TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18. 1000. f' NEWS OF "INTEREST FROM IOVV A COUNCIL Office, 10 Iar! HIJOR MKHTIOK. -Tavln. drug. Strxkert Mill carpets. Fine engravings at LefTert's, E1 Bori' Tony Faust ber. fw-e Borwlck (or Xmaa goods. Plumbing and heating, Blzbr Bon. Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 97. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. Z32. Toy. toys, toys, at Petersen & Bchoenlng. ILBR'S I'L'RB HALT WHISKY AT JAK- via'. Born, to Mr. and Mm. XV. F. Keeny, 203 Avenue E, yesterday, a son. DIAMONDS AS AN INVESTMENT, TALK TO LEFFERT ABOUT IT. Particular parole like our shoes. 8. A. Pierre ft Co., corner Broadway and Main street. The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education Is scheduled for thin evening. , MANTLES, 10 CENTS. BE8T MANTLB IN TOWN FOR THE PRICE. W. A. MAURER. All sites of storm doors, storm sash, storm windows and weattisr strips at Oeo. Hoagland's. Council Bluffs Court of Honor will rni-ot In regular session - Wednesday evening- in Danish hall. If your pocketbook Is your guide It will take you to 8. A. Pierce & Co.'s shoe store, oorner Broadway and Main street. A beautiful and ornamental gas burner, the Wslsbach chick lamp, complete, H.iS. Btrphan Bros., 6.3 West Broadway. Good Missouri lump coal for to per ton, well screened and delivered promptly. The Council Bluffs Coal and Ice Co. Either 'phone 72. ROCK AND RTE, NO BUTTER. THE JARVIS BTORE. On a barn and house bill of tl,2.".0 we saved a stockman of Nehraka $.37. It only costs you a two-cdnt stump to get Hater's prices, Council Bluffs. If gh grade granite work, from the next Harre imported granites. lPttTlng, carving and tracing. Fine monumental work u specialty. Sheeley & Lane, 217 East Broad way. Of-milne brass doll beds, including mat trc.is imd pillow, 14c, at Petersen & Schoen . '"B- . . Ueio. . .uylng a suit or overcoat It will ray you to see B. 8. Hicks. Good suits rom .. to 36.00. Pants, $6.00 to.SlG.uu. Kvorything first-class. K. 8. Hicks, 13 Psarl street. JARVIS, HEADQUARTERS FOR GOOD TH1NUB TO DRINK. D. S. Kerr has merchandise fo- exchange, farms for sale, all kinds of city property for sale and on monthly payments. Houses for rent. M Broadway. 'Phones 417 and 4U Red. O. F. Richards, local agent for the Colum bia Fire Insurance company, has gone to Lincoln, Neb.,' and it is understood that when he returns he will be accompanied by a bride. Have you seen the artist, Mr. F. P. FrlHch, creating the beautiful pictures of mountain scenery at W. 8. Hewetson s Art Store, Masonic Temple, Broadway, Coun cil Bluffs? Judge Thornell yesterday Instructed H. V. Buttey, clerk of the district court, to draw thirty. Instead of twenty-four Jurors for the January term of court, over which he will preside. Qiobe Wernicke elastic bookcase makes an ideal present; a gift of a few sections; Is Inexpensive and Is the beginning for a library, whose growth la unlimited. Kel-ler-Farnsworth Fur Oo. I am In the market to buy COO tons of ma. chinery Iron, auu tons stove Iron, 30 tons of rubber and 20 tons copper and brass. ltrhit. .... : .. . wn. I t T." I man, not 8. Main Bt. Both phones 660. Judge Scott convened the December term r t fit., u 1 1 ii. rlii ! f . 1 1 1 , f vuatnpiluv u n i tViti, afternoon at 2 o'clock, will maito an as- rlgnment of cases. This lt Judge Scott's net term, as he goes out of otllce on the first of the new year. DID YOU GET THAT FREE BOTTLE l'ET JARVIS. You want your money's worth when you buy groceries and meats. In other words, you ,'. want " Just what you pay for, good meats and groceries. Buy at the Central grocery and. meat market and you will get Just what you order. Both 'phones No. 24. FOR ADVICE AND JUDGMENT ON GOOD CIGARS GO TO MALONEY, 80 PEARL BT. HIS XMA8 STOCK OF CIGARS IS COMPLETE. TELL HIM WHAT YOIT WANT AND YOU'LL GET JUST THE CIGAR TO SUIT THE TASTE. Petersen 4 Sohoenlng have rented a va cant store building In which to store Chris mas pi earn is. Buy early and avoid the ruKii. Come to us when you want a happy money's worth for X'mas presents. Fine ' water colors, highest art pastels. Your friend or relative will appreciate one. W have a stock of very fine mirrors. Come ' and see yourself buy one. Borwlck, 211 South Main. Owing to the fact of City Attorney Kim- bull, counsel tor the defendant, being en guii in district court, the hearing of Anton Lundgard. the tailor charged with the unlawful use of the union label, was contiiiueu indeuiuteiy In Justice Gardiner's court yesterday. NO CHARGB FOR FREIGHT ON EX PHEBd IN. IOWA FOR CASE OF WINES IhUil THE JARVIS STORE. Henry Walking, the colored porter charged with the theft of $3 from one of the unices in the Metcalf building, where he was employed to clean up, was yester day bound over to await the action of the grand Jury. In default of ball he was com mitted to the county