliua.niitnoa ... Hi existing method naval officers obtain more than ample service In subordinate positions, but have a limited und Inade quate experience us captains In command ut Oattl -nu.ps, und us (lag utticers In charge of fleets anu squadrons that is. In the very positions ot greatest responsibility, where txpcrlence. skill and initiative are essvn- I tin! to etticlency. Moreover, they attain tha position of a nag utiicer but a few months before they reach the retiring age and have . no opportunity to perfect themselves to the important duties of high commands pertaining to such rank. , ftyateiu Invites Disaster. History, modem and ancient, has Invaria bly shown that an efficient personnel is tne greatest factor toward un effective navy. No matter how well equipped in other respects a navy may be, thuugh Its heel may be composed of powerful, high speed battleships, manoeuvtred by compli cated tactics baked on the lutest develop f tnent of naval science, yet It Is grirvousiy " hiuidlcapped if directed by admirals and csplalns who lack experience in their un tie and are hampered by long deprivation of Indi pendent action and re.spoi.ew-j. To oppose such a fleet to one equally good, led by officers more active and mora ex perienced In their duties, la to invite dls utr. '' The following table gives the figes of the youngest captains ai.d Hag ofheers with the average years In grade. In the navies of Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan ami the United States. Ave. years ' Captains. Age. in grade. Qrsat Britain Si 11.2 I'rauce .. 47 .i Oetmuny 4J B.2 Jnyan 38 8 0 United States &.i 4.3 Sea-going Flag Officers: Great rtriialu 45 1.0 France 63 14.2 tiermany 61 ,0 Japan 44 11 0 I ' lilted Slates 6a 1.6 The facta shown In this tabic are startling snd earnest attention Is Invited to them. The seeret.iry of the navy several months ago convened a board of six represcntittve line officers, with the assistant secretary of the navy as president, to cunsiilt-r und rec ommend such changes existing law rela tive to the commissioned personnel of the line of the navy as would tend to promote efficiency and economy. The essential lec ommeiidutlons of the board have been cor dially approved by the secretary. Kstabllahes tn Hank. The bill herewith transmitted to the con gress baa been formulated by the secre tary and Is based, except m a few de- tuiis. upon tne recommendation of the i.oaru i esrnpuy revomiueuu lis eai ly coi. (deration. Should It be enacted Into law It will cause mm errs oil the seagoing list to reach the grade of cautuln at 43 and rPJr admirals at 63 and will assure their serving rvrn years in um gr:iue or captain and eveu years In the grade of rear admiral thm enabling them to become thoroughly skillful and etllcl.nt In these grades. The iiCcompa.ii) In bill also establishes the A Great Chance for Christ deemed diamonds, get la rings, brooches, bracelets and tie pins everything in diamond mounted goods will be closed out at a great saving In money to you. While they last prices below 1 maker's cost. BRODKEY'S JEWELRY CO. Twn StntM I 1410 Tarnam. nlto W orld-IUrald I wo stores , 1401 Douglas Street. Ilk suspenders, neckwear, gloves, shirts, etc. Our men's store Is but a step Inside our main entrance, to the left. Prices are right, too. A gift that will please the most particular man a bath or lounging robe. Ask to see our special Terry Cloth Robe, with hood, priced at ROD each. Pretty Blanket Robes at $5.00, $.S0 and $S no each. The Finest- Imported Wool Robes, pat terns that are exclusive here, prices $11.00 and $13.50 each. Neckwear In abundance, the kind that will please the particular 'man. All the newest novelties are shown In our men's store. The popular prices, ISc and 5oc each. Bettor ones ati $1.00 and $1.30 each. Gloves "Every man must wear Kloves an Ideal gift It you don't know the slie, buy him a clove certificate and let him pick out his own cloves before or after Xmas. A great many nre doing this.' Prices are $1.00. $1.50 and $2.00 per pair. Initial Handkerchiefs, all linen, $1 40 and $2.00 per box. See display of men's fixings In lflth street window, just 'eouth of main entrance. It may be a help to you. Open evenings until Xmas. Howard Cor. Sixteenth Street. grade of vice admiral. This grade has long existed In all other principal navies of the world In order to obtain a selected gradi of skilled commanders-in-chief. The coin-mander-ln-chlef of a fleet, with one or more rear admirals serving under him, In logically entitled to a higher rank than his subordinates because of his greater author ity and responsibility. On occasions of of ficial importance, of International council or of combined naval action (as, for In stance, the Boxer troubles In China) the Interests of this great nation demand that our naval representatives shall rank as the equal of the naval representatives of other powers. Moreover, under the accompany ing bill, which Is the result of recommen dations made by a board principally com posed of nival officers, a large percentage of the officers are eliminated from the seagoing list and never reach the grade of rear admiral. When It Is considered that the naval officers themselves recommend, in order to Increase the efficiency of their service, that many be denied their existing privilege of reaching flag rank, it Is only just to them that we should place their highest officers on a plane of equal rank with their colleagues of other nations, with whom they are so frequently brought in official contact. If the proposed plan of promotion Is car ried out It will, as compared with existing law, make a saving of more than $5.0oo,0o0 during the next seven years. The principal part of this saving Is made by stopping the voluntary retirement of young lieuten ant commanders with the rank and pay of commanders on the retired list. I am firmly of the opinion that unless the pres ent condition of the higher commissioned personnel is rectified the future of our navy will be gravely compromised. I forward herewith a letter of the secre tary of the navy enclosing duplicate drafts of the proposed bill. I also forward a copy of the report of the personnel board of the navy. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. The White House, December 17, 1906. To Core a Cold In One IJny. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. uruggists rerunG money If It falls to cure. B. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 26c. HOWE'S TITLE NOW CLEAR (Continued from First Page) Falls, 8. D. ; an appropriation of $:'6,0tW for the establishment of a fish culture sta tion at Dell Rapids, S. I).; to pay $1,0C0 to Rathbun, Beachery & Co., W bBter, S. D., In full compensation for loss In the sale of cattle Illegally placed In quarantine by the government Inspector at the stock yards tit Chicago In 1!X)5; to Increase the pension of George W. Cook of Huron, 8. D., to $30 per month. Senator Gamble today Introduced bills t increase the pensions of Justus B. Coomu of Beadle county, to $30 per month, am. the pension of Jessie Sharp Pettlt, wldo of Lieutenant Colonel James S. Pettlt. to $50 per month. Governor Cummins la Washington. Governor Albert B. Cummins of lowa, who arrived In Washington tonight, tuys that he will rend a special message to the lowa lcgiiluture In January recommending an appropriation for a suitable exhibit at the Jamestown exposition next year. Minor Mutters at Cupltal. Representative HjII today Introduced u bjll authorizing the secretary of the treas ury to accept from the park commissioners of Des Moines, a strip of ground lying between the Lies Moines river and the site purchased by the government for the United States postoltlce building, said piece of ground being bounded on the west by First street, on the north by Walnut and on the south by Court avenue, on he east by the Ds Moines river. The secretary of the treasury has selecte 1 a site for the public building at Sheridan, Wyo., located at the northwest corner of Lrucka and Gould streets, own.d by H. C. Glllctt. ut $9.uUG. The postmaster general has awarded the contract for carrying mall In screen wagons In the following Iowa cities for four years, from July 1, 1W7, to June 30. 1911, as fol lows: Council Bluffs, J. A. Mlnnlck an 1 Klmer Mlnnlck,' $3.s00; Dubuque, Q. J SehalThouser, $3,120; Fort Dodge, E. J Siedman. $1,594; Keokuk, James Cameron, $1,437; Mason City. H. D. Howell. $l,51'.t Oskaloosa, M. W. Cadwallader, $1,716; Ot j tumwa. I.. W. Candlff, $1,500. Dr. J. 11. Smith has been appointed pen- 23aQE2B3E3 Q29SaSf s5 mas Eiyers Our larse tock of manufacturer'g sample watches rings and all kinds of Jewelry U1 be cloned out at fcucrlilce prices. Heular 917.00 Watches for $8.75 Iteifular $2.Y0O Wutchea for 912.00 lUmutilul Gold Klnj-s front f 1.23 and np Special bargain sale of unre lafasaaaMi Bee, Dec. 17. '08 Gift Umbrellas. One can never make a mistake If the gift Is an umbrella. So many styles In handles are here that we can mention only a few gold, silver, gun metal. Ivory, horn, natural wood, etc. The frames are the best made and the coverings are the finest, black and colors, and the price range Is so wide that any pocketbook can be accom modated. Our $2.00 special, good quality, with fancy wood, gold or silver or gun metal handles. $4.00 each, with finest of natural stocks, either plain or silver trimmed. Worthy of special