Jail. Tom Carter, the "man newsboy" who was picked up Sunday by the police In an in loxicaUd condition and over whom a com mitment to the state hospital for dipso maniacs at Kn6xville was pending, wus yesterday ordered by Judge Green sent to the Institution for one year. He and Henry Hansen, sentenced lust week, were taken to Knoxvllle last night by Sheriff Canning. Miss Maude Bell, on account of being unable to devote the nocesaary time to the work, has resigned us leader of the musical department of the Council Bluffs Woman's club. Mrs. Robert Mulils has been elected as her successor and will have charge of the muslcsle this evening In the club room of the library building, under the auspices o( the department. The program will begin promptly at 7:46 o'clock. Spndat Bpadsl Spndal Choice early Ohio potatoes at. Kc de livered In five-bushel lota or more. Both "phones 182. Bridenstlne A Smith. 1401 8. Ith street. W are liable to have a big snowstorm one of these days. Better get one of our Cocoa fiber doormats, or we can sell you a steel doormat. Either are the best made and will ba a pleasing ornament before your door. Btockert Carpet Co. Complete your X'mas dinner with a dish of our loa cream, sherbets, punch or ices, put up tn fancy Individual molds. Try our ' pur home-made candy. It Is delicious, specially our peanut nut. I. Muccl, -is ' West Broadway. Tel. 364. MARASCHINO CIOUS. AT THE vain rr. CHERRIES DELI JARVIS BTORE, 223 The Western Mutual Life Insurance Co. Now being organised In Council Bluffs will have Us permanent home here, its officers and principal employers will have that permanent homes here, but tf still greater benefit to Council bluffs Is the unlimited amount of muat desirable advertising given thla beautiful and progressive city, (imply becai.se It Is the Home Office of an Old Line Life Insurance Company. As rouclusHe proof (t this, did any one aver speak of a company without, in the same breath, calling the asm of the city so fortunate as lp be that company's Horn Omce? The tangible co-operation of all boosters Is earnestly requested. C U. ATEERTON. President KESIIAM IL0CX BLUFFS St. Tel. 43. FIRE FIRST OF TROUBLES Bankruptcy' Froceedin Etarted Aeainst Union Transfer Company. ACTION TAKEN TO STOP LITIGATION I.srsnt Creditor la F.aatern Hngay Company, Portion of W hose Claim Is Disputed by the Trans fer Company, The 1'nlon Transfer company, which puf fcred the total loss of Its stock In the fire which destroyed Its warehouse on South Main street last week, hits been niudo de fendant In bankruptcy proceedings Instl tut"d In the United States court In this city by three creditors of the firm. The firms which have Instituted the bank ruptcy proceedings and the amounts l their claims, us set forth in the petition are; Monmouth Plow company, Monmouth 111., Jl.&oo; Wilcox Manufacturing com pany, Aurora, 111., $721.80; Kretchmer Manu facturing company, Council Bluffs, $117. S5 Mavne & Ilaxelton. who Bppear for the three petitioning firms, are attorneys al for several other creditors of the Union Transfer company, but the naming of thes creditors, with claims aggregating over $5u la all that is required to bring an action In bankruptcy against an Individual cor lo ration. Although not so authoritatively stated. It is understood that the bankruptcy proceed ings are not intended as unfriendly to wards the Union Transfer company, but with the purpose of assisting in a speedy and satisfactory settlement of the com pany's affairs. Some of the outstanding claims against the company are disputed and It Is figured, that the bankruptcy pro ceedings will tend to prevent more or less individual litigation. It is said that with the Insurance and outstanding book accounts, the assets of the Union Transfer company aggregate about $100,000, while the claims of creditors equal If not exceed that amount slightly. With the claims scaled down to what Man ager W. A. Bouthard contends are correct the company ought to have a margin of from $20,000 to $25,000. One of, if not the heaviest creditor. Is the Decatur Buggy company of Middletown, O., which holds note of the Union Transfer company to the amount of $50,000, against which It admits ofTsets of $20,000 by returned goods, etc., while Manuger Southard claims offsets to the amount of $40,000. Mr. South ard and Attorney Emmet Tlnley left Sat urday evening for Middletown, O., to con fer with the Decatur Buggy company and try to straighten out the account. Whether the bankruptcy proceedings will Interfere with the company resuming busi ness remains to be seen. In the meantime the Union Transfer company has made tem porary arrangements with the Great Western railroad to occupy the second floor of Its large freight depot on Ninth avenue. It Is stated that most of the company's creditors have expressed a will ingness to do nil In their power to assist them