mention Is our $r.oo Holiday Umbrella, handles of gold, silver, gun metal or natural wood, best of frames and coverings. Our, novelty line Is really handsome. Never have we shown such exclusive novel ties, finest Imported handles, prices, $7.50, $10.00, $12.50 up to IJ.i.efl each. , Ask to see the Tourist's Umbrella Case. We have them for men or women, made of finest seal leather, In black or tan pigskin, lined with silk velvet. On? of these would make a beautiful Xmas gift. Buy the Xmas Umbrella now. Main floor, left of main entrance. slon examining surgeon at Albion, Neb., on the recommendation of Congressman McCarthy, vice Dr. V. L. Manchester, re signed. Rural carriers appointed for Nebraska routes: Alda, route 1, John R. Brown, carrier; Isabell Brown, substitute. Grand Island, route 3, William Schwartz, carrier; John Hussinger, substitute. Rural route No. 2 has been ordered es tablished Fcbrunry 16, at Wheatland, Lara mie county, Wyoming, serving 437 people and 11C families. Sebastian B. Hamand has been ap pointed postmaster at Kast Peru, Madison county, Iowa, vice F. M. Greene, resigned. The application of C. C. Maryott, D. Mathewson, Harry L. Keefe, C. P. Mathew- son and C. M. Mathewson to organize the First National bank of Walthlll, Neb., with a $:5,000 capital, has been approved by the comptroller of the currency. The corporate existence of the South Omaha National bank of South Omaha has been extended twenty years. RAILROADS WILL MOVE COAL (Continued from First Fagc) too much fuel In a very short time and In part to an Increase In the consumption of fuel that Is greater thun the Increase In facilities for hauling, the handling, mov ing and storing; also to a general increase In the movement of miscellaneous com modities which cannot be ignored without subjecting ourselves to a charge of dis crimination. For a month particular at tention has been given to the movement of coal and that commodity 1b being given preference both us to cars- and service. We know of only one case on our line In North Dakota where there has been serious difficulty and believe that has been re lieved. Tho very serious blizzard of the last few days In North Dakota has caused delays because of snow blockades, and It Is difficult to move freight promptly for that taction. I will be glud if you will ninie (n detail complaints In territory served by our lines so that we may take up each one and do the best we can to furnish relief. We have In a number of cases turned over company coal to protect local demands and we are doing everything we can to take care of the situation und will continue to do so. Shortage at I.lnton. LINTON, N. D., Dec. 17. No bituminous coal nor lignite has been received here for weeks. There is plenty of lignite at Bis marck, but It cunnot be gotten here. There Is some anthracite coal here, but It cannot e used In most of the cook stoves nor In nany of the heating stoves. There are no signs of a better condition. GRAND FORKS, N. D., Dec. 17. The fuel situation today presents the most criti cal condition that has existed in the his tory of the state. Careful Inquiry In every portion of the northern half of the state shows that there Is not a town In which coul can be had except In small quantities and to supply Immediate needs, and In dozens of places there is not a pound to be bought, the dealers having been out of fuel for days, and In some cases for a week or more. In some towns schools and lighting and manufacturing plants have closed and individuals are sharing their small fuel supplies with neighbors. In Line with the Tare Food Law. The National Food and Drug act which takes effect January 1, 1907, does not af fect Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In any manner. No special labels are required on this remedy under that Act, as It Is free from opiates and narcotics of every char acter, making It a safe remedy for mothers to use with their children. This remedy has been In use for so many years, and Its good qualities are so well known, that no one need hesitate to use It when troubled with a cough pr cold. TEXTILE WORKERS GET RAISE Thirty Thousand Persona Given Hlaher Wastes In the Mills of Sew England. i:OSTON, Pec. 17. Cotton mill operatives, numbering about $o,0nO, employed In dif ferent sections of New Enirlund, reclved an advance In wages tndav. or a promlfe of on advance at fin early date In Ixiw ll about 17. "00 operatives received an Increase of S per cent. About l.X) hands employed by the Dwlght Manufacturing company at Chlcopee received an advanco today, the amount of which was not announced. The Arlington mills In I-awrenre announced an Increase of 7H per cent In the wnscs of Its 6.000 employes, beginning December 24. At Nashua. N. H.. the m ils of the Jack son company posted a notice of an Inciease of S per cent, affecting several hundred men. Beginning the first of the year, the .wages of the several hundred employes at the Salmon Falls' Manufacturing company's mills will be increased. It Is estimated that by January 1. 15O.O0 cotton mill operatives In various sections of New England will receive an adv ince la wages ranging from t to 10 per cent. Plambera, Notice. Meet at Labor Temple at 1 o'clock p. m. Tuesday, December 18. rS. to atjend t!iu funeral of Brother 11. M. liuutall. D. P. CLIFTON. 1'real.lent. Thaw Case Postponed. NEW YORK. Dee. 17. Arguments on t! e motion of Harry K. Tliw'a attorney f.ir a penly trial or a diHiivssul of the Indict ment charging him with tho murd.-r of Stanford While, were pohipoiit-d today until tomorrow. CUT GLAS3- rt.u.r, 16th aud DcJge. MESE ON PUBLIC LANDS President (a'li Attention of Cooemito Much Needed Legislation. QUESTION IS IMPOnTANT AND URGENT Laws at Present on Statute Hooks In Many Instances Uprn the Door to Fraud and Waste of Resources. WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. The president today sent to congress the following mes sage dealing with public land questions: To the Senate and House of Hepresenta tives: The developments of the last year emphasise with Increasing force the need of vigorous and Immediate u tlon to recast the public land lns und ndipt tnein to the actual situation. The timber and sione art has demon! rated conclusively that Its effect Is to turn over the public timber lands to gie.it ciirporutiuns. It has done enormous harm, it is no longer needed and It siiiiiiiU be repraied. The desert hind act results so frequently In fraud and so comparatively seldom in funking homes on the land that it demands radical amendment. That provision winch penults us.ilgnmvnt before' patent should ue repealed and the entrym.in should he roqu.red to live for not less than two years ut home on tiie land In fore patent Issues. Otherwise the desert land law will continue to assist speculators and other largo nolu ets to t'et control of land and water oti tho public domain by Indefensible means. The commutation clause of the homestead act serves, in a majority of cases, to de feat the puipose of ihe homestead act Itself, which Is to 1'ae. Unite settlement and crea'e homt s. In theoi y the commutation clause should assist the honest settler and doubt, less In some cases it does. Far more often It supplies the means by which speculators anil loan and mortgage companies secure posfPsBion of the hind. Actual not con structive living at home on the land for three years should be required before com mutation, unlets It should appear wiser to repeal the commutation clause alto gether. These mutters are more fully discussed In the report of the Public Iinds commls. sion, to which I again call your attention. I,n Tin Iteaonnlltle for Frauds. I am gravely concerned at the extremely unsatisfactory condition of the public land laws and at the prevalence of fraud under their present provisions. For much of tills fraud the present laws are chiefly respon. slhle. There Is but one way by which the fraudulent acquisition of these lands can be definitely stopped, and therefore 1 have directed the secretary of the Interior to allow tio patent to be issued to public lands under any law until, by an examination on the ground, actual compliance with that law has been found to exist. For this pur. pose an 'Increase of special ngents In the general bind otllce Is urgently required; un less It is given, bona tide, would-be settlera will be put to grave Inconvenience, or else the fraud will In large pnrt go on. Further, the secretary of the Interior should be enabled to employ enough min ing experts to examine the validity of all mineral land-claims and to undertake the supervision and control of the use of the mineral fuels still belonging to the United States. Tile present coal law, limiting the Individual entry to 160 kciph. puts a pre mlum on fraud by making It impossible to develop certain types of coal fields and vet comply with the law. It is a scandal to maintain laws which sound well, but which make fraud the key without which great natural rcsoun.es must remain closed. The law should give Individuals and cor. porations under proper government regula tion and control (the details of which 1 shall not at present discuss) the right to work bodies of . coal land large enough for profitable development. My own belief is that there should be provision for leas. Ing coal, oil and gas rights under proper restrictions. If the additional force of spe c'al agents and mining experts I