In resuming business. Hera are many articles, any of which Is a fine suggestion for a Christmas present, and all at prices that demand your atten tion If you are Interested, and every artlcls Is a reason for your visiting our store: Fountain pens, watches, chains, fobs, charms, brooches, necklaces, rings, cuff links, scarf pins, bracelets, clocks, cut glass, china hand-painted plates, umbrellas, toilet sets, Jewel boxes, silverware. O. MAUTHE, 228 West Broadway. Petersen & Bchoenlng have Just received an elegant line of reed and ruBh rockers. Just the thing for Christmas. ORANGE BRANDY BY BOTTLE OR GALLON. THE JARVIS STORE. Connell Falls to Meet. The meeting of the city council, sched uled for last night, failed for lack of a quo rum. Councllmen Fleming. Maloney, Smith and Younkerman failed for some reason to put In an appearance and the mayor and four councllmen after waiting until past 9 o'clock In the hope of one of the four absent members showing up, adjourned. Considerable disappointment was felt at the failure to hold a meeting last night, as several matters of Importance were sched uled for action. It was expected that the committee on fire and light, of which Councilman Younkerman Is chairman, would have presented a report relative to the purchase of additional equipment of the fire department. None of the members of this committee, however, showed up. It Is likely that Mayor Macrae may call a special meeting to take up the matters now pending before the Christmas holidays. Did you ever think how much longer your clothes wear when you have them cleaned? We can make them look as 5tood as new ones. We dye everything, any shade desired. Carpets cleaned, laid and refitted. Both 'phones 616. Council Bluffs Cleaning Co. and Rug Factory, 34 N. Main,, FOR XMAS THE ENDER DOLLAR RAZOR; STARE "SAFETY RAZOR. $1 60; OILLETT SAFETY RAZOR. $5. BEFORE BUYING TAKE A PEEP IN OUR SHOW WINDOW. BWAINE & MAUER, 836 AND i B'WAY. A buffet or sideboard would make a beautiful Christmas present. Call and see them at Petersen A Bchoenlng" s. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The B "f December 17 by the Pottawattamie Countj Abstract company of Council Bluffs: Ernest E. Hart and vi fe ' to ' Fr ink Blank, lot 1, block M, Beers' subdivl- sitm to Council Bluffs, d $1.(00 Julius Cherniss and wife to Sarah E. Shepler, lot 17. block H. .TefTeris' sub division In Council BlulTs, w d tW Lydla Sanford to HaiTy G. McGee, lot 7, block 14, Potter A Cobb s add. to Council Bluff , w d 7 0 Three transfers, aggregating $7,100 Xmas filfta that Last Gladden the hearts of your friends by giving them framed pictures this Christ mas. Such gifts provide pleasure the year through. We have them In all styles and prices. Come in and look around. Alex ander s Art Siorti, 13 B'way. MANTLES. 10 CENTS. IN TOWN FOR THE MAURER. BEST MANTLE PRICE. W. A. Waterworks Espert Coming. Councilman Wallace, chairman of the special committee of the city council which has In charge the proposed purchase of the water works system by the city, yes terday received a letter from William Klersted, the ydraulic engineer expert. In which he stated he expected to be In Council Bluffs today. It Is. however, not at all certain that Mr. Klersted will be prepared to submit his long looked for rtport as to the valua tion of the present plant and cost of in stalling a new one at this time. In his letter ann uuclng hU arrival today Mr. Klersted give iw ludlcallou aa lu the progress of his work, but It Is understood here that he has not yet completed the appraisal of real estate owned by the City Water Works company. His visit here at this time. It Is thought, may be for completing this valuation. SAVE MONEY ON SHOKS. A BIG DIS COUNT ON EVERYTHING. MEN'S 4-BUCKLH ARCTICS. HOOD rRANI), $2.00. MENS ALL Rt'BREH ARCTICS, $1.60. LADIES' STORM RUBBERS, C. LADIES' ALASKA8. HOOD BRAND. PC. MEN'S SLIPPERS, FROM 75C UP. DUNCAN A DEANE. CL081NQ OUT. If you have a space In your hall, parlor, dining room or any other nook or corner which requires a line picture which your children after you will be proud to pos sess, call and see M. F. P. Frlsch nt XV. 8. Ilewetson's Art Store, Coui.cll Bluffs, la. JARIVS EARTH. 