recom mend is provided and well used, the result will be not only to stop the land frauiln, hut to prevent delays In patenting linrt claims and to conserve the Indispensable fuel resources of the nation. BlKhtn-ol-Wsy and Privileges. Many of the existing laws affecting rights-of-way and privileges on public lands and reservations are Illogical and un fair. Some work injustice by granting val uable rights in perpetuity without return. Others fail to protect the 'grantee jn his possession of permanent ttnprovenn nis made at largo expense. In fairness to the government, to the holders of rights and privileges on the public lai ds and to the people whom the latter Bere, I urge the rvli?lon and reenactment of these laws In one comprehensive act providing that tho regulations and the charge now in force In many cases may be extended to all to the end that unregulated or monopolistic control of great natural resource may not be acquired or misused for private ends. The boundaries of the national forest re. serves unavoidably Include certain valuable timber lands not owned by the govern ment. Important among them are the land grants of various railroads. For more than two years negotiations with the lund f;rant railroads have been in progress look ug toward an arrangement by which the forest on railroad lands within national forest reserves may be preserved by the removal of the present crop of timber un der rules prescribed by the forest service and Its perpetuation may ne assureu ujr the transfer of the land to tha government without cost. The advantage cf such an arrangement to the government lies In the acquisition of lands whose protection Is necessary to the general welfare. The ad vantage to the railroads Is found In the proposal to allow them to consolidate their holdings of timber within forest reserves by exchange, after deeding their lands to the government, and thus to cut within a limited time solid bodies of timber Instead of alternate sections, although the amount of timber In each case would be the same. It Is possible that legislation will be re quired to authorize this or a similar ar rangement with tho railroads and other owners. If so, I recommend that It be en auted. Working Capital for National Forests The money value of the national forests now reserved fur the use and benefit of the people exceeds considerably the sum of il.Oou.ouu.uoo. The sluhifiage value of the standing timber approaches ilHWHJ.OOO, and, together With the range and timber lands, the water for irrigation and power and the subsidiary values, reached an amount equal to that of the national property now under the immediate control of the army and the navy together. But this vast domain Is withheld from serving the tiatlon as freely and fully as It might by the lack of capital to develop It. The yearly run ning expenses are sufficiently met by the annual appropriation and the proceeds of the torests. Under the care of the forest service the latter are Increasing at the lute of more than $.jOe,0uu a year; the esti mate of an appropriation for the present year Is less than for last year and It Is confidently expected that by 1910 the forest service will be entirely self-supporting.' In II. e meantime there is the most urgent need for trails, fences, cabins for the rangers, bridges, telephone lines and the other Items of equipment, without which the rtserves cannot be handled to advantage, cannot be protected properly and cannot contribute as they should to the general welfare. Ex. pomiilures for such permanent Improve ments are properly chargeable to capital account. The lack of reasonable working equipment weakens the protection of the national forests and greatly limits their production. Tills want cannot be supplied from the appropriation fur running ex pense. The need Is urgent. A'cm .IIiikI y I rnuiiii ii uiiii me seerriary or ine treas. ' ury be authorized to advance o thp forest Iseivice, upon the security of the standing I timber, an amount, say. $5.0",i) i, suftle ent I to provide a reis'uiuble working cipitt for the national forests, to bear interest jai.d to be repaid In annual Installments I beg uiling In ten years. j The national pinks of the west are for est, h! and they He, without exception within or adlaeent to nit ninl rnm.i serves. Two sears n;o the latter were transferred to the care of the scretary of agrlculfire with the most satisfactory" re sults. The same reasons which led to this transfer make advisable a similar transfer ef the national parks, now In charge of the neretMry of the interior, aud I recommend ! glsl it on to that end. Indlnn Lands. Within or adjoining national forests are , Make Dr-Graves' T00O1 Powder your twice-a-day friend i it will make you many admiring friends those who have keen eyes fot bnght, white teeth and pure breath. Ylour sweetheart knows why. In handy metal caoa or bottlaa, ton, Qf. Cravfei' Teeth Powdsr Co Send in Christmas Orders and Have Them Filled as You Would Like Them Filled. To fully appreciate the Daylight Store and its many Holiday Attractions you should visit every floor. Toys Toys Toys Everything In Toys at Omaha's Greatest Toy Bazaar. Largest assortment, lowest prices large, wide aisles and plenty of daylight. Shopping for toys a pleasure here. Underwear Ladies' warm, seasonable Union Suits Our Leader, la all ghapes and sizes, cornea in cotton, alt weights, wool shrunk, hand finished, perfect fitting, per t $1.23 Special Mill Shipment of Chil dren's Underwear Boys' and misses' vests, pants and drawers, Including the rib and heavy fleeced quality, all sizes, up to 3 4, per garment 25 Special in Our Lace Department Real imported Spanish Lace Scarfs and head throws, in black and cream, bought at prices that ena ble us to offer you most remark able values, ranging from $7.50 to 81.95 Real Duchess and Rose Point Lace Berthas, from $G7.50 to $5.00 considerable arena of Indian lands of more value under forest than for any other pur- rose. It would aid greatly In puttinK these nds to their best use If the power to crente nnMnnul forests by proclamation wero extended to cover them. The Indians should be paid the full value of any lund thus taken for such purposes from the firoceeds of the lands themselves, but such and should revert to the Indians if It Is excluded from national forest use before full payment has been made. GovernmeBt Control of Grsilng. The control of grazing In the national forests is an assured success. The condi tion of the ranges Is Improving rapidly, water Is being developed, much feed for merly wasted Is now aaved and used, range controversies are settled, opposition to the grazing fee is practically at an end ana the stockmen are earnestly supporting th forest service and co-operating with It effectively for the Improvement of the range. The situation on the open government range Is strlklrgly different. Its carrying capacity has probably been reduced one. half by overgrazing, and Is still falling. Range controversies In many places are active and bitter, end life and property are often In danger. The Interests both of the live stock Industry and of the gov ernment are needlessly Impaired. The present situation is indefensible from any point of view and It should be ended. I recommend that a bill be enacted which will provide for government control of the public range through the Department of Agriculture, which alone Is equipped for that work. Such a bill should Insure tr each locality rules for grazing specially adapted to its needs and should authorizo ! the collection of a reasonable grazing fee. Above all, the rights of the settler and hnmemaker should be absolutely guar anteed. . Much of the public land can. only be used to advantage for grazing when fenced. Much fencing has been done for that reason and also to prevent other stock owner from using land to which they have an equal right under the law. Keasnnable fenclng. which promotes the use of the range and yet Interferes neither with set tlement nor with other range rights, would be thoroughly desirable If It wr legal, yet the law forbids It, and the law must and will be enforced. I will see to It that the Illegal fences are removed, unless con gress, at the present session, takes steps to legalize proper fencing by government con. trol of the ranges. I THEODORE ROOSEVELT. At the request of Senator Heyburn the message on public land laws was ordered to bo printed and to lie on the table of the senate for the present. The Idaho sen ator has conferred with th president on the ' subject of the recommendations con tained therein and Intends to address the senate concerning them. PROCEEDINGS OF TUB BOISE Fifteen rages of Indian Appropria tion Bill Finished. WASHINGTON. Dec. 17. The house be gan the laat week before the Christmas holidays with a determination to dispose of am much legislation as possible for the more active work which will devolve on it i when congress again convenes. To this end several small bills were passed under suspension of the rules. The Indian appropriation bill wm taken up and fifteen of the fifty-seven pages com pleted, when It was laid aside for the president's message concerning the Panama canal, which consumed more than an hour tn Its reading,. being listened to by a large number of..