1877 BRANDY, BEST ON Matters In District Court. Mrs. Daisy M.. Hunt, who about a year ago rami! Into the limelight of public no tice by bringing a sensational suit for large damages against Attorney George W. Egan of Logan, la., which she later dis missed, at the time making affidavit there was no foundation for the charges, and then subsequently commenced another ac tion, filed suit In. the district court yes terday for divorce from Henry Hunt, to whom she was married March 3, 18s9, In Harrison county, where she resided up ti May of tills year, when she came to Coun ell Bluffs. She charges her husband wltl deserting her In November, l'Jot. and askt for the custody of their six minor children In addition to desertion, she charges her husband with numerous acts of cruelty toward her. The ages of tl children rango from 2 to. Id years. Mra. Emma Wlllett seeks a divorce from William Wlllett, to whom she was mar ried January 7, 1SH8, In thla city. She charges her husband with beating her with clubs and other acts of cruel and Inhuman treatment. In addition to the divorce she asks the custody of their two minor chil dren. Mrs. Agnes Rolph, In a petition for di vorce from George W. Rolph. to whom she was married In March, 1879, at San dusky, Mich., charges her husband with treating tier In anything but a dutiful manner. She recites a number of alleged acts of cruuf and Inhuman treatment and asks In addition to the divorce to be awarded the custody of their two minor children. John Unmack yesterday filed suit for di vorce from Ida Lnmack, whom he made his wife at River Sioux, la., on December 18, 1898. He alleges that his wife treated him In a cruel and Inhuman manner and on December 1 attempted to make herself a widow by killing him with a carving knife. Fearing that she might make an other attempt on his life, Unmack asks for a divorce and the custody of their three minor children. IIott Do Yon Think f Some people think on their feet. But most people think with their head. How do you think? I know WHAT you think If the shoe hurts. No matter how you think nor what you think, you'll think bigger, better and pleas, anter thoughts If the shoes feel right. Our shoes feel right because they're built on right lines. Shoes wear out readily because they fit poorly, and when the strain falls In spots you soon learn where the spots are. This same unequal distribution of strain foroes the shoe out of shape. That's why I employ only competent men to fit your feet no cheap shoe fltteia at SARGENT'S FAMILY SHOE STORE. We guarantee to fit your feet and will try to fit BOTH HEAD AND FEET, but If we can not fit both, we take the FEET, or let the customer go elsewhere. Remember, I guarantee to fit your feet right. SARGENT'S FAMILY SHOE STORE. Braised His I-ea In the Dark. Notice of the first accident alleged to have resulted from the lack of street lights at night was served upon the city authorities last evening. Attorney Richard Organ filed notice that on the night of De cember 13 while on his way home tn the darkness he stumbled over a water plug, bruising his knee and other parts of his body, besides receiving a general physical and nervous shock. While not stating the amount of damages he would claim to com pensate him for his Injuries, the notice In timates that he will call upon the city to settle on a cash basis. A Fine Christmas Present. An Edison phonograph and one or tw. dozen records. You might add to this i record cabinet. The place to buy these goods is 17 South Main street. I sell at the same prices and on same terms as other dealers. Give me a call or telephone and I will send a phonograph to your home. B. M. Williamson. Combination gas and electric chsndellers and the celebrated Welsbach Incandescent gas burners. Why not see us before you buy. We can certainly please .you on price and quality of goods. Stephen Bros., 32 West Broadway. China closets for Christmas presents at Petersen A Schoenlng's. Internrban Line Projected. ATLANTIC. Ia.. Dec. 17. (8peclal Tel egramsThe Atlantic Northern A Southern railroad wus organized by a company o Atlantic business men today with a capital of $150,000. The company expects to bull an lnterurbun road from Manning to VII llsca by way of Elkhorn, Atlantic, Cumbe und and Carbon. J. H. Simmons Is pres lent and J. Stler secretary. Over 6u0 At !anttc citizens are pledged to give It sup port. Preliminary work Is to commence at once. The first line Is to be built north from here. A. Metsgar A Co. New Location of Wholesale Bakery. MG Mynster Street. Council Bluffs, la. Home-made Bread a Specially. Visitors Welcome. Are "ITT." 8. A. Plercs A Co.'s shoes and slippers. Corner Broadway and Main streets. OLD IRISH WHISKY, JARVIS'. IMPORTED, AT Verdict Against City. In the suit of Julius Katelman against the city the Jury last night brought in a verdict finding for the plaintiff In the sum of $'"0. Katelman sued for $1,400 for dam ages alleged to have resulted from the Hooding of the basoment of his store on South Main street caused by the breaking of a fire hydrant. Bee Btephan Bros, for the latest and best Inverted burners, fit West Broadway. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 266. Night, tOS. Medicine Company Incorporate. Articles of Incorporation of the Elliott Medicine comjany of Council Bluffs were filed for record yesterday. The Incorpora tors are Sherman 8 F.I lit tt and L. I. Edson Missouri Valley. The capital stock Is placed at $25,000 and Council Bluffs Is named as the principal place of business. The purpose of the Incorporation as set forth In the articles Is "for the sals of proprietary medicines and drugs. Petersen A Bchoenlng Co. have Just re ceived a large line of Kingston reading chairs. They come In many different de signs and are most reasonable In price. A mqre appropriate Christmas gift could not be found. Prices range up from $7. To those who are anticipating buying automobiles It will certainly pay them to call at Van Brunt's and look the "Rich mond" over. Here Is the best auto In the market for the money. Orders taken now for spring delivery. Reasonable terms. School shoes, the best kind, at B. A. Pierce & Co., corner Broadway and Main street. GORDON RYE, BOTTLED IN BOND, BY JARVIS. No Sen's for Library. Prospects for seating the auditorium of the public library building before spring are slim. .The Library board st Its ad lourned regular meeting last night got no further than to open the several bids for the chairs and then refer them to the committee on administration to tabulate and report back at the January session. iHie bids ranged from $1.25 to $2.25 for the seats. A representative of one of the firms Vddlng stated that no house would be able j supply the seats before spring, and this uts a dnmper on the proposition to have ubllc entertainments In the auditorium thla winter. The matter of placing lamp posts at he two entrances. In accordance with the irlglnal plans, was brought up and Truste Dean reported that his committee had found that the cost would be $1.90. As a compromise, It was suggested to have a plain lamp post with a single globe at the top or a light suspended over each doorway. These suggestions, however, did not meet wtih much favor and the com mittee was finally requested to get further estimates on lights as outlined In the archi tect's plans. At the suggestion of Trustee Balrd, It was decided to purchase a suitable na tional flag for the building. The sum of $6 was voted the librarian for Christmas decoration purposes. Christmas candles at Purity Candy Kitchen. Buy your children pure candy; the best Is what they like. At Purity Candy Kitchen you can get home-made candy from 10c a lb. up. Fine box candy from 25c up to $3. Purity Candy Kitchen, 646 B'way. Tel. 674. Notice All photos taken before Decem ber 22 will be finished before Xmas. Come any kind of .weather. Open Sundays. Schmidt, Photographer. CREAM-D-ORANGE AND CREME-DE-MENTHE AND OTHER CORDIALS AT THE JARVIS BTORE. Marriage Licenses. Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age Henry Wheeler, Albright, Neb Emma Metzger, Ullmore, Neb J. W. Anderson, Honey Creek, la 22 Frieda C. Peterson, Honey creca, ia.., Pleasant Earl Hart, Pottawattamie Co, Anna M. Denton. Pottawattamie Co..., R, A. Tracy, Honey Creek, Ia , Nellie B. Cafferty, Honey Creek, Ia DRn C. Brown, Omaha ( Lucy Hodgtn. Sibley, Ia 40 Art Novelties. Don't fall to see our water color novel ties. Dainty calendars, blotters, sachets, guest books, eto. Alexander's Art Store. Go for you holiday wines, liquors and cordials to L. Rosenfcldt, 619 S. Main. 'Phone 823. GET A BOTTLE OF "COCKTAIL," READY MIXED AT THE JARVIS STORE. Dr. Baratow Reappointed. Dr. J. M. Barstow, whose term as med ical member of the local Board of Commis sioners for the Ineane expires In January, was yesterday reappointed by Judge Thor nell of the district court for another two years. Dr. Barstow has been a member of the board since the death of Dr. F. S. Thomas. Attorney A. T. Fllcklnger Is the legal member of the board, while H. V. Battey, clerk of the district court. Is the third member and secretary. Bnrnt Leather Goods. Address books, shaving pads, bags, stamp rases, photo books, etc.. In the attractive umt leather work. Alexander's Art Store. The best shoes are the cheapest, "erce A Co. sell that kind. At Broadway and Main street. 8. A. corner TALK OF NEW ROAD TO OM4IIA Mlssoarl Pacific said to Be Bark cf the Movement. BIOUX CITY, Ia., Dec. 17.-(Spectal Tele gram.) It was announced In Sioux City to day that the Bwlft Interests, which own the combination bridge here, are plunnli.g to build the Omaha Northern rallroal f.orrf Omaha to Sioux City. The line to be brought into Sioux City Is said to be the Missouri Pacific, which Is anxious to get up the Missouri river with Its lumber and xt the same time tap the South Dakota grain and stock producing country. Pictures! Picture.! Pictures! Unframed pictures and framed pictures or X'mas. The lowest prices on pictures i the city. Council Bluffs Paint, Oil und Mss Co., Mc-rrlam bli ck. Don't fall to visit our toy department tersen A Bchoenlng. Iowa Man for IJollva. IOWA FALLS. Ia., Deo. 17. (Special.) A well known educator of this part of the state has been tendered a position in Bo livia, In South America, and expects to ac cept. Ralph M. Roberts, who has been principal of the public school at Geneva, a small place northeaat of here, has been offered the position of instructor In physio and chemistry In the government high school tn the South American country. Mr. Roberts Is now taking some special work at Cornell collega and expects to leave for Bolivia about April 1, by which time he will have completed his work at Cornell. Woman Doctor t nder Arrral. SIOUX CITY, Ia., Deo. 17.