-.A?mber. The iil'ctorial feature of the message af forded an opportunity for good-natured comment, the Innovation of cuts in a state paper being looked on with favor. Mes sages from the president on public lands an it the naval personnel were read. The house at 4:30 adjourned until noon ! tomorrow. WALCOTT GETS OUT (Continued from First' Page) fraud the government out of title to the land, and it was to these defendants that the title would ultimately rest when the conspiracy was completed. It wa by false, fraudulent practices that this title was to be secured by any one or all of the par ties to the conspiracy. Every movement ' of the defendants in this conspiracy looked forward to final proof and every condition j to ttyit end was provided for. One of the j vital conditions of the homesteaa law is that actual residence Is precedent to the accomplishment of final proof." I The name of some fifteen or twenty j entrymen appearing in certain counts of ! the Indictment, who had not been sum moned re witnesses, were stricken from the Indictment on motion of the government attorney. During the discussion of Judge Crites' demurrer the Jury was excused until 9:30 o'clock Tuesday morning. Upon the conclusion of the arguments on the demurrer an adjournment was taken until :30 o'clock this morning, when Judge Munger will give his decision upon the questions In controversy. The trial was resumed Monday morning from the adjournment of Saturday morning occasioned by the death of the Infant daughter of Will O. Comstoek. The first witness examined was Mrs. Lydla Green of Alliance, who testified to hsvlng been given to understand by Aquilla Trll.lett that she would be paid 5o0 for her claim on Una! proof If she was disposed to sell Ontllnea of Hanrhes. The next witness was E. H- Ntxn. a sp,clal agent of the lund department, who testified as to the outlines of the tpuiic ranch. Overton ranch and C-Br ranch en clusuree, aa well as those of what known th Bpade rane. In h' er0"" t Phon 9SI Douglas) Dolls One entire side of our immense bazaar is all dolls. Special for Tuesday. A large assort ment of dolls, all kinds, val ues up to $1.48 t 05i China Department GREAT CHAiNCK FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS AT SMALL COHT Everything in stock under $2.60 is piled out on bargain tables at 10 25-48 05 and 1.05 Everything over $2.50, 10 dis count. ALL FANCY CHINA ALL CUT ti LASS A LL D1NNERWARE, In 100-piece sets or open stock patterns, 10 off. examination Mr. Hall, for the defense, asked the witness: "Den t you know that the Nebraska Land and Feeding company does not own a foot of land In Sheridan and Cherry counties?" "They claim It." "What Is the difference between the Spade ranch and the Spade rangeT" "It Is all the same, I suppose." The witness was further examined as to his knowledge of the cattle on what Is known as the Spade range. "I had with me a certified copy of the brands of cattle on those ranges, furnished me by the secretsry of state." The motion of counsel for the defense to strike the testimony of this witness from the record was overruled by the court. Some More Letters. Joseph A. Walker of the secret service department testified to procuring certain letters from Ami B. Todd In Denver In November, 1905. These letters were signed by C. C. Jameson and Bartlett Richards and related to numerous filing transactions within the Spade range secured through the agency of Todd. All of the letters were written on the letter heads of the Nebraska Land and Feeding company. Notwithstand ing the objections of counsel for the de fense, the letters were admitted In evi dence. The letters were read to the Jury by Mr. Rush and all were of a generally Incriminating character, pertaining to fil ings made by old soldiers at Mllford and one or two parties from Plattsmouth. One letter, written In May, 1805, and signed by Jameson, said: "The Mllford men need some manager to look after them. I would sooner have you come with them and .have them file south." In July of the same year Jameson again wrote to Todd: "Better leave the Mllford men until Mr. Richards comes. I hope arrangements will be made to have Fergu son take the Mllford men out." Want Widows Also. A letter from Mr. Richards to Todd said: "We want the Milford men to come up In October and have the widows come at the same time. We will have everything In readiness to take them out." Another letter by Mr. Richards said: "If Thresher comes up with his wife he can prove up in a couple of months. We will make It as comfortable for them as possible. Ills land Is right near the Spade ranch house. His house was struck by lightning, but not burned, Just crushed in." Another letter by Richards said: "I note you went east to see If any In timidation had been made against tha widows to persuade them not to prove up. Do