-Dr. Kate Z. Horner, a well known woman physician, was arrested today on the charge of per forming a criminal operation upon Mrj. Hannah 8trawn, who is critically 111. Dr. Horner gave bond for $2,000 and was re leased. Recruits for sixth t'nvalrr. PORT MKADE. S. D., Dec. 17. f peciul.) About forty new recruits arrived here yesterday and will be distributed among the various troops of the Sixth cavalry, stationed at this post. A large number of men have been discharged recently and a number of the troops are short. t lotatutf (or It Indians. 8TCRG13. 8. D.. Dec. 17. (Special.) A large amount of clothing has been gath ered ut neie for the duelltuta I'te Iudluns CAii.ped, below t ort Mede aud turut-d wver to them. CAS CLAIMS 1Y0 VICTIMS Mtn and Woman Found Dead in Boom Looked In Eaoo Other's Arms. SISTERS TO START SCHOOL IN BLUffS gnnreme t'nnrt I'nsaes on bomber of Caere, Among Them Appeal In Libel Unit of Florence Harrison Aitnlnat the Nonpareil. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Dec. 17. (Special.) Mrs. Zella Drake, age 42, and John Van Hermert. age 2S, were found dead In the apartments over s saloon at 118 West Fourth street at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The connection with the gas stove was broken. They died from asphyxiation. They were locked In each others arms. It Is possible that they committed suicide by agreement. The dis covery of the two bodies was made by Roland Drake, the 15-year-old son of Mrs. Drake. Finding the door to the apartment locked, he broke It in and discovering the dead bodies, dragged his mother to her bed room and then took the body of Van Hermert to his room across the hall. He then called the police. The detectives were mystified at two strange deaths In different rooms In the same house till the boy broke down and told of having taken the bodies to tl'e bed rooms In the hope of siving his mother's reputation. The bodies are now at the Harbach undertaking rooms. According to the story of Roland Drake the bodies were found In the kitchen. The entire Inti-rlor of the apartment was filled with gas and the smell of gas was still In the rooms when the officers reached the place. Mrs. Drake Is a sister of Jennie Wood, who formerly conducted a place of unsavory reputation In this city. It Is be lieved that she also has a sister who has recently moved to this city, whose name is Webster. School at C ouncil Blnffa. At a conference of Catholics In this city today Mother Superior Vincent of Council Bluffs announced that a school for small boys would be opened In Council Blurts early next year. Mother Vincent Is at the head of that class of work In the state and this will be the first school of the kind In this state. It will be a school for small boys, but In no sense a reformatory or detention school. At the same conference It was announced that the Brown home, recently purchased In this city, Is to be made a boarding home or hotel for aged women and girls. The place consists of a block of land, on which stands a brick dwelling house, erected some years ago by T. E. Brown. It Is on West Grand avenue Just east of the Eighteenth street bridge and Just at the beginning of the beautiful residential section: The home will be called St. Katherine's Hall. With Mother Vincent Is Mother Magdalene, also of Council Bluffs. The hall will be con ducted on the same plan as others of the kind In Council Bluffs, Davenport and other cities. Coonrll Blnffs Libel Case. The supreme court today decided the libel suit of Florence Harrlman against the Council Bluffs Nonpareil In favor of the Nonpareil. The decision was a reversal of the lower court on the ground that the court should not have left to the Jury the question of whether or not the words used In the alleged libel were libelous of them selves. The supreme court holds that such a question Is not for a Jury to determine. The court also holds with the defense of the newspaper that the statements were true. In which the Jury In the case Is reversed. Rehearing- for Rlydrnbnrtr. The supreme court late today granted a rehearing In the case of the state against Blydenhurg, appealed from Hardin county. Blydenburg was convicted of murdering his wife some years ago. He Is the father of Irene Blydenburg. alleged to have been killed In this city through a criminal opera tion some weeks ago. Supreme Coart Decisions. Lewis and Delia Wilson, appellants, against Fred B. Jump, Montgomery county. Judge Wheeler; reversed by the court. W. M. Long against