not quote me In this matter." The letters were then handed to th Jury for examination. Following the examina tion of the letters by the Jury,' the govern ment at 11:57 a. m. announced that It rested Its. case and a"h adjournment was taken to 2 o'clock. The frequent reference to the "Spade" ranch, range and brand during the trial has been the subject of considerable eon fusion among the witnesses. The Spade brand Is an ace of spades, and by this brand are all the cattle of the Nebraska Land and Feeding company known In that section. This confusion of the Spade nomenclature brought forth the following from a court room bard Monday morning: To call a spade a spade depends Upon the lawyer who defends. And tries a witness to confuse. By questions strangely weird, obtuse. A spade may mean an Implement, For agriculture work Intent; Or It may be needed In a place To take a "pot" a single ace. So when you "rail" a spade a spade. Depends when and how the "call" Is madje; It may be needed for a "full. Or pasture for a Shorthorn bull. Plies Csrct In O In 14, Days. Pazo Ointment la guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrud ing Plies In to It days or money refunded. Jail Delivery In Alaoamn. BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Dec. 17. H. A. Hill mua, a young white man, led a suec-essfui Jail delivery here yesterday, and with two negro priHonrrs escaped. , The men dug a large hole through the outer wall of the Jail, the negroes being released from their tells by Hilltnan, who was allowed the freedom of the corridor. Hillman was em ployed In one of the large clothing stores here and was arrested yesterday on the charge of selling clothing and never turn ing In the money. RINGS Frenser, 16th and Dodge. Bnrnham Gets Two Years. NEW TORK, Dec. 17. OVorge Hurnham, Jr., general counsel for the Mutual Reserve Life Insurance company, reoently convicted of larceny, today was sentenced to seive two years In state prison. KOW IS THE TIUE TO TiXE ranomo-LAif LsJ OONTAJNI MO OUINUU It Dreakl up Coldi Quickly It Stops Headaches Instantly It leaves do Bad After-Effects like Quinine P'eparations Eecause THERE IS KO QUIM II IT In the Orange Colored Box 25 cents at all Drug Stores, or by Mail. MONO CHEMI0AL CO, CHI0A0O Xy Dolls ViAJK Dolls Be Sure and See Our Art Needlework Department on Second Floor. The Great 25 Discount Salo Is certainly creating a stir in our Cloak department. People are tak ing advantage of a sale now that is usually held months later, and now at the very time you need and want these garments you can get them at this big discount of 25 off. LADIES' Flit COATS AND CAI'ES AND LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTH COATS ANY $50.00 FUR COAT, ALL at $37.50 ANY $35.00 FUR COAT, ALL AT $28.13 ANY $25.00 FUR COAT. ALL AT $18.75 Cloth Coats, from ....$4.47 up Don't miss this great opportu nity. XjAWsT OSKXTZBT AJfCHOB TTVCT OOsCPAJTT, 8 07 north 17th St Oxoaha. AMI'S EM EXTS. d U'a "" Burgtss, lYI Tonight Special Mutlnee Today Lieliler & Co. Offer The Virile American Play, The Squaw Man with Henry Jewett. 300 seats on lower floor at $1.00. Thurs., Frl., Sat. Sat. Matinee Henry W. Savage's Prpductlon The County Chairman By George Ado. Superb Cast, Includ ing Theodore Hancock. 300 seats on lower floor at $1.00. BURWOOD 17th Big Week Tonight All Week Professional Matinee Today Sou venir Matinee Thursday. THIS WOOD MAUD M'l'IM'K CO. In Dumas' Masterpiece, . Camilla Prices, Evenings und Sun. Mat.l0-2Bc. Tues., Thur., Sat. Mat 10-liOc. Christmas Week Mme. Huns (June, n'lth Pnn.tinrii d'im. AUDITORIUM Saturday, Night, Dec. 22, '06 GRAND CONCERT Miss Ellen Beach Yaw Th World ramons Coloratura Soprano Singer Assisted by HAZIHILUH DIOX, Violinist MISS OCOKGIEI.x.a LAY, Pianist M. A. BATTLES, Flutist, Bos Offloe Sals Begins Wednesday, Deo. Fries rang from eoo to $1.60. Those Douglas 494. Every Night, Matinees Thursday, Satur day and Kunday. MODERN VAUDEVILLE Faplnta, Bard Bros., Violet Dale, James pj1?' Ununet DeToy k Co., Fred Watson and Morrls.y Sisters, Emilia Boss and the FBICZtJ lOo, 8 So, 80c ICRUG THEATER 15.-i5e-50e.7S. Tonight 8:18. Matinee Wednesday. MAP WAJfeD In Ills Musical nifdv Success, Q T TXT, BUT SOOtr. 1'huridnv Th. ai.i AUDITORIUM Boiler skating Erery Afternoon and Evening- All This Week Except Sat urday, Daoember S3. Thursday will be Uadlea1 Day. All 1 .idles admitted free pn Thursday afternoon. MUSIC BT TBB Bin. BOYD Wed., December 19 BEST ET IT THURSTON RIFLES. BIO FBODUCTIOST PIRATES OF PENZANCE 1 1 IJwvvJu-A JohnM.Fixa's Cafo and Restaurant 1516 Dodge St Ererrthrasr New ' Beat of Krorrthioc Thoroughly UpHODt Pint CUm W All Kicw WHEN COW TOWN SK0PP.K3. LUNCH AT Uhe CALUMET feral i