Oarey Investment company, appellant, Taylor county, Judge Towner; affirmed; opinion by Lartd. Harrison county against E. E. Ogden, treasurer, appellant, Harrison county; Judges Thornell and Macy; affirmed; opin ion by McCluln. Take Advantage of Old Law. After being on the statute books for eight years unused, the law remitting the fllti f fee for sucar beet corporations was made use of today for the first time. The law ; provides that all sugar beet corporations organizing In the state of Iowa and filing their articles of Incorporation here shall be charged -no filing fee. The Iowa Beet Sugar company of Waverly, Ia., has been organized and today filed Its articles of In corporation with the secretary of state, with an authorized capitalization of $T00,000. The filing fee would have been $500, and It was remitted. W. J. Churchill, XV. H. Wallace and C. R. Warren are the Incor porators. Gov. Cnm rains In Washington. Governor Cummins Is today In Washing ton, D. C, on state business. Among other things, he will endeavor to ascertain from the War department who Is entitled to the $1.5f0 that has been sent him for the llshi batteries. The claims of a part of the light batteries organized for the Spanish American war were allowed. The gov ernor has received a check for $1,500, but nothing to show to whom It Is to be paid. Foundry Moves to lies Moines. The Des Moines iron foundry has been organized In this city, with a capitalization of tsn.ooo. C. R. Harper of the C. R. Harper Manufacturing company of Marshalltown, Ia., Is president of the new company and the Interests of the Marshalltown company will be moved to thla city. A twenty-flvo year lease has been taken on the Cranston property at Seventh and Elm streets. Gives Inheritance to Clinrch. Frank Martello, an Italian, sacrificed hl.-i desire to die In his native land today b turning over an Inheritance of $3,0u0 to the Catholic chunh to be ued for the Bouth Des Mo'.nes parish. Martello Is a man f years and has an Incurable disease. Realiz ing that at best he had but a few years to live if he did return, he gave the iii.inej to the church. Iletirul Meetings Closed. The Chapman revival nvetlngs, which have been under way In this city for the last two weeks, closed tonight. Dr. J Wilbur Chapman preaching In the Audi torium. During the two weeks' meetings VO persons have signed cards and It la estimated that l,tvJ0 persons have been con verted. Mine Worker K'llrd. LEAD, 8. D.. Dec. 1". (Special Telt grom.) J. A. Wilson, an employe of iht Mogul Mining company, while at work this n ornlng at the company's plant In Pluma, a short dlatame below here, was killed by tltc-lrlclty. He wus working in the transformer hous- and. stumbling, fell against two live wire each carrying a voltage of ll.tKO volts. H was killed Instantly. Wilson leaves a wife and children. He was a resident of Lead Town la South Dakota. SlOl X FALLS, 8. D., Dec. 17. (Special.) The Milwaukee railroad company recently rrtahltfliitd a new town on Its line between Woonaocket and Mitchell. The town originally was named Fane, but this now has been changed to Cuttibert. for the reason that the name Espe was difficult to telegraph. The people ho already have taken up their residence In tl e new town are well satisfied with the new name. CORN SHOW AT MITCHELL election of deed and Improved Methods of Culture Will lie Taught. MITCHELL, S. D Iec. 17.-(Speclal.) With the opening of the state corn show In this city Tuesday morning It Is believed that a new eta will dawn for the corn In dustry In South Dakota. Corn has been grown In this state In the years past with very little attention paid to the scientific rrt of the process, but the farmer Is aroused, and hereafter more care will be given In the selection of seed and the methods of culture. . There are over 200 samples of corn now entered for the ex hibition, and It Is now being scored by Prof. J. 8. Cole and his assistant. It will be finished by Tuesday morning. The state has been divided into three divisions, so that the growers of each sec tion will not come Into competition with that portion of the state which has j,lvcn a longer time to the Industry. The south ern division comprises all counties south of the north line of Turner, the central division is made up of all counties south of the north line of Sanbirn and north of Turner; the northern division Is comprise.! of all counties not Included In the first two divisions. The prizes will be awarded In each division on three kinds of corn yellow dent, white dent and mixed dent, the prizes being $.1 and $2. There will also be a county exhibit, for which prizes of $H), $25 and $15 will be awarded. Aside from the show features, a corn school will also bo conducted each after noon and evening In the city hall audi torium, the instructors of which will be Prof. A. H. Hume of the State Agricul tural college of Illinois and Irof. J. 8. Cole of the State Agricultural college of South Dakota. Each evening farm topics In general will be discussed by capable speakers. Messrs. Chamlerlaln and War ner, who are in charge of the state show, have been traveling over the state a great deal this winter attending farmers' Instl ttKes, and they state that If the weather Is any way Tavorable there will be an Im mense crowd of farmers here to learn more about the corn growing Industry, as they feel in general that the soil Is not pro ducing all that It can In that direction. WATCHES-Frenzer, 15th and Dodge. BELGRADE PRINTERS STRIKE Editors Hay Government Organised Walkout to Prevent Comment on Lonn Bill. BELGRADE, Servla, Dec. 17. As a result of a printers' strike no newspapers In this city were Issued today. Newspaper pro prietors declare that the government or ganized the strike of the printers In order to make impossible, comment on and t facilitate the passage of a bill authorizing a foreign loan. War Minister tn Balloon. PARIS, Dec. 17. The Lebaudy dirigible war balloon, Le Patrle, with War Minister Plcquart on board, made an extended flight today, leaving Meudon and maneuvering for more than an hour over Paris. Hearst Coining Home. MEXICO CITY, Dec. 17.-Wllliam R. Hearst and party left Gonzales yesterday in Mr. Hearst's car, the Constitution. They are bound fot New York. Swollen Ratines Convention, STOCKHOLM, Dec. 17. The Swedish gov ernment today ratified the Alglclras con vention. 4 Trada Mark Thlbii thlnv In tov w poiuh rver m Ad. ! oi1 N hi t 1 1 it t i 1 1 1 u i r - huu w a NOT Ht'HN OFF. I FRER RAnPLH Addre.s Dept. 5.1 jimf-ti v.rH Co . - ,7 I'i'rimm SI..N Y.g Eomeseeker iLr-xctnirsiosis VIA- Chicago, Milwaukee ($L St. Paul Railway ROUND TRIP One fare plus $2.00 to points in North and South Dakota every Tuesday in December, and first and third Tuesdays in January, February, March and April, 1907, return limit 91 days. To points in Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi on December 18, 1900, January 1 and 15, February 5 and 19, March 5 and 19, April 2 and 16, 1907; return limit 30 days. Low One Way Rates HALF FARE plus $2.00 to many points in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana on December 18, January 1 and 15, February 5 and 19, March 5 and 19. For Information and Folders Inquire at City Ticket Office, 1524 Farnam St. or mite to F. A. NASH. Gen'! Western Agt. 0MA1IA. NED. When you have a Bad Breath Wake up! WAKE Upl peak to AKE Up I It'a lime to take When the friend you ipeak to turns his face the ether way. When your tongue Is costed. When you have Heartburn, Belching, Acid Risings In throat, When Pimp!es begin to peep out, When your Stomach Gnaws or Burns, Thai's the lime to check coming Con Itlpttion, Indigestion and Dyspepsia. One single Candy Cascaret will do It If taken at the right minute, Just when you first feet the need of It. Do It now) Cascarets don't Purge, nor Weaken, nor waste Digestive Juicss In flooding out the BowelsT like Salts, Castor Oil, "Physics." But, they act like Exercise on tha Muscles that shrink and expand the Intes tines, thus pushing the Food on Naturally to Its Finish. When your Bowel-Muscles grow flabby they need Exercise to strengthen them not "Physio" to pamper them. Cascarets provide the bracing tone thai b needed specifically by the Bowel-muscleg, Then carry the little ten-cent "Vest Pocket' box constantly with you, and takg a Cascaret whenever you suspect you need 11. One Cascaret at a time will promptly cleanse a foul Breath, or Coated Tongue, thus proving clearly Its ready, steady, sure, but mild and effective action. Have the little lOo Emergency box of Cascarets constantly near you I All Druggists sell them over ten mli lion boxes a year, for six years past. Be very careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Com pany and never sold In bulk. Every tab let stamped "CCC." TSO TR. JOSEPH ZEI3- LER of the Northwestern Universi ty of Chicago: any-8: "I fully believe that the moderate use of good bcor at meal times acta as a tonic, and la there fore useful to adult per sons." Ktorx Beer Is the em bodiment of the doc tor's Idea of good beer You order a case aent home today and drink .If 4 i it with your meals. It will not only add gest to the meal, but It will build you up. Try It. Storz Brewing Co Omaha. D4 nun Every UlnlarMUd sad ihnnld know SDoiinhs wuidami MARVEL Vhirltna Sornv ITllS new Vchwl SriWh Miff turn. iiMt t Most ConTtn!rr Snrrssr 4rirLI lr It. 1 1 rnnnol 0111M1I7 t PI r . r ftTpi no ofh-r, hut hth1 sutinn for lllnsiraitl Ikmii Tt vlv. full parttculiirs and iliwtmt . lu. a. uaT aw for Sale hy BHERf AN M'CONNKLL DRl'Q CCA, 16th and Dodge Sts. MTKR8-D1LLON DRUG CO.. 8. E. Cor. 16tn and Karnam Stta. S I I ' lJiV." riawM.!!il -i utnna E tftL al at n fcl fc of this city aud John G. Schulmeuter of i